Shukher 12-06-2013 21:33

quote: normal knife

In terms of?

djdfy29 12-06-2013 21:39

maybe the comrade thought about the katana?

Deman 12-06-2013 21:39

I made it from a similar one. The owner of the knife likes it.
This is just my opinion based on experience, nothing more.

teppo 12-06-2013 21:46

Made from such a saw at one time. Soft.

nikol 12-06-2013 21:54

Most likely 9hf or 6hf.

Udod 12-06-2013 22:19

Needs to be recast. All woodworking tools are not hardened too hard, but the steel is good.

kirsan_kaifat 12-06-2013 22:33

9hf with a high probability of 45-49 HRC

teppo 12-06-2013 22:46

quote: Needs to be recast.

These canvases are thin, it is not very convenient to overheat. Just short blades.

46-rossi-46 13-06-2013 05:39

Thanks everyone!

Va-78 13-06-2013 10:36

quote: a normal knife will be from such a saw?

Yes. We give the reduction thinner, and the angle - a little more. And everything works fine.
I disagree in terms of softness - I like such knives to form the RC with a velvet file and finish it with a thin stone. With proper honing, OK - even Finns, even kitchen workers.

Shyr3000 13-06-2013 12:24

If you call me, I'll throw in my 5 kopecks:
in the photo - a saw for a frame saw, hardness and steel here above already indicated 9HF, 45-49 HRC.
Well, now the main ambush: this saw has already worked pretty well, released in order, so it will be very difficult to squeeze even 45 units from it .... only for re-hardening, and these are dances with tambourines.
I made 4 knives from such a saw, not one of them is even suitable for peeling potatoes.

TEMA Minsk 13-06-2013 12:37

I wore such a saw on a hardness tester. Showed 44 units, and not a single more.
I made a machete out of it. But, it’s true, the uncle hasn’t been able to pick it up for three months now, so there is no response yet.
And one friend made a couple of knives out of such a saw, and at the same time he cranked the slopes with a file. For example, I don’t understand such softness for a knife ...

steppehunter 13-06-2013 13:45

is it not cemented by chance? (then it makes sense to sharpen on one side in order to work with a carbon layer)

vlad27k 13-06-2013 14:16

zone hardening will save the father of Russian democracy there is no need to cement, the steel is normal in composition

Shyr3000 13-06-2013 14:17

quote: Originally posted by steppehunter:

is it not cemented by chance?

fuck these dances??? if it is possible to carry out cementing, then it is possible to carry out hardening ... and 9HF is hardened and so normal

[email protected] 13-06-2013 17:25

Maybe u7a or 6fx, the steel is not very good, and the canvas is thin, judging by the photo.

Nikolaich72 13-06-2013 17:51

quote: Originally posted by nik ol:

Most likely 9hf or 6hf.

Post number 6.

quote: Originally posted by Shyr3000:

this saw has already worked pretty well, released in order, so it will be very difficult to squeeze even 45 units out of it .... only for re-hardening

I smoked a couple of these for myself. To Damascus. When I finish building the smithy

Nikolaich72 14-06-2013 05:51

46-rossi-46 14-06-2013 06:32

quote: Originally posted by Nikolaich72:

If you don’t mind, can I insert one of your photos into my topic? I didn’t take a picture of my saws right away, but now they’re all cut.

Of course you are.

Big Bro 14-06-2013 11:54

The steel is good, but it needs to be reheated, wood cutters can be made from it.

steppehunter 18-06-2013 22:29

I meant that it can be initially cemented.

sergrussian 27-02-2014 21:08

I made knives from exactly the same saw. For cutting wood is generally excellent, easy to edit, sharpen. For an everyday household knife - just right. Not tempered, not processed by anything. But they rust only on the way, they require little maintenance. Big Bro 28-02-2014 06:23

quote: I made knives from such a saw, I only did zone hardening, I just need to heat it carefully, somewhere to cherry color and it will definitely crack into oil in water

From 780, she has been looking for reference books, i.e. this is true. In oil, the hardness is good. The cut seems soapy to me with this steel.

May 27, 2019

May 25, 2019

P.S. As a matter of fact, the Sharpening Blog did not stay away from this event...

