Why is photography good? The fact that it preserves the events of our life and allows us to remember them from time to time and relive joyful moments anew. You can forget very much bright emotions, but if they are captured in a photo, looking at it, you seem to be returning anew to a happy time for you.

And look beautiful pictures Is one of the most enjoyable pleasures. Especially if these are shots in which you turned out very well. But, you must admit, among all the variety of images available in your archive, the successful ones can be counted on one hand.

Exceptions, as a rule, are only for children. Therefore, quite often you can hear the following question: “How good is it to be in photographs?” Many are surprised and do not understand: how is this so, it seems that in life a person is beautiful and charming, but in the photo he looks unlike himself ... So, let's let's talk about what needs to be done (or what, on the contrary, shouldn't be done) so as not to ruin our own portrait?

Reasons for unsuccessful photography

Remember how often you have heard the following phrase from your friends or acquaintances: “I don’t work in photographs ...”. What follows is a series of comments about what they did, how they were photographed, but ... the result remains unchanged. Of course, all the blame can be shifted to insufficient photogenicity. But, as it turned out, this was out of the question. Any professional photographer will tell you that there are no ugly people. And bad pictures are obtained either due to the fact that the abilities of the "photo artist" leave much to be desired, or because the subject does not understand very well what is required of him, and there is no one to explain.

Well, let's take this responsibility upon ourselves and try to give an intelligible answer to the question that interests, if not all, then very, very many: "How beautiful is it to be in photographs?"

Great photography rules

One of the first conditions that must be met is the presence of an aesthetic appearance. It may seem strange to some, but it is actually so. It is much easier to get a good photo if your appearance is all right... And face, and hair, and clothes.

The second rule concerns your naturalness. But there are a number of nuances here too. I would like to note that naturalness does not mean the absence of makeup at all and Rather, it comes about the look, posture, facial expressions, gestures. You do not need to deliberately open your eyes wide enough if they are not large enough, or pout your lips, thereby trying to express your sexuality. All these tricks will look unnatural, which means stupid and ridiculous. Learn from children - that's who the model for shooting is. Children never pretend, which is why almost all toddlers are great in photographs.

Poses for good photography

How good is it in photographs? In addition to the above rules, you should very carefully monitor the position of the body during the photo session. Pay Special attention on your posture, since a positive result will depend on it. It goes without saying that not everyone always succeeds in maintaining the position of the stretched string, but this is not required. Just during shooting, do not forget to straighten up and straighten your shoulders as much as possible. Remember, even when the back is slightly bent, the photo looks like a wheel. Erect posture is the key to beauty and femininity. But do not forget that puzzled by the alignment of the spine, it is possible on the abdomen and other parts of the body. Remember the actress famous film « Love affair at work", And the way she taught the main character to walk:" All to yourself! " We can say that this rule also applies to shooting. By doing it, you will not be disappointed when you see the finished photos.

Now about the legs. Regardless of how you take pictures, standing or sitting, do not place them wide. It is best if your knees are as close as possible and your feet point in the same direction. Do you think this is not so important? In vain! Even such seemingly little things have a negative impact.

And one more important point... All of your limbs (both arms and legs) should be present in the photo in their entirety. Don't try to hide them behind other body parts. In the picture, it looks like you are disabled. Agree that there is nothing good in this.

Watch the position of your head and neck. Especially when you are in a sitting position. Lost in thought, you can lower your head too low, and the result will be a photo with the absence of a neck - the head and immediately the shoulders. Not very pretty.

All of the above rules are worn general character, but they will also help you understand how beautiful it is in photographs. To find your winning poses, it is recommended to practice in front of the mirror in advance. It may take you more than one hour, but believe me, it's worth it!

Clothing for shooting

The general recommendations that determine the requirements for clothing for shooting include the following: the absence of too loose, knitted, multi-colored and blooming things, turtlenecks and other options with a high collar. And now in more detail about how to look good in photographs, what clothes to wear.

So tights. It is better if they are very thin and natural in color. Never use the lurex version.

Sportswear also looks pretty ridiculous, unless, of course, this is some kind of exercise related to physical education.

