The foundation is an important element of any bath, which provides it with durability, wear resistance and reliability of operation.

The choice of the most suitable type of foundation is carried out at the planning stage of the future structure.

A standard columnar foundation is the best option for the construction of lightweight baths - panel, frame, wood and foam blocks.

Building such a foundation with your own hands is quite simple, our step-by-step instruction will allow you to follow the phased execution of work.

Key Features

The columnar foundation, made for modern lightweight frame-type baths weighing up to 1000 kg / m3, is simple, affordable and cheap.

The supporting-columnar foundation has significant advantages that distinguish it from other types of foundations:

  • The design and calculation of the columnar foundation can be done on your own, without the use of additional equipment and the involvement of third-party organizations;
  • The base of this type is equipped on any soil with a low level of heaving and a deep location of groundwater;
  • Foundation laying is possible in areas with significant differences at different points;
  • The construction of the columnar foundation is carried out in a short time. The minimum term is 14 days;
  • High strength and durability of the finished structure is ensured (the minimum service life of such a base is 50 years);
  • Low cost of consumables and construction work.

Among the significant shortcomings are the following factors:

  • The base is not suitable for the construction of heavy structures made of brick, concrete, cinder block;
  • A foundation of this type is not recommended for equipping baths equipped with basements;
  • To protect against increased moisture, an additional laying of a waterproofing layer is required.

Varieties of columnar foundation

The columnar foundation for a bathhouse or a residential building structurally consists of special supports (pillars) installed in the ground at a level of up to 155 cm with a protrusion from 0.25 to 0.55 m in the ground part.

Installation of supports is carried out at the corner points of the structure, as well as at the junction of walls with partitions. If there is a slope on the construction site, it is recommended to install additional supporting elements up to 3.6 meters long.

The main elements can be located at a distance of 150 to 300 cm from each other.

A distinctive characteristic of such a foundation is the arrangement of the grillage - special system, consisting of rund beams and strapping supports. It is designed to evenly and safely distribute the mechanical load on the finished base.

For frame and wooden baths, bars or logs made of wood are used as strapping elements, for concrete and brick structures - channels and metal beams.

Before you build a columnar foundation with your own hands, you should determine the type of landscape and the construction technology of the building. This affects the choice of building materials for the foundation and the depth of its foundation.

Basic building materials

For the construction of foundations of this type, the following materials are used:

  • Pipes made of asbestos cement, metal and plastic;
  • blocks;
  • Frost-resistant brick;
  • Stone;
  • Iron and rubble concrete;
  • Tree.

When choosing a certain type of material, it is important to correctly calculate the bearing capacity coefficient, on the basis of which a suitable support section is determined.

For structures made of concrete and blocks, a support with a cross section of 45 cm is sufficient, for concrete and rubble - up to 65 cm. When using pipes with a diameter of up to 35 cm, it is additionally recommended to strengthen the hollow structure with a frame made of thin reinforcement and concrete mixture.


This parameter is determined by the design and technical features future foundation, as well as geological indicators of the soil.

According to the depth of laying, a columnar foundation for a bath happens:

  • Buried - the level of the bookmark is below the permissible mark of possible freezing of the soil;
  • Shallow - the depth is from 45 to 75 cm from the top soil level;
  • Unburied - located in the upper part of the soil. At the installation points of the supports, the top layer of the earth is removed and filled with non-metallic type material.

According to the construction technology, the foundations are: monolithic and prefabricated.

The most popular options for monolithic bases are:

  • Columnar strip foundation. It is intended for the construction of frame-type structures and wooden buildings - residential buildings, gazebos and baths. Differs in simplicity of arrangement and reliability of operation. The basis of the foundation are special holes in the ground, where the reinforcement is installed and the concrete mixture is poured. The finished column can withstand maximum loads up to 16 tons;
  • Reinforced concrete column foundation. Possesses the increased durability, wear resistance and the good bearing ability. It is built from asbestos-cement and metal pipes, installed on a protective cushion of sand and gravel. A reinforcing belt is made to increase strength.

A monolithic columnar foundation is a fairly practical and economical option that is suitable for the construction of country houses and baths.

We offer for review a complete technical guide that will help you make a columnar foundation with your own hands in a short time.

Preparatory and design work

At the preparation stage, the future column foundation for the bath and the house requires the correct calculation of the bearing capacity of the structure according to the cross section of the supporting pillars.

For a monolithic structure, the minimum allowable cross section is 25 cm. To increase the stability of the structure, it is recommended to expand the base of the pillars with special ledges: at a height of up to 60 cm, the width should be 120 cm. The allowable installation step of the pillars is up to 2 meters.

Next, the preparation of the building site is carried out - garbage removal, a cut of the top layer of soil to a depth of 22 cm along the perimeter of the future bath. In this case, it is recommended to indent from the perimeter of the base up to 200 cm.

The second stage is a horizontal adjustment of the level of the site with the elimination of existing flaws - pits, mounds, hills, crevices. For this, a mixture based on gravel and sand is used.

