Today, nature is undergoing considerable upheaval. The words are heard more often: unfavorable ecology, ecological crisis, ecological catastrophe. It is not easy to convey these questions to children; environmental theme will help to simply and clearly voice this problem.



Conversation on the topic: "Environmental Safety".

Purpose of the conversation: to form ecological consciousness and a sense of respect for the planet Earth.

Conversation objectives: develop cognitive interest, respect and love for the world around, learn to compare, generalize; develop speech, thinking, broaden horizons and lexicon; to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, ecological culture of students.

Today, nature is undergoing considerable upheaval. The words are heard more often: unfavorable ecology, ecological crisis, ecological catastrophe. Yes, the development of science and technology requires great amount coal, ore, oil and timber. For development Agriculture new lands are plowed up. During the construction of hydroelectric power plants, dams are built, river channels are changed, and large areas are flooded. We get light, gas, heat, but at the same time we destroy thousands of animals and plants!

Ecology is the science of our common home.

Everyone knows what an exemplary should look like. workplace, a clean room or a sparkling clean apartment. But to restore and maintain order in the environment, specialists are needed.

Do you think human activities affect the environment?

What can be dangerous for a person?

What are the ways of air pollution?

Ecological catastrophe - irreversible change natural complexes associated with mass death living organisms. Reasons: neglect of security measures, negligence of personnel and management of enterprises, greed, the desire to save money.

Examples of major environmental disasters:

Chernobyl disaster - radiation contamination of the territory of Ukraine, partly Belarus and Russia;

Doom Aral Sea- the disappearance of the sea;

The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

IN European countries there are almost no untouched biosystems left. During its existence, and especially in the 20th century, humanity has managed to destroy about 70% of all natural biosystems on the planet. Moreover, a person releases into the environment thousands of tons of substances that have never been contained in it and which are often not recyclable.

On the territory of Russia there are 9 million square meters. km. intact, which means "working" ecological systems. A significant part of this territory is tundra, which is biologically unproductive. But the Russian forest-tundra, taiga, sphagnum (peat) bogs are ecosystems without which it is impossible to imagine a normally functioning biota of the entire globe.

What do you think the main stocks fresh water are situated in...

Rivers and lakes;

Glaciers and icebergs;

Artificial reservoirs?

Which unique lake our country you know?

(This is Lake Baikal. Its approximate age is 25 million years. The lake is fresh. In the clear and transparent water of Baikal, you can observe objects at a depth of more than 40 meters with the naked eye. The inhabitants of this lake are the Baikal omul, golomyanka, seal, sturgeon, taimen. Life of Baikal depends on phytoplankton (community of algae), zooplankton (representative - crustacean epischur) and small golomyanka fish. The golomyanka accounts for 70 percent of the mass of all Baikal fish (about 200 thousand tons). Golomyanka is viviparous. It is in constant motion from top to bottom, up the deepest points of the lake.Due to its constant movement, the mass of water moves and is enriched with oxygen. Lately more and more often, scientists and environmentalists have to raise their voices in defense of Lake Baikal.)

Why do you think the climate is changing?

(The causes of climate change are the greenhouse effect, the decrease in the water-regulating capabilities of the land, which occurred due to deforestation large area forest areas, draining swamps, plowing large steppe areas, building cities and roads. The control of evaporation of water from the surface of the land is broken. Forests have the best water-regulating properties.)

Why are synthetic detergents so dangerous?

(Washing powder, soap, shampoo, soda are serious pollutants of water and soil. They change the surface tension of water, disrupting the vital activity of many organisms that live at the interface between water and air. Once in water bodies, they impede the access of oxygen. Detergents have a detrimental effect on fish eggs and the development of amphibians. Phosphorus, which is so rich in detergents, promotes the growth of algae (water blooms. Detergents are made on the basis of synthetic substances, which makes it difficult for them to decompose in the natural environment.)


1. The star, thanks to which there is life on earth. ( Sun )

2. A substance that exists on our planet in three states ( water)

3. fertile soil layer the soil )

4. Mixture of gases (air)


(choose the correct option and make a word)

  1. Ecologist is it?

A is an ecology teacher.

P is an environmental specialist.

2. In what ways do harmful substances from the environment enter the human body

B - through air, water and soil;

P - through air, water and food.

3.What is environmental safety?

A - how plants and animals live side by side and influence each other;

O - protection from the harmful effects of environmental pollution.

4. How can you protect yourself from polluted air?

K - step aside;

D - do not linger in those places where the air is polluted.

