On a visit to winter

Fill in the table according to the results of the excursion.

Write the numbers for the winter months.

Complete assignments for group work.

Option 1
1) Write out examples from the text of the textbook winter events in inanimate nature.
Thaw, sleet, snowfall, blizzard, frost

2) Guess what these snowflakes are called. Point with arrows.

Option 2
1) Cut out from the Appendix and stick its fruits to each tree.

2) Draw chains of footprints so that they lead to their "owners".

In the book " Green Pages"Read the story" Belyak and Rusak ". Find out how these hares are similar and how they differ. Write down.

Comparison of a hare - a hare and a hare - a hare

Similarity: Long ears, powerful hind legs, eat plant foods, in summer they have one color - gray.

Differences: The hare is larger than the hare, it has longer ears, it runs faster. The hare is gray in winter and summer, it is only lighter in winter, and the hare becomes completely white in winter, which explains its name, only the tips of the ears remain black. In summer, the hare's tail is black on top, and the hare's is light. A hare - a hare lives in the fields, steppes. Hare - white hare lives in the forest. Belyaki feed on thin twigs of aspen and birch. Rusaki prefer grassy vegetation in summer, dry grass in winter.

Serezha and Nadia's dad offers you a task. Admire the beauty of winter nature and, according to your observations, complete the drawing "Beauty of Winter".

This mammal from the genus of hares is remarkable, first of all, for its large size: a body length of more than half a meter, sometimes reaching up to 70 cm, and a weight: 4 to 5 kg for hares, and up to 7 kg for hares.

hare hare distributed on all continents, and due to its large number, it has been well studied by scientists and naturalists, and its appearance and habits are well known to all nature lovers. Appearance hare hare quite characteristic, and it is not difficult to distinguish it from relatives - representatives of the order of lagomorphs.

The eyes of the animal have an original reddish-brown tint. The physique of the animal is fragile, and noticeably more long ears, limbs and tail (dark above and wedge-shaped) are essential hare distinction from white hare.

The color of the animal is interesting in diversity, because animals molt and change their colors twice a year. How can you be sure of photo of hare hare, in summer its silky and shiny coat is distinguished by brown, brown-olive, ocher-gray and reddish colors.

A hare hare in winter whitens considerably. However, it is never snow-white, which is especially noticeable in the dark areas of the coat of the front of the back, as well as in the color of the fur on the ears and head of the hare.

This detail of appearance is another of the many signs by which a brown hare can be distinguished when meeting, for example, he is a fellow, in winter, having a perfect snow-white color, with the exception of the tips of the ears blackening in a snowy area, due to which the hare becomes completely invisible in the winter landscape.

In the photo, a hare is a hare in winter

There are hare hares, both in Europe and Asia, and in Australia and South America. They successfully passed acclimatization and took root in some North American territories and in New Zealand, where they were specially brought for breeding.

In Russia, animals are distributed throughout the European part, up to Ural mountains, are also found in Asian territory: from Siberia to the Far Eastern outskirts. They inhabit forest-steppes and steppes, populating also mountainous areas and heavily forested areas.

Although most of all they prefer open spaces, which is typical a sign of a hare. But most of all, these animals love to settle on agricultural land with rich deposits of grain crops.

The nature and lifestyle of a hare hare

Devotion, once chosen, to a habitat is very characteristic of hare hare, A description the way of life of these animals should begin with the observation that these animals are not inclined to migration and long-distance travel.

Living in small areas (no more than 50 hectares), they settle on them on for a long time. Unless only those of them that live in the mountains descend to their foothills in winter, and when the snow melts, they rise back again.

They can only be forced to leave their habitable place abrupt change weather conditions, environmental disasters and other emergencies. Nightlife animals prefer daytime.

And during daylight hours, animals hide in their burrows, which are usually arranged near shrubs and trees. Sometimes the animals also occupy the abandoned dwellings of other animals:, and.

Like all representatives of the genus of hares, hares molt from head to limbs twice a year. The spring and autumn molts, which last from 75 to 80 days, completely change view of hare hare, which helps the animals merge with the surrounding nature, depending on the surrounding landscapes of different seasons, and be less noticeable to their enemies, from which hares are saved only long legs.

