The horoscope for June 2016 Aquarius indicates that changes will take place in your life that will entail a change in views and value systems. This will help you see new idea and see new priorities. After that, you will want to change your activities, study, creativity. New ideas can destroy the old plans built on your interests. You will not be able to quickly get the results you want, which will cause disappointment in new ideas and plans. If you don't want to lose perspective, then try to change your material needs. You can achieve success and good results when you find an idea that many of your friends will be passionate about. Tailor your ideas to collective interests. In this case, along with the idea, you will also find like-minded people who are ready to take a risk with you and start a new business. Thus, in June you may have a new vision, new views and an appropriate environment. You will be assigned a responsible task. Try to show your organizational skills in order to rally your like-minded people and skillfully distribute their responsibilities. The horoscope for June 2016 Aquarius indicates that you will be able to cope with many difficulties if you do what you have skills and experience in. Otherwise, you will make many mistakes, due to which you will become addicted and your activity will be suspended. It is dangerous for you to stop there and reduce activity, as you will lose a happy chance to implement your plans.

Marriage horoscope

You will be in the center of attention, so you can forget about your loved one for a while. Your rivals and envious people will quickly see this and try to take advantage of the situation - they will use rumors, flattery, etc. As a result, you may lose your couple. Therefore, take all measures to protect your love. Don't let others interfere with your relationship. Treasure your relationship with your loved one.

Health Horoscope

Watch out for workplace injuries. Exercise restraint when drinking alcohol. At this time, diseases of the veins, ulcers on the legs, blood poisoning, fractures of the lower leg, coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction may appear. For the treatment of veins, you can take a tincture of horse chestnut flowers. If you have high blood pressure, then you need to take drugs that reduce blood viscosity (such as aspirin) daily. Be careful on the road, especially when driving a car.

Allergy is a pathological overreaction of the body to foreign substances. Is there a human allergy?

A person allergy is a rejection of another person as a person or their effect on you. Manifestations of an allergy to the human immune system can be expressed by pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing and coughing.

An allergy to a person is often caused by the inability to breathe the same air. It seems that this person is secreting a substance that is not compatible with your ego. It happens that the neighbor can become the most powerful allergen, provided that he begins to interfere in his own affairs, and therefore causes irritation in the nasal membrane and leads to sneezing.

Human allergy, previously considered outlandish, is now becoming more popular and more aggressive. You can earn an allergy to a person, including your neighbor, right from school, as well as at retirement age. The disease cripples the inhabitants of highly civilized, economically developed countries.

Allergy to another person is a retribution for our selfishness. The growth of egoism includes a mechanism for the development of allergic reactions to the neighbor and this disease is incurable. Crowds squeal...

Allergy to humans - causes

Why does this disease occur? The answer is in genetics. There is a predisposition to allergies in humans. A child with 100% probability will sneeze on neighbors if his parents did the same. Allergies are often caused by a decrease in immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his ailments are caused by this particular person.

Causes of psychological allergies:

A person who is next to a different mindset, temperament; is the opposite of your character, and the human body tends to deny someone who is very different from him;

The resemblance to a person in shortcomings leads to the fact that there is a strong release of hormones that cause allergic reactions;

The specific smell of a person, to which there is an acute reaction.

Medical theory of human allergy

Allergy to people is an autoimmune disease, expressed in allergies to saliva, epithelium (skin), human hair, accompanied by skin itching, rash on the head, face. Symptoms gradually increase, leading the patient to severe exacerbation (scratching). Antiallergic drugs for this disease are ineffective.

Psychological theory of human allergy development

There is a connection between hatred and the development of egoism, but there is no person free from these qualities. In our time, all structures of human society are subject to such an allergy: children sneeze at parents, students sneeze at teachers, young people sneeze at old people, old people sneeze at young people, leaders sneeze at people.

Allergy to humans was not so obvious 100 years ago. This is due to the pollution of the human environment. Every year the Ego of people grows at an accelerated pace, while saturating society with its poison and creating an increasingly dirty environment with the new generation. Inhaling the air from the particles of the Ego of people, and if there is a mismatch of interests, you will have an allergic reaction. If the interests coincide, then the air will seem pleasant and clean. It follows that the cause of sneezing is a mismatch of interests and their sharp opposition. People become more aggressive, not wanting to adapt to the habits, characters of others, and allergic manifestations intensify: cough, runny nose, itchy skin. The development of egoism has led to terrible consequences, and the world is striving for the destruction of humanity with its own hands. Allergy equates to hatred. The selfishness of people prevents the emergence of love, as the only cure for human allergy.

