Georgy Vasiliev,
Alexey Ivashchenko

Musical shadow performance
based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen
And musical fairy tale Novels by Matveeva

1. Prologue.

SC: Shhh! Now I'll tell you one old, old

MZ: So, let's start, the lights went out in the hall,
And the audience subsides little by little.
Don't take it seriously, for God's sake
Everything you see now...

SC: Once upon a time there was a prince. And his kingdom was small,
but not so insignificant that the prince cannot
was to marry ... And he really wanted to marry. But
only on the real princess.

2. Fees for the road.

KR: My son, what does all this mean?
What's with the baggage?

CA: Haven't you thought, my boy,
Are you running away from home?

What are you, daddy, daddy?!
Our beautiful castle Castle!
No matter what I What am I?!
I won't change. What you!
I just decided, I decided!
What has grown, Has grown!
Dad mom! Horror!
And I decided that I'm getting married ...

(Queen collapses)


KR: You are the parents, probably
You want to drive straight into the coffin.

CA: Be honest.
Who is she?

KR: Yes, who is she?

PR: I didn't mean to say that at all,
You all misunderstood.
I'll go look for her around the world
And I've already packed my bag.

CA: Archibald! Looks like our son is getting married!

KR: Huh? What? Well, get married!

MZ: Well, let him marry,
Well, get married!
This is good
And good for health!

PR: I will find one for myself,
To be modest, dear,
And in addition, to the princess
Was real.
Let the princess be poor
But love forever.

KR: There was a time, I myself once
He argued the same way.

KR: Nothing!

KA and KR: Be careful on the road,
Letters were sent to us along the way.
Let fate help you
Happiness in search to find.

PR: Don't worry, for God's sake,
I'm a guy with a head
And any long road
It still leads home.

MZ: Absolutely.

PR: Still leads home.

MZ: Absolutely.

KR: Still leads home...

MZ: Definitely.
without fail,

3. Travel.

SC: So the prince built himself a three-masted ship and
went around the world to look for a bride.

MZ: (losing)

PR: I was looking for a bride everywhere,
Entrusting fate to the free Zuid-West,
And on my way Nord-Ost
He raised the wave to the stars.

MZ: (losing)

PR: Zuid-West was an eccentric and an optimist,
He pastured sheep in the clear sea.
Nord-Ost, skeptical and harsh,
He drove herds of shafts.
South-West princesses diligently looked for,
Nord-Ost brushed them aside mercilessly...

MZ: Shafts with lambs grazed,
And the years flew by.

SK: Wherever he has been, no matter what countries
saw - and all in vain. How many princesses
anything, but he could not understand: they are real
or not. The saddened prince returned home...

PR: One is rude, laughs too loudly,
The other one is cold like a housekeeper
And the third shines with beauty,
But it's not the same, not the same, not the same!


4. The appearance of the princess.

SK: There was a terrible storm one evening. Gre-
thunder rolled, lightning flashed. The rain poured down like a bucket.

CR: Phee!!! Oh...

SK: Horror, what happened!.. Suddenly someone knocked on the city
gate, and the old king went to open...

The princess was standing outside the gate... But, God, in what
the sight she was! Streams of rainwater ran down her
hair and dress on the toes of the shoes and flowed out from under
heels. And she also assured that she was the real
princess ... "Well, we'll see about that," - I think
little old queen.

PA: Ahhhh!

PR: Ah-ah-chhi!

KR: My son, wait.
You can’t go there, the guest is resting there.
What's wrong with you?
It looks like you can't hear me at all?

What you said? Who am I? Oh yes...

I am not myself,
My mind has left me. I say we have it...

I have not met ... Water from it! ..

On distant travels
Love never!... What happened to him?!

Comes wet from the rain.
And suddenly love
My love is in the world
To find me
She was ready!
And I'm ready
Make your way again
To again

My son, stop ... I can hardly stand! ..

It turns out like this
What a stranger this ... What happiness is for! ..

No worse than that... My love...

Because of which
you wandered somewhere! .. I have no power to hide! ..

How to explain... At least
this is weird...

Where are we flying,
What do we want
What do we appreciate? .. Very strange ...

Who to blame... I need
prepare mom...
When hope
slips away like a shadow ... It's easy to say: mother! ..

What a vision!

PR: And suddenly love, a little later,
Comes wet from the rain.
And suddenly love
My love is in the world
To find me
She was ready!
And I'm ready
Make your way again
To again
When you return, meet her here.

5. Memories.

KR: Ah, my soul, let me turn,
Of course I could be wrong
But it seems to me that this princess
Our son has already fallen in love.

CA: Archibusha, you make me sad:
I wrote down the stranger as a bride!
And call her a princess
Meanwhile, how is it unknown.

Us just a girl
Doesn't fit at all.

It is impossible that by itself
The continuation of the genus flowed.
Coquette-fate I never believed:
Blind is her aunt nature,
Feelings fly like wind in a chimney.

KR: Ah, my soul, but the princess
This girl looks awful
And manners, and height, and weight,
And eyes, and a smile, too ...

KR: But forgive me, but how was it with us?
And quite recently, after all, like,
Have you forgotten everything!
I remember perfectly
That evening is miserable.

CA: Pom-pom...

KR: A timid knock outside the window...

CA: Your dad came out to meet me,
He covered my wet shoulders with a cloak ...

CR & CA: On that strange and fabulous evening
Unexpected happiness entered this house.

KR, KA and MZ: And the thunder rumbled into a copper basin,
And the lightning flashed menacingly,
Our hearth is extinguished
That burned in full heat,
And the roof was leaking a little.
But the intrigues of the weather did not touch us!


KR: That evening is rainy
I remember perfectly...

CA: Do you remember how your mother me
Princess did not stubbornly recognize
And secretly prepared a test for me,
Which would not be a sin to repeat ...

6. It's time for testing.

SC: The queen went to the princess's bedroom, where she threw off
blankets and sheets from the bed, put them on bare boards
pea, and on top I sketched twelve mattresses
and twelve eiderdown duvets.

KR: Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, blunder!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, poor thing...
The real one is not real...
Ugh, the pea is overwhelming ...
What would, what would I, what would this night
Help my son?!.. Oh!..


SC: Your Majesty! What are you doing? Brick?!

KR: Shhh! There are very thin walls...

SK: Your Majesty, but Andersen didn't have that!

KR: Fairy tales... fairy tales... Everything in life is much harder.


PR: A thousand times harder!!!

KR: A thousand times harder!!!

Together: Harder, harder, |
A thousand times harder! | 3 times.
Harder, harder, |
A thousand times harder! |

7. Night.

SK: And on this bed they put the princess, and there she
elk to spend the whole night.

MZ: When the gray-haired wizard Dream
The round dance spins the shadows of the air,
We leave the world of worries
And so
Everyone is passionate about hope
And impatiently waiting for the morning.

PR: The day is coming, don't let that surprise you.

This day is coming to everyone!

And the bed seems hard
And time is barely ticking
When you are so close to your dream
When in a row and an hour and two
You repeat the cherished words ...

The day is coming, don't let that surprise you.
The day comes - it happens, oh, it happens!
The day comes and our shadows come alive
This day is coming to everyone!


MZ: This day comes to everyone! ..

8. Morning.

SK: And the next morning they asked the princess,
did she sleep well?

PA: Oh don't ask queen
Did I sleep well today
Maybe yesterday I got sick
But I had a terrible night.

What are your mattresses filled with?
What are the down jackets filled with.
In them, probably, the cook hides
Forks, skewers, graters, bowlers.

It is better to sleep on the stones of the pavement,
Than on this downy feather bed.
Oh don't ask queen
Did I sleep well today...
Oh, how badly I spent the night.

SK: And then everyone realized that this is the real
princess... "After all, only a real princess could
feel a pea through twelve mattresses and
twelve featherbeds," thought the old queen and was
lurked pleased with herself ... "After all, only the real
a princess could fall in love with a real prince,
thought the king and proudly looked at his son...
"After all, only a real princess is capable of such
excite my heart," thought the happy
Prince, closed his eyes and stepped towards her ...

9. Minuet.

PR: How strange to see you around!
I thought you were not in the world at all,
Everyone was wondering who I'll be with
Dance the dance minuet.

PA: Dear prince, come on
Give me a hand

OL and PA: All day long
We will be with you
Dance the suave minuet.

KR: Well, I told you, he was sad for nothing,
A good wife was found for him ...

CA: Truly, love is full of accidents,
But the truth of love is always the same...

PA: Dear prince, come on
Give me a hand
Too slippery parquet here.

OL and PA: All day long
We will be with you
Dance the suave minuet.

KR: And I wish them all the best,
They need to get something for the wedding...

CA: Oh, whatever you say, one pea
Sometimes determines our fate.

SK: Verte, this is a true story.