The ability to run very fast is another advantage of these animals. And the maximum brown hare speed, which he can develop in extreme conditions on good and solid soil, reaches up to 70-80 km / h. In the genus of hares, this is a kind of record.

In the speed of the legs, the hare is significantly superior to its fellow hare, the hare, moving much faster than it and jumping much further. However, hare are less adapted to adverse conditions. weather condition, and often their population is significantly reduced in severe winters.

hare hare, How and white hare, have long been a favorite object of commercial and sport hunting. And a great many of these animals are killed annually for their sake. tasty meat and warm skins.


Rusaki is a typical herbivore, willingly eating a variety of cereals, buckwheat, sunflower, chicory, alfalfa, clover, colza and dandelions. At night, in search of food, wanting to saturate his stomach, the hare travels up to several kilometers, while testing its long legs for strength.

Settling on agricultural land, these animals can greatly harm the harvest of vegetable gardens, orchards and winter crops, actively eating human-grown grain and melon crops, vegetables, and fruits. The neighborhood of the Rusaks can be so unpleasant for the civilization of people that it often becomes a real disaster.

And in some countries, for example, in Australia, hare are even declared to be a serious danger, pests. In winter, in the absence of proper nutrition, the hare is content with gnawing the bark, often bringing not only shrubs, but even large trees to a disastrous state.

These animals prefer to feast on broom, hazel, oak or maple, while hare hares usually choose aspen or willow for their meals (and this is another difference between these prominent representatives hare species).

Tearing the snow with their paws, the Russians diligently dig out from under it plant food and tree seeds. And the fruits of their efforts can often be used by other animals, for example, partridges, which are not able to clear the snow on their own.

In the spring, the hare actively eat young shoots of plants, their leaves and stems, often damaging the roots of shrubs and trees that are just starting to grow, and in summer they eat their seeds.

Reproduction and life expectancy of a hare

Brown hares are quite prolific, but the amount of offspring is highly dependent on the time of year, the age of the hare that gives birth to offspring, and the climate of the area in which these animals live.

IN Western Europe, on average, female hares bring up to five broods per year. There can be from 1 to 9 rabbits in one litter. And the breeding season, advancing with the advent of spring, ends in September.

While in hotter countries, it starts literally from January and continues until late autumn. The most prolific are middle-aged hares.

Bearing offspring lasts 6-7 weeks. Before giving birth to rabbits, females equip unpretentious grass nests or dig small holes in the ground.

The hares that were born weigh an average of about 100 grams, their body is covered with fluffy fur, and widely open eyes they are already ready to look at the world around them.

In the first days they feed on mother's milk, but after ten days they become so capable that they themselves try to absorb herbal food every day more and more adapting to this type of food.

And at the age of one month, they are already ready to go out into the big and unfamiliar world in order to start an adult independent life. The age of the hare is short, and usually in the wild they rarely live more than seven years. In addition, quite a lot of animals die in more early age.

However, they reproduce extremely quickly, therefore, despite the fact that they are game animals, nothing threatens the size of the hare population today.

It turns out that not all rabbits are the same. The hare and the white hare are so different from each other that it is even surprising how some people manage to confuse them. However, the problem is widespread. Understanding the differences is useful not only for amateurs wildlife, but also to hunters, rangers, forest workers, and simply young naturalists. Ability to recognize characteristic differences of these animals is also useful to those who study the habits of these animals, and they vary greatly.

Belyak and Rusak - who are they?

It is worth considering each representative of these species separately in order to understand the main differences at an early stage.

white hare- a fairly large animal, can reach a body length of up to 60 centimeters, weight from 1.6 to 4.5 kilograms. The usual habitat is the north of Europe. In Russia, it is mainly distributed in the north up to and including the tundra zone. Considered a forest dweller. The ears are long, but not the same as those of his relative, the hare. All white tail, short and rounded, wide paws. In winter it has clean white color, except for the tips of the ears, and grayish or reddish in summer.

white hare

hare- also large (57–68 centimeters, weight up to 7 kilograms), often larger than a hare. It lives in Western and Asia Minor, Europe, North Africa. In Russia, it is found within the European and northern parts. It is considered a resident of the steppes, fields, meadows. It has a fragile physique, long ears, a wedge-shaped tail, black or black-brown on top.


