Among all the antelopes living on the African continent, large kudu (lat. Tragelaphus strepsiceros) have the brightest and most memorable appearance. These tall and majestic animals grow up to one and a half meters at the shoulders and can weigh more than three hundred kilograms, thus being one of the largest antelopes in the world.

Their native home is eastern and central regions Africa. Here, depending on the season, they inhabit shrub-covered plains, savannahs, forests, and occasionally desert hillsides, and in the dry season they gather along river banks. When choosing places to live and search for food, large kudu prefer bushes that hide them from hyenas, leopards and lions.

The grey-brown coat of the great kudu is adorned with bright white stripes on the sides, white cheek markings, and diagonal stripes between the eyes, called chevrons. The coat of males is dark, with gray tint, and females and cubs are painted in beige tones - this makes them more inconspicuous among the savannah vegetation.

The main advantage of large kudu males is large helical horns. Unlike deer, kudu do not shed their antlers and live with them all their lives. The horns of an adult male are twisted in two and a half turns and grow strictly according to a certain schedule: appearing in the first year of a male's life, by the age of two they make one full turn, and take their final shape no earlier than the age of six. If the horn of a large kudu is stretched out in one straight line, then its length will be a little less than two meters.

Massive horns - reliable way protection from predators and the main argument in mating season when males fight for the attention of females. However, excessive boasting can sometimes have disastrous consequences - having caught too tightly with horns, males are no longer able to free themselves, and this leads to the death of both animals. In all other cases, they do not interfere with the life of the kudu, and it easily maneuvers even between closely growing trees, raising its chin and pressing its horns to its head.

Large kudu males live separately, joining females only during the mating season. Females with cubs unite in small groups, from three to ten individuals, trying to spend more time among bushes or in tall grass. Their protective coloration perfectly copes with its role - only a very trained and keen eye can see standing motionless antelopes.

A disturbed kudu first freezes in place, moving its huge sensitive ears, and then abruptly rushes to the side. At the same time, he makes a barking sound (the loudest among all antelopes), warning the rest of the danger.

A rapidly spinning white tail is also an alarm. Despite their powerful physique, large kudu are excellent jumpers, able to overcome obstacles up to three meters high. Hiding from the pursuer and running a short distance, kudu stops to assess the situation. Very often this habit becomes a fatal mistake for him.

Since ancient times, the magnificent horns of the great kudu have been considered a prestigious trophy for hunters from all over the world who come to Africa to compete in agility with these elusive antelopes.

“For ten days now we have been tracking large kudu antelope, and I have never seen an adult male. There were only three days left, because from the south, from Rhodesia, the rains were coming, and in order not to get stuck here, we had to get at least to Khandeni before they started. Ernest Hemingway. "Green Hills of Africa"

Shaking in the Cruiser climbing up the broken serpentine, the same thoughts overcame me ... The short hunt was already nearing its end. Unlike old Ham, I had a day less in reserve, and I never had time to really even see this beautiful, majestic animal. Kudu, one of the largest antelopes in Africa, inferior in size only to the massive, weighing a ton, eland, has always been a desirable trophy for the hunter. A graceful head with a thin white line connecting the eyes, and the same white spot near the lips, is crowned with huge, one meter long, dark sharp horns twisted in a spiral. A muscular neck, fringed with white strands of hair almost to the very feet, merges into a sinewy body, hidden under a short-haired gray skin. A long white stripe, originating from the brown mane on the steep withers of the beast, like a smear of paint, runs along the entire ridge, flowing in uneven white smudges along the lean sides. The watchful thin legs of an antelope are always ready to take their master away from danger in a split second with a swift jump. Yes, this is the beast that every hunter dreams of...

Quietly purring diesel engine, the jeep waddled awkwardly over the heaps of boulders that protruded from the road eroded by heavy rains. Jason, clinging to the steering wheel of the Toyota in an endless shaking with both hands, stubbornly taxied forward. We overcame another steep climb and, turning around the corner, began to storm the next one ... With apprehension, I looked sideways out of the window at the gorge running down in stone screes. No barriers or restrictions.

