// Photo: Anna Salynskaya / PhotoXPress.ru

Music connected for life ... Probably, this is how you can paraphrase the words of the insanely popular hit of the Mirage group in the late 80s, which sounded from almost every second "cassette" of a huge Soviet Union. And it is with this song that all those of us who come from the 80s-90s and even zeros associate a fragile, slender blonde with beautiful eyes - Tanya Ovsienko. Today the star of millions celebrates his birthday.

An accident that became fateful

Tatyana Ovsienko from the age of six was engaged in her native in Kyiv in children's ensemble"Sun". But initially, young Tanya did not plan to connect her life with music at all. Like many teenagers, she madly wanted to escape from parental care. I wanted to see not only the whole country, but also the world. And according to Tanya, she could do this only with a diploma from a technical school in the hotel industry, whose graduates were assigned to Pacific liners.
The dream was close to being fulfilled. After graduating from a technical school, the girl was already ready to start working on the Admiral Nakhimov cruise ship, but her mother Anna Markovna was categorically against it. And as a result, Tanya stayed in Kyiv and was assigned to the Bratislava Hotel, where she began working as an administrator. And on September 1, 1986, the whole country was struck by the terrible news about the crash of the Admiral Nakhimov and the death of more than 400 passengers. But for the young Tanya Ovsienko, the coincidence of happy circumstances did not end there. As the singer herself said more than once, she got into Mirage quite by accident, thanks to Natalya Vetlitskaya, who, together with Irina Saltykova, was at that time the soloist of the group.

At that time, Tanya Ovsienko met with the keyboardist of the group, and, as often happens, at the first opportunity she came to her lover in Moscow. Here Natalya Vetlitskaya took pity on the couple in love and offered the girl to become a Mirage dresser, since the place was vacant ...

And now your step on the stage

At the end of 1988, Natalya Vetlitskaya decided to take up solo career and leaves the Mirage. Before the concert in Saransk, the producer of the group approached Tanya Ovsienko and asked to help the team out and go on stage with Ira Saltykova. The debut was successful, and Ovsienko became at first the second soloist of the group, and after Saltykova left, she became the only one.

The popularity of the group was at its peak. In 1989, Mirage performed for the first time in the musical program "Song of the Year" and Tatyana Ovsienko became the only face of the group. But everything changed after one year.

December 31, 1990 Tanya flew to her parents to meet together New Year. And here is a festive feast, the whole family is watching a New Year's concert on TV, and suddenly Tanya freezes in shock. From the television speaker sounds: “Music connected us ...”, and on the screen the Mirage group and their new soloist Ekaterina Boldysheva.

To the speech that followed a day later from the producer of the group about changing the concept, namely, further performances in a duet with a new soloist, Tatyana refused. She made the decision to leave the Mirage.

After the meeting at Luzhniki, which looked more like a "strelka" in the spirit of the 90s, Ovsienko was given four songs for "promotion": "I can't do it anymore", "Music has bound us", "Night is coming" and "Where are you, my new hero".

As the singer herself recalls, at first it was very difficult with new songs. And the first to believe in her were the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya and the composer Viktor Chaika. Thanks to their songs: "Another Night", "Beautiful Girl", "Morozov" Tanya Ovsienko, in fact, was able to restart her life and create her own group - "Voyage", with which she is at the peak of her musical career traveled all over the country, performed in Europe and the USA, and with which she, albeit less often, but continues to perform in Russia and beyond.

Tatyana Ovsienko was remembered by all her fans as tender, good songs about women's happiness. Tatyana Ovsienko met her first husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, whose brainchild was the Electroclub group, popular in the late 80s and 90s, back in Kiev, when she worked as an administrator at Bratislava. The musicians who came on tour stayed at the hotel.

There was Tanya's shift when Irina Allegrova approached her (at that time she was a soloist of the Electroclub and Dubovitsky's wife) and asked to call ambulance. As it turned out, Vladimir had a terrible allergy to pollen, and in Kyiv at that time spring was raging with might and main and chestnut trees were blooming all around on the streets ...

Tanya called an ambulance, and after the doctors left, she went up to the room of Irina and Vladimir to find out about the well-being of the guests.

