“I was silent for a long time. I protected my family, children, I was ashamed and scared ... Exactly a year ago, a criminal case was initiated in the Magistrate's Court of the Presnensky District on a false accusation of the former common-law husband and father of my daughter. For exactly a year I tried to prove that it was not my fault, that it was not me, but he attacked me, and I only defended myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination, a report from the district police officer. But in vain. On December 26, the magistrate delivered a guilty verdict, ignoring all of the above. I was found guilty of intentionally inflicting abrasions and sentenced to a fine ... For more than six months, a civil court has been going on to determine the place of residence of our daughter, the order of communication. In order to take away the child, he is trying to look for compromising evidence on me, to make me look like a monster.

The husband of the actress Alexander told StarHit, to whom Elena sold the apartment she presented to them, how her daughter is trying to reconcile them and why he did not communicate with the child for three months.

“Our relationship deteriorated, including due to Elena’s temper,” Ryzhykh shared. - It happens, word for word, we swore ... But if in a normal family it all ended there, then we don’t. Elena, in a fit of emotion, often began to beat me. With children - her eldest son Timothy, our little Sonya. I tried to persuade them to at least go into another room and talk. He endured for a long time, until at some point he received a concussion and ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute.

True, Alexander refused hospitalization, he was treated at home on his own. With his wife, they became strangers, they just shared a living space. One day, returning from work, Ryzhykh discovered that the locks on front door apartments are new. I learned from the neighbors that on the eve of Ksenofontova she packed her things, took her daughter and left in an unknown direction. On phone calls she did not answer.

“It became known to me that Elena sold the apartment to the lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who provided her with lawyers from his bureau,” continues Alexander. - I didn’t see Sonya for almost three months after this “escape”. For two weeks every day I came to the kindergarten, the music school, hoping to catch her there, but the teachers said that she stopped attending classes. In the end, Elena let me meet her daughter. After that, she went to court to determine Sophia's place of residence and the "rules" for her communication with her father. I filed a counterclaim! In no case am I going to forbid the mother to raise her daughter, I just don’t want to suffer from the unpredictable behavior of my wife.

Now I regularly see Sonya - I come to educational institutions, we communicate in fits and starts, sometimes we walk. When arrived at New Year to give a gift, Elena did not let me on the threshold, I was forced to congratulate the child at the entrance. On January 5, for the first time, I was allowed to take Sophia for five hours - so that I could take her to my grandmother, my mother. Despite the fact that Elena sets the child against her father, my daughter misses me, I feel and see it. And even trying to reconcile negligent mom and dad. Sonechka does not lose hope that we will be together again.

Former civil spouse actress Alexander Ryzhikh accused her of beating and sued. For more than a year, Elena has been trying to prove her innocence.

“I’m not inclined to make my personal life public,” the actress says. - If they sent me a scenario of the situation in which I am now, I would say: “Guys, where did you study? What kind of cartoon was written, it doesn’t happen! ”

When did it start trial It all seemed like nonsense to me. No one normal person he won’t believe this, though on my side, there is a witness who saw how my husband sat on me and twisted my arms, a certificate from the emergency room, the conclusion of a forensic medical examination, a report from the district police officer, etc. But on December 26, 2016, ignoring all my evidence, the court delivered a verdict that states that I am guilty of intentional assault and battery.

Alexander was once quite successful person, he is a lawyer by profession, worked in oil company Yukos, received good money. By the time we met, the company no longer existed, Sasha's business was not going very well. But I was not interested, I just fell in love with a person. I didn't care about the stamp in my passport. I am of the opinion that if there are feelings, then you are together. When there is no love, no seal will help. Alexander periodically said: “Why don’t you want to marry me?” - but so, in an optional form. During courtship, conquests, he gave me an apartment. I had my own on Sretenka - yes, smaller, but we lived in it with my son (Timofey was born in 2003. - Approx. "Antennas") and did not complain. Sasha, apparently, wanted to make a beautiful gesture, saying: “I have an apartment, take it for you, my love.” And he issued me a donation. But this housing required repair, there were debts on payments. I sold my apartment in the center for the sake of landscaping a new house.