Main differences

As already mentioned, the first thing you should pay attention to when identifying an animal is the size of the ears. In the hare they are shorter, and in the hare they are longer.

Also, the hare's hind limbs are somewhat longer than those of its fellow. The length of the foot can reach 18.5 centimeters. This provides him with a faster run than the hare. But the latter has wider feet to hold on to the snow.

The difficulty in distinguishing one from the other arises in summer time when both are grey. However anatomical features disguise will not work, so an experienced observer will always be able to recognize who is a real hare and who is a hare.

The peculiarity of the food of the hare is that if a deep snow cover is established, it can go to the bark and shrubs. Moreover, there is maple, oak, hazel, broom wood. But willow and aspen are not so favored. Whereas the latter are the hare's favorite treats.

Findings site

  1. Often, the hare is larger than the white hare.
  2. The ears of the hare are noticeably smaller than those of the hare and have black dots on the tips.
  3. The hare is more slender, sinewy, while the hare is more streamlined.
  4. The hare's hind limbs are longer and it runs faster, while the hare is slower.
  5. The white hare has wider paws so as not to fall through the snow, but the hare cannot boast of this.
  6. Willow and aspen are the hare's favorite treats, but the hare does not like them very much.

I still want it! - says the Mouse. - And now I'll go look for the red summer!

Where are you! You are small and weak!

And I'll take a big and strong companion!

The Mouse descended from the bump, ran through the forest. A tree is twisted in the thicket, under its roots there is a bear's lair. The Little Mouse ran up, shouting:

Hey Bear!

Distributed from the den:

H-r-r-r-p-p-x-x-x! ..

Wake up, Bear, - shouts the Mouse, - otherwise I'll bite your nose!

Xr-r-r-p-x-x-x! .. What do you want?

You are big and strong, come with me to look for the red summer!

Ugh, - the Bear says, - it was worth waking me up because of this ... Shout out of here! My lair is deep, spruce paws are soft, and I feel good.

He turned, lay down more comfortably, and screwed up his eyes again.

No, you won’t agree with the Bear, - the Mouse ran on.

Pine trees grow on a sandy mound, under them the passage turns black - a badger hole. From the hole you can hear sniffing:


Hey, Badger, - the Mouse screams, - wake up! Wake up now, or I'll bite you!

Tuff-tuff-psss... Well, what else is there?

Badger, you are big and strong, come with me to look for red summer!

Look at you, - Badger says, - what did you think up ... But how dare you bother me ?! He needed summer ... It doesn’t blow in my sides, it doesn’t drip over me, I feel good anyway. Shout!

No, you won’t agree with the Badger, - the Mouse ran on. A tall maple tree stands on the edge of the clearing, with a hole between its roots. Leaves, leaves are dragged into the hole. - The hedgehog built a bedroom for himself.

Hey Yozh! - The mouse is screaming. - Wake up! Wake up this minute, or I'll bite!

The leaves stirred, the hedgehog's muzzle appeared.

What's the matter, what's the squeak?

- Hedgehog, you are still big, you are still strong, come with me to look for red summer!

Eh, if not too lazy to get up, - the Hedgehog says, - what a spanking I would give you! Oh, how I would scare you, intimidate, right - to death! It’s nice in my hole, it’s warm in the leaves, and you decided to wake me up ... Get out of my sight while you’re intact!

No, you won’t agree with the Hedgehog, - the Mouse ran on. “Nothing,” he thinks, “the forest is large, there are still many inhabitants in it, maybe I’ll pick up a companion for myself ...”

Yes, failed.

Suddenly the sky darkened completely, frowned, - shaggy snow fell to the ground.

He covered the paths, whitened the swamps, put handkerchiefs on the bumps, malachai on the stumps.

Yes, so fast!

The Mouse is running, in a hurry, and with each step it is more difficult to run. Deeper snow and deeper. Already short legs do not reach the ground, the Mouse jumped with all his might - and completely bogged down.

Well, - he says, - apparently, death has come. Now I'm frozen in the snow.

Shriveled, shrinking, not moving.

And the snow keeps falling, falling, covering the Mouse with his head. A white blanket swells and swells over him.