May 22, 2019

May 20, 2019

May 17, 2019

May 15, 2019

The St. George ribbon has nothing to do with the Victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi-German invaders, nothing to do with the awards of the USSR and the soldiers of the Red Army, because it was attached to the Order of St. George, which was officially awarded in the Russian Empire (this award has been revived in our days in the Russian Federation) . They say that Russia cannot be understood with the mind. I appreciate and respect the desire of the inhabitants of modern Russia to honor the memory of the fallen on the battlefield, to express respect for the veterans and gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front, but I don’t understand the use of the St. George ribbon for this, which has a very dubious history during the war years, the symbol of Victory in which trying to impose on us.

The farther away from the war, the more lies, fables and distortions of memory. The farther away from the war, the more they want to quarrel the peoples of those countries that together won the Victory. The farther away from the war, the more they try to tell us that it is not the truth that is important, but its interpretation ...

Millions innocent victims fascism is not forgotten. They are in the memory of mankind forever. Let's honor the memory of the fallen with a moment of silence. And a kind word of gratitude for the lives given to us ...

Created on 05/08/14, last updated on 05/01/18

Sources:,, wikipedia, google, george-orden

01 May 2019

Created on 10/10/14, last updated on 05/01/19

P.S. Feedback, comments, opinions, advice are welcome. Criticism not supported by a constructive opinion is regarded as an attempt to draw the author into an unnecessary dispute and will be deleted... Brunette:
- And my husband sent me to the Institute for Noble Maidens, and there they taught me to say “beautiful” instead of “do not drive”.

Prayer of a brunette:
Lord, I beg you, give me
Wisdom to understand a man.
Love to forgive him, and Patience for his moods.
Because, Lord, if I ask for the Power...
I'll just beat him to death!

A traffic cop stops a brunette, repainted blonde, in a very good car, hoping to earn more than usual, and diplomatically asks:
Why do you think I'm standing here?
The brunette, dyed blonde, replies without hesitation:
- I think that at school you don't in the best way did what they should have done...

"Brunette, 90-60-90, height 175 cm, length of the inner surface of the thigh - 56 cm, shoulder girth - 114 cm, distance between the eyes - 2 cm, hair length - 34 cm.

The blonde asks the brunette:
- Do you have a personal life?
- Do not ask! Starts with "P" and ends with "C".
- Do you have a prince?!

Brunettes are smart, they are able to make a career and earn their own apartment and car. And blondes are stupid, so they just give them.

I'm standing in line at the pharmacy. Ahead of me is a pretty girl, a brunette.
The bald grandfather studied the packaging of some medicine for half an hour,
finally decided to buy it. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Queue
brunettes. She hands the pharmacist a prearranged amount of money and
so timidly, in an undertone says: - Please give me the package
condoms and Pentalgin for headaches. And after a pause he adds:
- So what to do? You don't want to, but you have to.

Blonde, brunette and redhead are in 3rd grade. Who has more breasts?
- The blonde. She is 18.

So what, in fact, work has the right to be called professional, and what is amateur?

To understand this issue, one must take into account that it is customary to call professional work performed by a person for whom it is a profession and the main means of earning. Whereas the activity of a person to whom it is an interesting and favorite hobby in his free time and not a means of earning money in another profession is usually called amateur.

Profession (from lat. professio) - view labor activity a person who owns a complex of special knowledge and practical skills obtained through special education, training or experience that enable them to perform work in a specific area of ​​production for direct and specific compensation. Usually the source of his existence. (Wikipedia)
If you try to connect words professional And professionalism with the profession, there is also a direct connection here - the profession means working for the purpose of earning money and livelihood.

So, if you are (for example) a photographer by profession, then your earnings, and therefore the well-being of your family, directly depend on the quality and volume of services provided, so you are interested in supporting and improving your skills and your client base.

It is the profession that allows you to constantly engage in your work, daily practicing old and acquiring new skills and experience. Of course, here an important role is played by the material incentive, which makes one take on, at times, a thankless job.

Not always and not for everyone, the profession coincides with a favorite thing, but if this happens, then a person puts his soul into his work. It must be called a small miracle. But, oddly enough, miracles are also found in our time. In any case, a professional is a person who earns thanks to his profession. If your profession is a photographer and you work as a photographer, then your pictures are considered professional, but if you are a car mechanic by profession, then your pictures will be amateur.

