"TALE OF A LITTLE FISH - SAW". In a distant, distant country, in a deep, deep sea - the ocean lived, lived the most ordinary Marine life. He lived well in his house: everyone had friends and activities they liked. funny Sea Horses constantly arranged competitions among themselves: who will swim faster; or - which of them will jump higher ... Serious crabs importantly and slowly hurried about their business. The starfish loved to lie lazily on the red-yellow corals. Among this fabulous beauty underwater world only little Rybka was very lonely. Once she saw that jellyfish, similar to multi-colored umbrellas, were swimming towards her. Rybka was delighted and hurried to them: “Let's be friends!” But beautiful jellyfish frightened, swam away from her in different directions. Another time, a large flock of silvery fish with shiny scales swam past her. Rybka wanted to get to know them and make friends, but they immediately sailed off in the other direction. Everyone is turning away from me. I must be very ugly! she exclaimed in despair. One of the silvery fish heard her, returned and said: “Everyone is afraid of you, because you are Rybka-Saw. Look into my mirror side." Rybka saw her reflection and wept bitterly: “What kind of a long nose. He looks like a saw sharp teeth. Does anyone want to be friends with me?!" And this kind Rybka decided to sail away to where no one would ever see her again. Maybe even in a dark and cold cave. Hearing a noise and ringing laughter behind her, she looked back and saw that Octopussy and Sea Frog were playing merrily in catch-up. How she wanted to play with them, frolic in the clear water, but sighing heavily, she swam on. Suddenly, a large gray shadow flashed past her. I took a closer look at Rybka - Saw, and this angry shark- Doodle. She, with her huge mouth, with sharp teeth, wanted to grab the Octopussy and the Frog. Then the small but desperate Rybka swam with all her might to big shark. Shark was surprised and asked: “Who are you?” - I'm a TERRIBLE Fish - Saw! Everyone is afraid of me! The Shark - Karakula was frightened and swam away. And the Octopussy and the Frog began to thank the brave Rybka: “Thank you! You saved us! Let's be friends!" - Aren't you afraid of me? And will you be friends with me? she rejoiced. - Of course we will! You are not scary at all, but very kind and brave! Now Rybka-Saw was not alone. Happy, together with her new friends, she sailed to travel through the endless expanses of the sea. - Let's play hide and seek! - suggested the Frog. - Let's! You hide, and I will look for you. - said the little Rybka. Octopussy and Frog began to think about where to hide better so that Fish - Saw would not immediately find them. - I know such a place! - Remembered Octopussy. - There, for coral reefs, at the very bottom, lies on its side an old sunken ship. When they reached it, the Frog cried out with delight: “How many secret places are there! Now we will hide, and Rybka - Saw will not find us! He saw a chest with an open lid and fearlessly swam into it. The octopus looked in fear. - Do not be afraid, swim to me! It's very interesting here! - The Frog called the cautious Octopus. And as soon as the Octopussy was in the chest, he swayed and his lid slammed shut. And a huge ship's mast fell on top of the lid. And they were trapped. Meanwhile, Rybka-Saw began to look for hidden friends. And she looked behind a large stone, and looked in the sea grass. But she couldn't find them anywhere. - Probably they did not want to be friends with me, and sailed away from me. - thought the little Rybka and became sad again. Wise sea ​​turtle, who was passing by, said: “I saw your friends. They swam towards the sunken ship. Look there." - But I don't know where this ship is! - Confused said Rybka. - Swim with me! I'll show you! - A sympathetic dolphin offered his help and swam ahead, showing the way. Seeing the ship, they began to look for the Octopussy and the Frog. Hearing muffled cries for help, Rybka and Dolphin with great difficulty found the chest where their lost friends were imprisoned. But no matter how hard they tried, they could not remove the heavy mast from the lid of the chest. Then the little Rybka, remembering that her nose was a saw with sharp teeth, began to saw the wooden mast. She worked for a long time until she freed her friends who were in trouble. And, then, happy that everything ended so well, they all set off together on their way back. Since then, no one in the sea was afraid of Rybka-Saw. Everyone was friends with her. And if someone needed help, then kind Rybka immediately hurried to the rescue. Internet illustrations. Publication Certificate No. 216030200941

Almost all children's activities require riddles. You can also organize contests for the best “guessing sage” on family holidays, and during lessons or classes in kindergarten. For example, a riddle about mountain ash for children will help the little inhabitants of the planet learn about amazing properties this plant.

How to get kids interested in learning about the world around them?

A teacher at a school or a teacher in a kindergarten must take into account the specifics of age-related child psychology. Usually kindergarteners and junior schoolchildren they hardly learn boring material if it is not supported by fairy tales, pictures, cartoons.

For example, a riddle about mountain ash for children can be the one Starting point, from where the kids will gladly embark on the journey of learning about the world around them. It is only very important that the main features of this plant be included in its text.

Material provided by the teacher

A good effect is given by the riddle about mountain ash in verse, which is presented to the children by an adult:

The tree is standing in the garden

It's like it's on fire!

Clusters of bright colors hang

Birds are attracted to the "dining room".

Let it be winter, let it be frost

Pinches cheeks, forehead and nose.

Berries delicious fruits

Full of vitamins.

Loved by adults and children

Birds, squirrels - everything in the world! -

Eat berries in winter

And listen to riddles in verses.

Compilation of an album with riddles by children

The second option of work is the independent creativity of the kids. Of course, the children themselves, without the help of adults, are unlikely to succeed. good poetry. But if you skillfully guide the children, then you will definitely be able to compile such an album where riddles about mountain ash will be posted with answers rhymed or presented in pictures.

