November 01, 2017

The daughter and widow of the People's Artist recognized the woman who is hidden by the young actor

The daughter and widow of Spartak Mishulin are worried about the good name of their father and husband.

Many people know that the daughter of Spartak Mishulin defends the honor of her father in court. The actress filed a lawsuit under Articles 151 and 152 Civil Code: public insult and slander in the media. The reason was the interview. young actor Timur Eremeev, who calls himself the son of Spartak Mishulin.

The daughter of the actor Spartak Mishulina told the site that with the help of family friends she conducted her own investigation, and in the mother of Timur Eremeeva she recognized the watchman in their cooperative house Tatyana Anatolyevna Eremeeva.

- Karina, how did you meet Tatyana Eremeeva?

- Tatyana Anatolyevna Eremeeva from 2000 to 2002 worked as a janitor, and worked as a cleaner in a cooperative house on Mayakovskaya, where we lived with mom and dad. When my mother and I were shown a photo of Timur Eremeev's mother, we immediately recognized her as the watchman of our house. It follows from this that the photo in the magazine is most likely not his mother, otherwise we would have recognized her immediately. We remember Tanya very well - short, very active, red-haired in those years. Then she was 46 years old. Why Timur hides the fact: who and where his mother worked - I don’t understand. Perhaps he fears that then everything will be revealed? We contacted the commandant of our house, she also remembers Eremeeva very well, confirmed that she got a job herself, without patronage. They say that she quit because she found a similar job in another house - a higher paying one.

- It is unlikely that Spartak Mishulin could allow his beloved woman to work as a janitor?

- Timur states in an interview that my dad supported him and his mom. Why did she then wash the floors and the garbage chute? He told my mother: "My beloved woman should not work." And my mother quit the Vremya program, where she worked as an editor, in order to travel with her father on tours and filming, and create home comfort. If Eremeeva was the mistress of the people's artist, then he would rather have arranged for her as a dresser in the theater, and not as a cleaner and watchman in the entrance under the "supervision" of his wife and daughter.

By the way, now it’s clear where they could have a photocopy of the play that Timur brought to “Let them talk”. Dad went to the watchmen to make photocopies. It is possible that he asked Tanya to make two copies, and she, for example, made three. Why, however, is not clear.

We have a single-entrance small cooperative house in which everyone knew each other - no one noticed the “special” relationship between the janitor and the People's Artist Mishulin.

- Did your dad communicate with the concierge Eremeeva?

- Mom and I remembered how one day we go into the entrance with dad, and then Tanya comes out of the concierge's "booth" and comes up to us. Crying, she begins to tell the story that her son was expelled from the theater school. She asked for help without naming her son. We had no idea that it was Timur. I remember telling you how talented he was. Dad was confused: “I don’t teach, but I’ll think about it.” They came home, and my mother said: “Listen, Volodya Korenev is gaining his course in the theater - call him.” Dad calls Korenev and says: so they say and so, they say, there is a capable boy - take it. As a result, dad told Tatyana Eremeeva that the guy should come to Korenev, and he took him. That's the whole story! We would have remembered her earlier if we had seen a photo of Tatyana Eremeeva and understood who she was. I really want to see her and ask: “Tanya, why are you lying? Why did you make up all these lies? Why are you telling me that you never saw me or my mother?” By the way, Eremeeva received an apartment when she worked in the Mitinsky social security, on rent - from one of the grandmothers, whom she looked after. Timur says that it was my dad who bought them an apartment ... Miracles.

In the meantime, Karina Mishulina hopes that Timur Eremeev will gather courage and come to take a DNA test at the Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Russian Ministry of Health. It is there that the biomaterial of her father Spartak Mishulin is located, which is necessary for genetic analysis.

Spartak Mishulin with daughter Karina. Photo: personal archive.

They considered Eremeev an impostor who wanted to tarnish the reputation of their family and break the hype on this. How many miles, miles and TV shows have been traveled to finally find out the truth: Timur Yeremeev really turned out to be the son of a great actor. Only now the illegitimate son had to listen to a ton of insults from Karina Mishulina until justice prevailed. This week the conflict has exhausted itself and ended with a happy ending. The correspondent of Vokrug TV traced the entire chronicle of events from beginning to end.