Allergy in the sense of philosophy is a kind of selfishness, as well as cynicism, expressed in excessive demands on others. An indulgence is made to oneself: “I am good, normal, and let the other person change.” And if you look at the position of the opponent, then there is definitely the same point of view. And where is the truth?

Human allergy - treatment

There are no specific tests to diagnose and treat human allergies. You can, of course, conduct skin tests and donate blood for IgE, and after the examination, do ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), which is carried out precisely by those allergens that caused the maximum reaction. This is the only treatment that significantly reduces the disease and prevents the development of new allergic reactions. Examination and treatment are strictly prescribed by an allergist.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to remove the allergen from the contact. The coexistence and tolerance of the allergen is not acceptable. And in order to be more tolerant of an allergen person, it is necessary to understand him and stop being biased. The disease is often caused by a decrease in immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his ailments are caused by this particular person. Allergists attribute the disease to exceptions to the rules, so you need to seek help from a psychologist, since the reasons are not related to physiology, but lie in psychological features the personality of the sick person.

Prevention of allergies in humans

Remember that an allergic reaction to a person is a rare occurrence and is due in most cases to psychological characteristics.

Can a person be allergic? Maybe! Since an allergy is a negative reaction of the body to an irritant, a person is no exception in this regard. An allergy to another person is a rejection of another person as a person. This type Allergies can express the following symptoms from the immune system:

cough; itching; sneezing; rash; rhinitis; tears; swelling.

Allergy to a person is often caused by pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing and coughing.

An allergic reaction to people is a kind of inability to be near and breathe the same air to two people. There is a feeling that a person is emitting an irritating component, to which the opponent's Ego is allergic. Symptoms of the disease, which has a root problem in the mental state, are manifested by sneezing at the moment the “allergen” is nearby. In our time, human allergy is no longer something supernatural, on the contrary, it is increasingly being diagnosed and is rapidly progressing. An allergic reaction to an adult can develop at absolutely any age, you can pick up the diagnosis at school, or you can even in old age. It doesn't matter if it's a stranger or close relative. The disease today affects people living in civilized, highly developed countries.

Causes of an allergic reaction in humans

Why does the disease develop? The main reason is hidden in genetics. Scientists agree that there is a predisposition to such unusual look allergic reaction. The baby will definitely sneeze at a loved one if his parents or one of his other relatives had allergy symptoms. An allergic reaction develops due to a malfunction in the human immune system. But in some cases, allergy symptoms have psychological causes. Sometimes a person considers another person the source of all his problems, in connection with which his illness develops.

The causes of the disease are as follows:

A mismatch in mindset and temperament, a complete opposite in character, as a result of which the human body reacts negatively to the opponent. Allergies also appear due to the similarity with another person, which causes a hormonal explosion and a negative reaction. The smell emanating from another person, which is an irritant and causes allergies.

Some developmental theories: medical, psychological

A negative reaction of the body to a person is an autoimmune disease, which can be expressed by an allergic reaction to saliva, epithelium, hair. Accompanying this type of allergy are symptoms such as rashes on skin and constant desire scratch. The symptoms get worse all the time, and the anti-allergic drugs have absolutely no effect. Scientists associate allergy to people with hatred and selfishness of an individual.

At the present time, an allergic reaction to people can occur among any social structures.

Today, children sneeze at moms and dads, students sneeze at teachers, young people sneeze at older people, old people sneeze at young people, government officials sneeze at people from the people. Literally not so long ago, we did not hear about this type of allergy, but today it is not considered something surprising. The main fault that this is happening and spreading so actively is the “dirty” human environment. Selfishness among people is constantly growing, year by year the threat increases many times. The ego provokes hatred and destruction among all social strata.

An increasingly "dirty" environment is being created for the new generation. By “breathing in” the negativity and negative emotions of outsiders, people can earn a negative reaction. A person becomes aggressive, not wanting to put up with what is familiar to another, thereby increasing the symptoms of the disease, the development of cough, sneeze, runny nose and rash on the skin. The rapid development of the Ego leads to the complete collapse of humanity and the world. You could even say that an allergic reaction is like hatred. Human egoism does not give development to such bright feelings as love, kindness, harmony. But it is possible to cure an allergy to people precisely with the help of goodness and love, coming from within a person and spreading not selectively, but to everything around.

From a philosophical point of view, an allergic reaction is a kind of symbiosis of selfishness and cynicism, which are expressed in too high demands on people. And vice versa - the allergy sufferer himself considers himself better than others, makes himself indulgent, talking about why on earth he should change, and not his opponent. And the opponent also considers himself right - the truth cannot be found.

