Going to the resorts of Thailand, I really want the rest to be comfortable, and nothing could spoil the summer mood. Therefore, we approach vacation planning responsibly and monitor climate changes on special websites. Let's talk about the weather in Thailand in July and whether it is worth planning your vacation at the local resorts in the middle of summer.

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Immediately, we note that the middle of summer falls at the peak of the wet season and is characterized by heavy rains. But do not despair, because most of the precipitation falls in the afternoon and even at night. So it will not affect the quality of rest in any way. Since the majority of tourists spend time on the beach in the morning, there is no reason to worry about rain. But the air temperature in July on the sea coast of the country is characterized by high rates. So even after a heavy downpour, you will not notice how the soil under your feet will completely dry out, and you will again enjoy the sun's rays on the local beaches.

By the way, on the July days on the coast of Thailand you can see a lot of guests from Russia who like sunny, but not hot weather, which is characterized by frequent changes of rains and sundial. During this period, it is not stuffy here and the risk of getting a heat stroke is reduced significantly. At the same time, in different regions The climate of the country, although not much, will still be different. This should be taken into account if you come to the coast not only to sunbathe, but also to take your free time active forms of recreation or exciting excursions.

The southeastern part of the coast (Krabi and Phuket) is characterized by relatively high temperatures and high humidity. So, during the day the thermometer rises to the mark of 30 degrees, and at night it drops only by 4-5 degrees. Similar temperature indicators remain in the resorts of Bangkok, Pattaya and Koh Samui. Although the average temperature here is slightly higher (by 2-3 degrees). The water temperature also rises to 28-29 degrees, which allows you to spend several hours a day on the sea coast.

In addition, the mentioned resorts differ in terms of precipitation. Most rains in the second summer month falls in Phuket (over 260 mm). A little less rain will disturb vacationers on the coast of Pattaya and Bangkok (180 and 150 mm, respectively). Well, the most cloudy weather remains in Koh Samui, where the average monthly precipitation does not exceed 120 mm.

But there are some resorts that stand out from the crowd. So, in the resorts of Koh Chang in July, from 500 to 900 mm of precipitation can fall. So bring an umbrella from home.

Windless weather is observed almost throughout the resort coast, which is only occasionally replaced by a light sea breeze. But showers are accompanied by strong gusts of wind, for which you need to be prepared.

In addition to spending time on the beach, tourists actively use their free time to visit fruit festivals, which are held in the middle of summer. At this time, in the markets you can buy ripe fruits for every taste and at very affordable prices. The Candle Festival is also held in July. Anyone who happens to be in the province of Ubon Ratchathani at this time can be in the thick of things. All these events are accompanied by musical and dance accompaniment.

By the way, the cost of trips to the Thai coast in July is reduced several times. This is due to the fact that hot month with high humidity is not in great demand among tourists.

This is how the weather in Thailand in July is characterized. As you can see, the specifics of the holiday requires tourists to be prepared for any climate change.

Deciding to travel to Thailand in the month of July, there is a good chance that you might get wet under heavy rains, because at this time in Thailand is the rainy season. Such a period will definitely not prevent you from relaxing, because it's raining and in any other country, but this does not stop us from loving them less.

The most real tropical happiness is just when the rain flows like a wall from the palms, the air is saturated with coolness and musky freshness. Everyone will like this joy, because it is something unusual, joyful, solemn and fabulous. One has only to plunge into this magical world and you will forever forget about everything in the world, about all the problems and worries that have remained far away in your country.

Hot tours and trips to Thailand in the month of July are very relevant. Because this month is in full swing. beach season when you can lie in the sun as much as you like and swim in warm water or scuba diving.

Such an unusual vacation will seem fabulous and unforgettable to you, because there is nothing better than cool weather in the tropics, and cool means a temperature of plus 30 degrees. This weather will be a real discovery for you, because there is nothing better than tropical coolness after a long heat wave. You will definitely enjoy such a holiday in the month of July and you will want to visit this diverse country again.