Scene one: Timur Eremeev "fell under the article"

In September 2017, the magazine "Caravan of stories" published an interview with actor Timur Ermeev, known to the general public for his role as the porter Yegor from the TV series "Kitchen" and its spin-off "Hotel Eleon". It made a lot of noise. The 34-year-old aspiring artist made a shocking confession: it turns out that he is the son of the famous Spartak Mishulin, whom the whole country loves for the roles of Said from the "White Sun of the Desert", Carlson and the pan director from the program "Zucchini" 13 chairs ". Eremeev frankly told reporters about his childhood. Constant trips to performances at the Theater of Satire, where Mishulin served, inspired the boy very much, and he also chose the acting path for himself. Moreover, Timur was never shy about his father and told his friends and classmates about the man who gave him life. True, this happened only when others asked and noted an amazing resemblance to Spartak Mishulin. The young actor himself did not boast of his origin and did not start conversations unnecessarily.

As you know, what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. The widow of Spartak Mishulina Valentina and her daughter Karina could not help but react to the interview. The closest relatives of the legend of theater and cinema took out all the rubbish from the hut on the air of the program “Let them talk” with Dmitry Borisov on October 5, 2017. The only officially recognized daughter of Spartak, Karina Mishulina, raised a fuss: where has it been seen that some, in her opinion, an impostor tried to discredit the honor of the great artist's family! Not done on the air "Let them talk" and without the transition to the individual. Karina, without much ceremony, called Eremeev a "bastard" and chose not to pull the cat by the tail, but immediately get down to business. Judicial.

Timur Eremeev

What is the essence of the legal claims of Karina Mishulina at that time to the alleged brother, it became known on October 21. It turns out that one article in the "Caravan of stories" gave rise to accusations under two articles at once - a public insult and slander in the media. “We have 29 points in the lawsuit, on which he must bring witnesses, provide evidence. Until the very end, he did not believe that we would sue, he even said on the program that he had not received any notification. We also hope that the court will order DNA testing, the results of which will become another piece of evidence in this obvious story, ”said Karina Mishulina in an interview with the TV program.

The question of the relationship of Timur Eremeev with the Mishulin family turned out to be literally worth a million: that is exactly what the daughter of the cinemagraph legend demanded from the defendants. It must be said that Karina Mishulina challenged not only Timur Eremeev, but also the Caravan of History publication as a legal entity, and personally the editor-in-chief, and the author of the material. The pre-trial hearing of the case took place on October 26, 2017. “This is a classic claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The plaintiff asks for a refutation of the widespread information, as well as to stop the dissemination in the media, for example, on the Internet, where there are still articles that say that Yeremeev is an illegitimate son. Karina also demands compensation for non-pecuniary damage. She is currently claiming an amount of one million rubles from the defendants. Plaintiffs do not care who will pay this money. As a rule, most of the payments entity, that is, the publication, ”said Mishulina’s lawyer to StarHit.

Timur Eremeev in childhood

Scene two: so who is the mother?

In an interview with Caravan of Stories, Timur Yeremeev said that his mother Tatyana was a simple engineer, and she had nothing to do with the world of cinema or theater. She met Spartak Mishulin in her native Vologda in 1970. AT country town the famous artist came to the shooting of the film "Property of the Republic". Then the beloved Spartak Mishulin was only 17 years old, and she was not going to get married, although the proposal was made to her. But still, the couple did not break the connection, even despite the artist’s marriage to the editing director Valentina Kazakova in 1975. Spartak Mishulin for a long time led his personal life on two fronts: Timur Yeremeev was born in 1983. It has been 13 years since his parents met.

Timur Eremeev's mother appeared in the issue of "Let them talk" on October 9, 2017. The same story about the acquaintance of Tatyana Eremeeva and Spartak Mishulin sounded on the air. I must say that the face of Timur's mother was hidden from the curious eyes of the audience. And the presenter Dmitry Borisov noted that his interlocutor burst into tears - well, a person cannot lie so insolently and imitate tears.

Timur Eremeev with his mother Tatiana Eremeeva

Only now Karina Mishulina had a completely different version of events. According to her, Tatyana Eremeeva worked for two years - from 2000 to 2002 - as a concierge in a cooperative house on Mayakovskaya, where the Mishulin family lived. “We remember Tanya very well: short, very active, red-haired in those years. Then she was 46 years old. Why Timur hides the fact who and where his mother worked, I don’t understand. Perhaps he fears that then everything will be revealed? We contacted the commandant of our house, she also remembers Eremeeva very well, confirmed that she got a job herself, without patronage. They say that she quit because she found a similar job in another house - a higher paid one, ”said the daughter of Spartak Mishulin in an interview with the TV program, which was published on November 1, 2017.