In fact, this meeting did not produce any vivid impression, but the re-acquaintance of Tanya Ovsienko with Vladimir Dubovitsky, which happened a few years later, changed the lives of both of them.

They met at a concert in Sverdlovsk. The young and bright soloist of "Mirage" won the heart of Vladimir with one glance. But Tanya refused all his proposals for a meeting in Moscow. And it was not at all that he was not attractive to her. At that time, Mirage had very strict requirements: no personal life. In addition, Ovsienko was very embarrassed by the fact that Dubovitsky was still married. Upbringing did not allow Tatyana to have an affair with a married man.

But one day at her door rented apartment called on Kashirka. Having opened it, Tanya Ovsienko froze in surprise, Vladimir was standing on the threshold. Under his arm, he held a TV, and in the other hand, a block of cigarettes ...

Miracle named Igoryusha

Tanya and Vladimir dreamed of their children for a very long time, but somehow everything did not work out. And although, according to the singer, both were healthy, God did not give them common children.

It was 1998. At the next concert in Penza, Tatyana Ovsienko was given a note from the head physician of the local Baby House. The note contained a request to buy a box of apples for the children living in the Baby House. After the concert, having loaded several boxes of apples into the trunk of the car, Tanya, together with her musicians, arrived at the Baby House and saw her little miracle in the corridor near one of the wards.

A two-year-old kid sat on a chair and, holding an algebra textbook upside down, carefully examined it. And when, a few minutes later, Tanya found out that Igoryusha was born with a heart defect and he needed an urgent operation, she made a firm decision to adopt the baby.

Together in Vladimir, they took on all the financial costs of Igoryusha's operation. Together they went through all that bureaucratic hell that accompanies all families who decide to give a child from the Orphanage a family. It seemed that now their happiness would be eternal, but her husband betrayed her.

dark time

Together with Vladimir Dubovitsky, Tatyana Ovsienko lived for eighteen years. As in any family, they had both quarrels and reconciliations. Tatyana guessed that her husband was cheating. But I learned from the newspapers that he had a child from another woman.

Divorce endured stoically, fenced off from him by work. True, my heart was empty. It seems that you live, but there is no purpose of this life. Tatyana frankly believed that nothing more bright and interesting would happen in her life. Moreover, no love will happen. And what kind of love can there be when you are already over 40 years old. In addition, Igor began a transitional age, in which all the boys become small prickly hedgehogs, initially rejecting everything that their parents tell them. In an instant, Igor turned from an obedient child into a rebel, recognizing only heavy music, painting nails in black color and each time closing in his room, as soon as Tatyana crossed the threshold of the house.

But as often happens, love comes when you don't expect it at all. In 2008, Tatyana decided to relax in Yalta in a house that she had built together with one of her old friends. A friend warned that now his friend is visiting the house. Tatyana given fact I didn’t bother - the house is big and there is enough space for everyone in it. Arriving in Yalta, Tanya met the "tenant" Alexander Merkulov, a businessman from Moscow, and, having dinner that evening in the company of mutual friends, she suddenly realized that she had fallen in love like a girl with this charismatic man with an amazing sense of humor.

As Tatyana later found out, Alexander was her longtime admirer, and they were even introduced several times, but she remembered this. At first, they wrote off and called each other, then they began to meet, in 2011 Alexander bought an apartment in Yalta, which he offered to register for Tanya's mother. It seemed that here it was happiness, but the lovers had to go through one more ordeal. In February 2011, Alexander Merkulov was arrested. A three-year process began, which ended with the complete justification of Alexander. Remembering this difficult time for the two of them, Tatyana Ovsienko speaks warmly of her producer and musicians. They were sympathetic to her misfortune and always went to the meeting. For example, concerts were canceled and tours were postponed, because in the pre-trial detention center it was possible to come on a date only on a certain day. However, there were those people who completely turned away from Tatyana, fencing themselves off from her as from a leper. This trouble showed Ovseenko who is who, finally dividing her life into “before” and “after”.

Our heroine celebrates this birthday in the circle of her relatives and friends. Her beloved men are next to her: husband Alexander, son Igor and grandson Alexander, who was born in 2015. And she is not only a beloved wife, mother and grandmother, but also a charming woman with the same piercing mysterious look and kind smile. She is also loved by millions not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union, because her music has forever connected her with the public.