Marking for support poles, their installation

The third stage is the preparation of the marking of the site for the installed support pillars. It is carried out as follows:

  • Arrangement of a cast-off - installation of support pillars at the corners at a distance of up to 200 cm from each other. According to the same scheme, the transfer of the remaining supports is carried out in accordance with the approved development scheme;
  • Pulling ropes along the outer axes for each load-bearing wall, as well as along the inner axes for partition walls;
  • Diagonal accuracy check for all internal and external walls.

To install the poles, the preparation of holes is required, which can be dug manually or using specialized equipment. Hole depth - 20 cm, width - up to 50 cm.

Arrangement of a sand cushion and armoframe

The fourth stage is the arrangement of the pillow. For laying the pillow, a non-metallic and practical material is used, which acts as a support for the future foundation. Pillow manufacturing technology is as follows:

  • A layer of dense sand of fine fraction - 15 cm;
  • The layer of crushed stone of the middle fraction is 18 cm.

Each layer of the pillow is carefully compacted and moistened with water. When erecting a monolithic structure, it is additionally recommended to fix the pillow with a cement-based mortar.

Armoframe provides additional rigidity, wear resistance and reliability of the finished structure. It is based on hollow pipes made of asbestos cement and metal, which are immersed in earthen holes.

An armored frame is inserted into the cavity of the pipes, followed by pouring with a concrete mixture. When pouring concrete, vibration is required.

The vibrating process serves to eliminate air voids and increase the strength of the supports. Reinforcement is carried out in the longitudinal direction with A3 reinforcement with a diameter of up to 14 mm. The installation of horizontal jumpers is carried out in increments of 18 cm. For this, a metal wire with a diameter of 7 mm is used.

To increase the strength of the finished structure, the base of the pillars is equipped with a grillage of a monolithic or metal type. In such a case, the reinforcing bars should rise above the foundation at a minimum distance of 15 cm.

Waterproofing protection and backfill

To protect the foundation (ground and underground parts) from the impact precipitation and groundwater, the arrangement of a waterproofing layer will help. For this, modern moisture-resistant mastics, rolled roofing material and thin membranes are used.

After completion of the waterproofing work, the cavities between the walls of the earth holes and the support beams are backfilled. For this, ordinary soil or a mixture based on gravel and sand is used.

Backfilling is carried out in stages, with each previous layer carefully rammed. The depth of one layer does not exceed 30 cm.

The pick-up is a bath base that performs aesthetic and protective functions - it improves appearance facade and protects the structure from the penetration of cold and dirt.

The optimal pick-up height is 40 cm.

To ensure natural ventilation, air holes are provided in the intake - vents. In addition, it carries out the laying of all necessary communications.

For the construction of the fence, it is allowed to use any building materials - brick, natural stone, cinder block. The finished structure can be tiled, porcelain stoneware, decorative plaster, ventilated facade, siding or ordinary roofing material.

Before starting work on arranging the intake, it is recommended to make a cement screed 20 cm thick, which will provide the walls with reliable support.

The columnar foundation is reliable, durable and wear-resistant. Even a novice can organize work on its construction.

A similar foundation technology is successfully used in the construction of baths, residential buildings, technical and utility buildings.

There are two types of columnar foundations - this is the foundation of blocks and bored piles. Ordinary brick is often used as the basis for blocks, but its use is only permissible in last resort if the building has a minimum weight, and the ground is sufficiently stable. The standard, according to GOST 6133-84, when arranging a columnar base is the use of special foundation blocks 20x20x40 cm. As for bored piles, they are usually made of concrete poured into asbestos-cement pipes, which are dug into the ground below the freezing depth of the soil.

As you know, before starting the construction of any building on the site, you need to carry out all the necessary calculations. And first of all, this applies to the calculation of the foundation, since the integrity of the entire structure will depend on its reliability. The main thing to consider here is the type of soil and the weight of the structure. Determining the type of soil is done through a series of tests and ideally requires calling in experts to carry out geological exploration.

The weight of the building will determine the number of posts required to ensure that the building maintains a stable and stable position. The choice of a simple column foundation for a bath from columns assembled on the basis of foundation blocks is allowed only if the total weight of the structure is small (light wall material and the absence of a second floor).

Consider the process of manufacturing such a foundation using the example of a base for a small one-story bath from a bar. This technology is suitable if the groundwater level on the site does not rise above 2 meters in the spring. The surface of the ground should not have any appreciable slope, and its composition should include either medium sand, or clay of medium density or harder.

How to make a foundation yourself?

First of all, with the help of a tape measure, wooden pegs and a strong thread, the future foundation is marked. The number of columns is taken from such a calculation that the load on one support does not exceed 4 tons.

After taking all measurements, installing pegs and stretching the threads, you can start digging holes. The depth is chosen with an orientation to the height of the fertile layer, but not less than 25 cm. It is necessary to completely remove the top layer of soil and get to the denser layer of soil underlying it.

