In general (non-aeronautical) meteorology, it is considered that the horizontal visibility during a dust storm (at a standard level of 2 m above the ground) is usually from 1 to 4 km (in some cases it can be reduced to several hundred and even several tens of meters).


The main area of ​​dust storms is temperate and tropical deserts and semi-deserts. climatic zones both hemispheres of the earth.

Term dust storm usually used when a storm occurs over clay and loamy soil. When storms occur in sandy deserts(especially in the Sahara, as well as in the Karakum, Kyzyl Kum, etc.), when, in addition to small particles that reduce visibility, the wind also carries millions of tons of larger sand particles above the surface, the term is used sandstorm.

A high frequency of dust storms is noted in the Aral Sea and Balkhash regions (south of Kazakhstan), on the coasts of the Caspian Sea, in the West Kazakhstan region, in Karakalpakstan and Turkmenistan. In Russia, dust storms are most commonly observed in Astrakhan Oblast, eastern Volgograd Oblast, Kalmykia, Tyva, Altai Krai, and Transbaikal Krai.

During long periods of dry weather, dust storms can develop (not annually) in the steppe and forest-steppe zone: in Russia - in the Chita region, Buryatia, Tuva, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions, Bashkiria, Samara, Saratov, Voronezh, Rostov regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory and Kherson regions, in the Crimea; on the territory of Ukraine - in Luhansk, Donetsk, Nikolaev, Odessa; in northern, central and eastern Kazakhstan.


With an increase in the strength of the wind flow passing over loose particles, the latter begin to vibrate and then “jump”. When repeatedly hitting the ground, these particles create fine dust that rises as a suspension.

A recent study suggests that the initial saltation of sand grains by friction induces an electrostatic field. The bouncing particles acquire a negative charge, which releases even more particles. Such a process captures twice as many particles as previous theories predict.

Particles are released mainly due to the dryness of the soil and increased wind. Gust fronts can occur due to the cooling of the air in the zone of a thunderstorm with rain or a dry cold front. After the passage of a dry cold front, the convective instability of the troposphere can contribute to the development of a dust storm. In desert regions, dust and sandstorms are most often caused by thunderstorm downdrafts and the associated increase in wind speed. The vertical dimensions of the storm are determined by the stability of the atmosphere and the weight of the particles. In some cases, dust and sandstorms can be limited to a relatively thin layer due to the effect of temperature inversion.

Ways to fight

To prevent and reduce the effects of dust storms, it is necessary to analyze the features of the terrain - relief, microclimate, direction prevailing winds, and carry out activities that help reduce wind speed near the surface and increase the adhesion of soil particles. To reduce wind speed, systems of forest belts and wind protection wings are being created. Left stubble, non-moldboard plowing, soil-protective crop rotations with crops of perennial grasses, strip alternation of perennial grasses and crops of annual crops give a significant effect to increase the adhesion of soil particles.

Environmental consequences

Sandstorms can move entire dunes and carry huge amounts of dust, so that the front of the storm can appear as a dense wall of dust up to 1 mile high. Dust and sand storms coming from the Sahara desert are also known as samum, khamsin (in Egypt and Israel) and habub (in Sudan).

A large number of dust storms originate in the Sahara, especially in the Bodele depression and in the area of ​​convergence of the borders of Mauritania, Mali and Algeria. Over the past half century (since the 1950s), Saharan dust storms have increased by a factor of about 10, causing thinning of the topsoil in Niger, Chad, northern Nigeria, and Burkina Faso. In the 1960s, only two dust storms occurred in Mauritania, currently there are 80 storms per year.

Dust from the Sahara is transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The strong daytime heating of the desert creates an unstable layer in the lower part of the troposphere, in which dust particles spread. As the air mass transfers (advection) to the west over the Sahara, it continues to heat up, and then, having entered the ocean, passes over a colder and wetter atmospheric layer. This temperature inversion keeps the layers from mixing and allows the dusty layer of air to cross the ocean. The volume of dust blown out of the Sahara to the side Atlantic Ocean in June 2007 five times as much as the year before, which could cool Atlantic waters and slightly reduce hurricane activity.

Economic consequences

The main damage caused by dust storms is the destruction of the fertile soil layer, which reduces its agricultural productivity. In addition, the abrasive effect damages young plants. Other possible negative impacts include: reduced visibility affecting air and road transport; a decrease in the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface; the effect of a thermal "spread"; adverse effects on the respiratory system of living organisms.

