According to the Artillery Department, after landing in Europe, American troops should have needed a powerful machine to break through German fortifications such as the Siegfried Line. However, the American command believed that artillery would be enough to punch holes in the dragon's teeth. In addition, some hope was placed on a well-armored medium tank M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo, with better frontal protection than German Tiger. In general, American Tank forces showed no interest in developing new armored vehicles to solve the upcoming problem. However, the Artillery Department, on its own initiative in September 1943, began work on new program heavy tanks. Initially, it was planned to install a new 105mm T5E1 gun on a tank with 8-inch frontal armor and an electric drive designed for the T1E1 heavy tank and T23 medium tank. The head of the Artillery Department proposed to create the first pilot tank in 8-12 months and to produce 25 new tanks in the same time. It was believed that this is how much time american army will be before landing in Europe. However, the Army Ground Forces did not show much interest and advised that only three prototypes be made, replacing the electric drive with a traditional mechanical transmission. After a conference of interested parties, the Army Service Forces in March 1945 authorized the production of 5 vehicles, under the designation heavy tank T28 (heavy tank T28). The initial characteristics were changed in the direction of increasing the frontal armor to 12 inches at a slope of 90 degrees, which increased the weight to 95 tons. The cannon mantlet was 11½ inches (29.21 cm) thick, with the upper side 6-8 inches (15.24-20.32 cm) thick, Bottom part sides - only 2½ inches (6.35 cm) at an angle of 57.5 degrees, despite the outer block of the chassis had a 4-inch (10.16 cm) armor screen, which gave additional protection. The hull was made of cast and rolled armor, joined by welding.

Scheme of the super-heavy tank T28 / self-propelled guns T95. Let's pay attention to the 12-inch frontal armor.

The proposed tank had a low silhouette without a turret. In the frontal armor, a 105mm T5E1 cannon was to be installed with horizontal aiming angles of 10 degrees and vertical aiming from -5 to +19.3 degrees. When moving, the gun was fixed in the maximum raised position. Gun ammunition - 62 shots. Crew 4 people. The driver is in front on the left, the gunner is in front on the right, the loader is on the left behind the fighting compartment, the commander is on the right behind, behind the gunner. The workplaces of the driver and commander were equipped with observation turrets. The commander's cupola was supposed to have a ring mount for a 50 .cal machine gun with 660 rounds of ammunition. It was the only auxiliary armament of the tank (apart from personal weapons), and to fire from it, the commander had to stand in an open hatch. The gunner had a telescopic sight paired with the gun and a periscope sight on the roof of the hull.

105mm GUNS T5E1 and T5E2
105mm guns T5E1 and T5E2

heavy tank M6A2E1 (gun T5E1);
heavy tank T28 (105mm self-propelled guns T95) on a T40 carriage (T5E1 gun);
heavy tank T29, on carriage T123E1 (gun T5E2);
heavy tank Т29Е1, on carriage Т123 (gun Т5Е1);
heavy tank Т29Е2, on carriage Т123E2 (gun Т5Е2);
heavy tank Т29Е3, on carriage Т123 (gun Т5Е1)

chamber length (without rifling) 83.1088 cm
threaded length 599.6686 cm
chamber length (to the edge of the projectile) 73.1774 cm
channel length 609.6 cm
barrel length 682.7774 cm, 65 calibers
shutter recoil length 23.495 cm
length from the muzzle to the back of the bolt 706.2724 cm
extra length, with T10 muzzle brake 46.99 cm
total length 753.11 cm
channel diameter 10.50036 cm
chamber volume 615 cu. inches
barrel weight (without muzzle brake) 2 345.07255 kg
weight of the entire gun (without muzzle brake) 2 857.63193 kg
muzzle brake weight T10 83.4609961 kg
total weight about 2 941.09293 kg
shutter type semi-automatic, vertical
rifling 36 rifling, right hand, 1 turn/30 calibers
ammunition separate loading
fuse impact type
the weight of the entire ammunition AP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) 34 kg
HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) 27 kg
HE T30E1 Shell (HE) 31 kg
projectile weight AP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) 17.7 kg
HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) 11.2 kg
HE T30E1 Shell (HE) 15.2 kg
the highest pressure of powder gases 289 579 806 Pascal
highest rate of fire 6 rounds / min, with two loaders
projectile muzzle energy AP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) - 2433 ft-tons
HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) - 2335 ft-tons
HE T30E1 Shell (HE) - 2232 ft-tons
* - 1451 ft-tons
starting speed AP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) - 914 m/s
HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) - 1128 m/s
HE T30E1 Shell (HE) - 945 m/s
HE T30E1 Shell (HE) red.vel. * - 945 m/s
firing range ?* *
* - ammunition with reduced initial speed Yu
* * - the development of ammunition was stopped before the completion of the test program
ammunition 105mm guns T5E1, T5E2 and their armor penetration on homogeneous armor
projectile type title Weight, kg initial speed, m/s range, m
914 1829
armor-piercing AP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) 34 914 135mm/84mm * 119mm/69mm *
armor-piercing sub-caliber HVAP-T T29T3 Shot (APCR-T) 27 1128 ? ?
explosive HE T30E1 Shell (HE) 31 945 ? ?
explosive HE T30E1 Shell (HE) reduced speed 31 762 ? ?
* In the numerator - armor penetration on homogeneous armor at an angle of 30 degrees. from the vertical
The denominator is armor penetration against homogeneous armor at an angle of 60 degrees. from the vertical