Pickup famously maneuvered between deep potholes in some half a meter from the abyss. Thinking that if something happens, I won’t even have time to open the door before the car jumps into the abyss, I tried not to think about the bad, switching my attention to the nature around. And she was truly wonderful! The higher we climbed up the wide ridge of mountains that divided the bush stretching for kilometers around into two halves, the more majestic the boundless Eastern Cape appeared before us. South Africa! The green valleys cut up by hills with occasional mirrors of ponds were still slightly covered by a white blanket of fog receding under the rays of the recently risen sun.

Sunny, dewy pastures with sparse spreading trees alternated with dense thickets of undersized fynbos. The azure blue of the sky with cumulus clouds slowly floating across it was clear and transparent.

Suddenly I was distracted by some movement ahead. Behind the crest of the hill, attracted by the noise of the cars, several blesbucks, the most common breed of antelope in the bush, slowly emerged. Animals were slightly larger European roe deer, brown, with a red tint, with white stockings on the legs and the belly of the same color. Staring at us with their angular muzzles with a large frontal white mark, stretching from the very nose to the base of small horns spread out with a fork, these antelopes, not shining with quick wits, let us in about eighty meters.

Finally, having decided that it was time to save themselves, they rushed about on the slope, not orienting in any way in which direction to run, and only when we caught up with them at a distance of already fifty meters, the animals, bending their massive heads to the ground, broke into a swift quarry . Having run back to the next hill, they slowed down, now bobbing their heads amusingly, now crouching deeply on their hind legs - like a child's rocking horse. Soon the antelopes stopped at the top and looked back at us. Now they were no more than a hundred and fifty meters away - the distance of a confident shot from a rifle. “Stupid animals (stupid animals),” Jason concluded, shaking his head, and pressed the gas pedal harder.

Smiling, I remembered my first African trophy, which, often, for many hunters, was the blesbock.

It happened on the first day of the hunt: quietly climbing the eel, beyond which the next ridge of hills began through an overgrown log, we hid behind the maquis bushes and spent a long time pecking the surroundings with binoculars in search of kudu. But they were nowhere to be found, only a herd of sand-coloured impalas and black-and-white zebras grazing peacefully in the bushes nearby. We turned back to the car, making a small circle through a valley heavily overgrown with low trees. Suddenly Zolo pulled us back, pointing to an island of acacias. Looking closer, Jason and I saw next to the bushes good male a blesbuck nibbling at the sparse vegetation on the scorched slope. It was decided to try to take it. Stepping back a little, we went down to the brook murmuring in the ravine in order to accurately go into the wind. Bending down, cautiously moved towards the beast. According to our calculations, it was already not far from the bull when some movement began in the bushes about a hundred meters from us, and soon several antelopes, also blesbucks, ran out from there, cautiously looking around.

Pretending to be bizarre trees, we both walked and froze. Antelopes, flashing white-brown spots among the heather thickets, quickly dissolved in the bush. The last of them stopped in the gap and looked at us. Whispering that this bull was no worse than the one we hid, Jason deftly spread the tripod with a precise movement ... In the morning silence, a shot dryly cracked and the blesbuck, knocked down by a bullet, collapsed to the ground.

Black wildebeest, rare for these places, or as they are also called "African clowns", comically bucking with a white panicle of their tail, spun in place for a long time, shaking their maned head with short, steeply curved horns. Having finished their strange dance, they joined a herd of blesbucks rushing past at breakneck speed - ordinary brown and completely white. And all this motley crowd flowed in an endless stream from one hill to another, stopping briefly to look back at the troublemakers of their peace ...