Although tasty, but not raspberries,

With a tart taste - not viburnum,

Sweet in winter ... (rowan)

Having picked up a rhyme, children will easily find out the answer to this riddle.

rowan holiday

You can even devote an entire event to this amazing plant. Prepare for it in advance by organizing:

  • an exhibition of crafts made from berries and other natural materials;
  • drawing competition "Bright picture - rowan tree";
  • presentation of albums with riddles about this plant.

During the holiday itself, the Ryabinushka Fairy may appear to the kids. She will not only tell why it is so useful to eat her berries, but also hold a competition with children for best riddles, poems and fairy tales. You can start it with:

It's true that all the boys love

Guessing riddles.

We will seat guests around the table -

Here is a riddle about mountain ash for children!

With interest, children take part in a master class on making crafts from natural materials.

It is recommended to have a tea party with rowan berry pies at the end of the holiday. You can also talk about the fact that there is also chokeberry, and treat everyone with delicious and healthy chokeberry jam.

Mobile game "Birds peck berries"

It is quite difficult for children to sit in one place for a long time. Therefore, it is imperative that fun competitions, games, relay races are included in the holiday script. As prizes, the winners can be awarded a cardboard medal for the "Best Connoisseur".

The collective outdoor game “Birds peck berries” is held with cheerful enthusiasm. Its conditions are as follows: the team of birds opposes the team of berries. Touching the “feathered” “rowan” with your hand means that the berry has been eaten. It is necessary to divide all the participants in such a way that the “birds” are 2 times less than the “berries”. It is useful for each bird to determine the name - so the kids will better remember the birds that eat rowan fruits. The game lasts 2-3 minutes. The winning team is selected by counting the remaining "berries". But it will be better if everyone wins - the game should bring joy, not disappointment.

Related materials:

  • Folk sign - a lot of mountain ash has disfigured: various explanations

Lena Rafalovich
"Magic bunches of mountain ash ..." Collection folklore works

Compiled by: Yana Rafalovich,

student of 5 "B" class

Lipnishkovsky kindergarten- high school

Everyone knows what kind of creative heritage from ancient ancestors each country has. For any nations, it can be safely put on top cultural heritage of all times, because here the wisdom of generations and even the self-consciousness of the people as a whole is manifested to the greatest extent. Its author is the people, passing from generation to generation different knowledge. What is most interesting is that this includes music, theatrical performances, and the so-called catchphrases, and sayings, and proverbs, and riddles, and songs, and epics, and fairy tales. This legacy is oral folk art.

Interesting facts about rowan

Mountain ash is a genus of deciduous frost-resistant shrubs and trees of the Rosaceae family. The botanical name of the mountain ash is Sorbus aucuparia, the generic name comes from the Celtic word "sor", which means "tart", and the species name comes from the Latin "aucupari", translated "to catch birds". It seems that the name comes from birds feasting on the fruits of mountain ash. There are more than 100 species of mountain ash in the world (according to some estimates, almost two hundred, while about a third of the species grow in the countries former USSR. Mountain ash is widespread not only in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, but also throughout Europe and Asia, as well as in North America.

Rowan legend

Once the daughter of a rich merchant fell in love with a simple guy, but her father did not want to hear about such a poor groom. To save the family from shame, he decided to resort to the help of a sorcerer. His daughter accidentally found out about this and the girl decided to run away from her home. On a dark and rainy night, she hurried to the river bank to the meeting place with her beloved. At the same hour the sorcerer also left the house. But the guy noticed the sorcerer. In order to take the danger away from the girl, the brave young man threw himself into the water. The sorcerer waited until he crossed the river and waved his magic staff when the young man was already getting out onto the shore. Then lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the guy turned into an oak tree. All this happened in front of the girl, who, because of the rain, was a little late for the meeting place. And the girl, too, remained standing on the shore. Her thin frame became the trunk of a mountain ash, and her hands - branches stretched towards her beloved. In spring, she puts on a white outfit, and in autumn she drops red tears into the water, grieving that “the river is wide, you can’t step over it, the river is deep, and you won’t drown.” So there are two lonely trees that love each other on different banks. And “you can’t get over the mountain ash to the oak, it’s clear that the orphan can swing alone for centuries.”


Not yours, black-jackdaw, to peck a red mountain ash!

Let's go out to the valley, sit under the mountain ash - it blooms well.

Under the tier-tier hangs a zipun with a red garus.

Without mountain ash, autumn is boring.

September is famous for one berry, and even then bitter rowan.

Peas are not mountain ash, but everything is one.

Listen, mountain ash, what the forest says!

Under the tier, the tier hangs a zipun with a red garus (rowan). [plant - farming]

Under the forest, the forest is red ponyka hanging (rowan). [plant - farming]

Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world about mountain ash

Do not be a bump on a mountain ash

No mountain ash - and autumn is not autumn

Rowan blossoms brightly, there will be a lot of oats

Let's go out to the valley, let's sit under the mountain ash

Everything is one - that bread, that mountain ash: both are sour

It’s not for your nose to peck a mountain ash, it’s a tender berry

Do not wring the mountain ash, do not mature, do not marry the girl without recognizing

Promised raspberries, fed rowan. - Gypsy proverb

Folk omens associated with mountain ash:

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.

Rowan blossomed - to a long heat.

A lot of mountain ash - for rainy autumn and harsh winter.

A large harvest of mountain ash - for a long and frosty winter. - Russian omens

If the mountain ash is fully bloomed, then there will be no more frosts.

If the leaves on the mountain ash wither and remain for the winter, then there will be severe frosts. By the way, this sign is true not only for mountain ash, but also for other trees.

Three mountain ash around the house - fire protection

Rowan in front of the window - protection from envy

Rowan at the porch - prosperity in the house.

Rowan in the garden - you will always be with the harvest.

If you see berries scattered over the snow, or a twig stuck in the window, then everything that you dream about will come true for you.

