Marina Vyacheslavovna Anisina is a beautiful and talented figure skater who perfectly combines figure skating, raising two beloved kids, and also, healthy lifestyle life.

Marina made mistakes in her life, however, the biggest joy and huge mistake was marriage to the scandalous, outrageous and slightly insane actor and director Nikita Dzhigurda. The whole country followed these relations, but they could not draw a line between reality and a PR stunt.

One way or another, but the skater was able to achieve everything on her own and became a symbol of how patience and work can help in life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Marina Anisina

Fans of a beautiful and bright figure skater can accurately indicate her height, weight, age. How old is Marina Anisina - this is also public information, however, it is worth repeating it again.

Marina was born in 1975, so the beauty was only forty-two years old. The zodiac gave the girl the sign of a quiet, insecure, punctual, correct, modest and stable Virgo.

The eastern horoscope endowed Anisina with such character traits inherent in Rabbits as benevolence, restraint, objectivity in judgments, refinement, ambition.

Marina Anisina: photos in her youth and now are slightly different, because today the skater has gained a little weight and has become more confident and relaxed. Her height reached the level of a meter and sixty-three centimeters, and her weight did not exceed five tens of kilograms.

Biography of Marina Anisina

The biography of Marina Anisina has always been interesting, it is connected with the fact that with constant training you can achieve a lot, but disenchant your Beast. The baby was born in the capital of the then USSR, she was born in a special family.

Father - Vyacheslav Anisin - was a famous hockey player who played for the Wings of the Soviets team, as well as for the USSR national team.

Mother - Irina Chernyaeva - was a famous Soviet figure skater.

Brother - Mikhail Anisin - was born thirteen years later than his sister, he attended sports school, and since 2005 he became a hockey player, like a famous dad. He was a promising player in CSKA, Dynamo, Saryak, Wings of the Soviets.
Marinka began skating at the age of three, and only then began to train with Lyudmila Pakhomova. She skated in tandem with Ilya Averbukh, with whom she constantly won gold at the junior world championships, until her partner left her. After a new partner, Gwendal Peyser, was found, Anisina moved to France and even became a citizen of this country.

With her bright and charismatic partner, she received many prestigious awards, and even won the European Championship and the Winter Olympic Games in 1999-2000 with Gwendale, after which they left the big sport after the scandal.
Marina took part in the show "Dancing on Ice", and also starred in the movie "What Men Do".

Marina Anisina's personal life

The personal life of Marina Anisina before meeting with Nikita Dzhigurda was very quiet, calm and lethargic. The thing is that the girl was constantly engaged and trained on ice, so she practically did not pay attention to the guys. The most interesting thing is that she often perceived the guys not as friends, but as rivals.

Friends, acquaintances, relatives and colleagues dissuaded her from marriage with the outrageous and strange Nikita. Anisina at that time was in love and infinitely happy, so she did not pay attention to the strange behavior of her chosen one.

Currently, Marina's heart belongs to her beloved children, she does not even think about new relationships and marriage.

Marina Anisina's family

The family of Marina Anisina was small, but friendly and active. The fact is that the girl's parents were sports people who found themselves in winter sports.

The father and mother did not want the girl to be associated with sports in the future, because this entailed constant training, inevitable injuries, as well as the restrictions associated with them.

Marinka got into professional sports by accident, when her grandmother fell ill and could not stay at home with the girl. So the baby went to the training camp with her mother and soon began to compete in figure skating and has had great success.

Children of Marina Anisina

The children of Marina Anisina were born into this world in marriage to the outrageous and bright Nikita Dzhigurda, who was extremely happy about this. Both children were born with a slight age difference, they are friendly and incredibly bright.

Marina Anisina is pregnant with her third child, such news spread all over the channels and appeared on the front pages of the tabloids in 2017. Everyone said that Dzhigurda's persistence attracted not only the resumption of relations, but also the interesting position of the skater. The smiling faces of future parents and purchases of children's things indicated that they were happy. However, the joy was soon overshadowed by the news that Anisina had a miscarriage, after which the couple broke up completely.

At the same time, during a joint vacation on Greek resort Dzhigurda posted a message that he was going to conceive another child with Marina to replace the one that could not be born.

By the way, they say that Anisina did not have a pregnancy at all, and this story was just a PR move in order to stir up interest in the couple.