After seeing enough of the antelopes, we passed the plateau and rolled down to the foot of the hills, where, in a ravine near a small pond, Jason hoped to catch the kudu who came to drink. The car was prudently left a kilometer from the intended hunting ground. There was practically no wind, and only a cloud of talcum powder emitted from the smoker, floating lazily in the air, told us the right direction for the approach. Cautiously stepping along the dry wood that spread along the ground and scatterings of small stones crunching underfoot, we slowly moved forward. In the morning silence, interrupted only by the rare whistling of birds, each unsuccessful step echoed through the district. At such moments, everything inside trembled, contracted, and I had to think three times where it would be better to put my foot in the next step so as not to make noise again. And only the brightly shining sun in the back was our helper today. Soon, from Jason's emotional gestures, every now and then reminding me to be extremely careful, I guessed that we were already close to the goal. Behind a low sandy knoll, overgrown with stocky, squat cacti, a log was guessed, leaving on the other side with a sloping ridge upwards. Apparently, somewhere below us was our pond ... Suddenly, to the left, from the valley emerging from the arm of the ravine, there was a hoarse, abrupt barking of baboons. We stopped, wondering if the monkeys were chirping, sorting things out among themselves, or raised the alarm when they noticed us. We all knew that these sounds would alert or even go into the bush, perhaps those who were now at the kudu watering hole. Cursing “baboons” through our teeth, we waited five minutes. Then slowly, step by step, they approached the embankment and, stretching their necks, looked down ...

Our slope descended in dense erica bushes, coming close to a small pond with dirty muddy water. The opposite open sandy shore of the pond was all dotted with antelope tracks, but the animals themselves were not visible nearby.

We took up our binoculars and began scrupulously searching yard after yard. Five, ten minutes - no one. It seemed that all life in the area had died out, and this was in such striking contrast with the zoo that we saw on the top of the mountain ... I remembered Jason's recent words when another attempt to get kudu failed: “This antelope is the most cautious and cunning of all that I have seen . Dissolving like a ghost at the slightest sign of danger. Getting it is a real “challenge” (call) for the hunter.” Taking a deep breath, he turned towards the car. But then Zolo, still looking at the bush through his massive binoculars, excitedly clicked something on his scythe.

PH looked in the same direction as the tracker, and the sour expression on his face was replaced by a cheerful smile. I grabbed my Leupold too. To the right of the pond, on the opposite slope, in the shade of stunted trees, four kudu females were grazing! Long-legged, with white stripes on gray sides, with small heads on high necks. The antelopes, plucking the leaves from the bushes and nibbling the grass, slowly wandered up along the ravine. “The bull, the good bull, is following them,” Jason whispered excitedly. But no matter how much I peered, I could not find a kudu. "Where is he, Jason?" “Dmitry, I don’t see him now either, he is somewhere there, in the dense thickets below, following the females. From this place we will no longer be able to take him, we must quickly go to the right in order to be between him and the cows. Bending down, we dived over the hillock and, under its cover, silently shifted to the right by a hundred meters. Again looking out from behind the hillock, they spent a long time pecking the lowland with binoculars. There are females - they graze almost, on the contrary, on an open lawn. But the bull is nowhere to be seen. Oh, it's a pity we can't see the bottom of the ravine from our position, because a cautious animal can pass right there! Noticing a large acacia bush in front, successfully covering us from antelopes, we, bent over in three deaths, crawled almost on all fours to him. Now there were no more than seventy meters left to the opposite slope, and as in the palm of your hand you could see a brook winding a snake along the bottom of the ravine. Now the main thing is not to miss the kudu and pray that he does not turn back! Jason set up the tripod, and, turning the sight to the minimum, I removed the hard drive from the fuse ...

In an ambush, time always stretches infinitely slowly ... The sun, having risen high into the sky, was already hot. It became hot in the jacket, which was still dressed in the morning chill, but it was no longer possible to take it off. Standing still with a carbine in my shoulder, I shot through all the clearings, clearings, windows between the trees, where I could appear kudu. But he fell through the ground. Our females have gone far up. A little more, and they will climb the hill, from where they will have a perfect view of us. Where, where are you, where are you?! Where are you going?!

