
Today the word " talent" is used to indicate a person's giftedness in an art, science, or craft. Reveal your talent- is to engage in self-development, to gain the ability to change oneself in better side. Any talent can and should be developed.

Usually, talent s can be detected even in childhood. The child develops a predisposition to what he sees, hears or does more often. And, despite the fact that any talent it is quite possible to develop absolutely from scratch, if a person still has a predisposition to a certain type of activity, for example, sports or, then this talent will develop much faster.

Perhaps most important for development talent a - removal of internal frameworks, restrictions, avoidance of stereotypes. As a rule, the average person thinks and lives within the framework of certain stereotypes that are imposed by parents, teachers, and the public. Although this is convenient in everyday life, it becomes a significant obstacle to opening talent u. So to reveal your talent, do what you like most, and remove all sorts of worries from it, listening only to your inner voice.

To choose a direction, do not make a mistake with the area in which you may have talent, you will have to try a lot of things. What seems boring and incomprehensible to you, dismiss it right away, but what captivates and draws you in, what you want to do more and more, can probably be the beginning of something great. talent A. For example, those who have already achieved fame talent passionate writers cannot stop putting pen to paper and write for 12-14 hours straight. Also, great athletes are able to spend 6-10 hours a day in training. All because they like it, they want to do it, this is their calling.

However, one cannot do without the very first step in development talent a – learning the basics, the alphabet. For example, if you feel the need to draw, first learn various stroke techniques, drawing methods, and methods of displaying objects. If you consider dance to be your calling, you should master the general methodology of dance styles and choose your own among them. The same applies to music. To begin with, you need to decide on the musical notation of the instrument.


The most important condition for the development of talent is that a person must find himself and believe in himself, in his talent. Do not be distracted by unimportant things, trifles, do not follow stereotypes, become unique.


  • bury talent in the ground meaning in 2019

Surely, many people dream of discovering their talent: singing, dancing, cooking well, etc. However, few people know that in ancient times this word meant a measure of the weight of gold and silver. This is why talent is so valued in our society today. There are several ways to discover talent in yourself, because every person has certain inclinations.


If you want to discover and develop your talent, believe in yourself. To do this, remember all those moments when you achieved your goal. And it doesn’t matter if there were many more failures and setbacks. You can handle it.

Also read some stories of complete strangers who managed to achieve success. Despite the difficulties and problems, they persevered and got what they wanted. Don't look for the cause of failure, think about how to overcome it.

In order to discover your talent, take a piece of paper and write down all the qualities of your character. Pay attention to all the corners of your soul, perhaps one of them will turn out to be key. If you don't have the patience, put the work aside. You should receive only joy and pleasant sensations from talent.

Now summarize and group your character traits. Using special literature on psychology, look for one or another group of your qualities. Analyze your behavior in accordance with this information. Think about whether you are doing something worthwhile in life.

If it turns out that you already devote a lot of time to a task for which you have a predisposition, try to increase it. Take a few extra minutes to do this and you will soon notice the results. If you have never even thought about doing this or that activity, set yourself up in a positive mood every day, repeating that you can handle everything, and gradually deepen your knowledge on this issue. Start with theory, gradually using the acquired knowledge in ordinary life. The most important thing is not to be afraid that you will look funny.

Remember one thing - talent should only bring joy. If you feel that what he advises you on does not give you pleasure, makes you bored, makes you want to quit everything and do something else, do not force yourself. Try to switch to something that is more interesting to you. And you will succeed.

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Talent is a gift from Nature multiplied by your efforts. It can be discovered if you work on it. And it's never too late to discover and develop your talent. The main thing you need is a great desire.

Helpful advice

The absolute truth is the fact that in this world mediocre people simply do not exist, and each person has his own uniqueness and originality. People become mediocre precisely when they find themselves out of place, without discovering their own talents.

Talent is a rare phenomenon, genius is unique. It is a common belief that every child is talented if his abilities are developed in the right direction. And, of course, it is important from the very beginning to convey and strengthen in the child’s mind the understanding that abilities are just a bonus, and only painstaking and continuous work can bring success.

Genius has a different nature. Confession has been heard more than once brilliant people in that they felt themselves to be conductors, translators of some higher thought, “divine idea” and were in in a certain sense hostages of their gift, having neither the strength nor the right to renounce their destiny. Lev Gumilyov introduced the concept of “passionarity,” by which he proposed to understand an impulse of extraterrestrial origin, but not divine, but cosmic. He explained that an excess of cosmic energy causes shocks, as a result of which solar radiation, reaching earth's surface, causes mutations. He called these mutations passionarity.

