Most recently, an event took place that marks the close and successful interaction of the military and civilian departments in the region North Pole. As part of the Arktika-2012 expedition, which lasted from August 10 to October 11, in which the icebreakers Kapitan Dranitsyn and Dikson, as well as a nuclear submarine special purpose BS-136 "Orenburg" and nuclear deep-water station of the 1st rank AS-12. In this quartet, the first violin was played by the unique submarine AS-12 project 10831 "Kalitka", designed by specialists of the SPMBM "Malakhit" headed by General Designer Yuri Konovalov and built by Sevmash. This submarine is often jokingly called "Losharik", since the design of its durable hull, consisting of several spheres of titanium alloys, resembles a famous cartoon character. During the expedition "Arktika-2012" for 20 days, "Losharik" was collecting soil and rock samples at depths of 2500-3000 m.

What is it for? To refine the high-latitude boundary continental shelf in the Arctic. The AC-12 manipulators collected about 500 kg of bottom soil. In total, the expedition took more than 21,800 rock samples. By providing these samples, Russia intends to prove that the Lomonosov Ridge and the Mendeleev Plateau belong to the Russian continental shelf, and therefore the exclusive right to exploit a significant part of the bowels of the Arctic bottom. The updated application of Russia based on the materials of the expedition "Arctic-2012" is supposed to be sent to the UN Commission in 2013.

The crews of the AS-12 submarine and the project 09786 nuclear submarine Orenburg supporting its operation (the 2000-ton Losharik is placed in its womb when crossing the oceans and from time to time when working at a point) accomplished a feat, demonstrating the amazing capabilities of domestic underwater technologies, to which Norman Polmar drew attention in his article. True, it should be noted here that the comparison of the AS-12 nuclear deep-sea station with the already decommissioned nuclear submarine NR-1 of the US Navy is not entirely correct. The 400-ton American submarine had a maximum diving depth of 950 m. Such and even greater depths were conquered by Soviet and Russian submarines of projects 1910, 1851 and 18511, also developed by Malachite.

Unlike Polmar, Lieutenant Murphy speaks somewhat arrogantly about ships built in the USSR. Like, the Soviet shipbuilding industry "never produced high-quality products." This relatively young man does not know the subject well enough. At one time, missile cruisers of projects 58, 1164 and 1144, large anti-submarine ships of project 1134B, which in the West were also classified as cruisers, project 61 BODs (they were classified in NATO as destroyers and frigates) were noticeably superior American counterparts not only in terms of armament, but also in other tactical and technical characteristics. Another thing is that these ships were built for a long time and in relatively small series. This did not allow the Soviet Navy to oppose the sea and air armadas of the North Atlantic bloc on an equal footing. And today such a task is not set.

Special article submarines. It was in the USSR that the deepest (project 685) and the fastest (project 661) combat submarines were created. Until now, highly automated fighter boats of project 705 have no analogues. One cannot fail to mention the Sarov submarine of project 20120, developed by the Central Design Bureau of MT Rubin, mentioned by Norman Polmar, brought to mind already in the post-Soviet era. This unique experimental submarine-transformer is designed to test new models of naval weapons and equipment. It can replace entire units. Now, according to media reports, the boat is preparing to test a domestic air-independent power plant with electrochemical generators with diesel fuel reforming. And this technique can successfully serve in the North.

Of course, Russia's interests in the Arctic should be defended mainly by political instruments - at the negotiating table, as well as by expanding the circle of foreign partners in organizing the extraction of energy resources from the bowels of the ocean floor. But the presence of a balanced Armed Forces, and above all Navy will not harm this process, but will strengthen Moscow's positions.