Dust can also be useful in places of deposition - the selva of Central and South America receives most of the mineral fertilizers from the Sahara, the lack of iron in the ocean is replenished, the dust in Hawaii helps banana crops grow. In northern China and the western United States, ancient storm sediment soils, called loess, are very fertile, but are also the source of modern dust storms when soil-binding vegetation is disrupted.

extraterrestrial dust storms

The strong difference in temperature between the ice sheet and the warm air at the edge of the south polar cap of Mars leads to strong winds, which raise huge clouds of red-brown dust. Experts believe that dust on Mars can play the same role as clouds on Earth - it absorbs sunlight and heats up the atmosphere.

Known dust and sandstorms

  • According to Herodotus, in 525 BC. e. during a sandstorm in the Sahara, the fifty-thousandth army of the Persian king Cambyses perished.
  • In April 1928, in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Ukraine, the wind lifted more than 15 million tons of black soil from an area of ​​1 million km². Chernozem dust was transported to the west and settled on an area of ​​6 million km² in the Carpathian region, in Romania and in Poland. The height of dust clouds reached 750 m, the thickness of the black earth layer in the affected regions of Ukraine decreased by 10-15 cm.
  • A series of dust storms across the United States and Canada during the Dust Bowl Period (1930-1936) forced hundreds of thousands of farmers to move.
  • On the afternoon of February 8, 1983, a severe dust storm that appeared in the north of the Australian state of Victoria covered the city of Melbourne.
  • During the multi-year droughts of 1954-56, 1976-78 and 1987-91, intense dust storms arose in North America.
  • A strong dust storm on February 24, 2007, which appeared on the territory of western Texas near the city of Amarillo, covered the entire northern part of the state. Strong winds caused numerous damage to fences, roofs and even some buildings. The international airport of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolis was also badly damaged, people with breathing problems went to the hospital.
  • In June 2007, a large dust storm occurred in Karachi and in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan that followed heavy rains led to the death of almost 200 people.
  • On May 26, 2008, a sandstorm in Mongolia resulted in the death of 46 people.
  • On September 23, 2009, a dust storm in Sydney disrupted traffic and forced hundreds of people to stay at home. Over 200 people sought medical attention due to breathing problems.
  • On July 5, 2011, a huge sandstorm covered the city of Phoenix, the capital of Arizona in the United States. The elements led to breaks in power lines, a fire in the city center, and air traffic was paralyzed.
  • In early September 2015, an unprecedented sandstorm (“sharav”) swept through large parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Several people died. In Mecca, a crane collapsed on the Al-Haram mosque as a result of bad weather, killing more than 100 people. In Syria, ISIS militants were able to expand their territory due to a storm.
  • On the evening of May 9, 2016, a huge dust storm hit the city of Irkutsk, which intensified due to the smoke of burning nearby forests that descended over the city.


see also

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  • Dust storm- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • - Encyclopedia of extreme situations
  • (English)
  • (English)
  • Instructions for hydrometeorological stations and posts. Issue 3, part 1. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1985.