Passionarity influences the development of character traits unpredictably. A person can become a genius, but with the same degree of probability he can become a criminal. Main feature passionary - devoting oneself, one's entire life, to a specific goal.

According to N.A. Berdyaev, a brilliant person lives his life as a hostage to his talent, performing a sacrificial feat. In life, it is rare to meet a truly gifted person who would not have to pay dearly for his unusual abilities, his “spark of God.”

Laureate Nobel Prize Louis Bergson associated genius with intuition, which is given as a divine gift to a few, and considered genius incomprehensible mysterious power existing outside of consciousness. Perhaps it is precisely in brilliant creativity that the godlike essence of man is manifested?

Most psychiatrists state as a fact the connection between genius and psychopathological disorders. Stendhal believed that part of the biography of geniuses are the stories of their illnesses.

However, there is also an opposite point of view, whose supporters argue that genius is precisely a biological norm that is laid down by nature or is God’s plan, but is not used due to unfavorable conditions development. And illness, if it exists, is not the cause, but a consequence of the creativity of a genius, a consequence of nervous overstrain due to improper distribution of efforts or unfavorable life circumstances. In fact, from this point of view, illness is an accident, a collateral circumstance, even an accident from which no one is insured.

If we rely on data provided by various researchers of biographies, creativity and medical histories of outstanding figures of science and art, it is easy to conclude that in rare cases mental illness may be a consequence of tension creative activity, life difficulties, lack of recognition, but is often the reason, the motive for such activity.

A few examples to illustrate

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

German composer, whose work is recognized as one of the peaks in the history of world art. The father is an alcoholic, mentally disabled, cruel, and encourages his son to engage in beatings. The mother was sick with tuberculosis. The family was in extreme financial need. The composer himself was absent-minded and impractical, subject to severe depression. He was prone to quarrels and conflicts, uncontrollable fits of rage and violence. At the age of 26, deafness began its destructive work. According to friends, Beethoven howled like an animal while working and rushed around the room, resembling a violently insane person. Many of Beethoven's works were addressed to women and were the fruit of his passionate but unrequited love.

Alexander Blok (1880 - 1921)

Russian poet. His grandfather died in a psychiatric hospital, and his father, a brilliant lawyer and musician, was a clinical sadist, beat his wife and kept her half-starved. He died an unkempt, lonely, mentally ill man. Mother suffered nervous disorder, painful states of melancholy, anxiety, she had epileptic attacks. She made attempts on her life three times. The face of the poet himself amazed everyone with its lack of facial expressions. He was subject to frequent and sudden changes in mood - from childish fun to outbursts of irritation with breaking dishes and furniture. At the age of 16, epileptic seizures began. IN family life Blok tried to implement Vl. Solovyov’s ideas about superhuman love, denying sexual relations in the name of “white love.” Over the years, the marriage turned into a series of mutual betrayals and turned into a serious conflict. Blok’s illness began to progress after the poem “The Twelve,” when he became disillusioned with the ideals of the revolution. The poet died in a psychotic crisis.

N.V. Gogol (1809 - 1852)

Great Russian writer. The weakness of N.V. Gogol’s body can be explained by his father’s tuberculosis. The writer himself believed that his father died not from illness, but from fear of illness. Nikolai Vasilyevich received this fear from his father as a fatal inheritance. The writer was born from a too young mother: Maria Ivanovna got married at the age of 14. Gogol's school friends directly considered her abnormal. Considering her son a genius, but not realizing that writing could be a worthy occupation, she credited him with the invention of the steam engine, railway etc.

Since childhood, the writer himself was painfully shy, slovenly, withdrawn and silent. At the age of 22, his painful state takes the form of exaltation and, not having sufficient education for this, Gogol gets a job to lecture at the university. Very soon it became clear to the students that their “professor” knew nothing about history, and, moreover, was incapable of being modest and kind. Without waiting for student demonstrations, Gogol was fired. Since then, the writer’s mental illness has been cyclical. Periods of manic elation alternated with months-long bouts of depression with loss of ability to work, and hypochondriacal delusions.

Gogol did not have any connections with women throughout his life, he did not know what love was and it occupies little place in his works. Gogol himself understood and wrote that his illness had a huge impact on his work. He describes severe mental illness or similar conditions in “Terrible Revenge”, in “Notes of a Madman”, in “The Nose”, in “The Overcoat”, in “Viye” and other works. The writer died during an attack of prolonged melancholy from exhaustion and anemia of the brain associated with starvation and improper treatment, especially bloodletting.