Dress is the most appropriate outfit for a photo shoot. And if it is also with a neckline, then this is generally a fairy tale! If in your wardrobe there is a dress of a classic style, and in a casket there are exquisite jewelry, consider that the question "how to get beautiful in a photograph" is half solved.

Concerning colors clothes, it is important here not to merge with the background. Photos in nature (in summer time) imply the ability to wear things in different shades, with the exception of green.

Shoes must always have heels. Well, let the shoes not be visible in the photo, but they give your outward appearance grace and elegance. Try to take a photo at low speed, and then - in sandals with heels ... Feel the difference? That's it!

Another significant element- accessories. They can be anything, but don't overdo it. A beautiful hat, matching beads, gloves always look very good in the photograph. Or, for example, a ripe bright fruit (apple, peach, etc.) in your hands will also only benefit. Make sure that this detail is consistent with the general theme and direction of the photo.

When choosing clothes for shooting and asking the question: “How can you get beautiful in a photo?”, Adhere to the golden rule: the main thing is that the suit fits! The constrictions formed as a result of things that are not worn in size can even turn Thumbelina into a fat toad.

Professional shooting. How to prepare properly?

If you decide to spend money on professional photographs, then it is advisable to carefully prepare so that later you do not worry about the money wasted and do not cry to your friends in the waistcoat: they say, I do not work well in photographs ... A professional photographer can give you a number useful tips about what to pay special attention to before the upcoming shooting. And if you follow them, your shots will be successful and will delight you. Let's take a look at some of the guidelines. After all, the question of how best to get in photographs worries so many of the fair sex.


Let's start with makeup. It is best if you use the services of a makeup artist - he knows exactly how to make the model's face the most attractive. But if you decide to cope on your own, at home, then do not forget that makeup for a professional photo shoot is significantly different from everyday make-up. Here you can apply all the cosmetics you have in a much larger volume. For example, carefully even out the skin tone with foundation, use false eyelashes, do not skimp on blush. No, no one calls to make an artificial mask out of a face and apply tons of cosmetics, God forbid! Just add some brightness.

Do not think, looking at yourself in the mirror, that you look like a monster, in the photo is yours war paint will look much more natural. But if, on the contrary, you do not take advantage of our advice and go for a professional shooting with slightly makeup, or without any makeup at all, relying on natural beauty, then it is not known what cruel joke the camera and the light will play with you. You cannot rely only on the professionalism of the photographer and the processing of images on a computer, it is better to make every effort to achieve a positive result. Doubt in your abilities? In principle, correct. The art of applying makeup has been studied for years. Then go ahead to the makeup artist!


It's better to do your hair in advance. A few days before the photo shoot, try to do exactly the styling with which you plan to shoot. What if the finished result doesn't suit you very much? You should not delve into creating masterpieces on your head using all kinds of hairpins, ribbons, jewelry, and so on. The best option there will be loose hair. Curly, slightly wavy, straight - not so important, the main thing is that they are clean and look natural. It is worth paying attention to their condition. For example, damaged hair with split ends or unpainted roots, of course, is not suitable for a professional photo shoot. And they don't look very good on ordinary pictures ...

A photographer plays the same role as a doctor in a polyclinic. This means that there can be no question of being ashamed of him or arguing with him. Do not be embarrassed, behave naturally, listen to his advice, do not hide your emotions - all this will allow you to reach mutual understanding and get beautiful photos as a result.

Believe me, all those feelings that you give access to during photo sessions will bring the desired result. Even in the case when you made a mistake with the choice of wardrobe, or the photographer will be naughty with the light or the camera, you will still be good. because sincere emotions- laughter, surprise, joy - always animate the image. This is why there are no bad baby photos. After all, the child does not think about how he looks in the photo, and behaves as in ordinary life- smiles, gets angry, angry, laughs. As a result, we have great pictures and great memories.

And one more thing: in no case argue with the photographer, because he knows better how you look in the photo, he is looking into the lens, not you. In the event that you know for sure that the profile shot is not for you, just ask not to shoot you from this angle. It's your right. You didn't enter into a contract, did you? Or voice your other concerns, but do this in advance, and not during the photo session.