If a wreath of berries retains its freshness for a long time and does not dry out, then strong feelings are in the hearts, and everything will be fine.

Riddles about rowan:

Hanging on a branch of a girlfriend,

green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals.

Berries are not sweet

But joy to the eye

And garden decoration,

And treats for friends.

Autumn has come to our garden

The red torch was lit.

Here thrushes, starlings scurry about.

And, noisily, they peck at him.

In haymaking - bitter,

And in the cold - sweet,

What is a berry?

Flowers - bees and bumblebees,

Fruits - jays and thrushes,

And a curly branch -

Place at the gazebo.

Flying to visit her

A flock of scarlet bullfinches.

On the branches they scurry,

Red berries are pecking.

In the middle of the dark forest

The red girl is standing.

green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals.

Rowan Poems:

According to ancient legends, the beautiful mountain ash is a direct descendant of the first sacred tree goodness on planet earth. Thin, graceful, but in fact, a tree-warrior, in his power to fight back negative energy.


On the path - a shadow,

Solar grid.

Through the tyn, through the fence

A branch hung.

I'll run, I'll jump

I'll stand on my toes

I will grab a branch by braids,

I'll get the berries.

I'll sit by the wattle fence

And on silk

Carefully string

Rowan berry.

Put on bitter beads,

Branch, branch!

On the path - a shadow,

Solar grid.

In winter, the mountain ash-savior feeds the birds. Its fruits are unusual in taste, they are useful for humans. They contain ascorbic acid, pectins, essential oil, and carotene, no less than in carrots, sea buckthorn.

Bulk, ripe rowan,

Do not be sad, blushing under the window.

You are cold and long winter

You will become a festive table for the birds.

Poems about mountain ash - with a little sadness, because its fruits ripen in September, and this is already autumn, rains, bad weather ...

Still unripe raspberries

Facing the rays

And the reddened rowan

September is already looming!


Lots of red berries

Ripe and beautiful

Hanging in clusters

Their outfit is beautiful.

Rowan beads are very good!

Rowan twigs shine with gold,

I see a sprout

Small, but not a flower,

Didn't know that

It became very sad.

She is still alive in my memory.

I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,

Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.

Svetlana Shishkina

I do not regret the years wasted in vain,

Do not feel sorry for the soul of a lilac flower.

In the garden, a fire of red rowan is burning,

But he cannot warm anyone.

Rowan brushes will not burn,

Grass will not disappear from yellowness.

Like a tree sheds its leaves,

So I drop sad words.

Sergei Yesenin, "Golden grove dissuaded.", 1924

Mountain ash is sad lonely

Among the birch girlfriends

About the cedar, which is in a distant country

I found oblivion in the song of a blizzard.

He is lulled by the elements of power,

Clouded vision.

Rowan waits for him in vain,

Decorate the outfit with beads.

Kolosova M.

red brush

The rowan lit up.

Leaves were falling.

I was born.

Hundreds argued


The day was Saturday:

John the Theologian.

To me to this day

I want to gnaw

hot rowan

Bitter brush.

Tsvetaeva M.


red berry

The rowan gave me.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hen.

Is this berry

Just immature.

Is it a sly mountain ash

Want to play a joke?

(Irina Tokmakova)

I found my mountain ash

To which I dedicated a song

With which the Russian twist

Here in a foreign land I shared.

In a smart red sundress,

Under the glare of a sunny day

More magnificent, more blush

My beauty is looking.

Pyotr Vyazemsky, Vevey mountain ash, 1864

I knew you, my rowan.

You are on the outskirts of the village

Above the gray barn roof

Growing under the northern sky

Bad weather shook you

And you - in spite of all sorrows -

It grew and grew stronger year by year,

Looking into lake glass.

Christmas V.

A thin rowanberry grows in the north,

Rustling leaves under the windows, blooming.

On a mountain ash in autumn - a colorful outfit.

“The most beautiful,” people say.

And by the winter, the mountain ash dropped her outfit,

Clusters of bright red on the branches are burning.

The berries turned red on a thin rowan,

The waxwings flew in and sang loudly:

We are not afraid of cold, blizzards, and snowstorms.

They sat on the mountain ash, ate the berries!

Rowan, rowan,

Who did you love?

I loved everyone

pleasing everyone,

Ripe berry

She ate everyone.

Pick a berry and you

Don't be afraid.

Russian folk song

Clusters of mountain ash are bright red,

Radiating heat from the summer sun.

The mountain ash stood almost inconspicuous,

Today the forest decorates itself.

Light frost is only good,

Snow powder - as a decoration.

Do not touch rowan berries, passerby,

Let's leave her food for the birds.


red berry

The rowan gave me.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hen.

Is this berry

Just immature.

Is it a sly mountain ash

Want to play a joke?

Tokmakova I.

birches are chilling,

aspens freeze.

Only burn

in the frost rowan.

And from everywhere

look, look! -

Bask to the mountain ash

snowmen fly.

What are you standing swaying

Thin rowan

bowing head

Up to the tyne

bowing head

Up to the tyne

And across the road

Beyond the wide river

just as lonely

Oak stands tall

How do I rowan

Move to the oak

Then I wouldn't

bend and swing

Then I wouldn't

Bend and swing.

Christmas O.

Though winter has its feather beds

Spread by the mountain ash,

And frost blows around

The berry is brightly red!

Sibirtsev V.

In winter, bouquets of snowflakes,

Like foliage, frosty patterns.

And only a bright red rowan

For her, blizzards are not a hindrance.

And the wind will not hide her fire.

On a huge sheet of snow

Little drops of scarlet blood.

Will not understand the natural riddle -

These berries are bittersweet?

Apparently they didn’t have enough summer,

And the autumn passed quickly,

And they burn with fury

In December, rowan sparks.

