Antarctica is a continent located in the very south of the Earth, big piece ice and stone. Antarctica is also called the part of the world, consisting of the mainland of Antarctica and adjacent islands. Continent Represents scientific interest primarily because there is permafrost, penguins live, meet rare species vegetation and there are minerals that are not so easy to get. Secondly, Antarctica is of interest to space explorers: in Antarctic conditions, one can simulate a flight to a distant planet and bring atmospheric conditions closer to extraterrestrial ones. In particular, rovers and mobile modular stations are tested in glacier conditions. Antarctica does not belong to any of the states, only scientific activity is allowed.

It's no secret that most of the ice on our planet is concentrated at the South and North Poles - in the "upper" and "lower" caps of the Earth. In other regions, it is simply too warm for the existence of "permafrost". You can imagine how much water is "stored" in these glacial reserves. But there is a problem: due to the actions of mankind harmful to nature, the temperature on the planet is rising, and the glaciers are beginning to melt. And if they melt, it is unlikely that we will be able to return their icy form. And the planet will end.

In early January, researchers and engineers from the University of Glasgow (Scotland) delivered a modified version of the prototype drilling rig to the planet's southernmost continent, which will eventually be used on Mars, Science News reports. in Antarctica is aimed at obtaining soil samples from a depth of 1.6 kilometers, which will allow us to better understand the climate changes that have occurred on Earth over several million years.

These amazing photographs of Antarctica were taken by surveying aircraft as part of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Mapping and Monitoring Project, Operation IceBridge.

The Operation IceBridge project has been carried out by NASA since 2009. Thanks to it, you can see pictures of Antarctica from the height of the DC-8 geodetic aircraft.

Iceberg off the coast of West Antarctica. (Photo by Mario Tama):

Antarctica is located in the very south of the Earth, the center of Antarctica approximately coincides with the geographic south pole. Antarctica is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, sometimes unofficially separated into a separate South ocean. (Photo by Mario Tama):

In addition to the cold pole, Antarctica has the points of the lowest relative humidity air, the strongest and longest wind and the most intense solar radiation. (Photo by Mario Tama):

Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth. The average height of the continent's surface above sea level is more than 2000 m, and in the center of the continent it reaches 4000 meters. Most of this height is a permanent ice sheet. (Photo by Mario Tama):

Satellite photo of Antarctica.

Most of this height is the permanent ice cover of the continent, under which the continental relief is hidden, and only 0.3% (about 40 thousand sq. Km) of its area is free of ice - mainly in West Antarctica and Transantarctic mountains. (Photo by Mario Tama):

Mountains rise off the coast of West Antarctica. The western part consists of a group of mountainous islands connected by ice. On the Pacific coast are the Antarctic Andes, whose height exceeds 4000 m; the highest point of the continent - 4892 m. (Photo by Mario Tama):

The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest on our planet and exceeds the nearest Greenland ice sheet in area by approximately 10 times. It contains ~30 million cubic km of ice, that is, 90% of all land ice. (Photo by Mario Tama):

The ice sheet in Antarctica contains about 80% of all fresh water planets; if it melts completely, global sea levels will rise by almost 60 meters (for comparison: if the Greenland ice sheet melted, ocean levels would rise by only 8 meters). (Photo by Mario Tama):

Researchers from the Operation IceBridge project inside a geodetic aircraft. (Photo by Mario Tama):

Newly formed ice floats off the coast of West Antarctica. (Photo by Mario Tama):

The average thickness of the Antarctic ice layer is 2500-2800 m, reaching a maximum value in some areas of East Antarctica - 4800 m. (Photo by Mario Tama).

2. The coldest place on Earth is a high ridge in Antarctica, where the temperature was recorded at -93.2 ° C.

3. Some areas of the McMurdo Dry Valleys (an ice-free part of Antarctica) have not had rain or snow for the past 2 million years.

5. In Antarctica, there is a waterfall with water red as blood, which is explained by the presence of iron, which oxidizes when it comes into contact with air.