The son of Marina Anisina - Mik-Angel Krist Dzhigurda

The son of Marina Anisina - Mick-Angel Krist Dzhigurda - was born in 2009, Nikita was delighted with his first child, so in literally showered his wife with gifts and thanked for the baby in in social networks.
The triple name of the boy is associated with angels and Jesus Christ, who were supposed to become the protectors of the baby, of course, it is clear that the outrageous dad called the child that way.

It is worth noting that the boy sometimes behaves inappropriately because of conversations with his father about the other world, as he even tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the window.

Mick is a good student at school, goes in for sports, he is currently mastering judo, gymnastics and confidently skates.

Daughter of Marina Anisina - Eva-Vlad Dzhigurda

The daughter of Marina Anisina - Eva-Vlad Dzhigurda - was born in 2010, and this happened literally in live, since her outrageous father filmed the whole process on video, accompanying him with frank comments.

Her father simply adores the girl, he often sees her and fulfills all the desires of the princess. Eva is insanely similar to her mother, she loves to be photographed and wants to become a model or actress.

The baby loves to travel, tries to manage a real yacht, masters water and skiing, and also, is engaged in modern dances and figure skating.

Former husband of Marina Anisina - Nikita Dzhigurda

The ex-husband of Marina Anisina, Nikita Dzhigurda, is the most outrageous actor and film director of our time. His bass is known to every person all over the world, and his behavior sometimes makes even the most persistent person blush, as it borders on insanity.

Young people met on the ice of the show "Dancing on Ice", back in 2007 they were able to win and reveled in fame. At the same time, Nikita began to court his partner, but sometimes he did it so extravagantly that he frightened her more than pleased her.
Love grew, so already in 2008 the guys got married, while the wedding was noisy, outrageous and slightly crazy. Anisina appeared on her in a red lace dress and bright tights, and Dzhigurda in a strange general's tunic with orders from the time of the king.

Anisina claims that a stormy romance led to a strange family life, where Nikita constantly filmed his every step on video or a camera, including the birth of a child and many explicit scenes, and laid it out for everyone to see. Also, he abused alcohol, often behaved rather inadequately and even systematically beat his wife in front of his children and forced them to participate in satanic rites.

All this led to a divorce, which took place in 2016, after Anisina accused her husband of inappropriate behavior and demanded treatment at the clinic. Dzhigurda later stated that he was ready to change for the sake of his beloved, stuffed tattoos in her honor, but nothing happened to change.

Marina Anisina latest news

Marina Anisina last news indicate that Dzhigurda and Anisina constantly either converge or diverge, about which timely information instantly appears on social networks. The fact is that Marina was recently in interesting position but the baby was not destined to be born.

So far, Nikita and Marina are not together again, although more recently on Instagram pages one could admire photos from a joint vacation, going to children's shops and walking with offspring.

One way or another, but the couple is not together now, so Anisina is trying to improve her physical and psychological condition. Marina again went on the ice and began to dance, she took the children and moved to France. She also became a welcome guest on television programs, where, together with lawyer Sergei Zhilin, she talked about life with Nikita.

Marina Anisina naked photo it won’t be possible to find our days, however, since the time of life with a shocking spouse, there are plenty of nude photographs. Everyone knows that Dzhigurda loved to flaunt his beloved girl, as evidenced by the process of her birth, posted on the Internet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Anisina

The figure skater has had Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Anisina for a long time, since it is with their help that she communicates with her fans.

On the Wikipedia page, you can find extremely reliable information that will be related only to education or career growth, however, will in no way affect childhood and school years Anisina. It is worth noting that Anisina's parents are so famous that separate articles on Wikipedia are devoted to them.

A huge number of people have subscribed to Marina's Instagram, namely, twenty thousand people. Fans of the famous figure skater can admire not only high quality photos, but also on video materials from family and personal archive. It is worth clarifying that there are practically no materials from the sports archive, since Marina does not like to mix work and family.

At present, no one should be surprised by the news that an athlete/sportswoman competes for another country. However, at the World Championships, everyone tries to protect the interests of their homeland. Due to some circumstances, some of the athletes are forced to watch the triumphal procession of their compatriots, sitting at the stands, where the delegates of other states settled. Marina Anisina also belonged to this category of people for some time. The history of her career cannot be called cloudless. Ups interspersed with downs, a change of one place of residence followed another, and only one component was present in her life invariably - this is figure skating.