Alexander Merkulov faces seven years for attempting to organize a murder

In 2014, Tatyana OVSIENKO admitted from television that she had finally found female happiness. In those days, the singer's common-law husband, Alexander MERKULOV, was released three years and four months later. The pop star of the 90s joyfully announced an imminent engagement and wedding. But the celebrations had to be postponed. The prosecutor appealed against the jury's decision the acquittal. And then Supreme Court vacated the verdict and remanded the case for retrial. Now the jury has pronounced a verdict: guilty. On August 18, the final verdict will be read to Merkulov at the Moscow City Court and the judge will determine the punishment.

At the name of Tanya Ovsienko, the lines from her songs “Would be cute next to me” and “Beautiful girl, but there is no happiness” immediately come to mind. After 18 years of marriage with Irina Allegrova's ex-husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, with whom they adopted a boy from orphanage, and an affair with actor Valery Nikolaev, she did not hope to fall in love again. But in 2008 in the Crimea, the singer met married businessman Alexander Merkulov.

With the advent of Sasha in life, everything became clear, ”Ovsienko said a year ago in Lolita Milyavskaya’s Lolita program. - The first time we said words of love was when Sasha was arrested. At that moment I was far away and learned about everything from the media. Immediately rushed to the Crimea, hired lawyers. It was pointless to hide our relationship anymore. Sasha's wife learned about me from the same press. I sincerely wish her health and happiness!

The singer believes...

Sasha spent three years and four months in a pre-trial detention center. We were only allowed to talk on the phone twice a month. They didn't do any favors for me. I prayed for one thing, if only he would return as soon as possible. Then a lot of people turned away from me.

I met Sasha at the courtroom. It is a great happiness when you feel freedom. At that moment, I was doing repairs in the apartment, and I even had nowhere to bring him. A friend called me and offered to visit her, so we stayed with her for a week. We started life from a new leaf ... Sasha proposed to me, but we decided to move away from stress a little ...

elephant bandit

But the stress didn't come off. As it turned out, the “oil painting” was spoiled by the completely non-romantic past of the groom Ovsienko.

Merkulov is involved in the case together with Vladimir Kumarin, the leader of the Tambov criminal group in St. Petersburg, a law enforcement source told us. - Kumarin is a man who created a real criminal empire in St. Petersburg. The first time he was imprisoned in the 85th for forging documents and possession of weapons. Then, in 1990, 72 people from his group were arrested for criminal showdowns in Devyatkino. Then a misfortune happened to the prosecutor: someone hit him on the head on the eve of the verdict. In general, the prosecutor asked for a short term for the criminals, and Kumarin himself was given only three years in prison.

In 1993, he was released again. Coumarin had high support from law enforcement and soon things were going up again. However, he was arrested again: in St. Petersburg, the Kumarin gang seized several shops by force. They put him in jail for six years. Now a new case has surfaced, where Kumarin is the customer of the murder, and Alexander Merkulov is the executor. Kumarin could not share the St. Petersburg oil terminal with businessman Sergei Vasiliev. He belonged to the Vasiliev company. And Kumarin set the task for Merkulov to eliminate the competitor.

What connected Merkulov with the leader of the Tambov criminal group? Alexander began his career as an ordinary bomber driver in Ryazan. There he met a gang whose members were called elephants. In the late 90s, the gang was defeated, and Merkulov went to St. Petersburg. There he organized the collection of scrap metal, which he supplied to the Baltic states.

... and his "colleague" KUMARIN is involved in this

The remnants of the "elephants" soon joined Merkulov, and a "brigade" was organized among them. They gradually joined the Tambov organized criminal group and began to solve criminal problems. In 2006, Alexander ordered his driver to find hitmen to kill the owner of the oil terminal, Vasiliev. He had a driver right hand: met killers, provided weapons. As a result, the guard died, and Vasiliev remained alive. Disclosure of the case began only in 2012, when evidence appeared. Because the victim refused to cooperate with the investigation. Vasiliev understood that he would not be able to fight Kumarin, because he had too serious connections with St. Petersburg officials and security officials.