As a rule, many vacations fall in the summer. But in the tropics, for example, in Thailand, this time of year is considered the off season. Tour operators intimidate their customers with heavy rains and storms, persistently offering trips to Turkey or Egypt. Nevertheless, there are daredevils who, despite all the excuses, decide on a trip, and, judging by their reviews, they are quite satisfied with their decision. Find out on the Tour Calendar what the situation is in the "land of smiles" in July.

Weather in Thailand in July

July in Thailand is indeed classified as a "wet" season. However, it should not be taken this concept literally. Firstly, it does not mean at all that it rains without interruption for several days in a row, and secondly, due to the meridional elongation of the territory of the Kingdom, precipitation is distributed unevenly. So, if you correctly choose a resort, then the impressions of the rest will only be positive. The most comfortable in this regard is the Pacific coast, where such cities and islands as Pattaya, Koh Samui and Hua Hin are concentrated. Fairly sunny weather persists there with brief cloudy periods and short rains (5 to 30 minutes on average). The latter are mostly likely in the evening and at night, and during the day it is mostly dry, so nothing interferes with excursions and swimming in the sea. In the central and eastern provinces, the precipitation pattern is similar. You can go to Bangkok without hesitation, as the southeast monsoons manifest themselves here so far more than modestly. But a plastic raincoat in any case will not hurt. And no matter how high-quality the umbrella would be, it is completely useless here.

Bangkok Krabi Phuket Phi Phi Samet Hua Hin Chiang Mai Samui Pattaya Koh Chang

Things are somewhat different in the Indian Ocean, where Phuket, Krabi and Koh Lanta are located. The number of rainy days there is somewhat greater, and the rains often stretch up to three hours. Moreover, they can be observed both in the dark and in the daytime. It is noteworthy that due to the characteristics geographical location sometimes showers are cold, not warm, as in other areas. Not the best region to explore at this time is northern Thailand, which floods almost every day. There is also a threat of landslides and floods. As for natural disasters in other parts of the country, they are extremely rare for July. What is good given month, this is because the exhausting heat is weakening due to frequent cloudiness and refreshing rains. The risk of getting heatstroke is minimal, but you can still get burned. The use of sunscreen is a must. Regarding temperatures, the highest are inherent in the capital, Koh Samui and Pattaya: around +31..+33°C during the day, around +25°C at night. Next comes Phuket with a daily range of +25..+30°C. In last place are the northern regions. At noon it is also hot there, but in the evenings they give life-giving coolness - about +23°C.

What to do in Thailand in July?

July Thailand is perfect for those who appreciate the peace and bliss of measured days on vacation. At this time, there is a decline in the influx of foreigners, so the hotels are half empty, the beaches are quiet and not crowded, and there are no shops, cafes and restaurants noisy crowds tourists from China. Generally, july holiday different in better side: in addition to all that has been said, please low prices, more helpful maintenance and no exhausting inferno.

beach holiday

Kilometers of delightful coasts covered with snow-white sand, pale blue hues sea ​​water, elegant tall palm trees are one of the main attractions of Thai resorts. There are beach holidays in this country even in the wet season, since the water temperature is kept at +28..+29°C. As already mentioned, the rains are not prolonged, so there is a lot of time to soak up the shore. I must say that each resort reacts to cyclones in its own way. So, in the Gulf of Thailand the water is very calm, big waves there is a rarity.

Therefore, we can safely recommend couples with children and lovers of long swims. At sea, he usually behaves anxiously, so stopping there, instead of a full-fledged swim, from time to time you will have to jump in the surf. Windy weather and waves are definitely what surfers are waiting for, so this month it is their main habitat.

We advise you to take several bathing suits with you, as due to the extreme humidity, things dry for several days. Also put in a suitcase more T-shirts, shorts, sundresses - everything that you are going to go to the beach in.