Musical-shadow performance based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen and the musical fairy tale by Novella Matveeva 1. Prologue. SC: Shhh! Now I'm going to tell you one old, old story... MZ: So, let's start, the lights in the hall have gone out, And the audience is subsiding little by little. Do not take seriously, for God's sake, Everything that you see now... SC: Once upon a time there was a prince. And his kingdom was small, but not so insignificant that the prince could not marry ... And he really wanted to marry. But only on the real princess. 2. Fees for the road. KR: My son, what does all this mean? What's with the baggage? CA: Have you thought, my boy, of running away from home? PR: CR: CA: What are you, daddy, daddy?! Our beautiful castle Castle! No matter what I What am I?! I won't change. What you! I just decided, I decided! What has grown, Has grown! Dad mom! Horror! And he decided that I'm getting married ... (Queen faints) (losing) KR: You probably want to drive your parents right into the coffin. CA: Be honest: Who is she? KR: Yes, who is she? PR: That's not what I wanted to say at all, you all misunderstood. I'll go look for her around the world And I've already packed a backpack. CA: Archibald! Looks like our son is getting married! KR: Huh? What? Well, get married! MZ: Well, let him marry, Well, let him marry! It's good and healthy! PR: I'll find one for myself, To be modest, sweet, And in addition, to be a real princess. Let the princess be not rich, But she will love forever. KR: There was a time, I used to think the same way myself. CA: What? KR: Nothing! KA and KR: Be careful on the road, Send us letters along the way. May fate help you Find happiness in search. PR: Don't worry, for God's sake, I'm a guy with a head, And any long road Still leads home. MZ: Absolutely. PR: Still leads home. MZ: Absolutely. KR: It still leads home... MZ: Definitely, definitely, definitely... 3. Journey. SK: And so the prince built a three-masted ship for himself and went around the world to look for a bride. MZ: (losing) PR: Everywhere I was looking for a bride, Entrusting my fate to the free Zuyd-West, And on my way, the North-Ost Wave raised up to the stars. MZ: (loss) PR: Zuid-West was an eccentric and an optimist, He pastured sheep in the clear sea. Nord-Ost, skeptical and stern, Chased herds of shafts. The South-West diligently searched for princesses, the Nord-Ost brushed them aside mercilessly... MZ: Ramparts with lambs grazed, And the years rushed into the distance. SK: Wherever he has been, what countries he has seen - and all in vain. There were as many princesses as he wanted, but he could not understand in any way whether they were real or not. The saddened prince returned home ... PR: One is rude, laughs too loud, The other is cold, like a housekeeper, And the third shines with beauty, But everything is not the same, not the same, not the same! (losing) 4. The appearance of the princess. SK: There was a terrible storm one evening. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed. The rain poured down like a bucket. CR: Phee!!! Oh... SC: Horror, what happened!.. Suddenly someone knocked on the city gates, and the old king went to open it... The princess was standing outside the gates... But, God, what a look she looked like! Streams of rainwater flowed down her hair and dress onto the toes of her shoes and flowed out from under her heels. And she also assured that she is a real princess ... "Well, we'll see," - thought the old queen. PA: Ahhhh! PR: Ah-ah-chhi! KR: My son, wait. You can’t go there, the guest is resting there. What's wrong with you? It looks like you can't hear me at all? PR: CR: What did you say? Who am I? Ah, yes... I'm not myself, My mind has left me. I say, she remained with us ... I have not met ... Water from her! .. Never in the distant wanderings of Love! ... What happened to him ?! PR: And suddenly love, a little later, Comes wet from the rain. And suddenly love, My love is in the world, Find me She was ready! And I am ready to make My way again, To meet Her again, having returned, here. KR: PR: My son, wait... I'm barely standing!.. It turns out that this stranger... Why is happiness! something!.. I have no power to hide!.. PR: KR: How to explain... At least it's strange... Where are we going, What do we want, What do we value?.. Very strange... Who is to blame... I need to prepare my mother... When hope slips away like a shadow... Easy to say: mother!.. Like a vision!.. PR: And suddenly love, a little later, Comes wet from the rain. And suddenly love, My love is in the world, Find me She was ready! And I am ready to make My way again, To meet Her again, having returned, here. 5. Memories. KR: Ah, my soul, let me turn, Of course, I can be mistaken, But it seems to me that our son has already fallen in love with this princess. CA: Archibusha, you depress me: I have already registered a stranger as a bride! And you call her princess, meanwhile, how it is unknown. We're just a girl No good. It is impossible for the continuation of the family to flow by itself. Coquette-fate, I never believed: Her aunt nature is blind, And feelings are volatile, like wind in a pipe. KR: Oh, my soul, but this girl is terribly like a princess, And manners, and height, and weight, And eyes, and a smile, too... KA: No, I'm totally against it!.. KR: But have mercy, and how was it with us? And quite recently, after all, it seems, Have you really forgotten everything! .. I remember perfectly That rainy evening. Pom-pom.. CA: Pom-pom... CR: A timid knock outside the window... CA: Your dad came out to meet me, He covered my wet shoulders with a cloak... CR and CA: On that strange and fabulous evening Unexpected happiness entered this house. KR, KA and MZ: And the thunder rumbled into the copper basin, And the lightning flashed menacingly, Our hearth either went out, or burned at full blast, And the roof leaked a little, But the intrigues of the weather did not touch us! (lose) KR: That rainy evening I remember very well... CA: Do you remember how your mother stubbornly didn't recognize me as a princess, And secretly prepared a test for me, Which would not be a sin to repeat... 6. It's time for tests . SK: The queen went to the princess's bedroom, where she took off the blankets and sheets from the bed, put a pea on the bare boards, and on top she sketched twelve mattresses and twelve eiderdown duvets. KR: Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, blunder! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, poor thing ... The real one is not real ... Ugh, the pea is overwhelmed ... What would, what would I, how would I help my Son this night?! .. Oh! .. ( lose) SC: Your Majesty! What are you doing? Brick?! KR: Shhh! The walls are very thin... SK: Your Majesty, but Andersen didn't have that! KR: Fairy tales... fairy tales... Everything in life is much harder. (losing) PR: A thousand times harder!!! KR: A thousand times harder!!! Together: Harder, harder, | A thousand times harder! | 3 times. Harder, harder, | A thousand times harder! | 7. Night. SK: And the princess was put on this bed, and she had to spend the whole night there. MZ: When the gray-haired wizard Dream of the shadows of the air spins a round dance, We leave the world of worries, And everyone is carried away by Hope And impatiently waiting for the morning. PR: The day is coming, don't let that surprise you. The day comes - it happens, oh, it happens! The day comes, and our shadows come to life, This day comes to everyone! And the bed seems hard, And time is barely ticking, When you are so close to your dream, When in a row for an hour and two You repeat the cherished words... The day comes, don't let it surprise you. The day comes - it happens, oh, it happens! The day comes, and our shadows come to life, This day comes to everyone! (loss) MZ: This day comes to everyone!.. 8. Morning. SK: And the next morning the princess was asked if she slept well. PA: Oh, don't ask, queen, Did I sleep well tonight, Maybe yesterday I got sick, But I had a terrible night. What are your mattresses stuffed with, What are down jackets filled with. In them, probably, the cook hides Forks, skewers, graters, bowlers. It is better to sleep on the pavement stones, Than on this downy featherbed. Oh, don't ask, queen, Did I sleep well tonight... Oh, how badly I spent the night. SK: And then everyone realized that this is the real princess... "After all, only a real princess could feel a pea through twelve mattresses and twelve featherbeds," the old queen thought and was pleased with herself... "After all, only a real a princess could fall in love with a real prince," the king thought and looked proudly at his son ... "After all, only a real princess can excite my heart like that," the happy prince thought, closed his eyes and stepped towards her ... 9. Minuet. PR: How strange to see you around! I thought you were not in the world at all, I kept thinking with whom I would dance the minuet dance. PA: Dear prince, come on Give me your hand: The parquet is too slippery here. PR and PA: All day long We will dance with you a courteous minuet. KR: Well, I told you, he was sad for nothing, A good wife was found for him ... CA: Truly, love is full of accidents, But the truth of love is always the same ... PA: Dear prince, come on Give me your hand: Too much slippery parquet here. PR and PA: All day long We will dance with you a courteous minuet. CR: And I wish them all the best, They need to get something for the wedding... CA: Oh, whatever you say, one pea Sometimes determines our fate. SK: Believe me, this is a true story. (loss) END.

Evgeniy Tyschuk

(comedy for children and adults)








D E I S T V I E P E R V O E.


Morning. Royal Palace. Gallery of portraits of the royal dynasty from great-great-great-grandfathers with great-great-great-grandmothers to the PRINCE. The frame near the portrait of the PRINCE is empty. Outside the door you can hear solemn music and enthusiastic female voices, as if there fans are tearing apart an idol. Women's voices intensify. The PRINCE runs into the hall. Music and voices are silent. The QUEEN enters through the open door. She is holding a large folder with portraits of the Princesses.

QUEEN. What behavior, my boy?!
PRINCE. Mom, why is this?
QUEEN. How is this why? I make a show best princesses right in our palace so that you can, without leaving anywhere, choose a worthy bride for yourself, and instead of gratitude, my boy, you disappear in the midst of the Princess Parade! Everyone is on their feet looking for you!
PRINCE. Mother! I'm already an adult! I grew up! Look at me carefully. Let me decide for myself...
QUEEN. I will not let it!
PRINCE. You don't step away from me. All the time you teach, like a little one, what you can do and what you can’t. Why should I eat breakfast every morning semolina?
QUEEN. To grow up strong and healthy.
PRINCE. Why can't I drink lemonade?
QUEEN. It is harmful, there is no benefit from it, only chemistry and sugar, and sweet interrupts appetite.
PRINCE. Why can't I eat ice cream as much as I want?
QUEEN. You'll get a cold and get sick.
PRINCE. Can't I find my own bride?
QUEEN. Of course you can. There are so many of them! Complete palace. Everyone came in golden cars to get a glimpse of my Treasure, my boy.
PRINCE. Mother…
QUEEN. To my hero.
PRINCE. I do not like them.
QUEEN. What are you saying? How can princesses not like?
PRINCE. What are the princesses? Any girl in the Kingdom is a hundred times better than them.
QUEEN. No girls! You are the Real Prince, and only the Real Princess will be your bride!
PRINCE. They are not Real. Their riches allow them to think of themselves as Princesses.
QUEEN. A rich princess is double luck. /Shows portraits of Princesses./ Look, how lovely! Princess Bubble-Eyes. Look at those eyes.
PRINCE. Like a fish that has been swindled. That and look - burst.
QUEEN. What are you saying? I would be ashamed. But Princess Plump, she has such respectable parents!
PRINCE. She will break all the chairs in our palace. I will not live with a hippopotamus.
QUEEN. Princess Beauty - Long Braid
PRINCE. Untwist! Plait! I don’t want to wear her ten-meter braid behind her.
QUEEN. The best of the best are ready to give you their hearts, and you: I won't! I do not wish! What is not cute Princess Eaten?
PRINCE. Mother! Look at her mouth. It will fit three loaves of bread.
QUEEN. Sleeping Princess...
PRINCE. I can't stand snoring.
QUEEN. Princess Singing...
PRINCE. Fire truck siren.
QUEEN. Princess Fintiful...
PRINCE. One hundred whims in one second.
QUEEN. Princess Unstoppable...
PRINCE. Mother! Pity my ears.
QUEEN. Princess Rumble...
PRINCE. Thunder and lightning! Rumbling tractor! Airplane taking off!
QUEEN. Well, that's enough!!!/Pause./ Cancel the Smotrina because of your whims?!
PRINCE /begging/. Mom...
QUEEN. What more!
PRINCE. Well mom...
QUEEN. The princesses are waiting for your decision. Choose.
PRINCE. Mom...
QUEEN. Don't mum! The viewing continues! Choose!
PRINCE. I decided not to get married at all.
QUEEN. He decided. /Laughs./ He decided not to marry... I decide here! That's when you get married, then you will decide. /Pointing to the portraits of the Princesses./ Which one?
PRINCE /depressed/. I don't care. Either way, I'll be unhappy.
QUEEN. Fine. Shows are cancelled!
PRINCE /happily/. Mother!
QUEEN. Instead of Smotrin, we will arrange a lottery. Princess Lottery! You randomly choose three portraits. Three chosen ones will remain in the palace, the rest will go home. Which of these three princesses will be the only one, you will announce today before lunch!
PRINCE. I do not agree with this decision.
QUEEN /sings/. My only son
Nerves shakes that there is urine,
He is always naughty and capricious.
Objects day and night
He does not want to eat mango.
Now he will never marry!