And suddenly - what kind of miracles? - It seems to the Mouse that it has become warmer. He opened his eyes, looked around. He sees that the snow around him melts from breathing, it seems like a cave turns out. Light in it. And it doesn't blow. And the frost does not freeze. Moreover, it’s not scary: no one will see, no one will grab ...

Uh! .. - The mouse says. - Yes, it is quite possible to live here. And really - is it worth suffering, looking for a red summer, when will we manage without it?

He nestled, scratched behind his ear with his paw - and fell asleep.


I am surprised at you, Otter, very surprised! And why are you here, at the mill, thinking of living?!

And what's wrong with that?

Why, it’s noisy, and crowded, and there’s no peace! Whether it's in the forest...

Hehe, Voronushka... You are slow-witted. In the forest, the river is covered with ice, there is not a single polynya. How to dive for fish? And the water at the mill all year round alive, I wanted fish - please ... And what is noisy - that's good.

And the fact that no one will hear me, quiet, among many people, no one will look for me, shy, among many people ... Here I will live better than anyone!


You, Rusak, live in the fields, in wild places. Gotta run better than me forest hare.

I run better anyway. You, Belyak, can't keep up with me!

Let's run to that tree. Who is faster?


Well, Rusak? Did I beat you?

I overtook ... Ufff! ..

So that! Do not boast that you run better than me, a forest hare. In your fields, the snow is always strong, it is blown by the wind, covered with infusion. And in our forest snow is always loose, and in order to run on it, you need to have such paws!

How the hare hibernates: educational stories about a hare in pictures, fairy tales, poems for children, speech exercises, educational video for children. Interesting about the world around.

How does the hare winter?

How do hares winter: do hares have “skis”?

In winter, the hare has many enemies - foxes, wolves, birds of prey. But he also has "magic helpers" that help him quickly run away from enemies. What are these helpers? You and your children will learn about them from this article.

The first helper of a hare in winter is hare skis! Yes, almost real! Where does the hare have skis from? Listen :).

In winter, the soles of the hare's paws are overgrown with thick hairs. From this, the toes of the paws are greatly moved apart and it turns out as if “skiing”. Therefore, the bunny easily runs even on loose snow. And the sweat that is released on the paws of the hare lubricates the soles of the paws and protects against snow sticking. Here are such winter paws - all hares have “skis”! In winter, hares - expanse! On loose snow they walk like in felt boots, and on the crust they rush like an arrow on their “skis” - paws - no one will catch up!

People say so: "Hare legs carry."

What is the difference between a hare - a hare and a hare - a hare?

Hares are different: there is a hare - a white hare, and there is a hare - a hare. What are the differences?

  • Hare - hare lives in the forest. And a hare - a hare - a resident of fields and meadows.
  • The ears of the hare are shorter than those of the hare. And they are black on the ends.
  • The hind legs of the hare are longer than those of the hare, so that he can run fast. But the hare has "skis" - wide feet, and he can easily hold on to the snow and not fall through.

This is how it is said in a fairy tale for children - a fairy tale about how a white hare and a hare argued with each other in winter.

E. Shim. Belyak and Rusak

- You, Rusak, live in the fields, in wild places. Should run better than me, a forest hare.
- I can run better. You, Belyak, can't keep up with me!
“Come on, let’s run to that tree.” Who is faster?
- Let's! …
- Well, Rusak? Did I beat you?
- I overtook ... Ufff! ..
- So that! Do not boast that you run better than me, a forest hare. In your fields, the snow is always strong, it is blown by the wind, covered with infusion. And in our forest snow is always loose, and in order to run on it, you need to have such paws!
- What are these?
- But look: the fingers are splayed, between the fingers - fur. What is your ski! Where are you, unshod, to keep up with me!

The hare's second assistant in winter is its strong hind legs. It is with them that the hare is repelled from the snow, running away from enemies. Invite the child to jump like a bunny - ask: “How do you push off the floor? Are your legs strong? Can you jump far ahead?"

It is with strong hind legs that the hare fights off its enemies if they overtake it. The hare will lie on its back and let's fight off the enemy with its hind legs! And not everyone can grab it!

