The child cannot find answers to his questions on his own.

teachers help him. This is where the problem learning method originated,

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling problem situations, experimenting, solving

crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc.

A summary of the lesson is offered.



Apply these methods

Cognitive search research activities in the classroom on the development of speech.

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten combined type No. 122, Molchanova A.G.,


From the very birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him.

It is well known that five-year-old children are called "why".

The cognitive activity of children at this age is very high: each

the teacher's answer to child question raises new questions.

The child cannot find answers to his questions on his own.

teachers help him. This is where the problem learning method originated,

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling problem situations, experimenting, solving

crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc.

The main goal of this method is to develop creative personality child.

The tasks of the problem-based teaching method are specific for each


V younger age this is entering a problematic game situation,

formation of the initial prerequisites for search activity.

At an older age, these are:

  1. formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;
  2. the formation of the ability to apply these methods that contribute to

Solving the assigned tasks, using various options;

  1. developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a conversation in the process of joint research activities.

It has been proven that the involvement of children in search activity increases the assimilation of various knowledge and skills, develops mental activity, independence, intelligence.

The use of lexical and grammatical games in work contributes to

the acquisition by children of the skills and abilities of grammatically correct speech.

These games include:

1. Sensory games.

(What the word does - looks, listens, moves, etc.)

2.Symbolny games.

(Simulation of word content)

3. Logic games.

(Search for the origins of word formation, the establishment of cause-and-effect

connections, use of a causal chain)

4. Linking the content of a word with its initial form.

(the perception of the phonetic-phonemic image and pronunciation of the word-

analysis, errors in the structure of the word).

5. Spatial games.

6. Games with the same root words:

a) the formation of words of some part of speech

(whiteness - white,

whitening - whitening,

white - white)

b) education from all parts of the forms

Genus (protein - proteins

White - white)

Numbers (protein - proteins

white - white

Turns white - turn white)

c) education from all parts of speech of forms that clarify semantic shades

by using:

Prefixes (whitewash,


Suffixes (white,


Interfix (white-barrel)

Postfixes (whitewash)

Loose endings

(protein - protein,

White - white)

Conjugation endings

(whitening - whitening whitening)

7 games with words - antonyms

(words are reversed)

The symbol of this game can be an upside-down person.

8. Games-contradictions ”.

"Fedot, but not that one", "I see not ... but on the contrary", "Third (4-5) extra

9. Bridge Games ".

Selection of intermediate words for a gradual transition from one

antipode to another (heat-warm-cold)

10. Grammar games:

- "True False"

- "Stubborn words" - non-declining nouns (coffee, ...)

11. Games with cards, pictograms, diagrams, models ...

12. Games of analogy.

Continuation of the synonymous row started by the teacher

(big-huge-huge, etc.).

13. Games for the classification of objects.

14. Games with figurative expressions.

Determination of the figurative meaning of words (hands are tree branches)

Coming up with comparisons (hands-paws, pitchforks, wings, ...)

15. Games with riddles, proverbs, sayings.


Selection of different statements about the same thing.

Interpretation in your own words of phrases, proverbs, sayings.

16. Games with rhyming words.

(I am a poet, I am a writer)

17. Games for sound connections of words.

(smoke - house, entered - left)

18. Games with words and sentences.

- "Supplements" - selection of epithets, signs, actions

(bread - lush, fragrant. soft, ruddy, ...)

Comparison riddles

(with a tail, not a mouse)

- "Chains of words"

(Coming up with phrases following one after the other:

(The cat licks milk. The cow gives the milk. The cow grazes in the meadow.


- "Gatherings - bandages"

Promotion of the plot one word at a time (winter ...)

- "Composition"

Inventing general plot based on words from related

(tram - bus), distant (tram - forest), opposite

(day Night).

The method of problem search (project) training is relevant and

very effective. He gives the child the opportunity to experiment,

synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity

and communication skills, which allows him to adapt to the changing situation of schooling.