An excerpt characterizing the Dust Storm

“Teach me what to do, how to improve myself forever, forever, how to deal with my life…” she thought.
The deacon went out to the pulpit, straightened it out wide thumb, long hair from under the surplice and, placing a cross on his chest, loudly and solemnly began to read the words of the prayer:
“Let us pray to the Lord for peace.”
“In peace, all together, without distinction of class, without enmity, and united by brotherly love, we will pray,” thought Natasha.
- About the peace from above and about the salvation of our souls!
“About the world of angels and souls of all incorporeal beings that live above us,” Natasha prayed.
When they prayed for the army, she remembered her brother and Denisov. When they prayed for sailors and travelers, she remembered Prince Andrei and prayed for him, and prayed that God would forgive her the evil that she had done to him. When they prayed for those who love us, she prayed for her family, for her father, mother, Sonya, for the first time now realizing all her guilt before them and feeling all the strength of her love for them. When we prayed for those who hate us, she invented enemies and haters for herself in order to pray for them. She counted creditors and all those who had dealt with her father among the enemies, and every time she thought of enemies and haters, she remembered Anatole, who had done her so much evil, and although he was not a hater, she joyfully prayed for him as for enemy. Only during prayer did she feel able to clearly and calmly remember both Prince Andrei and Anatole, as people for whom her feelings were destroyed in comparison with her feeling of fear and reverence for God. When they prayed for the royal family and for the Synod, she bowed especially low and crossed herself, telling herself that if she does not understand, she cannot doubt and still loves the ruling Synod and prays for it.
Having finished the litany, the deacon crossed the orarion around his chest and said:
“Let us commit ourselves and our lives to Christ our God.”
“We will betray ourselves to God,” Natasha repeated in her soul. My God, I commit myself to your will, she thought. - I don’t want anything, I don’t want; teach me what to do, where to use my will! Yes, take me, take me! - Natasha said with touching impatience in her soul, without making the sign of the cross, dropping her thin hands and as if expecting that just now invisible force he will take her and save her from himself, from his regrets, desires, reproaches, hopes and vices.
The Countess several times during the service looked back at the tender, with shining eyes, face of her daughter and prayed to God that he would help her.
Unexpectedly, in the middle and not in the order of the service, which Natasha knew well, the deacon brought out a stool, the same one on which kneeling prayers were read on Trinity Day, and placed it in front of the royal doors. The priest came out in his purple velvet skufi, straightened his hair, and with an effort knelt down. They all did the same and looked at each other in bewilderment. It was a prayer just received from the Synod, a prayer for the salvation of Russia from enemy invasion.
“Lord God of strength, God of our salvation,” the priest began in that clear, unpompous and meek voice, which only spiritual Slavic readers read and which has such an irresistible effect on the Russian heart. - Lord God of strength, God of our salvation! Look now in mercy and generosity on your humble people, and hear philanthropicly, and have mercy, and have mercy on us. Behold the enemy, confuse your land and want to lay the whole world empty, rise up on us; all the people of iniquity have gathered, to destroy your property, to destroy your honest Jerusalem, your beloved Russia: to desecrate your temples, dig up altars and desecrate our shrine. How long, Lord, how long will sinners boast? How long do you use to have legal power?
Lord Lord! Hear us praying to you: strengthen with your strength the most pious, most autocratic great sovereign of our Emperor Alexander Pavlovich; remember his righteousness and meekness, reward him according to his goodness, which is what keeps us, your beloved Israel. Bless his advice, undertakings and deeds; establish with your almighty right hand his kingdom and give him victory over the enemy, as Moses against Amalek, Gideon against Midian and David against Goliath. Save his army; put the bow of copper on the muscles that have taken up arms in your name, and gird them with strength for battle. Take up arms and a shield, and rise up to help us, let them be ashamed and put to shame who think evil to us, let them be before the faithful army, like dust before the face of the wind, and let your strong angel insult and drive them; let a net come to them, but they will not know, and catch them, but hide them, let them embrace them; let them fall under the feet of your servants, and let them be trampled under our howl. God! it will not fail you to save in many and in small; thou art a god, let no man prevail against thee.
God our fathers! Remember your bounty and mercy, even from the ages: do not reject us from your face, disdain our unworthiness below, but have mercy on us according to your great mercy and, according to the multitude of your bounties, despise our iniquities and sins. Create a pure heart in us, and renew a right spirit in our womb; Strengthen us all with faith in you, affirm with hope, inspire with true love for each other, arm with unanimity for the righteous defense of obsession, even if you gave us and our father, so that the rod of the wicked does not ascend to the lot of the sanctified.
Lord our God, we believe in him and trust in him, do not disgrace us from the hope of your mercy and create a sign for good, as if they see those who hate us and our Orthodox faith, and they will be put to shame and perish; and may all countries be taken away, for the name of you is the Lord, and we are your people. Show us, O Lord, now give us your mercy and your salvation; rejoice in the hearts of your servants about your mercy; strike our enemies, and crush them under the feet of your faithful soon. You are the intercession, help and victory of those who hope in you, and we send glory to you, father and son and holy spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".
In the state of spiritual openness in which Natasha was, this prayer had a strong effect on her. She listened to every word about the victory of Moses against Amalek, and Gideon against Midian, and David against Goliath, and about the destruction of your Jerusalem, and asked God with that tenderness and softness with which her heart was overflowing; but she did not understand well what she was asking God for in that prayer. She wholeheartedly participated in the petition for a right spirit, for the strengthening of the heart with faith, hope, and for inspiring them with love. But she could not pray to trample her enemies under her feet, when a few minutes before that she only wished to have more of them, to love them, to pray for them. But she, too, could not doubt the correctness of the kneeling prayer read. She felt in her soul a reverent and trembling horror before the punishment that befell people for their sins, and especially for her sins, and asked God to forgive them all and her and give them all and her peace and happiness in life. . And it seemed to her that God heard her prayer.