The pillars are made of blocks 20x20x40 cm (or rather 39x19x18.8 cm) with a masonry width of two blocks. Thus, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone column will be 40x40 cm, and the dimensions of the hole under it should be such that there is an indent of 20 cm on each side. As a result, we get the final dimensions of 80x80 cm.

Next, each pit is covered with a layer of sand-gravel mixture (SGM) or sand 15 cm high. The resulting surface is spilled with water and well compacted. When all the holes are prepared, you can proceed to the manufacture of columns. One support consists of four concrete blocks 200x200x400 mm.

Each block is attached from the sides to the adjacent cement-sand mortar, in the ratio of 1 part of sand to 2 parts of cement. It is advisable to take quarry sand, but if only river sand is available, then it should first be asked through a sieve with a 2x2 mm cell. In the layer between the upper and lower tiers, a masonry mesh with a bar thickness of 4 mm and a cell of 100x100 mm is additionally placed in the mortar.

The top layer is adjusted in height with the help of a level to adjacent supports. It is important not to save on cement and carefully level the plane of each column. After everything is ready, the solution should be poured daily with water for at least two weeks, completely covering after each procedure with plastic wrap.

The free space in the hole around the support is covered with sand or ASG to the level of the ground around. Thus, all the columns are at a small depth of 10 cm.

As you can see in the photo, the bathhouse, which is installed on this foundation, has small dimensions and is built of timber. A box of logs or timber guarantees a more even distribution of the load on each support than a frame structure, which has a less rigid structure.

It is also important to pay attention to the perimeter of the building. It is protected by an insulated waterproofed concrete pavement. If there is any doubt about the resistance of the soil to deformations under the action of frost heaving forces (freezing of water in the soil, leading to its swelling), in without fail a blind area with a heat-insulating layer should be made. It will not only reduce the depth of soil freezing, but also protect the soil under the supports from being washed away by water flowing from the roof in the form of precipitation.

As an additional measure to minimize negative consequences from erosion of the soil during the period of prolonged rains, a drainage pipe is placed around the blind area, buried to a shallow depth. Organization drainage system- a separate big topic, but for regions subject to active soil erosion in spring or during rainy periods, it is simply necessary to provide for its protection from the negative effects of water.

Almost all happy owners of private houses, cottages or country houses would like to have a separate bathhouse on their site. For its construction, you can use the services of professional builders or build a bathhouse yourself.

The basis of the strength and durability of each building is undoubtedly the foundation. Often, for the construction of a bath, wooden material is used - logs or timber, thanks to which the construction is quite easy. That is why it is advisable to build a bathhouse on a columnar foundation, which is support pillars buried in the soil from various materials. Such supports can be mounted from wood, brick, stone, pipes, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete.

Column foundation - scheme

Before starting work, it is necessary to clean and plan the site for future construction. To do this, remove the top layer of soil (about 30 centimeters) under the planned building, along with all vegetation.

Then it is necessary to level all the pits, irregularities as much as possible, and in case of clay soil, add sand and gravel.

Next, we transfer the bath plan directly to land plot, using a tape measure, building level, ordinary wooden or metal pegs and construction thread to mark the axes. If the site is located on a terrain with a significant difference in the height of the sides, then it is advisable to use the help of a professional to determine the height of the foundation pillars and level the surface. This is a guarantee that the future bath will not have distortions.


Regardless of the choice of material for the installation of columnar supports, all foundations of this type are mounted according to a similar principle (except for the option with a grillage). This also applies to earthworks, before starting which it is necessary to determine the type of soil, proximity to the groundwater surface and the depth of its freezing.

These factors directly affect the installation depth of the supporting poles. To determine the type of soil and the level of groundwater, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of at least 1-1.2 meters (optimal). If there is no groundwater at this depth, and the soil is not heaving - freezing, then this depth is quite enough for the columnar foundation of the bath.

Otherwise, you need to dig to a dense, incompressible soil layer, focusing on the following indicator: freezing depth + 40 centimeters. It must be remembered that heaving soils include those that have clay in their composition. And the more it is contained, the more the earth is prone to freezing. If these conditions are not met, then under the influence of water or sub-zero temperatures, the foundation can not only crack or deform, but also completely collapse.

Columnar supports of the foundation must be located at the corners of the building, at the intersection of walls, along the entire perimeter and under the partitions every 1.5-2.0 meters, depending on the total weight of the structure. Pits for supports can be dug with a shovel, or you can use a special hand-held cone-shaped drill of the required diameter, thanks to which it is possible to obtain the most even holes.

Based on what material will be used for the construction of the columnar foundation, the required diameter of the holes is determined, which should be 7-10 centimeters larger than the following parameters:

  • for pillars made of brick and stone, optimally 50x50 centimeters;
  • for pillars made of rubble stone - 60x60 centimeters;
  • for asbestos-cement pipes Ø200 mm;
  • for reinforced concrete supports, 30-35 centimeters are enough;
  • for intermediate - this is 25-30 centimeters.