Theme: " Cognitive-search speech activity "

Little explorer ... How to educate him? How to help your child learn to do more than just perceive the world in all its diversity, but also to understand patterns and connections? We receive answers to these questions when organizing experimental, research activities of preschoolers with special educational needs.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergartenс№8 "Ogonyok" of the city of Poronaysk "



Prepared by O. N. Beldy, speech therapist

December 2015

One of fundamental principles FSES of preschool education - the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in different types activities.

It is through cognition that the development of children in preschool age is carried out. "Cognition is a category that describes the process of obtaining any knowledge by repeating ideal plans of activity and communication, creating sign-symbolic systems that mediate the interaction of a person with the world and other people."

Development cognitive function speech is closely connected with the mental education of the child, with the development of his mental activity. To convey information, new knowledge and information, the word must first reveal the image of each object, its properties, qualities. Speech thinking is carried out on the basis of verbal meanings, concepts and logical operations... The formation of the subject relatedness of a word-name - occurs simultaneously with the formation of the meanings of words and systems of meanings. LS Vygotsky called this connection "the unity of thinking and speech." The concept arises in the course of an intelligent operation.

It is known that preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech affects all aspects of speech, as well as higher mental functions: memory, attention, thinking. This is confirmed by the data speech therapy examination children senior group municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 8" Ogonyok "of the city of Poronaysk. Children have decreased verbal memory, low memorization productivity. They forget the sequence of tasks, complex instructions, lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking. It is difficult for children to find the right words, to construct a phrase correctly. Correctly understanding the logical interconnection of events, the child is limited to only listing them. In active speech, children most often use simple sentences or in separate words. The inability to designate causal relationships in words leads to the fact that they cannot compose a logical story, fully and fully answer the question. There is a lack of clarity and consistency in the presentation. Most often, children are limited to listing objects or their individual parts. As an example, we cite a story composed by a 5-year-old child: “A car. Steering wheel. Twist. Wheels. You have to go ”.

Difficulties in mastering conceptual thinking by children, and, accordingly, mastering new words, inhibit the development of coherent speech. Therefore, the question arose in the search for new forms of work to develop this function in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. As an activating agent, we use cognitive-research activity, since the development of speech and cognition are closely related, and cognitive development a child, the development of his conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words that express the concepts assimilated by the child, new knowledge and ideas that he reinforces.

The purpose of the cognitive research activity of preschoolers: the development of cognitive interests, needs and the ability of independent search activity on the basis of an enriched and formed emotional and sensory experience. The Chinese proverb “Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me do - and I will understand” reflects the tasks:

To form the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections;

Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop cognitive interest in the process of research activities, establish a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions;

Develop speech.

Correctional educational work is based on the integration of methods of cognition, which makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality.

The lexical principle of construction directly educational activities plays important role in knowledge. We actively use such forms of work as thematic days and weeks, thematic classes ("Miracle - button", "Our flowering plants"," Peaceful professions are needed in the Army ").

Depending on the specific educational situation, we also use classes with the simplest experiments: "Where did the wind come from?" (combined with the development of the correct speech breathing), "The Journey of the Droplet", etc. They deepen children's ideas about objects, phenomena, events, enrich them vocabulary, teach to reason, draw conclusions, act independently, interact with a partner, a group, negotiate, listen and hear, express a common opinion. Example: the thematic lesson "Time for business, for fun - an hour" forms children's ideas about such an abstract concept as time, in particular about a minute. Children experimentally test how long time lasts and determine whether it flows long or fast. To do this, they are consistently offered games 1) "Keep quiet." While the sand is poured in the hourglass, the speech therapist suggests just sitting and keeping quiet.

2) The game "Who is faster?" (practical acquaintance with one minute)

(Each child has beads and laces.)

Speech therapist: On a signal, you need to string as many beads as possible on a string. The game will end as soon as the sand is poured down. (Children string beads on laces, then - beads counting). As a result, the children came to the conclusion that the same length of time can last differently depending on the type of activity.