Nuclear deep-sea station of the 1st rank / special nuclear submarine / deep-sea technical means(GTS) - a component of the project 1083K complex. Deep-sea nuclear power plant designed by SPMBM "Malakhit". Chief designer - S.M. Bavilin (after 2001, probably Konovalov Yu.M.). The creation of a draft design of the second generation complex pr.10830 / pr.1083 with a deep-water station pr.10831 and a PLA-carrier pr.09786 "Orenburg" (BS-136) was carried out using the experience of creating experimental complexes. After defending the preliminary design of the AGS pr.10830, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the creation of an AGS pr.10831 with a polyspherical strong body. R & D was organized to develop the technology for manufacturing a polyspherical strong body and lightweight filler monoblocks, as well as to create the equipment that completes the station. Apparently, by 1988-1990. the technical and working designs of the station were developed and approved. The development of projects was carried out simultaneously with the layout of the placement of equipment in the spherical compartments of the boat. In 1991, with almost finished blocks of the AGS pressure hull, according to the customer's technical assignment, the technical project 10830 was adjusted in terms of placement in the bow of the AGS additional weapons(probably special equipment systems). The corrected technical project pr.10830 / 1083K of the complex was submitted and protected in May 1992.

The data contained in this article are hypothetical and tentative. All facts and data are either fictional or based on open and unclassified sources of information (see below).

Presumably in the photo AGS project 10831 AS-31 plant No. 01210 "Losharik". According to the source, the picture was taken in the area of ​​Severodvinsk. The date of the picture is unknown - hardly earlier than 2005 and not later than the summer of 2014 (Top Gear magazine via

Submarine BS-136 pr.09786 at the place of permanent deployment in Deer Bay, photo probably 2010-2012. (from the Tor archive,

Presumably in the photo AGS project 10831 AS-31 plant No. 01210 "Losharik" in Deer Bay, Northern Fleet. Taken tentatively in the winter of 2010-2011 and definitely not earlier than 2008 (photo processed, original taken here - published on August 21, 2011).

Presumably on a frame from a documentary video of testing AGS AS-31 pr.10831 serial number 01210 "Losharik" in Deer Bay, Northern Fleet Taken tentatively in 2007-2010. ().

The creation of a reserve for the construction of the submarine of the project and the preparation for production began at the Sevmash Production Association, apparently in 1988. The head and so far the only AGS of the project - AS-12 with factory No. 01210 - was laid down in the "secret" shop No. 42 of the Sevmash Production Association in the city of Severodvinsk on July 16, 1990. In the mid-1990s, due to lack of funding, the construction of the station was essentially frozen and, according to media reports, resumed only in 2000. The station was launched near workshop No. 42 of the Sevmash Production Association on August 5, 2003 Submarine carrier pr.09786 BS-136 "Orenburg" was converted from SSBN pr.667BDR K-129 (the last in the series) in 1994-2002. Shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk.

In the period from 2004 to 2007. captain 1st rank Oparin A.I. headed the factory, state and deep-sea tests of a special experimental submarine in the White, Barents, Norwegian and Greenland seas. In 2006, AGS pr.10831 was transferred to the Navy for lead operation, and in 2008 it was adopted by the Fleet for service ( ). According to unconfirmed reports, by the fall of 2009, the station completed the state test program. As of the beginning of 2010, it may not yet have been accepted into service by the Russian Navy. In May 2010, information appeared in the media about the award of the state prize to specialists from the Zvezdochka Shipyard, Rubin Design Bureau, Malachite and Prometheus for the "experimental deep-sea order 1083K".

Presumably in the photo AGS AS-31 plant No. 01210 "Losharik" project 10831. Olenya Guba, June 24, 2010 (

PLA carrier pr.09786 BS-136 "Orenburg" (second) in Deer Bay. The first photo is 03/31/2005, the second one is 03/19/2006 (photo - Den,

PLA carrier pr.09786 BS-136 "Orenburg" (second) in Deer Bay. August 26, 2010 (

In many sources, the name of the project number "210" is found, which is an abbreviated name of the order - the factory number of the boat. Also in part of the sources it is reported that the cipher of the Losharik project is a spontaneous self-name and an unofficial name. In terms of sources, AGS pr.10831 corresponds to the name of NATO boats - NORSUB-5.

Design- the design of the station is probably made of titanium alloys and, possibly, some new materials. Durable polyspherical body - i.e. consists of several compartments-spheres, interconnected by transitions. One of the compartments is occupied by nuclear power plant. The space between the spheres of the strong hull and the light streamlined hull is filled with lightweight filler monoblocks.