9. There are no polar bears in Antarctica (they are only in the Arctic), but there are a lot of penguins here.

12. Melting ice in Antarctica caused a slight change in gravity.

13. There is a Chilean town in Antarctica with a school, hospital, hotel, post office, internet, TV and mobile phone network.

14. The Antarctic ice sheet has been around for at least 40 million years.

15. There are lakes in Antarctica that never freeze because of the heat coming from the bowels of the Earth.

16. The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was 14.5°C.

17. Since 1994, the use of sled dogs has been banned on the continent.

18. Mount Erebus in Antarctica is the southernmost active volcano on Earth.

19. Once upon a time (more than 40 million years ago) Antarctica was as hot as California.

20. There are seven Christian churches on the continent.

21. Ants, whose colonies are distributed over almost the entire land surface of the planet, are absent in Antarctica (as well as in Iceland, Greenland and several remote islands).

22. The territory of Antarctica is larger than Australia by about 5.8 million square kilometers.

23. Most of Antarctica is covered with ice, about 1% of the land is free from ice cover.

24. In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant woman to Antarctica so that the Argentinean baby would become the first person born on this harsh mainland.

The photo shows a glacier located on the Kenai Peninsula, along the Gulf of Alaska, with a length of 240 kilometers. The photo was taken from a satellite on August 8, 2005. This image shows ablations, a decrease in the mass of a glacier due to melting and evaporation, which depends mainly on climatic factors. The dark streaks on the surface of the glacier are mud running off the rocks.

South of Khartoum we see irrigated fields that stretch across El Gezira (one of the 15 states of Sudan). This photo was taken from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) located on a NASA satellite on December 25, 2006.

Far away in the Sahara desert is this crater, which appeared hundreds of millions of years ago, even before the appearance of the first dinosaurs on Earth. It is an almost perfect circle, which is 1.9 kilometers wide and 100 meters high. Modern geologists have long argued about the cause of this crater, some believe that it was formed due to the activity of a volcano.

Cloudless skies made it possible to capture a clear picture of Tibet from a NASA satellite. In the photo we see the snow caps of some mountain peaks and ice partially covering the lakes.

The picture from space shows the contour national park, located in the southern part of Tunisia (a state on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa), not far from the Libyan border.

Two cyclones were seen from space south of Iceland, an island nation located in the northern part of Atlantic Ocean(northwest of the UK).

Even in the most snowy places, such as, there are valleys without snow (between the Ross Sea and East Antarctica). Such valleys are called Dry. Cold, dry air walks along them, which rolls downhill towards the sea with high altitudes ice cover.

Approximately 480 by 320 kilometers extends big desert Dasht-e Lut, located in the southeast of Iran. This area is made up of sand, which in some places creates some of the highest dunes in the world (300 meters high).

Akimiski Island is the largest island in James Bay (Canada). The length of the coastline of the island is 261 kilometers. The island is currently uninhabited, with lichens, mosses, grasses and dwarf black spruce being visible from the vegetation. The photo was taken from space from a satellite on August 9, 2000.

The photo shows the Bird Glacier in Antarctica, which is 136 kilometers long and 24 kilometers wide. It originates in the vast polar plateau and moves eastward at a rate of 0.8 kilometers per year, eventually flowing into the Ross Ice Massif. Named after the American Antarctic explorer Admiral Byrd.

Rub al-Khali ("desert quarter of the world") - extensive sandy desert in the Middle East, occupying 650 thousand square meters. kilometers in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, located on the territory of the states of Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

Detailed image from the Taiwanese Formosat-2 satellite of ice shelves (floating or partially resting on the bottom) on the Antarctic Peninsula. The level of detail in the photograph is so great that huge icebergs (several hundred meters long) seem to be just small pieces of ice.

A view from space of a dry river bed in the mountains in the southeastern province of Fars, Iran. A wide belt of agricultural land stretches along the road.

Tropical Cyclone Billy off the coast of Western Australia.