Yes, there is a discrepancy here, and Karina Mishulina reasonably noticed it. If you stick to her version of events, it turns out that Spartak Mishulin acted completely ungaily: he could have freed his beloved from the need to rush along the porch with a bucket and a mop at the ready. After all, the actor insisted that his official spouse Valentina quit the Vremya program. The artist wanted his wife to plunge headlong into family affairs.

Scene Three: Legacy

As soon as Timur Yeremeev declared himself illegitimate son Spartak Mishulin, “conversations in the ranks” were immediately heard: the small one wanted to grab a “big jackpot” for himself. After all, the legacy of a great artist is perhaps worth all these scandals and a damaged reputation. Only now Karina Mishulina resolutely refuted this version of the development of the conflict. “To those who think that we are afraid for our inheritance, I will answer: everything was written down for our mother. Even if he wanted to claim the inheritance, he would not have succeeded. Yes, we are not oligarchs: we do not have palaces and ranches in Mexico. Our family has an ordinary three-room apartment in Moscow and a dacha in the Moscow region. Only if mom has bastard, so he can claim the inheritance. Experiencing this situation, I will not be surprised by anything, ”said Karina Mishulina in an interview with the TV program.

Spartak Mishulin

Scene Four: The Battle of Evidence

At the end of October, Karina Mishulina presented irrefutable evidence that Timur Yeremeev was lying. In "You Won't Believe It! "On NTV, she stated that Spartak Mishulin became infertile in 1981, that is, two years before the birth of Timur. According to Karina, her dad's appendicitis worsened, and this gave a complication: everything, from that moment on, children could be forgotten. But according to Mishulina, her parents wanted replenishment in the family, and the inability to have children became a real family tragedy.

Timur Yeremeev did not give up and by hook or by crook tried to prove his belonging to the "star family". On November 15, in the “Let them talk” program, the young actor presented to the public a folder with telegrams from the star father from the tour. Timur claimed that he and his father were in close contact, called up and discussed everything that was possible, for example, academic success. The only thing that was not discussed was Mishulin's family affairs. No, there was no taboo on this topic - just a little boy He did not ask unnecessary questions, and his father remained silent, taking the opportunity.

Timur Eremeev brought a photocopy of one of the plays by Spartak Mishulin to one of the broadcasts of “Let them talk”. Karina immediately accused the possible half-brother of forgery: they say, her father asked the watchmen to copy something to him. Mishulina sincerely wondered why Tatyana Eremeeva "hooked" herself an extra copy. By the way, Karina Mishulina also questioned the fact that Timur and his mother received an apartment in Moscow from the actor as a gift. According to the daughter of Spartak Mishulin, this property went to Tatyana Eremeeva on rent from one of the grandmothers, for whom the woman worked as a nurse.

Karina Mishulina

Scene five: with all honest theater

From the very beginning, Timur Eremeev claimed that as a six-year-old boy he met Spartak Mishulin and often attended performances of the Satire Theater and even backstage. After the performances, according to the young actor, it sometimes happened that he walked with his mother and father, or they sat on a bench near the theater and talked. Nobody believed in it, because Karina Mishulina would definitely have crossed paths with her half-brother. And the daughter of Spartak Mishulina assured everyone that she had not known Timur before. All in all, the puzzle didn't fit.

Timur Eremeev's lawyer Victoria Krylova said in an interview that there are people in Spartak Mishulin's circle who are ready to defend their illegitimate son and confirm their relationship. Only who is this - the defender of the interests of Yeremeeva did not "split". In her opinion, such information should have been saved until the trial. Nevertheless, Eremeev had a patron from the Theater of Satire - Spartak Mishulin's personal dresser Valentina Skvortsova. “We have known Tatyana, in my opinion, from the first day of my arrival at work. She came to him as to her home, brought meals, was like a wife to him. She cut her nails, sewed up shirts. We knew that Timur was growing. The whole theater knew. Why they are silent now, it is not clear. Spartak Vasilievich did not hide his son. And we knew that he was playing in the Army Theater. Timur came, sometimes waiting for dad at the service entrance. I think that this is the stupidity of Karina and her mother, who cannot tell her daughter: “Karina, stop these squabbles!”. And then, what right does she, Karina, have to insult Timur? He doesn't want anything from her! - Skvotsova said in an interview with 7 Days, which was released on November 13, 2017.