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821)

French emperor, commander. His father was an alcoholic, a man with a pathological psyche, devoid of moral feelings. Napoleon himself was a sickly child, prone to outbursts of anger that reached the point of rage. He was prone to quarrels and fights, he was not afraid of anyone, everyone was afraid of him. Since childhood, he began to have convulsive seizures caused by rickets. Even at two years old, he could not hold his head straight, which was larger than normal. He had absolute memory, easily memorized mathematical formulas, poems, and the names of soldiers and officers, indicating the year and month of joint service, as well as the unit and name of the regiment in which his colleague was a member. From my youth I got up no later than four o’clock in the morning and taught myself to sleep little.

The main remarkable feature of his intelligence was the ability to instantly react to external events. He experienced sudden bouts of drowsiness, where he would fall asleep in the midst of battle. The pathological orientation of the personality is evidenced by a homosexual relationship with his brother Joseph and an incestuous relationship with his sister Paulina. Most historians agree that Napoleon would never have achieved such success if he had been any more normal. His enthusiasm was abnormal, and it was this that brought him success.

Marina Tsvetaeva (1892 - 1941)

Russian poetess, prose writer. Marina Tsvetaeva’s sister, Anastasia, recalled that in her exorbitant pride, Marina easily and ardently did evil. She studied poorly and indifferently, insulted teachers, talking to them arrogantly and disrespectfully. At the age of 17 she tried to commit suicide. It was very difficult for her with people, with loved ones she was like from another planet: emotionally cold towards her father (Ivan Tsvetaev - creator of the museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin on Volkhonka), a bad mother to all three of her children, an unfaithful wife to her husband.

She destroyed children with frantic, overwhelming love, wanting to recreate them with her influence, or with indifference, unable to resolve everyday issues (Irina died of hunger in 1918 in Moscow). Wrote endless love letters addressed to different people, not stopping either at lesbian relationships or other moral deviations. Almost always, Tsvetaeva’s constant state was melancholy and a mood against the whole world, which was perceived as something alien and hostile. For her, everything was wrong; she created the drama herself. The state of peace and happiness robbed her of inspiration. She considered misfortune to be a necessary component of creativity, and called her poems “heart rattles.”

According to psychiatrists, the death drive was one of her subconscious sources of creativity. Marina Tsvetaeva committed suicide in 1941 after another conflict with her son, which, apparently, was a provocative factor against the backdrop of general troubles.

These are just a few examples. The list of brilliant people who showed the world their outstanding talent and paid a high price for it is so large that it does not fit into the format of an article; this requires volumes...

I really like this phraseology. It has existed for more than one century. And, I’m sure, it will be relevant until the end of the world.

IN in ancient times the talent was currency unit measurements, which has been in circulation for a long time. A parable has survived to this day about how the owner left home for a long time. He left money for his household, in particular three slaves, so that they could live in his absence. He gave each one one talent - one coin. The two slaves turned out to be very enterprising. They invested money in the business and increased their capital. The third slave, to prevent anything bad from happening to the money, simply buried it in the ground. Upon the owner's return, the slaves returned his talents. Two slaves gave him even more money than initially, and the third gave him the same coin, the talent that he dug out of the ground.

In our time, the monetary unit - talent - has long gone out of circulation. This word has acquired a completely different meaning - a person’s special abilities in some area of ​​science, culture, sports, etc.

The phraseological unit “bury talent in the ground” means:

) - without caring about the development of talent, let it die out, ruin it ( Dictionary, 1935-1940, to the word "talent").

The expression comes from a parable that is set out in the Bible. Initially, the expression “talent” meant an ancient coin:

A rich man, going to a distant country, distributed the treasury to his servants. One received five talents, another two, and the last one. The first two invested money in the business, and upon their return the owner praised them for this and gave them the money. The last servant said that he was very afraid of losing the talent he had received, so he buried it in the ground. The owner took away his talent, gave it to the one who earned 5 talents for 5 invested, and ordered the most fearful servant to be put in prison.