The children subsequently expressed their ideas about time in a small collective story "Bored day until evening, if there is nothing to do." Here is the content: Once Petya and Vanya went fishing. Petya threw a fishing rod into the river and waited, and Vanya decided to catch butterflies. Soon Vanya became bored of chasing butterflies alone and he began to call Petya. But Petya has no time - he catches fish. Vanya did not catch a butterfly, and Petya had a full bucket of fish.

To activate and develop coherent speech, we use transformation games: "Living - non-living", "Wonderful bag", "Yes - no", "Guess the object", "What comes first, what then", "What is superfluous", etc.

Transformation processes underlie the actions that we perform without even thinking. By pressing the switch, we will turn the darkness into light, by washing our hands with soap, from the dirty we will make them clean, etc. Observing such processes and mastering the appropriate actions, the child learns to make transformations in the most different situations... However, the development of transformative abilities in children occurs spontaneously and does not always reach high level... Despite the obviousness of transformations in the surrounding world, the child does not always "grasp" the very moment of transition, transformation, therefore, for example, different aggregate states one and the same substance may appear to him as completely different objects.

The most difficult type of speech is reasoning, because it is closely related to dialogical communication and argumentation, i.e. the child must know what he is talking about. This is facilitated by tasks such as:

- “Finish the sentence” (Petya did not go for a walk, because ...) Then the children come up with: because it's cold outside, because he got sick, etc.

- "Question-provocation": - Why in winter snowing, not rain? How are butterflies different from birds?

The child, expressing his thought, proving the correctness or incorrectness of his assumption (based on experience, from past experience), learns to reason, to generalize the general opinion.

The most interesting is the assimilation of concepts that can be checked, touched, measured. For example, my children and I experimentally check the smoothness or roughness of the leaves. indoor plants and learn to define them. "Geranium has a velvety leaf, while cyclamen has a smooth leaf," "the skin is smooth, and the fur is fluffy," etc.

In the course of small experiments, children have the opportunity to proactively express themselves, share their experiences. We researched the temperature of the water, and children came up with many definitions for it: lukewarm, lukewarm, cool, pleasant, refreshing, cold, liquid, shiny. At the same time, the teacher's activity is to give an opportunity to explore, to choose a mode of action.

In conclusion, we want to say that the world physical phenomena surrounding the child provides tremendous opportunities for the systematic development of the ability to transform as a component of general mental abilities... Speech development and research activities are closely related. Preschoolers learn to set goals, solve problems, and test them through experimentation. empirically, draw conclusions, simple inferences. They experience joy, surprise and even delight from their small and large "discoveries", which cause children a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

The effectiveness of our work in this direction is confirmed by the data of the final study of coherent speech. Assessing the implementation of the proposed methodology "Sequential pictures", we noted that the children had improved indicators in the lexical and grammatical design of the utterance with adequate use lexical means... To a lesser extent, there is a stereotyped grammatical design and a violation of the word order. The grammatical structures used by children in the form of complex, common sentences.

Thus, the use of cognitive research activity as a means of correcting coherent speech can significantly improve the quality of speech in children with speech disorders.


1. Vygotsky L.S. "Thinking and Speech" Ed. 5, rev. - Publishing house "Labyrinth", M., 1999. - 352 p.

2. Veraksa N.Ye., Galimov O.R. Cognitive research activities of preschoolers. For work with children 4-7 years old. M .: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2012-78s.

3. Kasavin I.T. New Encyclopedia of Philosophy: in 4 vols. M: Thought. Edited by V.S. Stepin. 2001

4. Levchenko I.Yu., Kiseleva N.A. Psychological study of children with developmental disorders. - M .: Ed. "Bibliophile". 2007-152 p.

5. Troshin O. V., Zhulina E. V. Logopsychology: Textbook.-M .: TC Sphere. 2005-256s.



Timakhova T.A.

To improve efficiency correctional work in a speech therapy lesson, along with other types of work, it is recommended to use the experimental activities of children. The most fully and distinctly perceived and remembered by the child is what was interesting to him, what was investigated by him independently.