The eye caught a slight stirring of foliage in the dense crown of a sprawling tree on the other side of the ravine. Grabbing this fleeting movement, I clung to the eyepiece of the scope. Horns! Long spiraled, with thick, rough bases! Kudu! My heart was beating wildly in my chest from the excitement! I furtively pointed to Jason in the direction of the trees. “Yes, yes, this is our bull!” - PH confirmed in a confused whisper. The horns moved, floated over the bushes, and, reaching for an acacia branch, a gray kudu head with a white stripe on the bridge of its nose emerged from the thickets. The bull feasted on juicy green leaves, deftly flowing around the sharp white spines with his tongue.

I aimed at the only place that was deadly for the beast that I could see - where the head meets the neck. Jason crouched down, putting his shoulder under my right elbow, and the cross of the sight, which had previously been floating on the gray skin of kudu, froze on the target, as if drawn on it. It was comfortable to shoot. I took a deep breath, but as soon as my finger began to press the trigger, the kudu, having finished picking leaves from one branch, turned to another. I took aim again, but the bull, shaking its head, shifted a little to the side, and the small piece of its neck, which I had been able to see earlier, disappeared behind the intricacies of the branches. This went on for five minutes. I tried in vain to catch the moment when the kudu's neck, emerging from behind a branch, freezes while its owner chews the leaves, but I could not do it. Gradually, I began to get tired of the constant state of maximum concentration - having gathered my nerves, breathing, all my shooting training into a fist, I had to squeeze out a quick, accurate shot as soon as the right moment turned up. And I started to lose confidence if I could take that shot. Too high a price was at stake: as soon as the bullet lay a few centimeters to the side, a miss would be guaranteed, or, even worse, a wounded wound ... throat, and a trickle of sweat ran down his cheek ...

Apparently having eaten, kudu moved into the shade of trees. Now I couldn't even see his head. Only long dark horns, like antennae, protruded from the undergrowth. Fifteen minutes passed in an agonizing wait ... We could not do anything: neither shoot nor try to approach - the beast was too close to us. But I had already seen the denouement of this hunt: the females who had climbed the hill, huddled together, were attentively watching us. One of them anxiously moved her ears and ran down the slope. The others, after a moment's hesitation, followed suit. The stones, touched by the hooves of the antelopes, rolled, thundered loudly, falling from the slope into the ravine. The kudu's horns rose from the bushes and turned in that direction. The bull was worried.

Stopping for a while, his horns, furrowing the green-yellow sea of ​​the bush, turned towards the bottom of the ravine, heavily overgrown with tall shrubs. “Well, that's all,” I thought, seeing the elusive trophy through the scope. Kudu has sensed danger and is now retreating. A cunning beast, wise over the years, will never come out onto an open slope, but will quietly leave in the strongest place, without showing itself. Episodes of past unsuccessful hunts flashed before me, to which one more was to be added today. I was already beginning to feel that the kudu was surrounded by some kind of invisible aura of invulnerability, that our attempts to steal it were a waste of time, a futile exercise doomed to failure in advance. And that, perhaps, I, just me, are not at all destined to get into this beast that never makes mistakes ...

But he did it anyway! Too lazy to go down to the very bottom of the ravine littered with chapyzhnik, in order to go unnoticed for sure, the bull slowly swam out into a small gap between the trees on a steep sandy slope. How majestic and beautiful he was! Turning his back to me, he stopped and glanced up at the hill where the females had run a few minutes before. Without thinking, I fired quickly. Kudu jumped up and with a loud crash, breaking the bushes, rushed straight up the slope. Again I saw only the tops of its horns flickering among the trees. But then they slowed down, stopped, staggered .. and collapsed into the bush. A ringing silence hung in the air, in which I heard only the booming beat of my heart. Still holding on possible ways retreat of the antelope, I knew that the hunt was over.

