Hello dear friends!

We continue to talk about one of the most desirable inhabitants in any aquarium! And today we will talk about catfish breeding.

As a spawning ground, it is best to use an ordinary, clean, plastic basin with a capacity of up to 30 liters (of course, if you have an aquarium, then use an aquarium. The main condition is a sufficient displacement of the spawning container).

Usually, when breeding catfish, they do not put soil on the bottom of the spawning ground: they do not need it. But what they need is plants, for example, anubias: just put it in a spawning ground, and press down the root with a stone. You can also put a piece of clean plexiglass on the bottom: the female lays eggs on it.
The parameters of water for spawning when breeding catfish should be as follows: temperature + 19 * C + 21 * C, hardness is allowed up to 15 *, and acidity 6-7 (Ph). Be sure to turn on strong aeration: the spawning ground should be well "ventilated" and saturated with oxygen.

For catfish breeding choose only young females and males: they have the strongest offspring. Before mating, the fish should be well fed with chopped bloodworms: it is this type of food that has a positive effect on the quality of milk and caviar. At the same time, chopped bloodworm sinks well: as you know, catfish do not take food that floats on the surface and in the water column.
In the evening, one female and three or four males are planted in the spawning ground. To stimulate spawning, you need to lower the temperature of the water in the spawning ground to + 17 * C + 18 * C: catfish breed in rather cool water. In addition, it is necessary to replace half of the water in the spawning ground.

You also need lighting that is set up in a special way: turn on a dim light, cover the spawning ground with a cloth, leaving only a small gap into which a beam of light enters. Here, in the place that is lit by a dim light, you should put a piece of plexiglass (or just glass, of course, with processed, not sharp edges). The illuminated piece of glass is the likely place where the female will lay her eggs.

During the breeding of catfish, spawning itself lasts from two to four hours. First, the males begin to drive the female wildly throughout the spawning grounds. Then, the female collects the milk of one of the males in her mouth, swims up to the illuminated place in the spawning ground and lubricates the glass area with this milk (the same glass that you put there). Having smeared a smooth surface, the female glues several eggs and again goes to the male. This continues until the female has laid all her eggs. (Why is everything so abstruse? It's simple: it is this process that ensures high-quality fertilization of all eggs).

The diameter of the laid eggs is up to 3 millimeters. For the entire spawning, the female lays up to two hundred transparent eggs. As soon as the spawning process is over, the female and males are immediately placed in a common aquarium. The water temperature in the spawning ground is raised to + 27 * C + 28 * C: at this temperature, incubation takes 2-3 days. Attention: in order to prevent caviar from becoming covered with a fungal infection, special antibacterial preparations should be added to the water.

As soon as all the fry were born, the temperature is again lowered to + 20 * C. It is necessary to feed babies 4 times a day with live food: ciliates, nauplii of crustaceans, rotifers. As they grow, other foods are added to the fry menu: substitute feeds and finely chopped tubifex. The fry grow very quickly and in a month they grow up to 1 centimeter in length.

Puberty occurs at the age of 7-8 months.

That's all about catfish breeding.

All the best to you and see you soon!

Aquarium catfish act as natural filter by eating the mucus secreted by other inhabitants of the aquarium. Picking up various residues from the bottom, these fish raise strong turbidity, so the tank must be equipped with a powerful filter. Many aquarium catfish are nocturnal, hiding during the day in various shelters. Keeping them is relatively simple, you just need to follow certain rules care.

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    According to the description, aquarium catfish are prominent representatives order catfish, numbering several families. In some species, instead of scales, the entire body is covered with bone plates. But in most representatives, the body is covered with skin. A characteristic feature of the fish is the presence of whiskers, which can be either one pair or several. Some individuals can reach a length of more than a meter.

    The color of catfish is different - from dark gray to brownish speckled, but there are exceptions. For example, there may be species with brighter colors - silver-gray or yellow. Aquarium catfish most often have a protective, camouflage color. They live at the bottom of the reservoir, leading in the twilight and dark hours of the day. active image life. During the day, they most often rest, and after dark they get out in search of food.