Psychologists have proven that lessons learned without interest, not colored by their own positive attitude, emotions, do not become useful. This is a dead weight. In class, the child writes, reads, answers questions, but this work does not affect his thoughts, does not arouse interest. He is passive. Of course, he learns something, but passive perception and assimilation cannot be the support of solid knowledge. Children remember poorly, as learning does not capture them. You can always find something interesting and exciting. You just need to find it and give it to the children, which will induce them themselves to similar finds and discoveries.

On speech therapy classes children can not only learn something, but independently try, experiment, gaining knowledge. We adapted to the individual characteristics of children and included modified tasks and exercises in the content of some lessons.

"Construction of letters". On the tables - sticks, strings, buttons, pencils. Children are invited to lay out various letters... They should choose the material most convenient for laying out these letters themselves.

"Reconstruction of letters" is a variant of the exercise of constructing letters. How to get others from one letter? (Move stick or add, combine waste, natural material etc.)

Game "The Word Crumbled" (anagram). On the board, a word with a changed order of letters (this may result in not one word, but several, for example: pine - pump, grater - actor).

Game "Who will collect more words ". Coming up with words to a certain syllable (for example: flour, fly, museum, garbage). Selection of words to a given sound model. In front of the children is a diagram of colored tokens representing sounds. It is necessary to pick up as many words as possible (mentally "fit" the words to the scheme). A complicated version of how children work with a model is a riddle game. A certain word is guessed, children must guess with the help of leading questions: is it alive? inanimate? item? what shape? what is it made of?

Selection of words for syllabic schemes. Name words consisting of one syllable, two or three syllables - with stress on the first, second, third syllable, etc.

Composing a word using initial sounds or by the final sound of other words.

Replacement in a word of one sound (letter) to obtain a new word (metagram). For example: bunny - shirt - nut - seagull.

Formation of new words from letters of this word... For example: ice cream - sea, knife, walrus, etc.

Selection of words to this rhyme. For example: juice - a line, a sock, a belt, a voice, etc.

Working with isographers. In the pictures, the words are written in letters, the arrangement of which resembles the image of the object about which in question.

Drawing up proposals for graphic schemes (game "Telegraph").

Rearranging words in order to get the desired phrase. For example: "Fatima has a beautiful doll."

Connecting parts of torn sentences. For example: “It falls sticky. Snow barks loudly. Ball".

Composing a story from two texts, read interspersed.

Drawing up a coherent story from fragmentary phrases, phrases.

Reading text from the end to realize the inconvenience of such a reading.

Educational game "Read on balls" (author Voskobovich and other similar games).

Solving puzzles (especially with the use of prepositions - the ability to choose the desired preposition).

Guessing crosswords (words for a specific letter, thematic, etc.).

Special attention In the organisation experimental activities we devoted children to work on individual cards. At first, cards with assignments published in the methodological literature were used. Then, seeing the interest of children in this kind of tasks, we made cards with tasks of increasing complexity. Completing assignments using individual cards has great importance, both for children and for the teacher.

For kids:

Provide the minimum level of phonemic, sound-letter, graphic, cognitive means, which make it possible to move on to the next stage of learning - reading;

Create conditions for the orientation and research activities of children;

They develop various aspects of mental activity: attention, thinking, memory, speech;

They consolidate the stock of available ideas about the sound-letter side of the word, the degree of preparedness of the hand to perform graphic skills;

Form the ability to understand learning task and solve it yourself;

Form the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

For the teacher:

Relieve selection difficulties didactic material at individual work with kids;

Allows you to control the level of assimilation of program material;

Build relationships with children, especially with little contact.

The work on the cards was carried out at individual lessons as one of the types of control frontal exercises, as well as when carrying out correctional work of a child with a teacher and recommended to parents for playing with children at home.

All tasks on the cards were accompanied by bright illustrations, which were protected with a special film, which made it possible for children to use felt-tip pens when completing tasks.

We offer a list of approximate tasks - experiments that we conducted with children:

Make sound models of words, compare them.

Make up sound model words, vowel sounds, designate letters.

