The ax is a universal tool. They cut wood or ... enemies. In ancient times, it was difficult to imagine a warrior without battle ax. Largely because of its convenience: with a relatively small weight, he had an impressive impact force. Therefore, the battle ax was equally effective against both infantry and cavalry. In our review of the top 5 most formidable and popular battle axes of the past.

1. Ax

The ax for a long time occupied a dominant position in the armament of a warrior among other types of battle axes. She was especially fond of the warriors of Scandinavia - the Vikings. The Slavs also had a fairly common weapon.

The ax is distinguished by a special blade shape - in the form of a crescent moon up to 35 centimeters long. And the long shaft in addition made the blows incredibly productive. The special design made it possible to use the ax as a kind of harpoon to pull the enemy off the horse.

The ax was popular until the late Middle Ages, when the era of knights gradually receded into the past, and they were replaced by lightly armed warriors. Swords and sabers were able to cut through thinner mail, and heavy battle axes were no longer needed.

Interesting fact: The “revival” of the ax happened not so long ago and, oddly enough, in Hollywood. Directors and directors are very fond of these axes with two blades. And although they are considered one of the most inconvenient modifications of this weapon, their imposing appearance attracted cinema.

2. Berdysh

In a sense, the berdysh can be called a kind of ax. It also has a moon-shaped blade, however it is more elongated and has a sharp top. Another distinctive feature of this type of ax was the presence at the end of a long shaft (ratovishka) of the so-called inflow - a special metal tip. It was installed in order to be able to put the weapon vertically, resting it on the ground.

Berdysh was very handy in close combat. The long shaft helped keep the enemy at some distance, and the rounded blade helped deliver crushing blows. The sharp end also allowed the ax to perform a piercing function. And also a rather wide blade was able to reflect enemy blows, and the warrior could even do without a shield.

Cavalry troops had their own modification of this weapon. Such a reed was lighter and smaller in size. It had another distinctive feature: metal rings were threaded into it along the entire length of the blade. Berdysh gradually came out of mass use warriors around the same period as the ax itself.

3. Bearded ax

Today, this weapon is also called the "grandfather's ax", which indicates its traditional and massive use. Its homeland is considered to be northern Europe, presumably on the territory of modern Norway. This ax has a row characteristic features that distinguish it from other "relatives". The blade has a clearly horizontal top edge, but Bottom part on the contrary, an elongated shape.

Such an unusual design made it possible to perform several functions at once: both as a chopping and as a cutting weapon. The elongated part itself, the so-called. The "beard" made it possible for a double grip, with one hand being protected by the actual blade. And the handle of a small length made the ax lighter, and the warrior could use not only the force of impact, but also speed.

Due to its characteristics, the beard-shaped ax was quite versatile: it was used both in everyday life and during the battle. This made him very fond of the Scandinavian warriors: as you know, the Vikings had fairly light boats, so they obviously could not afford heavy, bulky luggage.

4. Valashka

Valashka is a battle ax that has a clear localization of its distribution. It can be called the "national" weapon of the Carpathian highlanders. It is worth saying that this ax is popular among the Romanians, and among the Hutsuls, and among the Lemkos, but it has different names: bartka, balta, topirets. Actually, the gun received the name "Valashka" from the Romanian historical region of Wallachia, where the legendary Vlad Tepes came from.

Valashka is a narrow wedge-shaped knob on a long handle. The ax butt was often made in the form of a forged head of an animal or simply decorated with carved ornaments. This design allowed the ax to be universal in use. It was used both as a weapon and as a staff while moving in the mountains.

Valashka was so fond of the Carpathian highlanders that it became, among other things, part of their national costume. The ax was also used as a ritual object - they even danced with it. Valashka was a kind of status sign married man, head of the family.

5. Polex

The Polex was a very popular polearm for foot combat among European warriors of the 14th and 15th centuries. He was especially fond of the participants of padarms - knightly tournaments with theatrical elements. According to information, the polex had many varieties and modifications that differed in size, weight, or additional equipment.

The main distinguishing characteristics of the poleaxe were a long spike at the top of the gun, and at its lower end. The shape of the blade varied: heavy, wide, or in the form of a hammer with a counterweight spike. Separate parts of the ax head were attached to one another with pins or bolts.

Polex, being a tournament weapon, assumed the presence of additional protective elements, even if they reduced its combat capability. So, for example, on the shaft of an ax sometimes there were langets - special metal strips that protected it from cutting. In some cases, special disks were also used to protect the hands during the battle, the so-called rondels.

The ax is one of the first tools created by human hands. A pointed stone tied to a stick helped the primitive man to dig up roots from the ground, cut down trees, hunt and defend himself from enemies. Later, axes were made of copper, bronze, and steel. Their form was improved, various variations of this instrument appeared, both military and peaceful. Axes were widely used for combat in ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia. Since those ancient times, the design and methods of using these weapons have remained almost the same as they were conceived by our ancestors.

Weapons that don't change

Simplicity of perfection - these are just the words that can be used to characterize battle axes. Photos of samples found in ancient barrows ancient weapons confirm this fact.