5. How to protect yourself from contaminated water?

M - do not drink dirty water;

H - use a household filter.

6. What is the rule of personal environmental safety related to food?

O - wash vegetables and fruits;

A - use a plate and cutlery.

7. Is it a chain of pollution?

E - trampled paths;

Z - burning foliage, the appearance of toxic smoke, the death of insects.


Let's make the following rules and stick to them:

Make bird feeders out of plastic or tetrapak bags.

Garbage sorting.

Collect waste paper and donate.

Collect garbage.

Buy a reusable shopping bag.

Plant trees and more!

Communicate with wildlife.

Feed any living beings.

Anna Maslova
Topics of conversations and consultations on environmental education for parents

"The topics of conversations and consultations on environmental education for parents. "

1. "Doing no harm to nature."

Purpose: to discuss the rules of behavior in nature.

2. "Let the herbs bloom."

Purpose: to talk and get to know herbaceous plants, talk about their benefits, how to protect them; introduce poisonous plants.

3. "Bow to the berry."

Purpose: to talk about berries sprouting in the region, point out poisonous, precautionary measures.

4. "Winged doctors".

Purpose: to introduce birds that you can watch, how to help them in winter, how to feed them.

5. "Treasures of the Forest".

Purpose: to tell children about the role of the forest in human life; what a person receives from the forest, how to behave in the forest; the help of the forest to man and of man to the forest.

6. "Poisonous mushrooms."

Purpose: to introduce children to poisonous mushrooms, with precautions.

At the beginning school year it is advisable to have a conversation about what parents know about environmental education and upbringing in general, and how the child gets to know the environment within the family. There is also a questionnaire for parents:

1. "Books in the family."

2. "Environmental education in the family."


1. ABC of behavior in nature.

2. Walks in nature.

3. Enter nature as a friend!

4. Eyes of charm!

5. Green pharmacy (about indoor plants).

6. In the forest for mushrooms.

7. Let's help the winged doctors (about birds).

8. Our friends are insects.

9. Protect the friends of the forest!

10. Fire is the misfortune of the forest!

11. Let's save our Christmas tree.

12. Flowers - the beginning of earthly beauty.

13. Primrose - messengers of spring.

14. Let's save water!.

Related publications:

Consultation for parents on environmental education of preschoolers "Man and Nature""Children and nature" Ecological education of children preschool age involves: - education of a humane attitude towards nature (moral.

Information material for conversations with young children and consultations for parents "October" OCTOBER October is dirty, he doesn't like wheels or runners. October is the month of departure, passage and arrival of birds. October thunder - snowless winter.

Information material for conversations with young children and consultations for parents "Autumn months" Information material for conversations with children early age and advice for parents Dear adults, we must teach the little ones to look.

Advice for parents on environmental education "Do not harm nature!" CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS ON ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DO NOT harm nature! Where do you start introducing your baby to?

Consultation for parents on environmental education of preschoolers "Do no harm to nature" CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS ON ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DO NOT harm nature! How to start familiarizing the baby with nature?

Memo for parents and children on environmental education "Remember the rules" Memo for parents and children on environmental education Remember the rules! Plant protection. Being in nature, you can not pluck plants.

“What do you mean, without herbs and birds, And without love for the buzzing bee, Without cranes over a coniferous thicket, Without pretty fox faces? When.

Conversation about the culture of behavior in nature

Conversations are the most common forms of environmental education. They can be used as complementary components on topics or simply on the work plan in an after-school group.

One of the most significant is the conversation about the culture of behavior in nature. It is advisable to carry it out by preparing children for spring and summer walks and excursions, in September-October, analyzing the attitude of children to nature and safe behavior on the street. To make the conversation varied and rich, the teacher uses a set of illustrations.

Purpose of the conversation: to instill in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior in nature, to form students' knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in nature, to develop a need for communication with nature.

Equipment: exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "Our walk in nature", illustrations on the rules of behavior in nature, records "Voices of birds in nature".

Members: teachers, parents, children.

The course of the conversation

caregiver . Guys! We already know a lot about the need to protect nature. Do we know how to behave properly when walking in nature? Does everyone remember these rules?

So that the river and streams do not become cloudy,

The fish were playing and the birds were singing,

Greenery would save from the sun in the heat,

It didn't hurt to know every rule.

Let's think about what makes us happy in nature. Yes, beauty, clean, air, the silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream. In order for other people to see this beauty, one must learn to communicate with nature. Take a look at the exhibition of your drawings.

What do you do the most when you go for a walk? You play ball, fish, go boating, swim in the river, pick mushrooms, relax by the fire.