In 2012, Kumarin was nevertheless arrested, they began to look for the organizers and participants in the assassination - in particular, Merkulov, who fled to the Crimea. Alexander at this time was establishing a personal life with Ovsienko. Another accomplice of Merkulov - a certain Demin - fled to London, where he got a good job. It is clear that the UK will not extradite him.

When the shooters were taken, they testified against Merkulov. Ovsienko, in love, of course, did not know then that he was a bandit. Alexander told her: they say, he has "problems, business." After Merkulov was detained by Ukrainian special forces, our law enforcement officers waited another nine months for his extradition. Ovsienko fought for him, hired expensive lawyers, came to all the courts. After leaving the pre-trial detention center, Merkulov settled with Ovsienko in her apartment on Leninsky Prospekt.

Unclear future

Either Tanya had a beneficial effect on her beloved, or he himself repented, but during the investigation, Merkulov confessed to everything and helped to expose other participants in the crime. And he handed over his friend Kumarin with giblets. In 2014, a jury trial took place. Taking into account the fact that Kumarin is not an easy person, the process was decided to be held in the Moscow City Court. As a result, an acquittal was issued.

There is reason to believe that the jury was bought, - our source believes. - All the detainees were released, but the Investigative Committee and the prosecutor appealed the verdict. On August 18, the final verdict will be read. Merkulov was removed from the indictment of a direct accusation of murder, leaving only the organization of the assassination attempt. Taking into account the jury's decision on leniency, he will be given seven years, more than three of which he has already served. After half the term, he has the right to ask for parole.

For Ovsienko, of course, this is a tragedy. Now he is under subscription, but he will be arrested in court, and he will go through the stage where ... Kumarin has connections in the criminal world and Merkulov can be brutally dealt with. Tatyana really love. I think she will be waiting for him.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get through to the singer herself. As its director explained, Ovsienko is now abroad, where he will stay until the end of August. And asked not to disturb. Come back, let's talk.

Harmless old man in a baseball cap with rhinestones

Andrey KONSTANTINOV, journalist and writer, whose novel formed the basis of the script for the series "Gangster Petersburg", said:

Vasiliev in my book goes by his last name. I often meet him on Petrogradka in the Babylon store. You need to understand that now this is a completely different person. Last time he was in an open car with a bunch of guards. Comedy. Harmless old man. Sometimes it can appear in the Hussar Doloman store. Vasiliev dresses strangely. Can wear a baseball cap embroidered with rhinestones. When he meets me, he offers to drink coffee.

... interior decoration, they say, even cooler ...

... well, he modestly drives a Lamborghini

WITH married Alexander Merkulov and his wife, singer Tatyana Ovsienko met in common company in 2008 in Yalta. “On the very first day, Sasha and I became close,” the star later said. “I liked Sasha right away. I was over forty, I was convinced that this was the final, there would be no more love. And here you are - hello please! But I then thought: this is wonderful, I will leave for Moscow, and a pleasant memory will remain. But they began to correspond, call up ... ".

The holiday romance turned into a sluggish guest affair. Everything suited the beautiful Sasha: the family was at hand, and a famous singer who comes to visit can sometimes brag to authoritative friends. And everything would have lasted like this, slowly fading ... Lovers of the same age met infrequently, sometimes they spent vacations and weekends together. But Ovsienko, who was in love, did not shake the law. “I understood that he had a wife, children, that it was impossible to do this, but I could not stop. I absolutely did not care how long the happiness lasted.

Tatyana didn't even know real name her married lover - Alexander appeared to her as a citizen Mazurenko. The man also had documents for Chudin, he often used this identity card in St. Petersburg, from where he went to drive him to the organized criminal group ─ Sasha Chudnoy.

And in 2011, Mazurenko-Chudin-Merkulov was detained for organizing an assassination attempt on the owner of the St. Petersburg oil terminal, Sergei Vasilyev. The killers then blocked Vasiliev's car and opened heavy fire from Kalashnikov assault rifles - the businessman and three of his guards were injured, and one bodyguard was shot in the head.