The alleged appearance of the AGS pr.10831 AC-31 - LOSHARIK (option dated 01/09/2013, when copying the reference to, the name "AC-12" in the figure is erroneous and corresponds to the views of 2013).

Propulsion system- 1 nuclear reactor with a steam generating unit E-17 and TZA with a power of not more than 10,000 hp. developments of the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. I. Afrikantova (Nizhny Novgorod, 2006). Also, in some sources, PPU KTP-7I "Phoenix" is mentioned.

The nuclear power plant is probably located in one of the spherical blocks of the pressure vessel and thus the biological protection of the reactor is carried out, including using a sea water layer.

Mechanics- propulsion - 1 main propeller in the annular nozzle (presumably), several thrusters with electric motors.

TTX stations:
Crew - 25 officers

Length - 69 m (up to 79 m estimated)
Width - 7 m (?)
Draft - 5 m (?)
Normal displacement - 1390 t
Full displacement - 2000 tons

Immersion depth limit - up to 6000 m (not confirmed)
Underwater speed - 30 knots

Armament- missing

Equipment- conventional and special equipment to ensure the navigation of the submarine and the performance of tasks.

Presumably the view from the AGS periscope pr. (

Status: Russia
- 2003 August 5 - AGS plant No. 01210 in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy V. Kuroyedov was launched near shop No. 42 of the Sevmash Production Association.

- 2006 - GTS pr.10831 was transferred to the Russian Navy for trial operation ( ist. - OAO SPMBM "Malachite". Annual Report 2014).

PLA BS-136 pr.09786 at the place of permanent deployment in Deer Bay, 05/24/2006 (published in open access on the site ).

- 2008 - AGS pr.10831 adopted by the Russian Navy ( ist. - OAO SPMBM "Malachite". Annual Report 2014).

2010 - according to unverified information, the AS-31 submarine was supposed to be accepted by the Russian Navy from industry.

September 27, 2012 - during the "Sevmorgeo" expedition, the carrier boat BS-136 pr.09786 with the deep-water station of the 1st rank AS-31 pr.10831 reached the North Pole. The expedition "Sevmorgeo" was carried out in order to clarify the high-latitude boundary of the continental shelf in the Arctic. Rock samples were taken to collect evidence that the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges belong to the Russian continental shelf. The results are planned to be submitted to the UN Commission on maritime law in 2014. "During the expedition, we drilled three wells at a depth of 2-2.5 kilometers and took three cores ("pillars" of rock that are taken out by a drill - ed.). One core is 60 centimeters long, the second is 30, and the third is 20 centimeters A layer of silt at the bottom, reaching five meters in thickness, prevented access to solid rocks without hindrance." In part of the documents, the AS-31 deep-sea station was named BN-220 - "tail number 220". The expedition was also attended by the icebreaker "Dikson" as a research vessel and the icebreaker "Kapitan Dranitsyn" as an icebreaker for research support ( ,

This mysterious nuclear submarine got its name in honor of the hero of the Soviet cartoon - a toy horse, consisting of several spheres connected to each other. The construction of object 10831 began in 1988, the launching took place on August 26, 1995. Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed since then, we know practically nothing about this nuclear submarine. Even her appearance was for a long time secret (the first acceptable photo of Object 10831 was by pure chance taken by Top Gear journalists in 2015). We do not have accurate information about the underwater part of the Losharka and can build our hypotheses about it only on the basis of a large number of grainy photographs.

Schematic diagram of the nuclear submarine of project 10831 (c) www.hisutton.


The internal structure of the ship consists of several spheres connected to each other. Thanks to satellite images of the Severomorsk docks, we can assume that Losharik consists of 7 spheres. Spheres are used when creating deep-sea vehicles, because they withstand pressure much better than the cylinders used in conventional nuclear submarines. Although Losharik is 70 meters long, its interior space is minimal due to the spheres underlying the structure. There is an assumption that the total free space on a submarine is 1000 cubic meters, inside of which there is a crew of 25 people and an isolated nuclear reactor. The titanium hull of the boat ensures that the station is submerged to a depth of over 1000 meters. We do not know the maximum depth of immersion, but in 2012, during the Arctic voyage, the nuclear submarine sank to a depth of over 2000 meters.