From the day Pierre, leaving the Rostovs and remembering Natasha's grateful look, looked at the comet standing in the sky, and felt that something new had opened up for him, the question of the futility and madness of everything earthly that had always tormented him ceased to present itself to him. This terrible question: why? for what? - which had previously presented itself to him in the middle of every lesson, was now replaced for him not by another question and not by an answer to the former question, but by presenting it. Whether he heard, and whether he himself carried on insignificant conversations, whether he read, or found out about the meanness and senselessness of human beings, he was not horrified, as before; did not ask himself why people were busy when everything was so brief and unknown, but he remembered her in the form in which he saw her in last time, and all his doubts disappeared, not because she answered the questions that presented themselves to him, but because the idea of ​​her transported him instantly to another, bright area of ​​\u200b\u200bspiritual activity, in which there could be no right or wrong, in the field of beauty and a love worth living for. Whatever the abomination of life seemed to him, he said to himself:
“Well, even if such and such robbed the state and the king, and the state and the king pay him honors; and yesterday she smiled at me and asked me to come, and I love her, and no one will ever know this, ”he thought.
Pierre still went to society, drank just as much and led the same idle and scattered life because, besides those hours that he spent with the Rostovs, he had to spend the rest of the time, and the habits and acquaintances he made in Moscow irresistibly attracted him to the life that captured him. But in Lately When more and more disturbing rumors came from the theater of war, and when Natasha's health began to improve and she ceased to arouse in him the former feeling of thrifty pity, he began to be seized by more and more incomprehensible restlessness. He felt that the position he was in could not last long, that a catastrophe was coming that was to change his whole life, and he looked impatiently for signs of this approaching catastrophe in everything. One of the Masonic brothers revealed to Pierre the following prophecy, derived from the Apocalypse of John the Evangelist, concerning Napoleon.
In the Apocalypse, chapter thirteen, verse eighteen, it is said: “Here is wisdom; whoever has a mind, let him honor the number of the beast: for the number of man is and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
And the same chapter in verse five: “And the mouth was given to him saying great and blasphemous; and a region was given to him to create four months - ten two months.
French letters, like the Hebrew number in the image, according to which the first ten letters are units, and the other tens, have the following meaning:
a b c d e f g h i k.. l..m..n..o..p..q..r..s..t.. u…v w.. x.. y.. z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Having written the words L "empereur Napoleon [Emperor Napoleon] in this alphabet, it turns out that the sum of these numbers is 666 and that therefore Napoleon is the beast predicted in the Apocalypse. In addition, writing the words quarante deux in the same alphabet [ forty-two], that is, the limit that was set for the beast to speak great and blasphemous, the sum of these numbers, depicting quarante deux, is again equal to 666 ti, from which it follows that the limit of Napoleon's power came in 1812, in which the French emperor passed 42 This prediction greatly struck Pierre, and he often asked himself the question of what exactly would put the limit on the power of the beast, that is, Napoleon, and, on the basis of the same images of words in numbers and calculations, tried to find the answer to the question that occupied him. Pierre wrote in answer to this question: L "empereur Alexandre? La nation Russe? [Emperor Alexander? Russian people?] He counted the letters, but the sum of the numbers came out much more or less than 666 ti. Once, doing these calculations, he wrote his name - Comte Pierre Besouhoff; The sum of the numbers didn't go far either. He, having changed the spelling, putting z instead of s, added de, added article le, and still did not get the desired result. Then it occurred to him that if the answer to the question he was looking for consisted in his name, then his nationality would certainly be named in the answer. He wrote Le Russe Besuhoff and, counting the numbers, got 671. Only 5 was extra; 5 means “e”, the same “e” that was dropped in the article before the word L "empereur. Having discarded the "e" in the same way, although incorrectly, Pierre received the desired answer; L "Russe Besuhof, equal to 666 ti. The discovery thrilled him. How, by what connection he was connected with that great event which was foretold in the Apocalypse, he did not know; but he did not for a moment doubt this connection. His love for Rostova, the Antichrist, the invasion of Napoleon, the comet, 666, l "empereur Napoleon and l" Russe Besuhof - all this together should have matured, erupted and taken him out of that enchanted, insignificant world of Moscow habits in which he felt himself captive, and lead him to a great feat and great happiness.
On the eve of the Sunday on which the prayer was read, Pierre promised the Rostovs to bring them from Count Rostopchin, with whom he was well acquainted, both an appeal to Russia and the latest news from the army. In the morning, having called on Count Rostopchin, Pierre found a courier from the army who had just arrived at his place.
The courier was one of the Moscow ballroom dancers familiar to Pierre.
"For God's sake, can't you relieve me?" - said the courier, - I have a bag full of letters to my parents.
Among these letters was a letter from Nikolai Rostov to his father. Pierre took this letter. In addition, Count Rostopchin gave Pierre the sovereign's appeal to Moscow, just printed, the last orders for the army and his last poster. After reviewing the orders for the army, Pierre found in one of them, between the news of the wounded, killed and awarded, the name of Nikolai Rostov, awarded George 4th degree for his bravery in the Ostrovnensky case, and in the same order the appointment of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky commander of the Jaeger regiment. Although he did not want to remind the Rostovs of Bolkonsky, Pierre could not refrain from wishing to please them with the news of his son's award and, leaving the appeal, the poster and other orders with him, in order to bring them to dinner himself, sent a printed order and a letter to Rostov.
A conversation with Count Rostopchin, his tone of concern and haste, a meeting with a courier who carelessly talked about how bad things were going in the army, rumors about spies found in Moscow, about a paper circulating around Moscow, which says that Napoleon promises to to be in both Russian capitals, the conversation about the arrival of the sovereign expected tomorrow - all this with new force aroused in Pierre that feeling of excitement and expectation that had not left him since the appearance of the comet, and especially since the beginning of the war.
Pierre had long had the idea to enter military service, and he would have fulfilled it, if it had not interfered with him, firstly, his belonging to that Masonic society with which he was bound by an oath and which preached eternal peace and the abolition of war, and, secondly, what he, looking at a large number of Muscovites who donned uniforms and preached patriotism, for some reason it was ashamed to take such a step. The main reason why he did not fulfill his intention to enter the military service was the vague idea that he was l "Russe Besuhof, having the meaning of the animal number 666, that his participation in the great cause of the position of the limit of power to the beast, speaking great and blasphemy, it is predetermined from eternity and that therefore he should not undertake anything and wait for what should be done.