Tatyana's lover and his accomplices were found guilty and received different terms (23, 20 and 11 years). True, the court failed to prove Merkulov’s personal participation in the attack even after two attempts, he was either released when the accusation crumbled, then again taken into custody. As a result, he was convicted only for organizing the assassination attempt and was sentenced to 4 years in prison. At the same time, law enforcement officials said: "Merkulov is one of the leaders of the transnational criminal community Tambovskoye, one of the most influential criminal groups in Russia."

When Merkulov was arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center, Tatyana learned his real name. And - logic! - immediately believed in his innocence. A woman with some even wild enthusiasm began to fight for the fate of her lover - finally she became the main thing in his life! “I wandered around Sasha’s affairs, called his partners, asked for help. When they heard in the phone: “Hello, my name is Tatyana Ovsienko,” they were very surprised: what does Ovsienko have to do with it? Few people knew about our relationship until the newspapers dumped the truth. The love story became public, including Sasha's wife, but I don't know what her reaction was, Sasha doesn't like to talk about it."

The reaction of the legal wife can be guessed - it was after this news that the Merkulovs divorced. And then the prisoner, who was left without gears, sharply inflamed with feelings for his mistress. “Before, we didn’t talk about feelings with Sasha,” the singer admits, “but they say correctly: there’s a blessing in disguise. It became clear how much we love each other, we learned to understand each other from a half-word, from a half-sigh. How many letters we are each They wrote to a friend! Hundreds! They wrote about everything: about childhood, dreams, future, children, friends and so on. I was shocked to learn that Sasha composes beautiful poems. "

For the sake of this talented poet, the delighted Ovsienko sold her apartment - she had to pay lawyers. “I understood that only I was there. That I should help. I hid from Sasha how much I sold,” this Merkulov woman No. 1 rejoiced in the recent program “Tonight”. Merkulov also took the floor: "Tanya gave me such support, gave me such faith that saved me. It's easier to be in isolation when you know that they are waiting for you."

Tatyana paid for lawyers, connected all Merkulov's "colleagues", handed over parcels to the pre-trial detention center, went to all court hearings. Ovsienko even became a member of the Commission of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Perhaps, in this way, she tried, if not to rescue her lover from the dungeons, but at least to alleviate his plight in some way. "To let me go on dates with him, Sasha wrote a statement that I was his common-law wife."

“No one, no one wanted to believe when I said that Sasha was not guilty. Even close friends turned their backs!” Tatyana shared her feelings with reporters. “I can’t tell what I have experienced over the years.” And in May 2017 after for long years unrest, finally, the two souls separated by circumstances were finally reunited. In a recent transmission of Malakhov, the faithful Tatyana and the liberated Alexander were greeted as heroes. The audience in the studio sobbed over the fate of this couple, over this fragile and beautiful story love. To the applause of enthusiastic ladies, Sasha Wonderful made 50-year-old Tatyana a marriage proposal. From jail - straight to the registry office! Bitterly!

“I hope that in the fall we will sign,” Tatyana rejoices. “I dream of a beautiful wedding, of a white elegant dress. And I also want to arrange a big solo concert in Moscow. The last three years in terms of creativity have been, unfortunately, in vain. No matter what they offered, I refused - because of Sasha ... "

Waited! It's only the beginning.

Without Tatyana Ovsienko, it is impossible to imagine the stage of the 1990s, but even now the public has not forgotten her kind and optimistic songs. The singer's tour schedule is still tight, and full houses gather at her concerts. Tatyana herself is grateful to the Mirage group, during her participation in which she received an unforgettable experience, a tempered character and the love of fans. It is not surprising that Ovsienko perceives the events taking place in her personal life humbly, believing that in the future everything she dreams of will come true. Now next to her there is a loved one with whom the singer wants to start a family and is ready to give birth to a son or daughter.

Tatyana was born in 1966 in Kyiv. Her parents were ordinary people: father worked as a truck driver, and mother was a laboratory assistant. Also in early years the girl studied music and sang in a children's ensemble, in which she often toured the country. However, after graduating from school, she entered the technical school of the hotel industry. Having received a diploma, the future star got a job as an administrator in a hotel, where they also stayed famous singers and musicians. Soon she left for Moscow, where, thanks to her acquaintance with Natalya Vetlitskaya, at that time the soloist of the Mirage group, she began working as a costume designer in the team.