The famous Top Gear photo. The journalists saluted the sailors, the sailors ignored the journalists.


1 sphere (bow) - Has a hatch. Probably the ship's habitable sphere, as the submarine does not have torpedo tubes.

2 sphere - Located at the base of the superstructure. It is an access chamber connecting the bow spheres of the boat with the superstructure.

3 sphere - Possibly contains a periscope and a system of retractable antennas.

4 sphere (central) - Located under the submarine's attachment system. Possibly used when the Losharik docked with the parent submarine BS-136.

5 sphere - Has a hatch on the main deck. Most likely used as a habitable space.

6 sphere - Probably, the nuclear reactor of the nuclear submarine is located here. There is an assumption that there is no direct transition from the 5th sphere to the 6th one on the boat. It is possible that the upper part of the body above the sphere is removed to provide service work on the reactor.

7 sphere - Engine compartment. Electric batteries and a backup should be located here. diesel engine. Please note that there is another hatch above the sphere, which proves the isolation of the 6th compartment.

Satellite image of Deer Guba (c) www.hisutton.


The probable base of the top-secret Losharik is Olenya Guba, a base located in a hard-to-reach place on the Kola Peninsula. The dock where Losharik is standing (A) is located at the coordinates (69°12"58"N, 33°22"42"E). The letter B denotes an old but operational Project 1910 submarine (Kashalot class).

The Losharik's carrier is the Project 667 Special Purpose Submarine Orenburg.


Ship: AS-12 (Serial number 210)
Class: Project 10831 (NATO: Norsub-5)
Laid down: July 16, 1990
Launched: August 26, 1995
Introduced into the Navy: 1997
Displacement: 2000 tons
Speed: 10-11 knots submerged (estimated)
Diving depth: 1 km, according to Russian data up to 6 km.
Length: 70 meters
Propulsion system: 1 nuclear reactor E-17 with a capacity of 10-15 tons of horsepower.

AS-12, also known as Losharik, is a Russian nuclear deep-sea submarine (according to the official Russian naval classification - a nuclear deep-sea station). "Losharik" does not carry any weapons on board, according to some reports, the depth of immersion of this station can reach 6000 meters. The nuclear deep-water station of the project 10831 "Wicket", sometimes the boat number 210 is indicated, was created by the designers of the Malachite Design Bureau in the 80s of the last century. Yu. M. Konovalov, Hero of Russia, was the chief designer of the unique boat. The construction of Losharik began in 1988, but in the 1990s, due to lack of funding, it was stopped and continued only in the early 2000s.

Most Russians, and indeed the rest of the world, learned about this unique submarine only at the end of last year. At the end of September 2012, a research expedition called "Arctic-2012" took place, as a result of which it was planned to submit an application to the UN Commission on the Law of the Sea to expand the controlled Russian Federation arctic zone. This expedition was attended by 2 icebreakers: "Dikson" and "Kapitan Dranitsyn", as well as a unique nuclear deep-water station AS-12 of project 10831 "Kalitka", which is better known as "Losharik". This deep-water station was engaged in collecting rock and soil samples at a depth of 2.5-3 km. for about 20 days.

The purpose of this expedition was to clarify the high-latitude boundary of the continental shelf in the Arctic. In mid-October 2012, the chief engineer of Sevmorgeo Yuri Kuzmin (the company that headed research work), in an interview with RIA, he said that at a depth of 2-2.5 kilometers in the sea, three cores 60, 30 and 20 cm long were taken, respectively. The collection of these samples was carried out by Losharik. According to other sources, the work was carried out at a depth of 2.5-3 kilometers, in any case, this is significantly more than the immersion depth of conventional submarines.

