Left eyebrow itchy- someone at this very time scolds you.

Right eyebrow itches to meet a friend.

Eyes always itch unfortunately and tears. True, our ancestors also came up with an “antidote” to this sign from undesirable consequences. It is necessary to scratch both eyes at the same time and cross them three times. It is believed that in this case there will be no tears.

Head itches - you will be scolded.

Breast itches - this is a sign of bad weather. But there is an opinion that the chest itches and to sadness.

Lips itchy - this sign portends kisses.

Stomach itches - to sadness.

back of the head itches - to sadness.

nose tip itches - this is a sign of drinking.

Left hand palm itches before you need to give money.

Right palm according to signs, it promises a meeting with a familiar person.

Elbow itches - to grief, someone else's bed, a quarrel and even a fight.

shoulder blades itchy - this is a sign of bad weather.

palate and gums itchy - you will be strongly condemned, and the ill-wisher will remain unknown.

Leg it itches - this is a sign of good news.

Nostril itches - to christening.

Fingers itchy on both hands- this sign indicates a clear sign of anemia, and you urgently need to be treated.

Groin itches - expect trouble.

Bridge of the nose it itches - this sign, as our ancestors believed, suggests that you will soon hear about the deceased.

Under the knee itches - to a change in the weather, and in a warm direction.

Under the nose itches - combing refusal or someone's ingratitude.

armpits itchy - this sign portends a mild illness: on the right side - yours, on the left - the illness of someone close to you. Or have you recently shaved your armpits ;)

At all anything below the shoulders, usually itches not for good.

Booty itches - this sign means that someone is praising you

Left buttock itches before illness.

Itching right buttock portends selfish intentions on someone's part.

Small of the back itches to bad weather.

Heart - itchy around the heart, means to comb annoyance

Back according to folk signs, it itches to sadness.

Sole itches - this sign is preparing a certain road for you.

Ear left it itches - this sign indicates that someone scolds you.

Ear right itches - to scold.

Auricle itches - then expect condemnation.

If auricle right, then close people will condemn.

If left- outsiders.

Neck itches - this is a sign of a feast or a beating.

Cheeks itchy - this sign promises tears. If the cheeks do not itch, but burn, then in this case there may be another variant of the sign - they are discussing you. Moreover, in order to find out whether they are talking about you well or badly, you need to draw a golden ring on your cheek. If the trace from the ring is black, then they say bad things about you, white - good.

Language it itches or the tip of the tongue itches - this is a sign of unkind gossip and atrocities against you. However, there is a way to "return" these troubles back to ill-wishers. To do this, prick the tip of the tongue with a needle or something sharp, or sprinkle with something tart, such as pepper. Or you can just tie a strong knot somewhere. In this case, the ill-wishers will also "tie up" their mouths.

PS1 If it itches, then you need to wash ... The main sign.
PS2 Admit it, while reading, you scratched at least something. A?

If you believe in folk omens and their meaning - then this article is for you. In it, we will tell you in detail what itches for, and what events this portends to a person. Signs help to predict the future and prevent undesirable consequences.

Itching in different parts of the face

As folk signs say, the face itches for a reason. Let us consider in detail the meaning of itching in the facial part.


The itching of each eye has its own meaning. If the eyelid itches on the left, then a person is waiting for joyful events or news. The right eye itches to sad events and tears.

Both eyes itch at once - to good events and changes in life.


As in the case of the eyes, each itchy eyebrow carries its own interpretation.

There are several interpretations about this. One source claims that an itchy left eyebrow portends a person to meet an unpleasant and judgmental person. The right eyebrow portends a meeting with a good old friend. If both eyebrows - wait for the meeting.

In other sources, the itchy left eyebrow is a harbinger of a meeting with a man, and the right one with a woman. If itching appears between the eyebrows, a meeting with a married couple is coming.


Since ancient times, the itchy tip of the nose has been a harbinger of drinking alcohol. Scabies of the nose in the nostrils is a sign that your friends or relatives will soon have an addition to the family. The left nostril means a girl will be born. Scabies of the nose on the right side is a sign of the birth of a boy.