Colorful blooms of phytoplankton (part of the plankton that can carry out the process of photosynthesis) all over the Black Sea near the Turkish cities of Sinop and Samsun.

Image of a forest in the northern Republic of the Congo (a state in Africa) with muddy logging roads (orange lines).

View from space of Harrat Khaibar volcano in Saudi Arabia. Its height is 2093 meters. A huge basalt plateau (about 200 kilometers), consisting of numerous cones.

Dust settles on the north coast of Libya (a state in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast).

Active stratovolcano St. Helens (Mount St. Helena), located in Skamania County, Washington, USA. The photo shows that lush green forests extend to the south of the mountains, and weak vegetation to the north.
A stratovolcano is a type of volcano that has a conical shape and is composed of many layers of hardened lava, tephra, and volcanic ash.

The houses and streets of bustling Las Vegas, Nevada, are visible in this photo from space.

Sunset on the Amazon River, South America.

This is how the North coast of Iceland (a state located in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean) looks from a satellite.

Clouds surround high mountain with the long-extinct volcano Elgon in Africa. It is located on the border of Kenya and Uganda, surrounded tropical forests and thickets of bamboo. Its height is 4321 meters.

5.5.2. Information for thought. View of the Earth's poles from space

This section will provide information that can be perceived ambiguously, but, nevertheless, it is so curious in itself that it would be wrong not to indicate it. Below I will touch upon the issue of observations from space of the North and South Poles of the Earth. They also show a number of interesting analogies, and I would like to make some comparison of the data.

The most objective study of the polar zones would be a purposeful and systematic study of the field structure of the Earth and other planets from space. Repeatedly duplicated shooting in different radiations, from different points, at various provisions in orbits not only of the Earth, but also of other planets (to take into account their influence). It is necessary to systematize photographic documents and make them available to a wide range of researchers in various specialties. If this is done, then there are no systematic publications. Those materials that appear in print, on NASA sites and some others, are scattered, sometimes edited and retouched, and sometimes they are completely fake. Commentaries on them, from a scientific point of view, are often unsatisfactory or non-existent.

Let's analyze from the standpoint of the proposed hypothesis a few images of our planet obtained from space. Basically, information leaks into publications that are not very respected in scientific officialdom, but still, still .. If you put everything together and try to compare, you get very interesting generalizations. Excerpts with photographs from such publications (and comments to them) are presented below. But all of them are popular and look like possible overblown journalistic sensations. Science, on the other hand, has filled its mouth with water and remains silent (in any case, as regards the poles of the Earth and the Moon).

4 , 5 , 6 - stills from the video

In the Foto 1 a little north of Greenland we see a "black hole" or a black "patch". The image clearly captures the outlines of the continents, inland seas, Greenland, the Scandinavian Peninsula, a chain of islands. In the Foto 2 the same area is shown, also from a satellite. The difference is obvious, however, the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice. Here, as they say, comments are unnecessary. Finally, in the photo 3 we see just a huge and very impressive hole.

About last photo says the following:

In 1968, the American meteorological satellite Essa-7 transmitted to Earth strange pictures North Pole. At total absence clouds, which is extremely rare in such images, a huge hole is visible near the pole - a hole. The photo is genuine - examinations were carried out repeatedly. Without denying the authenticity, as a counterargument, they argue that, they say, this is the result of the inclination of the planet in relation to the sun's rays, this is not a hole, but a play of light and shadow. In some pictures, they say, there is a hole, but in others it is not.

In the bottom row there are also photographs of the North Pole, but from the video (the link is indicated below the picture) - 4 -Me and 5 -I photographs are exactly the same, but on one there is no “patch”, and on the other there is. On the right, the Earth is turned differently, and the "causal place" is again covered.

The authenticity of all these photographs can be called into question. Moreover, neither the conditions nor the dates of the shooting are specified in them. But ... and yet there is no smoke without fire.

It turns out that there are photographs of the North Pole with reliable links directly to NASA, confirming the presence of if not a hole, then some kind of strange funnel. And since it still seems inexplicable for science, it is practically not discussed. The picture was taken by the American spacecraft ESSA-7. Photo from (Fig. 5.37).