You pissed me off terribly
I got angry for no reason,
It's time for me to take action.
I give you a stern ultimatum:
Or will you be married
Or rest you will lose forever!
Either you call us your fiancee today before dinner, or I can't vouch for myself!
PRINCE /waving his hand/. Do what you want.


The doors swing open. A cluster of Princesses can be seen in the opening.
The QUEEN makes a grand gesture with her hand, and everyone falls silent.

QUEEN. Dear guests of our palace! Dear Princesses! You all deserve to be His Highness's bride! The prince is simply fascinated by you. He is in confusion. /Prince./ Smile...
PRINCE /Queen/. Why should I smile at those I don't like? /Meeting the stern look of the Queen, puts on a smile on his face./
QUEEN. See? The prince is happy! He is ready to call you all his bride! What to do? What should we do in this situation? There is only one way out: the lottery! Princess Lottery!

Solemn music sounds. The QUEEN shuffles the portraits of the Princesses.

PRINCE /Queen/. Each of them has a chance, but I don’t have it ...
QUEEN /Prince/. Smile… /Loudly./ The Three Princesses will get to know His Highness better! Let's hear their names!
PRINCE /pulls out a portrait, reads the inscription below, like a sentence./
Princess Eaten.

In the cluster of Princesses, the squeals of the Princess EATED are heard.

QUEEN. Bravo! Princess Eaten! /Prince./ In the possession of her father, thousands of pig farms, meat processing plants, sausage shops. /Loudly./ Great choice! Let's find out the name of the second chosen one as soon as possible!
PRINCE /indifferently, but with a smile, pulls out the next portrait, reads/. Sleeping Princess!

In the cluster of Princesses, among the sighs of the unchosen, snoring is heard

QUEEN. Sleeping Princess! An interesting choice. /Prince./ I have long dreamed of intermarrying with justice. The questionnaire says that her father is the Chief Judge. You should have seen the diamond palace he built for his daughter. /Loudly./ The name of the third chosen one?!
PRINCE /pulls out another portrait, reads/. Princess Unstoppable.

In the cluster of Princesses, the Princess is NON-SILENT, rejoicing. Rest
sigh frustrated.

QUEEN. Princess Unstoppable! Wonderful! /Prince./ According to the questionnaire - the daughter of the Minister of Education. Not a single mathematician has yet been able to count all her wealth. /Loudly./ The choice is made! Congratulations to Princess Eaten, Sleeping Princess and Princess Unstoppable. Thanks to everyone else for participating!

The princesses noisily disperse, the doors close.

PRINCE. What a blessing that it's all over!
QUEEN. Don't be ironic, my boy.
PRINCE. But why? Why should I marry these… Princesses?
QUEEN. I explain: if you were a Bunny, whom would you take as your wife?
QUEEN. And if you were an Elephant, then who?
PRINCE. Elephant.
QUEEN. And if you were a Kozlik, then would you marry? ..
PRINCE. Kozlikha.
QUEEN. Not a goat, but a goat. And since you are a Prince, you must marry a Princess. Now you will get to know them better, and I hope you will stop being capricious. I only ask you: smile and behave with dignity. I leave you alone.
PRINCE. Mother!
QUEEN. Be a man!

The QUEEN leaves.


PRINCE waiting for the Princesses. Solemn music plays.
THE QUEEN declares the Princess EATED, the door swings open,
and she enters the room. The music stops. The door closes.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Don't be afraid, Prince, I won't eat you.
PRINCE. It would be nice ... I'm tasteless.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Delicious. Delicious! Delicious!!!
PRINCE. Mother!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. How funny you are. Allow me to introduce myself: Eaten. This… Princess! Daughter of the Cannibal. /Bows/. Have you heard of this?
PRINCE. Still would. Your dad scares naughty children.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Yes, he's famous. If you are obedient, then we will become the sweetest couple, my chocolate.
PRINCE /carefully/. Have you already had breakfast?
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. No, I didn't have time to eat breakfast. I was in such a hurry to meet you, Prince.

Princess EATED deftly catches a fly and immediately swallows it.

PRINCE. Please don't get too close to me.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Why, my dear? You should get to know me better.
PRINCE. I saw your portrait. It's enough…
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. To fall in love! Yes?! Yes?!!
PRINCE. And not only. /Two digits./ That's enough to drive you crazy.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Oh! You struck me ... On the spot ... My marmalade. /Clutches his teeth./ Um! Am!!!
PRINCE. Ugh!!!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED /surprised/. What?
PRINCE. It's me not you. I thought it smelled of something in here.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED /sniffing/. Does it smell? /Joyfully./ Dinner. Well, of course, something is being prepared in the kitchen. Roast. Yes Yes! More borscht! And meatballs! And maybe
roast piglet? /Licks his lips./
PRINCE. That's fine! Let's talk about food. What do you love the most about food?
PRINCE. And even semolina?
PRINCE. What else?
I'm Princess Eaten
I would eat everything in the world.
I value more in this life
Only delicious food.
I love meatballs
Borscht, soups and vinaigrettes.
And from meat and rolls
I will never refuse.

I'm good from food
And I’m getting fuller, and I’m getting better.
Well, if you do not feed,
I can bite.

Buckwheat, semolina and potatoes
I eat with a huge spoon.
Tea, compote, kissel and kvass
I drink ten liters at a time.
My best friends -
Sausages, buns and cheesecakes.
My friends are cake and halva,
Sweet makes your head spin.

I'm good from food
And I’m getting fuller, and I’m getting better.
Well, if you do not feed,
I can bite.

PRINCE /aside/. Do not put such a finger in your mouth, it will bite off.
PRINCE /aside/. This was still not enough.
PRINCESS EATED /aggressively/. If I don't eat something now...

The PRINCE runs to the door, tries to open it. The doors won't open.

PRINCE /knocks on the door/. Hey somebody help! / Rummages in pockets. / Here
candy, catch!

The PRINCE throws candy to Princess EATEN. She catches candy
convulsively unfolds it, throws it into his mouth, begins to gnaw.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Prince, you have turned my head! What do you like most about me?
PRINCE. Oh-oh-oh ... you are so ...
PRINCE. Unpredictable.
PRINCE /digs in his pockets/. I do not have it anymore.
PRINCE. You are big... big...
PRINCE. Big Dumpling.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. I love dumplings. /Passionately./ More!
PRINCE. You are Bun!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. With what? With what?!
PRINCE. With jam.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. How delicious you say! More!
PRINCE. You are a sausage!
PRINCE. Amateur.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Amateur? I love you too, Prince!
PRINCE /aside/. I'm gone. She regained her appetite. /Princess Poedana./ Let's adore each other from a distance.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Now it's my turn to compliment. You are the most precious thing in my life! You are my Food!
PRINCE. I made a decision!!!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Have you chosen me as your bride?
PRINCE. Mom and I invite you to dine with us.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED /anticipating/. Have lunch…

Doors open. The happy Princess EATED leaves the hall.
Doors are closing.


The PRINCE remains alone, but not for long. The ceremonial plays again
music. The QUEEN announces the SLEEPING PRINCESS. The door swings open
and the Princess enters the hall with a bandaged head.
The music stops. The door closes.

PRINCE /reacting to the bandage/. Is that you Princess EATED? .. On the way out? ..
SLEEPING PRINCESS. No. I landed badly. I didn't get caught. Daddy will be terribly angry. Once in our palace, I accidentally fell asleep standing up and fell to the floor. Before the four servants caught me, my father cut off their heads.
PRINCE. Only and everything?..
SLEEPING PRINCESS /falling asleep/. My daddy is kind. He loves me very much... If something happens to me, then dad... /Falls./

The PRINCE picks up the SLEEPING PRINCESS in his arms.
SLEEPING The princess snores.

PRINCE. Carry a snoring wife in your arms all your life? It is unbearable. /To the Sleeping Princess./ I beg you, wake up!
SLEEPING PRINCESS /opening her eyes/. Where I am? Prince, you took me in your arms, how sweet of you.
PRINCE /putting the Sleeping Princess on her feet/. Forgive me, I couldn't resist.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. I understand you. Daddy says I'm adorable. Do you think so too?
PRINCE. You will charm anyone. You can not leave even for a minute.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. I don't know, you noticed, I have one small flaw.
PRINCE. Yes, what are you saying. Flaw? You? Which?
SLEEPING PRINCESS / secret /. Sometimes I fall asleep for nothing. But it's not scary. One has only to whistle, as I immediately wake up.
PRINCE. You know, I didn't notice anything.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Thank you, you are so kind. /Sings/.
Eyes close on their own
And everything blurs before me
What happens next, I don't know.
When I wake up, my head hurts
Maybe I fall sometimes.
Daddy scolds everyone who was around.

Nobody ever blames anyone
And daddy is always executing someone.
He loves me, I understand him.
My daddy is kind, will not refuse anything,
And people called him the Executioner.
It looks like I'm leaving you again...
/ The Prince whistles, the SLEEPING Princess continues to sing. /
I'll tell you a secret: I know
That I do not sleep, but dream,
And it's not bad to dream
Everyone around is talking.