If the bridge of the nose itches - expect bad news. It is possible that you will lose someone close or dear.


This interpretation has an unambiguous meaning - wait for kisses. Lower lip - you will kiss a man, upper lip - kiss a child or a woman, both - there will be friendly kisses with a married couple.


If the tongue is combed at the tip, someone is vigorously discussing you. And this is bad gossip and gossip. If the itching has spread to the entire tongue, a long and important conversation awaits you soon. On the right side, the tongue itches - you will solve serious problems, on the left - expect good news.


Itchy left ear - it means someone praises you, right - remembers not in the best way. Inside the auricles in winter portends an early thaw. The lobe on the left itches - you are waiting for the resolution of all conflicts, on the right - serious misunderstandings are brewing (in the family, at work). Also, our ancestors determined the weather by an itchy lobe. If the right side - then warm and sunny days, left - will be heavy rain or snow depending on the season.

If the ears itch at the tips of the top, and it doesn’t matter from which side - folk signs portend big financial waste.


There are two interpretations when both cheeks itch:

  • to tears;
  • for the arrival of unexpected guests.

The left itchy cheek portends the arrival of close relatives, the right - distant relatives. Moreover, this interpretation is valid regardless of the day of the week.


In men, mustaches can itch for only one reason - a date and a kiss from a lady you like is coming soon. The beard itches - the girl misses you.

Teeth and mouth

There are folk superstitions about scabies in the mouth, because this zone is no less important and this is what it predicts for us:

  • teeth - beware of condemnation from the outside;
  • folk signs have the same interpretation when the sky or gums itch;
  • if you feel an itch near your throat - wait for a pleasant guest with whom you will have a nice conversation.

Itchy head

Folk superstitions associated with scabies in different places heads:

  1. Itchy head in the forehead - to a long and meaningful conversation with a member of the opposite sex. There is another popular interpretation, when the forehead was combed - such a person will have to bow before the ill-wisher.
  2. The back of the head - you will have to face sad events.
  3. The head itches in the temple area for various reasons. For people working for dangerous work- this is a kind of sign warning of possible injury. If a girl’s temple itches, she should expect a date soon. Also, itching in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head may indicate an upcoming quarrel or indisposition of your or your loved ones, especially if the right temple itches.
  4. Temechko. This part of the body itches on the eve of making some important decision or solving serious problems. The more the top of the head itches, the more serious the problems await the person.
  5. If the chin of women is combed, passionate will soon begin love relationship which will be short lived. In men, scabies in this area is a sign that it is time to act and make decisions about the girl you like. Moreover, such a sign promises him good luck in love.

upper body


If your neck is itching in front, get ready for a quick departure. It can be a trip to relatives or a business trip. If the neck itches in the back of the head - wait for a meeting with an old acquaintance on the upcoming trip.


Shoulders itch - a trip awaits you soon. The duration and distance of the path will depend on which side the shoulders itch:

  • on the left - a near departure from the house is coming;
  • right side - the trip will be long and long.

Scabies in the forearm - changes are coming in your life. It can be affected by both good and bad events.


Itchy sensations in the armpit signal a slight malaise (cold, runny nose, weakness). Itching on the right armpit means you will easily and quickly get sick without medical help, on the left - your whole family will endure the sore.


If the breast itches, you will soon have to make an important and serious choice in your life.

Nipples itched - expect changes in your personal life. An itchy left papilla indicates that someone loves you passionately and wants to see you soon. The right nipple is a sign that you will soon meet your loved one.

If the body itches in the region of the heart, you will find great disappointment and annoyance.

Other parts of the body

It itches in the waist, hips or sides - they are waiting for you bad news, unpleasant actions from people close to you or the arrival of unexpected guests.


Itchy back under the shoulder blades or between them - much to bad weather. The same can be said when the lower back itches.

The lower back itches on the right - big troubles and problems, on the left - you have a chance to avoid or mitigate unpleasant circumstances.

The back itches in the spine - expect sudden changes in the weather.


In this case, there are two interpretations:

  • changing weather conditions;
  • sadness and grief.