Their basic forms have not changed much over the past thousands of years. Scythian sagaris, Greek labrys - their recognizable outlines are repeated in medieval Romanesque axes, in Viking battle axes, and in Russian weapons. It's not a lack of imagination at all. It's just that there are things that no longer need to be improved, because they are already perfect. This does not mean that they are necessarily complex. There is nothing simpler than a wheel, but no one has improved it. Not a single inventor has introduced anything fundamentally new to its design. Whether made of wood or stone, with or without hubs, a wheel is always a wheel.

The same is true with the axe. It can be stone, bronze, or made from the finest steel. It can be German, Chinese or African. But it is impossible to confuse the ax with other weapons. Different countries, dissimilar cultures independently came to the creation of this ingenious tool. Simple, cheap and extremely practical, it was equally applicable in everyday life and in combat. Actually, sometimes it is difficult to say for what purpose these weapons were used. Yes, specialized axes created exclusively for warriors cannot be confused with household tools. But in this case, the pattern does not line up in the opposite direction. Any ax suitable for chopping firewood instantly becomes a fighting ax, it is enough to want to chop something else, except for pine chocks. Or anyone.

Why axes were popular in Rus'

Viking battle axes are almost a legend. There is not a single film about the harsh northerners in which a sharply sharpened ax of impressive size would not flash in the frame. At the same time, in Europe at the same time they used mostly swords, and in the East - sabers. That is, the territory on which it was possible to see an ax in the hands of a warrior with the same probability as a sword was not so great. Why? If the old battle ax was so bad that few people used it, then why was it used at all? A weapon is no reason to show off originality. It's not up to external effect It's a matter of life and death. And if the ax was good in combat, then why did the sword clearly dominate?

In fact, there are no weapons good or bad. Unusable tools simply disappear from use forever. Those unfortunates who trusted the promises of the inventors die, and the rest draw conclusions. The weapons that remained in active use, by definition, are quite convenient and practical. But it remains so only under certain conditions. There is no universal weapon that would be appropriate everywhere and always. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an ax? Why were the battle axes of the Slavs and Normans not widely used in Europe?

First of all, it should be noted that the ax is a weapon of a foot warrior. It is much more convenient for the rider to work with a sword or a saber, depending on the situation. That is why Viking sailors so often used axes, in contrast to European or Eastern cavalry. Rus', which traditionally had close cultural ties with the northern Vikings, could not help but adopt these features of warfare. And there were foot soldiers in Rus' a large number of. Therefore, many preferred the battle ax.

Ax and sword - what's the difference?

If speak about comparative characteristics sword and ax on an equal footing, in this case in a duel on foot, then each type of weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages. The ax has much more impact power, it easily cuts through armor, but the sword is unlikely to cope with such a task. The ax can be thrown. In addition, this weapon is much cheaper. Not every warrior will be able to buy a good sword. But the ax, albeit devoid of decorative elements, will be affordable for anyone. Yes, and this type of weapon has a lot more functions. The sword is only good for war. The ax can also be used for its intended purpose, that is, to chop and chop a tree, and not an enemy. In addition, the ax is more difficult to spoil. It is not as chipped as a sword, and such damage is of little value. For this, battle axes were valued. It was possible to replace the damaged butt with your own hands, simply by fitting a suitable shaft. But to put the sword in order, you need a forge.

Compared to swords, battle axes have two major drawbacks. Due to the center of gravity attributable to the metal part of the weapon, they are less maneuverable. But it is this design feature that gives the blow of the ax a crushing force. But it’s more difficult for them to fend off an enemy’s attack, so warriors who prefer this type of weapon almost always used shields. And the ax is not capable of a piercing blow, and in battle this can be a serious problem. A lunge is always faster than a swing, a warrior with an ax in such a situation loses in speed to an opponent with a sword. After heavy, durable armor fell into disuse, the latter type of weapon gave way to a much lighter and faster sword. In the same way, battle axes retreated before much more maneuverable fencing techniques. There were not so many Viking sailors, for whom cheapness and practicality were decisive. But at the same time, our ancestors still used such weapons.

What did the battle ax look like in Rus'?

One way or another, this weapon in Rus' was very popular. Even in written evidence dating back to the 8th century, there are references to this type of military equipment. A huge number of found axes were made between the 9th and 13th centuries. This was due to the technological leap that fell on the specified period. The number of axes found in burials and ancient settlements is amazing. More than one and a half thousand copies have survived to this day. Among them there are obviously battle axes, such as coinage, and universal ones, suitable for both war and peaceful work.

The specimens found vary greatly in size. Conventionally, they can be divided into two-handed and one-handed, as well as swords. Small axes in household use could be a tool for coopers and carpenters. The larger ones were used by carpenters and lumberjacks.