For more than eight years, Alexander and I were together, however, we did not live happily for long. When our daughter was born (Sofya was born on February 10, 2011. - Approx. "Antennas"), his only child, as I know, euphoria soon disappeared, giving way to everyday life. Alexander always had some difficulties in his work, but he believed that it would end quickly. However, the problems did not go away. And somehow I kept moving forward. Who knows, maybe at that moment either male envy or something else jumped up in him. All the time I heard reproaches: “Well, of course, you keep us here, and I stuck to you, Elena Yurievna.” Alexander had just a manic passion for the scenes of self-flagellation, but at the same time I felt guilty that I was supporting my family, helping him, giving gifts, but he could not afford to answer me the same (or did not want to).

Will you sleep where you slept

My son Timothy became a serious stumbling block in our relations. The husband could not find a common language with him. He had complaints all the time: they say, I’m not raising my son like that, I don’t let him use his “correct” methods. Which? For example, a good embed ... I did not allow this. There were periods when they tried to get along, but as a result, we came to the conclusion that it was impossible to leave Timothy and Alexander alone. If, nevertheless, they spent some time together, then by the time I returned, my son was sobbing, telling me that dad (yes, he called him that) could both push and hit. To which the husband replied: "He was rude, everything is lying." Like any mother, I protected the child. Of course, much about our relationship with Alexander was clear for a long time. But in this sense, women are not arranged correctly, they hope for the best.

Then our conflicts developed into a different stage. At some point, I found out about the betrayal of a loved one, which I suspected before, and made a decision ... not to go to bed with him anymore. She went to her daughter's room. He burst in there, grabbed my arm, twisted it, pressed me to the floor and said: “You will sleep where you slept before. Understood?" I said that I couldn’t do this anymore, began to ask him to leave, promised that no one would challenge his father’s rights: “Come, talk to your daughter.” To which she received an absolutely unambiguous and clear answer: “Baby, you don’t understand. This apartment is mine, and as soon as you rock, I'll take it away. And if you don’t like something, you can take your son and leave.” More than two years have passed, during which this conversation was periodically repeated almost one to one. Our relationship could no longer be called human. It was very difficult and scary for me. On October 19, 2015, I only repeated my request once again. This made him so furious that he grabbed me by the throat and face, threw me on the bed, sat on top, twisted my arms and again "explained" that I should be quiet and never return to this topic.

Fatal mistake

She resisted and screamed for help. Alexander released one hand to cover my mouth, and I instinctively began to fight back. At that moment, apparently, she inflicted a scratch on his head with a fingernail. A woman came running to my screams to help us around the house. My husband sat on me, continued to twist his arms and had a dialogue with her. And then he got up, called the police and said: “Please come, my roommate just beat me up badly.” For 40 minutes we sat in the apartment and waited for the brigade to arrive. He told me: "Get on your knees and apologize!" And when the neighbor's door creaked, he heard, jumped up and shouted theatrically: “You beat me all the time, I can’t do it anymore, if you do it again, I’ll file a complaint against you!” – and quite calmly sat down on the sofa.

Elena with her son

When the police called back, Alexander told them not to come, that we had decided everything, and left the house. At the insistence of my friends, I went to the emergency room, removed the beatings: scratches, bruises. I was sent to the police, but I did not write a statement, even though they said: “Write, Lena, ask for a criminal case.” It was mine fatal mistake. And the reasons for this are simple and understandable to any woman who finds herself in a similar situation. I was afraid of my husband. I had to go back to the apartment where he still lived. And, of course, I did not want such a punishment for the father of my child. Several months have passed. And suddenly, at the beginning of February 2016, I find out that a criminal case has been initiated against me, even the first meeting has already taken place, to which I did not appear because I did not receive summons. The common-law husband sued for intentional beating. I only had three days to find a lawyer.