Do you always follow the rules of conduct? How many of you, going for a walk, take a receiver or a tape recorder with you? Can it be done? Why? Look at the poster "Do not make noise in nature!". What did the artist want to tell us? When children make noise or listen to music, animals get anxious and try to run away. Don't be afraid forest dwellers. We must learn to listen to the voices of nature. Listen, isn't this the music of the forest?

In the wilderness of the forests

In the wilderness of green

Always shady and damp

In a steep ravine under the mountain

A cold spring springs from stones.

I. Bunin

A person takes a lot from nature, but how does he pay her?

The teacher retells the story of I. Okilsky from the magazine " Young naturalist»:

It is difficult to imagine a land without a forest, without trees, but there are people who do not understand or do not want to understand this. I often see mutilated trunks (different drawings, inscriptions on them). Those "lovers" of nature who do this probably do not even realize what harm they cause to a tree, to the entire forest. After all, it is worth making even a tiny wound on the bark of a tree, as spores of tinder fungi get there or harmful insects settle. In addition, the tree loses a lot of juice, it can simply weaken and die. Is it hard to remember?

“Lovers” of nature cause other damage to trees.

What does the artist tell us with this poster?(Illustration “You are not alone in the forest.”)

Yes, you can not light fires in the forest. Why? This can start a forest fire. Not only trees will die, but also birds, animals, grass will burn out. Where can you make fires? Far from the trees, on the edges of the forest or near the river, using old fires for this.

Did you know that the place under the fire is not overgrown with grass for 5-7 years? Please don't make new campfires!

What kind of wood can be used for fires? That's right, dry wood, deadwood. By collecting them, you will clear the forest area of ​​dead trees and dry branches.

Look at the poster, which shows a bowl of food hanging over a fire. What is depicted incorrectly here, what gross mistakes did the vacationers make?(A new place was chosen for the fire. Young, healthy trees were used for firewood and the crossbar for the pot.) What will be left in this place? But under the fire, the upper, fertile layer of soil will also burn out. Soil is made up of minerals and rocks, as well as from decaying organic matter(remains) 0.5–1 cm of soil is formed in 100–300 years. Take care of the soil!

Can you walk in the forest? It turns out that many plants die due to trampling.

Pedunculate oak lives up to 500-1000 years, reaches a height of 40 m, a diameter of 1-1.5 m, begins to bear fruit from 40-60 years. Young growth dies due to trampling. Don't make new paths!

Children, what will you do if you need a stick for a walk in the forest? Where will you take it? Explain your answer.(Children answer the question after viewing the illustration "Do not destroy plants in nature!".)

And how many mushrooms necessary for nature die in the forest from the thoughtless attitude of man! Look at the poster. What rule does the artist remind us of?(Poster: "Don't knock down fly agarics!".) In no case should mushrooms that are inedible to humans be destroyed. Why? It is very important not to offend the local inhabitants while walking in the forest. Often gets from children to ants. Whose houses attract attention?

The teacher reads the story of A. Tumbasov “Pyramid House” to the children, showing the illustration “Do not ruin anthills”:

Ant paths wind through the grass, scatter through the forest, and each leads to an anthill. Ants are moving along the path. Some drag insects many times larger than themselves. Others drag needles, seed scales, various forest debris. And they raise it all to the anthill. Day after day, the ants set up their homes, erecting a pyramid house with a sloping crown. So no rain is terrible: water rolls down from the top of the roof, as from a well swept haystack. But it happens that someone stirs up the anthill, then the water gets inside, the owners are confused: trouble has come. What housing with a thin roof!? Ants do not have time to quickly restore it, and in bad weather the nest dies.

Ants need help: carefully trim the pyramid house and fix the top roof. Of course, this will be rough work, but the ants will finish the rest themselves.

Watch how ants build an anthill, how they drag a blade of grass, what they eat, how they behave before the rain. One must be able to observe nature without touching it, without destroying beauty.

Reading a poem by P. Hviezdoslav:

I plucked a flower, and it withered.

I caught a moth and it died in my palm.

And then I realized that touch the beauty

Can only be done with the heart.

Unfortunately, a person more often treats nature not carefully, not economically, but selfishly, wastefully. Now think about why the poet said so.

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small bylinochka,

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you!

E. Evtushenko

The poet urges us to fight our soulless attitude to nature.

We all love to relax in nature. But do we always leave the place of our rest in the form it was before our arrival? Look at the poster "Do not leave garbage in nature!". People who leave trash behind are dishonest. They do not think about the fact that they destroy the beauty of nature, harm it.