Gunner's workplace. Visible telescopic sight T139 and periscope.

On February 7, 1945, the Head of the Artillery Department in a memorandum requested to change the name of the vehicle from the T28 heavy tank to 105mm self-propelled unit T95 (105mm gun motor carriage T95). This step was argued by the fact that the vehicle does not have a turret, and its auxiliary armament is limited. OCM 26898 dated March 8, 1945 approved the name change and fixed the characteristics of the new vehicle.

Dismantling and connecting together the external suspension units of the ACS T95

External blocks of the T95 self-propelled guns, disconnected from the tank, connected together and ready for towing.

The workload of production facilities with military orders caused difficulties in finding an enterprise capable of manufacturing five pilot vehicles. Pacific Car and Foundry Company agreed to take on the project and in May 1945 they received technical documentation for the SPG and detailed information for the installation of a gun and a horizontal spring suspension. Work began immediately. On June 20, 1945, the first cast frontal part was delivered, and in August 1945, welding of the first hull was completed.

With the end of the fighting Pacific Ocean the number of pilot cars was reduced from five to two, while pilot No. 1 was required to be delivered to the Aberdeen Proving Ground on December 21, 1945, and pilot No. 2 on January 10, 1946. The first pilot with registration number 40226809 was used in Aberdeen for technical tests, and the second, with the number 40226810 was transferred to Fort Knox and later to the Engineering Division in Yuma, Arizona, to test pontoon bridges.

The T95 had the same power unit as the M26 Pershing tank, although the self-propelled guns were almost twice heavier than a tank. In order to fit the obviously weak 500-horsepower Ford GAF ​​engine and torkmatic transmission into the T95, the gear ratio had to be changed so that the top speed did not exceed 8 miles per hour. Thus, the usual cruising speed was 7 miles per hour at 2600 rpm. The fuel supply was enough for approximately 100 miles. Big weight The machine also demanded to find a way to reduce the specific pressure on the ground to an acceptable level. An empty car weighed 90.3 tons, and in combat readiness 95 tons. The solution was found in the installation of two sets of tracks on each side. When the ground was firm enough, the outer set of tracks, along with the 4-inch armor screens, could be dismantled, connected together and towed behind the vehicle in the form of a dolly. Each track was 19 ½ inches (49.53 cm) wide, with 102 tracks in 6 inch (15.24 cm) increments. thus, the removal of the outer tracks at the same time reduced the overall width of the machine from 179 ½ inches (455.93 cm) to 124 inches (314.96 cm), which made it possible to transport the machine on railway platforms. In Aberdeen, an untrained crew from four people dismantled external track kits in four hours field conditions from the very first try. It took the same amount of time to install them back. On the third attempt, the same crew dismantled and installed the outer tracks in two and a half hours. For these purposes, the T28 / T95 had two hydraulic winches.

Hello dear tankers! Today we continue to consider the US tank destroyer branch and today one of the most incomprehensible and scary Tier 8 vehicles is next in line. Terrible not only for the enemy, but also for the driver. This is a machine that does not forgive mistakes. A machine, with the proper use of which, you can bring panic and fear into the enemy's ranks. This is one of the most obscure, creepiest, most unexpected cars in the game. Meet T28.