Picked up the kids and ran away

Later it turned out that Alexander was twice denied opening a case, but he insisted and, apparently, found the necessary arguments. Moreover, initially the husband tried to have the conflict considered as a more serious article, about causing grievous bodily harm. He claimed that I didn’t scratch him, fighting back, but attacked him myself, and he received a closed craniocerebral injury. But, thank God, the medical examination did not confirm this. Thus began my hell, all the circles of which I go through exactly one year. And it was then that a puzzle formed in my head, I understood the meaning of the words about the apartment. It turns out that the law has interesting article: if the recipient, that is, I, attempted on the life of the donor, then the gift can be revoked.

Of course, Alexander did not speak openly about his intentions. At the first meeting, the judge asked: “Are you ready to go to the world?” He jumped up and said: “Yes, but on the condition that the accused now stands up and apologizes to me!” It all seemed like a farce to me. Did an adult man sue to have his wife apologize to him? And why, if I'm the victim here. At first, when I arrived there, I lost consciousness, collapsed, my tongue stuck to the sky, all this time I worked in a fog, filmed, and we still lived under the same roof! He poured mud at me in court, sneered at home. Once Alexander went on a business trip, and at that moment the children and I ran away. I found in a few days rented apartment We took the necessary things and left. Month hiding, because I was afraid of anger already ex-spouse. He put us on the wanted list, played terrible tragedy. Although I immediately wrote to him that we were moving out. In our old apartment hit new locks, but soon realized that I could never return to it. And she decided to sell it, which she did in October 2016.

Beat and caused damage

I tried to file a counterclaim against Alexander, especially since I had evidence: a conclusion about recorded beatings, a living witness. But the court simply ignored everything. When the lawyer and I said: “Wait, look, there are beatings,” we were answered: “What does this have to do with it? Now you are on trial, you beat him.” But the existence of this document at least casts doubt on the testimony of Alexander Nikolayevich, according to which he did not concern me. According to him, it was I who struck him three blows from a roundabout. This is evidenced by a person taller than me, more, significantly stronger, who has served in the Airborne Forces behind him. But they accepted his words as truth, and they answered me approximately in the following wording: “The court is critical of Ksenofontova’s testimony, since she said all this in order to avoid criminal liability.”

On the face of Alexander is the same scratch for which the actress was convicted ...

I affirmed and affirm that my husband attacked me, and I defended myself. However, I was denied a counterclaim, since Alexander is a lawyer, which means a person with a special status. I turned to the investigative committee, but even from there, for unknown reasons, I received six refusals one after another. Alexander, as a lawyer, thought of everything, directed and created a legend. I even got a call from his mother, with whom we used to have a wonderful relationship, and said: “How could you beat my son on the head with a computer in front of a child?” Sasha told her this. I listened and my hair stood on end! The husband brought a certain psychologist as a witness to the court, a lady whom he allegedly went to consult, because the tyrant wife humiliated him physically and morally. Moreover, he says that I not only beat him, but also went to the occultists and asked for damage. All this an adult wrote in his application. And Sasha brings articles about me to the civil court, which is considering the case of custody of our common daughter. For example, in an interview they ask: “Your heroine is so tough, but what are you like in life?” I answer the journalist that I can be both white and fluffy, but if I bring it, I will become quite aggressive. The former takes this phrase out of context and reads out in court that I myself, they say, confirmed my aggression. There are other options - articles about my alleged illnesses. Once there was a rumor in the media that I had cancer, they made a whole story out of this untrue information. Alexander claims that I am mortally ill.

I want to protect the child

There were a lot of court costs and examinations during this year. I can't imagine how a woman without friends, money, position would cope with all this. If I was without support, then, probably, I would already be in a psychiatric hospital. I had more than 25 meetings in a criminal case. "Defendant, get up!" Imagine it! And at the same time you have to live, play performances, act in films, smile, and not pretend, but try to be happy, because you have children. For me, the guilty verdict sounded like thunder among clear sky. For a long time I could not believe that the woman judge said this, that she did not consider my evidence. The decision was announced on December 26, 2016, then for some reason we were not given it in our hands, we were not allowed to photograph the case materials. The verdict was passed in such a way that we did not have time to file an appeal and challenge it within five days. Add five to 26, and you get December 31, on this day no one would accept a complaint.