This story is told in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 25, vv. 15-30):

"Matthew 25:15 And he gave to one five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability; and immediately he set out.
Matthew 25:16 He who received the five talents went and put them to work and acquired another five talents;
Matthew 25:17 In the same way, he who received two talents acquired another two;
Matthew 25:18 And he that received one talent went and buried [it] in the ground, and hid his master's money.
Matthew 25:19 After a long time, the master of those servants comes and demands an account from them.
Matthew 25:20 And the one who had received five talents came and brought other five talents and said: Master! you gave me five talents; Behold, I acquired another five talents with them.
Matthew 25:21 His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” You have been faithful in small things, I will put you over many things; enter into the joy of your master.
Matthew 25:22 He who had received two talents also came up and said: Master! you gave me two talents; behold, I acquired the other two talents with them.
Matthew 25:23 His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” You have been faithful in small things, I will put you over many things; enter into the joy of your master.
Matthew 25:24 He who had received one talent came and said: Master! I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not scatter,
Matthew 25:25 And being afraid, you went and hid your talent in the ground; here's yours.
Matthew 25:26 And his master answered him, “You wicked and lazy servant!” You knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter;
Matthew 25:27 Therefore you should have given my money to the merchants, and when I came I would have received mine with profit;
Matthew 25:28 Therefore, take his talent and give it to him who has ten talents,
Matthew 25:29 For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away;
Matthew 25:30 But throw the wicked servant into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Having said this, he exclaimed: “Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear!”


(1948 - 2017)

“What the Nightingale Sang About” (1925): “Bylinkin, always somewhat inclined towards Americanism, soon abandoned his literary achievements, without regret buried talent in the ground and began to live as before, without projecting his crazy ideas onto paper."

Bury your talent in the ground

From the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 25, vv. 15-30), where this expression originates, we're talking about about money. Talent is the name of an ancient Roman silver coin (from the ancient Greek talanton - a coin of high denomination).

The Gospel parable tells how a certain man, when leaving, instructed his slaves to guard his property. He gave one slave five talents, another two, and a third one. The first two slaves put the money to work, that is, they gave it away at interest, and the one who received one talent simply buried it in the ground in order to preserve it in the best possible way.

When the owner returned home, he demanded an account from the slaves. The first slave returned him ten talents instead of five, the second - four instead of two, and the third gave the owner the same one talent. And he explained to the owner that he saved the money by burying it. The owner praised the first two slaves, and said to the third: “You wicked and lazy slave! should have given my silver to the merchants, and when I came I would have received mine with a profit.”

Subsequently, the word “talent” began to mean abilities, gifts, and the biblical phrase “to bury talent in the ground” received a different, allegorical meaning - “to neglect one’s abilities, not to develop them,” etc.

Canonized (textbook) logoepistems. The concept “canonical” is interpreted in dictionaries as 1. Corresponding to the canon. 2. Taken as a model, firmly established. The sources of logoepistemes are classical (textbook) works of science, literature and art, acquaintance with which is carried out in the process special education(school and higher education etc.).

Almost always the source of replenishment of canonized PFs is classic literature: works F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, W. Shakespeare, Dante etc. In the post-Soviet space, first place in the row works of art, which became a source of precedent statements, certainly belongs A. S. Pushkin. Suffice it to remember: “All ages are submissive to love”, “Genius and villainy are two incompatible things”, “The servant of the muses does not tolerate vanity”, “Staying with nothing”, “There is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Russia”, “Yes, the one in whom unclean conscience" And great amount others.

Quotes from the works of A.S. have long become popular expressions. Griboyedova ( I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening), N.V. Gogol ( And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?), A.N. Ostrovsky ( So don’t let anyone get you!), V.V. Mayakovsky ( I take it out of my wide trousers...), I. Ilf and E. Petrov ( I will command the parade!), M.A. Bulgakov ( Manuscripts don't burn. They themselves will offer everything, they themselves will give everything) and some. etc.

In addition, quotations from the works of classics of Western European literature became logoepistemes, for example, "Appetite comes with eating"(F. Rabelais), “To be or not to be - that is the question”, “Everything was rotten in the Danish kingdom”(W. Shakespeare).

The source of precedent statements is ancient culture, which, together with the biblical one, constitutes the international core of the logosphere European culture: “adding fuel to the fire”, “making a mountain out of a molehill”, “catching a fish in muddy water", "cross the Rubicon", "sing praises", "the work of Sisyphus" and many others.

3.Non-canonized logoepistemes do not match the sample. They are not included in the educational canon educational institutions, are not textbook ones, but have firmly entered our consciousness. The sources of non-canonized logoepistemata are either widely famous works art or literature, or any other cultural objects (anecdotes, parodies, advertising texts, performances by comedians and satirists, popular television and radio programs, etc.), not traditionally classified as classical works of art or literature. They act as precedent statements for a short time (from 3 to 7 years). Their list is always open, they have varying degrees of stability. The source is often unknown.