Rice. 5.37. Photo of the North Pole at different magnifications,

I managed to find another completely independent evidence of the existence of something very strange, very similar to the presence of a hole or a funnel, and precisely at the North Pole. Most importantly, the publication has nothing to do with the discussion of the hollow Earth, the presence or absence of a hole, etc.

In 2007, to study noctilucent clouds, NASA organized a mission called Ice Aeronomy in the Mesosphere, or, as it was called more briefly, Target. Noctilucent clouds occur 50 miles (80 km) above the Earth's surface and can reflect light from the Sun. It was them that the "Target" photographed (Fig. 5.38).

Rice. 5.38. Noctilucent clouds over the North Pole

In addition, a video was compiled from the images obtained by this mission, even indicating the dates of daily shooting in the period from May 20 to September 2, 2007. Several frames from the video are shown in Fig. 5.39.

Rice. 5.39. Frames from the video with silvery clouds,

The most important oddity of this study remained outside the discussions. True, specialists in atmospheric physics and meteorologists dealt with it, but still ... Or again, excuse me, "noodles on the ears", and the "patch" on the pole?

Now let's look at the South Pole from the same positions.

South Pole

The situation is similar with filming. South Pole: some pictures have a hole, but most don't. On fig. 5.40 ( 1 ) is a photograph with a "hole". Shooting conditions are not specified. Right - photograph 2 - without a "hole", but with aurora (shooting.NASA).

Rice. 5.40. Antarctica at the South Pole

Photo 2 and its peculiar interpretation is given in the article by Mark Sokolov “A hole in Antarctica. Are the aurora borealis coming from Earth?” (NLO newspaper, October 2006). The issue is considered from the position of supporters of the hollow Earth. In comments we are talking mainly about the nature of the auroras (the so-called "southern aurora"). M. Sokolov writes:

The authors of the Radarsat website, who offer their analysis of these sensational NASA materials, are asked to take into account that this is by no means the type of hole that, being on a flat horizontal plane, abruptly breaks down. No, in fact, almost the entire area of ​​Antarctica surrounding the hole is a gradually lowering area, as if going down like what we can see in an hourglass. For us, the problem is that we cannot feel the volume of this landscape - after all, we have a flat picture taken from above. Therefore, the hole looks as if it was drilled on a flat surface. In reality, however, this is not entirely true. Or rather, not at all… The images were provided by Jones McNibbly, one of the most vocal proponents of the Hollow Earth idea. As he himself explains, the surveys of Antarctica were made by the IMAGE satellite, whose task is to "deliver" video materials about the planet's magnetosphere. And on his Internet block, McNibbly cites two fragments of these videos. If you look at them more closely, you can see that fog comes out of the hole - on the right side of the dark spot.

Exactly fog and allows supporters of the Hollow Earth Hypothesis to consider our planet hollow and claim that it comes from the inner cavity as evidence of its ventilation (!!!).

Photo 2 I supplemented with points 1 - 4, in order to roughly indicate the places mentioned in the article: 1 - South Geographic Pole, 2 - McMurdo station (USA), 3 - Vostok station (Russia), 4 - point of the "hole" (84, 4 degrees south latitude and 39 degrees east longitude), the coordinates of which are given by M. Sokolov. Australia is visible in the left photo at the top left.

By the way, the position of the alleged holes on the left and right photographs does not match in coordinates.

Rice. 5.41. South Pole. stills from the video,

Exactly the same story as with the photographs of the North Pole: somewhere there is a “patch”, somewhere not (the South Pole is marked with a yellow button). In the left photo, we see a clearly defined area against the background of ice. It is also visible in the right frame. This is what in the language of geophysicists is called a depression (lowering of the terrain), and in this case it is very similar to a funnel. And in the two photographs in the middle, even the “patch” is not entirely well placed: the bright spot of the funnel is not completely closed.