We pour about 20 centimeters of sand at the bottom of each prepared pit, add a little water and carefully tamp, thus obtaining the desired sand cushion. This completed the preparatory and earthworks. You can proceed to the direct arrangement of the columnar foundation from the selected material.

Column foundation made of pipes

The best option for the columnar foundation of the bath are metal or asbestos-cement pipes Ø200 millimeters, which are easily cut into pieces by a grinder desired length. It should be noted that a pole made of a pipe should protrude approximately 0.4 meters above the surface.

Name of productWeight of 1 pipe, kgInner outer
diameter, mm
Price 1 p/m, rub.
BNT 100*3.95m24 100/118 102,97
BNT 150*3.95m36 141/161 165,79
BNT 200*5m85 200/222 319,99
BNT 250*5m125 238/266 392,76
BNT 300*5m162 292/320 617,46
BNT 400*5m279 365/407 958,66
BNT 500*5m430 456/508 1732,51

Without fail, pipes must be protected from moisture and other negative factors. To do this, you need to make waterproofing - wrap the surface of the pipe with roofing material with bitumen, gluing waterproofing materials or treat with special mastics.

Prepared pipes are carefully and evenly lowered into each hole.

The gap between the pipe wall and the soil is filled with previously excavated earth or sand with gravel (layer thickness 40-50 centimeters), which should preferably be carefully compacted.

Reinforcing bars Ø12-14 millimeters should be inserted into the middle of the installed pipes at a distance of 7 centimeters from each other, which act as a reinforcing frame. Since the reinforcement must protrude above the finished pillars, its length must be 20% greater than the size of the pipe.

After these preparatory work, you can start pouring the foundation pillars. The best option is concrete grade M400. It can be ordered from specialized enterprises or made by yourself using a concrete mixer. For self-production, it is enough to use cement of the M400 brand, coarse sand, gravel of fine and medium fractions, which must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.5: 3. The required amount of water is 0.4 part of the amount of cement taken.

The process of pouring the concrete mixture itself takes place in several stages (see table).

Work orderIllustration
concrete is poured inside the installed pipe to a third of its height

the pipe rises, which allows the concrete to form a kind of pillow, and then is pressed into this base

subsequently, we continue to pour concrete in and around the pipe in stages, tamping it every 0.3 meters with a deep vibrator for concrete, and in its absence, you can use a reinforcing bar. This is necessary to get rid of air bubbles and improve the quality of concrete.

We cover the piles made in this way with a film and let them stand for 7-10 days. During this time, the concrete gains the necessary strength and you can continue the construction of the bath.

This method of erecting columnar foundations is one of the most popular due to its high reliability, relative cheapness, speed of installation with minimal skills.

Prices for asbestos-cement non-pressure pipes

asbestos-cement non-pressure pipes

Preparatory and earthworks before arranging a brick column foundation are similar to working with pipes. But for the convenience of the master, holes for future pillars will not have to be drilled, but dug manually or using equipment, which is much faster, but also more expensive. At the same time, do not forget to slightly increase the volume for the convenience of work.

We fill the bottom of the prepared pit with a fifteen- or twenty-centimeter layer of sand, which we tamp down, forming a sand cushion. Pour over it concrete base, reinforced with a mesh of reinforcement. For the manufacture of the grid, we take reinforcing bars with a section of 12-14 millimeters, cut to the parameters of the pit. We lay them perpendicularly, forming square cells, the intersections of which we fasten with a thin knitting wire with a diameter of 2-3 millimeters. For the convenience of knitting, you can use a special hook, which should be purchased at a hardware store. The thickness of the concrete base (M400), together with the reinforcing mesh, should not exceed 20 centimeters.

Pillar foundation made of bricks - scheme

After giving concrete a few days to gain strength, you can proceed directly to the brickwork. It should be noted that a hollow brick is completely unsuitable for this. It would be optimal to use a solid ceramic brick (for example, M-100), which has the necessary strength and resistance to low temperatures.

Doing brickwork, it is advisable to check each row with a level. This will allow you to get an even column. For greater strength of the pillars, you can lay a mesh of reinforcement through 3-4 rows of bricks. We murine the brick support of the foundation 15-20 centimeters above ground level and protect it with waterproofing material - mastic or roofing material with hot bitumen. After 5-7 days, we cover the finished brick pillar with earth, which we carefully tamp.

Despite the popularity of such a columnar foundation, it has its drawbacks. The seams between the bricks make such a support rather fragile and, under the influence of adverse factors, it can be destroyed.

Brick prices

For its manufacture, foundation concrete blocks are used. industrial production. Most often, we use a corpulent or with minor voids block measuring 20x20x40 centimeters.

It is a durable building material that can withstand significant loads. The columnar foundation of blocks is mounted by analogy with brick supports, taking into account some differences:

  • due to the greater weight of the blocks, the thickness of the monolithic reinforced concrete base over the sand cushion varies from 50 to 70 centimeters;
  • it is permissible to make it from crushed stone of large and medium fractions instead of sandy bedding. This helps to remove the moisture present;
  • before installing the first row of blocks, it is necessary to make a pillow from the solution, on which the building material should be installed;
  • the row to be mounted must consist of at least two blocks. Each subsequent one is installed perpendicular to the previous one and fastened to it with ordinary cement mortar for masonry.

