Combat support is a system of measures enshrined in the charter aimed at eliminating the possibility of a surprise attack by the enemy and reducing the effectiveness of these attacks. They also consist in creating suitable conditions for the conduct of combat operations for units and subunits.

The types of combat support have changed over time. Some of them either became independent industries, or were included in others, and sometimes outgrew the scope of support and were included in the content of the battle.

Through me

First World War laid the foundation for the development of combat support. Before it, there were only three types of it: camouflage, reconnaissance and preservation. However, during the war, tanks, aircraft and chemical weapon, therefore, the foundation was laid for such branches of support as anti-tank, air defense and anti-chemical protection of troops. There was also a need for meteorological support due to the use of aeronautical vehicles and artillery fire from closed positions.

After that, certain adjustments were introduced into the types of support for hostilities. In view of the increase in the joints between units and subunits and the relatively low density of assets and forces during maneuvering operations, the flanks and joints between subunits and units have become especially vulnerable. This led to the emergence of a new industry, which was called the provision of flanks and junctions. Also during Patriotic War defence from airborne assault also became a supply industry.

Anti-bacteriological and anti-nuclear protection began to be used for the first time in the post-war period. Later, together with anti-chemical protection, they entered a new branch of support called the protection of troops from weapons of mass destruction.

Such types as anti-aircraft and anti-tank defense, protection against airborne assaults, and provision of flanks became part of combined arms combat and, as types of combat support, were abolished.

tactical intelligence

The main types of combat support for the troops include, first of all, reconnaissance. This is a system of measures for collecting and studying information about the troops and military means of the enemy, as well as the terrain in which combat operations are to be conducted. The main purpose of intelligence is to establish combat strength, disposition, condition and grouping of enemy troops, special attention should be paid to nuclear and chemical means of attack, high-precision weapons systems. As a result of reconnaissance, flaws in the enemy's defenses and his strengths, the presence and nature of engineering equipment in the occupied area, and the possibility of using nuclear and chemical weapons are studied. Among other things, the social side is also important: the mood among the local population is explored, economic situation and socio-political composition.

Successfully conducted reconnaissance ensures the possibility of a timely response to enemy actions and the successful entry into battle of units and subunits, as well as the realization of the entire combat potential of the troops.


One of the most important types of security is camouflage. This is a system of measures that should hide from the alleged enemy the deployment of their troops, their number, equipment, their combat readiness, intentions and actions. The constant improvement of reconnaissance means forces us to constantly work on camouflage means. The main requirements are activity, constancy and continuity, diversity and persuasiveness.

By activity is meant the ability in any conditions to demonstrate and impose on the enemy false information about the position, intentions and composition of one's troops. Persuasion means that everything Taken measures should correspond to the situation, while taking into account the various possibilities of reconnaissance of the enemy, because they are used in a complex manner. Permanence and continuity - this requirement means that camouflage measures must be carried out not only in preparation for battle, but also in any changes in the situation, as well as directly during combat. The use of a variety of camouflage methods eliminates stereotypes, and therefore reduces the effectiveness of enemy reconnaissance.

Engineering support

Engineering entered into the types of comprehensive support for combat operations during the First World War, but over time it changed qualitatively. In the modern world, the engineering support industry has to solve a number of complex tasks related to creating suitable conditions for hostilities, increasing protection against enemy weapons, as well as delivering strikes against a potential enemy using engineering means.

The effective operation of this industry is impossible without the enemy, facilities and combat areas. The tasks of engineering support include fortification work on the ground, the deployment of communication and control points, as well as the destruction of enemy engineering facilities (clearing mines, removing obstacles and barriers, maintaining crossings and traffic routes). Within the framework of engineering support, measures are being taken to supply water, as well as camouflage troops and military facilities.

Chemical supply

This industry includes not only measures to protect troops from weapons of mass destruction (abbreviated - ZOMP), but also control over their use, as well as the use of masking smoke.

This type of support is also based on intelligence. The tasks of radiation and chemical reconnaissance include the detection of the corresponding contamination and the supply of headquarters with data on the situation on the ground and in the lower atmosphere. If there is an infection, its degree, nature and scale are identified, the boundaries of the infected zones are indicated, and ways to bypass them are organized. The same specialists carry out measures for bacteriological (biological) non-specific reconnaissance, the result of which is to obtain information about the use by the enemy and the protection of his troops from him.
As part of chemical support, dosimetric and chemical control is carried out. In case of infection of troops, special treatment is carried out to maintain their combat capability. It includes decontamination, degassing and disinfection of equipment, weapons, engineering and material means, if necessary, sanitization of personnel.

Cloaking smokes are used to blind the enemy. They also allow you to simulate the action of decoys and mask the position of your troops. Smoke counteracts some types of enemy reconnaissance, makes photographing, video surveillance and visual control difficult, and interferes with the operation of other equipment.

All types of combat support must be used jointly and continuously, during combat and its preparation, during the movement of troops and their deployment on the ground. In view of the constant expansion of tasks and the reduction in the timing of their implementation, most of the support work is assigned to the troops themselves, and only the most complex tasks that require special knowledge and the availability of equipment are performed by units special troops, for example, engineering troops.

The organizers of the security measures are the chief of staff and the chiefs of the branches and divisions of the special forces.