Often in films, battle axes are depicted as huge, almost unbearable, with monstrously wide blades. This, of course, looks very impressive on the screen, but has little to do with reality. In fact, no one would use such a senselessly heavy and clumsy colossus in battle. Slavic battle axes found in retinue graves are quite compact and light in weight. The length of the handle of such a weapon is on average about 80 cm, the length of the blade varies from 9 to 15 cm, the width is from 10 to 12, and the weight is within half a kilogram. And this is quite reasonable. Such dimensions are sufficient, they provide the optimal combination of impact force and maneuverability. To cut armor and inflict a mortal wound - battle axes made in such modest, "non-cinematic" proportions are quite capable of this. With your own hands create unnecessary difficulties for yourself, weighing down an effective weapon? No warrior would do such a stupid thing. Moreover, the finds of archaeologists prove that the warriors also used even lighter hatchets, weighing from 200 to 350 grams.

Combat weapons in ancient Slavic burials

Working axes, which served as an indispensable attribute of the burial of Russian men, were larger. Their length was from 1 to 18 cm, width - from 9 to 15 cm, and weight reached 800 g. However, it should be noted that the classical funeral decoration of both a warrior and a civilian in Rus' suggested his readiness not so much for battles as to a long journey through the halls of the afterlife. So they put in the mounds what might be needed on the campaign. The ax in this regard turned out to be indispensable. He could perform the functions of both a weapon and an instrument at the same time.

However, one can also dispute theories about the purely peaceful or exclusively combat use of specific axes. Judging by the chasing and rich decorations, some large specimens were obviously status weapons - no one would put such insignia on a wood splitting tool. It probably depends on personal preference and physical abilities warriors.

The famous Arab traveler Ibn-Faddlan noted in his notes that the Russian warriors he met had swords, axes and knives with them, and they never parted with these weapons.

What are axes

First of all, you need to define the terminology. What is the name of a battle ax of one type or another? Axe, cleaver, chasing, halberd, glaive, gizarm, francisca ... Strictly speaking, all these axes are blades mounted on a shaft that can cut. But at the same time they are very different.

Chekan, or klevets, is a small hatchet, in which the blade is made in the form of a sharp, beak-like protrusion. The impact of this part of the weapon is distinguished by exceptional force. High-quality chasing can pierce not only armor, but also shields. On the side of the butt, he has a small hammer.

Hatchet-chekan - a separate type of weapon, a direct descendant of the Scythian sagaris. He has a narrow blade and also a hammer on the butt.

The ax is not just a huge axe. This is a structurally different weapon, otherwise balanced, so the technique of fighting with an ax is fundamentally different from that when using an ax. The blade of the ax is usually arched, sometimes it can be double-sided.

Francis is a small throwing hatchet used by the Franks. It is a relative of the Indian tomahawk. The length of the Francis handle was no more than 80 cm. True, there were also large types of this weapon not intended for throwing, but less is remembered about them.

Halberd, guisarma, glevia are a kind of hybrids of an ax and a spear. The blade, resembling that of an axe, was combined either with the tip of a spear or with a pointed hook and mounted on a long shaft. If an ax is a chopping weapon, then such hybrids should also stab, and if necessary, even cling, pull the enemy from the saddle or rampart.

All these types of edged weapons were used in Rus'. Some were more popular, some less. We generally imagine the guards of the times of Ivan the Terrible exclusively with halberds, and for example, the legendary knights already with huge axes. Craftsmen, making modern battle axes, copy these classic examples as far as possible, usually choosing the most spectacular ones outwardly. Unfortunately, it is the ax that makes a poor impression on a person who is little versed in edged weapons because of its nondescriptness. But it was he who was the most common weapon of medieval Rus'.

Classical typology

Although in Rus' there was no pronounced classification difference between these types of weapons, the following types of battle axes can still be distinguished.

  1. Combat tools - axes-hammers, picks, which physically could not be used in household work. This also includes expensively decorated axes. By the way, only 13 copies of such weapons survived, of which 5 were lost, 1 was later found in a foreign collection.
  2. Small axes for universal use. These specimens look like ordinary working axes, they are simply inferior to them in size. The shape and dimensions of such tools have already been described above.
  3. Massive, heavy axes predominantly economic purpose. Obviously, they were rarely used as weapons by warriors.

Mentioning the features of battle axes, we will focus only on the first two types described. The fact is that the third type is an exclusively working tool. Different versions of halberds or guisarms should not be included in the list either. They undoubtedly belong to the striking-chopping weapons, but the length of the shaft does not allow us to consider them an adequate replacement for the axe.

Axes exclusively for combat purposes

The classical classification of A. N. Kirpichnikov divides battle axes into 8 types.

  • Type 1. These axes have a triangular, narrow and elongated blade, sometimes slightly bent down. The cheekbones of the butt are triangular in shape, and the hammerhead prefix in cross section always gives a square. They were common in the X-XIII centuries. It is to this type that the coinage belongs - the most popular battle ax among warriors in Rus'. It is the coinage that is usually found in retinue burials. Judging by their exceptional abundance, these axes were not expensive imported weapons, but were made by local craftsmen.
  • Type 2. Another version of the coinage. Its blade is long, trapezoidal in shape, and on the back of the butt there is a narrow lamellar “beak”. This version of the ax is found only in burials dating from the 10th and the first half of the 11th century. Similar models were found during excavations in Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Hungary.
  • Type 3. Combat hatchet with a narrow blade, very common. Such models were found in burials of the 10th-11th centuries throughout Russia. A lot was extracted from the Vladimir burial mounds. But in the north of the country, this type of ax did not receive much distribution. Given the number of axes of this type found in Russia and other countries, and the time of their manufacture, we can conclude that this model was created by local craftsmen, and already from here migrated to neighboring states.