Warm up before shooting

It's good if you have time to warm up a little before taking a photo. This will help you feel your body better during the photo shoot. There is no need to perform any special complex exercises. Just move your head from side to side, raise and lower your arms, legs, and so on. You can strain your entire body strongly, and then sharply relax. Such an exercise will also help get rid of moral stress.

How good is it in photographs? This question includes quite a few rules, now you know some of them and, following them, you will surely achieve a good result.

Dark photos

And now about why you get dark photos when you shoot yourself. The most common reason is either using the camera without a flash, or low light sensitivity.

But there are a number of other reasons, for example:

Incorrect selection of correspondence between shutter speed-aperture-sensitivity;

Wrong spot used for exposure metering;

There is a problem with the camera.

Causes of blurry pictures

Another frequently asked question is: "Why do you get blurry photos?" There are a number of reasons for this kind of defects. Namely:

Wrong focus;

Camera shake;

Shutter speed selection error when shooting a moving subject.

Photo portraits are used in almost all areas of our social life... We want to look beautiful in the passport, in the resume and on the page in the social network, we want to be attractive and so that everyone loves us. But we are not always beautiful in the photo. close-up... It turns out that it can be not only in appearance, but also in how we hold ourselves in the photograph. Below you will find 7 simple tips to help you look your best in portrait photos.

1. Find your most "advantageous" angle

All faces are asymmetrical. Therefore, one side is usually better than the other. Need to empirically find out which side of your face and at what angle to the camera looks the most advantageous? Then, for any portrait shooting, turn into the photographer with it.

2. "Adjust" squint

For some reason, it is believed that one should look into the lens with wide eyes. Yes, for many this is the right decision, but not for everyone. There are quite a few people who look surprised, frightened, or not quite smart with such an expression on their faces. What to do? Experiment with squint. For example, for many movie stars such as Sharon Stone, Drew Barrymore or Angelina Jolie, squinting like this helps to make the look more convincing and attentive.

3. Don't overdo it with a smile.

Too wide a smile is not for everyone. It looks unnatural, especially in combination with wide-open eyes (see the previous point) And besides, it emphasizes wrinkles. Smile more restrained and your face will look nicer.

4. Watch your cheeks

Especially those who are naturally endowed with large cheeks or developed cheekbones, in order to look more attractive in portrait photos, you should try to visually reduce the volume of the face. According to the advice of professional photographers, here's how you can easily solve this problem: turn the camera with your more advantageous side in half a turn, about 30 degrees. And press the tip of your tongue to the palate. This will visually narrow your face.

5. Don't pout your lips like "duck beak" or "chicken butt"

Contrary to the opinion of many girls, "duck" lips do not decorate the face at all, but vice versa. Therefore, do not pout your lips, but slightly squeeze them, as if you want to kiss someone. Do not pull them into a tube.

When your face is slightly below the camera, then you will look into it as if slightly upward, stretching your neck. This will make the picture more successful. Conversely, when the camera looks at you from below, the face will be more massive and less attractive.

7. Lift your chin

If you decide to take a photo in profile, raise your chin. So your neck will stretch and become visually longer, your cheeks will become narrower, your face more expressive, and the second chin will also disappear, if one is already outlined.

We hope you find these tips useful and will help you always look charming in all your portraits!

For some reason, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we see one thing, but when we revise our photographs, we simply wonder if it is really me? This has already become almost an annoying fact: many girls turn out in photographs not at all the way they look in real life. Now, of course, we are not talking about professional models, because they know what position to stand in, and what facial expression to make, and what emotions to convey to the camera, but for ordinary girls, all this is difficult. What do you need to know to be beautiful in photos?

How to get beautiful in photos: makeup

Makeup plays important role how you come out in the photo, so take this point seriously.