The oldest industry

Security is one of the main types of combat support that existed even before the First World War. All units and subunits, without exception, regardless of the conditions, during the conduct of combat and its preparation, during the movement of troops and deployment on the ground, are obliged to carry out security measures. The purpose of the guard is to exclude the possibility of a sudden attack by the enemy, to interfere with enemy reconnaissance and to create favorable conditions for the entry of friendly troops into battle. The task of preventing surprise attacks from the air was once also entrusted to the guard, but in modern conditions this has become impossible without the use of special air defense radar equipment.

Types of combat support for aviation

The Air Force, due to the need to conduct combat operations in the air, has several different types of combat support, however, some of them are classic (camouflage, chemical support, aerial reconnaissance), adjusted for a different impact environment.

Electronic warfare is a set of measures for detecting and suppressing enemy electronic means, and, accordingly, protecting one's own radio electronic equipment from interference created by the enemy.

Navigation support includes a number of measures to ensure the safety, reliability and accuracy of flights along routes, timely launch aerial technology on objects, the most effective use of existing weapons. As part of navigational support, calculations and data are prepared, radio engineering and radio navigation systems are used (both ground and airborne), as well as solving problems directly in battle.

The Air Force has and the radio industry technical support, the essence of which is to receive timely accurate information about the position of aircraft in space, to supply pilots with data for accurate targeting (air and ground), ensuring safety during takeoff and landing at airfields.
Search and rescue support means measures to supply aircraft crews with rescue equipment and prepare for their use, training and technical equipment of crews involved in rescue operations, search for aircraft in distress and assistance to them.

Weather and terrain

Topographic and geodetic support is aimed at collecting data on the terrain in which military operations will be conducted. The tasks of this industry include supplying the headquarters with maps, special and topographic, photographic documents of the area, preparing gravimetric and geodetic information, topographic reconnaissance activities, forecasting possible problems when conducting a battle.
The purpose of meteorological support is to notify the headquarters, subunits and units of the troops about the meteorological conditions in the zone of direct combat operations or in the area where it is necessary to carry out maneuvers. These reports include both forecasts and actual weather information. However, the main purpose is to achieve the maximum efficiency of aviation operations and ensure flight safety.

This is the type of security that needs to be given as much attention as the others. Its tasks are to prevent a sudden attack by enemy troops (both ground and air) on rear facilities, as well as their direct protection in battle. By order of the commander, additional funds may be allocated for solving such tasks, which provide combat units.
Various conditions dictate and various methods of protection. This may be guard duty, the construction of observation posts, the dispatch of patrols and patrols. Measures must be taken to protect against intrusion. local residents and enemy groups for the purpose of reconnaissance and sabotage not only directly to rear facilities, but also to evacuation and supply routes.

Rear management is an integral part of command and control, it is carried out by the commander himself or by persons replacing him (heads of services, headquarters, deputies for rear).

Health and comfort of personnel

The types of combat support also include medical support. This is a set of measures to preserve the combat capability of the troops, improve the health of soldiers and promptly return the wounded and sick to duty. Medical support includes measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction, as well as the evacuation of the wounded, the deployment of field hospitals, timely assistance to the wounded, anti-epidemic and sanitary and hygienic treatment.
Medical reconnaissance is aimed at identifying in the zone of command of the troops those factors that may affect the health of personnel. A study of the living conditions of the population and the sanitary condition of settlements is being carried out, the presence of infections among local residents is being established, and if sources of disease are identified, foci of diseases are localized. As a result of medical reconnaissance, foci of contaminated areas and sources of water are indicated, if any. In unfamiliar terrain, information about poisonous animals and plants is especially important.
Material support consists in satisfying the units and subunits in the necessary material resources. It includes the delivery of food and household items, their storage and timely distribution. Material resources also include all types of weapons, military and transport equipment, fuel, medical, clothing and engineering property, ammunition and other materials. Depending on the situation, additional stocks of material resources may be created, as well as their transfer to other units and subunits.


The composition of combat support is supplemented by the repair of weapons and equipment. The task of this industry is to maintain and restore the serviceability of technical means, as well as care for them to increase the service life. In a combat situation, repairs are carried out, as a rule, directly at the site of the breakdown or, if possible, in the nearest shelter. This is done by special repair units. Troubleshooting can take place at the deployment sites of units. Repair can be current (replacement of faulty parts, adjustment work) and medium (restoration of equipment characteristics, which is achieved by replacing or repairing damaged mechanisms). Given this, it can be carried out in the field, while the average repair is longer in time, but it increases the technical life of the sample.
There are principles for determining the priority of repairs. The first in line, as in the case of evacuation, are the weapons mechanism, military and engineering equipment that are directly necessary to carry out a combat mission. Of these, the first to be repaired are the units that require the least amount of time and resources, and, therefore, will be brought back into combat condition the fastest.
Combat support also includes the evacuation of faulty equipment to nearby shelters, to transport routes and to the locations of repair units. Evacuation also implies the extraction of equipment from under the water, blockages, drifts, overturning of overturned samples.


The importance of the troops cannot be overestimated; it has become a major part of troop command and control and is carried out personally by the commander and his deputies. However, for the effectiveness of the use of technical equipment, a certain training of troops is necessary. The personnel are obliged to know the features of the operation of their equipment, this knowledge is developed and consolidated through theoretical studies and practical work. The time allotted for the development of a particular means, as well as the issues studied during preparation, is determined by the commander. Soldiers master equipment in accordance with the specialization of their unit or subunit: radio equipment, armored and automotive equipment, rocket and artillery equipment, protection, communications equipment, etc. In necessary cases, specialists from engineering and technical services may be involved in training.