Axes used both in combat and for household needs

  • Type 4. A version of the ax with a carved elongated butt and a wide triangular blade extended downwards. The upper edge of the blade is straight. Often, the lower part of the blade had a truncated shape, which made it possible to carry the weapon on the shoulder, resting it with the blade on the back. Two notches on the cheeks provided the blade with a secure fit on the butt. Archaeologists found these axes both in combat and in working performance, in a ratio of almost 50/50. Some household axes were found complete with weapons and may have been used as a universal tool, suitable for both work and battle. The found axes date back to the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries. Often this weapon was the only one that archaeologists discovered during a warrior, and this is not surprising. The exceptionally successful shape of the ax and a reliable, strong butt, fixed with triangular cheeks, made this weapon surprisingly effective, its efficiency approached one. Slavic craftsmen knew how to make battle axes a practical and formidable weapon. This type of weapon was suitable for a strong vertical blow, the curved edge of the blade made it possible to deliver cutting blows - a property useful not only in combat, but also in everyday life.

Such axes are also considered an exclusively Slavic invention: in Russia, such finds date back to the 10th century, and foreign analogues were created no earlier than the 11th century, that is, 100 years later.

  • Type 5. A type of ax with a blade that is significantly drawn down and a pronounced notch. The cheekbones have only one lower notch. Such axes were in use in the 10th and early 12th centuries. In the north of Rus', it was these guns that were exceptionally popular; they were found much more than other models. And this is quite logical, because the Scandinavian culture gave the Russians a similar shape of the blade. There were many battle axes of this type, they actively entered into use three hundred years earlier.
  • Type 6. It differs from the model described above by characteristic double cheeks. At first, these axes were used as battle axes (from the 10th to the 11th century). But their characteristics were significantly lower than those of the 4th type, and by the 12th century axes had become predominantly working. They were usually not combat, but household tools, which is why the butt was fastened so securely.

Wide-blade and narrow-blade universal tools

  • Type 7. Axes with a symmetrically expanding large blade. cutting edge the blade of such weapons is usually significantly beveled towards the shaft. Such axes are found mostly in the north of the country, which is quite logical, because they were borrowed from the Scandinavians. They were popular with Norman and Anglo-Saxon foot soldiers, as some documentary evidence has survived. But at the same time, this type of ax was actively used in everyday life, even more often than for combat purposes. In Rus', such weapons were often found precisely in peasant burials.
  • Type 8. It is very similar to type 3, but its butt design is different. This is an outdated form of a heavy splitting ax, little used in combat conditions. Such instruments were popular as weapons in the 5th-9th centuries, later they were replaced by more advanced forms.

Ax - one of the varieties of a battle ax, characterized by a semicircular blade shape (crescent). It can have one or two cutting parts and a long handle, which allows you to balance the whole structure well and allows you to maneuver during the fight.


The history of man is strongly connected with weapons. In the beginning, its use was necessary in order to kill an animal and get food. Then to protect their home, and later, to capture new territories. War is one of the constant companions of progress, forcing us to develop and modernize our military weapons.

ancient prototype

It is believed that the progenitor of the ax is an ordinary stone ax. It is believed that their age can be considered from the Upper Paleolithic, that is, more than 20 thousand years. A piece of stone was attached to the handle with strips of skin or animal tendons. Part of the stone (point) was chipped off when it hit other stones.

At a later time, the shaft could firmly enter the hole in the handle, which was sometimes (for greater reliability) filled with resin.

sacrificial attribute

The first axes were found during excavations of cities in Greece. An ancient tool called Labrys and looked like a double-sided ax with two semicircular blades. According to historical documents, they were used by priestesses of the Mother Goddess during ceremonies to kill a sacrificial animal, most often a bull.


Interesting! The tool often had a huge size (larger than human growth). It was such an artifact that was found during excavations on the island of Crete.


It is believed that this type of military attributes was actively used by the ancient Greeks in the first millennium of our era and from there spread to other territories. Having got to the Scythians, Labrys was modernized, and turned into an ax Sagaris. The weapons came to the Russian knights from the Vikings and Gauls and also changed as the warriors faced German knights clad in armor. In order to break armor, on Russian axes with reverse side a special spike was made, often bent down.

Fact. In Asian countries, skilled fighters preferred the ax to the ax, as it was better balanced and gave much more maneuverability.


These days, the ax has become less popular than the axe, as it is more compact and easier to carry. However, true experts know the price of this ancient type of weapon.


Main elements:

  • blades (there may be two);
  • handles (wooden or plastic);
  • butt, which can be made in the form of a spike, a hammer or a second blade);
  • counterweight.