Entertainment and excursions

Dry days, of which there are not so few in July, are worth spending on getting to know the historical heritage of the state. You can go to see the architectural sights of the ruling dynasties, numerous Buddhist monasteries and temples, luxurious royal palaces and dozens of mysterious ancient cities. Those interested in the multifaceted culture of the country should definitely visit botanical garden Nong Nooch, the elephant village "Pattaya Elephant Village" and the Wat Yan temple complex with an incredible amount of religious sculptures.

beauty connoisseurs pristine nature must see with their own eyes its greatest treasure - waterfalls. Their splendor is fully revealed precisely in the rainy season, when they become full-flowing.

Holidays and festivals

In addition to swimming in the sea and sightseeing, there will definitely be something to do in July. There is no doubt about this when you look at the poster. cultural events. The main holiday celebrated this month is Asaha Puja or Dhamma Day. It is dedicated to the anniversary of the founding of Buddhism and opens a three-month fast, which monks spend in monasteries in complete seclusion. So that they do not feel any need, locals bring them the basic necessities. In Asaha Puju, the sale of alcohol is suspended everywhere, so this event does not go unnoticed by foreigners. Parallel to this festival in the province of Ubon Ratchathani, magnificent candle processions are held, accompanied by the performance of folk dance ensembles.

In the northeastern villages, as soon as fresh pomelo and ice fruit appear on the market stalls, Fruit Festivals begin to take place. In July, the Street Festival traditionally unfolds on Phuket's Kathu Beach, introducing its viewers to the rich culture of this island for three days. In turn, it hosts the international marathon "King's Cup Pattaya Marathon", which attracts athletes from Europe, Asia and Australia.

What are the prices for holidays in Thailand in July?

Dissatisfaction with the capricious weather in July is fully compensated by the joy of reduced airfare and hotel accommodation. The cost of tours in July is much lower than high season. Therefore, rest at this time will save you more than one thousand rubles.

In July different corners Thailand can meet their guests with cloudiness and heavy rainfall. But the latter usually end very quickly, and after half an hour nothing reminds of what happened. This month you will not be bothered by the sun, while the sea is still warm. To top it all off, you will be pleasantly surprised by the abundance of ripe fruits and low prices for many goods and services. We hope that after reading our article on the Tour-Calendar, you will get the right idea about the atmosphere in this wonderful country in the second month of summer!

July is considered the rainy season in Thailand and most tourists refuse to fly to rest in Thailand at this time. this country. However, it should be understood that the territory of Thailand is quite large and the rainy season at different resorts manifests itself in different ways. Somewhere there really is a lot of precipitation, and somewhere there is so little of it that during the entire vacation you can only get caught in short-term rain a couple of times. In this article, I will tell you in detail what the weather is like in Thailand in July, which resort is best to go to at this time and what to expect from your vacation.

The average sea temperature in Thailand is +28-+29 degrees Celsius. Therefore, you can stay in the water for quite a long time. Children will appreciate the warm sea, because you can stay out of the water for hours.

Even in cloudy weather, sunbathing should be done carefully. The sun in any weather is quite active and you can easily get burned. So on the beach you should always enjoy sunscreen, wear a hat and drink water.

Where is the best place to go in July?

If you still want to fly to Thailand for a holiday in July, then it’s better to choose Koh Samui, Pattaya or Hua Hin. These resorts are the most best weather. Bangkok will also meet you with pretty good weather, rains in the capital in July are short and rare. I recommend visiting not only seaside resort but also set aside a few days for Bangkok. There are a lot of interesting things in the capital of Thailand: , huge and much more.

The most unfavorable weather in June is in Phuket and other resorts of the Andaman coast, as well as in the north of Thailand.


During the wet season, prices for tourist services in Thailand fall significantly. Therefore, at this time you can save a lot on vacation. will cost you several times cheaper than in the dry season. There are great chances to fly away on a burning tour.

The same goes for solo travelers, in July you can find discounted flights and stay in a five-star hotel for the price of a three-star. It is better to book plane tickets on the Aviasales website. Thanks to it, you can compare prices in different airlines and travel agencies and choose tickets for the most best price.

The hotellook search engine will help you find the right hotel. He compares prices in different systems booking and shows where each particular hotel is cheaper. The site will help you save on accommodation from 20 to 60%.