The means of armed struggle are being improved over time, and this inevitably leads to a constant complication of combat support. Thus, according to information from foreign printed sources, during the Great Patriotic War, the consumption of material resources amounted to twenty kilograms per day per soldier, including food, ammunition and fuel. In modern local wars this number has quadrupled.
In the course of the battle and the actions of the troops, more and more new tasks arise, which over time will lead to the emergence of new branches of military support, for example, protection against precision weapons. This will require the performance of many tasks of general support by the personnel, as well as some re-equipment of the troops, making adjustments to all other sectors, because they must be applied in a comprehensive manner - this is the only way to achieve maximum efficiency.

Comprehensive support for the actions of the unit consists in organizing and implementing measures aimed at maintaining combat readiness and maintaining its combat capability, as well as creating favorable conditions for the successful and timely fulfillment of the assigned tasks. It includes combat, technical and logistic support.

Combat support

Combat support consists in organizing and implementing measures aimed at preventing a sudden attack by the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of his strikes against our troops, and creating favorable conditions for him to enter the battle in an organized and timely manner and successfully conduct it. Combat support is organized on the basis of the decision of the commander in all types of combat, as well as during movement and deployment on the spot.

Combat support includes:

§ exploration;

§ protection;

§ protection against weapons of mass destruction;

§ tactical camouflage;

§ engineering support;

§ chemical supply;

§ moral and psychological support.

§ electronic warfare.

Important directions The activities of all types of combat support are protection from enemy high-precision weapons and lighting support at night and in other conditions of limited visibility.

Intelligence is the most important type of combat support. It is carried out in any situation in order to obtain data about the enemy and the terrain.

The information obtained is transmitted by all possible means to the commander who assigned the task of conducting reconnaissance. Particularly important information is reported immediately. Intelligence information is obtained:



reconnaissance ambushes;


survey of local residents;

interrogation of prisoners and defectors;

the study of documents, samples of weapons and equipment captured from the enemy.

Information about the enemy can also be obtained from higher headquarters, attached units, and from neighbors.

Troop reconnaissance is conducted by reconnaissance and combat reconnaissance patrols, patrol squads and observation posts.

The reconnaissance patrol is sent as part of the reconnaissance platoon and as part of the MSV (TV). The reconnaissance patrol operates at a distance of up to 15 km from its subunits.

Combat reconnaissance patrol. It operates in front of the front or on one of the flanks of the battalion (company) at a distance that provides observation of it and support it with fire, and in the absence of direct contact with the enemy - at a distance of up to 10 km from its units.

A patrol squad (tank) is sent out from a reconnaissance subunit for the timely detection of the enemy and reconnaissance of the area. It operates at a distance providing observation of it and supporting it with fire. The patrol squad performs the task on infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers or on foot, and in winter on skis. It conducts reconnaissance by observation and foot patrols, and the patrol tank - by observation.

The observation post consists of 2 - 3 observers, one of which is appointed senior. The post is equipped with observation devices, a large-scale map or map of the area, an observation log, a compass, a clock, means of communication, illumination and alerting. The task assigned to the observation post is recorded in the observation log.

Protection is organized to prevent the enemy from penetrating to the guarded troops, to detect the appearance of a ground enemy in a timely manner, to warn the guarded troops about him and to ensure their deployment and entry into battle.

Direct security is organized in the platoon and squad, it is carried out by sentries, patrols, and secrets. Personnel assigned to security guards must be in constant combat readiness: observe the established order of duty, the order and order of rest, camouflage measures, show high vigilance, determination, and steadfastness. For every day, a pass and recall are established to identify their military personnel. The pass is communicated orally to all personnel. All persons who do not know the pass are detained. A battalion or company is protected in battle - combat, on the march - marching, when located on the spot - sentry and in all cases, in addition - direct protection.

Protection against weapons of mass destruction is organized with the aim of preventing or minimizing the defeat of subunits by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of its impact and thereby maintaining the combat capability of the subunits and ensuring their successful completion of their tasks.

WMD protection includes:

timely detection of enemy nuclear, chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons;

use of the protective properties of equipment and terrain;

engineering equipment of the terrain occupied by units and camouflage;

warning units of an immediate threat and the beginning of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, prompt notification of personnel about radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination;

conducting special medical events;

ensuring the safety of personnel during operations in contaminated areas, in areas of destruction, fires and floods;

the dispersal of units and the periodic change of areas of their location;

identification and elimination of the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.

Tactical camouflage contributes to achieving surprise in the actions of subunits and reducing their losses.

It aims to hide the actual position of friendly subunits from ground and air reconnaissance of the enemy and mislead him about the formation of battle formation and subunit actions. To do this, subunits must be located or moved using the terrain and its camouflage capabilities, and at night strictly observe blackout. For camouflage of equipment and personnel, standard-issue camouflage equipment is used, improvised materials are widely used in all conditions of combat training.

Engineering support is organized and carried out in order to create the subsection of the necessary conditions for timely and covert advancement, deployment and maneuver, to increase the protection of personnel, weapons and equipment from weapons, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy and hinder his actions.

Engineering support in the battalion includes:

engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects;

fortification equipment of strong points, positions and areas of location of units;

implementation of engineering measures for camouflage and protection against high-precision weapons;

installation of engineering barriers;

making passages in barriers, destruction and arranging passages through obstacles:

equipment and maintenance of crossings;

extraction, purification of water and equipment of points of water supply.