The plastic handle is, of course, a tribute to our time. In the past, the hilt was made from a blank of wood and often wrapped with leather strips or rope to prevent slipping. Its length could vary depending on who used the weapon. For example, infantrymen could use an ax with a shaft of more than 2 meters (the so-called drill halberd). The boarding gun could even exceed these dimensions and be more than 3 meters long. However, the standard length of this military attribute was on average 50 to 80 centimeters.

Also, depending on the use, the length of the cutting part may vary, from a few to a hundred centimeters.


This combat attribute can be used to perform a variety of functions. It is versatile and can be used for both defense and offense. The ax can be considered the golden mean between an ordinary sword and an ax.

In many European troops there were special units armed with axes. Such fighters were used to protect the flanks from the enemy. An armed soldier in close combat could easily pull the rider off the horse and inflict powerful damage on the lower limbs, since this part of the body was not protected by a shield. Also, this military attribute was used to damage the legs of horses.

A tool with a long shaft and a point on the cutting surface could be used as a spear. It could be thrown into an approaching enemy line, which made it possible to keep the enemy at a distance.

In martial arts, where warriors fought one on one, this ax had an advantage over other types of melee weapons, as it was perfectly balanced and often had additional accessories on the butt.

Boarding halberds were used in naval clashes and gave a huge advantage in the battle.

Interesting! Warriors in Russia armed with this type of battle ax were called spearmen.

Common types of axes


The tip of the halberd most often had a tip (up to one meter long), similar to a spear, which gives it some resemblance to the tool of the same name. The point could have a long or short hook-like protrusion.

Halberds differ in the size of the shaft and the shape of the blade. The handle could be 2 - 2.5 meters long, and the mass of this combat attribute could be from 2 to 5.5 kilograms. The cutting part with the tip delivered the most powerful piercing and chopping blows, and the butt easily crushed the strongest materials, including human bone.

Boarding halberds could exceed the length of the standard ones by several meters. In addition, they had an enlarged hook (for good grip).


Brodex or broad-bladed ax

The name comes from the English phrase "broad ax" - a wide ax. The wide trapezoidal cutting surface distinguishes this variant, which was popular in the Scandinavian countries and the Baltic.

There were also double-edged (two-sided) brodexes, but their use was quite rare due to heavy weight and inconvenient design. Therefore, such axes were used only by executioners to carry out the sentence.


Interesting! At a later time, the rounded blade of this tool was used in agriculture. It is perfect for cutting tree trunks or wooden beams.


In the early to mid-13th century, a weapon appeared in Europe, the name of which comes from the Polish word "berdysz" - a battle ax. The design of the upper part was divided into several elements that had their own name: the butt - a blunt, the drawn end of the blade - a pigtail. The wooden handle (ratovishche) was driven into the butt, and was attached with straps and rivet nails through special holes. A poddock was often attached to the bottom of the shaft - a special iron support that allows you to install weapons on the ground.

The cavalry guns were smaller and lighter than those of the foot soldiers and had two rings attached to the sling handle.



The ax, which came from ancient Armenia, which, in fact, gave the name to the Armenian universal warriors - sacravors. Their duties included providing for the army, cutting trees for roads, building bridges, and much more. Of course, the ax was not the only weapon these fighters had. But its advantages for use in work and combat are difficult to overestimate.


The Italian copy of the halberd has a narrow and long curved blade. At the end of the cutting surface there is a curved branch (thorn), and the main part ends with a straight pointed blade.

Guizarma is considered a European weapon that is designed for a spectacular strike. Most often, the halberd was used to stop the equestrian enemy, damaging the tendons of the horses or throwing off the riders upon impact.


Scandinavian ax

Medieval military tool with a wide symmetrical blade about 2 millimeters thick, ending in a sleeve (2.5 cm wide). The length and width of the cutting part, which diverged in different directions, were almost the same, from 17 to 18 centimeters. The length of the handle of such a tool was a little more than a meter. Ceremonial attributes could have a longer shaft - from 1.5 to 1.7 meters and have silver inlay. The mass of a military gun varied from 800 grams to one and a half kilograms.

Scandinavian ax


One of the modifications of Scandinavian weapons that spread in Europe. This version of the ax is considered one of the most popular in the infantry. The blade of the Polex is equipped with a needle spike, the same device could be located on the lower part of the handle. The shaft is girded with special langets - iron strips fixed along the entire length. This mechanism was used to prevent damage to the tree in combat.

The cutting part of such a tool was prefabricated and consisted of interchangeable elements that were attached to pins or special bolts.


Lochaber ax

Another name for this modification, which has a great resemblance to the berdysh, is Lokhaberakst. She received this name from the name of the Lochaber region in Scotland. The cutting part could be even or slightly wavy and reach a length of about half a meter. Its upper part was in the shape of a crescent with a pointed end. The eye was sometimes equipped with a special hook, which helped to pull the riders off the horse.

Lochaber ax

Interesting. There is an opinion that it was from Lochaberakst that the modern halberd originated.