  • If you use pearlescent eyeshadow or blush, be very careful, as they can look like bruises or bruises in the photo.
  • You should also be very careful with pearlescent lipstick: if you want to give your lips volume, then give preference to light shades, they visually enlarge the lips, and apply a little gloss to the center. On the other hand, dark lipstick tones visually reduce the volume of the lips.
  • Using the lip liner, choose a color that is closest to the color of the lipstick, otherwise you may end up looking like a painted doll in the photos.
  • It is better not to use a lipstick with a purple tint or blush of the same color in your makeup at all, as in the photo you will get a sickly and tired look.
  • If you are the owner of tanned skin, then avoid pink, burgundy or purple in your makeup. Light-skinned girls will not be very bright colors.
  • Do not hesitate to apply mascara in several layers - this will give the look expressiveness and openness, and the eyelashes in the photo will look beautiful and fluffy. But it is better not to apply the eyeliner with a bold line, but to make it slightly noticeable, or even to do smoky eye makeup. You can read about this in our article: "Smoky eye makeup".
  • Color eyeliner should be approached very carefully, if you use bright saturated colors - blue, green, bright black, then do not focus on the lips.
  • To avoid the shine of the face in the photo, powder your face well with matte powder. If you have minor skin imperfections, such as small pimples, redness, bluish and dark circles under the eyes, then a concealer pencil will come to your aid, but just choose it a tone paler than a foundation.

  • Are you going to have a black and white photo shoot? Then stop at delicate shades in your makeup, because if you decide to use bright saturated colors, then, for example, red lipstick will look like black in the photo.

How to choose a pose for a photo to be beautiful?

  • A good pose can hide many flaws in your figure, and if you want to get beautiful photos at the end of shooting, then be sure to rehearse in front of a mirror.
  • If you are planning a professional photography, carefully listen to all the advice of the photographer, he probably has in stock several successful poses with which you will perfectly succeed in photography.
  • There is one universal pose that gives everyone a favorable light, and it would be nice for you to remember it. It looks like this - the shoulder slightly moves forward, while positioning your head so that your chin touches the shoulder, and your face and head are tilted down a little. It is simple, but at the same time very interesting pose for a photo, it will look especially good when conducting close-up photography.
  • Very lively and emotional shots are obtained where the subject is in motion. For example, it can be a jump photo or any other sports shooting, where a person does not think about where to direct his arms and legs.

In general, remember that the most successful photographs are where a person is captured most naturally so try to relax while taking the photo. It will not lead to anything good if you protrude your lips and make languid eyes, but if you behave as if you are in the company of good friends, then the photos will turn out as natural as possible.

Tips for those who want to look beautiful in photos

  • If you consider your figure to be somewhat voluminous, then become not straight, but half a turn. As a result, in the picture you will look thinner than you really are.
  • For girls with small stature, it is better to ask the photographer to sit down slightly - this will visually enlarge your figure. And if you are too tall, then this angle should be avoided.
  • Plump ladies should not stand in the center of the frame, so they will look even fuller, it is better to stand somewhere on the side.
  • The face should also be served in the correct position. For some, the best position is to take frontal shots, usually people with large noses or narrow faces. But for owners of a round type of face, it is better to choose such poses so that they are photographed in three quarters, or in half a turn. As a result, the rounded shape of the face will visually decrease.
  • It is very important to remember about correct posture- keep your back straight, arch like a graceful kitty. But without kinks, the curves of your figure should look seductive and natural, and not like you are frozen like a statue.

How to get beautiful in photos: facial expressions

You can rehearse in front of the mirror. Display on your face a whole range of different emotions - smile mysteriously, clenching your teeth slightly, or, on the contrary, smile with a dazzling wide smile. Look arrogant or with fervor in your eyes, there are a lot of options. Choose the expression that suits you best and capture it in a photo.

To get beautiful in the photo, it is not necessary to look directly into the camera and stare at it, you can look away slightly, but do not look into "nowhere", find some point that attracted your attention.

There is one more a little trick for a successful photo- look away from the camera, think about something pleasant or funny, and then turn to the photographer, and he will take a picture of you at that moment.

Read also:

  • Pregnancy Photo Shoot Ideas
  • How to take a selfie?

Take pictures when you have the mood for this, then the photos will turn out to be interesting and emotional. And it is even better to take pictures of yourself and your friends during a walk, holidays or hikes, rather than taking fictitious photos, such photos will turn out to be one hundred percent natural.

It often happens that even a very pretty and attractive girl in photographs does not look good - from somewhere appears a long nose or a double chin, legs give the impression of short or crooked, and instead of a fresh face slightly touched by cosmetics, the photo shows a mask with bruises instead of blush ...