    Catfish are predatory and omnivorous. This point must be taken into account when keeping such pets. Fish live in an artificial reservoir on average 5–10 years.


    Aquarium catfish are various kinds. The most popular fish for keeping at home:

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    Armored, or callichtous
    Includes approximately 150 varieties. The most common representatives include corridors (speckled or spotted catfish, golden catfish and about 30 more species) and hoplosternum (beige catfish, tarakatum). They belong to omnivores. This family gets along well with other aquatic inhabitants, ignoring their presence.
    These fish do not like to swim. Their mouth is in the form of a sucker, so they are often called catfish-stick or catfish-sucker. This is a peaceful inhabitant of the aquarium, which gets along well with many fish. Adhering catfish are phytophages that feed on plant foods. Representatives of this species are dark ancistrus, ordinary, star-shaped
    Otocinclus affinis, catfish, is best suited for keeping in an aquarium. small size, growing only up to 2–3 cm. The back of the fish is light gray, the abdomen is white, pronounced black stripes pass along the sides of the body
    The most interesting representative of catfish. He looks unusual - through his skin you can see the bones and entrails. It is 4–10 cm long. The surface of the body is scaleless, transparent and slightly pearly. Feature- two antennae above the upper part of the mouth. These catfish have very fragile health. They should be fed live food.
    Very shy fish. They grow to a large size, so they need a spacious aquarium. It is advisable to cover the bottom with large pebbles or stones. It is not recommended to add other shy fish to them, as this will only increase their fear.
    The species belongs to the catfish family. Another name for the fish is catfish because of the mustachioed muzzle. She is unpretentious in food, but the quality of water is very important to her.

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    Aquarium catfish do not require special care, but you must adhere to the following rules of keeping:

    • Aquarium size. The volume of the tank is chosen taking into account the size of adult fish. The best option is an aquarium of 200 liters.
    • Priming. Catfish feed on food that settles on the top soil layer. To prevent the water in the aquarium from becoming cloudy, fine-grained soil should not be laid on the bottom. It is not recommended to use large gravel for these purposes, otherwise the fish may get hurt on its sharp edges. It is best to fill the tank with soil of medium size, which has a light shade.
    • Plants. Planting in an aquarium with fish should be as possible more vegetation. Choose those species that have hard foliage, because catfish love to eat soft leaves. The bottom can also be decorated with decorative elements - grottoes, snags, etc. It is recommended to plant vegetation in special pots, as some types of fish can damage the roots while digging in the ground.
    • Water quality. Optimum temperature water in the aquarium is + 22 ... + 26 degrees. Acidity aquatic environment should be neutral, and the hardness should be in the range of 6–12.
    • Equipment. In the tank with fish, a compressor must be installed that saturates the water with oxygen. Small catfish can also breathe air, so access to it should not be limited. Vegetation should not cover the entire surface.


    Feeding catfish is very easy. They feed on the remnants of food lying on the bottom that other fish have not eaten, thus cleaning the bottom of the tank.

    Almost everyone eats catfish:

    • bloodworm;
    • frozen food;
    • shrimp;
    • tubifex;
    • lean meat;
    • black bread;
    • daphnia;
    • cyclops;
    • dry food.

    For good nutrition, catfish are recommended to feedspirulina tablets for herbivorous fish. Many species are happy to absorb food of plant origin. Catfish love to eat rotten places on snags, polishing them to a shine. They use their antennae to find food.


    Catfish breed very easily. To breed them, you will need an aquarium with a volume of 30–70 liters, called a spawning tank. It is equipped with plants and snags. Lighting is made twilight, muffled and provide the tank with enhanced aeration.

    The spawning ground may not have soil and plants at all and be with natural light.

    Water should be within + 17 ... + 25 degrees, be clean and neutral in acidity. One female and 2-3 males are launched into the aquarium.

    To stimulate spawning, do the following:

    • change temperature regime in the spawning ground, decreasing or increasing the temperature by 2-3 degrees per day;
    • daily replace water by 50% of the total volume of liquid in the aquarium for 2-3 days;
    • enhance aeration.