  • Class: Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758 = Mammals
  • Infraclass: Eutheria, Placentalia Gill, 1872 = Placental, higher beasts
  • Superorder: Ungulata = Ungulates
  • Order: Artiodactyla Owen, 1848= Artiodactyls, artiodactyls
  • Suborder: Ruminantia Scopoli, 1777 = Ruminants
  • Family: Bovidae (Cavicornia) Gray, 1821 = Bovids
  • Genus: Tragelaphus Blainville, 1816 = Forest antelope

big kudu- Tragelaphus strepsiceros - distributed from Central and Eastern to South Africa. Kudu live in small groups, rarely alone on wooded hills. They feed on grass and tree leaves. In adults, the height at the withers is 1.3-1.5 m, the body length is up to 245 cm, and the weight is more than 300 kg. Females are smaller than males. Coloration is reddish-gray to bluish-gray with white stripes on the sides. The males of these antelopes are very beautiful. They have white, bright stripes stretching along their reddish-brown body, and their heads are decorated with long massive horns, curved in the form of a corkscrew - their length is on average 1 m (record - 1.8 m), females are hornless. On the lower side of the neck from the throat to the belly there is a suspension of long hair, and on the sides there are vertical white stripes.

KUDU BIG is a slender, large (up to 1.5 m high at the withers) antelope, of a delicate bluish or yellowish-gray color, with narrow white transverse stripes on the sides, with a small mane and a dewlap of coarse elongated hair on the throat. The main decoration of the large kudu is the horns, twisted in a wide free spiral and reaching more than 1.5 m in length. Females, like other members of the genus, do not have horns.

The huge range of this antelope covers the Eastern, Southern and partially Central Africa however, it is quite rare in most areas. In general, a large kudu is not one of those antelopes that can often be found.

He prefers hilly and highlands with rocky soil, but also lives on the plain. It keeps very secretive everywhere. An indispensable condition for his life is dense thickets of shrubs. The second condition is accessible watering places, when they dry out during the dry season, the big kudu makes long-distance migrations. It is much easier to put up with human agricultural activities and, being an excellent jumper, overcomes fences 2-2.5 m high without much effort.

Usually kudu keeps in small herds, 6-10 (occasionally 30-40) heads. The herd consists of females with calves and young, immature males. Old bulls before the rut live alone or form groups of 5-6 individuals. Large kudu graze at night or in the morning and evening hours. By the same time, a watering place is dated. Food consists almost exclusively of the leaves of various shrubs, and only during the dry period do animals eat bulbs and rhizomes. There is no information about marking individual sites, to which the kudu is very attached, although there are observations that old males sometimes rub their cheeks on tree bark or on stones. It is possible that this is due to the leaving of odorous marks. It is also possible that the role of "bidding posts" is played by a shrub broken by horns, which is often found in kudu habitats.

During the mating season, large kudu males join herds of females. At this time, a sharp rivalry arises between males, manifested in frequent fights. It is not uncommon for two old males to be so intertwined with spiral horns that they can no longer free themselves. The threat pose of a large kudu is peculiar: the animal becomes sideways to the approaching enemy, lowering its head low and arching its back. If the enemy tries to go around him, the antelope turns sideways to him again. However, when attacking, the male necessarily changes its position and turns its horns towards the opponent.

Mating is also preceded by a special ceremony. The male, approaching the female, takes the position of imposing: he turns sideways to her with his head held high, facing opposite side. If the female is not disposed to accept courtship, she cools the ardor of the male with a strong blow to the side. IN otherwise she flees, provoking a pursuit, during which the male, on the run, lays her head and neck or one of the horns on her back and tries to stop her. When this fails, the male tries to bend the female's neck to the ground with his neck.

Pregnancy in a large kudu lasts 7-8 months; cubs are usually born during the rainy season, but in some places, such as in Zambia and Southern Rhodesia, newborns were seen throughout the year. A newborn kudu hides in a secluded place where the mother comes to feed him. The kudu's voice when alarmed is a deaf, far audible bark, similar to a cough. Of the predators, lions, leopards, and hyena dogs attack the large kudu. Juveniles and females are often preyed upon by the cheetah. The great kudu, with its striking horns, has always been the most coveted trophy of European and American sports hunters.