How to cure a human allergy

There are no specific tests to detect this type of allergy. The only method is to have skin tests done in a laboratory. Such tests will highlight an irritating substance that adversely affects the body, causing extremely unpleasant symptoms. After testing, it is recommended to undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy in order to identify the irritant as accurately as possible. This method will reduce the recurrence of the disease and discomfort. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication, it is necessary to visit an allergist, and sometimes a psychologist in order for them to correct effective treatment human allergies. In order for the therapy to give the most positive effect, it is necessary to completely exclude contact with a person to whom the body reacts negatively.

It is strictly forbidden to coexist and tolerate the irritant. However, you still need to work on yourself - try to understand the allergen, listen to it, become more tolerant of it. The disease sometimes develops due to reduced immunity, but people mistakenly believe that another person was the cause of the symptoms.

Allergists consider this type of allergy an exception and most often give the patient a referral to visit a psychologist's office, since the main reason lies in the patient's head, and is not physical. AT preventive purposes people with this unusual allergy are advised to stay away from the allergen person. Contact with such people should be completely excluded. You need to rest more, walk in the fresh air, get out for picnics and gardens. It must be understood that an allergic reaction to people is usually caused by psychological causes.

How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a cold

It would seem, what is special if a person has a runny nose? Indeed, a runny nose does not pose any danger if it lasts no more than a week and the snot has a transparent color. However, if the disease drags on and there is no improvement, many people ask themselves the question - is it not of an allergic nature? This is especially true for children, since their immune system is not fully formed and parents cannot be sure if the baby is allergic to something.

It is very easy to confuse an allergic rhinitis with a cold. Many symptoms of SARS can also be with allergies - sneezing, coughing, watery eyes. What to do in such a situation? How to distinguish one from the other? After all, if a runny nose is of an allergic nature, the principles of treatment change radically.

What is the difference between a cold and allergic rhinitis

Everyone knows how it develops viral disease but not everyone is familiar with an allergic reaction. If you have a runny nose, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

  1. Origin. Often a person knows the cause of a viral infection. That is, a runny nose is probably a cold if it appeared after hypothermia or after contact with a sick person. Allergic rhinitis appears most often suddenly, develops quickly.
  2. Pathogen. If you have an allergic rhinitis, you can try to track down the allergen that your body is reacting to. Analyze when the runny nose is activated. If mucus production increases indoors, look for dust or possible allergens in that home. Sometimes a runny nose occurs on the fur of animals, after inhaling the pollen of certain plants. If the runny nose is activated only at night, a reaction to the pillow filler is possible.

These are detailed symptoms by which you can distinguish a cold from an allergic one. However, sometimes the allergic nature of rhinitis often turns into a bacterial one, and vice versa. That is why it is best to cope with this task with the help of an allergist. He will ask you in detail about your lifestyle, about the presence of pets in the house, as well as about allergies among relatives. Often, patients are prescribed allergy tests, which can detect not only the very fact of the presence of an allergy, but also help identify the allergen.

How to treat colds and allergic rhinitis

It is not difficult to treat a cold, the main thing is not to start the process. You need to drink plenty of water - not a mug of raspberry tea, but 2-3 liters of warm liquid. This will allow you to flush the virus out of your body as soon as possible. In addition, you need to drink antiviral drugs, increase immune activity. Humidify the air in the room, ventilate the room so that the nasal mucosa does not dry out. As a treatment for a cold, inhalation, nasal rinsing, and warming are very effective. You can instill the juice of garlic, onion, aloe and black radish into the nose. If the nose is stuffy, use vasoconstrictor drugs, but remember, they should not be used for more than five days - they are addictive. A few days of such treatment - and the patient will certainly get better.

Dealing with allergic rhinitis is more difficult. Especially if the allergen cannot be identified. You need to be as careful as possible about bedding and textiles in the house - curtains, sofa upholstery, bedspreads, carpets. If possible, they should be discarded, and those that remain should be vacuumed as often as possible. Wet cleaning should be done daily. Allergies can also be to some products, to animal hair, to medicines, to pollen. The main treatment for allergic rhinitis is to identify the allergen and possibly avoid contact with it.

Allergy sufferers can install fine filters in the house, stop smoking, and more carefully monitor hygiene in the house. To relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, you should always carry antihistamines with you.