How a hare hibernates: acquaintance with the word "wind" and with words - relatives

Bunny is very smart and cunning. Just like that, it won’t hide under a bush - at first gliding through the snow will begin to confuse their tracks. Ask the child how he understood the word "wind". What word does it look like? (on the word "loop"). Where are the loops? (on clothes, on a rope, etc.) Invite the baby to jump at home and on a walk or walk like a hare, winding.

Invite the child to listen to a poem about how the bunny dodged through the forest:

The bunny ran away from the wolf

The bunny ran away from the wolf
And dodged cleverly.
Then he ran behind the bush,
Then he ran up the hill,
Then he ran away from the wolf
And rested in the shade. (E. A. Alyabyeva. From the book "Development of the Verbal Dictionary" - M .: Sphere, 2011)

After reading the poem, ask: “What did the bunny do? He is from the wolf ..., behind the bush ..., on the hill ..., from the wolf ... And then home ... (ran) ”. Explain to the child that all these words are words are relatives. List your relatives with your child, tell him who is called relatives. Explain that words also have relatives - related words. The words "run away, resort, run in, run in" are words - relatives. They come from the word "run, run."

For kids, read a poem by V. Berestov about how a hare confuses tracks.

V. Berestov. hare song

In the forest, not long before trouble.
But the hare is not a simpleton.
Stop covering your tracks!
Like this! Like this! Like this!

There, here the trail winds,
Forward, backward and sideways.
Where the hare was, there is no hare.
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

The hare has a timid soul
And a careful mind
But what a good carrot!
Hrum-hum! Hrum-hum! Hrum-hum!

Space and freedom ahead
And behind - a fierce enemy!
And the heart of a hare in the chest -
Tick-tock! Tick-tock! tick-tock1

But in the circus, where people are around,
He forgets fear
And bravely beats the drum:
Boom! Boom! Boom!

For an older child, read the story about how the hare winds and how long it is.

N. Sladkov. What is the length of the hare?

What is the length of the hare? Well, this is for whom. For a man, a small beast - with a birch log. But for a fox, a hare two kilometers long? Because for a fox, a hare begins not when she grabs him, but when she smells him on the trail. A short trail - two or three jumps - and the hare is small.

And if the hare managed to inherit and wind up, then it becomes longer than the longest animal on earth. It is not easy for such a big man to bury himself in the forest.

The hare is very sad about this: live in eternal fear, do not work up extra fat.

And now the hare is trying with all his might to become shorter. He drowns his trace in the swamp, tears his trace in two - everything shortens itself. He only thinks how to run away from his trace, hide, how to break it, shorten it or drown it.

A hare's dream is to finally become himself, with a birch log.

The life of a hare is special. There is little joy for everyone from rain and snowstorms, but they are good for the hare: the trail is washed off and swept up. And there is nothing worse when the weather is calm and warm: the trail is hot, the smell lasts for a long time. No matter how dense you get into, there is no peace: maybe a fox two kilometers behind is already holding you by the tail!

So it's hard to say what the length of the hare is. Which is more cunning - shorter, dumber - more authentic. In calm weather, the smart one stretches out, in a snowstorm and a downpour - and the stupid one shortens.

Whatever the day - the length of the hare is different.

And very rarely, when he is really lucky, there is a hare of that length - with a birch log - as a person knows him.

Everyone who has a nose knows about it better eyes works. The wolves know. Foxes know. Know and you.

Ask the child after reading the story, what is the length of the hare? Why does a hare “stretch” in calm weather, and “shorten” in a downpour?

How does a hare winter: what does a hare eat in winter?

During the day it is dangerous for a hare to run through the forest - he sits in a hole - hiding from everyone. And in the evening he comes out of his hiding place to eat and run freely. A hare eats tree branches in winter, the bark of young birches and willows. The hare loves the bitter bark of young aspens. Hares have very sharp teeth - like scissors!

The hare's third helper in winter is his white winter coat. During the day, hares sit under snowy white bushes in a white fur coat, and they are invisible. The color of their coat merges with the color of the snow.

Why does a hare need winter white fur coat You will learn from an educational fairy tale for children.

Why does a hare need white pants in winter?