Childhood years in a sports family

The biography of Marina Anisina takes the first round of her story in Moscow. It was there that on August 30, 1975, the future famous figure skater was born. Her parents knew about the world of sports firsthand. Marina's mother is the famous figure skater Irina Chernyaeva. The girl's father, Vyacheslav Anisin, became famous for his achievements in hockey. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl's future career was predetermined: by the will of fate, she was destined to repeat the success of her parents.

Marina Anisina has been skating since the age of three. Her parents instilled in her faith in victory and the desire to achieve her goals. Gradually, the girl began to achieve excellent results.

Victories and defeats

Her first partner in pair skating becomes famous. It was with him that figure skater Marina Anisina won gold medals at the World Junior Championships. Their first triumph came in 1990. The couple repeated their sparkling success two years later. However, a sad fate was prepared for the bright union: Ilya Averbukh leaves his partner, choosing his new colleague

However, Marina Anisina very quickly found a replacement for the “eluded” athlete. Sergei Sakhnovsky replaced Averbukh. However, here fate again decided to play a trick on the girl. As soon as the couple began to achieve high results, Sergey leaves for Israel, where he becomes a colleague of Galit Chait.

From Russia to France

This time, Marina was looking for a replacement partner for a very long time. However, the search process in no way relaxed the skater: she still trained hard. After some time, Anisina realized that in Russia she was not destined to find herself a full-fledged partner. It was then, on the advice of her coach, that she began to watch films with recordings of performances by foreign athletes. After a long and careful selection, Marina Anisina stops her eyes on two skaters: the Frenchman Gwendal Peizer and the Canadian Viktor Kraatz. The athlete writes letters to both foreigners about the proposal of a pair performance. The French agreed to this request. However, in return, he also set a condition: the couple would play for France. Seeing no way out of this situation, Marina moves to the country of fashion. It was 1993. For the first six months, she lives with the Peiser family in Lyon. Then she moves to her own apartment and receives French citizenship.

The success of the new citizen of France

The change of partner and country allowed Marina to perform again. The couple demonstrated the first success of the Russian-French union at the 1998 Olympics in Nagano. Marina and Gwendal took bronze medals from there. In a duet with Peizer, the girl became the French champion three times. In 2000, the couple won the European Championship. Two years later, they repeated their success, further securing it at the world championship. In the same year, Anisina and Peizer left to perform at the Olympics in Salt Lake City. Marina was happy new opportunity show your skill. The only thing that bothered her was the French anthem that sounded from the speakers instead of the much-desired Russian one.

It is noteworthy that this speech was accompanied by a huge scandal. Not only Marina and Gwendal were involved in it, but also French judges. However, this did not stop the international duo from taking home the gold. The bright couple's career ended in 2002 after winning the Olympics and the World Championship. Since then, they have performed only in various shows. However, their performances are still remembered by the public: the support that was performed by the partner, and not at all by the partner, favorably distinguished the duet from the competitors.

From athlete to prince

First real love Marina Anisina was However, their relationship was hampered by distance: for a long time boy and girl training different countries. Love by mail did not last long, and soon young man appeared new sweetheart. And Marina inflamed with new feelings for However, he did not know about the torment of the girl, and the flame of passion soon died out.

Once, at a banquet in Monaco, Marina met the heir to the throne of this kingdom. The loving prince could not let past the red-haired beauty, whose eye color is so reminiscent of the radiance of emeralds. And soon the couple began to spend a huge amount of time together. Their romance lasted two years. Once, having learned about other adventures of her lover, Marina made a terrible scandal. Unaccustomed to such treatment, he quickly said goodbye to his temperamental girlfriend and left. And Anisina had to collect the remnants of a broken heart from the parquet.


In order to change the situation, Marina decides to return to Russia for a while. By the will of fate, she was offered to take part in a project called “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season”, which had already become very popular at that time. This program was broadcast on the RTR channel and was very interesting to viewers. In this project, Marina's partner is an imposing and very outrageous bard, singer and actor Nikita Dzhigurda. Their relationship quickly moved from the "friendship" phase to the "love" phase. The result of the novel was a wedding: February 23, 2008, and Marina Anisina tied the sacred knot of marriage. It is noteworthy that the mother of the athlete was shocked by the choice of her daughter and did not even try to hide her attitude.

family archives

The couple also named their first-born son in a very extravagant way: Mik-Angel Krist Anisin-Dzhigurda. It is rather problematic to imagine how a boy will grow up surrounded by peers whose names are an order of magnitude easier not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation.