Irene Zed

The mountain ash has palms

Kissed by the rain.

Berries fiery crumb

On branches and underfoot.

The young woman has fun

Sparrows of lively flocks.

The wind blows from the left, from the right,

And she is faithful. Simple…

The beauty has care -

Feed the feathered guests.

And greet them hunting.

A feast is prepared for them by a rich man.

The mountain ash has bright beads,

Is it a princess, a princess?

The gentle winds curl

Not without interest.

The mountain ash has a path.

Whoever passes will thank you.

For warmth and good temperament.

There is none more beautiful today.

Borina M.

Rowan grows in his garden.

A bugger lives in his house.

He is wearing a worn caftan.

Eyes shrouded in mist

As if filled with saffron

Face, and bent skinny camp.

Sweet hope is dead

And what is his protection from troubles?

Fate tells him to endure.

Before his sad hut,

Hostile power cursed,

The mountain ash is bitter.

Sologub F.

Gently strokes a rowan bush

Autumn with a wet hand:

Berries red rubies

And a swarm of crimson leaves.

Rain drops incessantly,

And the streams run

In a puddle under the old mountain ash.

Beat out the bubbles

Drops. In a puddle, everything is in motion.

Looks autumn: "Only ripples.

Where is my reflection in it?

Spread such a mess.

Come on, stop pouring, rain,

Make way for the sun.

Draw me, artist.

Background - mountain ash behind. "

Korotaeva L.

Though winter has its feather beds

Spread by the mountain ash,

And frost blows around

The berry is brightly red!

Vitaly S.

What kind of berry is reddening there,

When it's already cool

And autumn rushes at full speed,

Sweeping leaves in the yards?

She is still bitter and knitting.

But only snow will fall on the ground,

Frost will not hit lightly

And the river will be covered with ice:

She already tastes different.

And the birds, as if understanding

Frozen pellets peck

In winter, reddening mountain ash.

Shumov N.

I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,

Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.

Lots of red berries

Ripe and beautiful

Hanging in clusters

Their outfit is beautiful.

Collect berries on a string - for the soul,

Rowan beads are very good!

And in winter, mountain ash burns with a twinkle,

Red like rubies, shining on the branches.

Rowan twigs shine with gold,

The sun merrily plays with their foliage.

I will look around near the mountain ash.

I see a sprout

Small, but not a flower,

He will grow tall and slender later.

I wake up in the morning, but it's still dark.

The slender mountain ash has been cut down for a long time.

Didn't know that

It became very sad.

Little sprout, you grow faster!

The sun rays warm the tree.

I remember the mountain ash, I always remember,

She is still alive in my memory.

I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,

Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.

Shishkina S.


Whose destiny are you?

In whom is red and high?

You will see, you will exhale:

You will not immediately remember how bitter.

The river is already freezing.

And the snow is not in jest gathered.

One mountain ash, know, blushes,

know, paints dark forests.

Agashina M.

And the scarlet beacon burns in my window.

Rodozinskaya I.

In winter, bouquets of snowflakes,

Like foliage, frosty patterns.

And only a bright red rowan

He argues with infinite white.

For her, blizzards are not a hindrance.

And the wind will not hide her fire.

On a huge sheet of snow

Little drops of scarlet blood.

Old raven, wise in life

Will not understand the natural riddle -

Why brushes do not fade in the cold

These berries are bittersweet?

Apparently they didn’t have enough summer,

And the autumn passed quickly,

And they burn with fury

In December, rowan sparks.


Though winter has its feather beds

Spread by the mountain ash,

And frost blows around

The berry is brightly red!


Mountain ash is sad lonely

Among the birch girlfriends

About the cedar, which is in a distant country

I found oblivion in the song of a blizzard.

He is lulled by the elements of power,

Clouded vision.

Rowan waits for him in vain,

Decorate the outfit with beads.


Mornings have become more frequent

Throwing handfuls of silver

And rowan in the dark thicket

The generosity of the summer saved.

Our cheeks from frost

They begin to bloom brighter

In man, apparently, too

There is something from the rowan.

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch…

stunted rowan

Wet under the window

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early

Autumn, come to us?

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth...

Alexey Pleshcheev


I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,

Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.

Lots of red berries

Ripe and beautiful

Hanging in clusters

Their outfit is beautiful.

Collect berries on a string - for the soul,

Rowan beads are very good!

And in winter, mountain ash burns with a twinkle,

Red as rubies, shining on the branches ...

Rowan twigs shine with gold,

The sun merrily plays with their foliage.

I will look around near the mountain ash.

I see a sprout

Small, but not a flower,

He will grow tall, slender later ...

I wake up in the morning, but it's still dark.

The slender mountain ash has been cut down for a long time.

Didn't know that

It became very sad.

Little sprout, you grow faster!

The sun rays warm the tree.

I remember the mountain ash, I always remember,

She is still alive in my memory.

I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,

Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.


red berry

The rowan gave me.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hen.

Is this berry

Just immature.

Is it a sly mountain ash

Want to play a joke?

Irina Tokmakova


Through the thin ice of the window opening,

Among the curved mirrors of shop windows and lanterns

Seems alone, graceful and familiar,

Mountain ash is a beacon and the pulse of autumn days.

It grows stubbornly upwards, and it is hardly believed,

What is there without smiles and hopes,

That the city burned frost, and the wind sent sadness -

A fragile leaf is transparent, and the taste of berries is fresh.

And maybe more than once she will remember how a blizzard

Wandered at night, bending to the ground,

And in the rustle of branches - the warmth of a friend's embrace,

And a sincere motive is akin to my soul.

The rain will open the eyelids and run along the buildings,

Dropping hundreds of arrows in a dank shroud -

A rainy day is warmed by a rowan breath,

And the scarlet beacon burns in my window ...