The African continent supports the rich wildlife through its deserts, savannas, vast valleys and forests. Africa is home to the largest land animal ( African elephant) and the tallest animal (giraffe) in the world. But there are many other interesting African animals that you need to know about. For example, Top 10 amazing animals found only in Africa.

  1. Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)

photo Harvey Barrison

Interesting facts about big kudu

The great kudu is an amazing antelope that is native to East and South Africa. It lives in savanna forests and rocky slopes.

This is one of the longest antelope in the world. Spectacularly twisted horns are found only in male kudu. Their horns can be up to 1 meter long with 2 and 1/2 twists. Males use their long horns to protect themselves from predators.

Males have a body length of 2 to 2.5 meters and weigh up to 315 kg. females fewer males. Their length is 1.85-2.3 meters, and their weight is up to 215 kg.

Greater kudu have a brownish gray coat with 5-12 vertical white stripes. They also have a distinctive white stripe between their eyes.

These antelopes are social animals. Females form groups that contain up to 25 individuals. Males join groups only during the mating season.

This larger species of antelope primarily feeds on leaves, herbs, fruits, and flowers. In the wild, great kudu live up to 7 years, and in captivity, they can live over 20 years.

  1. Ostrich (Struthio camelus)

Interesting facts about ostriches

Non-flying ostriches are the largest birds in the world. They have a length of 2 to 2.7 m and weigh up to 160 kg. Ostriches are found in the savannas and desert lands of Central and South Africa.

Ostriches are also known as "camelbirds" because they can withstand high temperature and live for a long time without water.

The soft and smooth feather of adult male ostriches is black, and their tail is white. In contrast, females have gray-brown feathers. The neck of ostriches is long and naked.

With powerful long legs ostriches can reach a top speed of 69 kilometers per hour. Each leg of an ostrich has very sharp claws. Their legs are powerful enough to kill a human with a single blow. Ostriches use their legs as their main weapon to defend themselves against potential predators such as lions, leopards, cheetahs and hyenas.

Ostriches live in small herds that contain 10-12 individuals. 15 cm long is the size of the largest eggs in the world that ostriches lay. These huge birds are omnivores and they feed on leaves, roots, seeds, lizards, insects and snakes. Ostriches also swallow pebbles and small stones to grind food in their stomachs.

  1. Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)

Interesting Okapi Facts

- the only remaining relative of the giraffe in the world. They are found only in tropical forests Republic of the Congo. The most noticeable feature of the okapi is the striped markings that make them look like zebras.

The okapi is one of the most endangered. Habitat loss and hunting are the main threats to this amazing species.

Okapi can reach 2.5 meters in length and weigh from 180 to 310 kg. As a member of the giraffe family, the okapi also has a relatively long neck. The coat color is reddish brown with zebra-like stripes on the hind and forelegs. This helps the okapi to hide easily in dense forests. The animal also has a very long tongue which can reach lengths up to 45 cm.

Okapis often travel 1.2-4 km a day in search of food. Their long tongue helps them easily reach leaves and buds from tall plants.

  1. Galago ( Galago)

Interesting Galago Facts

small primate, which has a length of 15 to 20 cm and a weight of up to 300 grams. They live in the bush and forests of East Africa.

Thick galago fur is brown or gray in color. They have very large ears, which give them an excellent sense of hearing. This nocturnal creature also has excellent night vision and large eyes.

Galagos are excellent jumpers as they have very strong hind legs. With one jump, the animal can reach a height of 2.25 meters.

Unlike other primates, galagos have an additional language that is hidden under the main language.

These nocturnal animals spend most of their time in the trees. Elastic joints on the legs allow them to easily move between branches. They mainly feed on bark, fruits, and insects.

  1. Kitoglav (Balaeniceps rex)

Interesting facts about the shoebill

One of the strangest birds in the world is this. The bird has a huge beak that can grow up to 22 cm. This amazing bird can only be found in the swamps of East Africa.