Chemical support is organized and carried out in order to exclude or minimize losses of subunits from enemy weapons of mass destruction, as well as to disguise subunits with aerosols (smoke) and inflict losses on the enemy with incendiary weapons.

The notification of personnel is organized by single and permanent signals: about radioactive contamination - "Radioactive danger": about chemical and biological contamination - "Chemical alarm". Alert signals are given at the direction of the battalion (company) commander. When chemical contamination is detected, warning signals are sent to chemical observation posts (observers)

give on their own. At the warning signal of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, the personnel, when operating on foot and in open vehicles, put on individual protective equipment. When in closed combat vehicles, the personnel put on respirators (gas masks), close hatches, doors, loopholes, blinds and turn on the WMD protection system.

Chemical supply includes:

radiation and chemical reconnaissance;

timely use of personal and collective protective equipment;

radiation and chemical control;

special processing units;

the use of aerosols (smoke) and incendiary weapons.

Electronic warfare is organized and conducted in order to disorganize the control of the opposing enemy's subunits, reduce the effectiveness of the use of his weapons, reconnaissance technical means, and also to ensure the stability of the operation of the means of controlling one's own subunits and weapons. It is carried out in close combination with fire engagement and destruction of the main means of command and control of enemy subunits in accordance with the solution of reconnaissance and camouflage tasks and is carried out by performing separate measures for electronic suppression, electronic protection of own means of commanding subunits (weapons) and countering enemy reconnaissance means.

Types and essence of comprehensive support.

One of the principles and conditions that ensure the successful management special operation, is a comprehensive provision. In modern conditions, comprehensive support provides for the organization and implementation of measures aimed at maintaining the high combat readiness of units, maintaining their combat capability and creating favorable conditions for the successful and timely performance of combat missions. Comprehensive support includes combat, technical and logistic support.

Combat support

Combat support is the organization and implementation of measures that make it possible to eliminate the surprise of an enemy attack, reduce the effectiveness of his strikes, and create favorable conditions for subunits to enter the battle in an organized and timely manner and successfully conduct it.

Currently, the main types of combat support are:

Intelligence service,


Engineering support and security.

Intelligence service is one of the most important types of combat support. It is a set of activities carried out in any situation to obtain, collect and study information about the illegal armed formations, the terrain and the area of ​​upcoming actions in the interests of preparing and successfully fulfilling service and combat missions. The main requirements for exploration are:




Timeliness and efficiency


Reliability and accuracy of determining the coordinates of reconnaissance objects (targets).

The purpose and tasks of reconnaissance depend on the conditions of the situation, the content of the combat missions performed by subunits, the degree of knowledge of the composition, grouping of forces and means of the enemy and the probable plan of his actions, as well as on the capabilities of reconnaissance subunits.

To obtain information about the enemy and the terrain in the interests of preparing and successfully conducting military operations, various forces, means and methods of conducting tactical reconnaissance are used.

Intelligence information in subunits is obtained by observation, eavesdropping, raids, ambushes, search and reconnaissance in force. In addition, such information is obtained from the higher headquarters, neighbors, units of other military branches and special forces, as well as from interrogations of prisoners and defectors, interviewing local residents, studying captured documents, weapons, military and special equipment.

Observation of the enemy is organized in all types of military operations and is carried out continuously personally by leaders, observers in subunits and command posts, observation posts and observation posts. The surveillance system is organized in such a way as to provide the best view of the enemy and the terrain. It is carried out visually using optical instruments, and at night and in other conditions of limited visibility with the help of night vision devices. When operating at night and in other conditions of limited visibility, in the mountains, forests and settlements observation is complemented by eavesdropping. Eavesdropping is carried out not only by observers, observation posts or posts, but also by special eavesdropping posts.

The eavesdropping post is set up in the composition of 2-3 people who are well oriented in conditions of limited visibility, have excellent hearing, are able to recognize enemy actions by characteristic sound unmasking signs and know his language. As a rule, eavesdropping posts should be as close as possible to the location of the enemy. Ground surveillance can be supplemented by helicopter surveillance.

The patrol squad is sent out from subunits conducting reconnaissance or performing combat missions in isolation from the main forces, for the timely detection of the enemy and reconnaissance of the area. It operates at a distance providing observation and fire support. The task of the patrol squad is carried out by observation on the move, from short stops, as well as from a vantage point. The patrol squad operates on infantry fighting vehicles (APCs) or on foot. On the way of movement, the terrain and local objects are carefully examined, especially places where a covert position of the enemy is possible. If reconnaissance of any object from the vehicle is difficult, then sentinels (2-3 people) are sent. The remaining personnel are monitoring the area and the actions of the sentinels, in readiness to support them with fire.

When an enemy is detected, the senior patrol squad immediately reports about him by the established signal and, acting covertly, continues to conduct surveillance until the order of the commander is received. Having suddenly met the enemy, the patrol squad opens fire on him, bypasses him and continues to carry out the assigned task. When meeting with a single enemy, the squad should try to capture it, and if it is impossible to capture it, destroy it.

If necessary, the senior reconnaissance patrol is provided with information about neighboring and operating subunits, methods of mutual identification, pass and recall. Periodic change of areas of location (positions) is carried out at the direction or with the permission of the chief secretly, as a rule, at night or in other conditions of limited visibility and in a short time.

Disguise is a set of measures aimed at hiding the actual location, composition and activities of their units, fortifications and barriers from all types and means of enemy reconnaissance (optical, radio, radio engineering, radar, etc.).