Soon the soloist left the group, and Ovsienko was offered to try to replace her, but for this the girl had to lose a lot of weight (the singer still keeps her weight of 50 kg with a height of 167 cm). Soon she came to a huge success and the love of numerous fans. However, in 1989, the Mirage soloist had an accident, because of which she could not walk for a long time. She did not quit the performance, and for some time she had to sing while sitting. Since 1991, Tatyana began solo career. She often gave concerts for veterans and military personnel, traveling to hot spots, for which she was awarded military medals and awards.

In the photo Tatyana Ovsienko with her first husband Vladimir Dubovitsky

At the beginning of her career, Ovsienko did not even think about marriage, so she had her first serious relationship when she was already singing in the Mirage group. With her future husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, the girl met when she was still working in a hotel, but the romance between them arose only a few years later. In 1993, the lovers played a wedding, where eminent musicians and singers gathered.

In the photo, the son of Tatyana Ovsienko with her grandson and daughter-in-law

The couple got along well and understood each other perfectly, but one thing overshadowed them - this was the absence of children. In 1999, Tatyana decided to adopt a child: she took a boy from the Baby House with congenital defect heart that underwent surgery. Son Igor held the singer and her husband together, however, their family life was not ideal: Vladimir confessed to her that he had another woman, and in 2006 he was born and bastard. However, the couple parted on friendly terms, wishing happiness to each other. When Igor grew up, it became difficult for Ovsienko to find a common language with him, so the young man went to Dubovitsky, who at that time was already living in America. The son was trained and has already started a family: and in 2015, his beloved Zaiya gave birth to a son.

The singer and her lover Alexander Merkulov

In 2008, the singer's personal life also improved: she met businessman Alexander Merkulov. Despite the fact that her lover had a wife and children, she decided to date him. In 2011, Alexander bought her an apartment in Yalta, intending to live together. However, soon the man was arrested, charged with attempted assassination of a major businessman. Tatyana fought for her loved one, and in the summer of 2014 he was found not guilty and released from the courtroom. The lovers already dreamed of a wedding, but at the end of August 2016, he was again behind bars.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 01/17/2017

Tatyana Nikolaevna Ovsienko. She was born on October 22, 1966 in Kyiv. Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia (2001).

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Ovsienko, truck driver.

Mother - Anna Markovna Ovsienko, laboratory assistant.

She has a younger sister, Victoria (born 1970), who is currently an entrepreneur.

As a child, the future singer studied at a music school and performed in the children's ensemble "Solnyshko", which participated in the program "Funny Notes" on the First Channel of Central Television (Moscow). She graduated from the Kyiv Ukrainian school No. 73.

Graduated from the Kiev College of Hotel Management (1987, specialist in the organization of service in hotels). She worked as an administrator at the Bratislava Hotel in Kyiv.

In 1988 she met Natalya Vetlitskaya, a soloist musical group"Mirage", which lived in "Bratislava" during the tour. At the suggestion of Natalia Vetlitskaya, she entered the Mirage as a costume designer.

After Natalya Vetlitskaya left Mirage at the end of 1988, Ovsienko became the soloist of the group along with. Like most other soloists in the group, she performed to the phonogram.

She worked in the group until the end of 1990, when she was replaced by a new soloist Ekaterina Boldysheva. After the departure of Tatyana Ovsienko from the group, criticism began in the press about the fact that all the soloists sang to the soundtrack of another performer. Since Ovsienko was the "face" of the group, she became the main object of criticism.

Tatyana Ovsienko and "Mirage" - The night is coming

Since 1991, she has performed with her group Voyage, released several music albums with songwriter Viktor Chaika. During this period, the main rise in the popularity of the singer takes place.

In 1997, she received the Golden Gramophone Award for the hit Ring.

In 1999, at the festival "Song of the Year" she performed the song of the group "Mirage" "Music bound us" with her real voice.

In 2006, she recorded the single "Love Hurts" with Dan McCafferty, the lead singer of the world-famous rock band Nazareth.