To determine exactly what awaits a person, it is necessary to find out exactly how the belly itches. Scratching from top to bottom - the weather will change quickly, from one side to the other or from bottom to top - the weather will change, but not soon.


Elbow scratching marks a scandal, a quarrel, and even a fight. Also, such an itch portends someone else's bed or grief.

Itchy hand in the forearm - expect love affairs, a romance is possible. The wrist itched - you will be limited in your actions or receive news of a good friend who is very far from you.

Itchy palms, little finger or index finger - expect a big influx of money or large financial costs.

Some argue that if the palm itches on the left, the person will receive a lot of money. Others argue that it is with the left palm that they give money. The right hand indicates that there will soon be a handshake with an old friend.

If the ribs of the palms itch, you will receive a gift. The fist itches - wait, soon you will have to face serious problems and their solution will depend only on you.

lower body

Let's find out why the lower parts of the body itch, because there are also many signs and beliefs about them.


The priest itches or, as they say, the back seat on the right side - to a serious illness or manifestations of selfish goals. If the ass itches from all sides, it means that such a person is being praised. The buttocks are itching on the left side - expect a love adventure.

If the buttocks itch and burn, you will soon get a lot of pleasure.


Consider the meaning of folk signs associated with scabies in different places on the legs:

  1. Lower leg on the right side - expect a pleasant meeting, on the left side - large financial loss. Therefore, be careful in your future financial calculations.
  2. The meaning of signs, if the sole is combed different interpretation, depending on which one itches: the right foot - a predictable road is coming, the left sole - there will be a road in an unknown direction.
  3. Folk omens, why the eyes itch.

    Here's What Itches Your Left or Right Hand Really!

    Why does the right eye itch.

    Why is my right hand itchy?

    The meaning of other signs

    Consider when other parts of the body itch:

    1. Groin - expect big troubles and difficulties in your personal life.
    2. Tailbone itches not good. This is a sign that you have ill-wishers who gossip and gossip behind your back. Another itchy tailbone may indicate an impending illness and trouble.
    3. Eggs - for men it is very good sign. Expect attention and care from the girl you like.

Signs related to the secrets of the human body excite the population modern world no less than in the old ancient days. If something happens to one or another part of our body, then it is not just like that, and something must definitely happen. And what itches for is signs that have taken root since time immemorial.

Superstition or folk tale?

Why does the forehead itch, for example? It turns out that forehead scratching is directly associated with a pleasant meeting, which means that a person will say hello to a close friend, and even a heart-to-heart conversation is possible. Eyebrows are located on the forehead of a person.

If the right eyebrow is combed, it means that someone has praised you very much, and if the left one, on the contrary, someone scolds or gossips about you. If the left eye itches, it means that soon you will have good news, and it is better for the right eye not to itch, otherwise, tears cannot be avoided.

Ear itched - girlfriend gossiping

Let's move on to the ears. “Why does the ear itch?” - you ask. So, when the right ear itches, a sign is used that is completely identical to the one when the left eyebrow itches. This means that people scold and slander this person. If the left ear already itches - someone gives this person praise and admires him.

Language, they say, is either my friend or my enemy - depending on the situation, people sometimes tend to make jokes, and vice versa, to remain silent somewhere. But why the tongue itches, it is better for each of them to know. If the tongue is completely combed, it means a quick conversation with a person unknown to you. But if the tip of the tongue is combed, they slander a person with unkind words. In this case, there is such a sign: you need to either bandage the tip of the tongue, or dip it in salt or hot pepper. Thus, as it were, their words are returned to the “well-wishers”.

Does your hand always itch for money?

For money and an ambulance financial assistance usually itchy left hand. But for an early meeting, maybe long-awaited or unexpected, the right hand itches. A peculiar and interesting sign about elbows.

If the right elbow itches, this can lead to an unpleasant quarrel or skirmish, which gradually develops into a scandal. It’s good if the left elbow suddenly itches: a very interesting, unexpected and profitable offer will come to a person, for example, it may turn out to be some kind of financial deal or real estate deal, but always on a large scale.

Back itches - "wings grow"?