The most important masking requirements are:





Disguise can be successful only if all personnel strictly observe its measures and strictly maintain official secrets. An important place in this is occupied by the covert placement and movement of subunits through the skillful use of the camouflage properties of the terrain and conditions of limited visibility, the use of standard camouflage and local materials, as well as the coloring of weapons, military and other equipment to match the background of the surrounding area and the equipment of false structures and objects.

Of no small importance for camouflage is the timely notification of subunits about the actions of enemy reconnaissance equipment, the introduction of restrictions on the operation of radio and radar equipment, and compliance with the rules for covert control of subunits.

The state of camouflage of subunits and units is periodically checked by ground and air reconnaissance forces using means similar to enemy reconnaissance means.

The high mobility of troops, the accuracy, range and power of weapons, as well as the ability to envelop the enemy in the air, make it possible to quickly concentrate efforts on a decisive direction, quickly switch from one type of combat operations to another and deliver surprise strikes. In this regard, we should expect a sharp increase in the intensity of the combat use of weapons and equipment, resource consumption, and an increase in losses of weapons and equipment.

Combat support of troops- this is a system of measures fixed in the order of service instructions, requirements of military and combat regulations that creates conditions for the successful completion of combat missions by troops in the combat zone. Along with technical and logistic support, it is the main and inalienable factor in the full-fledged functioning of the troops.

How combat, and technical support are elements of the military economy, because they include the material and technical base of the military unit, use land, consume and use a significant amount of material values. Significant expenses are required for the normal functioning of combat and technical support facilities Money for their creation, acquisition, maintenance and maintenance.

A major role in maintaining the combat readiness of the troops is played by the technical condition and maintenance of weapons, military and special equipment. To solve these problems, military units contain special units and related services have been established. The solution of some tasks of combat and technical support is carried out by ordinary subunits in their daily activities and during planned combat training. Under normal conditions, military units must contain a sufficient amount of material assets to make it possible to carry out combat and technical support activities in peacetime and wartime.

Troop economy includes elements combat support and maintenance activities. These types of support are associated with significant expenditures of money and the provision of material values ​​according to the nomenclatures of the armed forces and services that are responsible for them. Officials of the financial bodies of the Armed Forces Russian Federation must finance and control the costs of claiming, receiving, storing, issuing and consuming material assets used in organizing combat and technical support.

The services of the military unit responsible for technical support, as well as the types of troops and services that ensure the combat activities of the troops, must interact with the contenting financial authorities. The elements of the military economy that characterize combat and technical support are the objects of the material and technical base of the military unit and the relationships that arise during its operation or use.

Combat support organized and carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of the use of their units and reduce the effectiveness of the use of troops, forces and means of the enemy. The types of combat support for military operations of a military unit are reconnaissance, security, electronic warfare, tactical camouflage, engineering support,.

The economic essence of combat support is a set of economic measures designed to ensure the activities of combat support services in the interests of the troops. Its basis is the accumulation and efficient use of material, monetary, informational, human and other resources. A set of economic measures is an economic system with an object of change in the center of action with entry and exit from the system after changing the parameters of the object.

On the other hand, the economic essence lies in the provision of military services in the areas of combat support to units and subunits, with the indispensable condition for the efficient use of resources, which consists in reducing budget expenditures while maintaining the quality of military services.

Combat support organized by the respective chiefs of arms and services under the leadership of the chief of staff of the military unit. It is organized on the basis of the decision of the commander of the military unit, his instructions and orders from higher headquarters and services. To solve the tasks of combat support in the troops, there are specialized units and subunits. They are independent or part of other military units. Their functions can also be performed by specially trained units and military personnel.

In analyzing the types of combat support and their place in the system and economy of the military economy, it is necessary to determine their purpose and structure.

Intelligence service organized and conducted for the purpose of obtaining reconnaissance information about the enemy and the terrain in the area of ​​forthcoming operations. They are necessary for the preparation and successful completion of the tasks ahead. The main reconnaissance efforts are concentrated on eliminating the surprise of enemy actions and on timely provision of command with intelligence information necessary for the use of subunits, weapons and military equipment. The solution of reconnaissance tasks is achieved, as a rule, by obtaining, collecting, processing and bringing to the commander and headquarters intelligence information about reconnaissance objects, plans and actions of the enemy.

The sources of intelligence information are the troops, weapons and military equipment, individual enemy servicemen, local residents, various documents, as well as their higher headquarters, the headquarters of subordinate, cooperating and other troops.

The troops conduct military, radar, artillery, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance. Intelligence information is obtained by observation, eavesdropping, searches, reconnaissance ambushes, raids, interviewing local residents, interrogating prisoners and defectors, studying documents, samples of weapons and equipment seized from the enemy, and in other ways.

Observation of the enemy is carried out continuously. The organization of observation must provide the best view of the enemy and the terrain in front of the front, on the flanks and in the rear. Eavesdropping is carried out by military intelligence and security agencies mainly at night and in other conditions of limited visibility. For observation should be used:

Technical means of observation (binoculars, stereo tubes, night vision devices, night and conventional optical sights and etc.);
- various structures (observation posts, observation towers, etc.);
- compasses, watches, tablets;
- means of communication, illumination and notification signals.

Radar reconnaissance is carried out by reconnaissance radar posts of combined arms, reconnaissance and artillery units. It obtains information about ground objects (targets), determines their nature and location. For radar reconnaissance, radar stations are used for reconnaissance of ground moving targets, as well as serifs of firing guns, mortars and rocket launchers.