Well, the car is level 8. Despite its level, this vehicle does not find a place in the companies, like many other tank destroyers. This car is made for the scary bending of the random, however, you will have to work hard to bend each and every one individually. Many drivers of this PT and the next one also pay with their nerves, and many get a lot of fun. Therefore, if you do not like very slow and armored vehicles, then it is better to stop at the T25 AT. This machine differs from its predecessor in all respects and on each one individually. It's worth trying to play on this machine, perhaps even on OT (general test) immediately in the top configuration, but if the machine is not for you, then it's better not to torture yourself and the allied team - nerves are more expensive. It is also worth considering the fact that the T95 is a truly terrifying continuation of the T28 (in two senses of the word “terrifying”, for whom, decide for yourself). The value of this horror is 2,580,000 credits and 87,000 experience. The numbers are quite common for level 8, so there is nothing terrible and unattainable in them. From experience, this is even slightly less than that of the alternative T28 prototype. However, since the machine is quite demanding on the hands and does not forgive mistakes, we immediately need to install additional equipment, put a good crew and apply camouflage. We will talk about the equipment later, but already now expect to spend at least 1,000,000 credits on its purchase, since the previous vehicle was light, and this is a heavy tank with completely different class modules. As for the crew, everything is quite simple, but with its own moments. I have repeatedly said that the higher the level of the car, the more its characteristics are influenced by the crew. Therefore, I highly recommend transferring the crew from the previous car, since the specialties completely coincide. I advise you to transplant immediately with a 100% level of proficiency in the main specialty, this can be achieved in several ways:

  • The most convenient way is to retrain everyone for gold. The perks of us and our predecessors should match, so they don't even have to be reset. It will cost you 200 * 5 = 1,000 gold.
  • An alternative option is retraining for silver up to 100%. Here we will have to sacrifice a small amount of experience, as we will be forced to reset the skills of the crew and retrain them. Thus, part of the experience in the "plus" will cover the entire penalty amount, and plus, we will be able to choose new perks and skills. It will cost us 40,000 * 4 = 160,000 silver.

I also highly recommend applying camouflage to the car. We are a PT, which already means that we have a bonus to camouflage, and in combination with camouflage we will get a good increase ... It will cost 80,000 * 3 = 240,000 credits for 30 days. It's not that expensive for a level 8.


Here is the machine research tree

Of course, the already opened pre-top gun and radio station cannot but rejoice. However, if you have already upgraded the alternative PT T28 prototype, then the gun and engine should already be open.

As usual, the choir must be opened and installed immediately to increase the load capacity of the machine. Also, we will significantly increase the turning speed and cross-country ability on different soils, which in turn is extremely important for the PT with our dynamics.

Both the top engine and the stock engine do not reach enough power to achieve more or less normal speed with our mass. Yes, the top engine is important, but the game is not based on dynamics on this tank, so the top gun will be more useful for us.

Well, the stock radio station will obviously not be enough for us to play at our levels, so we definitely immediately install the top radio station, since it was opened a very long time ago and is quite light in weight. It will be enough for us.

A terrible, very terrible top gun for this tank. Of course, many will say that the BL-10 will be better, but this is not so. Firstly, accuracy is better here, and secondly, one-time damage does not always solve. There are a lot of situations when it is more important to inflict 100 - 200 units. damage is faster than inflicting 700 - 800, but wait 15 seconds ... We have more than enough penetration even with basic shells, so we will not have problems with penetration of mouses, Is-7 and slippers. The damage is also quite good, and with a high rate of fire, we can pour in and pour in damage. As for the pre-top weapon, it is not enough for us, but be patient and gradually upgrade the top one, in the end you will get what you wanted and the game will become much more pleasant.


It is better to open and install modules in this order

  1. radio station
  2. Chassis
  3. Top gun
  4. Engine

The last 2 points can be swapped if you are too unbearable to ride with a stock engine.

Advantages and disadvantages of the car in the top configuration


  • low silhouette
  • Excellent booking in the frontal projection
  • Great tool
  • Good shooting accuracy on the move


  • Poor side and stern armor
  • Weak dynamics
  • No tower

Balance weight

We get into battles of 8 - 10 levels. In principle, we don’t care who to make holes, but we don’t care what kind of artillery to catch blanks from. However, we feel comfortable everywhere if the machine is for you and you know how to play it.


A successful game with PA will bring us a little farm. All this is due to the good survivability of the vehicle and the ability to deal high damage to any opponents. However, this is all when using ordinary shells and consumables, with premium ones you will go into the red. The game without PA will also differ little from the last option.