Professional (from English profes) - a representative of a profession or any person who earns a living by a certain professional activity. Also, etymology defines a professional as a person of a certain profession who has a reputation as a reliable worker. (Wikipedia)
But each person has a personal hobby that he loves, to which he devotes his free time and invests his money in it. But which does not affect his earnings, received in the main profession.

Gradually, devoting his free time to his favorite hobby, a person acquires new knowledge and experience for him, which can be commensurate or higher than the level of a professional working in a field similar to his hobby.

Such a person will still remain an amateur, because for him this is only a favorite pastime that has occupied his free time. professional activity time. But if the amateur in his passion can achieve high level skills and new earnings for him will become more important than his main job, then he can become a professional, making his favorite hobby his new profession.

Amateur (from French amateur) - a person who is engaged in a certain activity, training or research, regardless of the source of his income. In other words, this is a person who has sufficient funds and free time to be interested in any subject without using your amateur knowledge and skills to earn a living from it. (Wikipedia)
Above, I mentioned the financial incentive. If among professionals it is in the first place, then it is love that motivates an amateur to his occupation.

If in his work a professional is often limited in time and his choice, then an amateur who is passionate about his work has a greater degree of freedom, chooses only what is interesting to him, and thanks, incl. and this in creative (and not only) moments, sometimes it can reach high altitudes than a professional.

Most likely, for his activity, an amateur will need good mood, while it is the material incentive that will force a professional to work in an orderly and systematic manner, look for an approach to each client and study his needs, delve into all the nuances, calculate the timing of the task, even plan another vacation his family, etc...

I often visit technical forums, where there is a discussion not only of any work performed, but also of their technical aspects. And I have long noticed that the words "professional", " professional work" are very common, while I can't remember the use of words like "amateur" and "amateur work".

Perhaps there is a psychological factor here, when, being essentially an amateur in some kind of activity, a person cannot call himself that? Or are these cases - banal prejudices with a false, without any reflection, judgment about the essence of the issue?

Now I don't have answers to these questions. Perhaps the next time I return to this conversation, I will have something to write about these issues.

Good luck everyone and have a nice day!

ZAT(Dnepr, Ukraine)

Why did Russia fall in love with the machete, khukri, parangi or bolo? Indeed, in Rus' there was a very good, in no way inferior to chopping and stabbing edged weapons - a cleaver. And as a kind of cleavers - short and light broadswords. How to make a cleaver?

Cleaver - Broadsword is not only excellent blade weapon, but a full-fledged assistant in any campaign - it is sharp as a razor and strong as a short sword, reliable and durable if made from the right steel, for example, from 9HF Soviet hardening.

The need for a cleaver-broadsword for an autonomist-taiga survivalist is obvious, therefore it is unnecessary to list the areas of its application. Separately, it can be noted that the broadsword presented in the video is not a cold weapon, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on a separate basis - its "yoke" from the axis of the blade is higher than 15 mm. Sharpening testing in field conditions revealed everything unique properties steel from which the sword is made.

Soviet steel grade 9HF is worthy of separate consideration.

Modern steel of this brand cannot be compared with steel Soviet period. Moreover, since 9HF steel was used to cut other steels, its quality resource was unprecedented during the Soviet period. It was used not only for cutting other steels. Yes, 9KF steel was not subject to welding. But the quality, temperature and plastic properties of this steel made it the optimal choice for use in sawmills for logging. Why?

One detail is important here. Namely, the design of sawmills, which led to what was not found for use in them best steel than 9HF steel.
So, the design of the R-63 sawmill was specific (it has remained so to this day))), complex, eternal, but not very convenient to maintain. If one of the cutting saws broke down, it was necessary to reconfigure the entire saw scale again, which led to downtime of the sawmill, and given that logging in the USSR was mainly carried out by prisoners in the zones, such downtime did not contribute to career growth her bosses. And the delivery of new saw blades to the wilds was problematic.