I knew you, my rowan ...

You are on the outskirts of the village

Above the gray barn roof

Growing under the northern sky

Bad weather shook you

And you - in spite of all sorrows -

It grew and grew stronger year by year,

Looking into lake glass.

Rowan grows in his garden.

A bugger lives in his house.

He is wearing a worn caftan.

Eyes shrouded in mist

As if filled with saffron

Face, and bent skinny camp.

Sweet hope is dead

And what is his protection from troubles?

Fate tells him to endure.

Before his sad hut,

Hostile power cursed,

The mountain ash is bitter.


The soldier walked, the daring fellow,

For seven winters the daring fellow walked,

He played brave songs,

And hops did not take it.

The soldier left home for a long time,

And planted a mountain ash at the gate,

He told her to wait for me

My dear bride.

A soldier was serving far from home.

And the house has been empty for a long time,

And the yard is overgrown with grass.

And only rowan on the native side,

Everything pulls branches to the soldier in the spring,

'Cause he said wait for me

My wife is a mountain ash.

Yes, death found a soldier in battle,

In a dashing battle, death mowed him down,

Farewell, the last moan flies,

Farewell, he whispers to the mountain ash.

My widow is my mountain ash.

And from that mountain ash the foliage fell off,

She is dead from grief, from bitterness,

The news came to her, just wait for me,

My widow is my mountain ash.

Song: Slender Rowan

What are you standing swaying

Thin rowan

bowing head

Up to the tyne

bowing head

Up to the tyne

And across the road

Beyond the wide river

just as lonely

Oak stands tall

How do I rowan

Move to the oak

Then I wouldn't

bend and swing

Then I wouldn't

Bend and swing.

Olga Rozhdestvenskaya

Ryabinka, Ryabinushka

The mountain ash has palms

Kissed by the rain.

Berries fiery crumb

On branches and underfoot.

The young woman has fun

Sparrows of lively flocks.

The wind blows from the left, from the right,

And she is faithful. Simple…

The beauty has care -

Feed the feathered guests.

And greet them hunting.

A feast is prepared for them by a rich man.

The mountain ash has bright beads,

Is it a princess, a princess?

The gentle winds curl

Not without interest.

The mountain ash has a path.

Whoever passes will thank you.

For warmth and good temperament.

There is none more beautiful today.

N. Shumov

Folk omens associated with mountain ash

Rowan blossoms - it's time to sow flax.

Rowan blossoms brightly - there will be a lot of oats.

The mountain ash blooms well - for the flax harvest.

Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long autumn.

If mountain ash is born, rye will be good.

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.

Riddles about rowan

The dress was lost, but the buttons remained.

Under the tier, tier hangs a zipun with a red garus.

Hanging on a branch of a girlfriend,

Clinging close to each other.

green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals.

Berries are not sweet

But joy to the eye

And garden decoration,

And treats for friends.

Autumn has come to our garden

The red torch was lit.

Here thrushes, starlings scurry about.

And, noisily, they peck at him.

In haymaking - bitter,

And in the cold - sweet,

What is a berry?

Flowers - bees and bumblebees,

Fruits - jays and thrushes,

And a curly branch -

Place at the gazebo.

Epics. historical songs. Ballads.


Evil nettle potion,

Even angrier and fierce father-in-law.

Luta father-in-law to a young daughter-in-law:

“You go, my daughter-in-law, in an open field,

You become, my daughter-in-law, between three roads,

You are rowan curly,

Curly, curly."

There went a good fellow,

He stood under the rowanberry.

Curly, curly.

Without the wind, the mountain ash staggered,

Without rain, the mountain ash became wet,

For black curls caught.

The son came to his mother:

“My dear mother!

Where is my young wife?”

- "Your wife left the yard,

She left the yard, brought the children together.

“My dear mother!

How many in the service did not go,

I have never seen such a diva:

As in a field, between three roads,

Between three roads, four sides,

How did I become under the mountain ash,

curly, curly,

Without the wind, the mountain ash staggered,

Without rain, the mountain ash became wet,

Rowan leans to the ground without a whirlwind,

Caught for black curls!

- “Take, son, you are a sharp saber,

Cut the rowan at the root!

He hit once, she groaned.

Another hit, she said:

“Do not cut the rowanberry,

Fuck your young wife!

And what branches are our children.

The son came and to his mother:

“You are not my mother, not madam,

You are a snake to me.

You brought my young wife together

Bring me down now!"

Ballad of rowan

Tatyana Reva

Green outfit, lace cape -

Rowan blossomed in the spring at the gate,

Blossomed, prettier, proud of herself

And fell in love with the song of the spring wind.

And he, fidget, as someone beguiled,

Noisy in her leaves, affectionately confused them,

Circling over her cheerful and tender,

And at night he fell asleep under green clothes.

And early at dawn, only the birds sang,

Rushed off to the edge, where the pines and ate,

In the spring forest tears, shawls, cobwebs

Rowan expected that next night

The velvet of carved petals will cover them.

But he didn't come back. Thunderstorms screamed at her

That he ruffles the curls of the beauty - birch.

The mountain ash remained alone, saddened,

Dropped flower petals on the sand,

Only summer sun warmed her up

Yes, the dew gently washed in the morning.

After the summer came the artist autumn

And, mixing the blue of the summer sky with gray,

As if dressed up for the holiday of the forest

And she gave red bunches of mountain ash.

Then the prankster returned - the rake,

Rushed to the mountain ash from a distant forest.

Whispered that he missed her all summer

And again sped off somewhere at dawn.

And again the mountain ash is alone at the gate,

Everything looks in autumn, soaked to the skin,

Bent the thin camp under the autumn wind

AND yellow leaves dropped into herself.