At the Rostovs', as always on Sundays, some close acquaintances dined.
Pierre arrived earlier to find them alone.
Pierre has grown so fat this year that he would have been ugly if he had not been so large in stature, large in limbs and had not been so strong that, obviously, he easily wore his thickness.
He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was at the Rostovs, it would be before twelve o'clock. The Rostovs' lackeys joyfully rushed to take off his cloak and take his stick and hat. Pierre, out of club habit, left both his stick and his hat in the hall.

These climatic phenomena contribute significantly to pollution earth's atmosphere. It is one of the many incredible natural phenomena, which scientists quickly found a simple explanation.

These adverse climatic events are dust storms. They will be discussed in more detail in the following article.


A dust, or sand, storm is a phenomenon of the transfer of a huge amount of sand and dust by strong winds, which is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in visibility. As a rule, such phenomena originate on land.

These are arid regions of the planet, from where air currents carry powerful clouds of dust into the ocean. Moreover, while representing a considerable danger to humans, mainly on land, they still greatly worsen the transparency of atmospheric air, making it difficult to observe the surface of the ocean from space.

It's all about the terrible heat, due to which the soil dries out a lot and then breaks up into microparticles in the surface layer, picked up by a strong wind.

But dust storms begin at certain critical values ​​\u200b\u200bdepending on the terrain and soil structure. For the most part, they begin at wind speeds in the range of 10-12 m/s. And weak dust storms occur in summer even at speeds of 8 m/s, less often at 5 m/s.


The duration of storms varies from minutes to several days. Most often, time is calculated in hours. For example, in the area Aral Sea an 80-hour storm was recorded.

After the disappearance of the causes of the described phenomenon, the dust raised from the surface of the earth remains in the air in a suspended state for several hours, possibly even days. In these cases, its huge masses are carried by air currents for hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. Dust carried by the wind over long distances from the source is called advective haze.

tropical air masses this mist is transferred to southern part Russia and all of Europe from Africa (its northern regions) and the Middle East. And western flows often carry such dust from China (center and north) to the Pacific coast, etc.


Dust storms have a wide variety of colors, which depend on their color. There are storms of the following colors:

  • black (chernozem soils of the southern and southeastern regions of the European part of Russia, Orenburg region and Bashkiria);
  • yellow and brown (typical of the USA and Central Asia - loam and sandy loam);
  • red (red-colored, iron oxide-colored soils of the desert areas of Afghanistan and Iran;
  • white (salt marshes of some regions of Kalmykia, Turkmenistan and the Volga region).

Geography of storms

The occurrence of dust storms occurs in completely different places planets. The main habitat are semi-deserts and deserts of tropical and temperate climatic zones, and both hemispheres.

Usually the term "dust storm" is used when it occurs over loamy or clayey soil. When it occurs in sandy deserts (for example, in the Sahara, Kyzylkum, Karakum, etc.), and, in addition to the smallest particles, the wind carries millions of tons and larger particles (sand) through the air, the term "sandstorm" is already used.

Dust storms often occur in the Balkhash and Aral regions (southern Kazakhstan), in the western part of Kazakhstan, on the Caspian coast, in Karakalpakstan and in Turkmenistan.

Where are dusty Most often they are observed in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, in Tyva, Kalmykia, as well as in the Altai and Trans-Baikal Territories.

During periods of prolonged drought, storms can develop (not every year) in the forest-steppe and steppe zones Chita, Buryatia, Tuva, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Voronezh, Rostov regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, in the Crimea, etc.