Tatyana Ovsienko - Natasha

Participated in the reality show "The Last Hero 3: Lost."

Tatyana Ovsienko's work is characterized by optimism in the content of the material being performed, emphasizing the values family life and sincere relations between people (songs “Everything is good”, “Women's happiness”, “Our yard” and others).

Now Tatyana is a member of the Commission of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of police officers, their families and veterans of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For speaking to veterans military units and in front of military personnel in the field of hostilities was awarded the NATO medal "For peacekeeping” in Kosovo, the medal “For Military Valor” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the 1st degree, the anniversary medal “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” and the badge “For Service in the Caucasus” of the North Caucasian Military District.

In 2013 she released the album "Time".

Tatyana Ovsienko in the program "Tonight"

The growth of Tatyana Ovsienko: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Tatyana Ovsienko:

First husband - Vladimir Dubovitsky, producer. She was married to him in 1993-2007. Tatyana Ovsienko and her husband in 1999 adopted a boy - Igor. Until recently, Igor did not even suspect that he was not own son star couple. After a divorce from the singer, Vladimir Dubovitsky told him about the orphanage past.

Igor Dubovitsky lives with his family in Miami (USA), in 2015 he had a son from his Brazilian wife.

Since 2008 civil husband- Alexander Merkulov (born August 15, 1966, Ryazan). Together with the leader Tambov organized criminal group Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) was a defendant in a high-profile criminal case of an attempt on the life of a prominent businessman, co-owner of the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal (PNT) Sergei Vasiliev. Sentenced to four years in prison, he was released from the courtroom, taking into account the time spent in the pre-trial detention center.

Tatyana met Alexander Merkulov in Yalta. He dedicated poems to her, took her to theaters, arranged romantic dates. The holiday romance eventually turned into a serious relationship - Merkulov made an offer to Ovsienko. But the love idyll collapsed one day, when Alexander was detained on suspicion of organizing an assassination attempt on the owner of the St. Petersburg oil terminal, Sergei Vasilyev.

The investigation of the case lasted three and a half years - all this time Merkulov was in a pre-trial detention center, where Ovsienko went to visit him. The singer admitted that all the fees from her concerts went to pay for lawyers for Alexander.

June 10, 2017 in the show "Tonight" on Channel One. Everything happened very romantically: Merkulov got down on one knee in front of his beloved, who had been faithful to him for a long time, and handed the ring to his beloved woman. Then he kissed her to the loud cries of "Bitter!" overjoyed audience in the studio.

Discography of Tatyana Ovsienko:

1991 - "Beautiful Girl"
1993 - "Captain"
1994 - "Do not judge ..."
1995 - "We must fall in love"
1997 - "Beyond the Pink Sea"
2001 - "River of my love"
2004 - "I won't say goodbye"
2013 - "Time"

Video clips of Tatyana Ovsienko:

1991 - "Remember Me"
1992 - "Card Cards"
1992 - "Natasha"
1993 - "Captain"
1993 - "Grisha"
1994 - "Morozov"
1995 - "Let's leave it as it is"
1995 - "Evening"
1995 - "We must fall in love"
1995 - "School time"
1996 - "Women's happiness"
1996 - "Trucker"
1997 - "Beyond the Pink Sea"
1997 - "Ring"
1997 - "My Sun"
1997 - "Our yard"
1998 - "Don't Forget"
1999 - "River of Love"
1999 - "Geese Swans"
2000 - "The Promised Land" (feat. Mikhail Shufutinsky)
2000 - "Fresh Wind"
2000 - "I will fly for you"
2001 - "The Seagulls"
2001 - "On Ice"
2001 - "I'll cry and quit"
2002 - "You're Losing"
2002 - "Somewhere"
2003 - "Chain"
2004 - "Shores of Love" (feat. Viktor Saltykov)
2005 - "Summer" (feat. Viktor Saltykov)
2006 - "Love Hurts" (feat. Nazareth)
2010 - "Three hours"
2015 - "In the Heart"

Filmography of Tatyana Ovsienko:

1990 - "Our Man in San Remo"
1998 - "Military field romance"
2008 - "Beauty requires ..." - cameo
2009-2011 - “Give youth!” - cameo