Well, get used to the fact that you are a mobile pillbox. We have an extremely weak dynamics, so we need to carefully choose the direction where to go from the very beginning. We are unlikely to be able to return to the base, not to mention the change of flank. It is also worth noting that we have a fairly long body, which means that it will not be difficult to break through you into a lateral projection, and to get there too. We should be wary of artillery, because the boards and feed are cardboard and splashes will pass perfectly. Also because of the low speed - we just can not quickly change position. Our worst enemy is CTs at short distances, they can simply get used to the side and hit us. Shoot down their tracks, crit the engine, do whatever you want, but don't let them near you. Well, according to this PT, perhaps all of the features. I will only say that you need to think well before each action, turn, shot. The game on this PT is built with the help of brains, not hands and experience, which is also important.

Optional equipment

Everything is standard here, but with some features

  • Rammer
  • Drives
  • Fan / lining / optics / mesh - depending on the style of play. Personally, I would put a lining, we don’t have dynamics anyway, so we won’t lose anything, but artillery will have to try hard when dealing damage. Even with such a twist direct hit it might just be a poke.


Also standard

  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Crew perks


  1. Sixth Sense
  2. Disguise
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Sniper
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. Virtuoso
  3. The Brotherhood of War
  1. Disguise
  2. radio interception
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Non-contact ammo rack
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Machine vulnerabilities

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammo rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, a few videos on the car

Today's article was supposed to be V Archer, which is now in the promotional branch, but somehow it didn’t grow together. For PT is still an amateur class. The archer himself is a normal machine, with his own trick, but whatever one may say, the class still forces him to play third roles, shoot from the red line, and so on. Not the best choice when you want to be at the forefront of the attack, to make a game. In general, melancholy is mortal.

And it would seem that what is already there is a voluntary matter, if you want to play on LT, ST, no one forces you to download PT. But for personal combat missions, after all, they give too many goodies, including super-useful female crew members, and I don’t want to refuse them. And here the T110e4 branch comes to the aid of the author, which only formally refers to the PT. And in particular the hero of this article, the author's favorite PT - VIII T28 Prototype.

So, let's move on to TTX. Characteristics are given for 120% crew, with cola.

Equipment for T28 Prototype:


DPM;Alpha strike;Breakthrough of BB/BP 3002; 400; BB 248 / BP 297
Strength 1150
Accuracy/Adjustment 0.32; 1.85 c
Scatter coefficients 0.18 / 0.18 / 0.13
Specific power 11.65
Rotation (Ground; towers) °/s 25.89° / 20.86° / 10.91° ; 20.47°
Maximum speed 28/10
Basic overview 380
Camouflage (rest/movement/shot) 28.9 / 18.9 / 5.2
Elevation angles -10 /15

Many players complained about the prot, saying that it was just unplayable. Doesn't drive, doesn't tank. And because of this, I put off the purchase for almost a year. As it turned out, very in vain.

After researching the T28 Prototype to the top configuration, it definitely became a favorite tank in the World of Tanks tank destroyer class.

What we see in the characteristics of the T28 Prototype:

The baking pan is a typical heavy in terms of the style of play, so it would be correct to compare it with them. Most TT8s have 2200 damage per minute. Here we have - fuck them by the leg 3000 ! And all this with excellent penetration both on the BB and on the gold. Let's multiply this by good accuracy.

By gun definitely head and shoulders above its closest competitors i.e. TT. I would even say 3 heads higher, but the pan is still nominal and has a class limitation in the form of the inability to install a vertical stabilizer, which can definitely be called the most powerful and useful equipment in the game.

The main disadvantage compared to TT is low margin of safety. TT 8 have from 1400 (500 100/emil) safety margin and up to 1780 (KV-5), while we have 1150. A few shells were unsuccessfully caught - and that's it, you are a half-corpse, which can be easily taken from a land mine.

As for booking. It is excellent, the main thing is not to forget to turn just a little bit. At first glance, this is a typical T26e4 armor, that is, a strong forehead, holey bots. But in practice, he tanks many times better. The location of the armor, in general, allows you to trade in a turned VLD because of some kind of sloping mound. The same super pershing breaks through with any six into its bucket on the tower, which is also easy to aim and almost never gives ricochets.

At the prot, the turrets are stronger, lower in profile + they catch ricochets. In general, it is 10 times more difficult to break through prot's turrets than the same super perch. All of the above, of course, is true, provided that you are constantly moving and do not allow vulnerable points to be targeted. Any standing tank - does not tank anything, this is the iron rule of WoT.