A weapon for close combat, which consisted of a point, about 60 centimeters long and 5 to 7 centimeters wide, and a one and a half meter wooden handle. On the butt of such a tool was a spike-like protrusion. The glaive could inflict stabbing and slashing blows, repel an attack, and also capture the enemy’s weapons and knock them out of their hands.


Interesting. It is believed that the Glaive is an ordinary agricultural scythe, with a slightly modified blade.


One of the most mysterious amulets, shaped like an axe. According to ancient Slavic legends, the ax of Perun bestows strength, courage and stamina in battles, and moves towards the intended goal. The weapon was popular with the Scandinavians and Slavs, was considered a symbol of the clan and bestowed the wisdom of the ancestors on the warrior.

Fact. The amulet "Perun's ax" is still popular today; it can look like a bracelet or jewelry around the neck.


Nowadays there is great amount the most diverse types of weapons, however, at the origins of mankind there were very few of them: sticks and stone axes, some of which were later transformed into axes. These ancient tools, due to their versatility and compact size, have not lost their relevance even now.

Passed long way through the millennia, together with man, and still remains a very popular tool. Battle axes were practically revived after the Vietnam War (1964-1975) and are currently experiencing a new wave of popularity. The main secret ax lies in its versatility, although chopping trees with a battle ax is not very convenient.

Battle Ax Options

After watching movies in which horned Vikings brandish huge axes, many are left with the impression that a battle ax is something huge, terrifying in its very appearance. But real battle axes differed from workers just in their small size and increased shaft length. The battle ax weighed, as a rule, from 150 to 600 grams, and the length of the handle was about 80 centimeters. With such weapons it was possible to fight for hours without getting tired. The exception was a two-handed ax, the shape and size of which correspond to the impressive "cine" specimens.

Types of battle axes

By types and forms, battle axes can be divided into:

  • One-handed;
  • two-handed;
  • Single-edged;
  • Double-edged.

In addition, axes are divided into:

  • Actually axes;
  • Axes;
  • Coins;

Each of these species has many subspecies and variations, however, the main division looks exactly like this.

ancient battle ax

The history of the ax began in the Stone Age. As you know, the first tools for man were a stick and a stone. The stick evolved into a club or club, a stone into a sharp axe, which is the progenitor of the ax. A chopper could cut prey or cut a branch. Even then, the progenitor of the ax was used in inter-tribal skirmishes, as evidenced by the findings of broken skulls.

A turning point in the history of the ax was the invention of a method for connecting a stick with a handaxe. Such a simple design increased the impact power several times. At first, the stone was tied to the handle with vines or animal veins, which made the connection extremely unreliable, although the ax was enough for several blows. The shape of the stone ax already then resembled the modern one. Combat skirmishes required reliable weapons, and gradually axes began to be ground and attached to the handle through a hole drilled in stone. Making a high-quality ax required long and painstaking work, so skillfully made axes were used mainly in skirmishes with enemies. Already in that era, a division into battle and working axes appeared.

Axes of the Bronze Age

The heyday of the era of bronze axes occurred in ancient Greece. At first, the battle ax of the Hellenes was made of stone, but with the development of metallurgy, battle axes began to be made of bronze. Along with bronze axes, stone axes were also used for a long time. Greek axes were first made double-edged. The most famous Greek ax with two blades is the labrys.

Images of labrys are often found on ancient Greek vases, it is held in the hands of the supreme god of the Greek pantheon Zeus. Findings of huge labris in the excavations of Cretan palaces testify to the cult and symbolic use of these axes. Labryses were divided into two groups:

  • Cult and ceremonial;
  • Combat labrys.

Everything is clear with the cult ones: because of their huge size, they simply could not be used in skirmishes. The combat labrys copied the size of an ordinary battle ax (a small ax with a long handle), only the blades were located on both sides. We can say that these are two axes combined into one. The complexity of manufacturing made such an ax an attribute of leaders and great warriors. Most likely, this served as the further ritualization of the labrys. To use it in battle, a warrior had to have considerable strength and dexterity. The labrys could be used as a two-handed weapon, because the two blades made it possible to strike without turning the shaft. In this case, the warrior had to dodge enemy blows, and any hit from the Labrys was usually fatal.

The use of a labrys paired with a shield required great skill and strength in the hands (although the labrys for this were made individually and were smaller). Such a warrior was practically invincible and in the eyes of others was the embodiment of a hero or god.

Axes of the barbarians of the era of ancient Rome

During the reign ancient rome The main weapon of the barbarian tribes was also an ax. Among the barbarian tribes of Europe there was no rigid division into classes, each man was a warrior, hunter and farmer. Axes were used both in everyday life and in war. However, in those days there was a very specific ax - Francis, which was used only for combat.

First encountered on the battlefield with the barbarians armed by the Francis, the invincible legionnaires at first suffered defeat after defeat (however, the Roman military school quickly developed new methods of protection). The barbarians hurled their axes at the legionnaires with great force, and when they were at close range, they cut them with great speed. As it turned out, the barbarian Francis were of two types:

  • Throwing, with a shorter handle, to which they often tied long rope, which allows you to pull the weapon back;
  • Francis for close combat, which was used as a two-handed or one-handed weapon.