    The courtship period lasts 7–10 days, during which the male arouses the interest of the female, circling around her and continuously following her. Spawning is carried out as follows: the male holds the antennae of the female with her body and pectoral fins, and she spawns in her pelvic fins, while gaining milk in her mouth. Then she begins to look for a place for spawning, cleans it and carefully lays out the eggs, smearing them with milk.

    Catfish-parents after spawning are deposited in a common tank, and in the spawning area the water temperature is maintained within +19 ... +21 degrees. The appearance of larvae from eggs occurs after 8–12 days. It is recommended to give fry special dry food or ciliates.. After 7–10 days, the diet is expanded by adding brine shrimp, nematodes, bloodworms, tubifex.


    Catfish are peaceful fish that never fight with other species. But they have conflicts among themselves, which happens relatively rarely. Not all aquatic life can get along with catfish. Neons and guppies are a delicacy for them, so they need to be kept separately.

    If they live in an aquarium predatory fish, then it is recommended to plant them large species catfish that can stand up for themselves.

Aquarists are attracted not only by small and guppies, there are also connoisseurs of larger pets. These pets include a variety of aquarium catfish. True connoisseurs of these mustachioed will not be frightened even by their nocturnal lifestyle. Next, you will get acquainted with the types of catfish, the conditions for their maintenance, as well as interesting photos these fish.

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Aquarium catfish belong to the catfish order. There are several families in the detachment, for example, armored, chain mail, catfish proper and others.

Catfish are considered one of the most ancient fish. This is evidenced by the presence of bony plates in a number of species, instead of scales, which are absent altogether. Most of the body is simply covered with skin. Another one characteristic- this is the presence of a mustache, there may be one or more pairs.

Animals live mainly at the bottom of the reservoir and lead a predominantly twilight or nocturnal lifestyle. Catfish can be carnivorous or omnivorous, eating both animal and plant foods. This point should be taken into account when keeping them with representatives of other species. Therefore, do not be surprised if you suddenly miss a few small fish, such as guppies.

The color of catfish can be the most diverse, ranging from dark gray to brown speckled, there are even albinos. Mainly a protective, camouflage color. The catfish can easily blend into the ground or deck without you even noticing it. They lead a secretive life. Buying catfish for an aquarium is not a problem; they are sold both in many pet stores and aquarists themselves.

Subspecies of catfish

The detachment of catfish has great amount varieties, many of which are successfully kept in aquariums. It is simply unrealistic to list all types of aquarium catfish in one article. And we will consider the most popular among aquarists, both experienced and beginners, and see photos with names.


Clarius spotted or Angolan, whose catfish cannot be kept with small fish. This is a predator, so it will eat its small neighbors. Clarius grow up to 60 cm in length, so when purchasing it, stock up on an aquarium of 400 liters or more.

The body of the fish is long, the dorsal and anal fins stretch almost all over the body. They end before the tail one, without passing into the last one. The color can be brown, olive, spotted and albino forms. There are 4 pairs of whiskers on the muzzle.

This type of catfish can move on land and breathe atmospheric air, without which he actually could not travel. Out of the water can be up to 31 hours, but must remain wet. This is important information for the aquarist, as a tight-fitting lid must be provided on the aquarium, otherwise he may escape.


Characteristic features of glass catfish are its transparency and fragility. For this quality, he received another name - ghost fish. The spine is well visible. Opaque only head and silvery bag next to the head, which contains the organs of the fish.

Suitable for experienced aquarists. Fish are very demanding on water quality, subject to various diseases. You need to run in an aquarium with an established ecosystem. You need to keep in a flock of 10 individuals.


Flat-headed, most often called the red-tailed catfish, one of the largest representatives of its squad. Night dweller, likes subdued light. Can be kept with other aquarium fish.

The body is elongated with a large flat head. A distinctive feature can be called the color of the caudal fin - from orange to red. The color of the body is black and white.

IN wild nature reach 120 cm, with an aquarium content a little less. In addition, in captivity they usually contain young individuals. The size for an aquarium is at least 300 liters.


Brocade pterygoplicht (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps) is a representative of the chain catfish family. The body is covered with multifaceted bone plates, which is typical for the family. The head is a large sucker.