To avoid all this and always turn out well in pictures, it is worth remembering the basic rules of photo models.

Rule 1 - Pose
Try posing in front of the mirror for a bit to find the best position for you. Most Hollywood actresses and fashion models use a simple posture that has been worked out for decades: you need to stand half-turned to the photographer, one leg should be slightly forward, and it is better to lean on the other leg, which is behind.

If you decide to put your right leg forward, then use and right hand... So that it does not hang limply along the body, lean it lightly on your right thigh. This little trick is a guarantee that in the picture you will look taller and slender.

It is also better to turn your head a little in order to be half-turned to the camera. A stern full face is good only for a passport photo.

Keep your back straight. Sometimes you really want to see yourself in a photo with a seductively arched back! If so, practice ahead of time in front of the mirror so that the curve looks natural and truly seductive.

Rule 2 - Facial Expression
Here again best helper there will be a mirror. Try to smile different ways: mysteriously, slightly clenching his lips, or wide, like Hollywood beauties, or tender and inviting, or arrogant. You can also laugh out loud at something and remain cheerful and carefree in the picture.

You don't have to stare into the camera without blinking. Sometimes the most best shots are obtained if the posing looks a little to the side and smiles at someone, but not the photographer. But you shouldn't just look into “emptiness” - be sure to find an interesting object or person, otherwise the look will turn out to be “empty”.

If you are worried that the photo may end up with a double chin, then just make sure that the camera is at or slightly above your eye level.

Actresses and models who have to appear frequently practice this trick. You need to look away from the camera (you can even turn away from opposite side), remember something very pleasant or funny (or imagine that your loved one has just entered the room), sincerely and joyfully smile and - quickly turn to the photographer!

At the same moment, he should click the camera, and in this case, you should get in the picture very directly, naturally and attractively.

Try to take pictures when you really have good mood... For example, going for a walk in the park with a friend or out of town for a picnic with fun company, be sure to take more pictures. Almost certainly all of them will please you. After all, your smile will not be forced, but the most natural one.

Another way to develop a great smile: smile more often in life! Familiar and unfamiliar, a strict uncle with glasses and a baby in a stroller, an old woman with a string bag and a neighbor ... A smile will become for you not a complicated grimace, but a natural expression on your face.

Rule 3 - Makeup
The main thing here is not to overdo it. Makeup should look as natural as possible. An overly light foundation will do you badly.

The second rule - down with pearlescent blush and shadows! They are the ones who can hopelessly ruin even the best shot. Shiny face as if from sweat - not the best way... Better apply a thin layer of matte powder.

If you do not want to look several years older, do not use too dark shadows before the photo shoot. Set aside also purple, green and blue shadows - they will look simply vulgar.

Don’t go around your eyes fatter with black pencil or liquid eyeliner! It will not at all make your eyes larger and more expressive - on the contrary, they will seem small and dull.

If you have blonde hair and skin, the best choice will become a light delicate lipstick. Brunettes and dark-skinned women can afford a wider choice - from the lightest shades to burgundy and purple lipstick.

Rule 4 - Clothing
It is widely believed that if you are going to be photographed, you should definitely dress as smartly as possible. Do not believe it! In fact, smart clothes are noticeably aging - just like formal business suits. If you wear your favorite sundress or a simple casual dress, a white shirt or a sports T-shirt with jeans, the chances of getting good in the photo will increase noticeably.

Perfectly emphasizes youth and freshness is also a simple top that fits the figure and leaves the shoulders and neck exposed.

Try not to overload your clothes with details - this also ages.
Avoid turtlenecks and other clothing that will completely "deprive" of your neck.

Blouses and jackets with buttons in two rows are absolutely contraindicated! You will seem a few pounds heavier than you actually are.

Not the most good decision- necklaces "under the throat" and various velvet and headbands on the neck.
Shiny and too light tights can noticeably harm your legs: in the picture they will look like sausages.

But heels - the green light! They are able to give harmony and elegance to any figure, and they are suitable for almost any clothing.

As for the color of clothes - try not to dress up in clothes that are too bright, let the dress or suit be in natural shades. In addition, plain clothes look better in pictures with colorful ones.
It is better for brunettes not to be photographed in white dresses, and blondes in black ones.