I live sleeping
I gain strength in my sleep.
I don't sleep, I fly
Because I'm growing, dear friend ...
/Prince whistles again, SLEEPING Princess does not have time to fall asleep./

PRINCE. I wanted to ask you for one favor.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Of course, Prince.
PRINCE. I will ask you, while we are here together, do not fly anywhere, please.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Unfortunately, this does not depend on me… / Falls asleep. /

PRINCE picks up the SLEEPING PRINCESS, whistles for a long time. SLEEPING PRINCESS
comes to his senses with difficulty.

SLEEPING PRINCESS. I dreamed again. Sometimes I fall asleep very soundly, and then whistling does not help.
PRINCE. And what then to do?
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Crow. Like a cockerel crows when it meets the dawn...

SLEEPING The Princess collapses, dragging the PRINCE with her. They are both
are on the floor. SLEEPING The Princess snores, the PRINCE whistles nervously.
The snoring intensifies. PRINCE gets up and tiptoes away.

PRINCE. Crow? How is the cockerel? I won't. Never. Never. Let him lie on the floor and dream. That will be safer.
SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. I'm flying to the sky! / Raises his hands. / My wings, take me to heaven!
PRINCE. This was not enough! /Whistles diligently./

SLEEPING Princess rises from the floor, waving her arms, trying to
take off. Runs across the hall.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. I'm flying!

PRINCE, still whistling, runs after her, trying to save her from
falling or colliding with furniture.

PRINCE /whistle desperately, shouts/. Sit down, sit down on the ground!
SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. Higher! Higher! /Climbs onto the table./
PRINCE. If she flies off the table now, her daddy will make a cutlet out of me. You have to crow. / Through I do not want./ Ku-ka-re-ku!

SLEEPING Princess stops at the edge of the table, opens her eyes.

SLEEPING PRINCESS. What am I doing here? I'm afraid of heights. /Hysterically./ Remove me, Prince!

The PRINCE helps the SLEEPING PRINCESS down to the floor.

PRINCE. What are you doing to me...
SLEEPING PRINCESS. You saved me, Prince. You are a real knight. Don't look at me with such blazing eyes. I understand. No need to beg me, I agree to be yours forever.
PRINCE. Forever? It too. /Whistle./
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Why are you whistling?
PRINCE. Yes, just in case.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. I'm not like others. With me calmly.
PRINCE. You will not get bored. /Whistle./
SLEEPING PRINCESS. You have no idea how many suitors ran after me. The only pity is that none of them managed to live to see the wedding.
PRINCE. I also ran and already made a decision. /Loudly./ I've made a decision!!!
PRINCE. I invite you to dine with us.

Doors open. The SLEEPING PRINCESS leaves the hall as the PRINCE whistles.
Doors are closing.


Solemn music plays. THE QUEEN declares the Princess UNSILENT.
The doors open and the Princess, UNSILENT, enters the hall.
The doors are closing. The music stops.

PRINCE. Let's not stand on ceremony, I immediately invite you to dine with us.
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I am touched by your offer, but for me to trade communication with you for chewing food? .. Never! You hear - never! I need to get to know you better...
PRINCE. That's great, at lunch and get to know ...
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Do not interrupt-a-ay-me!!! I don't like it. Although you are a True Prince, don't think that I will give up without a fight. I am an impenetrable fortress. Before you can win my heart, you must win my mind! I can't stand stupid people...
PRINCE. Fine. Let's have a quick intellectual conversation. What do you love most in the world?
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Fairy tales. I have read so many of them that they no longer fit in my head.
PRINCE. And you sort them out.
PRINCESS NON-SILENT /angrily/. Glu-u-u-po, Prince!!! There are no shelves in the head. I give you minus one...
PRINCE. Will you rate me?
THE PRINCESS IS NON-SILENT /nervously/. Pray-chi-and-and-te, Prince !!!
PRINCE /covering his ears/. Good good! I am silent. /To the side./ It will howl like that again, and my ears will come off. /Depicts attention./
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I love being listened to and I don't like being talked about.
PRINCE. I understand. /Aside./ To get rid of her, you need to do what she does not like.
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. It's good that you understood everything. If you want to please me, don't be silly or you'll get minus twelve and lose me forever. /Sings/.

Ask: "Who is the smartest in the world?"
And they will point you straight to me.
Of course, you need to be a little more modest,
But how can you stop yourself from praising yourself?

I read a sea of ​​different books,
All out loud, and it's not my fault
That I still haven't stopped talking smart,
Take heart, you will have a smart wife.

Yes, I'm smart, smart, smart, smart, smart!
It's not my fault that my wisdom is visible to everyone.
For a head full of words so that you know
They called me Princess Unceasing.

When you are silent, Prince, you produce on me good impression. I think that a few hours is enough to get to know each other better, although sometimes a lifetime is not enough for this.
PRINCE /trying to protest/. But…
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I don't like people who don't close their mouths, they talk endlessly, like that, about nothing, without understanding what they are saying. Why talk so much nonsense when you can just listen smart person and absorb interesting, and most importantly, useful information. You need to be able to speak...
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. But you need to be able to listen! If you agree with me, don't bother pronouncing the words, just nod your head.
PRINCE /nods his head/. But…
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I understood everything! You are a talker, Pri-i-i nts!
PRINCE /indignantly/. But!..
PRINCESS NON-SILENT Not urging-I-I-ite!!! You are not driving a horse! Learn to listen to comments silently. And do not talk too much, otherwise the fate of the stupid Kolobok awaits you!
PRINCE. The bun was smart.
PRINCE. Smart!
THE PRINCESS IS NON-SILENT /nervously/. Glu-u-u-u-py-s-th!!! Because a lot of bolt-a-al!
PRINCE. Smart! If he didn't talk, he would have been eaten right away.
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I give you minus two-ah-ah!
PRINCE. If Repka had not been silent while they pulled her by the ears, but was indignant, she would not have been pulled out and eaten.
PRINCE. And they beat the golden egg because it was silent! And Grandpa beat! And Baba beat!
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Mi-i-i-well-u-us-o-o-seven!
PRINCE. And if the testicle spoke and was indignant? ..
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Glu-u-u-po!!! Minu-u-us de-e-esyat!
PRINCE. And the Fly-Tsokotuha? If she had been silent, Komarik would not have flown in and saved her. She would have been tortured by the merciless Spider.
THE PRINCESS IS NON-SILENT /hysterically/. Mi-i-i-nus two-e-e-over-tsa-a-t!
PRINCE. All. I lost you... I'm sorry.
THE PRINCESS IS NON-SILENT /breathing/. You... You!.. You are worse than a stupid Kolobok!
PRINCE /with feigned regret/. Alas.
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. You ... you! .. You are talkative, like a magpie!
PRINCE. Magpie Belobok, cooked porridge, fed the children ...
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. You don't understand me at all! /Sobbing./ You don't want to understand me...
PRINCESS NON-SILENT /wiping her tears with a handkerchief/. I must pull myself together ... You are not worthy of me, but I will accomplish a feat. Well, I will become your wife, dad and I will seal your mouth, and then you will silently listen to me day and night, and not crackle like a rattle.
PRINCE /aside/. And here is dad. /Princess Nesmolkane./ Wait, there is no need for feats ...
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I will make you happy. You will be better with me, Prince. I promise you this. /Loudly towards the door./ I accept the Prince's invitation to dine with him!

Doors open. Princess NESILKANA leaves the hall with a proud
raised head. Doors are closing.


The QUEEN enters the hall.


PRINCE is silent.

QUEEN /showing portraits/. Princess Eaten?

PRINCE is silent.

QUEEN. Sleeping Princess?

PRINCE is silent.

QUEEN. Princess Unstoppable?

PRINCE is silent.

QUEEN. Don't make yourself a victim. Who?
PRINCE. All of them deserve to be my executioners!
QUEEN. You are back to the old!
PRINCE. Mom, you would be in my place.
QUEEN. I imagine how you behaved with them. Poor girls. They went through a difficult ordeal. Why are you delaying your choice until dinner?!
PRINCE. Mom, they are monsters!
QUEEN. Now stop your boyish whims! I'm trying to secure your future. Happy future. The main thing in them is their treasures, the more, the better, and the rest ... You can not even notice.
PRINCE. How is it... / Clatters his teeth, snores, howls. / Can you not notice?

QUEEN. See you at lunch. Take an example from me: equanimity, calmness, friendliness, and most importantly - a smile.
PRINCE /smiling/. Mother! I'll either get eaten or I'll go crazy.
QUEEN. When I married your father, I didn't go crazy and he didn't eat me.
PRINCE. Poor dad.
QUEEN. You still have some time before lunch. Look carefully, try to see only the good in them.
PRINCE. There is nothing good about them. You will see for yourself.
QUEEN. Do not let go of the nurse! Be a man! And don't be late for dinner, you know I don't like to wait.

The QUEEN leaves.

PRINCE /sings/.
Oh, mother, I will not be rude to you,
But I don't like your princesses.
Snoring, screaming, eating, everything is on the go,
I marry not for happiness, but for misfortune.

I have to smile
Do not lock yourself in.
I can't stand this bondage.
Before getting married
Gotta fall in love
And I can't fall in love.


They knock on the door.

PRINCE. Who is this? Princess Unstoppable? What else does she need? /Listens./ No, it's too quiet for her. / With horror. / Eaten! Can't wait for dinner! /Rushing around the hall, stops./ Ah! It was the Sleeping Princess who complained to her daddy the Executioner, and he came to cut off my head.

The PRINCE hides under the table as there is another knock on the door. PRINCE is silent.
The doors open, the Princess SUN enters the hall.

PRINCESS SUN. Ay! Is anybody here? /Looks around./ Strange, and there is no one here.

PRINCE sneezes loudly. Princess SUNNY looks under the table.