If you are not afraid of intermittent rains and cloudy skies, then go to Thailand in July. After all, despite the imperfect weather, a vacation in the middle of summer has many advantages. You can save a lot on the trip, try different ones, the harvest of which is only in the rainy season and you will not languish from the sultry heat. And whether to go to Thailand in July, the choice is yours. I tried to describe in detail what kind of rest awaits you at this time.

If you rested in Thailand in the summer, then write in which region you were and whether you liked the rest.

For a holiday in July, Thailand is not the most the best place. The number of holidaymakers who come to Thai resorts this month is reduced many times over, as no one wants to spend most of their vacation in a hotel or get wet in the rain on the street. The most unsuitable place to relax this month is Koh Samui, where the rains are the heaviest and can pour for several days in a row, while all this is accompanied by strong, and sometimes even heavy winds.

As a holiday destination, you can consider the island of Phuket, but there is also not everything in order with the weather - the rainy season is in full swing. Compared to June, in July the amount of precipitation increases, sometimes it can rain all day (there are not so many such days, no more than 2-3 per month). Cloudy days are much more than sunny ones, but on temperature regime this does not particularly affect, during the day up to +28, and at night it is only a few degrees less. The water temperature in the sea is 27-29 degrees, but you can swim in it only if the weather is calm, and there are not so many such days in July, most often red flags are hung on the beaches prohibiting swimming. Large boulders protect Kata Noi beach from the wind and it is here best conditions to swim in the sea.

Go to Thailand in July solely for the purpose beach holiday it makes no sense, since not a single resort in the country can guarantee comfortable weather for such a holiday. If the weather is favorable, you can go on various excursions, and on rainy days, many go to local massage and spa salons.

But prices in the month of July are considered among the lowest of the year. Prices in hotels are falling to record levels, the same is happening with prices in local cafes and markets (fruits are getting cheaper the most). There are no crowds of tourists on the beaches, in temples and near the main attractions, travel companies lure tourists with all kinds of discounts, while in the hot season they refuse to give even 10-15 dollars.

The child will not be bored even in the rainy season, Phuket has enough entertainment for which weather do not have much effect. Most likely, the child will be interested in such a place as the Bird Park. This place has a large collection of various birds, including those that are almost impossible to meet in Russian zoos (for example, a crowned crane or a hornbill). Bird aviaries are located among the beautiful vegetation of the park and visitors get the impression that birds live in vivo. Three times a day, a show with the participation of birds takes place in the park. Most of all, visitors are impressed by parrots, which can not only talk, but also do different tricks and even draw.

Weather conditions do not affect visiting the local aquarium, where you can see all kinds of inhabitants of the seas and oceans. A trip to the aquarium will be equally interesting for both children and adults. by the most exotic inhabitants Aquarium are considered leopard stingrays, the coloring of which strongly resembles the patterns of tiger fur. From time to time, interesting shows are organized in the aquarium, during which scuba divers feed sharks from their hands.

Maybe, the largest number the child will receive emotions from visiting the Splash Jungle Aquapark, the slides and attractions of which are adapted to different age categories (even 2-3 year old children will be interested here). This water park cannot be called too extreme, but for children this is more than enough.

Until recently, there was no dolphinarium in Phuket, but in the fall of 2015, the Nemo Dolphins Bay dolphinarium was opened, where visitors can see performances with fur seals and dolphins, take photos with them and swim with dolphins for an additional fee. On the this moment in the dolphinarium five dolphins and two fur seal, which is quite enough to regularly hold interesting shows. The Dolphinarium is open from 10 am to 7 pm, visitors can rent raincoats, buy cold drinks or something to eat. A standard ticket costs 900 and 700 baht (adult / child), but there are VIP seats (these are the first and second rows), where tickets are more expensive - 1200 and 900 baht.

Despite the rainy season and a large number of cloudy days, there are more than enough opportunities for recreation and entertainment, the main thing is to go with good mood. I don’t know where your friends rested, but Koh Samui is the rainiest island and you shouldn’t go there in July (unless, of course, you want to sit in the hotel all the time, drink tea and watch the showers from the windows).