Timur Eremeev

Scene Six: Shall we try our luck?

The story of Timur Eremeev inspired several adventurers who appeared on the air of the program “Let them talk” on November 21, 2017. Each of them felt as if superpowers in themselves: am I really the son of a great actor! In general, those wishing to establish kinship with Spartak Mishulin are a dime a dozen, as if pretenders to the throne in Time of Troubles. On the air of the show, some Alexey Markov, who also stated that he was a direct descendant of Spartak Vasilyevich. By the way, Karina Mishulina reacted surprisingly calmly to this: they say that the young man does not cause hostility in her.

That's not all: a certain Edward Sorokin, who introduced himself as the grandson of the actor. And finally, the lawyer added fuel to the fire Alexander Dobrovinsky: he claimed that Mishulin also has illegitimate daughter. In general, the farce played out still the same.

Karina Mishulina

Scene seven: there is no better solution yet than a DNA examination

You can unsubstantiate anything - even though you are a descendant Arab sheikh. But so far they have not come up with anything more objective than the medical procedure for establishing kinship - DNA examination. Timur Eremeev immediately agreed to take the test on the air of “Let them talk” on October 9, 2017. The genetic material of Spartak Mishulin was taken from the hat in which he played in the play. personal item famous actor for a long time was kept by Tatiana Eremeeva. Then, in the first issue, the experts could not make an unambiguous conclusion. We needed a sample of Karina Mishulina. But she balked and flatly refused to do a smear. The daughter of the great actor was ready to be tested, but only through the courts.

The DNA testing procedure was frozen for a whole month. And finally, the “crible-crable-booms”: the intrigue was resolved in the issue of “Let them talk” on December 4, 2017. Dmitry Borisov announced that the probability of relationship between Timur Eremeev and Spartak Mishulin is 99.9999%. At this point, the only thing missing was a drum roll.

It is curious that Tatyana Eremeeva was also present in the same edition of the show. She revealed such details of the relationship with Spartak Mishulin that the hair stands on end. It turns out that the mother of Timur Eremeev secretly met with the cult actor for 35 years. Only now, no one advertised this fact, so as not to tarnish the reputation of a popular favorite. And it also turned out that Tatyana Eremeeva was next to Mishulin almost until the death of the artist. According to Timur's mother, Spartak Vasilyevich himself asked her to visit him in the hospital a week before his death.

The relationship has been established, and now it is an irrefutable fact. But Karina Mishulina was adamant and still continued to bend a hostile line towards her brother. The daughter of Spartak Mishulin accused now for sure native person in the "deliberate destruction of her family".

Karina Mishulina in the performance of the Satire Theater "Homo Erectus"

Scene Eight: Bullying

Karina Mishulina stated that the public took up arms against her, and this is the most real persecution. “We are already praying. My mother asks every day, "Lord, enlighten him." We've been living in hell for two months. This creepy, paid bullying on the web. We are being pressed. He pretends to be a white and fluffy intellectual in public, and makes me out to be a beast. In his last post lies on lies. I'm shocked. We live as if someone has died. My mother's eyesight has deteriorated, blood sugar is jumping, her teeth are falling out. Children, seeing everything that happens at home, are also worried. I even had to turn to a pediatric neurologist. The older one scratched her face, and the younger one yells at night. It seems that Timur is some kind of sadist. For what?!" - the daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich said in her hearts in an interview with StarHit, which was published on November 3, 2017.

I must say that Timur Yeremeev behaved towards the newly minted sister like a noble musketeer. When all passions subsided and independent experts rendered their verdict, he defended Mishulina on his page on the social network Instagram. "Guys, don't add fuel to the fire. It seems to me that it will be easier for Karina to accept all this if she is not cheated. Let's live with this for a bit. As they say, accepting the inevitable is inevitable. I will gladly help Karina, I am open for dialogue. No aggression and resentment, I think everything will be fine. I hope that Karina and I will someday make friends, ”wrote Timur Eremeev.

Karina Mishulina

Scene 9: Peace to the world!