The main sources of dust haze near the Arabian Sea are the peninsulas and the Sahara. Storms from Iran, Pakistan and India bring less damage in these places.

IN Pacific Ocean dust is carried by Chinese storms.

Ecological consequences of dust storms

The described phenomena are able to move huge dunes and carry large volumes of dust in such a way that the front can be represented as a dense and high wall of dust (up to 1.6 km.). The storms that come from the Sahara desert are known as Samoom, Khamsin (Egypt and Israel) and Khabub (Sudan).

For the most part in the Sahara, storms occur in the Bodele depression and at the junction of the borders of Mali, Mauritania and Algeria.

It should be noted that over the past 60 s extra years the number of dust storms in the Sahara increased by about 10 times, which caused a significant decrease in the thickness of the surface layer of soil in Chad, Niger, Nigeria. For comparison, it can be noted that in Mauritania in the 60s of the last century there were only two dust storms, and today there are 80 storms a year there.

Environmental scientists believe that an irresponsible attitude towards the arid regions of the Earth, in particular, ignoring the crop rotation system, steadily leads to an increase in desert areas and a change in the climatic state of the planet Earth at the global level.

Ways to fight

Dust storms, like many others, cause great harm. In order to reduce and even prevent them negative consequences it is necessary to analyze the features of the terrain - the relief, the microclimate, the direction of the winds prevailing here, and to carry out appropriate measures that will help reduce the wind speed near the earth's surface and increase the adhesion of soil particles.

To reduce the wind speed, certain measures are taken. Systems of wind-shelter wings and forest belts are being created everywhere. A significant effect to increase the adhesion of soil particles is provided by non-moldboard plowing, abandoned stubble, crops of perennial grasses, strips of perennial grasses interspersed with crops of annual crops.

Some of the most famous sand and dust storms

For example, we offer you a list of the most famous sand and dust storms:

  • In 525 BC. e., according to Herodotus, in the Sahara during a sandstorm, the 50,000th army of the king of Persia Cambyses died.
  • In 1928, in Ukraine, a terrible wind raised more than 15 million tons of black soil from an area equal to 1 million km², the dust of which was transferred to the Carpathians, Romania and Poland, where it settled.
  • In 1983, the strongest storm in the north of Victoria, Australia covered the city of Melbourne.
  • In the summer of 2007, a severe storm occurred in Karachi and in the territories of the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh, and heavy rains that followed her, led to the death of about 200 people.
  • In May 2008, a sandstorm in Mongolia killed 46 people.
  • In September 2015, a terrible "sharav" (sand storm) swept across much of the Middle East and North Africa. Israel, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Syria were hard hit. There were also human casualties.

In conclusion, a little about extraterrestrial dust storms

Martian dust storms occur in the following way. Due to the strong difference in temperature between the ice sheet and warm air at the edge of the southern polar cap of the planet Mars, strong winds arise, raising huge clouds of red-brown dust. And here there are certain consequences. Scientists believe that the dust of Mars can play about the same role as earth clouds. The atmosphere is heated by the absorption of sunlight by dust.

How do dust storms occur?

Dust storms are a phenomenon, although meteorological, but associated with the state of the soil cover and with the terrain. They are akin to blizzards: for the occurrence of both of them, strong wind and sufficiently dry material on the surface of the earth, capable of rising into the air and staying there for a long time in suspension. But if for the appearance of snowstorms you need dry, not caked, without crust, snow lying on the surface and a wind speed of 7-10 m / s or more, then for the occurrence of dust storms, it is necessary that the soil be loose, dry, devoid of grass or any significant snow cover and wind speed was not less than 15 m/s. Dust storms are most common in early spring, in March or April, after a dry autumn and a winter with little snow. They happen, although less often, in winter - in January or February, and very rarely - in other months of the year. The most typical synoptic setting for dust storms is the southern or southwestern periphery of a stable low-moving anticyclone, which causes dry weather with strong easterly or southeasterly winds.

Depending on the structure and color of the soils blown out by the wind, black storms (on chernozems) are distinguished, which are characteristic of the southern and southeastern regions of the European part of Russia, Bashkiria, and the Orenburg region; brown or yellow storms (on loams and sandy loams) characteristic of Central Asia; red storms (on red-colored soils stained with iron oxides) characteristic of the deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia (and also, outside our country, the desert areas of Iran and Afghanistan); white storms (on salt marshes), characteristic of some regions of Turkmenistan, the Volga region, Kalmykia.

Windblown dust can settle and accumulate in areas where the wind is weaker. In the south-west of Ukraine, in the middle reaches of the Don, between the rivers Khoprom and Medveditsa, there are places with dust deposits several meters or more thick. In snowless winters in the southeastern regions of the country, which are characterized by loose and dry soils that are easily subject to deflation (that is, wind erosion), with very strong and stable winds, winter black storms occur, blowing the soil along with winter crops not covered with snow. Such "black winters" were in 1892, 1949, 1951, 1960 and 1968.