Second replenishment

On January 23, 2010, a little more than a year after the first birth, Marina gives her second child to her eccentric husband. This time a girl was born. It is noteworthy that the name of the baby was chosen double: Eva-Vlada.
Nikita Dzhigurda, Marina Anisina, the children of the couple - all live in Moscow, going on a short vacation to France, where they have a good time surrounded by their relatives. However, the athlete's mother is horrified by her son-in-law's demeanor. Irina Chernyaeva, a fairly well-known figure skater in the past, never approved of her daughter's choice and always wished the couple broke up. And the bard only laughs and, in a manner inherent only to him, upsets his mother-in-law.

The parents of Anisina and Dzhigurda hope that there will be no next reconciliation.

Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina meet again in secret! As if it wasn't scandalous divorce with vile antics and accusations. The couple's friends are shocked: does all this pandemonium begin again? Their elderly parents will definitely not endure this!

Almost already former spouses Their mutual friend Lena Lenina handed over with giblets, who said that Marina often flies from France, where she lives with her children, to Moscow.

They recently met with Nikita. And this is not an isolated case Lately. But both hide this fact, - Lenina told the whole world in secret.

But at the end of November, having filed for divorce, Anisina breathed a sigh of relief. The absurd nightmare in her life is over: she regained her sight, dropped her rose-colored glasses. I realized that a person who sits on marijuana and chases her around the apartment with a knife is simply dangerous. And most importantly, Marina realized: her mother, who was always against this marriage, turned out to be right ...


“God, what a hairy monster!” - his mother-in-law Irina Chernyaeva was downright moaning at the sight of Dzhigurda. Marina's mother, who raised her alone after her husband left for another family, was shocked from the very beginning by her daughter's choice. Irina was jarred by obscene verses, which her son-in-law generously recited in honor of Marina, and the video of childbirth posted on the Internet, and the way Dzhigurda posed for photographers with his wife - always putting his hand on her chest in a businesslike way.

The mother appealed to her daughter's mind: "What did you find in him?" But Marina, with some kind of inspirational zambirovannost, repeated the same thing: I love, I can’t.

Exhausting scandals thundered daily: Irina urged her son-in-law not to dishonor their family, he in response spoke nonsense about his divine origin, healing phallus and expansion of consciousness. It got to the point that Irina left the common house - she could no longer be with Dzhigurda under the same roof. “You will regret this marriage a hundred times over!” - she said goodbye to her daughter.

And then Marina made a choice: she stopped communicating with her mother. I just stopped talking to her.

Mom wanted a completely different husband for me - intelligent, sophisticated and, of course, wealthy. Like Prince Albert II of Monaco, whom I met at one time. Mom twisted me up every morning while Nikita slept in the next room. But between the selfishness of my mother and Nikita, I chose Nikita. The man I love and who loves me, the father of my children...

For several years, Marina, overwhelmed by the frantic energy of Dzhigurda, lived like in a dream: she justified all his actions, turned a blind eye to everything. And now, when she has more than sipped grief, betrayal, bullying, beatings, she can only beg forgiveness from herself dear person wishing her well...


The divorce of Dzhigurda and Anisina has been going on for a year and a half - they either filed an application or took it away. Either they publicly poured mud on each other, then in front of the whole country they kissed and had mercy. In general, they scolded - they only amused themselves, but Nikita's elderly mother Yadviga Ivanovna, who lives in Ukraine, did not sleep at night because of nerves and worries. The third marriage of the son, but still life does not work out. When Nikita and Marina changed their minds about getting a divorce for the first time, the woman begged: do not rush to put up and move in, take a break, reconsider your behavior, and then build a family again. But who listens to parental advice?

I have three children - Sergey, Nikita and Elena. I feel sorry for the middle one most of all, because Nikita suffers a lot because of her unusual nature. Many do not like him - too unusual, noisy, outrageous, - the pensioner laments. “Of course, I advise him to be more restrained. But it's impossible to stop him. For my son, my heart always hurts ...

Yadviga Ivanovna has five grandchildren from Nikita. The eldest, Volodya, is already quite an adult, he is over 20, he does not communicate with his grandmother. Boys from the second marriage does not allow to see ex-daughter-in-law. And how relations with the younger ones, the children of Marina Anisina, will now develop, is also not clear. Suddenly a skater breaking off relations with Dzhigurda, and send his mother to hell? Yadviga Ivanovna is very afraid of this...