The main disadvantage of the tank is not the presence of turrets, but the “leaky” cheeks of the turret, which, when penetrating 250+, break through almost stably. That is, any ten can already saw you on the BB, if the driver of the ten knows exactly where to shoot.

Dynamics. According to the numbers in the hangar, this is terrible, but it turned out to be generally tolerable and playable. It is extremely boring at the beginning of the battle .. By the time you get to the enemy’s position, you can fall asleep, but then there are enough dynamics for combat. Apparently the normal resistance to soils, especially hard ones, affects.

The dynamics are most sad at the finishing stage, when you are clearly winning and it remains to get a few living opponents. Here Prot is clearly out of work.

Disguise. We are far from ST or other PTs in this parameter, but in comparison with strands, this parameter is excellent for us. It can and should be used.

Somehow earlier, the site already published the site, where the T28 super-heavy tank was mentioned in passing, but in that publication it was about. However, it is worth noting that there were also not bad projects in the countries that deserve attention. And today we will talk about the monster of tank building, which is deservedly the second largest sample of armored vehicles ever embodied in metal.

The project was supposed to create a squat, reckless tank. At the same time, the 105-mm T5E1 gun was mounted in the front plate with pointing angles along the horizon of 10 °, and declination angles of + 20-5 °. The crew of four was supposed to include the driver and gunner, sitting in front to the left and right of the gun, respectively, the loader - to the rear-left and the commander behind the gunner. The driver and commander had observation towers at their disposal. A turret was mounted around the commander's cupola for a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun. It could only be used by the commander, standing in the hatch, which made it possible to consider the machine gun only as auxiliary weapons, except for the personal weapons of the crew members. The gunner had at his disposal a telescopic sight connected to the gun barrel and a periscope sight mounted on the roof of the fighting compartment.

On February 7, 1945, the head of the armaments department issued a memorandum proposing to change the name from T28 to the "self-propelled" T95, given the lack of a turret and weak auxiliary weapons. Order OSM 26898 dated March 8, 1945, this proposal was approved. However, during the tests, the name changed again. Heavily armored, with powerful weapons, the T95 self-propelled gun did not fit into the concept of armored weapons ground forces USA. So, tanks had to have a turret, and self-propelled guns were usually lightly armored to achieve maximum mobility. T95 did not fit in either there or there. As a result, in June 1946 the name was changed again - the car became heavy tank T28. It was considered that powerful weapons and heavy armor were more suitable for a tank.

By the way, it is worth noting that the tank had the same power unit as the M26 “Pershing” tank, despite the fact that the self-propelled guns were twice as heavy. The 500-horsepower engine was clearly not enough, the speed was no higher than 12 km / h. In reality, it was recommended to move at a speed of no more than 10 km / h at 2600 engine revolutions.

Also, due to the huge weight of the machine, it was necessary to somehow solve the problem of high pressure on the ground, and the solution was to install an additional pair of tracks on board. However, if necessary, these external tracks, together with the side 100-mm screen, could be dismantled to move the tank on hard ground. The removed tracks were towed behind the self-propelled gun. Removing the outer tracks reduced the width of the vehicle from 4.56 m to 3.15 m. In Aberdeen, on trials, four crew members removed the outer tracks on the first attempt in 4 hours, the same amount was required for their installation. On the third attempt, both of these operations took 2.5 hours.

The performance characteristics of the American super heavy tank T28:

Length - 11.12 m;

Width - 4.54 m;

Height - 2.86 m;

Weight - 86.3 tons;

Engine - GAF;

Engine power - 500 hp;

Speed ​​- 12.8 km / h;

Power reserve - 160 km;

Crossable moat - 2.9 m;

The thickness of the frontal armor (angle of inclination) - 305 (0) mm;

Side armor thickness - 152 mm;

Roof thickness - 38 mm;

Bottom thickness - 25 mm;


Weapon - Т5Е1;

Caliber - 105 mm;

Machine guns - HB M2;

Caliber - 12.7 mm;

Crew - 4 people.

How do you like this tank? Don't forget to express your opinion in the comments! ;)

Popular publications of the site.

In September 1943, the United States launched a program to develop a number of heavy combat vehicles. Studies conducted by the armaments department showed that such vehicles may be needed in Europe to overcome advance fortified defensive lines such as the German "Western Wall". It was planned to use the new 105 mm T5E1 gun. The tank was planned to use 200 mm armor and electric transmission, developed for the heavy tank T1E1 and medium T23. The T5E1 gun had a high muzzle velocity and could effectively hit concrete fortifications. The head of the weapons department calculated that 25 of these tanks could be produced within eight to twelve months (usually it took so long to manufacture one prototype), which would allow them to keep up with the invasion of Europe. The Ground Forces did not agree with this and recommended that only three experimental tanks be made, and the electric transmission should be replaced with a mechanical one. After approvals in March 1944, the rear of the ground forces ordered five tanks, which received the designation T28. At the same time, the armor was increased to 305 mm, and the combat weight was raised to 95 tons.