It seems possible to identify several sources of replenishment of the speech of contemporaries with non-canonized precedent statements:

1) mass media, incl. television, for example program titles Our Russia, SpotlightParisHilton, Evening Urgant, Big Races etc.;

2)cinema: East is a delicate matter…; Gulchatay! Show your face!("White Sun of the Desert"); It's just you who are smart, and I just went out for a walk. I don't serve on Fridays. Stubbornness is the first sign of stupidity(words by Zheglov from the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”);

3) pop: from the songs of Viktor Tsoi (group “Kino”): Those who have nothing to wait for go on their way. The worst thing is to be a target at a shooting range with bad shooters. Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting... If there is a flock, there is a shepherd, if there is a body, there must be a spirit. I don’t like it when people lie to me, but I’m also tired of the truth. We waited for tomorrow, every day we waited for tomorrow... Remember that there is no prison, worse than in the head... I free man because I have always done what I like and did not do what I don’t want. You could be a hero, but there was no reason to be. You could die if you knew what to die for;

4) Internet: Smart people They are not offended, but immediately begin to plan revenge. Courage, honor and bravery are three signs of alcohol intoxication. Most influential person after the holiday - the one who has the photos...

Phraseological units (PU), including logoepistemes, have wide possibilities for creating a stylistic effect. For stylistic purposes, phraseological units can be used either unchanged or in a transformed form, with a different meaning and structure, or with new expressive and stylistic properties. Transformation is understood as any deviation from the generally accepted norm enshrined in linguistic literature, as well as an improvised change for expressive and stylistic purposes. Transformation expands the boundaries of the author's thought, helps the writer to express Creative skills, helps to express thoughts more clearly and concisely.

As already mentioned, a phraseological unit has the integrity of a figurative meaning and an unchanged structure. Satirists violate all these requirements.

One of the most common methods of transforming phraseological units in their works is semantic, without affecting the lexico-grammatical structure ( external form) phraseological units, but destroying semantic integrity. There is a “literalization” of a phraseological unit, “realization of a metaphor,” i.e., a phraseological unity is used as an ordinary phrase. An example from the works of M. Zadornov: Peter I cut a window to Europe, although it was necessary to cut through a window, peek and throw out garbage(M. Zadornov): “Cut a window to Europe” - catchphrase from the poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Bronze Horseman”, which characterizes the founding of the city of St. Petersburg by Peter I as the first seaport of the Moscow state. The metaphor of “cutting a window,” i.e., going beyond the borders of the state, is used as a free phrase against the background of “cutting a window.”

Examples from the works of M.M. Zhvanetsky. (1) If the listeners don't laugh, I get upset I'm withdrawing into myself and I'm sitting there(“How do I write?”). Phraseologism “to go to<самого>myself; go to<самого>yourself” has two meanings: 1. To be absorbed in one’s thoughts; go deeper into your thoughts without noticing your surroundings. 2. Become withdrawn, stop communicating with people, avoid them. MM. Zhvanetsky uses it in the literal sense, realizing the meaning of the verb leave‘walking away’. (2) At airports smelled fried– people stay for a long time("Autumn"). “It smells fried” - ‘about impending danger’. The reader first thinks that passengers are in danger (according to the phraseological unit), but then understands that we are talking about products - the direct meaning of the word fried.

Comic effect may arise as a result of a collision in the context of antonymous elements: (1) He went to bed and fell asleep with all his might ( M. Zhvanetsky) . “With all my might” – ‘With utmost strength, very strongly. = With all my might (in 1 value). Usually with verb. owls like: hit, knock, shout... how? with all my might.’ Verb fall asleep is associated with a state of rest and contradicts the semantics of the phraseological unit.

Among the structural-semantic transformations, the most common are: 1) replacement of one or more lexical components of a phraseological unit; 2) expansion of phraseological units due to the introduction of additional components; 3) truncation of a phraseological unit; 4) contamination of phraseological units is a combination of parts of two or more phraseological units.

Let's consider one of the structural-semantic transformations - replacing one of the components of a phraseological unit (with an occasional variant), in this case, the semantics may remain unchanged: (1) M. Zhvanetsky Learning is light, and ignorance is pleasant twilight (instead of “darkness”). (2) Everything mixed up in our earthly home: The best rapper is white, the best golfer is black. France accuses America of arrogance. Germany and Russia do not want to fight. Ukraine sends humanitarian aid to Iraq American soldiers. And China has implemented a new social formation. Developed capitalism under the leadership of the Communist Party.Everything interfered in the Oblonskys’ house catchphrase from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. The ironic meaning of the catchphrase is ‘confusion, disorder, confusion, etc.’ Instead of the Oblonskys - in our earthly home. (3) What is our life : if you don’t get used to it, you’ll die, if you don’t die, you’ll get used to it(M. Zhvanetsky) . (4) - Of two evils I I choose something that I haven’t tried before... (Wed: Of two evils, I choose the lesser). (5) Don't bring out the Zverev in me(M. Zadornov) - cf. “Don’t awaken the beast in me” (paronomasia is used). (6) Born to crawl - will fit everywhere (Cf.: Born to crawl, cannot fly. Maxim Gorky. “Song of the Falcon”). (6) Share your smile, and you will be reminded of her more than once (Cf.: Share your smile / and it will come back to you more than once - Shainsky’s song). (2) Until you measure seven times, others will already cut it off (cf.: Measure seven times, cut once. - Proverb).