Colour: Body light in color, covered with brown or black spots, which resembles brocade. For their color, catfish got their name. The dorsal fin is large, high and resembles a sail.



Tarakatum (Hoplosternum thoracatum) is a representative of armored catfish of the genus Hoplosternum. Like other armored species, it has two parallel rows of bony plates covering the body.

Their body is rounded. They can reach 18 cm in length. The dorsal fin is large, located at the highest point of the back. On the pectoral fins - the first ray is thickened, turned into a bone spike, orange in color. Their color is brown-brown, with fuzzy, uneven black spots. Black individuals may occur.

During spawning, nests are built from foam. But it is formed not with the help of the mouth, as in labyrinths, but with the help of gills. Nests are placed under floating objects such as leaves.


Ancistrus (Ancistrus dolichopterus) is a member of the chain catfish family that is especially popular with aquarists. The body of Ancistrus is long and flat. Covered with bone plates, multifaceted, this is distinguishing feature family of chain mail. Another feature is the presence of an oral sucker, with the help of which the catfish scrape off the overgrown algae.

Color dark shades with small white spots. The belly is light. The dorsal fin is large and shaped like a flag.

Ancistrus are inactive, swim clumsily and reluctantly. Most of the time they spend scraping off the algae, sticking to the wall of the aquarium.

Care and maintenance of fish

Let's start, perhaps, from the very beginning - with an aquarium. When purchasing a mustachioed miracle, keep in mind. That buying a completely baby, you can soon become the owner of a solid whopper. Therefore, immediately take care of purchasing a large aquarium so that it does not have to be changed when your catfish grows. It is desirable that the capacity was from 200 liters. You determine a more accurate volume depending on the acquired species.

The next thing to take care of is the ground and the “interior”. aquarium fish catfish, like catfish living in nature, eat food from the top layer of soil. In order to avoid constant turbidity in your aquarium, the filling of the bottom should not be fine-grained. But coarse gravel will not work either, your pet may get hurt on sharp edges. Opt for soil with medium grain size and light color.

Plant in an aquarium a large number of plants. They should be with hard foliage, soft plants will be eaten by catfish. Some aquarists use artificial vegetation. In addition, place other elements inside, for example, snags, various decorations, grottoes. So the aquarium catfish can always find shelter.

Catfish are quite unpretentious in terms of water quality, but this does not mean that working with them is simple. A number of points should be taken into account. The water temperature is from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. Acidity - neutral, slight deviations in any direction are allowed. Water hardness - from 6 to 12.

The aquarium will need to be equipped with a compressor, since oxygen saturation of the aqua is important. But at the same time, some catfish can breathe atmospheric air. Therefore, they should always have access to it, make sure that the plants do not cover the entire surface.

As for feeding, it has already been said that catfish eat food of animal and vegetable origin. In addition, they prefer benthic invertebrates. They eat young growths of algae. There are also industrial feeds specifically for this family, so you will not have any problems feeding them.

Diseases of catfish

If you find a disease in your mustaches, then you first need to determine the cause. The first thing that can affect health is the conditions of detention. Perhaps they are not quite suitable for the animal. In this case, dealing with the problem is quite simple, it is enough to improve the conditions for the fish. Change ⅓ of the water in the aquarium weekly, clean it. Observe the temperature and so on.

If your catfish used to be healthy and the content is appropriate, then the disease came from outside. It could be brought in with new fish, plants and food. Then medical treatment will be necessary.

But be extremely careful. Catfish in the aquarium do not tolerate salt treatment, if it is included in the preparation - you will not cure the fish, but you can kill it. They also tolerate preparations containing copper just as badly. If you already use such, then do not give the full dose, since the dose of 0.25 mg / l is critical for the mustache.

By themselves, the diseases of aquarium catfish are the same as those of other fish. And if you take good care of the aquarium, quarantine newly arrived fish and plants, feed your pets properly, then the catfish will be healthy.

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Video "Ancistrus Catfish"

In this video, you will get acquainted with ancistrus in detail and learn about their content.