In a recent TV show, how many years has she lived in hell. She kept Nikita, who used drugs, cheated on her, raised his hand against her, sent text messages with threats and curses. She gave him a chance to change his life many times, but everything was useless, I had to file for divorce ...

So, after just a few months, Marina is again ready to forget and forgive everything? Or her secret dates with ex-husband- only business meetings, where issues of alimony and communication with children are resolved? Both mothers - both Nikitina and Marinina - really want to believe that this is exactly the case. And the dot that Anisina seems to have put in November will not turn into an ellipsis that is painful for everyone ...

Photo by B. Kramer.

Marina Vyacheslavovna Anisina is a figure skater, well known in Russia and France. On her account - victories at the European Championships and Olympic Games Oh. Her career is full of interesting episodes. It had ups and downs, victories and disappointments. The personal life of the heroine of the biography is also interesting - her marriage to the outrageous Nikita Dzhigurda caused a lot of discussion.

Childhood and family

Marina Anisina was born on August 30, 1975 in Moscow. Her parents were famous Soviet athletes. Father, Vyacheslav Anisin, was a famous hockey player. At one time, he was regularly called up under the banner of the national team Soviet Union, later became the coach of HC "Wings of the Soviets". Marina's mother, Irina Chernyaeva, was no less bright personality. Being the first student of Tatyana Tarasova, she managed to achieve many successes in figure skating. She was the champion of the USSR and the triumphant of the Olympic Games.

It is hardly worth denying that it was the parents who became the guide for little Marina. WITH early years she dreamed that one day the ice would also submit to her. Although the older Anisins had slightly different views on the future of their daughter.

Knowing firsthand how dangerous the world of big sport can be, for a long time they were categorically opposed to their daughter repeating their fate. And although from the age of three Marina Anisina skated on an open rink for fun, professional activities were banned.

A significant contribution to the usual course of things was made by His Majesty the case. One winter, Marina's grandmother became seriously ill. Parents had to go to the training camp together with the USSR national teams. There was no one to look after the little girl, and her mother reluctantly took her with her to training at the CSKA sports center. At first, the girl just sat in the locker room, but later she also began to go on the ice and from the very first days she became a real favorite of the local team. From that moment it began long haul Anisina to the heights of the sports Olympus.

By the way, Marina has a brother Michael (13 years younger than her). He is a hockey player, started his career in 2005, played for many well-known HCs, including CSKA, Krylya Sovetov and Dynamo, and in 2017 he joined the Kazakh HC Saryarka.

Sports career of Marina Anisina

The first coach of Marina Anisina was Lyudmila Pakhomova. It is with her valuable advice the early successes of the young athlete are connected.

At the beginning of her journey, the girl performed in a pair with Ilya Averbukh, whose name is probably well known to all our readers. Together with him, the young athlete achieved her first victories, putting gold medals at the 1990 and 1992 junior world championships in her piggy bank. For a long time, the relationship in a couple was ideal, but at some point Ilya suddenly decided to leave his former partner to train with Irina Lobacheva.

Marina Anisina and Ilya Averbukh, 1992

After a professional breakup with Ilya Averbukh, Marina Anisina began working with Sergei Sakhnovsky. But the collaboration was short-lived. Shortly after the start of joint training, the athlete moved to Israel for permanent residence, where he subsequently performed in tandem with the Israeli figure skater Galit Hait. Having no other choice, Marina trained alone for a long time, because there were simply no partners suitable for her level in Russia. Her coach came to the rescue, advising the skater to look for a partner outside the country.

After watching a lot of cassettes with performances of various Western athletes, the figure skater chose Victor Kraatz (Canada) and Gwendal Peiser (France). After writing a personal letter to each of them, Marina began to wait for an answer. Both expressed their desire to work with her. In the end, Anisina chose a French athlete and moved to Lyon with him.

In 1993, their joint performances began. From the first training sessions, the athletes showed the highest level of interaction. Marina Anisina took French citizenship and began to represent her new homeland at international competitions. From that moment on, a fundamentally new stage began in her career.

In 1994, the Anisin-Peyser pair won their first gold medals at the Grand Prix in figure skating (Ondrej Nepela Memorial, Trophée Lalique). After that, there were victories at the NHK Trophy and first place at the French Championship. It is worth noting that subsequently Anisina became the best figure skater of the Fifth Republic six times in a row.