In many sources, the name of this project is found as "210", which is incorrect, since this is a common abbreviation for the serial number of the submarine (serial number 01210). Also, some sources indicate that the project cipher is “Losharik”, but this name is an unofficial and rather spontaneous self-name, which, however, has become actively disseminated, including in the media. At the same time, in a number of sources, the boat of project 10831 correlates with the NATO name of the boats - NORSUB-5.

Most likely, by 1988-1990, the working and technical projects of the submarine were created and approved. The development of these projects was carried out in conjunction with the layout of the placement of various equipment in the spherical compartments of the boat. In 1991, with almost completely finished blocks of the strong hull of the boat, technical specifications 10830 were adjusted according to the customer’s specifications. In particular, it was decided to place additional weapons in the bow of the boat, most likely, it was about specialized equipment. The corrected technical design of the boat was presented and protected already in 1992.

The creation of a reserve for the construction of a submarine and the preparation for production were started at the Sevmash Production Association, most likely back in 1988. The lead and so far the only boat of this project - AC-12, which has serial number 01210, was laid down in the "secret" workshop No. 42 of the Sevmash production association, located in the city of Severodvinsk. It happened on July 16, 1990. In the mid-90s, due to lack of funding, the project was temporarily suspended, while the completed boat was launched on August 5, 2003.

According to the employees of the enterprise, in the case of Losharik, the procedure for launching the boat into the water took place in the best traditions. Soviet Union. The ceremony was attended only by representatives of the customer of the project, the developers of the unique submarine from Malachite and the specialists from Sevmash themselves, who were directly involved in the construction of the boat. During the Soviet Union, it was customary to take finished submarines out of factories at night. It was believed that in this way the Americans, firstly, would not be able to find out the exact number of nuclear submarines put into operation, and secondly, they would not be able to produce high-quality pictures new Soviet boats from space.

At the same time, the specialists of Sevmashpredpriyatie emphasize that, in their own way, appearance the new Russian submarine has little to say to uninitiated people; it is difficult to judge the capabilities inherent in this submarine by the appearance of the Losharik. Moreover, if we take those nuclear submarines that were created by the designers of Malachite, then we can conclude that the Losharik is the most invulnerable and silent submarine in all Russian fleet. Most likely, at a certain speed, and more likely, at a depth, it is simply practically invulnerable, including for the sonar of enemy ships. Therefore, this submarine is able to solve the most challenging tasks throughout the world's oceans.

In the period from 2004 to 2007, Captain 1st Rank Oparin A.I. led the factory, state and deep-sea tests of an experimental submarine in the White, Barents, Greenland and Norwegian seas. According to unconfirmed information, by the fall of 2009, this submarine had completely completed the state test program. Most likely, she was accepted into the fleet in 2010 or later. So in May 2010, information appeared in the press that a number of specialists from the Rubin Design Bureau, Malachite, Prometheus, Zvezdochka Shipyard were awarded state prizes for the “experimental deep-sea order 1083K”.

It is assumed that the boat is assigned to the Northern Fleet of Russia, while not submitting to its command. AS-12 "Losharik" is part of the Main Directorate of Deep Sea Research of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is better known as "Underwater Intelligence" and reports directly to the Minister of Defense of the country. The body of the deep-sea station is assembled from high-strength titanium compartments having a spherical shape, in which the bathyscaphe principle is implemented. All compartments of the boat are interconnected by passages and are inside light body.

It is assumed that it is because design features shipbuilders of the Severodvinsk enterprise "Sevmash" nicknamed this boat "Losharik" by analogy with one Soviet cartoon character - a horse that was assembled from individual balls. Wherein specifications boats are classified. According to publicly available information, the boat has a length of up to 79 meters. The total displacement of the boat is 2000 tons. Deep-sea station, according to some sources, can dive to a depth of 6 thousand meters, and develop top speed at 30 knots.

It is believed that one of the spheres of the Losharik deep-water station is occupied by the E-17 nuclear reactor with a steam generating unit and a turbo-gear unit, the power of which on the shaft is 10-15 thousand liters. With. It is reported that the submarine is equipped with one propeller in a special annular fairing. There are no weapons at the station, but at the same time it is equipped with a manipulator, a telegrafair (a bucket with a TV camera), a dredge (a rock cleaning system), and a hydrostatic tube. The Losharik crew consists of 25 people - all officers.

Carrier boat "Orenburg" in the place of permanent deployment, Deer Bay

The Losharik is able to stay underwater for several months. At the same time, the deep-water station has compartments for crew rest, a galley and workrooms. In February 2012, the submarine was repaired and prepared for a trip to the North Pole. In particular, it is reported that the AC-12 station was equipped with additional bathymetric equipment for seismic profiling of the seabed, including a side-scan sonar and a profilograph, a special device used to measure the depth of bottom sediments.

Specially for the AS-12 deep-sea station, the K-129 Project 667BDR Kalmar nuclear-powered strategic submarine, which became the carrier of the deep-sea station, was redesigned. All work on the alteration of the submarine was carried out at the Zvyozdochka shipyard from 1994 to 2002. In particular, all mines were dismantled on a nuclear submarine for ballistic missiles, in addition, the structure of the submarine was strengthened, which now, according to unconfirmed information, can dive to a depth of 1 kilometer. The AC-12 deep-sea station is attached to the carrier from below. Currently, the K-129 boat is part of the Russian Northern Fleet and bears the designation BS-136 Orenburg.

At one time, it was the photographs of the Orenburg that surfaced at the North Pole during the Arktika-2012 expedition that were published in the press. At the same time, the appearance of Losharik is still classified, there are no reliable photographs of this deep-water station in the public domain. At the same time, it can be argued that today there are no stations that would be similar to AC-12 in any of the countries of the world.

Sources of information:

As part of the Arktika-2012 expedition, a deep-water nuclear power plant of Project 10830 Kalitka Losharik worked in underwater drilling operations on the Mendeleev shelf in the Arctic Ocean. The boat helped correct drilling operations from the diesel-electric icebreakers Kapitan Dranitsyn and Dikson to determine the outer boundary of the Russian continental shelf

The northern part of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Ramil Sitdikov/RIA Novosti

“The results of the expedition will form the basis of an application to the UN Commission on the Law of the Sea to confirm the continuation of the Russian continental shelf, previously rejected due to insufficient geological samples, and, accordingly, the priority right to develop shelf resources,” a source from the Ministry of Defense told Izvestia. He added that now there is no question of “insufficiency of geological samples”: in 20 days, “Losharik” collected more than 500 rock fragments at a depth of up to 3 kilometers.

In a titanium case and with a nuclear power plant, the Losharik bathyscaphe is also equipped with manipulators, a dredge, a telegrab and a hydrostatic tube. Now Losharik is being prepared for maintenance in the 42nd workshop of the Sevmash plant, as the bathyscaphe received some damage, proving that the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges, which have oil and gas reserves in the amount of more than 5 billion tons of standard fuel, belong to the Russian Federation.

In Russia, in addition to Losharik, at a depth of 2-3 kilometers, only Mir deep-water stations can operate, which are inferior to it in autonomy.

DATA FOR 2012 (standard replenishment)
Complex project 10830 / 1083K, submarine project 10831 / "project 210 Losharik" - LOSHARIK

Special nuclear submarine / nuclear deep-water station of the 1st rank / deep-sea technical facility - a component of the project 1083K complex. Deep-sea nuclear submarine designed by SPMBM "Malachite". Chief designer - S.M. Bavilin (after 2001, probably Konovalov Yu.M.). The creation of a draft design of the second generation complex pr.10830 / pr.1083 with a deep-sea submarine pr.10831 and a PLA-carrier pr.09786 "Orenburg" (BS-136) was carried out using the experience of creating experimental complexes pr.1851. After the draft design of the submarine pr.10830 was defended, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the creation of a submarine pr.10831 with a polyspherical strong hull. The R&D was organized to develop the technology for manufacturing a polyspherical strong hull and lightweight filler monoblocks, as well as to create the equipment that completes the boat. Apparently, by 1988-1990. developed and approved the technical and working projects of the boat. The development of projects was carried out simultaneously with the layout of the placement of equipment in the spherical compartments of the boat. In 1991, with almost finished blocks of the strong hull of the boat, according to the technical specifications of the customer, the technical project 10830 was adjusted in terms of placing additional weapons in the bow of the boat (probably, special equipment systems). The corrected technical project pr.10830 / 1083K of the complex was submitted and protected in May 1992.