How many sounds are there in a word? Write the number in the square.

Connect the picture to the sound model.

Connect pictures and sound models together.

Correct the mistakes in the sound model of the word.

Find one word for each sound model.

Find three words for the sound model.

Make up a word by the first sounds of the names of the pictures.

Make up a word by the second »sounds of the names of the pictures.

Compose a word by the last sounds of the names of the pictures.

Determine the place of the sound [l] in words (at the beginning, middle, end).

Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the sounds paired with them according to hardness - softness.

Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the sounds paired with them for deafness - hardness.

Write the word down in letters. What other words can you make from these letters?

How many syllables are in a word? Write the number in the square.

Connect the picture with the syllabic scheme.

Connect pictures and syllabic schemes with each other.

Find one word for each syllabic scheme.

Compose a word by the first syllables of the names of the pictures.

Make a sound model of the word. How many sounds are there in a word? Give a characterization to each sound. Write the word down in letters. How many letters are there in each word? Divide the word into syllables, put emphasis.

Make a proposal for the picture and graphic scheme.

Make one sentence for each graphical scheme.

    E.V. Kolesnikova Fun grammar for children 5-7 years old. M., 2008.

    E.V. Kolesnikova The development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. M., 2000.

    Pozhilenko EL. A magical world of sounds and words. M., 1999.

    Uzorova O.V., Nefedova EL. 1000 words for phonetic (sound-letter) parsing. Development phonemic hearing... M., 2007.

Card number 6. Connect pictures and syllabic schemes together

Software content: Teach children to establish elementary connections in inanimate nature... Promote the accumulation of specific ideas about the properties of air in children. Continue to develop in children cognitive activity in the process of experimenting. To develop the speech of children when describing what they saw and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Develop the ability to work together (in pairs), help and support each other in difficult situations. To foster respect for the environment.

Preliminary work:
1. Conducting a conversation "Air on Earth";
2. Consideration of the encyclopedia "Our Planet";
3. Reading A. Lindgren "Carlson who lives on the roof";
4. Free experimentation in the corner of experimental activity.

Material: fans according to the number of children, magnifying glasses, disposable plates and spoons, bottles, glasses, candle, jar, paints, brushes, Balloons, disk, doll-Carlson.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today a sound letter came to our group. Want to know who it is from? (Watching an excerpt from the cartoon "Carlson Who Lives on the Roof", while the recording sounds)
My laboratory
Known to everyone, friends!
With great impatience
I am waiting for you today.
Any substance a riddle
Here you can recognize
But just sorry
I may be late.
Recently experience did,
I messed up something
And as if invisible
Settled with me
He plays with me
I do not see him,
Try, find
Its you for me.

Educator: Guys, along with the letter, Carlson also sent a plan on how to get to his laboratory. Well, let's go to Carlson's laboratory? We will go exactly according to plan.

Educator: What a spacious, bright Carlson laboratory. How much equipment for experiments.

Educator: Are we starting to look for invisibility?

A knock on the door. The toy Carlson appears.

Carlson: Hello guys! It's good that I made it. Now we will all be looking for invisibility together.

Experience number 1. Take a glass beaker with a wide mouth half-filled with water. Let's tint the water with watercolors. Let's take a smaller jar, one that fits easily into a large one. Firmly holding the jar by the bottom, carefully lower it with the neck down into the tinted water. (Children observe and conclude that water is not included in the jar).

Educator: What is stopping her, because the jar is empty. Or not? Or maybe there is an invisibility lurking here? Couldn't it be made to appear, to become visible? Let's try?

Experience number 2. We take all the same small jar and put it in a bowl of water, but with the neck up. (Children observe how air bubbles pop out at the jar and rush to the surface of the water).
Children: There was air in the jar, it is lighter than water, so the water filled the space in the jar.
Carlson: Guys, do you think there is air in the water?
(Children examine a glass of water, mark transparent bubbles on the walls of the jar).