Merlot is a French technical grape variety used to produce red wines.

Another way of transformation is expansion component composition FE. Expansion can occur both due to individual lexical units ( What a pity that you finally go away...), as well as phrases and predicative constructions – the latter in the works of M.M. Zhvanetsky prevail: (1) You can't stop living beautifully. But you can interfere... (see You can’t forbid living beautifully: 1) about unnecessary waste; 2) an expression of envy. (2) There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. You just need to stay away from this place (introduction of a new predicative part. Source - Maxim Gorky, story “Old Woman Izergil”).

Inversion – reverse word order: Don't covet your neighbor's wife(change of word order in biblical catchphrase led to a change in the meaning of the statement).

By the time you measure seven times, others will already cut(Zhv.) Wed: Measure seven times, cut once. In addition to lexical transformation, the imperative mood of verbs is replaced here by the indicative one.

Cases of contamination set expressions, i.e., a combination of parts that are completely different in meaning, but with a common component: (1) All people are brothers, but not all are wise(cf.: “All people are brothers” and “brothers in mind”). The common component is “brothers”. M. Zhvanetsky(2) He has no time for his personal life(M. Zhvanetsky “Cholera in Odessa”) . 2 phraseological units “no time” and “no personal life” merge based on the common component “no”. From M. Zadornov: It is considered a terrible omen if black cat breaks the mirror with an empty bucket!

Reducing the composition of phraseological units: - Tell me, uncle... - I won’t tell(cf.: Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that Moscow, burned by fire, was given to the French - M. Lermontov. Borodino) .

In addition to structural-semantic transformations, defhraseologization is possible - such a degree of transformation in which the traditional structure, constant lexical composition, and usual forms of phraseological components are absent in the context (researchers often call such destruction of phraseological units " phraseological fragments»). Microbes slowly crawled over Lefty's body, hardly dragging the horseshoes behind them...(shoe a flea – ‘to skillfully perform the most intricate, especially delicate work’.).

Wed: If the mountain does not come to Magomed, then Magomed goes to the mountain.


1. Gabidullina A.R. Phraseologisms as a means of creating an ironic effect in the works of modern satirists / A.R. Gabidullina. ‑ // Pushkin Readings 2012: “Living” traditions in literature: genre, author, hero, text: materials XVII international conference. – St. Petersburg: Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkina, 2012. – P. 340-347

2. Shansky N.M. Phraseology of the modern Russian language [Text] / N.M. Shansky. – 3rd ed. – M.: Higher. school, 1985. – 160 p.

3. Guseinova T. S. Transformation of phraseological units as a way to implement newspaper expression [Text]: diss. ...cand. Philol. Sciences / T.S. Guseinova. – Makhachkala, 1997. – 200 p.

4. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov.‑ M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1984.‑ 846 p.

5. Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. A.I. Molotkov. – 4th ed., stereotype. – M.: Russian language, 1986. – 543 p.

6. Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions // Access mode: website . - Title. from the screen.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.

Gal. 6, 9

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

As centuries passed, the meaning of the parable of talents told by the Savior became so universally understandable that the very word “talent,” which once meant a large sum of money, began to mean the human ability to work and master crafts, arts and sciences.

Talent is a gift from God. Everything that people are accustomed to calling their own: health and bodily strength, wealth and worldly ingenuity, skillful hands masters, the deep mind of a scientist, the artist’s sense of beauty - all this is not ours, but God’s. These gifts are given to people for a reason, but so that everyone, to the best of their ability, increases them through zealous service to the Almighty and their neighbors. And at the appointed hour, the Just Lord will strictly ask everyone: did you use the talents entrusted to you for good or evil?

This is how in the Gospel parable the master gives talents to his servants: one - five, another - two, a third - one, each according to his strength (Matthew 25:14). Many years passed before the master returned and demanded an account from his servants. Those who received five and two talents doubled the wealth once given to them and received praise: good and faithful servant! You have been faithful in a few things, I will put you over many; enter into the joy of your master (Matthew 25:21). The third servant turned out to be different: having received only one talent, he went and buried it in the ground, and now he brought it to the master and boldly said: ... I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter, and, being afraid, you went and hid your talent in the ground; here is yours (Matthew 25:24-25).