It was impossible to believe in the reconciliation of Timur Yeremeyev and Karina Mishulina, although the fans of Spartak Mishulin were waiting for this and did not lose hope. But the main characters of the tragic farce “And you are not an impostor for an hour” nevertheless reconciled. Karina Mishulina posted on her page in Instagram photo with finally found stepbrother. "This was hard way for me. The path is full of pain, misunderstanding, resentment and tears. But good must win! And the beginning, I think, is necessary) P. S .: Thank you to everyone who worried about us! Who criticized me - also thank you. You all helped a lot, ”the actress wrote in a comment to the picture. Peace, friendship, chewing gum, and, it seems, no trial - everyone would family dramas such a finale!

Landmark shot: Karina Mishulina and Timur Eremeev finally reconciled

Spartak Mishulin is one of the legendary actors of Soviet and Russian cinema. He became famous for his roles in such cult films as " White sun desert”, “Carnival”, and from 1966 to 1980 appeared in entertainment program"Zucchini" 13 chairs ". famous artist passed away at the age of 78 in 2005. The cause of death was heart failure. The actor, beloved by millions of viewers, has a daughter, 38-year-old Karina, and a widow, Valentina Konstantinovna.

In the spring of this year, in an interview, 34-year-old artist Timur Yeremeev revealed the secret that he kept all his life - he called himself the illegitimate son of Spartak Vasilyevich. This publication caused outrage in Karina. She sued to teach the impostor a lesson and protect her father's good name. Only in the studio of the “Let them talk” program did the alleged relatives meet face to face for the first time. Timur understood his sister's indignation and hastened to apologize for the fact that his statements hurt her family. She did not understand why the man made this public, and did not personally contact her in order to avoid hype and unnecessary attention.

“I do not refuse any of my words, I am ready to answer for all my words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all, ”the aspiring artist was perplexed.

Timur was ready to go to the end and defend his innocence. The Let Them Talk program turned to the laboratory to conduct a DNA test. Experts obtained the biomaterial from a hat that belonged to Spartak Vasilyevich. However, the laboratory concluded that the results were controversial.

Karina Mishulina flatly refused to hand over her biomaterial in order to analyze and compare her DNA with her alleged brother.

“We are suckers or something. It is necessary to take blood from a vein, do not make suckers out of us, I will now get up and leave, ”said Mishulina.

Many netizens were outraged by the behavior of the daughter of the famous actor. They shared their impressions and condemned her for such statements and a negative reaction towards Timur, who wants to achieve the truth. Many found an obvious similarity in the appearance of the alleged son and father, and also admired the restraint that Yeremeev demonstrated. However, Karina herself believed that she was a victim of bullying. In her opinion, the comments appear from fake accounts, and therefore she suspects that the “brother” himself is involved in this.

A little later, Mishulina announced the amount that she plans to sue from the offenders. She insisted that her father had been slandered.

“This is a classic claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The plaintiff asks for a refutation of the widespread information, as well as to stop the dissemination in the media, for example, on the Internet, where there are still articles stating that Yeremeev is an illegitimate son. Karina also demands compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Currently, she claims the amount of one million rubles from the defendants, ”the plaintiff’s lawyer told StarHit.

In one of the episodes, Karina told that some time ago she was offered to launch a similar “duck” with a story about her alleged brother in order to increase her popularity as an actress. However, Karina assured that she flatly refused to exploit the name of her late father for the sake of PR. Many assumed that Timur wanted to receive a share of the inheritance. The young actor denied such conjectures and assured: he wants his daughter to know about her grandfather, because she did not have a chance to see him in person.

A little later, Karina made a statement and revealed family secret- the fact is that after her birth, Spartak Vasilyevich could not have children.

After some time, Mishulina nevertheless decided to do a DNA test in order to put an end to allegations and assumptions. She found Carlson's costume, in which her father performed at the theater. Laboratory assistants were able to find samples suitable for examination.

“Moreover, on the suit they found my father’s Y chromosome (the sex chromosome that contains the gene that determines the male sex). The Y chromosome is passed down through the male line. For father and son, this chromosome should be the same, ”Karina explained.

For a long time, Timur's mother Tatyana Eremeeva refused to show her face and come to the studio of the Let They Talk program. Nevertheless, her photograph was shown to the widow and daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich - they recognized her as a concierge who had worked in their house for two years. Karina expressed the opinion that her father would definitely have arranged a beloved woman for a more prestigious job.