Thanks to my lawyer, she wrote it in advance, and then added an addition. That's the only way we made it. Consideration of the complaint is scheduled for February 3. On this day, the sentence will either be confirmed, and I will pay a fine and remain with a criminal record for the rest of my life, or it will be canceled. But I don't know what needs to happen for this to happen... In a civil court, the ex-husband shouts: “How can you give the child to a criminal? She will beat the children!” Let me explain: I filed a lawsuit not to limit his communication with his daughter, but because the father comes and visits her at any time when it suits him, regardless of either my or her plans, or even the class schedule. I'm not going to deprive the child of the father. But I want to be protected by the state, so that communication is regulated, the days are scheduled, on which I am obliged to give him a daughter.

Lost a few years of my life

Since March 2016, we have been living separately, and dad has not spent a penny on his child, except for gifts in the form of dolls. He is not interested in what his daughter eats, what she wears. I alone pay for a visit to an expensive kindergarten, ballet studio, music school, English tutor. We live in a rented apartment because the one I bought is being renovated. But on the other hand, for the first time in many years, the children and I met the New Year calmly, without a sense of anxiety and danger. Does Sonya worry about her dad? Certainly. When we moved out, she had a lot of questions, so I, my son, and she went to psychologists. Now, despite the fact that Sophia will be only six years old the other day, I see that she analyzes the situation and understands a lot. I honestly tried to live in a marriage for the sake of children, but it only got worse. When you do this, you only delay the moment of making a decision, but it is inevitable anyway. And the sooner you open the wound, the sooner you start fighting for yourself, the more time will be left to be happy. I have taken several years of my life. I lost a lot as a person, as a woman, and as a professional. Last year, she abandoned several projects that were associated with trips, expeditions, because she could not leave Moscow because of the courts. Older and grayer this year. But I have a motivation to live - my children. So I will fight to the end.

By the way


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The father of the daughter of the actress is trying to deprive her and the children of the apartment.

This story began in the fall of 2015. Then Elena's common-law husband, lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh, with whom she lived for more than eight years, filed a lawsuit against the artist for intentional beatings. About how it started family drama, Ksenofontova previously spoke in an interview with Woman's Day. When the relationship between Elena and Alexander went wrong, the actress asked him to leave, in response, the man attacked her.

“I resisted, screamed for help. Alexander released one hand to cover my mouth, and I instinctively began to fight back. At that moment, apparently, she inflicted a scratch on his head with a fingernail. A woman came running to my screams to help us around the house. My husband sat on me, continued to twist his arms and had a dialogue with her. And then he got up, called the police and said: “Please come, I was just beaten up by a cohabitant.” At the insistence of my friends, I went to the emergency room, removed the beatings: scratches, bruises. I was sent to the police, but I did not write a statement, even though they said: “Write, Lena, ask to open a criminal case.” It was my fatal mistake,” said the actress.

And Alexander was the first to go to court. The man said he was beaten. He was repeatedly denied the initiation of a criminal case, but in the end they nevertheless accepted him for consideration. And on December 26, 2016, Elena was found guilty of beating.

I tried to file a counterclaim against Alexander, especially since I had evidence: a conclusion about recorded beatings, a living witness. And I repeatedly applied to the Investigative Committee, because otherwise it would be impossible to initiate a case against a person with legal immunity, which is my ex-husband, but they refused me, ”said the Woman’s Day actress.

Elena's lawyer filed an appeal. On March 16, 2017, the decisive meeting took place. By that time, an amendment was made to the article on domestic violence (the first case of family beatings from the category of criminal offenses goes into the category of administrative ones), the criminal case was closed, and the sentence was canceled.