Smoothly moving to the back, and then the people in the old days noticed why the back itches. But the back, just, itches to trouble, some unpleasant news will sadden a person, and he may become depressed.

When the spine itches, there will be a sharp change in the weather, this can negatively affect health.

Itchy heels - the rain will come to the beds

Feet usually begin to itch if a person has to long road. On the knees, which suddenly itched, they determine the arrival of guests in the house. And on the heels you can determine the weather.

Previously, people knew why the right heel itched. It turns out that if it combed in the summer - it will be raining, and if in the winter - wait for the thaw soon

Signs, of which our people have an incredible multitude, are a kind of business card Slavs. Perhaps for some this is just a superstition, or maybe it is the result of many years of observation of the people. Be that as it may, signs live for centuries, and many modern people continue to believe in them and listen to their omens.

Eye. They say that the right eye always itches not only to tears, but also to a meeting with a loved one, but the left one predicts joy. However, there is also a counteraction: in order to prevent sadness and grief with tears, you should scratch your left eye with your right hand. In addition, it is popularly believed that a person with brown eyes can jinx. Also, a fallen eyelash, according to the Slavs, predicts an unexpected gift. They say that a wish made on a fallen eyelash will surely come true.

Eyebrow. It is believed that if the eyebrow itches, then wait for a date, bows or tears. As for dates, it is specified here that the right eyebrow is a meeting with a friend, the left one is with a hypocrite. In other words, this is a quick date that can bring both joy and grief, depending on the person you meet.

Forehead. When your forehead itches, expect that you will have to turn to someone with a request.

Nose. There is a widespread belief that the harbinger of a feast or "drunkenness", in popular terms, is an itchy nose. Also, an itchy nose can be interpreted as a conversation in the near future or an argument with a person you don't really like. If the nostril itches, you can expect christening soon. The bridge of the nose itches - wait for the news of the deceased. If it itches under the nose, then you can expect ingratitude or rejection.

Lips. According to signs, lips itch in anticipation of kisses. Also, they say that lips itch for an unexpected gift.

Gums and palate. If the sky itches and the gums itch, it means that someone strongly condemns you, and this person will remain unknown.

Language. But in this case, not everything is so rosy. The tip of the tongue or the entire tongue is usually itchy for evil deeds or evil gossip against you. However, our wise people came up with a counteraction or a way to take revenge on ill-wishers: for this you need to prick the tip of the tongue with a needle or other sharp object and everything will return to the spiteful critics in full. Of course, sharp objects are extremely dangerous and it is better to use something safer, for example, pepper (it can be something tart) - they sprinkle it on the tongue and the whole problem is solved. Also, folk sages recommend as an “antidote” - to tie a strong knot somewhere, then the mouths of enemies and ill-wishers will “tie up”.

Cheeks. It should not be confused with the sign “cheeks are burning”, when they itch, then this is to tears. But cheeks “flare” when someone discusses you. To find out in what key the discussion is going on, you need to draw a golden ring along the burning cheek, and if the trace from it is black, then they speak badly, white - naturally, it’s good.

Mustache. As folk signs say, mustaches itch for a gift / present.

Ears. People say that the ears itch to the news or signify a change in the weather. If suddenly “ringing” in the right ear, then expect good news, and in the left - bad news. If you were born in warm time years and your earlobe itches, then this is warm; and those born in cold weather may interpret this as a sign of cold. Also, people say that ringing in the ears indicates that someone remembers dashingly. They also blush for discussion, that is, their ears “burn”. Moreover, the right “burns” - they tell the truth, the left - they lie. In addition, there is another sign that the left ear itches to the fact that someone is scolding you, and the right ear to a quarrel. If the auricle is combed, expect condemnation, and the right one means close people, the left one means strangers.

Nape. If the back of the head is combed, then expect that difficult problems will finally be solved, but this may also be a sign portending sadness. Walking or beating portends an itchy neck. Also, people say that if there are moles on the body that are difficult for a person to see, then he will be happy. If your head itches, expect someone to scold you.

Hands. According to folklore, the hand right hand itches for profit, the left one - for a loss. But if you hit your elbow - expect trouble. Itchy elbow to quarrel, grief, fight or someone else's bed. The shoulder blades itch in bad weather.