In this regard, there is a curious fact: in some places the R-63 was tuned, paradoxically, by convict musicians. The canvases from 9xf were all industrial, the grip in the frame was the same, but the tension gap had a small backlash. According to GOST, everything turned out fine, and the resource of the canvases was very decent. But still, sometimes there were incidents due to the imperfection of the human mood of the saw set. So, the convicts, not being able to sharpen steel blades with high quality, to quickly receive them from manufacturers, despite the fact that the plan had to be OPERATED, they came up with the idea of ​​​​using blades made of 9HF steel, which perfectly holds sharpening and is incredibly flexible and durable, and under the grips put razors that allow you to tune the frame with a kind of tuning fork: they achieved the same sound of the saw blades in the frame, the frame was launched, the service life of the filling turned out to be huge - all the blades were stretched the same - there was no tension overload on some blades, and on others there was a lack of it. The service life of steel 9hf on wood is huge.

R-63 sawmills became a thing of the past as soon as they stopped producing famous canvases Soviet-made brand 9HF. Modern ones, declared as saws from 9HF, do not even closely possess the properties of the old steel: they have the wrong composition and the wrong hardening, respectively, the characteristics are not the same. In the villages and abandoned sawmills, in some places, the grandfathers left either whole canvases or fragments of Soviet-made canvases.
Craftsmen, knowing the amazing qualities of that steel, collect them as they can and where they can - in villages and abandoned zones. Here are its characteristics:

This is the kind of steel grade 9HF of the Soviet period of production that can be advised to any taiga automaker for making a cleaver or knife, since with fantastic flexibility, it has amazing hardness, keeps sharpening for up to six months cutting edge(unless, of course, stones and sand are not cut) and does not lose its properties under conditions low temperatures Subarctic, Far North, Siberia and Far East.

    Good steel? Steel 9hf tempering and hardening

    9HF, 9H1F

    steel grade

    Delivery type

    Forgings - OST 24.013.20–90, OST 24.013.21–85, OST 24.013.04–90. Long products - GOST 5950-2000.

    Mass fraction of elements, %

    Temperature critical

    points, ºС

    Mechanical properties at room temperature

    Heat treatment mode



    GOST 5950–2000

    not defined


    not defined

    TFC hardening

    TFC hardening


    not defined


    not defined

    1 Work roll hardness.

    2 Hardness of backup rolls.

    3 Hardness of bandages.

    Appointment. Frame, band, circular saws, knives for cold cutting of metal, trimming dies and punches for cold cutting of burrs, cores and others (GOST 5950–2000).

    Work rolls and backup rolls with a diameter of more than 800 mm for cold rolling of metal (OST 24.013.20–90).

    Work rolls of rail-and-beam, large-section and wire swaging and section mills for hot metal rolling, subject to intense wear and operating under conditions of minimal or moderate shock loads (OST 24.013.21-85).

    Work rolls, back-up rolls and bandages of composite back-up rolls of sheet, reduction and section mills for hot rolling of metal (OST 24.013.04–90).


    heat treatment

    Impact strength, KCU, J/cm2,

    heat treatment

    Technological characteristics

    Cooling of forgings made

    Type of semi-finished product


    forging interval, ºС


    from blanks

    Section size, mm

    Cooling conditions

    Section size, mm

    Cooling conditions

    All sizes

    Annealing with recrystallization,

    two hypothermia, vacation

    On air




    Floken sensitivity

    Not applicable to welded structures.

    Annealed at ≤ 255 HB,

    σB = 690 N/mm2

    K√ = 0.9 (hard alloy),

    K√ = 0.6 (high speed steel)


    Tendency to temper brittleness

    Steel 9XC, description of properties and hardening mode, heat treatment

    Steel 9XC, description of properties and hardening mode, heat treatment

    Chemical composition in % steel 9XC
    C 0,85 - 0,95
    Si 1,2 - 1,6
    Mn 0,3 - 0,6
    Ni up to 0.35
    S up to 0.03
    P up to 0.03
    Cr 0,95 - 1,25
    Mo up to 0.2
    W up to 0.2
    V up to 0.15
    Ti up to 0.03
    Cu up to 0.3
    Fe ~94

    Deciphering the steel grade 9XC: the first digit indicates that the steel contains 0.9% carbon, and the letters X and C indicate that this grade contains up to 1.5% chromium and silicon, so it becomes clear that this is alloy steel .