But now, on the basis of this court decision, the former common-law husband is trying to take away Elena's apartment, or rather, to achieve payment of huge compensation. Alexander Ryzhikh once, on his own initiative, issued a deed of gift to Ksenofontova and presented her with real estate, in which they began to live together after Elena paid for the necessary repairs and paid off the debts with which the gift was burdened. To do this, she had to sell her own apartment in the center of Moscow. After her husband raised his hand against her and went to court, Elena was forced to leave home with her children, fearing for her and their lives and health.

Elena s ex-husband and daughter Sophia

Photo: personal archive Elena Ksenofontova

He poured mud at me in court, sneered at home. Once Alexander went on a business trip, and at that moment the children and I ran away. I found a rented apartment in a few days, we took the necessary things and left. They hid for a month because I was afraid of the anger of my ex-husband. He put us on the wanted list, played out a terrible tragedy. Although I immediately wrote to him that we were moving out. I installed new locks in our old apartment, but soon realized that I could never return to it. And she decided to sell it, which she did as soon as she found a buyer, ”Ksenofontova told Woman’s Day.

IN this moment the actress, together with her son Timothy and daughter Sophia (they and Alexander common child, the girl will turn seven on February 10) lives in new apartment. It is her man who is trying to force her to sell in order to receive monetary compensation from Elena.

By Russian legislation the basis for termination of the donation contract is the intentional infliction of bodily harm by the donee to the donor. Alexander Nikolaevich, being a professional lawyer, of course, knew about this when he filed a lawsuit about beating him with a fragile woman, and now he refers to the fact that the verdict was canceled, but Elena was found guilty, therefore, in his opinion, there is a basis for revoking the donation, - explained situation Woman's Day director actress Natalia.

On January 17, 2018, Ksenofontova was again summoned to court. However, Alexander Ryzhikh did not appear at the meeting. He submitted documents confirming that at that moment he was performing job responsibilities lawyer. As a result, the hearing of the case was postponed to February 5.

In February, the actress will have to go through the court twice, another meeting will be held on the second day, again at the initiative of Alexander. The man was not satisfied with the past decision on civil case on determining the place of residence and the procedure for communicating with their daughter Sophia. Red filed an appeal. At the same time, according to the director of the actress, Alexander Nikolaevich does not even pay alimony to Ksenofontova for their common child. He regularly sees Sophia, but all financial worries lie on Elena's shoulders.

If Alexander somehow manages to challenge the donation for an apartment, Ksenofontova with two children will be left without a roof over their heads ...

The story of domestic violence in the family of Elena Ksenofontova received unexpected turn. The husband of the actress Alexander Ryzhykh claims that he is the victim, and the wife arranged the fights.

According to lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh, his relationship with Elena Ksenofontova deteriorated for many reasons, including her temper. “It happens, word for word, we swore ... But if in a normal family it all ended there, then we don’t. Elena, in a fit of emotion, often began to beat me. With children - her eldest son Timothy, our little Sonya. I tried to persuade them to at least go into another room and talk. He endured for a long time, until at some point he received a concussion and ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute, ”said the man.

However, Ryzhykh refused hospitalization and was treated at home. Relations with Elena completely deteriorated - they became strangers who simply share the living space. One day, returning from work, Alexander discovered that the locks on the front door of the apartment were new. He learned from the neighbors that on the eve of Ksenofontova she packed her things, took her daughter and left. She did not answer phone calls.

“It became known to me that Elena sold the apartment to the lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who provided her with lawyers from his bureau. After this "escape" I did not see Sonya for almost three months. For two weeks every day I came to the kindergarten, the music school, hoping to catch her there, but the teachers said that she stopped attending classes. In the end, Elena let me meet her daughter. After that, she went to court to determine Sophia's place of residence and the "rules" for her communication with her father. I filed a counterclaim! In no case am I going to forbid the mother to raise her daughter, I just don’t want to suffer from the unpredictable behavior of my wife, ”quotes Ryzhykh Days.ru.

