This Sunday, June 21, Edgard Zapashny will celebrate Father's Day. In March, the eternal bachelor admitted that he had two daughters growing up - 4-year-old Stephanie and 2-year-old Gloria. He met their mother Olga Denisova in 2009 in Voronezh. The circus of the Zapashny brothers came there on tour, Edgard worked at the local sports club, where Olya worked as a coach.

"It was incredible love, - Zapashny shared with StarHit. - She immediately realized that I would be going on tour all my life. Olya dropped everything and went with me. After some time, we rented an apartment in Moscow, not far from the circus. Everything was fine, but I honestly admit that it was my fault: even before the birth of Stesha, I began to behave incorrectly. There is no certain act, it is a lot of reasons that led to the breakup. But for the sake of our daughters and ourselves, Olya and I maintained friendly relations. We are morally prepared that in the future we will have our own families. My only requirement is that Olin future husband, the man did not try to become a dad for my daughters. The maximum he will be is an uncle. If he tries to somehow change it, I will break everything that is possible for him.

Now Olga with Stesha and Gloria live in the city of Krasnoznamensk near Moscow. Last week, the three of them came to visit Edgard at work, in his Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

The youngest is still a little shy and in the presence strangers trying not to let her mother go. And Stefania, on the contrary, is fighting - when she saw dad in the arena, she immediately ran to him and grabbed his hand. Edgard at that moment was solving work issues by phone. Not looking up from the conversation, he grabbed his daughter by the waist and put her on the side, the baby jumped happily, not letting go of her father's hand. Olga at that time managed to change Gloria's clothes for shooting and also went to the arena. “Well, let’s go to the yard and check on the horses? Edgard asked. - Which one is the most beautiful? Oh yes, no, sorry, I forgot - there is no pink. At that moment, a gorgeous white horse was brought in. “Daughter, remember him? This is Anatoly! - Stefania was frightened of the animal at first, but after a few seconds she saddled it. Gloria, without thinking twice, also asked her sister. “Our youngest loves horses,” Olga shared. She has a lot of toys. Daddy's genes make themselves felt - girls love animals and are not afraid at all.

Zapashny dreams of making circus stars out of his daughters. “In January, at our show with Askold, we jokingly sold two tickets to the performance of the Zapashny sisters in 2030,” said Edgard. “I printed the coupons in advance and sold them at a symbolic price of 100 rubles apiece. He put the money under the glass on the table in my office. While Edgard was babysitting the children, Olga gave StarHit the first interview in her life.

“Everything went without conflicts and tantrums”

- Olya, many couples maintain relationships for the sake of children, live long years, bring them up together... Why didn't you and Edgard do that?

- If there are irresolvable contradictions between the parents, then there is no point in pretending that everything is fine. You can’t hide anything from children - they imitate
stut, everyone will feel and understand. After all, when they grow up, they will start creating families. What example will be before your eyes - unhappy mom and dad? Children need to see positive parents who respect each other. Under no circumstances should you swear in front of them. Edgard and I do exactly that. The main thing is not whether the parents live together or not, but that the children do not feel discomfort. And for this I am ready to save a good relationship. For grandmothers, Stesha and Gloria are their favorite granddaughters. Our quarrels with Edgard did not affect their attitude towards girls in any way. Many thanks to his family for this.
- I don’t believe it - what, even during the breakup there were no quarrels?

- No, everything went without conflicts and tantrums. It was a conscious, calm decision. Therefore, neither I nor Edgard made a tragedy out of what was happening. Now we have nothing to share. All our minor disagreements are related only to the upbringing of children. For example, I believe that it is necessary to develop a child in different directions, so Stesha and Gloria go to rhythmic gymnastics, sing, draw, dance hip-hop. Edgard thinks it's a lot. She asks her daughters if they get tired. As long as they are happy, and dad does not mind. There was a time when Stefania was capricious or not very sociable. Edgard had questions - “Is everything okay? Why is she not as sociable as other children? And this is just such an age - the daughter clearly divided people into friends and foes. She didn't want to talk to people she didn't know. Over time, all these problems went away.

- How did you and Edgard distribute responsibilities?

- Our dad creates all the financial conditions, and I work 24 hours a day as a mom. The same mugs are not cheap pleasure. But thanks to dad, we can go anywhere in Moscow, afford a holiday abroad. Edgard usually says this: “Choose. Wherever you say, we'll go there."
He does everything to make the life of girls as comfortable as possible.

- Who helps you with your daughters?

- Until the age of three, my mother helped nurse Stesha, then she decided to return to Voronezh, went back to work. I am grateful to her - she raised us to our feet. And when I began to cope on my own, I left. We have an hourly babysitter. We call her, for example, when I need to go to the skating rink with the older one, but you can’t take the younger one there - it’s too early. She sits with one baby, and I sit with the other. Of course, sometimes I need to leave, for example, in Gym, recently began to put the figure in order.

"Daughters will see the sea for the first time"

- Do Stesha and Gloria understand that their dad is a famous trainer?

- I think not yet. Both react absolutely calmly when they see dad on TV, they don’t ask questions. And when we came to their performances with Askold, Stesha and Gloria shouted to dad from their seats.

– Edgard wants to make circus stars out of girls, do you agree?

- Why not. Now they often visit dad at work, they like it. Another thing is if in the future they want to go their own way ... In this case, I would like Gloria and Stephanie to have a choice.

- If Edgard has another woman, you won’t even become jealous?

- It seems to me that I simply do not have enough time for jealousy ... I am all about raising my daughters. If Edgard starts a family and has children, then I am sure that we will not face a problem - these children are the best, and these are not. His attitude will not change, there will be enough love for everyone.

– Olga, how do you see your future?

- When Gloria and Stesha become a little older, I want to get an education. Especially now it can be done remotely. I am interested in video editing and filming. My dream is to make short films. In fact, since I was 18, I go everywhere with a camera. I've been making my own for a long time.
rollers. For Edgard, on his birthday last year, I shot a video with Stesha and her dachshund in the lead roles.

Have you already made plans for the summer?

- For the first time I take girls to the sea. They got passports. Now we choose a place. We look at countries where it is not long to fly and where the sea is warm.
Maybe it will be Tunisia. I hope that we can fly with Edgard at the end of the summer, when he has a vacation. But no matter how far

The famous trainer Edgard Zapashny is doing everything possible to isolate his family from media attention. He often has to communicate with journalists, but during the interview he rarely talks about his loved ones. Recently it became known that he is raising two beautiful daughters - Stephanie and Gloria. However, relations with civil wife the trainer did not work out. In Voronezh in 2009, Zapashny met with Olga, which ultimately turned into love. At that time it future wife worked as a fitness trainer in a club where Zapashny worked out. Edgard fell in love with this girl as soon as he saw her. When they began to live together, they did not delay with the children for a long time. As a result, quite quickly this couple had two daughters. The second girl Gloria was born in 2013.

Then a difficult period began in their lives - quarrels arose between Olga and Edgard. Many said that the cause of the scandals was the girl on the side with whom the trainer built a relationship. But for the sake of the children, the couple managed to find a compromise solution. They decided that Olga and the girls would move to the city of Krasnoznamensk near Moscow, which is located at a distance from the bustle of Moscow. Edgard himself was constantly in Golden-domed. However, he did not forget about his family. He provided for her completely. In addition, Olga and her daughters came to him three times a week.

In communication with reporters, Edagrd said that he was the culprit of the break in relations. According to the trainer, when the second daughter was born, they began to have conflicts, and this happened often. Now, when they meet, they do not quarrel. Former spouse Zapashny arranged her personal life. There is a man next to her,” Zapashny said.

Speaking about the difficult period that they could not overcome, he said that the conflicts that arose between them led to parting, but after a while they reconciled. However, it was at that moment, according to Zapashny, that the understanding came to him that the former love was no more. Then he realized that he had certain feelings for the woman who was next to him, but this was definitely not love. After some time, he made an important decision - to part with her. At first, according to Zapashny, it was hard for him to be alone, but then he got used to his new life.

Now dad is giving great attention to their daughters. He not only educates them, but also pleases girls - gives them gifts. But he doesn’t want spoiled girls to grow up from his daughters, so sometimes he specifically refuses their requests. According to him, girls are now at an age when they balk at some issues and do not want to compromise on any. According to him, in such cases, one should not fall for the tantrums that they throw. Girls at this time the mood is changeable. According to Zapashny, if he had not daughters, but sons, he would have given his offspring a cuff on the back of the head and that would have ended the problem.

Not so long ago it became known that Edagrd had a new passion. She became a girl named Yaroslava, who helps the trainer in the circus. He has already managed to meet his beloved with his mother Tatyana Vasilievna, who was fascinated by his girlfriend. Zapashny himself has not yet advertised his relationship with a new passion, so they rarely appear together at official events.

Is Zapashny ready to marry his son's mother?

A joyful event happened at the close of summer in the Zapashny family - Edgard became a father for the third time. The famous trainer and his beloved had a son, who was named Daniel.

Nevertheless, in his 40s, the father of three children is still a bachelor and has never crossed the threshold of the registry office. Why does Edgard not marry the mothers of his children and who is next to him now?

Zapashny himself spoke about the replenishment in the family. In his personal microblog, he left a post that immediately aroused an unhealthy interest in the relationship between the trainer and the mother of the newborn. Even those who were not aware of the history of their love began to wonder: what, in fact, is it about?

“Today I became a dad for the third time, and Yaroslavna became a mom, respectively! Edgard said. Now I have a son too! Thank you all for your future congratulations. The only thing I would like to ask everyone is not to speculate or spread any rumors about our relationship with Yaroslavna! Personal life should remain private ... "

Who is she, this mysterious Yaroslavna? And why is Edgard so afraid of rumors?


The current darling of Edgard, whom he calls Yaroslavna, is actually Yaroslav Demeshko. In the comments on Zapashny's posts, information often slips that the girl once worked as a stripper in the city on the Neva, but there is no evidence for these allegations.

Yaroslavna and Edgard met four years ago at common company. The girl was then a little over 20, Edgard - almost twice as much. The novel took off right away. Soon they began to live together, and Yaroslavna, in order to be closer to her beloved, even got a job at the Zapashny Brothers Circus.

The choice of the son was approved by Edgard's mother, Tatyana Zapashnaya:

- Edgard introduced me to Yaroslavna a long time ago, I really like her. Kind, calm, not like we, shebutnye! She has good body, she's beautiful, bright girl. And most importantly - the son is happy with her, I don’t need more!

True, Edgard for a long time hid his new passion from prying eyes. Only a year ago, he finally allowed Yaroslavna to post in social media their joint photos. And in conversations with others, he began to emphasize that a permanent girl appeared next to him.

And when it became known that Yaroslavna would not only give him a child, but a long-awaited heir, Edgard decided to reconsider his views on life altogether.

Over the past couple of months, he has already hinted more than once that he seems ready to finally get married. Say, those times have passed when you wanted freedom, heaps beautiful girls around. Now he is not at all attracted to novels on the side. On the contrary, I want to rush every evening to the family nest, where she is waiting - the very one he has been looking for for so long.


The joy of the appearance of the heir was overshadowed by the fact that the baby was born for a few weeks ahead of schedule. At that moment, when Yaroslavna realized that she was giving birth, Edgard was on vacation in Astrakhan. But, of course, he immediately gave up hunting and fishing and flew to Moscow on the first flight.

The newborn at that time was in the intensive care unit under round-the-clock supervision of doctors - after all, he was born very weak. But everything worked out. After 10 days, Daniel and his mother were already at home.

It is noteworthy that one of the first to congratulate Edgard on the birth of the heir was his former lover, Olga Denisova. They met for several years, became the parents of two daughters - Gloria and Stephanie. However, Olga did not wait for the marriage proposal.

Moreover, despite having two children together, they never lived together. Nevertheless, after parting, Edgard and Olga managed to maintain friendly relations. Three times a week, Denisova tries, together with the girls, to come from the Moscow region, where she now lives, to Zapashny in his circus. After all, daughters need communication with their father so much ...

In general, in these respects, Edgard behaved very nobly. Despite the fact that both daughters were born out of wedlock, he immediately recognized them, gave his last name. Even now, when the ex-lover got married (to a businessman named Dmitry) and gave birth to a child, Zapashny continues to fully support her.

He is even going to donate his large three-room apartment. After all, Olga lives in Krasnoznamensk, and it is hard for her to come with girls to Moscow. And the apartment is located next to the circus, so Edgard will be able to see his daughters much more often.


By the way, when Olga gave birth to a son in a new marriage, Edgard was also one of the first to congratulate ex-lover with the birth of the baby, and even personally came to visit to see the newborn.

And before that, when Olga and Dmitry just announced their desire to get married, he met with the latter face to face in order to understand what kind of person he was, how adequate and whether he was able to take responsibility, including for two little girls .

Until recently, Edgard and Askold Zapashny joked that they had rebranded: the Zapashny sisters replaced the Zapashny brothers. After all, both Askold and Edgard had two daughters each. Therefore, the birth of a son is, of course, a great event for the entire clan.

Now Edgard is going to move to a new house with Yaroslavna. The trainer completes it at an accelerated pace: he wants his son to grow up in the fresh air. And, by the way, Edgard planned a large children's room in the new housing, in which there are as many as four beds. So you can be sure: to be continued!

39-year-old famous trainer Edgard Zapashny spoke about his personal life. Zapashny admitted that he had left the mother of his children because love had passed.

According to Zapashny, the problems began shortly after the birth of their second child.

“Olya and I met back in 2009. She then worked as a fitness trainer at the club where I went. We fell in love, began to live together, gave birth to daughters Stefania and Gloria.