    Tool made of steel 9XC and its heat treatment: broaches are made of high-speed steel and alloy steel grades X12M, KhVG, X, KhG and 9XC.

    To reduce deformation, broaches are usually subjected to two heat treatments: the first after pre-machining and the second after final machining.

    The hardness of the cutting part of alloy steel broaches is Rc = 61-64, and the front part of the shank is Rc = 35-45.

    For all steel grades during heat treatment of broaches, the following rules should be followed:

    1. Broaches for all operations (except for straightening) must be in a suspended state.

    2. The final heating of broaches is carried out in salt baths for small sizes and in shaft furnaces for large ones. In the absence of such and the use of horizontal furnaces, heating is carried out on refractory supports, while the broaches, to ensure uniform heating, must be periodically rotated around their axis.

    3. Straightening of broaches after hardening and tempering should be carried out in a hot state.

    4. Editing after cleaning should be carried out by heating with a welding torch to the tempering temperature.

    5. When cooling during hardening, move the suspended broach up and down.

    Files. For the manufacture of files, steel 9XC is also used, as well as carbon, alloy and low-carbon steels, followed by carburizing.

    For hardening, files are heated in lead and salt baths and in chamber furnaces. To protect the teeth of the file from decarburization, special coatings are used, which are applied to the notched part of the file. These coatings contain carburizing and binding agents.

    Coated files are dried near the furnace and carefully, so as not to damage the coating, are placed on a refractory stand in the furnace. When heated in lead baths, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention to carefully dry the files and slowly immerse them in the bath to avoid sloshing lead.

    Protection against decarburization by coatings has a number of negative sides:

    1. Grinding the materials that make up the mixture and preparing the mixture are very labor-intensive operations and require special equipment (mills, runners, etc.).

    2. If the coating is not carefully handled, it may partially crumble and in these places the teeth of the files will not be protected from decarburization.

    Much simpler and a guarantee against burning of the teeth is the etching of files in an aqueous solution of acids.

    The composition of the solution by volume is as follows: sulfuric acid (concentrated) 7%; nitric acid (concentrated) 7%; water 86%.

    Files are etched in solution for 10-15 minutes, then dried near the furnace and heated for hardening. When heating, the lower temperature limit must be observed.

    Alloy steel files are hardened in oil; carburized carbon steel files - in water (until complete cooling), and high-carbon steel files are cooled in water to 140-180 °, followed by hot straightening and air cooling. Files at a temperature of 140-180 ° are well corrected with a wooden hammer or in a special device. In addition, the slow cooling of the files from a temperature of 140-180° reduces the possibility of cracks.

    Only the notched part should be cooled in water, and the shank should be soaked after darkening so that it does not harden.

    Unsymmetrical files should be bent before hardening in the direction opposite to that where the concavity is formed, for example, a semi-circular file is bent towards a flat edge before hardening. Cemented files are easy to straighten when cold. The files are not tempered, but cleaned immediately after hardening.

    In factories with appropriate equipment, files are cleaned using sandblasters. In factories where there is no special equipment, cleaning is carried out by pickling in a weak solution of sulfuric acid, followed by brushing with wire brushes. After etching, the files are washed in running water, dried and lubricated with mineral oil, emulsol, etc. to protect against rust.

    We can recommend the following method of protecting files from rust: grated white, to which a small amount of soot is mixed, is dissolved in gasoline, and files are dipped into it with frequent stirring of the solution. When dried, gasoline quickly evaporates and a layer of light gray paint remains on the files.

    If the file shank is hard, after cleaning it is tempered in a lead bath until the hardness is not higher than Rc = 35.

    Files are tested for tooth sharpness in the following way: a steel plate with a hardness of at least Rc = 54 is carried out flat on the file in the direction from the nose to the shank. The plate should stick to the file and have scratches. The file must not show any signs of chipping or crushing of the teeth.

    Checking each file for hardness with a steel plate should be done during straightening or removal from the water. With this method of control, marriage is detected at the very beginning of its appearance. The presence of cracks is determined by hitting a file on an anvil or a metal plate. In the presence of cracks, the file makes a dull sound.