Experience number 3. Put a spoon carefully in the jar and stir the water. The bubbles begin to whirl, gradually rise to the surface and disappear.
Children: There is air in the water too.
Educator: Guys, let's assume: is there air in the soil? (Children's assumptions).
Educator: Let's check. Consider through a magnifying glass what is soil made of? (Children consider).
Children: Grains of sand, dust grains, dry blades of grass, glued together into lumps of different sizes.
Educator: Isn't the invisible air hiding here? Let's make an experiment.

Experience number 4. Children put a lump of soil into a glass of water.
Children: Transparent bubbles have appeared on the lumps and they are understood upward.
Educator: This is the air that was inside a lump between grains of sand and blades of grass. The water went in and forced him out. He surfaced and mixed with the air around us. (Children conclude: there is air in the soil).
Educator: What conclusion can be drawn from these experiments?
Children: Air is everywhere. He is around us. Air takes up space. Available in water and soil.
Educator: Why can't we see him?
Children: The air is transparent, colorless. Odorless and tasteless.
Carlson: That's how interesting! Can you feel the air?
Educator: Guys, take a fan in your hands and wave it near your face. From your movement, the surrounding air vibrates, and you seem to hear his voice: "I am!", "I am around you!"

Physical education:
The fan blows the air
The fan is catching up with the wind.
Makes us wake up
Pull, smile!
Fan, fan like a bird
Loves to spin in the air.
So let's go with him guys
We fly like eagles.
Swooped down, rested,
The air took a deep breath.
Head left, right, sideways-
The fan helped us to stretch!

Educator: Now we will rest a little.
Children perform a verse from a song about a loser wizard.
Educator: I want to show you another experience, but I will do it myself. If you want to repeat it at home, then you must definitely do it together with adults.
Educator: How can you extinguish a candle without touching it or blowing it out?

Experience number 6. Light a candle. Hold a porcelain cup over a candle flame. The subject has darkened - covered with a layer of soot. The air is dirty.
Carlson: I flew by and saw black smoke coming out of the pipes.
I flew through the air
And it hummed with a motor.
Suddenly - a pipe, above it smoke,
I turned out to be above him.
I got lost in the smoke
What is wrong with me - I don’t understand.
I coughed and sneezed for a long time,
He even stopped seeing.
Here the question is clear to anyone!
Dirty air is dangerous for us
Don't fly over the pipe -
You are risking yourself!

: Guys, what is the name of the city in which you live? What factories are there in your city?
Children: Mashzavod, Nefteorgsintez, Nickel Combine.
Educator: Guys, what should we do?
(Children offer to wear masks, come up with an air purifier).
Sketch and leave in the laboratory.

Educator: We sent all your drawings to factories and there design engineers will develop new air cleaners.
Carlson: Thank you guys for interesting discoveries... What did you enjoy doing the most in my laboratory? What do you remember? What interesting things did you learn?
I want to give you balloons as a goodbye. Now you know what kind of invisibility hid in them.

Duration of the lesson: 25 minutes
Title: Lesson on experimental activity in the senior speech therapy group "In the laboratory at Carlson's"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, experimental activity

Position: educator first qualification category
Place of work: MDOAU No. 106 " Pansies»
Location: Orsk, Orenburg region

All children are curious. With great surprise and joy they discover everything interesting and unknown. The child's need for new impressions pushes him to search, to cognize the world around him. It is very important to direct this need for knowledge of the world in the right direction and support the child's desire to experiment. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new and useful information children get, the faster and more fully they develop. By the older preschool age, the possibilities of children increase noticeably. This period is most important for the development of cognitive, research and search activities, since it is at this age that children can independently draw conclusions and find a solution. The development of the child's personality occurs not only in the process of mastering skills, knowledge and abilities, but also in the independent search for knowledge and the acquisition of skills.

To develop sociability in children, the ability to navigate in the environment, to solve emerging problems, to be independent, creative personalities is the task that he sets himself preschool education... Child development goes through:

  • development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • the formation of cognitive actions;
  • the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world;
  • about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, time, space, etc.);
  • O small homeland and Fatherland, traditions and holidays;
  • about planet earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

In his work, the teacher needs to take into account the psychological and age characteristics of preschoolers. The child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does everything himself. Observing everyone, the educator can and should create conditions for independent experimentation and search activities in the group.