According to the project, it was supposed to create a squat, turretless tank. At the same time, the 105-mm T5E1 gun was mounted in the front plate with pointing angles along the horizon of 10 °, and declination angles of + 20-5 °. The crew of four was supposed to include the driver and gunner, sitting in front to the left and right of the gun, respectively, the loader - to the rear-left and the commander behind the gunner. The driver and commander had observation towers at their disposal. A turret was mounted around the commander's cupola for a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun. It could only be used by the commander, standing in the hatch, which made it possible to consider the machine gun only as auxiliary weapons, except for the personal weapons of the crew members. The gunner had at his disposal a telescopic sight connected to the gun barrel and a periscope sight mounted on the roof of the fighting compartment.

On February 7, 1945, the head of the armaments department issued a memorandum proposing to change the name from T28 to the "self-propelled" T95, given the lack of a turret and weak auxiliary weapons. Order OSM 26898 dated March 8, 1945, this proposal was approved. Considering the pressure of the industry loaded with military orders, it turned out to be difficult to find the capacity even to manufacture five cars. The Pacific Car and Foundary Company agreed to implement the project, and in May 1945 she received the project drawings, a description of the gun mount and horizontal spring suspension. Immediately began the final fine-tuning of the project. The first casting of the frontal part of the hull was received on June 20, and the welding of the hull was completed in August 1945.

After the end of the Pacific War, the number of experimental vehicles was reduced to two in the order. The first of them was shipped to the Aberdeen Proving Ground on December 21, 1945, and the second on January 10, 1946. The first machine received registration number 40226809 and was used for testing at Aberdeen, and the second - N 40226810 - was transferred to Fort Knox, and then to engineering institute in Yuma, Arizona, to test floating engineer bridges.

The propulsion system of the T95 was almost identical to that installed on the M26 Pershing tank, although the latter was twice as light. Taking into account the traction characteristics of the 500-horsepower Ford GAF ​​engine, handling conditions and transmission ratio, the speed was no higher than 12 km / h. In reality, it was recommended to move at a speed of no more than 10 km / h at 2600 engine revolutions. The heavy weight of the machine forced Special attention to reduce the specific pressure on the ground. The solution to this problem was achieved by installing two pairs of tracks - a pair on board. The outer tracks, together with the side 100-mm screen, could be dismantled to move the tank on hard ground. The removed tracks were towed behind the self-propelled gun. Removing the outer tracks reduced the width of the vehicle from 4.56 m to 3.15 m. In Aberdeen, on trials, four crew members removed the outer tracks on the first attempt in 4 hours, the same amount was required for their installation. On the third attempt, both of these operations took 2.5 hours.

Heavily armored, with powerful weapons, the T95 self-propelled gun did not fit into the concept of armored weapons of the US Army. So, tanks had to have a turret, and self-propelled guns were usually lightly armored to achieve maximum mobility. T95 did not fit in either there or there. As a result, in June 1946 the name was changed again - the vehicle became the T28 heavy tank. It was considered that powerful weapons and heavy armor were more suitable for a tank. Nevertheless, T28 (T95) continued its tests at the Aberdeen Proving Ground until the end of 1947 - the survivability of parts and assemblies was determined during the operation of such a heavy machine. In total, 865 km were “wound on the caterpillar”, including 205 km on roads and 660 km on virgin soil. Needless to say, this took quite a long time due to the low speed of movement and little interest in the tank test program. The work was stopped due to the decision of the Department of Military Policy to stop all work in the class of 100-ton machines. One T28 (T95) is now on display in the collection of the Patton Museum at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

TTX super heavy tank T28 (105-mm self-propelled gun T95)
Crew 4 people
Length 11.12 m
Width 4.55 m
Height (by machine gun) 2.85 m
Weight (combat) 86260 kg
Armor thickness
gun mask 292 mm
hull forehead 305 mm
board (with screen) 152 mm
105 mm gun T5E1 (62 rounds)
12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun M2
Engine power 500 HP
Speed 13 km/h
Range on hard surfaces 160 km