Also, the widow and daughter came to the conclusion that Timur and his mother did not know Mishulin at all. They noticed that the alleged relatives get confused in the details, talking about the famous father. As it turned out, Spartak Vasilyevich had other illegitimate children. Karina is personally acquainted with some and does not dislike them.

Tatyana Anatolyevna told that Spartak Vasilyevich always communicated with his son and helped them financially. According to the woman, the famous actor did not skimp on presents for the child.

Almost a month later, the results of the examination of the DNA test were announced in the “Let them talk” program.

“An answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich. The probability that he is the biological son is 99.9999%,” said TV presenter Dmitry Borisov.

Many were sure that Timur was actually the son of Spartak Vasilyevich. However, Karina doubts the reliability of the result and intends to continue to defend her position.

“The announced results of the DNA test, from which it follows that Spartak Mishulin is my dad, did not come as a big surprise to me. Of course, there was excitement simply because the cost of someone's mistake was extremely high. But unconditional trust in the laboratory, which, by the way, was chosen by my sister, and world-class specialists led by Pavel Leonidovich Ivanov were allowed to be sure that the examination would confirm my words about my relationship with Mishulin, ”Eremeev told StarHit.

A few days after the announcement of the results of the DNA test, the newly-born son famous actor urged users social networks stop bullying the actress, her sister. Answering the questions of the viewers of the broadcast “Let them talk”, Timur Eremeev expressed his hope for establishing friendly relations with Karina Mishulina.

On December 11, late in the evening, Karina Mishulina and Timur Eremeev posted joint frame. On it they smile and look happy. “It was not an easy path for me. A path full of pain, misunderstanding, resentment and tears. But good must win! And it's a start, I think. P.S. To everyone who cared for us - thank you! Who criticized me - also thank you. You all helped a lot, ”wrote Karina in the microblog, commenting on the situation.

Two months later, Valentina Konstantinovna did not abandon the idea of ​​proving that Timru could not be the son of Spartak Vasilyevich. She is even ready to take a desperate step and disturb the grave of a loved one.

The daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich and her family were seriously affected by the actions of Yeremeev. The actress cannot understand why complete strangers turned against her. Mishulina is outraged by the actions of the young man and is waiting for the court hearing. The star spoke frankly about the latest events.

03.11.2017 09:30

Timur Yeremeev is a theater and film actor. Despite his age - the guy is already 34 years old - he has not yet had time to exchange two dozen films. The love of a young viewer fell upon Timur after the release of the last seasons of the series "", and strengthened with the show of the spin-off "". This fall, the actor attracted the attention of Russians thanks to the scandalous statement that he is a son.

Childhood and youth

The homeland of the young TV star is Korolev, near Moscow, where the future actor was born and graduated from 9 classes. The boy lived in a wooden two-story building without running water, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe May 1 factory - an institution where his mother worked as an engineer.

According to Eremeev, he gave his name main character book Timur and his team. FROM early childhood the boy wrote poems and songs, combined classes in a regular school with studies in a "musician", and also dreamed of a stage. This desire led after grade 9 to the capital: Timur continued to receive secondary education at school No. 232, in the theater class at the Shchepkinsky school.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man entered the second year of this cradle of actors. But a year later he joined the ranks of the students of the Institute liberal education and information technologies(IGUMO), having got on the course to People's Artist RF. Timur managed to visit the "army" - military service the guy was part of the troupe of the Central Academic Theater Russian Army and still works there.


The debut of Timur Eremeev in the cinema took place in 2004, in the series " Unequal marriage”, and in 2007 the actor got an episode in the film “Nostalgia for the Future”. Then creative biography replenished with tapes with minor roles, as well as the picture “ALSIB. Secret route”, series “Unequal Marriage”, “Moscow. Three stations "and" Goodbye, my love!

In 2015, the audience began to recognize Timur on the streets thanks to the role of the porter Yegor in the cheerful series “Kitchen”, which broke all conceivable rating records. And a year later, in the image of the same hero, he joined the acting team of the spin-off "Kitchens" - "Hotel Eleon". Company on film set he was made up, and other popular actors.

Egor is a funny character with a dark past: he served time in prison for theft, but enjoys authority with the leadership. Mikhail Dzhekovich (), the manager of the Eleon Hotel, uses Yegor for delicate purposes, for example, if you need to penetrate somewhere, open something or get the necessary information.