TITLE: amazing world around us. Questions about the weather. Natural disasters related to the weather

HEADER: Why are dust storms dangerous?

SHEADER: Why are dust storms dangerous?

ANONCE: In terms of its scale and consequences, this phenomenon can be equated to major natural disasters

DESCRIPTION: This phenomenon, in its scale and consequences, can be equated to major natural disasters

KEYWORDS: weather, meteorology, question, advice, recommendation, history, fact, element, disaster, whim, winter, spring, summer, autumn, region, continent, forecast, dusty, storm, natural, disaster, cloud, fog, dust

AUTHORS: P. D. Astapenko

Why are dust storms dangerous?

This phenomenon in its scope and consequences can be equated to major natural disasters. V.V. Dokuchaev describes one of the cases of a dust storm in Ukraine in 1892 in the following way: degrees of frost. Clouds of dark earthen dust filled the frosty air, covering the roads, bringing gardens - in some places the trees were brought to a height of 1.5 meters - laid down in shafts and mounds on the streets of the villages and made it very difficult to move along railways: I even had to tear off railway stations from snowdrifts of black dust mixed with snow.

During a dust storm in April 1928 in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Ukraine, the wind lifted more than 15 million tons of black soil from an area of ​​1 million km2. Chernozem dust was transported to the west and settled on an area of ​​6 million km in the Carpathian region, in Romania and in Poland. The height of dust clouds over Ukraine reached 750 m. The thickness of the chernozem layer in the steppe regions of Ukraine after this storm decreased by 10-15 cm.

The danger of this phenomenon also lies in the terrible force of the wind and its extraordinary impetuousness. During dust storms over Central Asia the air is sometimes saturated with dust up to a height of several kilometers. Aircraft caught in a dust storm are in danger of being destroyed in the air or on impact with the ground; in addition, the visibility range in a dust storm can be reduced to tens of meters. There were cases when during the day with this phenomenon it became dark as at night, and even electric lighting did not help. If we add that dust storms on earth can lead to the destruction of buildings, windbreaks, not to mention the all-penetrating dust that fills houses, soaks people’s clothes, covers their eyes, makes it difficult to breathe, then it becomes clear how dangerous this phenomenon is and why it is called natural disaster

Dust storms usually last for several hours, but in some cases - for several days. Some dust storms originate far beyond the borders of our country - in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, from where air currents bring dust clouds to us.

Dust storm- a strong wind capable of carrying millions of tons of dust over a distance of several thousand kilometers.

This phenomenon, although meteorological, is associated with the state of the soil cover and with the terrain. They akin to blizzards: for the emergence of both of them, a strong wind and sufficiently dry material on the surface of the earth are needed, capable of rising into the air and staying there in suspension for a long time. But if for the appearance of blizzards you need dry, non-packed, snow-free snow lying on the surface and a wind speed of 7-10 m / s or more, then for the occurrence of dust storms it is necessary that the soil be loose, dry, devoid of grass or any significant snow cover and wind speed was not less than 15 m/s.

Depending on the structure and color of soils blown by the wind, there are black storms(on chernozems), characteristic of Bashkiria, Orenburg region; brown or yellow storms(on loams and sandy loams) characteristic of Central Asia; red storms(on red-colored soils stained with iron oxides), characteristic of the deserts and semi-deserts of our country, the desert areas of Iran and Afghanistan); white storms(on solonchaks), characteristic of some regions of Turkmenistan, the Volga region, Kalmykia.

Dust storm in its scope and consequences can be equated to major natural disasters. V. V. Dokuchaev describes one of the cases of a dust storm in Ukraine in 1892 as follows: “Not only was a thin snow cover completely torn off and carried away from the fields, but also loose soil, bare of snow and dry as ash, was thrown up in whirlwinds at 18 degrees below zero. Clouds of dark earthen dust filled the frosty air, covering roads, bringing gardens - in places the trees were brought to a height of 1.5 meters - lay down in shafts and mounds on the streets of the villages and made it very difficult to move on the railways: they even had to tear off the railway stations from the snowdrifts of black dust mixed with snow.

During a dust storm in April 1928 in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Ukraine, the wind picked up from the area 1 million km2 more than 15 million tons chernozem. Chernozem dust was transported to the west and settled on an area of ​​6 million km2 in the Carpathians, in Romania and in Poland. The height of dust clouds over Ukraine has reached 750 m. The thickness of the chernozem layer in the steppe regions of Ukraine after this storm decreased by 10-15 cm.