This division was not rigid and, if necessary, the “ordinary” Francis could be thrown no worse than the “special” one.

The very name "Francisca" recalls that this battle ax was used by the Germanic tribe of the Franks. Each warrior had several axes, and the Francis for close combat was a carefully kept weapon and the pride of its owner. Numerous excavations of the burial places of rich warriors testify to the high importance of this weapon for the owner.

Viking battle ax

The ancient battle axes of the Vikings were a terrible weapon of that era and were associated specifically with sea robbers. One-handed axes had many forms that did not differ much from each other, but the two-handed Brodex ax was remembered for a long time by the enemies of the Vikings. The main difference between Brodex is a wide blade. With such a width, it is difficult to talk about the versatility of the ax, but he chopped off limbs with one blow. In that era, the armor was leather or chain mail, and a wide blade cut through them perfectly.

There were also one-handed brodexes, but the so-called "Danish ax" was exactly two-handed and was the best fit for foot and tall Scandinavian pirates. Why did the ax become the symbol of the Vikings? The Scandinavians went to the "Vikings" for prey not at all because of the incredible steepness, they were forced to do so by harsh natural conditions and barren lands. Where do poor farmers get money for swords? But everyone had an ax in the household. After reforging the blade, it was only necessary to plant the ax on a long, strong handle, and the terrible Viking was ready to go. After successful campaigns, the warriors acquired good armor and weapons (including swords), but the ax remained the favorite weapon of many fighters, especially since they masterfully owned it.

Battle axes of the Slavs

battle ax shape ancient Rus' practically did not differ from the one-handed axes of Scandinavia. Since Rus' had close ties with Scandinavia, the Russian battle ax was the twin brother of the Scandinavian. Foot Russian squads and especially the militia used battle axes as the main weapon.

Rus' also maintained close ties with the East, from where a specific battle hatchet came from - coinage. It looks like a hatchet-slander. You can often find information that a chasing and a pick are one weapon - but despite the external similarity, these are completely different axes. The hammer has a narrow blade that cuts through the target, while the pick has a beak-like shape and pierces the target. If for the manufacture of a kletz it is possible to use metal not best quality, then the narrow blade of the coinage must withstand significant loads. The combat coinage of the Russians was the weapon of the riders who adopted this weapon from the equestrian steppes. Often, the coinage was richly decorated with precious inlay and served as a distinction of the military elite.

The battle ax in Rus' in later times served as the main weapon of robber gangs and was a symbol of peasant riots (along with military scythes).

The ax is the main competitor of the sword

For many centuries, the battle ax was not inferior to such specialized weapons as the sword. The development of metallurgy made it possible to mass-produce swords designed exclusively for combat functions. Despite this, the axes did not lose ground, and judging by the excavations, they even took the lead. Consider why the ax as a universal tool could compete on equal terms with the sword:

  • The high cost of the sword compared to the ax;
  • The ax was available in any household and was suitable for battle after a slight alteration;
  • For an ax, it is optional to use high-quality metal.

Currently, many firms make so-called "tactical" tomahawks or battle axes. SOG products with their flagship model M48 are especially advertised. Axes have a very spectacular "predatory" appearance and various options butt (hammer, pick or second blade). These devices are more intended for military operations than for economic use. Because of the plastic handle, throwing such tomahawks is not recommended: they fall apart after a few hits against a tree. In the hand, this device is also not very comfortable and constantly tries to turn around, because of which the blow can turn out to be sliding or even flat. It is better to make a battle ax yourself or with the help of a blacksmith. Such a product will be reliable and made according to your hand.

Making a battle ax

In order to make a battle ax, you will need an ordinary household ax (preferably made in the USSR during Stalin's time), a template and a grinder with a sharpener. We cut the blade according to the template and give the desired shape to the ax. After that, the ax is mounted on a long handle. Everything, the battle ax is ready!

If you want to get a high-quality battle ax, you can forge it yourself or order it from a blacksmith. In this case, you can choose a steel grade and be completely confident in the quality of the finished product.

The history of battle axes has more than a dozen millennia, and although in modern world few models left for combat use, many people keep an ordinary ax at home or in the country, which can be done without special efforts turn into combat.

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I am fond of martial arts with weapons, historical fencing. I write about weapons military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are not indifferent to military topics.

Considering the historical process in its forward movement, we will see that a person constantly fought: he fought for cattle and for women, land and money, faith and the Fatherland. It is war that is the constant companion of progress.

Since with the development of civilization the equipment of warriors also developed, the weapons, respectively, also changed rapidly and became more and more perfect and dangerous. Today we will talk about the ax - the weapon of medieval warriors, which has not lost its relevance to this day.

Where does the ax come from

Ax - one of the types of battle axes is distinguished by a special blade in the form of a crescent. Such weapons were common as early as the 1st millennium in Ancient Greece, but from the Iberian Peninsula it quickly spread throughout the mainland and became known not only in Europe, but also in Asia.