And after the rains came the blizzards

They covered the ground with cold snow.

Frost - the sorcerer flew in at night blue,

He wrapped the trees in silver frost.

There was a mountain ash, it was cold from the cold

And she gave bright berries to the birds.

But soon the blizzards will sing their songs

And again, to the sounds of a spring drop.

On the branches of rowan buds will appear,

From them, carved leaves will start,

Rowan will wave a lace cape

And he will wait for the wind at the same gate.

students: Plitorak S., Trubin S., Yakovlev Kirill

We are amazed by the beauty of mountain ash in different time of the year. In our harsh region - this tree is like a miracle from the garden. She is loved by people and birds. Poets dedicate poems to her, artists depict mountain ash on their canvases. What do we know about this tree?



MBOU "Novoaganskaya secondary school No. 1»


"Rowan is full of mysteries"

Plitorak Stepan

Trubin Sasha

Yakovlev Kirill

town of Novoagansk


Project passport.


Project sections.

Project name:

"Rowan is full of mysteries."

Project Manager:

Khomyak N.A.

Academic subject:

We are children of nature.

Academic disciplines:

The world around, literature, computer science.

Plitorak Stepan

Trubin Alexander

Yakovlev Kirill

students of the 3rd "A" class

MBOU "Novoaganskaya secondary school No. 1".

Nizhnevartovsky district

g.p. Novoagansk

Project type:

information research, creative.

Project goals:

Learn about the features of the rowan tree.

Project objectives:

1.Develop a project plan.

2. Collect material about mountain ash.

5. Design the material in the form of a presentation.

Project questions:

1.Think for yourself:

  • what do we know about mountain ash;

4. Draw conclusions.


EAT. Elizarova "Such unfamiliar familiar plants", A.A. Pleshakov

"From earth to sky" atlas-determinant, Internet materials about mountain ash; personal diaries observations and research on the surrounding world.


We are amazed by the beauty of mountain ash at different times of the year. In our harsh region - this tree is like a miracle from the garden. She is loved by people and birds. Poets dedicate poems to her, artists depict mountain ash on their canvases. What do we know about this tree? We decided to collect and, if possible, investigate the collected material. Our assistant and leader Nadezhda Alexandrovna Khomyak, our teacher.

Suggested product:

we plan to create a booklet on hard copy and a Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation.


"Rowan is full of mysteries"

Project Goals : learn about the features of the mountain ash tree.


1.Develop a project plan.

2. Collect material about mountain ash.

3. Study the collected material.

4. Explore signs about mountain ash.

5. Arrange the material in the form of a presentation

Relevance: mountain ash is a source of joy for people and life for the animal world. We are amazed by its beauty at different times of the year. In our harsh region - this tree is like a miracle from the garden. Poets dedicate poems to her, artists depict mountain ash on their canvases. What do we know about this tree?

Hypothesis: let's assume that rowan is a source worthy of research.

Work plan.

1.Think for yourself:

  • what do we know rowan;
  • what conclusions can be drawn from what is already known about mountain ash.

2. Look at books about mountain ash, search for information on the Internet.

3. Watch the mountain ash in nature.

4.Create a booklet based on the results of the work.

5.Create a report - a presentation in the form of Microsoft PowerPoint slides.


green in spring,
Burnt in summer
put on in autumn
Red corals.
Flowers - bees and bumblebees,
Fruits - jays and thrushes,
And a curly branch -
Place at the gazebo.

Preparatory stage

Make a research plan

1. Determine if rowan is a tree or a shrub?

2. Find out how many types of mountain ash exist?

3. What kind of mountain ash grows in KhMAO, in Novoagansk?

4. Are rowan fruits useful?

5. Learn about people's attitude to mountain ash.

Find out how the New Agans feel about mountain ash.

Main stage of work

Rowan - is it a tree or a shrub?

Dictionary Ozhegov

Rowan - a tree or shrub of the Rosaceae family with bitter orange-red fruits (berries) collected in a brush.

In fact, it can be both a shrub and a tree, and it all depends on which type you have chosen. In general, mountain ash grows from 2 to 15 meters. The width of the crown also varies, but if you cut the branches in time, you can form a pretty beautiful tree.

How many types of rowan?

Rowan genus (Sorbus ) includes deciduous frost-resistant shrubs and trees from the Rosaceae family ( Rosaceae ). They grow in forests and mountainous areas, mountain ash extends from the far north to middle lane. All mountain ash, of which there are about 190 species, are distinguished by excellent decorative properties. Plants are quite easy to care for, most of them look great almost all year round but especially effective. About 40 species are found in Russia.

And what mountain ash grows in Novoagansk?

In Novoagansk, for the most part, a large rowan shrub grows, less often a tree. in mind climatic conditions, mountain ash does not grow to a high size.

The shrub species of mountain ash is distributed almost throughout the country in the second tier of the forest.

The mountain ash is undemanding to the soil, but does not like its compaction. Decorative throughout the season with flowers, fruits, crimson-red autumn color of leaves.

It has many different forms.

Is rowan useful for humans?

In terms of medicinal value, mountain ash can be put on a par with such recognized medicinal plants like rosehip, black currant, sea buckthorn, hawthorn.

Rowan contains glucose, fructose and sucrose. Its fruits are rich active substances. Rowan is rich in vitamins "P" and "C".

But in the mountain ash itself, the content of vitamin C in the fruits is low, however, it still significantly exceeds that of the apple tree, pear, cherry, raspberry, strawberry, sea buckthorn.

Where and how are rowan fruits used?

People generously use the beneficial qualities of mountain ash. Rowan fruits are used

1. As a hemostatic agent.

2. Like vitamin tea along with rose hips.

3. The juice of fresh fruits of mountain ash is taken with low acidity of gastric juice.

4.How to improve appetite.