Fingers. If fingers are itching on both hands, then among the people this is interpreted as a sign of anemia. If you pinch your finger, expect an unpleasant surprise. In order not to forget about something important, you need to tie a thread on your finger, say folk sages.

Legs. Feet itchy? Get ready for the road! Sverbezh in the leg is a sign of good news. Also, people say that if you get up on your left foot (from the bed), you will be angry all day. "Cracks" legs - to bad weather. In addition, there is a sign that if you accidentally step on someone's foot, it means there will be a quarrel. Signs also warn against stepping on the place where there was an empty bucket, as your legs will hurt. But when the knee itches, then expect your beloved to be jealous of you. Itching under the knee means a change in the weather, and it is the onset warm days.

Breast. If a woman's chest itches, then her beloved is probably yearning for her. Also, people say that the chest itches to bad weather and sadness.

Stomach. If your stomach itches, know that sadness will overtake you in the near future. The groin itches to trouble.

Small of the back. There is a sign that the lower back always itches to some kind of bad weather.

Armpits. If the armpits are combed, then expect a disease, malaise (but not serious, in a mild form). The right one itches to your illness, the left one - to the illness of loved ones.

Heart. folk wisdom says that itching in the region of the heart portends annoyance.

Back. According to folk legends and signs, the back itches, this is a sign of sadness and sadness.

Butt. In general, everything that itches below the shoulders usually does not bode well. If the left buttock itches, then this may portend a disease, the right one - to selfish intentions on the part of one of the surrounding people. But there is also such a sign that the priest itches when someone praises you.

Itching is not a disease, but only a symptom. According to doctors, the body cannot itch for no reason. Most often, the reason that the body itches is some kind of disease, even if the peeling, dryness and itching goes away without visible reasons.

It is necessary to understand the causes before starting treatment. Itching is dangerous because the patient can scratch the skin, which will lead to inflammation, infection and dehydration.

Skin diseases

The most common cause of itching is skin disease. An inflammatory process appears, which is accompanied by itching.

Sometimes the factor why the body itches for no apparent reason is the accumulation of metabolic products. This itch goes away pretty quickly.

If you are wondering why the body itches for no apparent reason, study the list of diseases and visit a dermatologist.


The reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli. May be caused by stress, burn or frostbite, food irritant. Accompanied by itching, redness, rashes, peeling.

Most often occurs due to hereditary predisposition. Stress, anxiety and poor living conditions are also prerequisites for the development of dermatitis.


An inflammatory skin disease that causes blisters and burns. Also characterized by redness and itching. When combing the bubbles, erosions appear, which turn into crusts.

Most often appears on the hands and face. It proceeds in a chronic form and is accompanied by respiratory tract infections, as well as metabolic disorders.


The answer to the question why the body itches for no apparent reason may be dermatophytosis disease. It is caused by fungi that live in the soil, the body of animals and humans.

Fungi invade the upper layers of the skin, decompose proteins and feed on decay products. Dermatophytosis can occur on the scalp or scalp, on smooth skin, and on nails.


A skin disease caused by fungi or viruses. It most often develops after direct contact with an infected person or animal. There are several varieties: pink, shearing, weeping, encircling.

Most often appears on the scalp. The affected area becomes bright red, flaky and itchy. The main factor in infection is deprived of a weakened immune system.

Pediculosis or lice infestation

The main factor of infection are unsanitary living conditions. Lice can be infected in villages and villages, from people without a fixed place of residence.

Pediculosis is an ancient disease that most often occurs as an epidemic. It can be infected in the military barracks, children's camp, school.

Important point! To avoid getting lice, do not use other people's combs and do not give yours to anyone. Also, be careful about the cleanliness of the pillows, try not to sleep on a shared bed.

Note! Lice can only be contracted from other people. On the body of animals live other types of lice that are not dangerous to humans.


A variety of scaly lichen. Inflammation is caused by immune cells in the body. The disease is characterized by red dry spots, which are covered with a white coating.

Most often they appear on the bends of the elbows, on the head, lower back. They can also affect other parts of the body, as well as the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Factors that cause psoriasis: heredity, infections, HIV, certain medications.