PRINCESS SUN. Who you are?
PRINCE. And who are you?
PRINCESS SUN. I? Princess.
PRINCE. Another one.
PRINCESS SUN. I am Princess Sunshine. And you?
PRINCE. Prince.
PRINCESS SUN. Prince? Are you kidding me?
PRINCE. I'm not into jokes.
PRINCESS SUN. What are you doing under the table?
PRINCE. I play hide and seek.
PRINCESS SUN /looking around/. With whom?
PRINCE. With princesses.
PRINCESS SUN. I didn't meet anyone along the way.
PRINCE /leaving cover/. What a score. And what are you doing here?
PRINCESS SUN. I came to the Smotriny announced by the Queen.
PRINCE. You late. Shows have been cancelled.
PRINCESS SUN. That's great. This means that I will not have to participate in this forced competition, and I can clear conscience to drive home.
PRINCE. How, you did not want to participate in the Smotriny?
PRINCESS SUN. Of course not. Mom made me. She is very strict with me and I could not disobey her.
PRINCE. As I know it.
PRINCESS SUN. You did the right thing by canceling the Smotryna. Love is not chosen, it comes by itself. Unexpectedly... He knocks on the door, enters, and you will feel that your happiness has come, and you cannot move... It is pleasant for you to be around... Just to look, to admire...
PRINCE /without taking his eyes off Princess Sunshine/. I can't move...
PRINCESS SUN. Your shoelace came undone and you stepped on it.

Both laugh. PRINCE ties the shoelace. They look at each other for a long time
eyes without saying a word.

PRINCESS SUN. I have to go.
PRINCE. Please don't leave!
PRINCE. I feel so good for the first time... I feel like...
PRINCESS SUN. What? Can't move again?
PRINCE /smiling/. Her heart is pounding, as if she wants to say something.
PRINCESS SUN. My heart is about to jump out too.
PRINCE. Can I touch you?
PRINCESS SUN. Can. What for?
PRINCE. I want to check your temperature.
PRINCESS SUN. Like everyone else - thirty-six and six.
PRINCE. And you're not hot at all? Not boiling water?
PRINCESS SUN. Why should I be boiling water?
PRINCE. Well, you are Sunshine.
PRINCESS SUN / laughs /. They called me that because I get up early. /Sings/.

I wake up early with the sun
When everyone is still sleeping.
I open the window for the sun
I let in sun bunnies.

Bunnies cheer up
They don't let me get bored.
And mother, with her moralizing,
Suddenly he understands: it is better to be silent.

Sun. Sun! Sun!!!
You play in the sky with clouds.
And Princess Sunshine, Sunshine!
Also having fun with you.

PRINCE. So you are a kind princess?

Princess SUNNY nods her head. PRINCE cautiously holds out
hand, touches the shoulder of the Princess, immediately pulls her back. Princess
SUN laughs.

PRINCESS SUN. Don't be afraid, I won't burn you. /Takes the Prince's hand./ See?
PRINCE. How nice of you to come.
PRINCESS SUN. Now you are completely calm, and before that you looked so sour, as if you had eaten a whole kilogram of lemons.
PRINCE. Speaking of food... Can I invite you to have lunch?.. With us.
PRINCESS SUN. With whom with us?
PRINCE. With my mother the Queen and...
PRINCE. And with three others.
PRINCESS SUN. I wonder who they are?
PRINCE. Princesses.
PRINCESS SUN. It's clear. /Getting ready to leave./ I wish you a pleasant time, but it's time for me to go home.
PRINCE. Please don't leave! They are not princesses, they are monsters!
PRINCESS SUN. Why did you invite them to dinner?
PRINCE. I had no other choice. Believe...

PRINCE. We still have time before lunch.
PRINCESS SUN. Let's wait.

Both sit down and wait. Pause. PRINCE doesn't fuck with the Princess

PRINCE. Oh nothing…
PRINCESS SUN. And let's play.
PRINCESS SUN. "Who makes a funny face."
PRINCE. Like this?
PRINCESS SUN. Like this. /grimaces./
PRINCE /seriously/. Without the face, you are much prettier.
PRINCESS SUN / laughs /. This is such a game. Now you.

PRINCE grimaces. Princess SUN laughs.

PRINCE. Well, how did it work out?

PRINCE grimaces harder. Both laugh.

PRINCE. Now let's play Guess.
PRINCESS SUN. How is it?
PRINCE. Very simple. I will portray the animal, and you will guess who I depicted.

The prince portrays a monkey.

PRINCE. Who is this?
PRINCE. Right. And now?

The prince portrays a bear.

PRINCESS SUN /joyfully/. Bear!
PRINCE. Right! And this?
The prince portrays a dog.

PRINCESS SUN / laughs /. Dog!
PRINCE. Exactly!

The prince gallops around the hall like clockwork.

PRINCESS SUN. Bunny! Guessed?

The prince rides harder.

PRINCE /out of breath/. Well?

The prince rides even harder.

PRINCESS SUN. Don't know.
PRINCE. It's a kangaroo! See, doesn't it look like it?

PRINCESS SUN / laughs /. It seems!


The doors open and the QUEEN enters. She's discouraged

QUEEN. My boy, what's wrong with you?
PRINCE. Mom, I'm happy!!!
QUEEN. Why make such a noise? You should have been at the dinner table by now.
PRINCE. Mommy, let me introduce you to Princess Sunshine.
QUEEN /Princess Sunshine/. What are you doing here, my child?
PRINCESS SUN / bowing /. Good afternoon, Your Majesty. I came to the Smotriny.
QUEEN. Did you arrive in a golden car?
QUEEN. Do you have dowry?
QUEEN. My poor one. You late!
PRINCE. What are you, mommy. Princess Sunny arrived on time, and I invited her to dine with us.
QUEEN. As far as I know, all the places at the dinner table are already taken.
PRINCE. Nothing. At the dinner table there is one more place and, the most honorable one.
QUEEN. What will the rest of the princesses say?
PRINCE. They won't say anything because my decision is the law! /Princess Sunny./ Come on, I'll take you to the dining room.


QUEEN. What is it with him? My son has been changed. Where did that commanding tone come from in his voice? The first time I did not dare to argue with him. And who is this guest that managed to transform the Prince so? He beamed in her presence. /Thinking./ Princess Sunshine... Did the Prince fall in love with her? Fell in love?! Without my permission? /Pause./ But, finally, I saw in front of me not a boy, but a real man! /Tearing./ My son has grown up. How quickly time flies. What will happen next now? Guess what, we'll see at lunch.

The QUEEN leaves.

End of the first year.

D E I S T V I E V T O R O E.


Dinner. In the hall at the dining table sit: QUEEN, PRINCE, SLEEPING
Princess, Princess EATED, Princess UNSILENT and Princess
SUN. Princess NON-SILENT has her hands tied and her mouth sealed
plaster. SLEEPING Princess struggles to stay awake.
Princess EATEN, loudly Serbian, gobbles up both cheeks from a huge
tureens, grunting after each spoonful. The QUEEN tries to hide her

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. When it tastes good to me, I always grunt sweetly.
QUEEN. Bon appetit.

Pause. Princess EATEN lets out a pig squeal. All
jumping up and down in their chairs.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. I got meat! Whenever I eat it, I can't help but be delighted!
QUEEN. To health. /The prince is quiet./ If she squeals like that again, my heart will stop.
PRINCE. Take heart, mom. This is just the beginning.

Pause. Princess EATED continues to grunt. Princess NON-SILENT
sits, frowning, SLEEPING Princess falls asleep, slowly tilting
head on a plate. PRINCE pushes his plate of food aside, SLEEPING
The princess hits her head on the table.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /waking up/. Sorry, I was dreaming. /Rubs the bruised place./ The bump will jump up again. Daddy will be angry.
PRINCE /Queen/. And her daddy is the Executioner!
QUEEN. Executioner? The questionnaire says Judge.
PRINCE. An executioner, and also ruthless. If his daughter breaks her head in our palace, we'll be in trouble.
QUEEN. What, in this case, to do?
PRINCE. Whistle.
QUEEN. Whistle? At the table?
SLEEPING PRINCESS. The whistle keeps me awake.
PRINCE. And if the whistle does not help, you need to crow.
QUEEN. What are the oddities?

THE PRINCESS IS EATED /grunting/. Overeating!
PRINCE /Queen/. I'm afraid she won't be enough.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. I always ask for more. I eat well.
QUEEN. I have noticed that.
PRINCE. All in dad. And her dad is a cannibal.
QUEEN. Cannibal? The one?
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. With your permission, I'll take a portion of Princess Unstoppable. /Pours the contents of the neighboring plate into her tureen./ She still does not eat anything.

Princess NON-SILENT tries to express her indignation. She
puffs out his cheeks angrily, tries to free his hands.

QUEEN. Can you remove the band-aid from the Princess of the Unceasing? Let him speak.
PRINCE. Trust me mom, it's not safe.

SLEEPING Princess tilts her head, PRINCE whistles.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /opening her eyes/. Thank you Prince, you are very kind.
PRINCE. To health.

SLEEPING The princess falls asleep again. PRINCE whistles.
SLEEPING Princess does not wake up.

QUEEN /frightened/. The whistle doesn't help.

The EATED princess takes the SLEEPING PRINCESS's plate.

PRINCE /smiling at Princess Sunshine/. I won't crow.

SLEEPING The princess drops her head on the table. Princess EATED pours out
the contents of the SLEEPING PRINCESS's plate into your tureen.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED /To the Queen/. She won't eat anyway. /Eats, squeals./ Meat!!!
QUEEN /Prince/. It's horrible.
PRINCE. I told you, mother, that they are monsters.

THE SLEEPING PRINCESS jumps up from her chair, runs across the hall.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. I'm flying! I'm flying!! I'm flying!!!
QUEEN. What is this news?
PRINCE. If she is not put in jail, she will break her head.
QUEEN. And you talk about it so calmly?

The QUEEN runs after the SLEEPING PRINCESS. Prince and Princess
SUN laugh.

PRINCESS SUN. We need to help the Queen.
PRINCE. Trust me, catching her won't be easy.

PRINCE and PRINCESS SUNNY get up from the table. Princess
NON-SILENT runs after them. The princess is EATED, left alone,
quickly pours the contents of all the plates into his tureen.
There is turmoil in the hall. In the end, the SLEEPING PRINCESS climbs
on the table. Everyone freezes.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. I see the stars, they are near. I can reach them with my hand.
QUEEN. Stop!

SLEEPING Princess takes a step to the edge of the table, extends her hand
to an imaginary star. Pause. Princess EATED crows.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /waking up/. Daddy!
QUEEN /helping the Sleeping Princess off the table/. Be careful, my child!

Everyone sits down at the table. Pause.