Artillery reconnaissance detects and determines the coordinates of artillery and other objects (targets) of the enemy; carries out pre-reconnaissance of objects (targets) scheduled for destruction; monitors the position and actions of the enemy and friendly troops. To conduct it, it is necessary to use means of monitoring or controlling targets.

Engineering reconnaissance is conducted by reconnaissance agencies, as well as reconnaissance sappers included in the combined arms units. For its conduct, the personnel involved for these purposes are equipped with appropriate equipment and property.

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance is carried out by radiation and chemical observation posts (observers of the radiation and chemical situation) from the trained squads, crews and crews. Posts are equipped with devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance, observation, maps or terrain diagrams, observation logs, compasses, watches, tablets, communications and lighting equipment.

Security organized and carried out in order to prevent enemy reconnaissance from penetrating into the area of ​​operation (disposition) of friendly troops, to exclude a sudden attack on them by a ground enemy and to provide protected units (subunits) with time and favorable conditions for deployment (combat readiness) and entry into battle.

Main tasks security are:

Organization and performance of combat duty; warning protected troops of the immediate threat and danger of an attack by a ground enemy;
- identification, defeat and destruction of enemy reconnaissance forces and means, its sabotage and reconnaissance groups and irregular armed formations;
- conducting combat operations in front of the front, on the flanks and in the rear of units with forward detachments, infiltrating enemy groups, irregular armed formations and providing conditions for the deployment and entry into battle of the main forces and reserves;
- Ensuring traffic safety;
- implementation of access control.

Solving security problems is impossible without equipping security facilities with buildings (guard houses, sheds, fencing, etc.) and various means (alarm, control, warning, etc.).

Electronic warfare organized and conducted in order to:

Reducing the effectiveness of the use of weapons, military equipment and electronic means of the enemy;
- protection of weapons and military equipment from enemy reconnaissance equipment;
- ensuring the stability of the systems and means of controlling their troops and weapons.

In a military unit, measures are organized and carried out for electronic destruction and electronic protection of their means of controlling units (weapons).

Electronic damage includes electronic suppression and changes in propagation (reflection) conditions electromagnetic waves. In addition, in combination with the destruction of enemy targets by fire, the destruction of his electronic means by functional destruction ammunition can be organized. Electronic suppression consists in the impact on the enemy's electronic means by the means of setting active and passive jamming installed on the protected vehicles, as well as attached (supporting) means of electronic warfare. Changing the conditions for the propagation (reflection) of electromagnetic waves consists in disrupting the operation of infrared and laser means of reconnaissance and control of enemy weapons by setting up aerosol curtains. Radio stations not involved in the control of subunits can be used to transmit misinforming commands and signals in the enemy's radio networks, create radio interference and simulate the activity of subunits in false areas.

Electronic protection is carried out by taking measures to eliminate (weaken) the impact on their radio-electronic objects of the enemy’s electronic weapons, electronic pulses, ionizing radiation and unintentional (mutual) radio interference (ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means of their troops), as well as to protect units from reconnaissance technical means enemy.

tactical disguise organized and carried out in order to mislead the enemy (deception) about the composition, position, condition, purpose and nature of the actions of units (weapons and military equipment), the concept of upcoming actions and is aimed at achieving surprise actions, increasing survivability and maintaining the combat capability of troops. The main tasks of tactical camouflage are to ensure the secrecy of the activities of units (weapons and military equipment), the plausibility of the false intentions of the command and the activities of the troops.

Covert activity is achieved by preventing (excluding) the leakage of information about the activities of subunits, eliminating (weakening) the unmasking signs of their actions, creating conditions under which the use of enemy reconnaissance forces and means becomes impossible or ineffective.

The plausibility of false intentions is achieved by showing their location and nature of actions (functioning) on ​​false (secondary) directions (regions), equipment and maintenance of false objects.

Ways to perform tasks of tactical camouflage are concealment, imitation and demonstrative actions. To solve the problems of tactical camouflage, the industry produces a large number of means that allow creating false objects (inflatable models of equipment and weapons, corner reflectors, etc.). Also, some objects can be made by personnel from improvised means or using faulty equipment and weapons.

Engineering support is organized and carried out in order to create the necessary conditions for subunits to perform combat missions, increase their protection against weapons of destruction, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy with engineering ammunition and hinder his actions.

Main tasks engineering support are:

Engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects;
- fortification equipment of areas, strongholds, lines and positions occupied by subunits, and areas of deployment of command and observation posts;
- arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers;
- preparation (production) of destruction;
- making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction;
- clearance of terrain and objects; -
- preparation and maintenance of maneuver routes for units;
- equipment of crossings when forcing (overcoming) water barriers;
- equipment and maintenance of field water supply points;
- participation in countering the systems of reconnaissance and guidance of enemy weapons, concealment (camouflage), imitation of troops and objects, providing disinformation and demonstrative actions;
- elimination of the consequences of the impact of various types of enemy weapons and dangerous factors of a natural and man-made nature.

Engineering support tasks are performed by all departments. They are erecting structures for firing and observation, shelters for personnel, weapons, military equipment and other materiel by their own efforts; cover with engineering barriers and mask their positions and areas of location; lay and designate the path of movement; overcome barriers and obstacles; equip crossings over water barriers; equip points of water supply with the use of personnel funds. Engineering units perform the most complex engineering support tasks that require special training of personnel, the use of engineering ammunition and equipment.