Shoe heads are one of the species that may become endangered in the near future. Habitat loss and hunting are the main threat to them.

Large shoe heads can reach 120 cm in length and weigh from 4 to 6 kg. They have bluish-gray plumage and broad wings.

Shoeheads are predators that attack from ambush, which means that they remain motionless until the prey gets close enough to them. Then they make a surprise attack using their powerful beak. The bird's diet consists of lizards, turtles, water snakes and rats.

The shoebill is also one of the loneliest birds in the world. After all, they get together only during the mating season.

  1. Eastern colobus (Colobus guereza)

photo Martin Grimm

Interesting facts about the eastern colobus

The Eastern Colobus is one of the most attractive African monkeys. She has bright, glossy, black and white fur and an impressively long tail. It lives in deciduous and evergreen forests of West and Central Africa.

This great view monkeys, their length is 53.8-71 cm, and their weight is up to 13.5 kg. Eastern colobus live in large groups that contain 3-15 monkeys.

These monkeys are active during the day but spend most of their time in the trees. They also take time during the day to look for food sources. Colobus use different kinds of sounds and signals to communicate with each other.

This monkey's multi-chambered stomach has specialized bacteria that help it digest. a large number of food. The diet of the eastern colobus consists mainly of leaves, seeds, fruits, and arthropods.

  1. Eastern Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum )

photo James Ball

Interesting Facts About the Oriental Crowned Crane

With a height of 1 meter and a weight of more than 4 kg, the eastern crowned crane - big bird living in the savannas, rivers and swamps of East and South Africa.

most feature This amazing African bird is its crest of golden feathers. The entire plumage of the bird is mostly grey, with a pale gray neck and black and white wings. They also have an attractive bright red pouch under their bill.

During the mating season, the males of these cranes perform interesting courtship rituals for females. They dance, jump and make amazing sounds.

The nest of the Eastern Crowned Crane contains from 2 to 5 eggs, and this is the largest average number of eggs among all members of the family.

The Eastern Crowned Crane is an omnivorous bird feeding on insects, lizards, grasses, seeds, fish, and amphibians.

  1. Wildebeest (Connochaetes)

Interesting Wildebeest Facts

Looking like a bull at first glance, wildebeest actually belong to the antelope family. There are two different types these antelopes are the black wildebeest and the blue wildebeest. Both species are found only in Africa. They live in open forests and green plains.

Wildebeest can reach 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 275 kg. Both male and female wildebeest have horns. These animals live in large herds.

Between May and June, when food sources become scarce, the wildebeest migrate north. The migratory group consists of 1.2-1.5 million individuals. They are also accompanied by thousands of zebras and gazelles. This is the largest land mammal migration on Earth.

Wildebeest are able to walk more than 50 km in one day. During migration, antelopes cover a distance of about 1000-1600 km.

Most wildebeest feed on short grass. Lions, cheetahs, hyenas and wild dogs are their main enemies.

  1. Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx)

Interesting Mandaril Facts

Mandrill is the largest monkey species in the world. They have a body length of 60 to 90 cm, and weigh up to 38 kg. Mandrills live in the rainforests and subtropical forests of West and Central Africa.

They are certainly among the most colorful monkeys in the world. They have attractive dense, olive-green fur and gray underparts. Cute a long nose the mandrill has a red stripe. Males are larger and more colorful than females.

Mandrills are extremely social animals and they live in large groups of up to 200 individuals.

In addition to color and size, these monkeys have long fangs that grow up to 63.5 cm. They use their huge fangs to threaten predators.

Mandrills are active during the daytime. They have cheek pouches to store the food they collect. They are omnivorous and feed on fruits, seeds, insects, eggs, and worms.

  1. Lemurs (Lemuriformes)

Interesting facts about lemurs

Lemurs are amazing primates that are found only on, on east coast South Africa. In total there are 30 various kinds lemurs, all of which are endemic to Madagascar.