If a person suffers from allergies, he can usually distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a cold, and is well guided by his feelings. But parents of young children have a hard time - they are still in search of the correct diagnosis. However, an experienced doctor will help to distinguish one from the other, and prescribe adequate treatment.

Well stop sneezing! How to make life easier with seasonal allergies?

There is still snow here and there, and the nose is stuffed up and it flows from the eyes. Can spring allergies start early?

Answered by Professor Mikhail Kostinov, Head of the Laboratory of Vaccine Prevention and Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases, Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums. Mechnikov:

Allergy season has already begun. The first allergenic plants (hazel) bloomed in the forests. And patients with rhinitis and lacrimation began to turn to doctors.

Allergy or SARS?

Lidia Yudina, AiF: Mikhail Petrovich, how do you know if you have a cold or an allergy?

Many people go all spring "with a cold" and even end up in the hospital with suspected pneumonia. Unfortunately, not all doctors know feature allergies - swelling of the nasopharynx (occurs due to irritation caused by pollen).

At what age do allergies most often begin?

Allergies can occur at any age - even in retirement. But most often occurs in children up to a year (6-7 months). "Peak" falls on 2.5-5 years. An inflammatory lesion of the skin (atopic dermatitis), which shows a high allergic readiness of the body, often serves as a harbinger of allergy. Later, the dermatitis usually disappears and is replaced by a respiratory allergy. In a favorable scenario (and with proper treatment), with age, the allergy disappears (or proceeds not so violently), in an unfavorable situation, pollinosis is replaced by bronchial asthma.

- What types of allergies are considered the most severe?

There are no mild allergies. But the most severe and widespread type is hay fever (pollen allergy). Firstly, it is impossible to exclude contact with the allergen (exacerbations are caused by the smallest particles of pollen invisible to the eye). Secondly, at the beginning of spring, many people get sick with colds, and the combination of a cold with an allergy is an infernal mixture that is tolerated by patients as hard as heart disease.

Treat or endure?

- Allergy treatment is long, expensive and not always effective. Isn't it easier to endure?

Not all allergies can be tolerated. Her manifestations headache, incessant cough, sneezing, rhinitis) unsettle the patient for a long time. Allergy Season Begins for Some Patients in early spring and ends late autumn(after leaf fall). And if an allergy, in addition to pollinosis, is manifested by urticaria or bronchial asthma, treatment is indispensable.

In addition, hay fever is one of the few types of allergies that can be cured. Specific immunotherapy (treatment with small doses of allergens), often referred to as an allergy vaccination, can permanently save a person from suffering. The small spread of allergies in rural areas is explained precisely by the fact that children there get acquainted with allergens from the first days of life.

Will there ever be a cure for allergies?

Allergy is not a disease, but a form of existence of an organism that in an unusual way reacts to normal things. Therefore, for many people the only way defeating allergies is to master the technique of a safe life with your illness.

Causes of frequent sneezing in children and adults

It is generally accepted that frequent sneezing and a runny nose are caused by a cold infection. But this is not always the case. Therefore, without understanding the causes, a person can proceed to the wrong treatment. And this, in turn, will not give any result at best. Consider the factors causing this symptom.

The main causes of frequent sneezing

Frequent sneezing causes:

  • artificial irritation caused by chemical or mechanical interference;
  • viral or cold infection;
  • an allergic reaction of the body (animal dander, plant pollen, tobacco smoke, perfumes, etc.);
  • temperature difference (a person enters from warm room to the cold).

It often happens that sneezing and runny nose are not caused by any complications. It is enough to change the situation or get rid of the irritant. If the symptoms appear for a long time, then treatment and a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. For people who experience back pain, the process of sneezing can cause some discomfort. Sometimes the manifestation becomes too painful, and patients try to “muffle” this urge.

Perhaps a cold?

Sneezing and runny nose can be symptoms of a cold. Sneezing with a cold is the body's reaction to irritation of the upper nasal mucosa. A cold affects the upper respiratory tract, and is accompanied by:

  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • a state of lethargy;
  • sore throat.

A cold appears on the background of hypothermia or contact with a sick person. In this case, you need to take antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, observe bed rest.

Important! Sneezing and runny nose without fever are not always harmless. If they are seasonal, such as in spring or summer when the plants are flowering, then it is an allergic reaction.

How to correctly interpret the symptoms?

How to understand that the patient has an allergy, and not the usual SARS. With a common cold, there should be a temperature. With allergies, paroxysmal sneezing occurs (20-30 times per minute). With a common cold, sneezing can be, but not so frequent. Sneezing with allergies is accompanied by a runny nose. But the runny nose is not normal, it is watery. With a cold, the discharge from the nose has a thick consistency and a greenish tint, while with an allergy, the discharge from the nose is watery and transparent in color. Accordingly, with allergies occurs:

  • itchy eyes and skin;
  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • sneezing and runny nose.

Therefore, an allergy from a cold can be distinguished with the naked eye.

The question arises: how to stop sneezing?

Important! First of all, you need to understand that sneezing is an absolutely normal protective reaction of the body to the removal of foreign particles from the respiratory tract.

Even "neglected" allergies can be cured at home. Just remember to drink once a day.

In no case should you sneeze into yourself, because when you sneeze, all harmful microorganisms leave the body. When sneezing into oneself, they linger, which can lead to inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

If sneezing is caused by colds, then it is better to rinse here. nasal cavity salt solution. In this way, you will not only get rid of mucus, but you can also protect yourself from more serious consequences. After washing, you will facilitate nasal breathing and get rid of dryness in the nose. To prepare a saline solution, you need to take a glass boiled water, add a teaspoon of salt and a couple of drops of iodine. For instillation, you can use vasoconstrictors, drugs with antiviral action.

For allergies, you can use antihistamines, nasal sprays with hormones. Allergy sufferers can carry out specific immunotherapy. It consists in introducing an increasing dose of the allergen to which he has an increased sensitivity to the patient. This treatment allows you to reduce sensitivity to this allergen. If possible, contact with the allergen should be avoided.

In children, sneezing occurs mainly for the same reasons as in adults. Parents should pay attention to the symptoms that appear in children. The result of an allergic disease in children may be bronchial asthma. If several times during feeding the child greedily grabs, and then spits out the nipple, and sniffs through the nose between feedings, these are signs that the child has developed allergic rhinitis. The use of an allergen (protein cow's milk) causes swelling of the mucous membrane in him, which blocks the nasal passages. In a situation where a child strokes a cat or helps with cleaning, he starts bouts of runny nose and sneezing. AT warm time year the child "colds" (allergy to pollen). These are signs that the child is suffering from allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis as a common cause of frequent sneezing

Allergic rhinitis is an acute allergic disease of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses, caused by exposure to allergens. In very young children and infants, this disease can even lead to hospitalization.

Allergic rhinitis can either worsen or subside. In children, it is accompanied by copious discharge from the nose, which cannot be stopped even by instillation. All this is aggravated by itching, swelling, redness of the eyes, sneezing.

Allergic rhinitis with scratching and paroxysmal sneezing is called a "ridiculous disease." However, the consequences can be very serious. Difficulty breathing leads to the fact that the child does not get enough sleep, the perception of information and attention worsens. Confirmation that the child has symptoms of an allergy are attempts to treat a cold with home methods (honey, mustard plasters, rubbing), which lead to an even greater deterioration in the condition.

Morning sneezing - what is the reason?

If your baby has persistent sneezing in the morning for three weeks or more, the temperature is normal. How to fight? If constant sneezing is only in the morning and is absent during the day, then it is either in the child or the place where he sleeps. As soon as the position of the child or the place where the child sleeps changes, the sneezing disappears. This suggests that the child has a fairly common disease of posterior rhinitis, that is, inflammation of the back of the nose. In this situation, it is allergic because the virus cannot be present in the body for three weeks. With this sore, mucus is produced in the back wall of the nose, which flows along the wall of the pharynx. During sleep, mucus accumulates in the oropharynx and the child has a sneeze. But sometimes the reason for the formation of mucus is the place where the child sleeps. It is necessary to analyze what factor appeared in the family when the child began to sneeze. If someone was with snot or SARS, then everything is clear here. The bedroom may have a new crib or toy, flowering plant. It could be the powder that was washed bed sheets or baby clothes. Maybe you got a pet. Summing up everything, you need to protect the child from possible allergens, humidify the air in the room. Most importantly, invite a doctor, let him listen to the lungs of the child.

What's the use?

While sneezing is a symptom various diseases, it might be useful. Providing a preventive effect, ridding the body of pathogenic bacteria and foreign particles. Especially in children, sometimes it is necessary to cause this urge, because they simply cannot blow their nose. There are many ways to induce a sneeze. They can be simply from mechanical impact:

  • cotton swab;
  • feather;
  • massaging the forehead over the nose.

Plant stimulants sneeze have not only a preventive effect. They produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

Frequent sneezing can be a symptom of allergies and the common cold. In most cases, this symptom is easily eliminated by the correction of everyday life and does not require a visit to a specialist, but there are also cases in which allergic rhinitis and frequent sneezing are a symptom of complications of serious pathologies.