    In the event that in a number of files, especially personal ones, after hardening one side turns out to be soft and the other is hard, the reason for the marriage should be sought in the high hardness of the lining on which the file is cut, since the teeth become dull during the cut.

    For the manufacture of shell and end mills and twist drills, steels 85HF, 65X, 6XV2S, XG, XV5, 9XS, U8A and U10A are used.

    Heating of end mills and drills for hardening is best done in salt baths, and in their absence in chamber furnaces.

    Shell mills are hardened completely, while end mills and twist drills are hardened only working part. The tail part is not hardened. The tool is released from carbon steel at a temperature of 220-260 °, and from alloy steel at a temperature of 240-280 °. Kept in the oven for 20-60 minutes. Required hardness Rc = 56-58. Drills, the cutting parts of which are sharpened with a file, are released at a temperature of 320-360 °. Required hardness Rc = 45-50.

    Short designations:
    σv ε
    σ0.05 - elastic limit, MPa Jk
    σ0.2 σben
    δ5, δ4, δ10 σ-1
    σco 0.05 and σco J-1
    ν - relative shift, % n
    sv R and ρ
    ψ - relative narrowing, % E
    KCU and KCV T
    ST l and λ
    HB - Brinell hardness C
    HV - Vickers hardness pn and r - density kg/m3
    HRC A
    HRB σtT
    HSD - Shore hardness G

    Good steel?

    46-rossi-46 12-06-2013 21:18

    Greetings to all! Please tell me a normal knife will be made from such a saw?

    Shukher 12-06-2013 21:33 quote: normal knife in the sense? djdfy29 12-06-2013 21:39

    maybe the comrade thought about the katana?

    Deman 12-06-2013 21:39

    I made it from a similar one. The owner of the knife likes it. This is just my opinion based on experience, nothing more.

    teppo 12-06-2013 21:46

    Made from such a saw at one time. Soft.

    nik ol 12-06-2013 21:54

    Most likely 9hf or 6hf.

    Udod 12-06-2013 22:19

    Needs to be recast. All woodworking tools are not hardened too hard, but the steel is good.

    kirsan_kaifat 12-06-2013 22:33

    9hf with a high probability of 45-49 HRC

    teppo 12-06-2013 22:46quote:It is necessary to overheat. These canvases are thin, it is not very convenient to overheat. Is that short blades.46-rossi-46 13-06-2013 05:39

    Thanks everyone!

    Va-78 13-06-2013 10:36quote: a normal knife will be from such a saw? yes. We give the reduction thinner, and the angle - a little more. And everything works fine. I disagree in terms of softness - I like such knives to form the RC with a velvet file and finish it with a thin stone. With proper honing, OK - at least Finns, at least kitchen workers.Shyr3000 13-06-2013 12:24

    If you call, I’ll throw in my 5 kopecks: in the photo - a saw for a frame saw, hardness and steel have already indicated 9HF, 45-49 HRC above. Well, now the main ambush: this saw has already worked pretty well, released in order, so squeeze it out with even 45 units of it will be very difficult .... only for re-hardening, and these are dances with tambourines. I made 4 knives from such a saw, not one of them is even suitable for peeling potatoes.

    TEMA Minsk 13-06-2013 12:37

    I wore such a saw on a hardness tester. Showed 44 units, and not a single more. I made a machete out of it. But, it’s true, the uncle hasn’t been able to pick it up for three months now, so there is no response yet. And one friend made a couple of knives out of such a saw, and at the same time he cranked the slopes with a file. For example, I don’t understand such softness for a knife ...

    steppehunter 13-06-2013 13:45

    is it not cemented by chance? (then it makes sense to sharpen on one side in order to work with a carbon layer)

    vlad27k 13-06-2013 14:16

    zone hardening will save the father of Russian democracy there is no need to cement, the steel is normal in composition

    Shyr3000 13-06-2013 14:17quote:Originally posted by steppehunter:is it not cemented by chance? fuck these dances??? if it is possible to carry out cementing, then it is possible to carry out hardening ... and 9HF is heated and so it is normal 13-06-2013 17:25

    Maybe u7a or 6fx, the steel is not very good, and the canvas is thin, judging by the photo.