The danger of this phenomenon also lies in the terrible force of the wind and its extraordinary impetuousness. During dust storms over Central Asia, the air is sometimes saturated with dust up to a height of several kilometers. Aircraft caught in a dust storm are in danger of being destroyed in the air or on impact with the ground; in addition, the visibility range in a dust storm can be reduced to tens of meters. There were cases when during the day with this phenomenon it became dark as at night, and even electric lighting did not help. If we add that on earth, dust storms can lead to the destruction of buildings. windbreaks, not to mention the all-penetrating dust that fills houses, soaks people's clothes, obscures their eyes, makes it difficult to breathe, then it will become clear. how dangerous this phenomenon is and why it is called a natural disaster...

Dust storms usually last for several hours, but in some cases - for several days. Some dust storms originate far beyond the borders of our country - in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, from where air currents bring dust clouds to us.

And here hurricanes with dust storms are out of the way. Dust-sand storms of the Sahara can put an end to the activity of tropical hurricanes in the Atlantic. One of the places where these dangerous eddies originate is the ocean area adjacent to west coast Black Continent. But as the results of a study conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison show, just here blowing from the depths of the mainland east winds and carry out clouds of Sahara sand dust.

Experts analyzed satellite images taken in 1982-2005. and compared them with the activity of tropical storms. As a result, scientists have established an inverse relationship between these phenomena: in those years when strong sandy whirlwinds were observed in Africa, tropical storms were rare, and vice versa - when there were almost no storms, storms developed actively.

The mechanism of anti-hurricane effect is simple. First, the dusty-sandy substance is heavier than air, and falling down, creates descending air currents that inhibit the development of a hurricane. Secondly, a powerful air flow blowing from the continent creates a wind shear in the middle troposphere, which also contradicts the conditions for the formation of tropical eddies. And, thirdly, particles of sand and dust suspended in the air absorb part of the latent thermal energy released during the condensation of water vapor. Scientists believe that they are only at the beginning of a large research path in this area.

Dust storm in Texas in 1935

Dust storm, South Dakota, 1937

Dust storm, Colorado, 1937

Dust (sand) storms

Dust storms - transfer a large number dust and sand by strong and prolonged winds blowing the upper layers of the soil. Compared to earthquakes or tropical cyclones, dust storms are not, in fact, such catastrophic phenomena, but their impact can be very unpleasant, and sometimes fatal.

How does a dust storm occur? A wedge of cold air invades under a layer of warm air. Moving quickly, it lifts a lot of solid particles into the air. They are deposited at a distance of many kilometers.

Dust storms are a phenomenon, although meteorological, but associated with the state of the soil cover and with the terrain. They are akin to blizzards: for the occurrence of both of them, a strong wind and sufficiently dry material on the surface of the earth are needed, capable of rising into the air and staying there in suspension for a long time. But if for the appearance of blizzards you need dry, non-packed, snow-free snow lying on the surface and a wind speed of 7-10 m / s or more, then for the occurrence of dust storms it is necessary that the soil be loose, dry, devoid of grass or any significant snow cover and wind speed was not less than 15 m/s. Dust storms are observed most often in early spring, in March or April, after a dry autumn and a winter with little snow. They happen, although less often, in winter - in January or February, and very rarely - in other months of the year.

The danger of this phenomenon also lies in the terrible force of the wind and its extraordinary impetuousness. During dust storms over Central Asia, the air is sometimes saturated with dust up to a height of several kilometers. Aircraft caught in a dust storm are in danger of being destroyed in the air or on impact with the ground; in addition, the visibility range in a dust storm can be reduced to tens of meters. There were cases when during the day with this phenomenon it became dark as at night, and even electric lighting did not help. If we add that dust storms on earth can lead to the destruction of buildings, windbreaks, not to mention the all-penetrating dust that fills houses, soaks people’s clothes, covers their eyes, makes it difficult to breathe, then it becomes clear how dangerous this phenomenon is and why it is called spontaneous. disaster. Dust storms usually last several hours, but in some cases - several days. Some dust storms originate far beyond the borders of our country - in North Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, from where air currents bring dust clouds to us.

Wind during dust storms carries not only dust, but also sand and even small gravel. Above earth's surface rubble and coarse sand flies, at a height of several tens of meters - fine sand, and even higher - a dark, dense cloud of dust. The width of this dust-sand flow is several hundred kilometers, the speed of movement is 40-60 km/h.

Protection. The rules in the desert are as follows: when in a car, you must close the windows and stay inside the car. If there is no shelter nearby, you need to lie in the direction opposite to the wind, facing the ground, cover with your head. A dust storm does not pose a mortal danger. The main thing is to keep calm.