Children, what do you do with the garbage that you collect on a walk? With cans, bottles, bags, paper and leftover food?

Did you know that paper thrown by you will lie for more than 2 years, tin cans - more than 30 years, plastic bags- more than 200 years, glass - 1000 years? Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a lot to a person, but it also calls for our help, asks for protection.

That is extremely simple

It is dressed in colorful feathers ...

It's not her beauty that surprises me,

Her patience is amazing.

And when through the asphalt

Petal five

Breaks after midnight

I do not rejoice in the power of the Earth,

First of all -

Cry for help!

R. Rozhdestvensky

Let's formulate, remember the rules of behavior in nature and try to follow them.(The teacher listens to the children's answers, writes them on the board.)

Rules of conduct in nature

1. Never harm nature.

2. Do not kill animals and birds, save the life of everyone who comes across in nature.

3. Do not touch the houses of animals, their cubs.

4. Don't touch bird eggs.

5. Do not destroy trees (do not break, do not make inscriptions, do not cut the bark).

6. Do not kindle fires in the forest, do not make new fires. Take care of the soil.

7. Help animals and plants in trouble.

8. Feed animals and birds in winter.

9. Do not litter at your place of rest.

10. Take the gifts of nature in moderation.

11. Do not lay new paths in the forest.

12. Being in nature, learn to observe it.

14. Do not litter rivers, springs, if necessary, clear the blockages.

15. Do not make noise on walks, do not scare animals - our smaller brothers.

Theme: "Our home"

Conversation about ecology.

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the world around us is, to expand children's knowledge of nature.

Course progress.

“Oh, what a bad ecology today,” my mother says, squeezing her whiskey with her hands, she gave me a headache. “Yes,” Dad agrees, “our ecology is completely useless, they write about it all the time in the newspapers and they talk and show it on TV. We need to fix it."

Who is this ecology, from which my mother had a headache, and what did she do? Did you misbehave or didn't clean up after yourself? Screaming loudly or being naughty? And if she's so bad, why are they writing about her in the papers? Maybe she looks like Freken - Bock from the cartoon, which was shown on TV and which Carlson "reduced"? And how is dad going to fix it - with a stick or a carrot? Maybe they won’t give her sweets as a punishment or put her in a corner?

Ask your dad or mom what ecology is. Maybe they will say? “This is when everything around is bad, there is nothing to breathe, you can’t drink water, but there is food.” “But then why punish this mysterious ecology, what is it to blame for?” - you will ask and you will be absolutely right. Ecology is not to blame for anything. Man is to blame for everything that has happened to nature.

But in order to understand why this happened, let's first find out what "ecology" is. The word is not Russian, but Greek. And the word "ecology" is translated as the science of the house. But houses are different. Each of us lives in a house with walls, ceiling, roof, door, windows, floor. But as soon as we go beyond the threshold of such a house, we find ourselves in another - an immense house common to all people. His name is nature.

Can we live without birds, trees, butterflies, rivers, forests, sun? If we can, then we will cease to be people, and we will turn into some other creatures. Once upon a time, scientists proposed building city-houses in which everything a person needs is under one roof. Here he works, here he rests. But the bigger our cities get. The higher the houses, the more paved streets, the more often we want to breathe in the smell of forests, meadows, listen to birdsong, get away from the suffocating air of cities. Because there, outside the city, our real home- nature. A home we can't live without.

But back to ecology. You and I know that you need to clean the house as often as possible (even if you don’t feel like doing it at all), plant flowers, don’t litter, don’t break furniture, don’t drain greasy water into the sink, take out the trash every day. But if nature is also our home, then the same rules are appropriate here. You need to clean up after yourself after a rest in the forest, take care of flowers, do not litter, do not break trees, do not pour dirty water into rivers, do not trample grass. Reading books on ecology, you will find out why the hare is white in the forest and gray in summer, why he has such teeth, ears, why he is oblique, what he eats, where he lives and who can eat him.

You can live in any house only when it is properly built, when the roof does not leak, and the walls do not try to fall on the occupants. And the floor under the weight of the fattest inhabitants should not fail. If we destroy the walls, the roof will fall, nothing will remain of the house.

Nature, as we have already found out, is a special house. Inside it, everything is very closely connected: animals with plants, plants with plants, animals with other animals, and all together with the gentle sun, earth, water. Let us break these ties - as if the walls would fall in our house. For a while, it will stand still, but then it will begin to collapse. And to prevent this from happening, you need to know the rules of behavior in nature: what a person is allowed to do, and what should not be done in any case. The now familiar science of ecology helps to find out all this.