Well, and the most powerful conclusion this topic the video serves as a chord, three frames from which I have shown in fig. 5.42. This is simply phenomenal, but it is also not discussed anywhere in the scientific world, at least not in the open press.

Rice. 5.42. Survey of the South Pole from the orbital station Mir (1987),

Well, where are you going to go? And "patches - blotches" can not be adapted. Photographed by astronauts from the Mir orbital station, launched in 1986. In the specified video, the hole is called the Portal, but for us it does not matter. The fact is important. True, I must admit that at first I began to doubt the authenticity. We don't fly orbital stations with people in polar orbits. The limit then and now is somewhere around 50º latitude both in the north and in the south. But then I thought that the height of the orbit is 400 km. Therefore, it is quite possible. The Voyager filmed the planet Jupiter almost from the equatorial plane, but the poles, although not very well, but with a certain computer processing can be completely seen (this will be discussed in detail in the chapter on Jupiter).

In some publications on the study of the polar zones of the Earth with the help of spacecraft, the statement is used as a fig leaf to cover secrecy that over the points of the poles, the probes lose their orbits and crash. And so after a few failed attempts satellite orbits were shifted in such a way that they did not pass over the very pole - what you see in fig. 5.43.

Rice. 5.43. Polar orbits of satellites,

Satellites crashing over the poles? Quite possible. Remember at least the information about what happened to the planes flying over the pyramids of Giza during the Israeli-Egyptian war in the 50s of the last century. Fought on the Israeli side american planes, in Egyptian - ours. Both of them noted that as soon as the plane was over the pyramids, the instruments failed, orientation was lost, the planes were poorly controlled. By some miracle it was possible to avoid collisions in the air. Since then, flights over the pyramids have been banned in Egypt. There is similar evidence of aircraft flying over the pyramids of China.

But these are only pyramids with their energy pillars above the tops. And at the poles there are Hyperboloid funnels with incredible power of cosmic and terrestrial energy vortices!


I will not make any generalizations and repeat individual points. You have already read all of this. The main thing in this chapter, as in the whole book, is the idea of ​​the Field hyperboloid. I was struck by the very simplicity of the thin-planned structure of the Hyperboloid, the controlling and communicative organ of the Essence called PLANET EARTH. And the thought immediately sunk in that such a phenomenon cannot be something exceptional, purely individual, peculiar only to our planet. Still, the Principles of Hermeticism and fractality in the Universe entered the depths of my worldview long before that.

And then information from automatic space probes began to appear. The first photographs of the N Pole of Jupiter taken by Voyager, and animations showing its "strangeness", for me were direct confirmation of the correctness of the idea of ​​the Field Hyperboloid as the heart for another celestial body. Then there was information from Cassini about Saturn ... and so on. Further more. Confirmation of my thoughts poured from American probes, as if from a cornucopia. And I realized that the Field Hyperboloid is a Universal Principle. Why does no one see this but me? Implementation of the Field Hyperboloid Principle to scale solar system It became clear to me, but I wanted to convey this idea to people. So the idea was born - to write a book with the involvement of actual experimental data in order to explain what science is still at a dead end.

Don't you think, dear friends, it is very strange that we are given much more information about the poles of Jupiter, Saturn, even Uranus and Neptune than about our own?

And further important point: V Lately great attention is paid to the study of the poles. The governments of all countries suddenly began to fuss and, as they say, "dig the earth with a horn." It's not just about the abundance of fossils on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean or Antarctica. Oh, not only ... Information about the Earth is extremely closed, and from the Juno, which reached Jupiter in July of this year and revolves around it only in polar orbits, information is already being received. Why did the Americans suddenly become so important and interested in the poles?

Science is interested in the poles!!! What would that mean???

In the next chapter, using the example of the solar system, we will consider scientific data obtained with the help of space probes and telescopes, confirming that the magnetic manifestations in the polar regions of the planets are very similar to what we talked about regarding the Earth. This allows us to assume that The process of Creation occurs according to a single scenario. And, most importantly, this is not just a pattern-template, this is the UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE OF THE UNIVERSE.