The last row of blocks is mounted with an excess of 20-30 centimeters above the ground and is covered with waterproofing material to protect the seams and the blocks themselves from moisture and low temperature regime, which together can lead to the destruction of this type of columnar foundation. When laying blocks on the surface, it is necessary to carefully control their location relative to the marked axes of the future bath building. We backfill the gap around the mounted block supports with previously excavated soil, which is also rammed.

Block foundation - photo

Laying blocks on a sloping site requires special attention. In no way can block supports be laid at the same depth. This can lead to the subsequent skew of the bath and the destruction of the columnar foundation.

Column foundation made of concrete

The reinforced monolithic columnar foundation made of concrete is considered the strongest and most reliable.

For its manufacture, we carry out preparatory and earthworks in accordance with the general technology. From reinforcement Ø12-14 millimeters we make round and square frames (we use 3 or 4 rods, respectively) of the required length, taking into account the protrusion above the pole by 15-20 centimeters. To do this, we connect the rods with a thin wire with round or square rings bent from smooth reinforcement Ø6-8 millimeters.

It is possible to pour a foundation pillar of the required size only with the help of formwork, which should be made from edged boards, chipboard and other suitable materials. However, this method is quite lengthy, laborious and financially costly.

At the bottom of the prepared pit with a layer of 10-20 centimeters, we pour and tamp a sand cushion, on top of which we lay roofing material or polyethylene, which is necessary to retain moisture in the poured concrete.

We immerse the mounted formwork into the hole and install the reinforced frame there.

Column foundation - formwork and reinforcement scheme

We pour concrete grade 400 into the formwork, which is prepared from cement grade M 400, coarse sand, gravel of fine and medium fractions, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.5: 3 with water in an amount of 0.4 parts of the cement used.

Every 30-35 centimeters of pouring, we ram the concrete, removing air.

We cover the finished support with a film and let it stand for several days, after which we remove the formwork from the hardened concrete.

We cover the finished supports with waterproofing materials and fill the sinuses with previously excavated earth.

To reduce costs and time when arranging a columnar foundation for a concrete bath, instead of a hard formwork, you can use a fixed soft formwork, which is a roofing material with a fiberglass mesh. In this case, the holes for the support must be made using a drill of the appropriate size. Having cut off the roofing material of the required length, we twist it and install it in the prepared hole. At the same time, a sand cushion and a lower insulating layer are also necessary. Next, we install the reinforcement cage and pour concrete, as in the case of removable formwork. Using such material, we get a finished pile, immediately covered with a waterproofing material. And immediately after gaining concrete strength, you can perform the next stage of work.

Photo - pouring process

Prices for roofing material


Video - Pouring a columnar foundation

When building a heavier bathhouse building (for example, made of bricks) or if you want to equip a basement, you can mount a columnar foundation with a grillage. This is a monolithic reinforced concrete strip structure that connects the upper points of all foundation elements buried in the ground.

To fill the grillage, you will need formwork material: edged board with a thickness of 20 to 40 millimeters, plywood, OSB or other similar building material. As well as reinforcement with a cross section of 10-12 millimeters and concrete not lower than grade 150. Most often, concrete grade 200 is used to fill the grillage, and if you make it yourself, you need to mix M400 cement, coarse sand and crushed stone of medium or fine fraction in a ratio of 1: 2, 5:4.5.

Calculate the amount of lumber for formwork. It should be noted that the height of the grillage should be at least 0.3 meters, and its width should be 10 centimeters greater than the width of the manufactured columnar supports.

  1. We determine the immediate height of the grillage and add another 0.2 meters to it, since the height of the formwork should be more level concrete poured into it.
  2. We fix the thickness of the formwork material in meters.
  3. We measure the total length of the future grillage.
  4. We multiply all the obtained parameters together and get required amount formwork material in cubic meters.

We knock down the formwork box from the prepared lumber. In its lower part, holes should be cut for previously made pillars, which should rise slightly above bottom formwork.

Video - Formwork installation

It is necessary to make frames with transverse square clamps from reinforcement rods, which can be bent from thinner smooth reinforcement or from wire Ø6-8 mm. They will give the necessary strength and reliability of the structure. Every 30-35 centimeters we connect the clamps and reinforcement rods with a knitting wire in an amount equal to the entire perimeter of the grillage. We calculate the size of the frame in such a way that it is 5-7 centimeters from it to the walls of the formwork.

If the finished foundation pillars are at a considerable distance from each other, then for reliability it is possible to strengthen the formwork with wooden supports, which must be installed strictly horizontally.

Before pouring concrete into the formwork box, we will install a reinforcing frame, fixing its lower part to the reinforcement protruding from the columns.

Video - Columnar foundation. Formwork, reinforcement, pouring

If pouring is carried out from a concrete mixer truck, then we pour the entire concrete mixture at a time, while removing air with a construction vibrator, a reinforcement bar, or simply with a shovel.