Radiation, chemical and biological protection organized and carried out in order to reduce the impact on units damaging factors weapons of mass destruction, high-precision and other types of weapons, destruction (accidents) of radiation, chemically and biologically dangerous objects, inflicting losses on the enemy using flamethrower-incendiary means.

Main tasks radiation, chemical and biological protection are:

Identification and assessment of radiation and chemical conditions;
- protection of troops from damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction and radioactive, chemical and biological contamination;
- reducing the visibility of troops and objects;
- the use of flamethrower-incendiary means;
- implementation of measures for radiation, chemical and biological protection during the elimination of the consequences of accidents (destructions) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities.

Radiation, chemical and biological protection includes:

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance and control;
- collection and processing of data on radiation, chemical and biological conditions;
- notification of troops about radioactive, chemical and biological contamination;
- use of means of individual and collective protection, protective properties of the terrain, weapons, military equipment and other objects;
- special treatment of units (subdivisions), disinfection of terrain, military facilities and structures;
- aerosol countermeasures against enemy reconnaissance and weapon control means;
- the use of radio absorbing materials and foam coatings;
- the use of flamethrower-incendiary means.

Technical support is organized and carried out in order to maintain the combat readiness and combat capability of units in terms of the availability of ready-to-use (combat use) weapons, military equipment and the provision of missiles, ammunition, military-technical equipment. Its main tasks are: providing weapons, military equipment, missiles, ammunition and military equipment; their proper operation, restoration and other tasks.

Provision of weapons, military equipment, missiles, ammunition and military-technical property is carried out centrally by supplying agencies, as well as through the transfer from other units and the restoration of the forces and means of the senior commander.

In order to provide missiles, ammunition and military-technical equipment, their stocks are created in the established amounts. Stockpiles of missiles, ammunition and military-technical property are kept and transported by the transport of support units, in combat and other vehicles, with weapons and personnel. Stocks are divided into consumables and emergency stocks.

Operation of weapons and military equipment is organized and carried out in order to maintain them in good (workable) condition, which is ensured by their high-quality preparation for use (combat use), continuous monitoring of the technical condition and correct use(combat use) in the course of hostilities. The operation of weapons and military equipment includes their use (combat use), maintenance, transportation and storage. The preparation of weapons and military equipment for use (use) includes checking their technical condition, carrying out maintenance and necessary additional measures.

Maintenance includes:

Filling cars with fuel;
- checking the serviceability and readiness for use of weapons, firing and surveillance devices, units, systems and mechanisms, their cleaning, flushing, lubrication, alignment and regulation, elimination of minor malfunctions and performance of fixing work;
- charging (recharging) batteries;
- checking the completeness and replenishment of weapons and military equipment with spare parts, tools and accessories, means of increasing patency and other standard equipment;
- checking the availability and serviceability of equipment on vehicles intended for the transportation of personnel, weapons, military equipment and property.

During maintenance, the ammunition load of weapons can be replenished with missiles and ammunition.

The restoration of weapons and military equipment is organized and carried out in order to bring out-of-service weapons and military equipment into readiness for use (use) and return them to service. It includes: technical reconnaissance, evacuation, repair, return to service of repaired (evacuated) weapons and military equipment.

Repair of weapons and military equipment is carried out in order to bring damaged (faulty) samples into a serviceable (workable) condition, as well as to restore the resource (power reserve). First of all, weapons and military equipment are being repaired, which provide the combat capability of units to the greatest extent, and also require the least volume. repair work. Technical support is organized and carried out by deputy commanders of a military unit for armaments and logistics, heads of military branches and services.
Technical support is divided into the following types:

- rocket technology
- artillery and technical;
- tank technical;
- autotechnical;
- engineering and technical;
- metrological;
- technical support for rear services
and etc.

Rocket support
- this is a set of measures carried out on missile weapons by the forces and means of the troops together with organizations and industrial enterprises. It includes:

Accumulation up to the established norms of stocks of missiles and warheads for them in the usual;
- equipment, ensuring their technical serviceability and maintenance in the established degrees of combat readiness;
- carrying out routine maintenance;
- ensuring non-failure operation and safety when handling missile weapons;
- its timely preparation for combat use;
- delivery of missiles to the troops;
- technical and special training of personnel.

Artillery and technical support organized in order to maintain constant combat readiness of artillery weapons, small arms and ammunition. The main activities of artillery and technical support are:

Technical preparation of weapons for use, timely implementation of maintenance regulations, adjustment of instruments;
- creation of established stocks of ammunition;
- monitoring the operation and technical condition of weapons;
- timely repair of faulty weapons.

Tank technical support organized to maintain armored vehicles in readiness for combat use.

The main measures of tank technical support are:

Organization of the proper operation of armored vehicles;
- timely maintenance;
- repair of faulty machines;
- ensuring connection (military unit) armored vehicles and property.

Autotechnical support includes the staffing of a formation (military unit) with automotive equipment, the organization of its operation, repair and provision of automotive equipment.

Engineering and technical support aims to maintain engineering equipment in good condition, to ensure their reliable operation. It includes the following activities:

Organization of the correct operation of engineering equipment, its timely repair;
- providing units with the means of repairing engineering weapons.

Metrological support
includes carrying out metrological maintenance of military equipment, providing a connection (military unit) with measuring instruments, their correct carrying out and storage, carrying out preventive measures to prevent the causes of a decrease in the efficiency of the operation of weapons and military equipment.

Technical support for rear services is a type of technical support for troops. It is organized and carried out in order to:

Timely staffing of troops with logistics equipment and provision of technical equipment;
- maintenance in good condition, constant readiness to the use and ensuring the reliable operation of rear equipment through technically competent operation, maintenance, maintenance, timely repair and evacuation.