Scabies can be contracted from contact with a sick person, through bedding, clothing, and household items. In this case, the incubation period of the disease can last up to 4 weeks.


An allergic disease characterized by a red rash. The patient can scratch it strongly, which only aggravates the disease. Often accompanied by Quincke's edema.

The reasons may be food allergens, digestive disorders, insect bites, hypothermia. With disorders of the function of the kidneys, liver or intestines, urticaria takes a chronic form.


Abnormal dry skin. This is due to severe itching or infectious diseases. Skin covering becomes rough, peels off, itches, turns red.

Xerosis can be a symptom of other disorders: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea.

In addition, xerosis is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and renal failure.

It can be caused by cancer. When xerosis appears, it is especially important to examine the internal organs.

Systemic diseases

Systemic diseases are diseases internal organs which may be accompanied by itching. To accurately diagnose this or that disease in yourself, listen to other symptoms and consult a doctor.

Why the body itches for no apparent reason - the answer may lie in diseases of the internal organs.

Most often, this is not the only symptom and the disease can be diagnosed by other symptoms. But it is best to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis.

Other common causes of itching for no apparent reason

Doesn't always cause itching serious illness. This may be a consequence of stress, age-related changes in the body, or a reaction to allergens and medications.

Immunodeficiency virus infection

HIV does not manifest itself in the body for a long time, and the infected person may not know about the disease. But he has signs by which immunodeficiency can be recognized. Skin signs are:

  • neoplasms;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes virus;
  • eczema.

Fungal and viral diseases are accompanied by itching. Most often, herpes affects the mucous membranes, which are very itchy on initial stage diseases. Eczema can occur on the hands and face.

Psychiatric disorders: psychogenic itching

Our body is sensitive to stress and anxiety. Often it responds with reddening of individual areas, itching, chest pain. If you are sure that you are healthy and there can be no other reason for itching, try to be less nervous and the itching will pass.

Allergic itching of the skin in adults and children

Food allergens cause irritation of the intestinal walls, which immediately affects the skin. There are rashes and itching. You may also be allergic to cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, cleaning products. It is recommended to find the cause and avoid contact with this reagent.

seasonal itch

For no apparent reason, the body may itch in autumn and spring in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Why this is so cannot be said unambiguously. Most likely, this is due to a lack of vitamins in the diet, weather changes.

Dehydration of the body

If the body itches, but there is no visible reason for this, this may be due to dehydration. Why this condition occurs is difficult to say. The reason may be insufficient fluid intake or a large loss of it if you were in extreme conditions.

Senile or senile itching

In old age, the body undergoes many changes: the metabolism changes, the skin becomes thin and dry, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and cell renewal slows down.

This leads to unpleasant consequences: irritation, peeling, itching appear. Most often, the skin of the face suffers, as it is thinner and more sensitive.

Most often, antibacterial agents and antipruritic ointments are prescribed to get rid of them. Remember that self-treatment with ointments alone will not bring results, you need to identify the cause and treat it.


During menopause women change hormonal background which affects the state of the whole organism. In addition to changes in the genital area, you will feel a change in the condition of the skin and hair. Including the body may itch for no apparent reason.

Why you shouldn't be afraid of it: as soon as the hormones return to normal, the itching will go away. To remove unpleasant symptoms, use moisturizers.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Pregnant women often itch their chest and abdomen. These are normal phenomena, as the body is being restructured. Other parts of the body may itch as well.

This should be treated carefully, as itching indicates allergies or diseases of the internal organs. See your doctor to determine the cause of the itching.

Itching of the body as a result of medication

If you are taking pills or folk remedies, itchy skin can be a side effect. Read the instructions before making another diagnosis for yourself. It is best to replace the medicine from which your body itches with a similar one.

Itching of the skin can be caused by skin diseases, diseases of the internal organs and some other reasons. If you have symptoms other than itching, see your doctor.

If there are no visible reasons, eliminate stress and anxiety from your life, and the itching will pass.

Why does the body itch for no apparent reason:

Causes of itchy skin: