(Illustration: Gennady Tselishchev)

Analysis of the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Indian summer

F. I. Tyutchev in his work very skillfully describes nature, inspiring it and filling it with images. In his works, the author very brightly and colorfully conveys the landscape he has seen. He loves nature and understands it, gives it the image of a living being and fills it with life. In his works, he shows the inextricable link between nature and human life, unity and interdependence - the main idea that runs through all of Tyutchev's work. In the poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, the poet describes the period of early autumn, when nature is unusually beautiful and gives its bright colors at parting.

The poet claims that “there is in the initial autumn a short, but marvelous time". With these words, he points to the peculiarity of this pore, he calls it marvelous, sees in it mystery and unusualness. The author gently and reverently describes the period of the beginning of autumn, this is the very moment when you should admire its wondrous beauty, because this time is very short. Describing the days of this time, the author uses the comparison "crystal day", this gives a feeling of trepidation, expensive pleasure and shows the extraordinary purity and freshness of these days. And the author endows the evenings with warmth, describing them as “radiant”. “The whole day stands as if crystal, and the evenings are radiant ...” - extraordinary beauty which the poet was able to convey in words.

In continuation of the description of this wonderful picture of early autumn, the poet draws attention to the autumn field. Once upon a time, a sickle walked very cheerfully there and a lot of work was redone, but now everything has been removed. And everything is empty, "only cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow." In this part of the poem, a certain dual image appears, and descriptions of nature itself and its connection with human life. Here, autumn is compared to the sunset of life, when everything is already done and “idly”, days pass. This poem calls to reflect on the eternal.

Further, the poet says that the birds have already flown away and the air has become empty, but there is still time, because “far from the first winter storms". And on the deserted, resting field pours pure and warm azure. People call this time of autumn Indian summer, this is a very bright and short moment and it is very important in the bustle of people not to miss the chance to admire this beauty. There is an Indian summer of a wonderful golden autumn in the life of every person. The remarkable Russian poet F. I. Tyutchev conveys to the reader the amazing impressions that nature gives to man in simple things. Every moment of unity with nature leaves an indelible impression on the soul.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Analysis of the poem "There is in the original autumn" Tyutchev

F. Tyutchev became famous for his ability to convey the elusive moments associated with the Russian landscape. His poems are like excellent photographs taken at the most opportune moments. The poet surprisingly accurately found the right angle and time. In 1857, he wrote the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ...", dedicated to the most beautiful and short autumn seasonIndian summer. The work was written by the poet in a surge of inspiration while watching the autumn landscape from the carriage.

Autumn is traditionally considered a period of fading vitality, a premonition of the inevitable winter with its severe frosts. Therefore, many poets were attracted by a special autumn period - Indian summer. After the first dull autumn rains and frosts, it is a bright farewell reminder of the past happy days. summer days. Indian summer is a short respite of nature, made before the next severe test.

Tyutchev draws the reader's attention to the fact that Indian summer suddenly stops the process of withering and for some time fixes nature in an unchanged state, allowing you to fully enjoy its beauty. One feels the incredible fragility of this state ("the whole day stands as if crystal"). A person is given time to gather strength before the long Russian winter, once again plunge into the atmosphere of the past summer.

Tyutchev refers to the images of simple village labor, harvesting and harvesting. Along with the latest warm days the hard time of suffering is over. Autumn is a period of summing up. It is no coincidence that weddings were traditionally celebrated in Rus' at this time. Indian summer is also becoming a respite for the peasantry.

Tyutchev's close attention to every little thing is vividly represented in the image of the "thin hair of the web." This element of the landscape, insignificant in itself, very capaciously and accurately conveys the feeling of peace that unites nature with man.

The poet encourages readers to make the most of the respite provided. Nothing can interfere with the calm contemplation of nature: loud sounds have disappeared (“no more birds can be heard”), bright colors have faded. Severe winter storms are still very far away, so they seem to be something unrealistic. The author specifically does not mention the autumn bad weather and mudslides. He wants to keep the best memories of autumn in his memory.

205 years since the birth of Fyodor Tyutchev

10th grade

Poem F.I. Tyutchev
"There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Integrated lesson of literature and Russian language


– development of skills in linguistic analysis of a poetic text;

- preparation and writing of an essay-miniature on one of the proposed topics;

- the formation of aesthetic taste and familiarizing students with the work of F.I. Tyutchev;

- education of attention to the poetic word and love for poetry.


1. A word about a poet(student says).

F.I. Tyutchev in the very heart of Russia - in the village of Ovstug, Bryansk district, Oryol province, in a noble family in 1803.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -

And radiant evenings ...

Only cobwebs of thin hair

On the resting field…

August 1857

After for long years living abroad, the Tyutchev family settled in the capital - St. Petersburg. And in the summer, the family went to rest in the village.

Teacher additions.

The poem that we will read today was written on August 22, 1857 on the way from Ovstug to Moscow. The first autograph was written in pencil on the back of a sheet with a list of postage. For the first time the poem was published in 1858 in the journal "Russian conversation" and was included in the collection of poems in 1868.

Let's listen to the poem and try to imagine the picture drawn by the poet.

2. Expressive reading of a poem by a teacher or listening to it on an audio cassette.

3. Analysis of the poem.(Conversation, linguistic analysis of the poem.)

What picture did you see in your mind?

What do you think the poem is about?

In the poem, we saw a picture of early autumn. But I don't think it's just about that. Like any real work of art, it has several meanings. Let's try to find others, those that do not immediately open up to the reader, but require painstaking, hard work and the efforts of our mind, heart and imagination at the same time.

There is no title in the poem, which means that we will call it by the first line - “There is in the original autumn ...”.

What do you think, and how could Tyutchev call this poem ? ("Autumn", "Early Autumn", "Golden Autumn".)

But for some reason the poet refused these options. Why do you think?

(Because, probably, I wanted to tell not only about autumn, but also about something else.)

In the absence of a title, or, as it is called in science, with a zero title, we should pay special attention to the first line - "There is in the original autumn ...". For us, it will be the title of the poem. In first place, in strong position, the line contains the word There is.

What does it mean?

(Eat- means "exists, happens, exists".)

What part of speech is the word There is?

(This is a verb. It is in the 3rd person singular, and its initial formbe.)

Does it name the action as temporary or permanent? What is, exists, is constantly, always, regardless of any reasons. And this short capacious word immediately gives us the opportunity to think, to reflect on something eternal, independent of man.

Second in line - in autumn.

How do you understand the meaning of the word autumn?

(This is the time of year that comes after summer.)

Linguistic scientists drew attention to the fact that there are words in the language that, in addition to their meaning, can evoke many associations and comparisons in our minds, they are able, as it were, to “wake up” our imagination. These words include the word autumn. In addition to the season, it also denotes the time when people harvest, when the heat is replaced by the first cold. And therefore the word autumn is a designation, a symbol of life falling asleep in nature. Indeed, at this time, everything in nature is preparing for a long winter sleep, peace.

But in autumn there are several stages. Tyutchev in the very first line in a strong position (end of line) puts the word that names this stage, - initial.

How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(“First”, “initial, new”, “early” - about autumn.)

Of course, we are aware of the meaning "first", "initial", "new", "early", since the words are synonymous.

Why did Tyutchev choose the word for the poem initial? How is it different from other words? (All further work requires constant reference to explanatory dictionaries).

(The word initial has two roots: first- And -began-.)

This word has two synonymous roots that define early autumn twice. So, it was important for the author to draw our attention to this particular characteristic of autumn.

Such a long, or polysyllabic, unlike monosyllabic ones, is more solemn.

“In Tyutchev’s poems, such “long” and solemn words help from the very beginning switch the reader’s perception “to a high wave”, transfer it to an unusual, non-prosaic dimension.” ( Maimin E.A. Russian philosophical poetry: Poets-wise, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. M., 1976)

Why did the poet need to "translate" our reader's perception into such an unusual dimension?

(Tyutchev wanted us to think, and this long word initial enhances thinking. It creates a mood of reflection in readers.)

An interesting fact, which the researchers of Tyutchev's work drew attention to: it turns out that the poet very often used long words in his poems. Almost everyone has one or two polysyllabic, i.e. long, words, and often with a word the poet seemed to be trying to decorate the poem.

(Very slowly, leisurely, thinking.)

This line sets the slow, solemn rhythm for the entire poem.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Second line - Short but wonderful time. Please note: two definitions of autumn, and between them a short word But.

What part of speech is it?

(But is a union. IN simple sentence union can bind homogeneous members sentences and shows the difference, the difference of what they stand for.)

But contrasts the meanings of two words with each other.

Short but wonderful time- what is it? How do you understand the meaning of the line?

(This time in autumn is special, because it is both amazing in beauty and very short. And therefore, very dear to each of us.)

In nature, there are only a few such days. She gives them to us before a long cold winter so that we remember this wondrous a long, long time. Each person understands this, because he wants to remember, capture these days in memory. He strives to absorb as fully as possible the last, quickly leaving warmth and the last beauty of autumn nature.

The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Pay attention to the nouns in the third and fourth lines: day And evenings.

In what form are they used?

(Noun day standing in shape singular, and the noun evenings- in plural.)

Perhaps the poet was mistaken: after all, there are not only many evenings, but also days, so it would be necessary to say days?

(Word day in the singular, so we seem to see the separateness, the peculiarity of each day.

The singular form, as it were, enlarges the object, makes it special, distinguishes it from the rest.)

Listen to the line: ... the day stands as if crystal. What literary device is the author using here? (Comparison.)

Why as if, but not How?

(Using as if the comparison is mild. It seems that the poet does not impose it on anyone, it just seems to him so.)

And we, the readers, as if as if allowing you to choose your comparisons. And this series can be continued. Day ... as if crystal- an amazing author's comparison. Crystal- this is a "genus, grade of glass."

What do they have in common?

(The day is as clear, transparent as crystal, because the autumn air is gradually getting colder.)

(An autumn day is as sonorous as crystal, because the sound carries far and is clearly audible.)

(The day is fragile, like crystal. We understand that autumn weather fickle, at any time the wind may blow and silence, peace, serenity will end.)

Great you explained the meaning of the comparison day ... as if crystal.

Why evenings radiant?

(This word is long and consists of two roots - -Ray- And -zar-.)

From the point of view of the formation of words, this is correct. Once upon a time these two roots were really realized. But from the point of view of the current state of the Russian language, this is one root -radiant-. What does the word mean radiant?

(Light, clear, warm.)

Yes. A form plural makes us feel that there are many such evenings, they follow one after another, so that each of us finally enjoys them.

The first stanza ends with an ellipsis. What does the ellipsis convey?

(An ellipsis is an important sign for a poet, because it has a lot of meaning. Firstly, this picture - day ... as if crystal And radiant evenings– is indescribably beautiful, and we ourselves can imagine it in even more detail. Secondly, the ellipsis means a long pause between stanzas, since the second stanza tells about something else. This sign prepares us for the next thought.)

Read the first stanza out loud.

Now listen to the second stanza.

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

What do you imagine when you listen to this stanza?

(A field where work is in full swing. It boils because the sickle is named by the word cheerful, those. lively, active, playful.)

(And also because the action of the sickle - did not sting, did not work, but - walked. In this word - the way he worked - “easy, fun, playful.”)

Right. This line repeats the use of nouns sickle, spike in the singular. Explain it.

(Here the poet specifically uses the singular form, although we understand that many objects are at work. We also feel the “weightiness, singularity” of each object important to the poet.)

In the second line, words that denote space are deliberately “collected” side by side.

Name and comment on them.

(Empty and space.)

These words draw a boundless space not covered by the eye. And the following words reinforce the impression of immensity - All And everywhere.

The third line begins with the word only. Explain its meaning.

(Only means "only". This is a particle that highlights in the text the description of an idle furrow against the backdrop of boundless expanse. This is "cobwebs of thin hair Shines ...".)

What do you "see" with your inner vision?

(Very long threads of the web. They stretch from object to object very far.)

Tyutchev in this line is a very subtle observer. Let's think about how you could write about this phenomenon in a different way.

(Spider web, web thread.)

But the poet chose cobwebs fine hair. Why? After all, in words web And thread cobwebs there is already an indication of the "subtlety" of the web. So it's all about the word hair.

(A person has hair. And if the poet adds this word to the line, then the thin hair of the cobweb turns out like a person. Meanings of words fine cobweb hair leads us to the idea that the poet wrote not only about early autumn, but also about a person. This is where personification is used.)

This phrase is really very important for understanding all the meanings of the poem. Why?

(We begin to understand that the poem is not only about nature, but also about people, about man.)

Look carefully at the first stanza and find in it a word that seems to “echo” with thin cobweb hair.

(This word autumn, for it signifies also the late period of human life.)

Think about what time in a person's life can be said like this: spring of life, summer of life, autumn of life?

(About childhood, youth, maturity, old age.)

Each of us understands this perfectly, and the poet only helps to feel in a new way the seemingly understandable and familiar words from childhood.

Pay attention in the fourth line to the words on the empty furrow. How do you understand them?

(Idle means "empty". No one works on it.)

In modern Russian, this word means "free from work, occupation, spending time in idleness, idleness." The meaning "occupied by no one and nothing, not filled, empty, empty" is recognized as obsolete. And in the XIX century it was almost the main meaning of the word. In the definition idle There were also such shades of meaning as "alien from worries and anxieties, immersed in peace."

L.N. Tolstoy, admiring the poem by F.I. Tyutchev, emphasized this particular phrase. And about the epithet idle the writer remarked: “Here this word idle as if it is senseless and it is impossible to say so not in poetry, but meanwhile this word immediately says that the work is finished, everything has been removed, and a complete impression is obtained.

(The first line at a fast pace, energetically, and the second, third and fourth - slowly, thoughtfully.)

And from these words we ourselves experience a feeling of peace, serenity, warmth. This poem gives us the opportunity to reflect on the eternal.

In the last line of the poem, words that are in a strong position, and therefore very important for the poet, - rest field.

What field can you say that about?

(On which no work is being carried out anymore. And before it was touched by human hands, therefore the field here is a humanized earth (sickle, ear, furrow), spiritualized. In addition, the field is a part of the earth that is covered by the gaze of an observer, a thinker.)

We carefully read the whole poem.

How do you now answer the question, what is it about?

(In the poem, the poet spoke not only about beautiful time early autumn, but also about the "autumn" time in the life of any person.)

(Tyutchev wrote that in our life there is always a time of rest, although then the time of “storms” may come. This is inevitable. But a person must accept this humbly, wisely, calmly.)

Get ready to expressively read the poem.

4. There are two topics for miniature essays to choose from:

1) How do I imagine the “wonderful time” of autumn according to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev.

2) "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house.

Samples written works 10th grade students

1. How do I imagine the “wonderful time” of autumn according to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ...".

Tyutchev is a master of poetic landscapes. But in his poems, glorifying the phenomena of nature, there is no thoughtless admiration. Nature causes the poet to reflect on the mysteries of the universe, on the eternal questions of human existence. In the works of Tyutchev, nature is not presented as a background, it is animated, feels.

The poem has no title, which makes it more deep meaning. The poem tells about the autumn season, which comes not only in nature, but also in the human soul.

The author uses such artistic means as comparison (the whole day stands as if crystal ...), personification (where a peppy sickle walked). It gives expressiveness of speech, contributes to a more complete disclosure of the artistic image. Sentences with dots indicate the incompleteness of the poet's thought. The author makes the reader think and reflect.

When reading the poem, an autumn sunny day of early autumn is imagined. Middle of Indian summer.

Autumn is known to be harvest time. In the poem, Tyutchev shows the fields where work was in full swing until recently:

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space everywhere ...
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To a resting field.

(Alexandra Chepel)

2. "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house. (According to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn ...”)

Autumn. What a wonderful time of year this is! Nature begins to prepare for sleep, but this does not prevent her from being beautiful. The sky is turning blue. Even in summer it is not always possible to see such a clean and beautiful sky. And the sun ... It shines so brightly and cheerfully, as if it wants to give us all the best before hiding behind the gray clouds of the upcoming cold, rainy and cloudy days. Despite the fact that the trees shed their clothes, and the leaves are already on the ground, forming a colorful carpet, nature becomes even more beautiful.

How nice it is to watch this picture from the window of your home or walking through the autumn forest. It is easy and pleasant to feel at heart from this picture. But at the same time, it is sad because the last warm days are coming, and then the cold gray days of autumn will come and the harsh (judging by the signs) winter will come.

"Indian summer" (as people call this period of autumn) is one bright moment among the dull autumn days. And it is sad that in the midst of human bustle, many sometimes do not notice this beauty. After all, every moment, every moment that nature gives a person leaves an indelible impression in the soul, some trace, some associations. This is what the remarkable Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev.

(Anastasia Zaplatkina)

3. "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house. (According to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn ...”).

“There is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn,” wrote F.I. Tyutchev. "But what's so wonderful about this time of year?" - you ask. Indeed, what can be beautiful in the fact that birds fly south, that birdsong is not heard, as it happens in spring, that there is slush and mud on the street, that it constantly rains and cold winds blow. But there is such a period in autumn, which is called "Indian summer". It's only ten days or a little more. It is about this autumn gap that F.I. Tyutchev.

Try to wake up early in the autumn morning and look out the window! You will see how the rays of the recently awakened sun mysteriously and slowly glide over the tops of the trees. A round dance of leaves is spinning in the air. The leaves, like colorful confetti, slowly fall to the ground, forming a soft carpet. And looking at the light blue sky, you will truly feel peace and tranquility. But, unfortunately, such beautiful days do not last long in autumn. Most often the weather is cloudy. But that's not a problem either! Light the stove and listen to the merrily crackling of burning logs, how raindrops knock on the window.

For me, autumn is a time when you can at least forget about life's difficulties and dream about the future.

And yet, you shouldn’t stay at home in the fall: it’s better to dress warmly and go to the forest, pick mushrooms, and watch how animals prepare for the onset of a harsh winter. Autumn is an amazing time of the year.

(Luiza Kabirova)

Ulyanovsk region

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time -

Clear air, crystal day,

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow ...

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure pours

On the resting field…

Other editions and variants

3   The whole day is as if crystal

Autographs - RGALI. F. 505. Op. 1. Unit ridge 22. L. 3;

Album Tyutch. - Birileva; Ed. 1868. S. 175 et seq. ed.


Autographs (3) - RGALI. F. 505. Op. 1. Unit ridge 22. L. 3, 4; Tyutch album. - Birileva.

First publication - RB. 1858. Part II. Book. 10. S. 3. Included in the Ed. 1868, p. 175; Ed. SPb., 1886. S. 222; Ed. 1900. S. 224.

Printed by RGALI autograph.

The first autograph of the RGALI (sheet 3) was written in pencil on the back of a sheet with a list of postal stations and travel expenses on the way from Ovstug to Moscow. The handwriting is uneven, the writing of some letters gives out road shaking. Starting from the 9th line, from the words “no more birds are heard”, the text was added by the hand of the poet’s daughter M.F. Tyutcheva. She also made an explanatory note in French. lang.: "Written in a carriage on the third day of our journey." The second autograph of the RGALI (sheet 4) is white. In the third autograph from Tyutch album. - Birileva before text date on fr. lang. Ern's hand. F. Tyutcheva: "August 22, 1857". The autographs contain variants of the 3rd line: the pencil autograph of the RGALI - “The whole day stands as if crystal”, the same version in the autograph from Tyutch album. - Birileva, white autograph RGALI - "Transparent air, crystal day".

IN RB The 3rd line is printed according to the version of the white RGALI autograph, in subsequent editions - according to the version of the draft RGALI autograph and the autograph from Tyutch album. - Birileva.

Dated according to the litter of E.F. Tyutcheva in an autograph from Tyutch album. - Birileva August 22, 1857

I. S. Aksakov believed that Tyutchev’s “ability to convey with several features the entire integrity of the impression, the entire reality of the image” is clearly manifested in this poem: “Nothing can be added here; any new feature would be redundant. This “thin hair of the cobweb” alone is enough to resurrect in the reader’s memory the former feeling of such autumn days in its entirety by this sign alone” ( Biogr. pp. 90–91).

L. N. Tolstoy marked the poem with the letter “K!” (Beauty!) ( THOSE. S. 147). Special attention he drew on the epithet "idle". On September 1, 1909, Tolstoy, in a conversation with A. B. Goldenweiser, recalling the lines: “Only cobwebs of thin hair / Shines on an idle furrow,” remarked: “Here the word“ idle ”seems to be meaningless and it’s impossible to say so in poetry meanwhile, this word immediately says that the work is over, everything has been removed, and a complete impression is obtained. The ability to find such images is the art of writing poetry, and Tyutchev was a great master at this ”(Goldenweiser A. B. Near Tolstoy. M., 1959. P. 315). A little later, on September 8, while talking with V. G. Chertkov, the writer returned to this poem and said: “I especially like“ idle ”. The peculiarity of poetry is that in it one word hints at many things ”( Tolstoy in rem. S. 63).

VF Savodnik ranked the poem "among the best examples of Tyutchev's objective lyrics" and noted that it is "very typical of Tyutchev's manner of depicting nature. Objectivity, complete simplicity, accuracy and accuracy of epithets, sometimes completely unexpected (“crystal” day), the ability to grasp a small but characteristic feature of the depicted moment (“webs of thin hair”), and at the same time convey the general impression - a feeling of light serenity, serene humility, - that's main features characterizing the artistic techniques of Tyutchev. The lines of his drawing are surprisingly simple and noble, the colors are not bright, but soft and transparent, and the whole play gives the impression of a masterful watercolor, subtle and elegant, caressing the eye with a harmonious combination of colors. Gardener. pp. 172–173).

Hope Queen
Literary evening "There is a short, but marvelous time in the initial autumn"


Raise interest in the artistic word, develop interest in the poems of various poets.

To intensify work with preschoolers on the use of children's books in their cognitive-speech and artistic-speech development.


Promote children's interest in poetry;

Strengthen children's knowledge about autumn, autumn months, about autumn preparation of flora and fauna for winter.

- Form in children: the desire to be able to expressively read by heart, the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Develop children's artistic abilities.

Develop attention, memory, thinking and imagination.

preliminary work:

Reading poems to children and talking about them, expanding cognitive interests through lines of poetry. Project work "Seasons" chapter autumn.

Acquaintance of children with Pushkin through reading poems about nature.

Learning by heart poems.

Involving parents in raising interest in the poetic word, as one of the conditions for improvement speech activity children. (Learning Poems and reading works with children)

Learning dances

"Rain drip-drop-drop", Falling leaves - Wizard.


Phonogram of songs "Rain drip-drop-drop", "Leaf fall - Wizard", tape recorder.

Presentation with illustrations of photographs for children's poems, TV.

Exhibition of books with autumn poems. portraits writers: Pushkin, Yesenin, Fet, Marshak,

Decorative additions to poetry: village houses, near the wall of one firewood shed with firewood, autumn tree , dolls - autumn months september, October, November, an owl with books, a candlestick with a candle, a pen - a pen. Easel with a painting autumn, paints, brushes.

The course of the literary evening.

Is in the autumn of the original,

A short but marvelous time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings.

How wonderfully poets write about autumn.

What is autumn?

This is the time of year.

Imagine that you are an artist, what color of paint will you use?

Tell me, who can paint a picture, not with colors, but with words?

Poets. TO today we have been preparing for a long time, each of you has learned a poem. Each poem is a picture. Such pictures can only be seen in silence. Are you ready to listen to every word in a poem, riddle poems? Then we begin our poetic evening(Denis).

I decided to say goodbye to the summer,

Suddenly the river became cloudy

Birds became a friendly flock

Go on vacation.

And so that everything becomes like in a fairy tale,

Giving beauty to the earth

Year spilled on autumn paint

From september boxes

From whose boxes YEAR got paint? Denis bring us September here (doll - September)

September (Maksim)

On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread

Birds rush" over the seas

And the school opened. S. Marshak

All year round. October. (Rita. P)

In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves

S. Marshak

What month did Rita read us a poem about? Rita look for October and put it next to September. Tell me why you need to prepare firewood for the winter?


The sun freezes, hiding in the clouds,

The north wind howled

The birds went on holiday

The rain was cold.

I'm about autumn meditate

At the closed window:

Autumn loves Pushkin,

I was born in autumn!

Who is Pushkin? Yes it's true great poet he wrote many poems, and we will get to know you about fairy tales with them, and now Juliana will read an excerpt

From a novel "Eugene Onegin"

Already the sky autumn breathed,

The sun shone less

The day got shorter,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Pulled south: was approaching

Pretty boring it's time;

November was already at the yard.