Symptoms and treatment of sneezing with allergies

Runny nose and sneezing with allergies are one of the most characteristic symptoms, along with itching, tearing and redness of the eyes, as well as skin reactions. If such signs appear in the warm season, they are most likely caused seasonal allergies. Year-round allergies with periods of exacerbation or a sudden acute attack can be caused by various foods (rarely), animal hair, mold, dust, pollen indoor plants, metals and various chemical compounds as part of cleaning products and perfumes, as well as additional provoking factors, such as smoke, strong odors, temperature changes.

The predisposition to allergic rhinitis is sometimes inherited.

The mechanism of sneezing with allergies is due to a hypersensitive reaction of the immune system when the body is repeatedly exposed to allergens.

Moreover, the first symptoms of rhinitis occur mainly after a few seconds or minutes (immediate type reaction) after contact with an irritant.

From the same symptoms that occur with colds or infectious diseases, allergic rhinitis and sneezing are distinguished by the absence of temperature.

An ENT doctor, an allergist and an immunologist will help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the optimal complex treatment.


Sneezing, runny nose, redness of the eyes with allergies can cause such allergens:


Symptoms of sneezing and rhinitis of an allergic nature:

  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • if a secondary infection joins the allergy, clear nasal discharge becomes purulent;
  • itching in the nose, in the sky, irritation in the nasopharynx;
  • inflammation in the nose, red wings of the nose from constant rubbing;
  • swelling of the nose, face;
  • red watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • nasal congestion may disturb at night, but shortness of breath is not very typical for an allergic rhinitis with sneezing and usually appears with exacerbations and complications;
  • sometimes dark circles under the eyes, loss of sense of taste.

Sneezing and a runny nose of an allergic nature, as a rule, make themselves felt already in childhood. Sometimes such symptoms first appear during pregnancy, so if a woman in a position goes to the doctor with a complaint: “I sneeze and snot flow”, then an allergy in this case is quite likely.

If the listed signs do not interfere with the normal functioning of a person, it is believed that he has a mild form of allergy, if the symptoms are more pronounced, they interfere with sleep at night and work during the day, then the patient has an average stage.

The severe degree is characterized by severe nasal congestion, shortness of breath, nasal discharge becomes viscous, polyps appear in the nose, and itching disappears.


Treatment of runny nose and sneezing with allergies is based on the exclusion of any contact with allergens and the use of antihistamines, glucocorticoids, as well as auxiliary drugs (for example, vasoconstrictors, anti-inflammatory, decongestants), homeopathic remedies (Rhinital, Rinosennay).

In addition to drug therapy, various physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

Effective and absolutely harmless even for children and pregnant women, washing the nasal passages with salted water. Steam inhalation with saline is also effective.

Taking vitamins to support the immune system will not hurt either.

During the period of remission, allergen-specific therapy is indicated, which helps to reduce sensitivity to specific stimuli.

To strengthen the body, an allergic person needs to gradually harden, do breathing exercises.

Antihistamines are available in pharmacies without a prescription in the form of tablets, nasal drops, sprays and ointments. But not all of them are safe for health (this is especially true for drugs of the 1st and 2nd generation, which can affect the functioning of the central nervous system, the heart), so prescribe Dimedrol, Claritin, Diazolin, Zodak, or "Suprastin" alone is impossible.

Almost not side effects in drugs of the 3rd and 4th generation, but they are quite expensive. The list of the best antihistamines includes such drugs: Zyrtec, Erius, Cetrin, Telfast, Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Cetirizine, Ebastine, Fexofenadine, Xizal.

Dosages vary by age, but it is usually necessary to take the medicine once a day. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

Of the nasal sprays for mild allergies and for prevention, sodium cromoglycate derivatives are effective: Kromoheksal, Kromosol. But these drugs do not act immediately, but at least 5 days after the start of use. The course of therapy for the common cold ranges from 2 months to year-round use for chronic allergies.

For moderate and severe allergies, the doctor may prescribe nasal drops and sprays with corticosteroids: Aldecin, Nasonex, Nazarel, Benorin, Nasobek and others. The restriction on the use of hormonal drugs is childhood allergy, gestation. The dosage and duration of taking such drugs should be determined individually by the doctor.

With allergies, vasoconstrictor drops like Naphthyzinum or Vibrocil should not be abused, and they are generally contraindicated for women during the gestation period.