Hearing such an answer, the angry ruler orders the evil servant to be thrown into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30). Those who understand the meaning of this parable are clear: the Lord of lords and the King of kings will do the same with those of us who bury in the ground the talents given to us by God.

What does it mean to bury talent in the ground? The earth is our body, created from the earth and destined for the earth, but greedy for food and drink, insatiable in pleasures. Earth is earthly wealth, honor and glory, human praise and human envy. By devoting our lives to serving our body or to vain vanity, we bury the talents given to us by God in the dust. The Lord pronounced a severe sentence on such people!

Christians are called to watch over their souls, strive in works of piety, tirelessly bear the burden of family and public service, and be diligent in the work that falls to their lot. Pampered laziness, crafty idleness, allowed even for a while, can become an insurmountable obstacle on the path to salvation. Consistency in serving God and others, a constant striving for perfection - this is the only way human talents are multiplied, this is the only way the path to the Kingdom of Heaven is paved.

“Cruel” was what the crafty slave called the master who demanded that he work to increase the wealth entrusted to him. Is the Heavenly Father cruel, who commanded fallen humanity: by the sweat of your face you will eat bread (Gen. 3:19)? No, only those who do not understand the ways of God’s Providence can consider this cruelty and a curse. Behind the external severity of the words addressed to our ancestors expelled from paradise, there was hidden Heavenly Mercy, giving hope. In order to be cleansed from the filth of original sin, the human soul must be salted with double salt, washed with double moisture: the salty tears of repentance and the salty sweat of labor.

Heavenly Father is a strict Teacher and Educator. His Goodness has nothing to do with the madness of those “kind” parents who please their children in every possible way, and then wonder: why do they grow up lazy and angry, unadapted to life and good for nothing? The Lord leads His chosen ones through many trials, and this is how their souls grow stronger and flourish.

An athlete's muscles, left without exercise, gradually weaken - and a beautiful, powerful body turns into a body swollen with fat. In the same way, a flabby and softened soul, not hardened in labor, becomes incapable of spiritual warfare and is easily enslaved by the devil. “Fear, brothers, embraces the soul when you think that among Christians there are many lazy slaves who live carelessly, in pleasure and do not at all think about this terrible, eternal outer darkness, where incessant weeping and gnashing of teeth await them,” exclaims the saint righteous John Kronstadt.

In this world, created by the Wisdom of God, everything bears fruit: the earth grows plants, grains and trees bear fruit, animals, birds and fish bear offspring. And man, as a spiritual being, must cultivate spiritual fruits in himself. Woe to the barren! His talents, buried in the ground, will become dead and rot, and the devastated soul will become unsuitable for the Heavenly Kingdom, fit only for the needs of the flames of hell. Blessed be the fruitful one! Great is the reward awaiting him, earned by him during his earthly service. It is obvious that the supposedly cruel master from the Gospel parable of the talents simply wanted to test his servants, so that in their work they would become skillful, tempered, persistent, and it would become possible to put them over many things (see: Matt. 25:21). In the same way, the Lord, looking at those who multiply the talents given to them for the glory of God, prepares for them heavenly crowns.

It seems to some that their talents are too small, and sometimes they even fall into grumbling and envy of those who are more talented. But in every place you can please the Lord! A hardworking peasant or worker can ascend to the heights of the Kingdom of God, but the ruler of countries and peoples can fall to the very bottom of hell. After his death, the soulless rich man looked with unbearable envy at the crippled beggar Lazarus, who was awarded heavenly bliss. The lazy servant from the Gospel parable did not need to earn another five or ten with the talent given to him; it was enough to multiply what was entrusted to him at least twice in order to hear: enter into the joy of your master (Matthew 25:21). The Lord endows everyone with talents according to the strength of his soul and does not demand from a person what is beyond his strength. About the different fields of serving God in earthly life, the Holy Apostle Paul says:

We have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, Jew or Greek, slave or free, and we have all been given one Spirit to drink. The body is not made of one member, but of many... The eye cannot say to the hand: I don’t need you; or also head to feet: I don’t need you. On the contrary, the members of the body that seem weakest are much more necessary... God proportioned the body, instilling greater care for the less perfect, so that there would be no division in the body, and all members would equally care for each other. Therefore, if one member suffers, all members suffer with it; if one member is glorified, all members rejoice with it. And you are the body of Christ, and individually members (1 Cor. 12:13-27).