At that time, the ax had two blades arranged along the handle like a butterfly. Such a double-sided ax was capable of much in the hands of an experienced warrior, the long handle ended with a point, so it could be both chopped and stabbed.

Two-handed ax was very popular with the infantry, it was intended to attack the horsemen and tear apart metal armor.

Like a battle ax, ax - destructive weapon of great strength, but lighter and because of the long handle it holds balance better, which gives the warrior the opportunity to maneuver during the battle.

And although in our time there are different kinds weapons of mass destruction, but the popularity of battle axes once again went uphill because of their versatility, size and ability to use in extreme conditions.

Distant ancestor of the battle ax

The ancestor of the battle ax was the two-edged labrys, which originated in ancient Greece, and is a symbol of divine power. The functions of this weapon were both combat, and cult, and ceremonial. Since it was very difficult to make such a weapon, it was only available to kings and priests.

To use an ax with two blades arranged in the form of a butterfly on both sides of the shaft in battle, it was required great power and dexterity. A warrior armed with a labrys and covering himself with a shield was invincible and, in the eyes of those around him, was endowed with divine power and power.

Description of the ax

The ax is a melee weapon from the family of battle axes common in the Middle Ages. Its main difference from an ax is the shape of the blade in the form of a crescent. In addition, the ax had a longer shaft, which made it possible to balance in battle and keep the enemy at close range.

In addition, the ax could not only chop, but also stab.

Therefore, it can be argued that the ax is an ax and a sword, and a spear at the same time.
The first axes consisted of a shaft, blade and counterweight. Sometimes the shaft was strengthened, and its length varied depending on the functions:

  • for infantry it was made from two to two and a half meters;
  • for boarders - sea pirates attacking ships, more than three meters in length and large hooks were still welded to the ax for ease of use;
  • for cavalry - the shaft was prepared less than a meter.

The length of the ax blade also varied from a few centimeters to a meter, and in the lower part of the blade there were protrusions for a more secure attachment to the shaft.

Such weapons were universal: they were used both for attack and for defense, and for pushing warriors from horses, and for robbing rich merchant ships.

Many European armies had special units armed with these axes to protect the flanks.

Viking legendary weapons

Normans, Vikings, Varangians - words that terrified all the peoples who inhabited Europe, since the world did not know more bloodthirsty and powerful warriors then.

Armed with Scandinavian axes, otherwise they were called Danish or heavy battle axes, the Vikings did not know defeat in battle and always took rich booty and led away captive slaves.

The main difference between this weapon was a wide, heavy blade, which could instantly cut a person’s head or chop off limbs.
Mighty warriors masterfully wielded axes for battle, work, and tournaments.

AT Kievan Rus, which has close trade ties with looked like brothers of the Viking axes. Among the foot Russian army, axes and axes were the main type of weapon.

Most Popular Axes

Since the ax was a fairly common weapon in the Middle Ages, then appearance her was varied depending on the functions that she had to perform.

Since the 10th century, Scandinavian axes, well known in the Scandinavian Peninsula and northern Europe, have become widespread, but at the same time their appearance has also changed.

Since the Scandinavian ax is heavy, and not every warrior will be able to maneuver with an ax in battle, which weighed so much that it was not easy for a weak person to lift it, he was replaced by halberds and reeds.

And the brodex turned into an executioner's ax, since its wide, heavy blade made it possible to quickly separate the head from the body.

The one-sided ax became a tool of labor, with the help of it, lumberjacks felled hundred-year-old trees and chopped off huge branches. With such a tool, it was easy to turn a log of any size into a beam.

In the 14-15 centuries in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, the foot army used halberds - cold weapons with a long, up to 3 meters, shaft, which ended in a sharp pike and a small, light crescent-shaped blade.

With such weapons, mercenaries easily coped with mounted knights, pulling them off their horses with the help of hooks specially mounted on weapons, and completed the job with axes and swords.

Some halberds look like axes, others like chases, and sometimes they look like a cross between a spear and.

Berdysh - special kind an ax impaled on a long, up to two meters, shaft and a curved blade resembling an elongated crescent moon.

The berdysh used by mounted warriors were somewhat smaller and lighter, and small holes were made in them along the entire length of the blade, into which rings were threaded.

When in the 16th century the armor of the knights became lighter, then the berdysh fell out of use, since sabers and swords made of hardened metal easily pierced light chain mail.

The Wallachian battle hatchet was called the Wallachka, after the name of the area from which it came to us. Having a long shaft and a relatively small blade, strongly protruding forward, the wall was both a weapon, a staff, and a tool.

This weapon gained immense popularity among the common people during the time of Vlad the Impaler, and in the 14-15 centuries this hatchet was chosen by shepherds and hunters.

In the 17th century, just such a hunter's ax became a symbol of the struggle of the Serbian people for independence from the Turkish yoke. At the same time, the battle hatchet (the brother of the axe-chasing) became a symbol of peasant uprisings in Rus'.

The history of the development of cold development in the world goes back thousands of years, each country can present its favorite models, but even today in almost every home there is a simple hatchet, which, if necessary, can be turned into a terrible military weapon.