PRINCE /Queen/. Someone emptied all our plates.
QUEEN. It's just bullshit.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED /smiling/. I thought that you will not eat anymore, and finished my meal. I love to eat up everyone.
PRINCE. Here we ate.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Hurry up dinner.
QUEEN. It's good that the rest of the Princesses have left. I imagine what would happen here.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. And their portions remained?
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Are we not going to eat anything?
QUEEN. Lunch is over.

The QUEEN gets up from the table, and everyone present too.
Pause. Princess EATED, SLEEPING Princess and Princess
NEUTILATED in anticipation of the PRINCE's decision, they devour him with their eyes.

PRINCE. You are free.
QUEEN. In order to decide which of you will become a bride, the Prince needs to gather his thoughts. He asks you to leave him alone. Not for long./To the Prince./ Am I right, Your Highness?
PRINCE. To put it mildly, yes.

Princess SUNNY is about to leave, the rest of the Princesses
defiantly remain in their places.

QUEEN. Okay, then help clear the table.

The Princess is NEUTILATED, snorting, leaves the room.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Sleeping Princess will help.

The EATED princess backs away, bowing stupidly.

SLEEPING PRINCESS. I would love to, but I'm afraid to fall asleep and break ...

The SLEEPING PRINCESS also leaves the room.

PRINCESS SUN. I'll take it.
PRINCE. And I will help.

Princess SUNNY and PRINCE are collecting plates.

QUEEN /aside/. What joy! My son has never cleaned up after himself in his life, and today… Cleans up after everyone.

Princess SUNNY leaves, taking away the dishes.


PRINCE and QUEEN alone.

PRINCE. Tell me, mom, just honestly: which of the Princesses did you like the most?

QUEEN. In our kingdom, pigs are more well-mannered than she is.
PRINCE. I completely agree with you.
QUEEN. Sleeping Princess - headache every minute.
PRINCE. Let him return to his daddy Executioner.
QUEEN. Princess Nesmolkana is a mysterious silent woman.
PRINCE. What are you, she is a verbal machine gun. Chatting non-stop, mouth does not close. And also teaches.
QUEEN. But I like Princess Sunshine more and more.
PRINCE /happily/. Me too! /Pause/. But she has no wealth.
QUEEN. Wealth... Is there happiness in it?
PRINCE. She is my happiness.
QUEEN. What did you decide? Who?
PRINCE. Sunshine Princess!
QUEEN. All that remains is to announce your decision to the Princesses.


SLEEPING Princess, Princess NON-SILENT, Princess SUN.

QUEEN /Prince/. Please, Your Highness.
PRINCE. I made a choice. I chose the prettiest...

The princess is NEUTILATED, mooing indignantly.

PRINCE. I chose the most charming...

Princess UNSILLED continues to mumble.

PRINCE. The best and funniest...
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. It's definitely me!
SLEEPING PRINCESS. No, it was the Prince who told me that he didn’t get bored with me.

The princess is NON-SILENT beside herself with indignation.

PRINCE. I chose Sunshine.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Stop! I didn't understand.
PRINCE. Princess Sunshine.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Blatant injustice!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. How did she even get to dinner?
SLEEPING PRINCESS. It's a Real Princess contest in Royal Palace or in the driveway?

Princess SUNNY is heading for the exit.

QUEEN /Princess Sunshine/. Wait, my child. Justice must be restored.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Justice will be served if the Prince chooses me!
PRINCESS EATED /Sleeping Princess/. Sleep.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. What's happened? I don't want to sleep.

The UNSILENT princess jumps up and down furiously, puffing out her cheeks.

PRINCESS IS EATED /Princess Nesmolkane/. What were you screaming about? It's too late to shout, you need to be able to lose.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. And who lost here?
SLEEPING PRINCESS /indignantly/. I?
QUEEN. What kind of beast? Is this how Real Princesses behave? I doubt. Real Princesses are distinguished by a good upbringing, and your behavior goes beyond all limits.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. You can rest assured that I have always had excellent food.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. And my teachers always gave me excellent marks for behavior. True, they will never be able to confirm this again.

Princess NON-SILENT stands with her head held high.

QUEEN. Fine. Let's do it right.
PRINCE. Mom, what else do you think?
QUEEN. The last test for the Princesses here. As they say: the morning is wiser than the evening. /Sings/.
I ask you all to calm down.
I can't stand scandals in the house.
Princess Real ... Please attention!
Let's define not me, not the Prince, but the test.

We will provide you with a bed each.
With twelve mattresses on wadding.
Go to bed, princesses, rest,
And in the morning answer the questions:

Good morning, how did you sleep?

PRINCE. Twelve mattresses? What is this all for?
QUEEN. Princess Eaten...
QUEEN. Sleeping Princess...
QUEEN. Princess Nesmolkana and Princess Sunshine. You all stay in the palace until the morning, which will be reported to your parents so that they do not worry. And in the morning we will find out which of you is the Real Princess. Only a True Princess can become His Highness's bride.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. What about dinner?
QUEEN. Dinner will be delivered to your rooms. I will arrange for you to be given the softest mattresses and pillows, as well as the fluffiest bed sheets. Hope you all have a good rest.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. I am the best at this task.
QUEEN. Bye then. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a nice rest and good sleep.

The princesses leave.

PRINCE. Mom, now will you tell me the secret of your plan?
QUEEN. Peas! Peas, my son, will help us restore justice.
PRINCE. Mom, everyone in the world knows the fairy tale about the Princesses and the Peas.
QUEEN. Therein lies the intrigue!

The QUEEN and the PRINCE leave the hall.


Evening. Princess EATED, SLEEPING Princess enters the hall,
Princess NESILKANA, Princess SUN. They have big hands
pillows. Pillow NEUTILATED in the hands of the SLEEPING Princess.

SLEEPING PRINCESS. I have never slept on twelve mattresses. Imagine how great that must be.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Twelve dinners would be great. Plus an additive. If I don’t get hired, I won’t fall asleep, no matter how many mattresses they lay for me.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. What soft plush pillows!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Buns? Soft? Where? I'm so hungry that I'm ready to eat anyone.
PRINCESS SUN. Do you want me to give you my dinner? I still never have dinner.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Right. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to an enemy.
PRINCESS SUN. Till tomorrow.

Princess SUNNY goes to her room.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Abnormal. For me to give my dinner?
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Sleep, sleep, sleep...
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Wait, I don't understand, why sleep on twelve mattresses?
SLEEPING PRINCESS. I don't know, but I like it.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. What's the catch here?

The princess, UNSILLED, asks with signs to untie her hands.

SLEEPING PRINCESS. Princess Silent knows something.
PRINCESS IS EATED /Princess Nesmolkane/. This is true?

Princess UNSILENT nods her head. Princess EATED
gnaws through the bows that bind the hands of the Princess UNSILENT,
breaks the patch.

THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. I have read this story. Under twelve mattresses the Queen will hide a small pea. The princesses will go to bed and everyone will sleep well. None of them will feel a pea under twelve mattresses. And only the Real Princess will say in the morning... /Closes her mouth with her hands./ Ah!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. What will the real princess say?
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED /hardly holding back/. I am silent...
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Now I'm going to hit my head...
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Ah well? /He hits the Unstoppable Princess with a pillow./ You'll tell me everything!
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. I'll beat everything the Real Princess said out of you.
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. The Real Princess said this morning...
SLEEPING PRINCESS. What did she say?!
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. That she slept badly, didn’t close her eyes almost all night ...
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. That she was lying on something hard, that she had bruises all over her body ...
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Only a Real Princess will feel a pea through twelve mattresses!
SLEEPING PRINCESS. Need to stay up all night? Did I understand correctly?
THE PRINCESS IS EATED /smiling/. Right.
SLEEPING PRINCESS. This is not a test. This is torture.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. You can go home right now. And let them torture me with your dinners.

Princess EATED goes to her room. Princess NON-SILENT
snatches his pillow from the SLEEPING PRINCESS, goes, returns,
hits the SLEEPING PRINCESS with a pillow and exits with
head. Outraged, the SLEEPING Princess goes to bed.


Night. Princess EATED sneaks around the hall in night pajamas.
She disappears outside the dining room door. Princess enters the room
UNSILENT. She is also in pajamas.

THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. But why? Why am I such a talker? It was foolish to tell the others everything… Calm down, Princess Incessant. Be silent. We must learn to be silent. Silence is gold. And now, instead of thinking about what to do next, I'm chatting with myself ... / Listens. / Someone is coming. Who? How do I know what stupid questions are? How can I know who it is running around at night. And it wouldn't hurt to know. Who else can't sleep but me? We need to hide and see. /Hides./ Clever.

Princess EATED stalks out of the dining room.
She is carrying a huge pork ham.

THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Put on a diet. How can you fall asleep on an empty stomach?
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED /coming out of hiding/. Bon appetit…
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Better shut up, you'll be healthier.

The SLEEPING PRINCESS runs into the hall. She is also in a nightgown.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. I'm flying! The stars are calling me. We will play in the sky. Stars, I'm flying to you! /Stops. Pause. / The fog covers my eyes, I can't see anything. Respond, stars, respond, where are you?
PRINCESS NON-SILENT /not restraining himself/. We are here…
SLEEPING PRINCESS / turns around, walks towards the Princesses, through a dream /. I'm flying to you. /Embraces Princess Unstoppable, jumps on her back./ I've always dreamed of riding a star.
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. Well, you ride, and I'll go ...

Princess EATED goes to her room.

SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. Star, take me for a ride.
SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. Don't make me hurt you... Let's fly!
PRINCESS NON-SILENT /runs around the hall/. It has to be so sticky! My tongue is my enemy…
SLEEPING PRINCESS /through a dream/. I'm riding on a star!

SLEEPING The princess begins to snore. Princess NON-SILENT
stops, whistles, then crows. SLEEPING PRINCESS
wakes up.

SLEEPING PRINCESS. What am I doing to you?
SLEEPING PRINCESS /stepping on the floor/. I'm going to sleep... On twelve mattresses... Like in a fairy tale... Good night.

SLEEPING Princess goes to her room.

THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Good night?.. Leech! Attached to the back, do not tear. I will not leave the room again until the morning.

Princess UNSILLED goes to her room, muttering to herself
under the nose.