A. Pushkin

Ruslan will give us 2 riddles.

Who does not let us warmly,

The first snow scares us?

Who calls the cold to us,

You know? Of course yes! (November)

It wets the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this. (Rain)

It often rains in autumn, poets also wrote poems about this prankster.

"It's raining down the street." (Roma)

It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Has come autumn

It is raining (Ilya)

Cloud-cat, tail pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

Cloud-horse, cloud-beetle.

And there are only two hundred of them.

The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

And the people below are screaming:

"Run, it's raining!"

Raindrops are flying (Ilya L.)

Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

A thick fog creeps in.

For the saddened pines

And fiery rowans

Goes and sows autumn

Fragrant mushrooms!

When it rains, are we sad or happy? …

And it all depends on what mood we are in. Let's turn into rain and play a little pranks.

Dance "Rain drip-drop-drop".

Autumn is a wonderful time!

Leaves fly in the air

Like midges in summer.

About autumn leaves and autumn there are many poems

autumn leaf. (Sasha)

leaf behind the window autumn turned yellow,

Broke off, spun, flew.

The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,

Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.

And when the cheerful wind flew away,

The yellow leaf on the asphalt got bored.

I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,

I brought it home and gave it to my mom.

You can't leave him outside.

Let him live all winter with me.


In a golden carriage

What's with the playful horse

galloped autumn

Through forests and fields.

good sorceress

Changed everything

bright yellow color

Decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

Surprised by a miracle

Everything around sparkles

Everything shimmers




Damp in the clouds -

Shines even at noon

Dull and timid.

From the cold grove

On the path

The hare blew -

the first



walks autumn on the path,

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining

And there is no light.

Lost somewhere summer.

walks autumn,

Wanders autumn.

Wind with maple leaves

New carpet underfoot

yellow-pink -


Falling leaves!

Falling leaves! Falling leaves! (Kirill)

The entire park and garden are strewn!

colorful carpets,

Spread out under your feet!

I will catch a leaf in my hands,

Gift to my beloved mother!

autumn deciduous,

The most elegant!

Do you know that autumn descends to the ground "Leaf fall - Wizard" and walks through the streets, parks, and the forest is his favorite place to play.

Dance Falling Leaves - Wizard.

Maxim will guess a riddle.

The cold scares them so much

TO warm countries fly away

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks?


Video of flying birds. Who is this? what are they doing? we read poems about them now.

"It has come autumn (Dasha)

Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands

Swifts (Rita G)

Swifts flew away today.

Where did you go, tell me?

And they flew away

Where the days are warm in the sun

Where there is no winter at all.

But we are still dearer to them!

And they will arrive in the spring

And again they whistle in the sky.

Not only birds, but also animals are preparing for winter. Kirill Yuriev will tell us about the bear.

Misha found a snag -

There is one wall and a roof.

Lies back against the wall, yawns.

The house is blowing in the wind.

Don't worry:

Winter will complete three walls.

And Nastenka knows the riddle about one of autumn months. Try to listen carefully and guess.

Frogs, bear cubs, (Nastya)

And of course the badgers

Again this month

Go to bed for the winter!

Like snow the leaves are spinning

And lays down like a colored carpet,

All nature falls asleep

What month of the year? (October)

Let's remember with you how squirrels are preparing supplies for the winter.

Autumn chores

How much trouble for squirrels! The walnut ripens

apples, pears, rowan.

It is necessary to gather porcini mushrooms,

String them on pine branches,

Caulk the hollow with new moss,

Grass and leaves to drag into the nest.

That is why there is vanity in the forest,

And without wind in the movement of the top,

That's why around the shaggy stump

Exploded mosses of multi-colored pillows.

And you know that all this time a hedgehog and a fox were watching you. We love your literary evening that we decided to give you three of our favorite books about how they live in the forest, a hare, a fox and a bear. The teacher reads to you, but for now you can look at the pictures. Just take care of these books, they are our favorite.

This concludes our literary evening, it was very pleasant to be in your company, to listen to a wonderful reading of poetry. I received from evenings great pleasure with you. I hope for new meetings.