If you have to mix the concrete yourself and pour it for several days, then:

  • at one time we fill in part of the grillage, divided vertically, not forgetting to remove air;
  • before pouring the next part, the edge of the finished block with already hardened concrete is abundantly moistened with water.

Filling the formwork with a completely concrete mixture, cover it with a film and let it stand for several days. Then carefully remove the wooden box and our hanging grillage is ready.

It should be noted that regardless of the material used to equip the columnar foundation, this version of the foundation for the future bath is more reliable than the traditional tape one, and at the same time much cheaper (almost twice).

Video - Pile-grillage foundation

Video - The nuances of building a pile-grillage foundation

The columnar foundation is chosen by many owners of suburban areas who are going to build a bathhouse. This is due to the fact that this type of foundation is inexpensive and can be built by hand. At the same time, the columnar base is reliable enough to withstand the weight of not only a bath, but also a two-story house.

When to choose a columnar foundation

The described type of foundations should be erected during the creation of small buildings from timber.

It is worth remembering that such a foundation is not recommended to be installed on weak soils, since it does not provide sufficient stability for the structure. In this case, the way out is to create a reinforced concrete grillage, which increases the cost of building a house.

Also, do not create a columnar foundation in areas where there are large height differences. This is due to the fact that during construction, difficulties may arise during the creation of the basement.

The device of such a base for a bath from a bar allows you to save money and time. The design can be made with your own hands in just a day. You can create a columnar foundation for a bath with your own hands even without the experience of doing such work.

Types of columnar foundation

Before proceeding with the construction of a bath from a bar, it is worth studying in more detail the features of a columnar base. Such a foundation is a structure consisting of several supports connected by a grillage or lower trim of the building.

The number of supports depends on the size of the building and its weight. To determine the weight of the bath, you need to know the mass of materials used to create it.

The columnar foundation is divided into several types. The choice of a particular option depends on many factors, which include the type of soil and the amount of money that the owner of the site is willing to spend on the building. If you want to create a cheaper design, you can install wooden posts. But it is worth remembering that they can be used for no more than 30 years, even when processing wood with special compounds.

In some cases, it is more advantageous to build a base out of bricks, as this material is often left over after the main structure has been built on the site. The use of unused materials will significantly reduce construction costs.

The described type of foundation can be divided into two types:

  • buried;
  • shallow.

The laying of the buried foundation takes place at a depth of 0.5 to one meter. It is important to remember that the pillars must be below the freezing level of the soil. This type of foundation is often created in areas with increased level humidity.

A shallow foundation is created at a depth of 40 to 70 cm. This type of foundation is used if the soil on the site has a high bearing capacity. It is worth remembering that when creating a columnar foundation, it will not work to create a basement. But when creating a bath, you can not think about it.

From what materials can a columnar foundation be made

Before you start, you need to choose the most best option to create the base of the bath from a bar. For the construction of pillars used:

  1. Stone. This material is strong enough to withstand a two-story structure, so when using it, you don’t have to worry about the reliability of the base for a log bath. But it is worth remembering that such material has a high cost.
  2. Brick. This material is more accessible. But not every type of brick is suitable for creating a columnar foundation.
  3. concrete blocks. The size of such products allows the construction of the base in a short period of time.
  4. Asbestos-cement pipes. Such products are installed in pre-created recesses and poured with concrete mortar.

Wood is not usually used to create the foundation for a log bath, since in many buildings the drain is equipped directly under the building, which increases the risk of destruction of the base due to constant exposure to moisture. When creating a columnar foundation for a bathhouse with your own hands, it is worth remembering that before starting work, you need to accurately calculate the load on the base.

Territory marking

In order to avoid mistakes during the construction of the foundation, it is worth doing all the work in stages, paying attention to each action. First, calculations are made and a drawing is created. It is best to entrust this work to specialists in order to avoid mistakes. If the calculations are made incorrectly, the foundation will not withstand the load and the structure may be deformed. In order to correctly perform all the steps, it is worth watching a video on how the columnar foundation of the bath is created.

After creating the drawing, you can start marking the territory. Transferring the drawing to the construction site is as follows:

  1. First, the site is leveled. It is not necessary to create a completely flat surface. But it is better to make differences in height insignificant. This can be done both with the help of construction equipment and manually.
  2. After that, pegs are driven into the ground. They are placed in places where the corner supports of the building will be located. First, two pegs are driven in, the distance between which is equal to the width of the pole to be installed. After that, two more are installed on the opposite side. Cords are stretched between them. Thus, the marking of the outer perimeter of the future structure is created. Similarly, pegs are installed in other places. In places where the cords intersect and form squares, foundation supports will be installed.
  3. After that, according to the markup, several holes are created. Their depth is determined by the depth of soil freezing and the weight of the structure. It is important to consider that the pillars must be evenly distributed under the bath so that the same load acts on each of them. If the distance between adjacent supports is more than 2 meters, it is worth installing another pole between them.
  4. The depth of all created holes should be the same.