Morning. The outwardly transformed PRINCE enters the hall. Behind him
QUEEN follows.

PRINCE. I got up before the sun today.
QUEEN. My son, did you wake up so early? Myself?
PRINCE. Yes mom.
QUEEN. Did you dress yourself?
PRINCE. Himself, mother, all by himself.
QUEEN. Have you washed up? Did you brush your teeth?
PRINCE. Mom, are you back?
QUEEN. Well, what are you. I remember that you are already an adult, Your Highness.
PRINCE. It's time to finish the Smotriny. I want to see her. I want to see my Sunshine.
QUEEN. Which? We have four.
PRINCE. Mother!
QUEEN. You must control yourself.
PRINCE /sings/. I went to bed and said to myself:
"Good night, Your Highness."
And when I closed my eyes, I experienced for the first time
I had a dream
She and He are in it.
He is me!
She is my love!

Everything I dreamed of
In a dream I saw:
He plus She
Happiness forever!
Please invite the princesses!
QUEEN. Calm down, Your Highness. First, promise me that you will keep your emotions in check until we know which one is the Real Princess.
PRINCE. She is real.
QUEEN. I won't invite the Princesses until you make a promise.
PRINCE. Mother…
QUEEN. I'm waiting.
PRINCE. Okay, I'll keep quiet.
QUEEN. I invite the Princesses to the hall!


Solemn music sounds. The hall includes: Princess EATEN,
SLEEPING Princess, Princess NON-SILENT and Princess SUN.

QUEEN. Good morning. How did you sleep?
What happened to see in a dream?
Were the beds soft for you
With twelve mattresses on wadding?
THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Oh! I slept badly, I didn't close my eyes. I was lying on something hard, my whole body was bruised ...
THE PRINCESS IS EATED. No, it's me - ah! I slept on peas. He pushed me so hard! I tossed and turned from side to side all night, but I could not sleep ...
SLEEPING PRINCESS. I! I didn't close my eyes. I immediately felt a small pea through twelve mattresses, because I am a Real Princess...
QUEEN. What will Princess Sunshine tell us?
PRINCESS SUN. Thank you Your Majesty, I slept well.
QUEEN. And you didn't feel anything?
PRINCESS SUN. No. The bed was very soft, I just drowned in it and fell asleep almost immediately. I had an amazing dream. If it comes true, I will be the most happy man in the world.

The princesses laugh wickedly. Pause.

QUEEN. To feel a pea under twelve mattresses, if it is there, and not to feel it, if it is not there, only a Real Princess can.

The QUEEN opens her fist and shows everyone four peas,
lying in her palm.

THE PRINCESS IS NEUTILATED. Peas! I told you, everything is like in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"!
QUEEN. Everything, but not everything. I didn't put peas under your mattresses. They stayed with me.
PRINCE. A princess without a pea?
QUEEN. A pealess princess, Your Highness, is a real princess!

PRINCE. Princess Sunshine - Real Princess?
QUEEN. Yes. And it's time to propose to her.
PRINCE. Sunny, I love you with all my heart. I ask you to be my bride.

PRINCE hugs Princess SUNNY. The rest of the Princesses stand with
open mouths.

PRINCE. Thanks mommy.
QUEEN. Happiness - what! Tomorrow we will arrange a Masquerade Ball!
PRINCE. Mother!
QUEEN. Okay, okay, let's not rush. /Princesses./ Why did you open your mouths? Real Princesses will never cheat and deceive. Views are over. Go home.

The princesses silently leave the hall.

PRINCE. And why was it necessary to arrange these Smotryna at all? I have endured so much.
QUEEN. Well, don't tell. If I don't arrange a Smotriny, you may never have met Princess Sunshine.
PRINCE. Would meet, mother, met.

Everyone sings the final song.

It's good when everything ends well.
How nice it is when everyone around you smiles.
Believe that good will win, even if you don't believe it
This will help you in your unhappiness.

Be real, then everything you want will come true.
The sun will break through the clouds, let them frown.
Happiness comes by itself, so unexpectedly, unexpectedly,
If you strive for it with all your heart.


August, September 2005.

The play is registered in the GP UAASP.
(01030 Kyiv, B. Khmelnytsky str., 41-A)


Tel. Mob.: +38 066 1779847;
Email address: [email protected]

I found the basis of this scenario on the Internet.

I liked it because, taking it as a basis, it can be changed and supplemented (reduced), depending on how many participants are in your theater studio, what are their interests. Since my children are fond of oriental culture, we have Korean and Japanese princesses in the play.

Our fairy tale was staged like a musical. WITH big amount musical numbers.

"Princess and the Pea"

The old fairy tale new way.


Storyteller 1

Storyteller 2

Baba Yaga


Prince Matthew













Fireplace, mirror frame, tablet, clock, lists, tray, large cup, rug, fabrics, tea pair, fans, book, basket, basket of pies, pea (tennis ball).

Fabric decorations with illustrations of countries and dreams of princesses.

Musical arrangement:

music from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", from the musical "The Princess and the Pea", sounds of nature, dances of the peoples of the world


Storyteller 1: There are many fairy tales in the world

All, alas, do not count!

Prepared for you

We are a great story

But our history

Still unusual.

Exit of Baba Yaga (And I was born a beauty)

Baba Yaga: My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

A boy (girl) appears in the mirror.

Mirror: You're terrible, no doubt - How does the world tolerate this?

Baba Yaga: Oh you vile glass

At least once it would lie.

Is it on such and such a day

Too lazy to give compliments?

Mirror: Be ashamed, your beauty

300 years have already passed!

Baba Yaga: Okay, enough, what's in the world?

What will they show us on air?

The mirror puts on glasses and “looks” at the tablet.

Mirror: All the channels are spinning now

Melodramas, serials.

The exchange rate is now jumping,

Like a ball in a football field!

Lots of traffic accidents

Both in the mountains and on the roads.

Tsarevich Matvey appears on the stage. (music from the film "Professional")

Baba Yaga: Something you, son Matvey,

Did you go out at the parade today?

Answer us soon

Why are you so dressed up?

Matvey: In our turbulent 21st century

Being single is just a sin!

In general, it's time to get married -

I want to decide

Invite brides to our house

From distant wonderlands.

online catalog

Helped me find girls.

I have already made announcements

Waiting for brides without delay.

And today, exactly at five,

We will welcome guests.

Baba Yaga: Yes, get married - do not attack!

Just not to fall

So that in the heat of family affairs,

You would have seen the bride.

Mirror: Stop making noise old!

We still need to make it

Prepare dinner, candles,

For a successful meeting.


(alarm music)

Storyteller1: Trouble in the palace

All arranged by their son.

The servants there cook, cook,

Dust in the hallway is removed.

Storyteller 2: Everyone is tired. barely

Managed to get ready

And by five o'clock they are already waiting

Dear brides to the table.

Baba Yaga: Hello Goblin

Where are you walking?

You take me out of myself.

Well, let's sit down quickly

You will miss all the daughters.

They came to us not from the forest

All overseas princesses

They will sing and dance

To be my bride.

Goblin sits down with Baba Yaga, elves come out with lists

Elf 1: Bridesmaids have arrived,

Beautiful and young princesses!

The bride appears. She is holding a tray with a large mug of tea in her hands.

Elf 2: Here's a bride from Korea
straight from Seoul!
The Korean princess bows and serves a large mug of tea on a tray.

The princess bows and serves a large mug of tea (teapot) on a tray

Princess dance

Korean princess: My homeland is Korea
Ancient and beautiful land.
My name is Kim Yu Thai
Here is Korean tea for you. Yucha tea.
Taste excellent and excellent
I brewed it myself!

Matvey: God! Mother! Well, the eyes!

Like our cat Lasky!

Small as olives

And with a touch of wild plum.

No, slanted wife

Of course I don't need it!

The Chinese princess sits down.

Elf 1: Here is the bride and the second

Wants to talk about himself!

A Japanese princess appears - with a small rug and colorful fabrics


Japanese princess: Glorious is our wondrous East by miracle masters

Even the streets are lined with carpets.

I brought fabrics, chintzes -

Everything in the household is useful.

Sekera (Japanese dawn) is my name,

I'm glad to meet you.

Baba Yaga: I'll tell you this girl

your lovely things

In the palace around us -

Our whole house is full of them.

From such a manufactory

It's time to drink potions for all of us.

I don't want carpets anymore -

We will die from our moth!

The Eastern Princess sits down.

Elf 1: We listen to the third bride,

There is no prettier girl.

A princess appears with a tray on which there is a mug and a plate.

Song of the English Princess (Lady Perfection from Mary Popins)

English princess: People in Belgium, in Brussels,

They knew how to weave lace.

And in Britain, no doubt,

London is the most main city.

I myself come from there

Meeting my husband with a sandwich

After all healthy eating

Facilitates understanding

Both for dinner and breakfast

I'll do" English breakfast»

Goblin: This girl is nice

Just something is not clear

What is this fashion

Eating sandwiches all day

How about dinner and lunch?

You will lose weight in no time.

The princess leaves, sits down.

Elf 2: And the fourth bride

Everyone in the world is more interesting

Her city is Madrid

In the center of the whole country stands

Spanish princess: Been driving here for a long time

I passed through the woods.

I'm the most beautiful madam

I will give my love to the prince!

I will show my gift -

Spanish dance naughty!

More space, wider circle

This is all for you my friend.


Baba Yaga: Well she dances

The elves even looked

But it hurts too fidgety

I'm talking to you like a mother

Show everyone old fashioned

The bride should be modest.

The princess goes to the wall.

Elf 1: Here comes the fifth princess

Wonderful from Switzerland

She came down to us from the mountains

To broaden your horizons

Swiss princess: The Swiss Princess walks lightly.

The Swiss Princess has a very loud voice.

If I sing - hear across the sea,

For insurance, I advise you to plug your ears.

My gift for you...

I'll dance better.

Dance of the Swiss Princess

Goblin: That's how the dance

Just a miracle

But Matthew will be bad

When the bride comes to the house

In a bad mood.

The princess goes to the wall.

Elf 1: Here's an Indian princess

Feeling no stress

Came to us on an elephant

And sparkles like in a dream


Indian princess.

Indian princess: I came from mysterious India to you

Elephants walk there, monkeys walk on the roofs,

Cars are honking, cows are wandering slowly.