Catfish act as a natural filter, as they feed on the waste products of other inhabitants. The variety of species is amazing. There are 1500 species: spotted, horned, brindle, black, red-tailed fractocephalus, marble talking catfish and others ranging in size from 2 cm to 5 m. Catfish are classified as predatory fish that prefer to live at the bottom of the reservoir.

All types of aquarium catfish are so similar to each other that a beginner and even an amateur will not immediately determine which species is in front of him. These neat “orderlies” of the aquarium have a lamellar cover instead of scales. To feed the sucker mouth, with which they clean the aquarium to crystal clear. They prefer nocturnal lifestyle. Demand for catfish is high today. Among the advantages are:

  • peacefulness;
  • unpretentiousness to water temperature;
  • tolerate the effects of hard water;
  • feel comfortable in water with an average level of acidity.

They have intestinal respiration. Catfish rises to the surface, swallows air, and then processes it into oxygen. Ideal Conditions for their maintenance - the presence of vegetation. They like to hide in snags, pipes, find secluded places.

Aquarium catfish - names and description

We present to your attention several types of catfish.


The most common breed in this moment. Aquarists call them differently: cleaners, stickers. In captivity, these catfish live up to 7 years. Small adult size, 10 cm long. Compatible with most fish, they will definitely not attack. Their worst enemy is the cichlid. She gnaws at the fin of a catfish.

Ancistrus will do well at temperatures from 20 to 28 C, pH 6-7.3, dH less than 10.

This species of catfish feeds on algal formations on the walls of the aquarium, snags, and plants. It is necessary to supplement the food with special tablets that are sold in pet stores. During the breeding season, it is necessary to change the water more often and feed more intensively. Be sure to have a long stump where the female will spawn.


This fish is resistant to cohabitation with predators in the same aquarium. They simply can't bite through her defenses. It gets along well with fish that live in similar conditions, for example, gourami. An adult is at least 18 cm long. They live comfortably in aquariums with dense vegetation, snags, small grottoes where they can hide. The optimum water temperature for them is from 22 to 28 C, pH 5.8-7.5 dH no more than 25.

For spawning, it is recommended to place the pair in a separate aquarium with floating plants. Here the male will build a nest, and in the future will protect the eggs. A week after laying, fry will begin to appear. They will need to be fed small fractions of live food. Change at least 50% of the water per day.


A real long-liver - some individuals live up to 15 years. For such fish, an aquarium with a sandy bottom, the presence of grottoes for relaxation is recommended. It is better to settle a flock for greater comfort. They get along well with other species, but not with labeo, ancistrus and modest botia. They can eat almost any food. The optimum temperature is 24-25 C, pH 7-8 and dH less than 4.

For breeding, a couple is chosen and settled in a spawning aquarium, with a decrease in temperature to 18 C. After laying, the female must be resettled, in the future, the male monitors and cares for the offspring. After 6 days, larvae appear, feeding on plankton and crushed live food.


amazing fish who prefer to spend most of their time belly up. It returns to its normal state only during the collection of food. Scientists still cannot explain this feature. In addition, the fish will look beautiful in the aquarium. They live up to 10 years, adults are about 7.5 cm long.

Synodontis prefers vegetation on the bottom and surface of the aquarium, a sandy bottom is recommended, gravel can be replaced. Best Temperature 25 C, pH 6.5-7.5 dH up to 15 C. They do not get along with neighbors who move slowly and are small in size.

These are just the most popular types of catfish for the aquarium. We recommend paying attention to other species: Clarius, Plecostomus, Platidoras, Pangasius, Girinocheilus.

Choosing and arranging an aquarium

The health of its inhabitants depends on the choice of an aquarium. A lot of factors need to be taken into account. Solve a few questions based on information about the types of fish (compatibility) that will live in it. It will be extremely unpleasant to see one prey on the other. For example, a barb is an active fish, it can bully sluggish catfish and gnaw their fins. Peaceful coexistence above all.


Speaking of catfish, they need a good amount of water. Here is the calculation for 1 individual:

  1. Ancistrus - 40 l.
  2. Tarakatum - 50 l.
  3. Synodontis - 50 liters.
  4. Corydoras are schooling fish. For 4-8 individuals, 60 liters is recommended.