The June 2016 horoscope for Aquarius warns of a possible split due to the dilemma between career issues and activities with children or household chores. Perhaps in June 2016 Aquarius will have to do things that are little known to him and completely uninteresting. In this regard, Aquarius in June 2016 may have a conflict. So, for example, in June 2016, Aquarius may have to give up his career in favor of issues of home and life, although he may not be completely interested in this.

General horoscope for June 2016 Aquarius

What is most offensive is that all the arguments expressed by Aquarius in their favor in June 2016 will not be properly perceived by others, which may also lead to a conflict in the period from June 2 to 4.

Horoscope for June 2016 for Aquarius draws Special attention for the full moon on June 20th. So, on this day, representatives of the Aquarius sign can feel new strength in themselves and even accept their actions, for which they were recently forced to justify themselves.

In June 2016, it is also very important for Aquarius that there is order in the environment close to him, that everyone treats each other with understanding, respect and love.

Career and money horoscope for June 2016 Aquarius

In June 2016, Aquarius should know that the planet Mars, which is responsible for career issues, will be in retrograde motion. For representatives of the Aquarius sign, this can mean confusion in work matters, as well as the inability to understand where they need to move. The situation will become clearer in July.

Therefore, if in June 2016 Aquarius receives some serious job offers, most likely on June 17, 24 and 26, he will change his mind about them next month.

The horoscope for June 2016 for Aquarius draws attention to the fact that if representatives of the sign have the opportunity not to take on such work, then it would be best to wait next month. In addition, over time, more promising and comfortable working conditions may appear.

In June 2016 Aquarius at the beginning of the month may have to do a lot of work. Most likely, the goal of Aquarius will be to acquire something valuable and beautiful for their home. Also in June 2016 Aquarius can take part in the organization holiday events which can bring him completely new emotions and joy.

Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in June 2016 for Aquarius: June 17, 24 and 26.

Love horoscope for June 2016 Aquarius

The horoscope for June 2016 for Aquarius suggests that this month the representatives of the sign try to avoid conflicts with their partner. It will be much better if at the beginning of the month in the period from June 2 to 4, Aquarius simply agrees with his partner, and does not start to sort things out loudly.

Most likely, Aquarius in June 2016 will not be able to fully interact with his partner, but despite this, in June they will still remain common projects that will have to be done together. In order to general work with a partner was effective, on June 5, Aquarius needs to calmly draw up a work plan, and in the future strictly comply with it.

June 2016 conflict situations Aquarius with a partner are most likely in the first days of the month. It is best if the representatives of the sign try to leave everything as it is, not to make it high-profile scandals. In addition, in June 2016, Aquarius in no case needs to translate conflicts into a person and, moreover, offend his partner.

So, conflict can be observed throughout the month from different strength. However, it will be much easier if at the beginning of the month Aquarius decides what he will do this month with his partner.

The horoscope for June 2016 for Aquarius pays special attention to the period of influence of the Black Moon, the most active on the day of June 20. So, on this date, the partner of Aquarius may not behave very well, in some ways not even adequate to the current situation, which may affect personal relationships and cause a quarrel.

Auspicious days for love relationships in June 2016 for Aquarius: June 22, 26, 29-30.

Health Horoscope for June 2016 Aquarius

In June 2016 Aquarius, in order to find an outlet for their energy, it is best to go in for health or sports. Yes, most auspicious days for this will be at the end of the month - from 25 to 27 June. Perhaps the partner wants to help Aquarius and offer to go to classes together.

In June 2016, Aquarius will return to the fun times of the students, when you could drink, skip couples and start romances one after another. At the beginning of summer, the horoscope does not recommend waiting for serious intentions from representatives of this zodiac sign. Yes, the clown in the circus will be more serious than the flirting Aquarius! You yourself do not always understand when you really want to achieve the favor of the interlocutor, and when you simply spread the peacock's tail to admire him yourself. For the children of Air, burning through life is the same as walking, breathing and talking. If you take away from them the opportunity to attend social events and acquire new acquaintances, then they will feel like disabled people, deprived of the right to a full existence. Probably no sign of the zodiac is as dependent on the external environment as Aquarius. If music plays around, people dance, a river of alcohol flows, then you are cheerful, cheerful and incendiary, but if everything described happens, but with someone else, then you are pessimistic, dissatisfied and grouchy.