How does a person know whether the talents given to him by the Lord are small or great? The fisherman Peter became the supreme Apostle. The prayer of the beggar Alexy, the man of God, ascended directly to the Throne of the Most High. Kosma Minin was not a prince or a boyar, but a simple merchant, but he earned the glorious title of savior of the fatherland.

The Monk Arseny the Great received a brilliant secular education in his youth and was the emperor's tutor. But having retired to the desert in search of salvation, he became a humble disciple of the Egyptian hermit elders. When he was asked what he was learning from these elders, many of whom did not even know how to read and write, the Monk Arseny answered: “I know the sciences of Greece and Rome, but I have not yet learned the alphabet that is taught by these who know nothing in the learning of the world.”

Great talents are fraught with great temptation and a formidable danger for the person endowed with them. It is easy for such a person to fall into the delusion of the devil, to consider talents not a gift from God, but own merits, become proud, and then terrible things happen. History knows many examples of how highly gifted people not only buried their talents in the ground, but also increased this wealth that had become the underworld - not for the glory of the Lord who endowed them with talents, but for the needs of the murderous devil. Such are the soulless rich, moneylenders who grew fat on the tears of old people and orphans, such are tyrant rulers, but the worst of them are the authors of seductive books, the creators of heretical, godless and misanthropic theories. These people, who called themselves writers, scientists and philosophers, in the eyes of the Lord are worse than the most ferocious murderers and the most vile molesters, for the evil they sowed in the world does not disappear from them. own death, but sometimes lasts for centuries, plunging thousands and thousands of souls into destruction.

“Temptation is like a pestilence that begins in one person and infects many,” says Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. And there are no more criminals than those who nurtured a spiritual plague within themselves in order to later release it into the world. They did not stain their hands with blood and dirt, they hid in the quiet of their offices, bending over white paper, but their “quiet labors” turned into a maddening mess for entire nations. He is a "deep thinker and an exemplary family man“Karl Marx committed atrocities at the hands of the Bolsheviks in unfortunate seduced Russia during the years of the Red Terror. These “ardent democrats” Belinsky and Herzen, Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov were the cruelest of the overseers in Stalin's camps. It was the “brilliant philosopher and poet” Friedrich Nietzsche who sent the Nazis to kill people in gas chambers. The “scientific innovator” Sigmund Freud called to “liberate the instincts,” that is, to give free rein to the low passions of man, and now Freud’s shadow hovers in the dens of depravity, encourages lust and fornication, the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, and from childhood corrupts people’s imagination with pornography, so that later turn them into unclean animals.

The list of seducers and corrupters of humanity includes large and small ones - from the rulers of thoughts to the authors of tabloid books. But the more talented the book or picture, film or music that carries the seeds of temptation, the more bitter the verdict their authors will hear at the Last Judgment of the Lord.

But how much good can one accomplish who adds love of God and brotherly love to his talents, working diligently in the field of the Lord. How beautiful and instructive are the creations of the holy fathers, our spirit-bearing mentors - as if honey and milk still flow from their lips, nourishing the faithful. And in secular art there are many who have devoted themselves not to flirting with base passions, but to serving the highest. The best paintings by Nesterov, Vasnetsov, and Alexander Ivanov became not just paintings, but holy icons. The sacred music of Bortnyansky, Glinka, Mussorgsky not only delights the ear, but also elevates the soul of the listener. The Church considers its sons faithful Russian writers Nikolai Gogol and Fyodor Dostoevsky, Sergei Aksakov and Alexei Khomyakov, Sergei Nilus and Konstantin Leontyev, the best pages of their books are truly illuminated by the light of Christ.

And today's people of art could do a lot to enlighten the spiritually drained people, but alas! We see few among them zealots of piety.

Hard work for the glory of God is the only path on which human talents are revealed in all their beauty and fullness. Seeing the good zeal and constancy of the worker, the Lord will not fail to raise him from strength to strength and from glory to glory, will open a wide field for him and strengthen him with His grace.

Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord!

Each of us is endowed by the Lord with the highest talent - the Divine ability to love. We must especially carefully cultivate this gift, love for God and our neighbors, and especially diligently increase it. If we lose this talent of talents, all our other virtues will become useless and even harmful to our souls. And if we manage to succeed in love, good deeds will become a necessity for us, work will become a joy, and serving the Lord and our neighbors will become the sweetest of bliss. The holy Apostle Paul speaks about this royal path, calling on the faithful: Be zealous for great gifts, and I will show you an even more excellent way (1 Cor. 12:31). Amen.

Vladimir, Metropolitan of Tashkent and Central Asia

(now – Metropolitan of Omsk and Tauride)