The aquarium creates a significant load on the floor. If the aquarium is tall, it can create excessive pressure on the supporting structures, which will accelerate the wear of the building.


Water characteristics for catfish have already been listed. These are unpretentious fish, but this does not mean that it is worth running an aquarium. Pay attention to the quality of water in spawning tanks. Measure the content of nitrates, nitrates and ammonium, it should be minimal.

Do not forget about aeration and filtration of the aquarium, the fish need to breathe. Devices for enriching water with oxygen and purifying it are inexpensive, but will save a lot of time on replacing water.


It is imperative to observe the change of day and night, catfish rest during the day, and at night they come out of their holes and feed. Do not disturb the delicate natural balance of their comfortable life. During spawning and the appearance of the first larvae, darkening is often required.

Light is necessary for plants in an aquarium, do not forget about it. For good development algae requires lighting of at least 0.7 watts per liter.


Dense planting is acceptable, but leave a small clear area where the catfish will find food. Aquarists use ferns and mosses. These fish sometimes dig up plants, so the latter must have a good root system.


The best solution is gravel or sand. It is not allowed to have sharp parts about which the catfish can injure the sensitive mouth and antennae. Put pipes, driftwood or a decorative grotto on the bottom to let the fish rest.

How to feed catfish

Catfish are omnivores. They like to pick up food that has fallen to the bottom, waste products of other inhabitants of the aquarium, plant remains, chopped live food. Bloodworm, tubifex, brine shrimp - contain nutrients for these fish. How much feed do you need? If there are a lot of fish in the aquarium, you do not need to feed the catfish. Catfish have enough food leftovers from neighbors. Otherwise, feed three times a week.

Reproduction and breeding

Features of reproduction depend on the specific species. General points: lowering the temperature, a separate aquarium for a couple. The female is resettled after spawning. Corydoras are characterized by group spawning, in which several males and one female participate. Remember that before reaching 10 months, ancistrus change sex.

Catfish are an excellent choice for both the beginner and the experienced aquarist. The fish are unpretentious, get along with most other species and clean the aquarium.

If you decide to buy an aquarium for yourself, then the first fish you should buy is a catfish. They are very good orderlies who clean the bottom of mucus. There are a large number of species of aquarium catfish, the size of which can be from a few centimeters to a couple of meters.

The structure of their body is quite unusual, which makes catfish the favorite of many aquarists. In order to launch catfish into your aquarium, you need to know what kind of care they need, the features of keeping and compatibility with other fish.

All representatives of catfish prefer a nocturnal lifestyle, which is reflected in their appearance. They don't have very bright colors. brown, beige or gray shades , which are closest to the color of the bottom.

There are, of course, exceptions that brighter color, for example, yellow or silver-gray.

catfish do not have scales, like most other fish, their body is covered with a thick layer of skin or bone plates. The fins, located on the side and back, have spikes, and the mouth has several pairs of whiskers.

Placement and arrangement of the aquarium

It is best if the aquarium with catfish will stand in the quietest room, as loud noises can adversely affect their well-being. The chosen place should not be too bright, because as lovers nightlife, catfish are more suitable for twilight. The back wall of the aquarium should be decorated or turned to the wall.

As you know, catfish spend most of their time at the bottom, so it is desirable that it the area was as large as possible, and the height of the aquarium does not matter. Round containers are absolutely not suitable for this type, since it will not be possible to install the necessary equipment.

The volume of the aquarium must be selected, taking into account the size of adults, or, conversely, if the aquarium already exists, then fish are selected under it. The best option for keeping aquarium catfish capacity of 200 liters, if it is not possible to put an aquarium of this size, but you really want catfish, then take a minimum of 50 liters.

Before you buy the fish you like, check to what size it grows, because some species in the artificial environment can reach 50 cm. Place the aquarium so that it has convenient to clean up and change the water. All equipment is best placed on the outside, since aquarium catfish can move very heavy objects.

Choosing a water filter should be based on the type of catfish. Some of them require a fairly strong current, so the filter capacity must be high. This is also necessary because catfish like to dig in the ground, raising dirt, and if the cleaning device is weak, then the water will quickly become cloudy. Do not forget about aeration, as it is necessary that the water be enriched with oxygen.