But then the relationship went wrong. We found a compromise and managed to remain friends for the sake of the children.

They decided that Olya would settle with her daughters in the closed town of Krasnoznamensk near Moscow, away from the bustle of Moscow. I live in Moscow and fully provide for my family.

Three times a week, Stesha and Gloria with my mother come to my circus," Zapashny said.

Edgard Zapashny explained the reason for parting with his common-law wife. "I am to blame for our parting, not she. Olga is beautiful, loving, faithful man. The split began three years ago - after the birth of Gloria.

We converged, then diverged. But gradually I realized that the feelings are no longer the same, love has passed and I need something else. I initiated the breakup. Of course, at the very beginning it was hard, and then let go.

Now Olya and I communicate well, we try not to quarrel, "Woman's Day quotes the artist.

All free time Edgard tries to devote to his daughters. Despite the fact that the artist loves to pamper girls, he is quite strict regarding the activities of the little ones.

In particular, Zapashny has already decided that Stefania and Gloria will continue their father's work - they will become circus performers. “I immediately warned Olya that Stefania would not sit in the orchestra pit or bring brushes to Nikas Safronov.

My daughters will become circus performers, popular and highly paid. And I will do my best to do so. I have something to teach them,” said Edgard.

Now Edgard Zapashny and Olga are happy in other ways. Zapashny has a girlfriend, whose name is Yaroslavna, Olga has a beloved Dmitry.

“Dima himself called me, offered to meet and talk like a man, so that there would be no misunderstanding in the future. We had a rather nice conversation, dotted all i.

I told him my position regarding my daughters, that they have one father and there will be no other. He made it clear that he did not even try to become for Stesha and Gloria someone more than just a friend.

Dima turned out to be an adequate person and agreed with me. I am sure that Olya will be happy with him. Moreover, I am ready for the fact that the former common-law wife will give birth to another child.

And for my part in the future, I think there may be children. Stesha and Gloria will have big family. They got along with Dima," Zapashny said.

Recall that before the union with Olga Zapashny, he lived for 13 years in a civil marriage with circus artist Elena Petrikova.

Edgard Walterovich Zapashny. Born July 11, 1976 in Yalta. Circus artist, predator trainer, representative of the famous circus dynasty Zapashnykh in the third generation. Film actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1999). National artist RF (2015).

March 11, 2014 signed the appeal of cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the party " United Russia» in the elections State Duma VII convocation.

Edgard Zapashny in the program "Alone with everyone"

The growth of Edgard Zapashny: 189 centimeters.

Personal life of Edgard Zapashny:

His first love was a Chinese woman.

"It was in 1993, in China. I met the charming Chinese woman Achun. Later we lived with her for more than three years. Achun worked in a safari park, where we arrived on long term. I really loved her. I truly felt and understood for the first time what love is! We left because I had to return to Russia. And for me it was a serious step, either to take her with me, or to stay there. We decided that we still need to leave. Still young, we were afraid, we'll do something stupid. Here, this is my first love! ”, - he said.

For 13 years he lived in a civil marriage with a circus artist (aerial gymnast) Elena Petrikova.

Elena Petrikova - ex-civil wife of Edgard Zapashny

He was in a relationship with the former soloist of the Silver group. However, later Edgard Zapashny admitted that.

In 2012, the circus performer had an affair with an actress.

In March 2015, it became known that Edgard Zapashny had been in a relationship with fitness instructor Olga Denisova for several years, whom he met while visiting a gym in Voronezh. During this time, Olga gave birth to Edgard's daughters Stephanie (2011) and Gloria (2013). At one time there were rumors that Zapashny intended to marry the mother of his daughters. But the marriage never came to fruition.

After breaking up with Olga Denisova, he began a relationship with a girl named Yaroslavna, who became his common-law wife. They met in 2013 through friends. The novel proceeded very rapidly - at first the lovers spent a lot of time together, and then they came together. Yaroslavna got a job at the Zapashny Brothers Circus as an administrator.

He enjoys billiards and bowling.

Filmography of Edgard Zapashny:

2009 - Foundry (Season 4) - Edgard
2009 - City of temptations - Vlad, Masha's boyfriend
2010 - Interns - cameo, fearless tamer of wild animals, but afraid of rats
2011 - I'm afraid that they will stop loving me. Andrey Mironov (documentary)
2011 - Cool guys- cameo
2013 - 12 months - cameo
2013 - Don't be afraid, I'm with you! (Qorxma, mən səninləyəm! 1919 - Azerbaijan, Russia) - Danila, student of San Sanych
2014 - Family business- cameo
2016 - Margarita Nazarova - Oleg Pavlovich Rigel, director of the circus