Main tasks technical support for rear services are:

Staffing the troops with logistics equipment, property and operational materials,
- maintenance of rear units at a combat-ready level;
- organization of the correct operation, storage and use of the technical means of the rear services for their intended purpose;
- timely replacement of units, components and parts that have worked out the established deadlines;
- organization of evacuation and priority restoration (repair) of the most important types of rear equipment with the least amount of work and, if possible, in places (regions) of its failure;
- maximum use of territorial-industrial centers for the repair of equipment.

Noting the economic component of the types of combat and technical support, it is necessary to conclude that all types of combat and technical support are expensive. To create conditions for the effective functioning of structures that solve the problems of combat and technical support, they need to be equipped technical means, spare parts and other material assets. They are also consumers of other expenses, such as undercover reconnaissance, equipment, accessories, which entails the financing of expenses for their acquisition.

Combat support consists of the following main types.

Intelligence service

Gathering information about the deployment, weapons, numbers, engineering preparation of positions, the combat security system, the enemy’s communications system, as well as the hostilities planned by the enemy. The regular units carrying out reconnaissance in the troops are reconnaissance platoon (rv) in the battalion reconnaissance company (RR) in the regiment / brigade, separate reconnaissance battalion (orb) in the division separate reconnaissance regiment / brigade in the army / district.

Defense against weapons of mass destruction

Abbreviated ZOMP - a set of measures to protect personnel from the effects of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons. Protection of personnel on initial stages carried out by the line units themselves. The regular units in the troops that carry out a comprehensive ZOMP are chemical defense platoon in the regiment chemical protection company (rhz) in the brigade, separate battalion of radiation, chemical and biological protection (obrkhbz) within the division separate regiment / brigade of radiation, chemical and biological protection (oprkhbz / obrrkhbz)- as part of the army / district.


A set of measures to hide from the enemy the true location of their units, personnel and military equipment, maintain their combat capability and ensure surprise actions. It is carried out by own forces of linear divisions.

Engineering support

A set of measures aimed at successfully overcoming obstacles to the advance of own troops (building crossings, installing bridges, clearing minefields, making passages in obstacles set by the enemy, etc.), measures to complicate the advance of the advancing enemy (laying minefields, installing anti-tank barriers, installation of anti-personnel barriers, etc.), measures to protect personnel and military equipment from the damaging effects of enemy fire weapons (arrangement of a system of trenches and trenches, caponiers for military equipment, dugouts, arrangement of firing points, etc.). The regular units in the troops providing comprehensive engineering support are, engineer sapper platoon (sv) in a separate battalion engineering sapper company(isr) in the regiment / brigade, separate engineer-sapper battalion (OISB) in the division separate engineer regiment / brigade (OISP / OISBR) in the army / district.

Chemical supply

A set of measures to create the necessary conditions for units to perform their tasks in an environment of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination, as well as to mask their actions with smoke and aerosols. The measures consist of radiation and chemical reconnaissance, timely and skillful use of personal and collective protective equipment, dosimetric monitoring, special treatment for degassing and decontamination, as well as the use of masking fumes and aerosols. The regular units in the troops providing chemical support are a chemical protection platoon as part of a regiment, a chemical protection company as part of a brigade / division, a chemical protection battalion as part of a division / corps, a chemical protection regiment / brigade as part of an army / district. Also, regular chemical protection units are assigned the function of using flamethrower and incendiary weapons in combat conditions, which essentially equates them to line units (the concept of a line unit).


A set of measures to prevent a sudden attack by the enemy on their own troops, as well as to prevent reconnaissance and sabotage units of the enemy in the places of deployment of units of their own troops. Depending on the nature of the combat mission performed by the subunits, guarding can be marching, guard, combat, and direct. The main elements of any type of protection is the organization of guard duty and patrolling the area. It is carried out by the own forces of line units, guard companies and battalions and commandant units.


A set of measures to organize communication between subunits and commanders at all levels, aimed at the successful completion of combat missions, reliable command and control of troops and effective interaction between subunits. The regular units in the troops providing communications are communications platoon (Sun) in the battalion communications company (rs) regiment / brigade, separate communications battalion (obs) in the division separate regiment / communications brigade (ops / obrs) in the army / district.

Additional types of combat support for military branches

Airborne support

A set of measures to provide the airborne troops, special forces, parachute reconnaissance units of the ground forces with technical means for parachute landing - human parachute systems, parachute systems for airborne auto and armored vehicles, drop containers and platforms for weapons, ammunition and equipment, allowing the parachute troops to solve assigned combat missions. The regular units providing integrated airborne support are paratrooper platoon (up to) for paratrooper battalion, paratrooper company (pdo) for the regiment / brigade, separate airborne support battalion (obdo) for airborne division .

Radar support

A set of measures to provide radar information to the command posts of anti-aircraft missile formations and units of military air defense and missile defense. It is carried out by the forces of the Radiotechnical Troops. IN armed forces various states, parts of the radio engineering troops are either part of the Air Force, or part of the air defense / missile defense forces, or are available in each branch of the military. They are military units armed with mobile or stationary radar stations that serve to alert air defense / missile defense units about the appearance of an air enemy with complete information about the enemy (number of air targets, speed, height, range, course of advance, dimension of targets). By its essence radar support for the air defense / missile defense forces is a complete analogue of such a type of combat support as intelligence service for