A story about a hare. E. Shim. White pants

It's cold in the forest, the animals are getting ready to change their summer clothes for winter ones.
And for a young Bunny, this is a curiosity. He's just getting through his first winter. And the passion is impatient for the Bunny to flaunt in the new one. I did not wait until all the clothes were ready, I took and put on new pants.
- Ehma, - he says, - I'll walk around, show off!
And the pants are really good. White as the first snow, fluffy, warm! The Hare is walking, and his new pants are far to be seen, as if someone is waving a handkerchief. Hare rejoices:
- Let everyone see, let everyone envy!

And, of course, we saw it.
Only the Hare came out into the clearing, - the Owl noticed from the tree. She rushed down, aimed her claws, - she was about to rake! The Hare barely dodged, without memory goaded into the bushes - yes under the Christmas tree, but under the birch ...

I jumped out into the birch forest - the Fox noticed from afar. She chased with all her paws, even yapping with joy on the run ... The Hare barely preempted her, she circled for an hour until the Fox fell behind.

He flew out to the edge of the forest - and here you are: the Hunter with a gun is walking towards him. Right now, now he will take the fly!

Oh, if only to throw off the white pants!
Don't jump out of them.
Bunny huddled in the most remote thicket, buried in the bushes behind a hummock. Lies - trembles: as if no one noticed inadvertently.
Now I understand that white pants are not given for beauty alone.

After reading, ask the child: “Why is the hare given a white winter coat and white “pants”?

Video for children about how a hare lives in winter

wonderful forest fairy tale about a hare for children - very interesting, informative. You yourself will learn a lot! Be sure to listen to this story with your children!

And here is another video - this is a story for the children of the elder preschool age about a hare and his life in winter.

How a hare hibernates: stories and poems for children

L. Tolstoy. Hares.

Forest hares feed at night on the bark of trees, field hares - on winter crops and grass, bean gooses - on grain on the threshing floors. During the night, hares make a deep, visible trail in the snow. Before hares, hunters are people, and dogs, and wolves, and foxes, and crows, and eagles. If the hare walked simply and straight, then in the morning he would now be found on the trail and caught; but the hare is cowardly, and cowardice saves him.

The hare walks at night through the fields and forests without fear and makes straight tracks; but as soon as morning comes, his enemies wake up: the hare begins to hear either the barking of dogs, or the screech of sleighs, or the voices of peasants, or the crackling of a wolf in the forest, and begins to rush from side to side with fear. It will jump forward, be frightened of something - and run back in its wake. He will hear something else - and with all his might he will jump to the side and gallop away from the previous trace. Again something will knock - again the hare will turn back and again jump to the side. When it becomes light, he will lie down.

The next morning, the hunters begin to disassemble the hare trail, get confused on double tracks, and yes
easy jumps and are surprised at the tricks of the hare. And the hare did not think to be cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

M. Prishvin. Sleeping hare

In the morning, Zinochka followed the hare trail with me. Yesterday my dog ​​drove this hare here right to our camp from a distant forest. Did the hare return to the forest, or did he stay near the people somewhere in the ravine? We walked around the field and found the back track. He was fresh.
“Following this trail he returned to his old forest,” I said.
- Where did he spend the night, hare? Zinochka asked.
For a moment her question confused me, but I came to my senses and answered:
- It is we who spend the night, and the hares live at night; he passed here at night and went into the forest for the day; there now lies, resting. It is we who spend the night, and the hares spend the day, and they are much more afraid during the day than at night. During the day, any strong beast can offend them.

Ask after reading the story - what is "day", "sleep"? Why do hares "day" and people "sleep"? Why is a hare scarier during the day than at night?

T. Belozerov. Hare.

Rustles, the ringing of a jacket
Woke up a hare.
It's scary and cold for the poor thing,
Hungry for him - not up to the game!
In the blue snowy ravine
He ate the willow bark.
Emboldened, warmed up a little,
Ran the frosty forest,
Crossed the desert road
And in the green winter disappeared ...

More about the hare and how the hare prepares for winter You will find interesting material for classes with children in the article - (experiments, fairy tale, cartoon, speech games and tasks)

You learned from this article, How does a hare hibernate? If you want to introduce children to other animals and winter nature then I invite you


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"