5. In cosmetics.

6. Many different dishes.

How do people feel about mountain ash?

Along with birch, mountain ash can be safely called our national tree.

The Slavic peoples treated mountain ash with respect and even celebrated its name day, several times a year.

Rowan has mystical power: by giving us its energy, it improves a person's health, helps to find one's destiny and achieve harmony with the outside world. Any crafts made of wood and rowan bark will give you good luck and success, protect you from evil.

In Russia in the last century, there was a custom: when laying a new house, plant a young mountain ash next to it. The mountain ash was supposed to protect the house from all sorts of intrigues of evil spirits. northern peoples rowan assigned the role of a soothsayer. They compared her with a young, beautiful, often sad girl.

In the beliefs of the Slavic peoples, it is believed that the mountain ash worries about the birds and animals of the forest, and thus helps them survive the winter cold. Mountain ash is eaten by tits, sparrows, bullfinches, waxwings, pigeons, robins, thrushes, schurs, black grouse, hazel grouses.

People believed in omens omens

  • Rowan blossoms - it's time to sow flax.
  • Rowan blossoms brightly - there will be a lot of oats.
  • The mountain ash blooms well - for the flax harvest.
  • Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long autumn.
  • If mountain ash is born, rye will be good.
  • There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.
  • If the red rowan is fully bloomed, then there will be no more frosts.
  • If there was a lot of red mountain ash, then the winter will come severe.

Conclusions on signs

We were able to check only two signs:

  • omen “There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough, it will be dry.”

This sign was confirmed, according to our observations reflected in the research diaries, this autumn there were more rainy days than usual.

  • omen "If there was a lot of red mountain ash, then the winter will be severe."

This sign was not confirmed, the mountain ash harvest was really high, the mountain ash was strewn with berries, but the severity of the winter was not confirmed. On the contrary, the winter turned out to be snowy and warm. And the harvest of berries is explained rather weather conditions favorable for the ripening of the berries of this plant.

How do the New Agans feel about mountain ash?

Rowan - unusually beautiful! Carved leaves that look especially picturesque in autumn, turning into golden and reddish tones, fragrant white flowers that are so fragrant in spring, at the time of flowering, bright beads of berries that seem to burn in the background white snow in winter.

New Agans love rowan! People are trying to plant a mountain ash near their homes. Rowan - the decoration of our village at any time of the year. She gives us joy.


Slides captions:

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. She turned green in the spring, Tanned in the summer, Put on Red corals in the autumn. Flowers - to bees and bumblebees, Fruits - to jays and thrushes, And a curly branch - A place at the gazebo.

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. The purpose of the project: to find out the features of the mountain ash tree. Tasks: develop a project plan. collect material about mountain ash. study the collected material. explore signs about mountain ash. arrange material in the form of a presentation.

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. Main questions 1. What kind of mountain ash grows in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in Novoagansk? 2. Rowan - is it a tree or a shrub? 3. Are rowan fruits useful for humans? 4. How do people feel about mountain ash?

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. Research plan 1. Determine whether the mountain ash is a tree or a shrub? 2. Find out how many types of mountain ash exist? 3. What kind of mountain ash grows in KhMAO, in Novoagansk? 4. Are rowan fruits useful? 5. Learn about people's attitude to mountain ash. Find out how the New Agans feel about mountain ash.

Research results

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. Is the mountain ash a tree or a shrub? Explanatory Dictionary Ozhegov Rowan - a tree or shrub of the Rosaceae family with bitter orange-red fruits (berries) collected in a brush. In fact, it can be both a shrub and a tree, and it all depends on which type you have chosen. In general, mountain ash grows from 2 to 15 meters. The width of the crown also varies, but if you cut the branches in time, you can form a pretty beautiful tree.

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. How many types of mountain ash? The rowan genus (Sorbus) includes deciduous frost-resistant shrubs and trees from the Rosaceae family. They grow in forests and mountainous areas, mountain ash extends from the far north to the middle lane. All mountain ash, of which there are about 190 species, are distinguished by excellent decorative properties. The plants are quite easy to care for, most of them look great almost all year round, but are especially spectacular. About 40 species are found in Russia.

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. And what kind of mountain ash grows in Novoagansk? In Novoagansk, for the most part, large rowan shrubs grow, since rowan trees do not grow to a high size in our country. This type of mountain ash is distributed almost throughout the country in the second tier of the forest. Why? The mountain ash is undemanding to the soil, but does not like its compaction. Decorative throughout the season with flowers, fruits, crimson-red autumn color of leaves. It has many different forms.

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. Is mountain ash good for humans? In terms of medicinal value, mountain ash can be put on a par with such recognized medicinal plants as wild rose, black currant, sea buckthorn, hawthorn. Rowan contains glucose, fructose and sucrose. Its fruits are rich in active substances. Rowan is rich in vitamins "P" and "C". But in the mountain ash itself, the content of vitamin C in the fruits is low, but still significantly exceeds that of the apple, pear, cherry, raspberry, strawberry, sea buckthorn.

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. Where and how are rowan fruits used? 1. As a hemostatic agent. 2.As a vitamin tea along with rose hips. 3. The juice of fresh fruits of mountain ash is taken with low acidity of gastric juice. 4.How to improve appetite. 5. In cosmetics. 6. Many different dishes.

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. How people relate to mountain ash Slavic peoples treated mountain ash with respect and even celebrated its name day, several times a year. Rowan has mystical power: by giving us its energy, it improves a person's health, helps to find one's destiny and achieve harmony with the outside world. Any crafts made from wood and rowan bark will give you good luck and success, protect you from evil .. Many songs, poems, pictures have been written about rowan ...