It is more convenient to create holes with a drill. But in the absence of this tool, you can carry out all the work with a shovel.

Pole installation

The next step is to install the pillars:

  1. First, the soil is compacted at the bottom of the created pits.
  2. After that, the creation of a sand cushion is carried out. About 15 cm of sand is poured at the bottom of each pit. The material must be moistened with water and compacted. If this is not done, shrinkage of the bath may occur.
  3. At the next stage, crushed stone is falling asleep. After backfilling, it is necessary to compact the material, the layer thickness should be about 15 cm.
  4. After that, the material is poured with concrete to a height of about 20 cm. If the structure is wooden, the reinforcing cage is not installed.
  5. After the concrete has hardened, the pillars are created. If they are built of brick, the material is laid out directly on the concrete base. If concrete pillars are used, after their installation, the space around them is covered with rubble. To ensure the durability of the base, it is necessary to waterproof the pillars. Usually ruberoid is used for this. Such material reliably protects against moisture and has a low cost.
  6. In order for the load to be evenly distributed on all the pillars, they are connected by a concrete grillage. Such a design can be made independently. To do this, a wooden formwork is created on the finished supports, after which a reinforcing cage is installed in it, which is subsequently poured with concrete.

Rules for the work on the creation of a columnar base

When creating a columnar foundation, certain rules must be observed:

  1. The cement composition that is used to create the pillars should not be too liquid or thick. The solution becomes plastic, but not fluid.
  2. The installation of poles in the pits should occur only after the bottom is tamped. If you do not follow this rule, the soil may shrink.
  3. During work, it is necessary to ensure that all supports are located on the same horizontal plane. Even one incorrectly installed pole can lead to a skewed structure.
  4. During construction, it is worth using materials that differ high quality. To create pillars, it is necessary to choose cement, the grade of which must be at least M400.
  5. To increase the life of the foundation, the pillars should be insulated with a moisture-proof material. Roofing material is usually used, since it reliably protects against water and has a low cost.
  6. Before starting work, it is necessary to take into account the features of the soil.

By following all the described rules for carrying out work, you can create a reliable and durable foundation for your bath. Gender in wooden bath on a columnar foundation, it is usually created on the lower strapping from a bar.

Draining a bath on a columnar foundation

So that the base does not collapse from exposure to moisture, it is necessary to properly equip the drain. Since baths are most often created in small sizes, the pillars are located only under the outer walls and corners. A recess is created under such a bath, in which water flows due to the created floor slope. To make a drain, many waterproof the floor in the bath and install a sewer pipe.

The drain can drain moisture under the bath or into the sewer system, which contributes to the flow of water outside the building.

The bath in the minds of any modern person is a stronghold of something native, coming from the depths of centuries and is directly associated with health and an increase in life expectancy. That is why, having decided to start the construction of this important facility, people approach the process with all seriousness. And if, as they say, "the theater begins with a hanger", then any construction, of course, begins with laying the foundation. The columnar foundation for a bath is a kind of "gold standard" for such an object.

Building a bath - starting with the basics

Before starting construction, it is necessary to draw up a plan and clearly calculate all the necessary materials and costs that will be needed in the process of work. Naturally, at the initial stage, after the preparation of equipment, building materials and the site for construction, the issue of building a foundation comes to the fore.

Pouring a columnar base is especially relevant if the site chosen for construction is located in a frequently flooded area or it is based on rocky soil. Consider how and what needs to be done if it is decided to build a foundation with your own hands.

To create a solid and reliable foundation for a bath, you need to understand what it is actually about. The columnar foundation visually represents a sequence of bearing pipes (pillars) located along the stiffness nodes of the building (in places of the greatest loads). In the classic version, the pillars are concentrated in the projection of the bearing walls, at the corners and in places where the walls intersect with each other. In cases where the bath has internal load-bearing partitions or other massive parts, pillars are also installed in their projection.

A bath on a columnar foundation must have certain dimensions (not be heavy enough) and cannot have basements or basements.

Design features of columnar bases

Based on the experience of many years of construction, it was determined that when building a high-quality basis, the optimal distance between the pillars is from 1.5 to 2 m. To create an additional rigid frame for the entire structure, individual columns are connected to each other by grillages. These elements also serve in the future for the convenience of building a plinth.

For a high-quality independent creation of a reliable foundation, the following aspects should be considered:

  • The cost of a columnar base will cost an order of magnitude lower than when pouring a tape analogue;
  • Columnar bases are less prone to heaving in conditions of severe freezing of the soil;
  • The settlement of this type of base on the ground is less pronounced than that of strip bases;
  • If the site allocated for construction is characterized by weak soil, prone to horizontal displacement, then it is better to refuse a columnar foundation;
  • If it is necessary to use a high plinth for the construction of the walls of the room, material costs for construction increase sharply.

If all of the above points are not an obstacle and the choice is made, you can safely proceed to the start of construction. And then the question arises, how to make a columnar foundation for a bath?