Madame Berthe's lemur (Microcebus berthae), which weighs only 30 g, is the smallest primate in the world, and indri (Indri indri) is the largest living lemur weighing up to 9.5 kg.

Most lemurs are arboreal, which means they spend most of their time in tree dwellings. The tail of most lemur species is also longer than their body.

Lemurs are social animals that live in groups. They use high-pitched sounds and scent marking to communicate with each other. They have an excellent sense of hearing and smell.

Lemurs are also called one of the most intelligent animals in the world. They are known for using tools and having the ability to learn patterns.

- the only natural predator of lemurs. The diet of lemurs consists of fruits, nuts, leaves and flowers.

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big kudu(lat. Tragelaphus strepsiceros) is a representative of the genus of forest antelopes of the bovine subfamily of the bovid family, living in eastern and southern Africa. Despite their large area, they are small in most areas due to habitat loss and poaching. Greater kudu is one of two widely known species kudu, the second kind is lesser kudu.

Description. Large kudu have a narrow body with long legs, and their coloration can vary from brown to reddish brown. They have 4 to 12 vertical white stripes on the sides. The head is usually darker than the rest of the body, and has a small white spot that is located between the eyes.

Greater kudu males tend to be much larger than females. Males are also distinguished by large manes along the neck, and large horns with two and a half turns, which reach a length of about 120 cm. They diverge slightly from each other and slope back. The antlers start growing at 6 to 12 months of age, having one branch at two years of age, and two and a half turns are achieved by six years of age.

Greater kudu is one of the most large species antelopes. Males weigh from 190 to 270 kg, height at the withers reaches up to 160 cm. Females weigh from 120 to 210 kg, height at the withers is about 100 cm. The length of the body together with the head varies from 180 to 250 cm, the length of the tail is from 30 to 55 cm. The ears are large and round.

Spreading. The territory of residence of large kudu extends from the east to Ethiopia, Tanzania, Eritrea and Kenya, further south to Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. They have also been introduced in small numbers into New Mexico but have not been released into the wild. Their habitat is an area full of shrubs, rocky slopes, dry riverbeds, and most importantly, there must be a source of water. They can be found on the plains bordering the territory abounding with shrubs, but these are rather rare cases.

Behavior and nutrition. During the day, the activity of large kudu decreases, they prefer to hide from the heat in the thickets. Activity, large kudu show at dawn and closer to sunset. At this time, they go to the watering hole and in search of places abounding in food. Their diet includes leaves, grass, shoots, and sometimes tubers, roots, and fruits. Although large kudu prefer to live in one area, nevertheless, during periods of drought, they can migrate over long distances to more favorable areas for living.

The main enemies of the big kudu are such predators as lions, leopards, hyenas and hyena-like dogs. Although cheetahs also prey on large kudu, they still cannot cope with mature males, so they prey on more vulnerable females and young. When a herd is threatened by predators, adults (usually females) make a danger call to alert the rest of the herd.

Social behavior and reproduction. Greater kudu females live in small herds of 6 to 20 individuals along with their calves. Males, as a rule, lead a solitary lifestyle, sometimes forming small herds of 4-8 individuals. The territory on which the herd lives varies from 3 to 6 square meters. km, passing about half of the territory per day during feeding.

Larger kudu reach sexual maturity between 1 and 3 years of age. The mating season takes place at the end of the rainy season, which can vary by region and climate. Before mating, large kudu undergo a courtship ritual. Pregnancy lasts about 240 days. Calving usually falls in February-March, when there is an abundance of young grass.

Large kudu usually have one calf, although sometimes there may be two. At first, the calf will wait for the mother to feed him, but later he becomes more insistent and will demand milk himself. For the first two weeks, the calf will be in a secluded area where it will be difficult for predators to find them. After that, until the age of 4-5 weeks, it becomes hard to stay with the herd only during the day. Males become independent at the age of 6 months, and females at the age of 1-2 years.