Poisonous green clothes will make the face reddish, and a bright red dress will give some greenish pallor.
Clothing should be loose fit. Down with too loose or too tight outfits!

Without exception, dark blue and beige are suitable for everyone. If you wear such clothes, you definitely can't go wrong!

Of course, all that has been said is true only if adjusted for your personality and taste. So try it, try it and try it again!

It's one thing to take a picture of yourself with your phone and not post it anywhere without serious processing. Another is to make a full-fledged photo session, when you don't need to hide the background and apply hundreds of effects. Questions immediately arise: how to stand, where to put your hands, what to do to look your best. Here are some tips from a professional photographer on how to feel better during photo shoots and look natural and beautiful in the photo.

Now, in the era of online communication, when acquaintance with employers and clients is often carried out remotely, your photography matters more.

Photography is the first thing your clients and partners evaluate if you do business over the Internet, so looking good on them is very important, which is not easy to do.

Here are 8 general tips from photographer Dina McCollum to help you look your best in your photos and create the look you want.

1. Professional makeup and hairstyle

Let's say you yourself are good with makeup, and your hairstyle is never sloppy. But before the photo session, you should still go to the stylist, because the image in the photos will represent you for more than one day.

Professional stylists know how to highlight the advantages and hide the flaws in your appearance, so that you will see yourself from a different perspective.

Attractiveness gives confidence, which is essential for good photos... Do not skimp on the services of a stylist, and the difference will be noticeable immediately.

2. Dress nicely but comfortably

If you have been choosing clothes for a long time, tried on different options and finally found the best one, that is, made an effort to look beautiful, you will feel more confident.

Clothing can hide figure flaws, create beautiful shape body (which, together with the angle, can radically change a person).

However, you should not choose things in which you feel "uncomfortable". the main task of your attire - to express you and help you feel more confident, so choose what you feel comfortable in.

It is better to choose things with a rich, deep color, which makes the photographs more "voluminous" and noticeable, but, at the same time, clothes should be monochromatic, since stripes and cells distract attention from the face.

Compare the two options in the photo below: a girl in a black suit looks more noticeable and bright than in a plaid shirt.

If you are taking photos for work, it is best to avoid tight clothes and clothes made of thin fabrics, it will look undignified.

3. Stand at an angle to the camera.

No girl wants to look bigger than she really is (except for the thinnest). If you are standing straight with your shoulders and hips parallel to the camera, you look bigger than you really are.

Turn your shoulders at an angle to the camera, and turn your face towards it, then you will look slimmer and more graceful.

4. If flexed, flex

The person in the photo with straight arms and legs looks ridiculous and unnatural. A smooth bend of the arm and a little free space between the arms and the body looks much better. This position accentuates the waist for an hourglass effect.

Shift your weight onto your hind leg with your knee slightly forward, closer to the camera. Those closest to the lens appear larger in the photo, so putting your weight on your back foot and moving your hips further away from the lens makes them smaller.

5. Straighten your back

Even if you're slouching, it's worth making a little effort in the photo to straighten your back. People with a straight back appear confident and successful.

6. Smile

To smile naturally, you need to relax. But even then, you may not look very good due to the nature of your natural smile and laughter. When we really laugh or smile, we often pull our chin up to our neck, which creates ugly folds (double chin).

Therefore, smiling in the photo, try to breathe through your mouth, and place your tongue behind your upper teeth. This trick will help you smile naturally and beautifully.

7. Hire a professional photographer

If you need not just a couple of new photos for your profile picture, but a full-fledged presentation for your business, it is better to spend several thousand for a professional photo session, because a photographer is not only good camera, this is experience and knowledge in this area.

In addition, you can use professional photos for ten years, and based on that time it turns out quite inexpensively.

8. Be yourself

This is a great rule, and probably the most important. A frozen slice of reality in your photo will definitely show how constricted you feel. Therefore, the best thing is to just relax and enjoy the shooting.

If you are a cheerful person by nature, do not hide it, if you are serious, do not try to pretend to be perky. the best photos- those on which a person fully expresses himself.