Features of the base depending on the type of the main structure

An important role in choosing the material for the base is played by the type of the main structure of the building, in this case, the bath. A huge selection of materials and models on the market makes this choice quite difficult.

It should be noted that for all the power and reliability strip foundations, they are more relevant for heavy block or brick structures. When erecting lighter structures, these bases become of little use. So a columnar foundation for a frame bath is the most ideal option. With the simplicity of erection and sufficient strength, this type of structure also provides significant material savings.

When planning a bath from other materials, it becomes possible to consider other types of bases. So for paving and log buildings, tape options made of rubble concrete are also quite suitable. However, such structures are more massive, their device is associated with the need to use special tools and special construction equipment. All this, in turn, is fraught with additional costs of money and time.

Construction of the base for the bath

That is why columnar foundation options are also often chosen for a bath from a bar. At the same time, options that were used in the days of Ancient Rus' can be used for cobbled buildings. It's about about the foundation of large ordinary stones, placed one on top of the other in the projection of the corners of the bath and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. The laid out stones are turned into a monolith by pouring a specially prepared concrete mixture.

In case preference is given modern technologies, when building frame or cobbled baths, you can opt for brick, concrete blocks or asbestos pipes. Today, a columnar foundation for a block bath is quite popular. At the same time, rigidity and strength are imparted to the structure by filling with reinforced concrete mortar, thereby strengthening the reinforcing frame.

The main stages of the technological process

In the market of the modern construction industry, the most popular structural elements for a columnar foundation are reinforced concrete monolithic columns. However, this does not mean that only one option is possible. When choosing materials for their bath, each person should be guided by the initial data of his plan and site: the weight of the future structure, soil type, terrain features. Depending on these factors, the material of choice may be stone, rubble concrete, brick, steel, asbestos concrete, wood, etc.

When choosing the type and material from which the columns for the foundation will be made, it is important to know the parameters of the minimum section for various options:

Bathhouse on poles

  • 500-600 mm - for stone pillars;
  • 380-400 mm - for brick options;
  • 300-400 mm - when using monolithic concrete types;
  • 200 mm - for wooden analogues.

After purchasing the required amount of materials, constituent elements and preparation necessary tools and technology, you can safely proceed to the direct installation of the base of the future bath. At the same time, despite the type of material chosen, the principles of laying columnar foundations differ little from each other. According to the generally accepted scheme, the supporting-columnar foundation is being built according to the following technology. On the prepared site, they dig a pit of the required depth, which is filled with sand to a distance of 15-25 cm. This sand cushion is abundantly saturated with water and thoroughly compacted. Then, a structure of pre-selected poles, pipes or blocks is installed on the specified layer. After that, the pit is filled with a special concrete pour.

When building a bath (due to the lightness of the supporting structures), there is no need to create a specialized formwork. It is considered sufficient to use sheets of ordinary roofing material as formwork.

For this purpose, pipes of a certain diameter are rolled from sheets of roofing material and fixed along the edges with reinforced construction tape. After that, these roofing material pipes are laid in a pit and a sandy “cushion” is poured on top with further installation of foundation elements. As an embankment, fine gravel or sand can be used.

After the installation of the main structure, it is necessary to prepare the concrete mixture. As a rule, 55 kg of sand and 90 kg of crushed stone or fine gravel are taken for 25 kg of cement. It is in this ratio of components that the mixture turns out to be optimally mobile, but at the same time it does not spread and quickly seizes. When mixing the composition with other proportions, the quality and strength of the resulting concrete pour suffer.

After preparing the sweep and installation and actually pouring the pillars into the dug hole, each column must be waterproofed. In most cases, bituminous mastic or the roofing material mentioned above is used for these purposes.

When using wooden poles, in addition to waterproofing materials, it is necessary to use impregnation from antiseptic solutions. After the mixture has completely hardened, the pillars will be waterproofed, the remaining sinuses will be covered with soil and the installation of the floor elements will begin. Additional insulation of the foundation to protect it from low temperatures and snow cover is created using modern tiled insulation or ordinary brick.

To create the finishing touches, the outer wall of the base can be sheathed with false panels or siding sheets.

How to ensure the strength and durability of the structure?

In order for the completed structure to serve for more than a dozen years, it is important to take into account some features. In particular, in order to avoid significant deformation of the base, it should not be left unloaded during the cold season, that is, it is necessary to build a foundation and a bath in one season.

When poured, the mixture gains maximum strength within 20-30 days. During this time, it is advisable to only cover the base with a protective film and leave it unloaded.

The floor in the bath on a columnar foundation also requires additional waterproofing. Ideally, it is created multi-layered with the use of additional heaters, waterproofing materials, for which isospan is well suited.

Subject to a competent approach and taking into account all these nuances independent construction a columnar foundation for a bath becomes a completely solvable task. At the same time, the built bath will delight its owner with durability, reliability and unsurpassed quality.

Columnar foundation for a bath - the main characteristics, advantages of choice and principles of construction

A bath on the site is the pride of every homeowner. This article will consider a columnar foundation for a bath.