Scientists say that ecology is a science that studies. How plants, animals (living organisms) are connected with each other and with the environment.

Everything is clear with plants and animals: they can eat each other, live together, help each other. But what is " environment"? When they say environment, they mean everything that is around us, including nature. And she is around us. And people have always been in captivity of nature to some extent, because they are part of it. And never believe if you are told that man is the king of nature, its master. For billions of years, nature has existed without man, and if he does not change his attitude towards it, then in the future he may pay. But man has never lived without nature, not for a single minute. Therefore, you can not treat nature badly, destroy your home. Nature must be protected and treated with care.

  1. What is the environment?
  2. What environment surrounds them?
  3. Why should it be protected?



Theme: "Our home"

Conversation about ecology.

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the world around us is, to expand children's knowledge of nature.

Course progress.

“Oh, what a bad ecology today,” my mother says, squeezing her whiskey with her hands, she gave me a headache. “Yes,” Dad agrees, “our ecology is completely useless, they write about it all the time in the newspapers and they talk and show it on TV. We need to fix it."

Who is this ecology, from which my mother had a headache, and what did she do? Did you misbehave or didn't clean up after yourself? Screaming loudly or being naughty? If she's so bad, why write about her in the papers? Maybe she looks like Freken - Bock from the cartoon, which was shown on TV and which Carlson "reduced"? And how is dad going to fix it - with a stick or a carrot? Maybe they won’t give her sweets as a punishment or put her in a corner?

Ask your dad or mom what ecology is. Maybe they will say? “This is when everything around is bad, there is nothing to breathe, you can’t drink water, but there is food.” “But then why punish this mysterious ecology, what is it to blame for?” - you will ask and you will be absolutely right. Ecology is not to blame for anything. Man is to blame for everything that has happened to nature.

But in order to understand why this happened, let's first find out what "ecology" is. The word is not Russian, but Greek. And the word "ecology" is translated as the science of the house. But houses are different. Each of us lives in a house with walls, ceiling, roof, door, windows, floor. But as soon as we go beyond the threshold of such a house, we find ourselves in another - an immense house common to all people. His name is nature.

Can we live without birds, trees, butterflies, rivers, forests, sun? If we can, then we will cease to be people, and we will turn into some other creatures. Once upon a time, scientists proposed building city-houses in which everything a person needs is under one roof. Here he works, here he rests. But the bigger our cities get. The higher the houses, the more paved streets, the more often we want to breathe in the smell of forests, meadows, listen to birdsong, get away from the suffocating air of cities. Because there, outside the city, our real home is nature. A home we can't live without.

But back to ecology. You and I know that you need to clean the house as often as possible (even if you don’t feel like doing it at all), plant flowers, don’t litter, don’t break furniture, don’t drain greasy water into the sink, take out the trash every day. But if nature is also our home, then the same rules are appropriate here. You need to clean up after yourself after a rest in the forest, take care of flowers, do not litter, do not break trees, do not pour dirty water into rivers, do not trample grass. Reading books on ecology, you will find out why the hare is white in the forest and gray in summer, why he has such teeth, ears, why he is oblique, what he eats, where he lives and who can eat him.

You can live in any house only when it is properly built, when the roof does not leak, and the walls do not try to fall on the occupants. And the floor under the weight of the fattest inhabitants should not fail. If we destroy the walls, the roof will fall, nothing will remain of the house.

Nature, as we have already found out, is a special house. Inside it, everything is very closely connected: animals with plants, plants with plants, animals with other animals, and all together with the gentle sun, earth, water. Let's break these ties - as if the walls will fall in our house. For a while, it will stand still, but then it will begin to collapse. And to prevent this from happening, you need to know the rules of behavior in nature: what a person is allowed to do, and what should not be done in any case. The now familiar science of ecology helps to find out all this.

Scientists say that ecology is a science that studies. How plants, animals (living organisms) are connected with each other and with the environment.

Everything is clear with plants and animals: they can eat each other, live together, help each other. But what is "environment"? When they say environment, they mean everything that is around us, including nature. And she is around us. And people have always been in captivity of nature to some extent, because they are part of it. And never believe if you are told that man is the king of nature, its master. For billions of years, nature has existed without man, and if he does not change his attitude towards it, then in the future he may pay. But man has never lived without nature, not for a single minute. Therefore, you can not treat nature badly, destroy your home. Nature must be protected and treated with care.


  1. What is the environment?
  2. What environment surrounds them?
  3. Why should it be protected?