Presumably the drawing of the AS-12 submarine pr.10831 "Losharik" - LOSHARIK. Processing of a drawing from a commemorative diving certificate during the expedition in September 2012 (published in the public domain on the website, processed by MilitaryRussia.Ru).

PLA-carrier BS-136 near the North Pole, 09/27/2012 (published in the public domain on the website).

Presumably in the photo PLA pr.10831 AS-12 plant No. 01210 "Losharik" in Deer Bay, Northern Fleet. Taken tentatively in the winter of 2010-2011 and definitely not earlier than 2008 (photo processed, original taken here - published on August 21, 2011).

Presumably on a frame from a documentary video of the test of the submarine pr. Taken tentatively in 2007-2010. (

The creation of a reserve for the construction of the submarine of the project and the preparation of production began at the Sevmash Production Association, apparently in 1988. The lead and so far the only boat of the project - AC-12 with factory No. 01210 - was laid down in the "secret" workshop No. 42 of the Sevmash Production Association in the city of Severodvinsk on July 16, 1990. In the mid-1990s, due to lack of funding, the construction of the boat was essentially frozen and, according to media reports, resumed only in 2000. The submarine was launched near workshop No. 42 of the Sevmash Production Association on August 5, 2003. Submarine carrier project 09786 BS-136 "Orenburg" was converted from SSBN project 667BDR K-129 (the last in the series) in 1994-2002. Shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk.

In the period from 2004 to 2007. captain 1st rank Oparin A.I. headed the factory, state and deep-sea tests of a special experimental submarine in the White, Barents, Norwegian and Greenland seas. According to unconfirmed reports, by the autumn of 2009 the submarine had completed the state testing program. As of the beginning of 2010, it may not yet have been accepted into service by the Russian Navy. In May 2010, information appeared in the media about the award of the state prize to specialists from the Zvezdochka Shipyard, Rubin Design Bureau, Malachite and Prometheus for the "experimental deep-sea order 1083K".

Presumably in the photo PLA AS-12 plant No. 01210 "Losharik" project 10831. Olenya Guba, June 24, 2010 (

PLA carrier pr.09786 BS-136 "Orenburg" (second) in Deer Bay. The first photo is 03/31/2005, the second one is 03/19/2006 (photo - Den,

PLA carrier pr.09786 BS-136 "Orenburg" (second) in Deer Bay. August 26, 2010 (

In many sources, the name of the project number "210" is found, which is an abbreviated name of the order - the factory number of the boat. Also in part of the sources it is reported that the cipher of the Losharik project is a spontaneous self-name and an unofficial name. In terms of PLA sources, pr.10831 corresponds to the name of NATO boats - NORSUB-5.

Design- the design of the PLA is probably made of titanium alloys and, possibly, some new materials. Durable polyspherical body - i.e. consists of several compartments-spheres, interconnected by transitions. One of the compartments is occupied by a nuclear power plant. The space between the spheres of the strong hull and the light streamlined hull is filled with lightweight filler monoblocks.

Propulsion system- 1 nuclear reactor with a steam generating unit E-17 and TZA with a power of not more than 10,000 hp. developments of the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. I.Afrikantova (Nizhny Novgorod).

The nuclear power plant is probably located in one of the spherical blocks of the pressure vessel and thus the biological protection of the reactor is carried out, including using a sea water layer.

Mechanics- propulsion - 1 main propeller in the annular nozzle (presumably), several thrusters with electric motors.

TTX boats:
Crew - 25 officers

Length - 69 m (up to 79 m estimated)
Width - 7 m (?)
Draft - 5 m (?)
Normal displacement - 1390 t
Full displacement - 2000 tons

Immersion depth limit - up to 6000 m (not confirmed)
Underwater speed - 30 knots

Armament- missing

Equipment- conventional and special equipment to ensure the navigation of the submarine and the performance of tasks.