Now Alexander regularly sees his daughter - sometimes they walk and talk in snatches. However, on New Year's Eve, when the man arrived with a gift for Sonya, Elena did not let him into the house. Alexander had to give a present at the entrance. And in early January, Ryzhykh was able to take his daughter for a few hours so that she could see her grandmother, his mother.

“Despite the fact that Elena sets the child against her father, my daughter misses me, I feel and see it. And even trying to reconcile negligent mom and dad. Sonechka does not lose hope that we will be together again, ”said the man.

Recall that Ksenofontova published a shocking post on Instagram. The actress admitted that she former lover, lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh, filed a complaint against her with the police, accusing her of beating. Allegedly, Elena hit him on the head several times, after which she herself pretended to be a victim.

“For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that it was not me, but he attacked me, and I only defended myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including the one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted his arms; my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police report, etc. But in vain,” Elena wrote. At the end of last year, she was convicted and ordered to pay a fine. The actress claims that now Alexander intends to take away her apartment and daughter.

Elena Ksenofontova very interesting woman, talented actress, non-trivial personality. IN Lately Name Elena Ksenofontova on hearing of many, and all this is not because of bright roles and outstanding talent, and because of another difficult, terrible break in relations with another civil husband- the father of her little daughter Sofia. in a serious relationship Elena Ksenofontova was three times, from her second husband Ilya Neretin she gave birth in 2003 son's year Timothy, and from the third - Alexandra Ryzhykh- daughter Sofia (2011 ). Until recently, connoisseurs of the talent of this actress believed that everything in her family life more than successful. But Elena Ksenofontova amazed everyone, once in a talk show studio "Let them talk" she frankly admitted that she suffered from domestic violence. Alexander Ryzhykh tried to evict her from an apartment that did not belong to him, threatened with physical violence, morally humiliated. By profession Alexander Ryzhykh a lawyer, which means he knows the laws well and how to get around them. For example, he sued his common-law wife, this red-haired adversary accuses Elena Ksenofontova that she tried to kill him. But Elena Ksenofontovastrong personality, wise woman, although her character is not easy. The actress herself recognizes the fact that getting along with her under the same roof is not easy, but quite possible.

Elena Ksenofontova arrived rather late VGIK, was her 22 years, and the thing is that she was sick for a very long time. Doctors misdiagnosed her with brain cancer. Xenofontov spent four years of her life in anticipation of her inevitable death, but one day she woke up and realized that she was still alive, and decided to take everything that she needed, wanted and was supposed to take from life. IN 26 years graduated VGIK went to work in Moscow theater "School of modern play". IN 30 years first appeared on the screen, and immediately in leading role, and quite noticeable. The series was called "Taiga. Survival Course. And here on Elena Ksenofontova Offers from directors rained down, just like from a cornucopia. It should be noted that this actress plays superbly, she captivates the audience with her skill, keeps his attention with her genuine emotions.

Well, in this article I have collected about 60 the best photos Elena Ksenofontova, and what is amazing - this beauty very often changes her hair color and her hairstyles! Let's take a closer look at all these photos.

Look at this photo, it seems to me that long, red curls go to the face Elena Ksenofontova most.

Elena Ksenofontova collects Christmas decorations, she loves to decorate Christmas trees. Just think, it usually decorates at least 15 forest beauties in my apartment on the eve of the New Year! In this photo you see Elena Ksenofontova and one of her trees.

And look at this photo Elena Ksenofontova, in childhood, this actress considered herself terribly ugly, and all the fault was abundant freckles and light, almost colorless eyelashes and eyebrows. Many years passed before Elena I realized that she was not only attractive, but also truly beautiful.

At the beginning Alexander admired Elena, but over time, feelings cooled down, this man turned out to be not as soft and fluffy as he saw in love with him Xenophontova during their first years of marriage.

Your daughter Sofia Elena Ksenofontova gave birth in 39 years, the woman wanted big family and many children, but health did not allow. Every pregnancy and childbirth was given Xenophontova very difficult. Elena she loves and protects her children very much - for her they are the most important thing in life.

Age difference between Timothy And Sofia 8 years. They are very different in character.