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. Folk signs In Russia in the last century there was a custom: when laying a new house, plant a young mountain ash next to it. The mountain ash was supposed to protect the house from all sorts of intrigues of evil spirits. The northern peoples assigned the rowan the role of a soothsayer. They compared her with a young, beautiful, often sad girl. In the beliefs of the Slavic peoples, it is believed that the mountain ash worries about the birds and animals of the forest, and thus helps them survive the winter cold. Mountain ash is eaten by tits, sparrows, bullfinches, waxwings, pigeons, robins, thrushes, schurs, black grouse, hazel grouses.

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. More signs Rowan is blooming - it's time to sow flax. Rowan blossoms brightly - there will be a lot of oats. The mountain ash blooms well - for the flax harvest. Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long autumn. If mountain ash is born, rye will be good. There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry. If the red rowan is fully bloomed, then there will be no more frosts. If there was a lot of red mountain ash, then the winter will come severe.

Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. Conclusions on signs We could check only two signs: Sign "There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry." This sign was confirmed, according to our observations, this autumn there were more rainy days than usual. Sign "If there was a lot of red mountain ash, then the winter will come severe." This sign was not confirmed, the mountain ash harvest is more likely due to weather conditions favorable for the ripening of the berries of this plant.

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. How do the New Agans feel about mountain ash? Rowan - unusually beautiful! Carved leaves that look especially picturesque in autumn, turning into golden and reddish tones, fragrant white flowers that are so fragrant in spring, at the time of flowering, bright beads of berries that seem to burn against the background of white snow in winter. New Agans love mountain ash. People are trying to plant a mountain ash near their homes. Rowan - the decoration of our village at any time of the year. She gives us joy.

Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. Rowan is full of mysteries! We came to this conclusion by answering the questions we posed. More questions came up. For example, I would like to know how it reflects: mountain ash and artistic creativity. mountain ash in the work of poets and composers. mountain ash and folk art. and much more ... The result of the work on the project is the booklet "Rowan is full of mysteries"

Internet resources Background - http://www.goodfon.ru/download.php?id=271971&rash=3289x2166 Picture for title page- http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9362/58581001.18f/0_b2b27_b4f49612_S Picture for worksheet - http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9164/58581001.18f/0_b2b26_84f15350_S Clipart autumn leaves- http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6717/58581001.190/0_b2b53_a75260a8_S


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Mountain ash is a genus of deciduous frost-resistant shrubs and trees of the Rosaceae family. The botanical name of the mountain ash is Sorbus aucuparia, the generic name comes from the Celtic word "sor", which means "tart", and the species name comes from the Latin "aucupari", translated "to catch birds". It seems that the name comes from birds feasting on the fruits of mountain ash. There are more than 100 species of mountain ash in the world (according to some estimates, almost two hundred), while about a third of the species grow in the territory of the countries of the former USSR. Mountain ash is widespread not only in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, but also throughout Europe and Asia, as well as in North America.

Rowan legend

Once the daughter of a rich merchant fell in love with a simple guy, but her father did not want to hear about such a poor groom. To save the family from shame, he decided to resort to the help of a sorcerer. His daughter accidentally found out about this and the girl decided to run away from her home. On a dark and rainy night, she hurried to the river bank to the meeting place with her beloved. At the same hour the sorcerer also left the house. But the guy noticed the sorcerer. In order to take the danger away from the girl, the brave young man threw himself into the water. The sorcerer waited until he crossed the river and waved his magic staff when the young man was already getting out onto the shore. Then lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the guy turned into an oak tree. All this happened in front of the girl, who, because of the rain, was a little late for the meeting place. And the girl, too, remained standing on the shore. Her thin frame became the trunk of a mountain ash, and her hands - branches stretched towards her beloved. In spring, she puts on a white outfit, and in autumn she drops red tears into the water, grieving that “the river is wide, you can’t step over it, the river is deep, and you won’t drown.” So there are two lonely trees that love each other on different banks. And “you can’t get over the mountain ash to the oak, it’s clear that the orphan can swing alone for centuries.”

Folk signs associated with mountain ash:

Rowan blossoms - it's time to sow flax.
Rowan blossoms brightly - there will be a lot of oats.
The mountain ash blooms well - for the flax harvest.
Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long autumn.
If mountain ash is born, rye will be good.
There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.

Riddles about rowan:

The dress was lost, but the buttons remained.

Hanging on a branch of a girlfriend,
Clinging close to each other.

green in spring,
Sunbathed in summer
put on in autumn
Red corals.

Berries are not sweet
But joy to the eye
And garden decoration,
And treats for friends.

Autumn has come to our garden
The red torch was lit.
Here thrushes, starlings scurry about.
And, noisily, they peck at him.

In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold - sweet,
What is a berry?

Flowers - bees and bumblebees,
Fruits - jays and thrushes,
And a curly branch -
Place at the gazebo.

Rowan Poems:


Lots of red berries
Ripe and beautiful

Hanging in clusters
Their outfit is beautiful.
Collect berries on a string - for the soul,
Rowan beads are very good!

And in winter, mountain ash burns with a twinkle,
Red like rubies, shining on the branches...
Rowan twigs shine with gold,
The sun merrily plays with their foliage.

I will look around near the mountain ash.
I see a sprout
Small, but not a flower,
He will grow tall and slender later...

I wake up in the morning, but it's still dark.
The slender mountain ash has been cut down for a long time.
Didn't know that
It became very sad.

Little sprout, you grow faster!
The sun rays warm the tree.
I remember the mountain ash, I always remember,
She is still alive in my memory.

I see a slender mountain ash in the yard,
Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.
(Svetlana Shishkina)


red berry
The rowan gave me.
I thought it was sweet
And she is like a hen.

Is this berry
Just immature.
Is it a sly mountain ash
Want to play a joke?
(Irina Tokmakova)