Presumably the view from the periscope of the submarine pr. (

Status: Russia
- 2003 August 5 - the submarine №01210 in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy V. Kuroyedov launched near the shop №42 PO "Sevmash".

PLA BS-136 pr.09786 at the place of permanent deployment in Deer Bay, 05/24/2006 (published in the public domain on the site).

- 2010 June-July - Submarine AS-12 pr.10831 based in Deer Bay.

2010 - according to unverified information, the AS-12 submarine was supposed to be accepted by the Russian Navy from industry.

Registry PLA pr.10831 (version as of 10/26/2012, basing data are tentative):

Board numberFactoryBookmark dateDate of launch Date entered. into service Basing
1 AS-1210831 01210 220 (2012) Software "Sevmash"16.07.1990 05.08.2003 2010?29th brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet (military unit 13090), Olenya Guba (Snezhnogorsk-1)

According to Interfax-AVN, Losharik is also intended for special operations. It took so long to build the ship due to lack of funds in the 90s. Money for completion began to flow regularly only in the last three years. By the way, in the early 90s, when the need for special operations at sea, according to the country's top leadership, disappeared, and the ship was already laid down, they tried to attract Americans to finance the project. Losharik would then become a purely rescue ship. But the American side refused to participate in the project.

The remaining tactical and technical data of the new submarine are known only to a very narrow circle of specialists. However, after being withdrawn from the workshop, the secret submarine stood in the open for three days, despite the fact that American spy satellites constantly monitor the vast territory of Sevmash.

It is related to pure technological processes: you can’t take the boat out of the workshop directly into the water. It needs to be prepared, which is why it was on the stocks for about three days, ”the acting director told Izvestia. Nikolai Bogdanov, Deputy General Director of Sevmashpredpriyatie for the regime. The boat was launched on Tuesday evening.

The employees of the enterprise claim that in the case of Losharik, the launching procedure was arranged in the best Soviet traditions. Only representatives of the customer, the developers of the submarine project from Malachite and Sevmash specialists who were directly involved in the construction of the submarine were present.

In the days of the USSR, it was customary to take finished boats out of the workshop at night, a representative of the Russian Navy told Izvestia. - It was believed that in this way the Americans, firstly, would not be able to calculate the exact number of nuclear submarines put into operation, and secondly, they would not be able to take high-quality pictures of new ships from space.

True, Sevmashpredpriyatiya specialists note that nothing can be said about the capabilities inherent in the design of this submarine by the appearance of the Losharik. However, if we take nuclear submarines of other projects developed by the designers of Malachite, then we can assume that the Losharik is the most silent and invulnerable submarine in the Russian fleet. Apparently, at a certain speed (and depth), it becomes practically invulnerable to the hydroacoustics of enemy ships and can perform its assigned tasks unnoticed throughout the oceans.

Dubnitsky D.N. About Sergei Mikhailovich Bavilin. //

The Izvestia newspaper reports that the Ministry of Defense refused to comment on information about the construction of a new mini-submarine, citing the secrecy of the project, and the publication had to draw information from an unnamed "source in the military-industrial complex."

"Losharik" during last trip in the Arctic showed high autonomy and depth of immersion. It can stay at great depths for a long time, therefore it is necessary for geological research and drilling operations on the deep-sea shelf. The new boat will at least not be inferior in efficiency,” the “source” said and spoke about equipping the “loshariki” with manipulators for bottom work to research and collect debris from sunken satellites, planes that crashed in the ocean, sunken ships and the use of a mini-submarine for underwater reconnaissance .

A senior naval officer familiar with the situation told the newspaper that the boat would be made of titanium. A new nuclear reactor for Losharik-2 is being made in top secret at one of the closed enterprises in Obninsk, Kaluga Region.

The carrier of Losharik-2 will be a converted nuclear submarine Podmoskovye, which since 1998 has been undergoing a deep modernization at the Zvyozdochka CA: it has already removed the compartment for intercontinental missiles"Sineva" and now they are making a docking station for the bathyscaphe instead.

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