By implementing the “Childhood” program and the “Preparing children with OHP in kindergarten for school” program edited by N.F. Chirkina and T. B. Filicheva, created a long-term plan for experimentation and equipped a center where children can engage in search activities.

The plan reflects the specifics of the compensating group for children with severe speech impairments. For example, in the fall we introduced children to the properties of air, conducted educational games with fruits and vegetables: “Fruits: how can you eat them?”, “Know the taste and smell”, “Fruits and vegetables as cosmetics”, Fruit ”,“ Leaf Prints ”, etc.

In the winter months, you can offer children and their parents games and experiences with water: “Three states of water”, “Colorful icicles”, “Does the mitten warm”, “ Different snowflakes”,“ Feed the Birds ”,“ Snow Depth ”,“ Snow Prints ”, etc.

For spring, we selected the following: “The sun is an artist”, “Sowing seedlings”, “The dependence of the life of plants on the sun”, “Where the snow melts faster”, “Where is the longest icicle?”, “How do the plants wake up”, “Where does the water disappear” so that children themselves can draw conclusions about how important sunlight and warmth, water are for all living things. There is no life on earth without light, water and heat.

V summer months invited children and parents to visit the countryside, by the river, on the beach, play with sand and water, watch sun bunnies, insects, shadows, so that the children get to know the world of living and non-living nature better, made some conclusions, found answers to the questions posed by themselves questions. And then make drawings, photographs, albums for viewing with other children in the kindergarten.

In the preparatory group for school, we have made the search activity using a microscope, magnifiers, mirrors and other equipment. We expanded and deepened our knowledge about vegetables and fruits (useful properties and vitamins), prepared vinaigrette and fruit salad on our own and treated them to parents. Conducted research: “What is in the soil”, “ Moldy bread”,“ Large and small ”(determining the size of the pupil depending on the lighting),“ Properties of paper and cardboard ”,“ Filtration of water ”,“ Light beam ”,“ How not to burn yourself ”,“ Candle in a jar ”,“ Rainbow on the wall ”,“ Magnet Draws ”and many more different experiments that will help children to make small discoveries and find the cause of some facts, to find out cause-and-effect relationships.

As practice shows, the results of the experiments need to be sketched in an album or notebook so that the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are even more firmly deposited in the memory of children.

Here's an example practical experience: in the older group, we conducted experiments with water - we froze it, dyed it, asked the children why does the water freeze in the freezer and outside, and where faster? Why does steam rise from the water outside in frosty weather? Why can water be painted in any color and frozen in any shape? The children experimented and answered the questions: it is warm in the group and therefore the water is warm, and steam comes from it outside. The water became as cold as the air and froze. And then we checked the speed of ice melting - on the windowsill and on the radiator. The children made an independent conclusion that the ice melts faster on the battery, because she's hot.

In the preparatory group for school, similar experiments are carried out on freezing ice from juice, yogurt, butter and vegetable oil. Which solidifies faster: water or vegetable oil, and why? What came out of the frozen juice? Is the frozen one cut with a knife butter? Children make small discoveries. The frozen juice makes a delicious frozen lollipop. Vegetable oil freezes only in the most severe frost, and in the freezer it is not cold enough. The vegetable oil changes color and turns white. The frozen butter is not cut, but crumbles and is not spread on bread. And the melted yogurt became not tasty and grainy.

Pledges successful work experimentation should be:

  • an appropriate developmental environment, including the presence necessary materials for conducting experiments;
  • Availability long-term plan taking into account the age-related psychological and physiological data of the child;
  • the presence of a calm, friendly atmosphere in the group and at home;
  • personal interest in the end result of all adults - teachers and parents, because they are role models and children imitate them.

It is important that experiments, experiments, observations awaken curiosity in children, develop an interest in living and non-living nature, form good feelings, help the knowledge gained to be applied and used in their lives.