If your room is not too warm, then you need to install a water heater, because many species of catfish come from warm countries. good option there will be a thermometer that is attached to the outside of the aquarium in which case the fish will not be able to move it.

The lighting should be subdued, catfish do not like the sudden switching on of the light. A good option in this case would be a lamp that can mimic the natural cycle of the day. Such a device can be purchased at a specialized store.

Aquarium decoration

When arranging an aquarium, do not forget that shelters are needed for catfish, these can be snags, stones, plants or decorative ornaments.

Feeding aquarium catfish

Many novice aquarists keep catfish only to pick up debris from the bottom, cleaning it of pollution. Such an attitude towards these fish can end very badly, because catfish require certain nutrition.

Depending on the type of catfish, the diet will vary. After all, not all catfish are predators, some can also eat plant foods.

From food of animal origin in pet stores you can find:

  • bloodworm;
  • pipe maker;
  • gammarus;
  • coretra;
  • Cyclops;

This food can be sold frozen or dry. It also happens live food, but before feeding it must be washed and disinfected well so that the fish do not catch the infection.

Catfish can also be fed with products purchased at a regular grocery store, suitable for this:

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Pieces of meat or fish.
  • Squids.
  • Cleaned shrimp.
  • Beef heart.

Meat and fish should be chosen in low-fat varieties, while being divided into such pieces that it is convenient for the fish to swallow them. If you have catfish in the aquarium large sizes, then you can give small live fish, the main thing is that they enter their mouth.

Since aquarium catfish prefer a nocturnal lifestyle, they need to be fed accordingly. In the evening, this should be done just before the lights are turned off, and in the morning before it is turned on. Catfish have a fairly developed intellect and therefore, over time, they remember the person who feeds them, and therefore they can even be taught to eat from their hands.

It is best to choose a type of food that will sink to the bottom, because many catfish do not go upstairs for food. If you do not have the opportunity to feed the fish on a schedule, then in this case, an automatic feeder will help, which will do this work for you.

Each type of catfish requires certain conditions of detention. For the most part, no complex care is required. Water hardness can range from 6 to 12, and average temperature shouldn't be above 26 degrees.

The best acidity is neutral, but there may be some deviations that will not cause much harm to the fish.

All of the above conditions of detention approximate, it all depends on the variety of aquarium catfish. For spawning, a separate aquarium is used, in which a female and several males will sit down. It is desirable that its volume be at least 30 liters. At the same time, the soil does not fit to the bottom, it is better to take a plant (for example, anubias) and press down its roots with a stone.

There must be certain conditions in the spawning ground, the water temperature within 19–21 degrees, dH no more than 15, pH 6–7. There must be good aeration so that the aquarium is saturated with oxygen.

For breeding, you need to choose young individuals so that the offspring are stronger. It is advisable to pre-feed the fish with a bloodworm, it has a good effect on milk and caviar.

For spawning, you need select 1 female and 3–4 males. Catfish prefer to spawn in cooler water, so you can lower the temperature to 18 degrees. Lighting should be dim enough, you can cover the aquarium with a cloth.

The entire spawning lasts up to 4 hours, during which time the female lays up to several hundred transparent eggs. As soon as the spawning process is completed, the female and males need to be transferred to another aquarium and the temperature raised to 27–28 degrees.

As soon as the fry begin to hatch, you can lower the temperature to 20 degrees. Babies need to be fed 4 times a day, live food. Already in a month proper care they will grow up to 1 centimeter.

Catfish compatibility with other fish

You need to choose roommates for catfish taking into account their taste preferences and sizes. If the catfish is a predator, then do not plant peaceful smaller fish near them, they will immediately eat them.

If catfish do not show aggression, then they can live in peace with other smaller fish, the main thing is that they do not enter their mouths, then there will be no problems.

In the event that you take a catfish into an existing aquarium, then you can not be afraid for it, their body is covered with a bone shell or just a thick layer of skin, so it's not easy to eat them.

Aquarium catfish amazing representatives underwater world. They are very interesting to watch, especially during their activity. Their diversity of species will not leave indifferent any aquarist.