In June, you will not be distinguished by constancy and reliability in love relationships. In the coming period, the element of Air, patronizing Aquarius, will turn into a warm, gentle breeze walking in the head of this zodiac sign. Today you are crazy about Pasha from a neighboring house, tomorrow - from Petya from gym, and the day after tomorrow, go on a strict diet with the goal of going to Hollywood and charming Jason Statham. For this reason, the horoscope does not advise people to approach Aquarius with serious intentions and proposals, especially if the acquaintance was recent and chaotic. Remember that the children of the Air in June 2016 are careless students, for whom climbing drunk on the 3rd floor of the women's hostel is normal, but fiddling with diapers, vests, bottles is a tragedy and the end of life. Only truly strong relationships can withstand the test of frivolity and recklessness. You will fight for love, stepping on the throat of your own song, only if you fully recognize the value (or rather pricelessness) of this particular person. Aquarius, who firmly decided to keep a partner, the horoscope advises to flirt less and pay more attention to the second half. Do not think that by drooling over other people's pies, you do not offend your own keeper of the hearth. Believe me, it doesn’t matter if you got something on the side or you limited yourself to emotional contact, refusing physical contact - anyway, in the eyes of a loved one, this will be considered a betrayal.

Aquarius will carry the student approach to life to professional sphere. The result will be a classic situation when a person skips classes because he was at work, and takes time off to pass a session at the institute. As you understand, you will not become the best employee of the month in June 2016, and why? Aquarians now have completely different priorities, so hard labor in the sweat of their brow for a pack of banknotes is clearly not something that can interest a representative of this zodiac sign. Especially sad in the coming period will be people who have to work 15 hours a day without the right to entertainment. Agree, it's a shame to spend precious hours on the employer, not leaving a drop for yourself. If you find yourself in the position of a forced workaholic, then try to find at least a drop of positive in the situation, even if it is microscopically tiny. Sitting up late at the office? But here the coffee is free! Had to go to work on a day off? So for the hours worked, they will pay double the amount! Yes, even if you spit at night out of anger into a pot with your boss's favorite cactus, it's okay - the main thing is that this thought warms and supports you during deadlines.

The horoscope advises serious and diligent signs of the zodiac to bypass Aquarius in June, because the children of the Air know how to masterfully cloud the brains of the interlocutor, operating with such concepts as “friendship”, “teamwork” and “mutual assistance”. The unfortunate colleague will later himself wonder how he managed to agree to take on part of the duties of Aquarius in exchange for a “thank you very much”. This month you are guided by a simple rule: if you can not work, do not work. Try not to go too far, otherwise the dissatisfied team will boycott you. In June 2016, do the minimum amount of work (only so that the boss does not fire you for laziness) and do not demand the maximum reward for your efforts, because, frankly, you did not deserve it.

Attention, the horoscope of Aquarius for the month of June 2016 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2016 year of the red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart unique to each person.

T 2016-05-14 13:17:07

no forecast for Aquarius for May!

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General horoscope
Hot and sultry June will pass for Aquarius under the banner of happiness, incredible luck and prosperity. For representatives of the sign, new opportunities will suddenly open up that they could hardly even think about. The stars recommend that you firmly grab your blue bird by the tail, and do not miss it under any circumstances. There is a high probability of realizing long-planned plans. June is a great month for big shopping and travel. In addition, this is one of the most exciting periods for Aquarius in the last few years.

Work, career and money
June provides Aquarians with a wonderful opportunity to stop activities that have long been unsatisfactory in terms of finances and self-realization. There will be an opportunity to do only what you love, which, moreover, will also be highly paid. As the horoscope for June 2016 notes, Aquarius must take a risk and still start doing business.

love horoscope
Lonely Aquarians in June can meet their long-awaited loved one. It’s definitely worth giving a person a chance, even if there was no all-consuming passion at the first meeting. June is the start of an incredibly passionate and romantic life, in which there will be room only for mutual love. Even a short romance can lead to a long and happy one. family life. Based on the horoscope for June 2016, Aquarius can plan a wedding for this particular summer - marriages made in 2016 will be long and strong.

Relationships and family
Relations with relatives and friends, as always, develop brilliantly. The older generation cherishes the soul in responsible and cheerful Aquarius, and they, in turn, remain the soul of the company in the circle of friends. The only caveat is that in June there may be small conflicts at work, so try not to provoke colleagues with whom there is a tense moment in a relationship.

At the beginning of the year, Aquarius will be cheerful, full of strength and health. If you believe the horoscope for June 2016, Aquarius will be like a perpetual motion machine - representatives of the constellation will cope with any chores without compromising their health. It is in June that women who dream of pregnancy should be as attentive as possible to the state of their health. Devote a month to check-ups and replenish vitamins, and long awaited stork will knock on your window very soon.