    Nikolaich72 13-06-2013 17:51quote:Originally posted by nik ol:Most likely 9hf or 6hf.Post number 6. posted by Shyr3000:saw this one has already worked pretty well, released in order, so it will be very difficult to squeeze even 45 units out of it .... only for re-hardening. I smoked a couple of these for myself. To Damascus.

    If you don’t mind, can I insert one of your photos into my topic? I didn’t take a picture of my saws right away, but now they’re all cut.

    46-rossi-46 14-06-2013 06:32quote:Originally posted by Nikolaich72:If you don't mind, can I insert one of your photos into my topic? Big Bro 14-06-2013 11:54

    The steel is good, but it needs to be reheated, wood cutters can be made from it.

    steppehunter 18-06-2013 22:29

    I meant that it can be initially cemented.

    sergrussian 27-02-2014 21:08

    I made knives from exactly the same saw. For cutting wood is generally excellent, easy to edit, sharpen. For an everyday household knife - just right. Not tempered, not processed by anything. But they rust only on the way, they require little maintenance.

    IS90 27-02-2014 21:23

    what is the thickness?

    alex-wolf 27-02-2014 21:28

    people do.

    Fazadmitrij 27-02-2014 21:33

    I made knives from such a saw, I only did zone hardening, I just need to heat it carefully, somewhere to a cherry color and it will definitely crack into oil in water

    roman1724 27-02-2014 22:39

    Good time. I also made from such a saw. Didn't heat up. Knives work fine, easy to edit. They only rust. Gotta watch

    amsis 27-02-2014 23:43

    There are similar saws with soldered teeth, so they are soft and thin, that's where the metal is not so hot. Some may interfere with them, there is a small hardness, and the children that have been sawing logs in the pictures for more than one season, so the metal is accordingly ... IMHO

    Big Bro 28-02-2014 06:23 quote: I made knives from such a saw, I only did zone hardening, I just need to heat it carefully, somewhere until it turns cherry color and it will definitely crack in oil in water. this is true. In oil, the hardness is good. The cut seems soapy to me with this steel.

    5.8. Quenching and tempering modes

    The hardness of a wood-cutting tool operating at high cutting speeds must be at least HRC 58.7 ... 59. To obtain such hardness, hardening and tempering modes for wood-cutting tools have been developed (Table 9).

    Table 9

    Modes of heat treatment of wood cutting tools

    Steel hardening



    heating, °С

    soup environment,

    Frame saws:

    divorced tooth

    flattened tooth

    Saws round

    Band saws:



    Planer knives

    Cutters cutters



    Hollow chisels

    Milling chains

    Turning cutters


    Steel 95X18, description of properties and hardening mode, heat treatment

    Short designations:
    σv - tensile strength (ultimate tensile strength), MPa ε - relative settlement at the appearance of the first crack, %
    σ0.05 - elastic limit, MPa Jk - torsion strength, maximum shear stress, MPa
    σ0.2 - conditional yield strength, MPa σben - ultimate strength in bending, MPa
    δ5, δ4, δ10 - relative elongation after rupture, % σ-1 - endurance limit during bending test with symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
    σco 0.05 and σco - compressive yield strength, MPa J-1 - endurance limit during torsion test with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
    ν - relative shift, % n - number of loading cycles
    sv - short-term strength limit, MPa R and ρ - electrical resistivity, Ohm m
    ψ - relative narrowing, % E - normal modulus of elasticity, GPa
    KCU and KCV - impact strength, determined on a sample with concentrators, respectively, of the type U and V, J / cm2 T - temperature at which the properties are obtained, deg
    ST - limit of proportionality (yield strength for permanent deformation), MPa l and λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity (heat capacity of the material), W/(m °C)
    HB - Brinell hardness C - specific heat material (range 20o - T), [J/(kg deg)]
    HV - Vickers hardness pn and r - density kg/m3
    HRC - Rockwell hardness, C scale A - coefficient of temperature (linear) expansion (range 20o - T), 1/°С
    HRB - Rockwell hardness, scale B σtT - ultimate strength, MPa
    HSD - Shore hardness G - modulus of elasticity at shear by torsion, GPa