The lilac Krishna plays on the magic flute,

And the gopis are dancing. And very easy to breathe.

There the sun is so close, and therefore the light is brighter.

There, flocks of silverfish play at their feet.

And everything that I knew about God, there comes to naught,

And in every silver fish there is a dancing God.

Great wisdom from there I brought you

And with it the soul will shine with other colors.


Elf 1: Look at the last one!

Yes, clean your glasses!

How modest and how beautiful -

Apparently not at all arrogant!

The princess appears with a basket of pies.

Baba Yaga: Well, what about you? Where are you from?

You don’t have a braid, but a miracle!

Song of the Russian Princess (Song about Russia)

Russian princess:

I am from Russia,

There are endless fields.

Different peoples live

Cheerful, wonderful.

They lead round dances together,

Build cities, factories,

Pies are baked with raspberries.

I came with a basket.

Show interest -

Here is our delicacy!

The Russian princess offers pies to the prince.

Matvey: Thank you. May I see?

How delicious it smells! But I'm afraid to get fat!

You put the basket there, in the corner,

Maybe I'll still go to her.

The Russian princess moves back to the rest of the girls.

Mirror: Thanks to all the girls for the show

A dinner with candles, with refreshments awaits you all.

Extend happy moments

The apartments will help you.

And for each of you personally

The cabinet is excellent.

Baba Yaga: We say goodbye until the morning.

Good night! Everyone - so far!

The princesses go backstage with Mirror.

Baba Yaga: Well, my son Matthew,

Speak quickly

Who will you choose

Who will we marry in the church?

Matvey: Yes, I created a theorem

On a love theme.

Take Kim Yu Thai for example.

Makes great tea!

Though the girl and braced,

Still, she's nice to me

Painfully slim waist!

Saker's movements are marvelous,

It does not go - it floats like a peacock.

Princess Mary has

Something to always eat

Isabelle dances great

And Katrina is loud

At the Russian princess Masha

There is no more beautiful braid in the world!

So of course it doesn't work...

I am ready to marry everyone.

Goblin: I don't understand you!

He called them all himself, eccentric!

And not at all masculine.

Howl and whine so from melancholy!

Leshy song

Baba Yaga: Goblin, don't be so harsh!

We choose brides!

Goblin: I have on nervous ground

My chondrosis has aggravated,

Reduces teeth closer to the night -

Hello periodontitis.

It's easy for you to think like that!

What are we going to do with the wedding?

Matvey: I hope for mom.

Baba Yaga: We're going to cheat here.

I will call - ka servants of all I.

I have an idea.

Yaga waves his fan as a sign that he is calling the maids. Enter Wood Nymph and Elves.

Baba Yaga: Carry twenty-five featherbeds,

Put them on the bed

All a pea under the bottom -

A surprise awaits the bride in the morning!

Nymph: How to wake up - we will know.

With whom shall we marry the prince!

Baba Yaga: Well, how are you all ready,

To keep my word?

Nymph and Elves (in chorus): We will do everything exactly,

Oh what a fun night!

Song of the Nymph and the Mirror and the Elves "Pea"


Storyteller1: Six brides slept so sweetly -

Their beds did not creak.

Kim Yu Thai and Sakera

Snored until the morning

Storyteller 2: Mary, Katie, Isabelle

Liked the bed so much

What was asked of Yagi:

“Where can I buy mattresses for them? »

Only Masha could not sleep -

Rolled all night.

The Elifs and all the brides appear.

Here the sun has risen

It's time to call the brides.

Five came out like peahens,

All are elegant and majestic.

Elf began to interrogate:

Elf 2: You answer the question:

How did you sleep, young ladies,

Maybe a dream, girls?

Korean princess: I dreamed that I was resting

I'm in sunny Hawaii

Lying under tropical palm trees

And I eat exotic coconuts.

English princess: Today I flew in a dream

As soon as the eyelids closed

I am with a scarlet ribbon in a braid;

I dreamed of crimson rivers.

Counting back the hours

How strangely time moved there!

In the crimson-yellow country

Both true and not true are possible.

Spanish princess: I fell asleep sweetly, sweetly,

And in a dream I'm on a horse

I'm going to the city of fairy tales.

Without opening your eyes.

Swiss princess: About India, about India, I began to have dreams,

Where the lop-eared roam Indian elephants,

And somewhere there, like a vine, hangs a healthy Ka,

You should not squeeze with him, even if only slightly.

But Baloo with Bagheera, looking for vain work,

They have retired and do not live in the jungle.

Through the streets, in the dust of the roads, herds of cows roam….

Do they give milk? What are you, never!

But the main thing is that in India - the Indian Ocean ....

Well, why was it not given to Russia, for example?

And the emerald-colored waves beat off their score,

That's why time goes by so slowly...

I can tell you about these dreams for a long time,

But I believe that India will wait for me too.

Indian princess: I dreamed yesterday

Unusual country

There are animals with kind eyes

There life is full of good

There the miracle of the lake sparkles

There is no evil and grief

There in the palace lives the Fire - Bird

And gives light to people.

Japanese princess: And I'm in my beautiful dream

She was wearing a red dress.

I ended up in ancient rome,

Wine was served to me in a jug.

Around me they had fun, sang,

Everyone danced and ate tirelessly.

Baba Yaga interrupts the eastern princess and turns to Masha.

Baba Yaga: What are you, Masha, so sad?

Russian princess: I can't sleep tonight!

It was a terrible vision

It's like I'm alone in the forest

Howling wind of terrible force -

The hurricane got me.

In the dark of a cold night

Whipping branches that there is urine.

Body, back pierced,

It aches from terrible pain.

Couldn't figure it out:

What didn't let you sleep?

I woke up, looked around

I got up quickly and got dressed.

Whipped up all the feather beds in an instant,

So that insomnia causes

Try to find.

What can I tell you?

Shows everyone a pea.

Put someone in bed

This item - HE interfered with sleep!

Nymph: We are now your doubts

Let's explain without delay.

We have an old way -

On the night of the bride under the feather bed

Find out her pedigree

Put an uneven pea.

They gave you twenty-five featherbeds,

They put a pea down for everyone.

Who will not sleep at night -

Tu with Matthew we marry!

Baba Yaga: So Russian princess

Not a princess, but a bride!

Matvey: To tell the truth, to be honest,

I like Masha too

So, the bride is known to everyone -

It's time to get married already!

Baba Yaga: You princesses do not be sad

Everyone come to the wedding

Final dance of Matvey and the Russian princess

Love Tale (Beauty and the Beast)


We took a fairy tale from Andersen as a basis,

But the plot for you is different in it, they showed everyone.

And, of course, it was not at all about the pea.

All the princesses in our play are cute, good.

We wish our girls happiness and health,

This holiday is the main conditions!

saida shabanova
Fairy tale The Princess and the Pea. Scenario of the play for children of middle preschool age

Start fairy tales. The dwarf Ole Lukoye appears, he sings song:

"I am Ole Lukoye,

I fairy gnome,

I am Ole Lukoye

All children are familiar

I will open the umbrella

I will give you a dream

And in any fairy tale

I'll help you get in. "

(speaks):You waiting when will I I'll start a fairy tale?

Well, we will go with you to the country,

Where prince the queen live and the king,

And at pea main role!

In one wonderful kingdom

About three hundred years ago

Missed lovely prince:princess

sad the prince waited hopefully.


Oh where Find me a princess?

Ready to go around the world!

On the road, my son, be bold!


WITH Princess waiting for you soon!

AND The prince is on his way,

He took his friends to help.

(The boys line up in two columns for Prince. The boys march making changes, form a semicircle.)

And now in a distant kingdom

Saw prince of fair maidens

In the flowering garden the maidens danced

And weary travelers were enchanted.

(girls dance with flowers)

Prince(looking around at the girls).

Eat among them a princess or not?

Who will answer my question?

I'm not sure, I don't know.

I keep searching again!

It's time for us to sit on horses friends

We will rush faster than a bird!

(the "bold rider" of R. Schumann sounds - the boys move in a circle in a straight gallop).

In another distant kingdom

Saw prince of fair maidens

They played a wonderful melody

And weary travelers were enchanted.

(the waltz "blue Danube" by I. Strauss sounds) children play instruments.

Prince(looking around at the girls).

Eat among them a princess or not?

Who will answer my question?

I'm not sure, I don't know.

I keep searching again!

We need to get on the ship as soon as possible -

Rush through the waves faster than a bird.

Ship breaking the waves

Rushing into the distance under sail.

(girls depict waves with fabrics).

Here in the third distant kingdom

Saw prince of fair maidens

They frolic and play

And travelers seem to be invited.

Prince. Can we play with you?

The girls call the boys with a hand gesture.



Eat among them a princess or not?

Who will answer my question?

I'm not sure, I don't know.

I'm ending my search now!

returned prince home sad,

Having traveled a long distance with friends.


I traveled all over the world

I have not met a princess,No!

Suddenly a hurricane came from the east

A thunderstorm began here, and the downpour roared.

Someone knocked softly at the gate

She stood on the threshold of the Stranger.

(the king brings the Stranger out from behind the scenes)


Oh, you forgive me for God's sake!

I can't find my way home.

Walking, I got lost in the garden,

I hope that I will find an overnight stay here,

Let me stay, don't drive

Princess help the poor!

Come in, of course, we will warm you!


Princess you say?

Well, let's check it out!

No need for extra questions here, words -

pea let's give her 40 mattresses!

Hey, servants! Carry mattresses!

And lay it flat on the bed!

(princess lies on the bed. children sing a lullaby

Princess real wet in the rain!

princess let the real king into his house.

(The princess wakes up)

Princess on the Pea tormented all night.


Oh, it's very bad I had to rest here!

So I didn’t close my eyes, my whole body was bruised.

So it was not convenient for me on these tyafyaks!


Pea Gorrshina is the cause of these troubles.

Was in a small pea big big secret:

Princess real graceful and gentle,

pea should feel through the mattresses.

(The king takes his hands prince and princess, connects them. Sounds like a wedding march

princess everyone congratulated - married prince on it

pea sent to the museum a long time ago.

A happy life sometimes depends on trifles

Feel only pea through 40 mattresses. !