In 1998, the skaters made their debut at the Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan. The couple received a bronze medal.

Marina Anisina at the Nagano Olympics

In addition, in the 1999/2000 season, Anisina and Peizera won the European Championship for the first time, and two years later they became victors at the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. After that, Marina Anisina ended her career and has not performed at official competitions since then, only occasionally appearing on various thematic shows like Dancing on Ice.

Personal life of Marina Anisina. Marriage with Dzhigurda

It was "Dancing on Ice" that became Starting point for the most controversial event in the life of Marina Anisina - marriage to Nikita Dzhigurda.

In 2007, at the invitation of the RTR channel, the figure skater performed at the project together with Dzhigurda. They won and teamwork marked the beginning of a stormy romance.

In February 2008, Anisina and Dzhigurda got married. A year later, their joint son Mick-Angel Christ was born. In 2010, the former figure skater also gave birth to a daughter, Eva-Vlad. The spouse posted the process of childbirth on the Web for everyone to see.

Dzhigurda and Anisina - Birth of daughter Eva

Dzhigurda published them more than once candid photo shoots, and was not at all shy in expressing emotions when it came to his beloved woman. Many fans even accused the skater that she "cave in" under the scandalous artist and herself began to behave not too adequately. Marina Anisina now After the divorce, Marina Anisina became a welcome guest on Russian television. Programs vied with each other to invite her to the studio to interview about the details of life with such difficult person like Dzhigurda.

"Secret for a Million": Marina Anisina about Dzhigurda

So, in the show "Secret for a Million" she talked about turning the fairy tale of their relationship into a living hell. According to the skater, Dzhigurda could raise his hand to her and involved the children in strange rituals.

Apparently, the whole saga with a divorce set one goal - celebrity PR. Or maybe Nikita was persistent in trying to get his wife back. One way or another, in May 2017, Anisina confirmed that ... she was expecting a third child from Dzhigurda. In a joint photo, which Dzhigurda shared on Instagram, the couple literally glowed with happiness.

Marina Anisina still cannot recover from high-profile divorce with her husband Nikita Dzhigurda. Every now and then, new details of his personal life emerge in the media. star couple. The Olympic champion tries not to read what they write on the Internet and is skeptical about the gossip that arises around her previous relationship. Having become a guest on the program with Lera Kudryavtseva, the woman was not afraid to tell how her relationship with her parents developed during her marriage and after her divorce from Nikita Dzhigurda.

It turned out that the athlete's father and mother divorced when she was still young. The head of the family stopped taking part in raising his daughter, he did not follow her success in the sports field. Anisina is sincerely grateful to her parent for devoting her whole life to developing the career of the heiress. Marina soon established communication with her father. When he found out whom his daughter was marrying, he sharply criticized the chosen one. Relations were so tense that the man was never able to see his grandchildren live.

“I grew up without a dad. If he does not want to see his grandchildren, to support his only daughter, I do not want to impose on anyone. It’s not that I’m some kind of cool, no, I’m just not going to kill myself because of this, but if he wants to invite me to his palace to the dacha, I’ll come with pleasure, see what he spends there for ten years, ”- Anisina honestly admitted on the air of the program.

It should be noted that the skater did not have a relationship with almost all relatives. The woman has no contact with her father, her brother has never met his nephews. The only truly close person for Marina is her mother. According to the athlete, it was hard for them to understand each other, and there were also conflicts between women because of Dzhigurda. Parent Anisina did not hide all her joy when she suddenly learned from the media that her daughter was getting a divorce. Interestingly, the celebrity did not report this herself. She did not consider it necessary then to talk with a relative.

“My mother was infuriated by everything in marriage with Nikita. She is a very proud person, she will never put up, she will never make concessions. At some point, we did not communicate with my mother for three years. She did not see the birth of her granddaughter, but met her when Eva was two years old. She learned about the divorce either on the Internet or from the driver. Then she began to give advice, asked to delete all messages, photos. I was a little annoyed by her attitude, ”said the athlete.

Speaking about the family, Marina could not help but mention the fact that her parent became extremely demanding and selective in relation to men after her own divorce from the figure skater's father. This behavior, according to Anisina, was reflected in herself. The mother of the champion was always dissatisfied with her daughter's boyfriends, she imagined some, Marina - completely different. All these disagreements always led to quarrels. Therefore, the celebrity tries to maintain a position of neutrality, and in stressful situations consult with close friends.