About the role in the series, Timur said:

“The receptionist is a pretty routine job, if you look at it from the point of view of life, not cinema. When I first read that my hero is a porter, I immediately began to think about what features to give him so that he would become interesting to the audience.

Personal life

Timur hid his personal life from prying eyes for a long time. But now pictures with scenes family idyll pleases on his page in "Instagram".

Timur Eremeev with his wife Olga and daughter Nika

Eremeev, together with his wife Olga, is raising their daughter Nika, who recently turned one year old.

Timur Eremeev now

In 2017, another two works appeared in Eremeev's filmography - small roles in the comedy Call DiCaprio and the detective series Unknown.

In addition, at the end of September, Timur posted a photo on Instagram, in which he holds a sign from a hotel room in his teeth asking him not to disturb. The photo was captioned: “Hello! Soon!”, thereby announcing the release of the third season of the series “Hotel Eleon”. However, the premiere date has not been announced. In addition to filming movies and playing in the theater, Eremeev acts as a host at events.


In early autumn, a scandal broke out involving Timur Eremeev. The actor in an article in the Caravan of History magazine stated that he was the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Parents allegedly met in 1971, in Vologda - in the mother's homeland and the filming location of the film "Property of the Republic". The relationship that started lasted long years, my mother even went on tour with her lover.

Timur remembers meeting his famous father - the boy was 5 years old when he got backstage at the Theater of Satire, where Spartak Vasilyevich served. After that, he often came to the theater with his mother, and after the performances, the three of us went for a walk.

Eremeev had never advertised kinship before, even the grandmother had no idea, although she saw in her little grandson a resemblance to the star of Soviet screens. As evidence, Timur provided a photograph where he, in company with his father in the form of Carlson, backstage at the theater. The house also keeps a pack of cigarettes, on which my mother drew Mishulin when she was traveling with him on the train.

The statement so outraged the daughter Soviet actor, that, accusing a possible brother of slander, filed a lawsuit demanding an apology, refutation of information and compensation for moral damage. Until now, the woman was considered the only heiress of Spartak Vasilyevich.

“I do not refuse any of my words, I am ready to answer for all the words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all?

The audience of the show doubted the veracity of Timur's words. The fact is that Karina practically lived in the theater from early childhood and sooner or later would have crossed paths with her new brother. But that did not happen.

Tatyana Eremeeva virtually supported her son - an interview was shown on a talk show in which a woman is frank about her relationship with Mishulin. The face of Timur's mother was not removed, but the host of "Let them talk" tried to convince the audience of the sincerity of Tatyana's words - they say, during the filming she cried.

To dot the i's, traditionally a DNA test was conducted on the program. The material was Mishulin's hat, which was kept by the Yeremeevs. According to the test result, Timur Yeremeev is indeed the biological son of Spartak Mishulin.


  • 2004 - "Unequal Marriage"
  • 2007 - "Nostalgia for the Future"
  • 2007 - Matchmaker
  • 2012 - Moscow. Three stations»
  • 2012 - "ALSIB. Secret track"
  • 2013 - "LJ"
  • 2013 - "Big Feelings"
  • 2014 - "Farewell, my love!"
  • 2015 - "This is love"
  • 2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - Hotel Eleon
  • 2017 - "Call DiCaprio!"
  • 2017 - "Unknown"

The scandal under the conditional name "Spartak Mishulin's daughter against his son Timur Eremeev", started by Karina Mishulina, is gaining momentum and is acquiring shocking, at first glance, details. Mishulina gives interviews. But all her versions are smashed to smithereens against the iron arguments and facts presented by Eremeev and his mother Tatyana Anatolyevna, who, as it now turns out, were and remain the second family of the people's artist.

We got the details firsthand.

- Timur, the alleged sister "found out", as she herself says: your mother worked as a concierge in the house where the Mishulins lived.

I think that Karina did not conduct any investigation, but simply gradually began to confess what she had known for a long time. Yes, my mother worked as a concierge at my father's house. Actually, I never hid it. Although Karina Mishulina claims the opposite. But this- another unreliable information from her lips: as if I were hiding.

- "Next"Does that mean there are many?

Yes.Moreover, Karina sometimes contradicts herself. Starting with strange statements on personal page on the social network, where she first claims that her father could not be mine, because ... in 1981 he allegedly suffered a disease that made him infertile. (I was born in 1983.) But what kind of "disease" did Karina Spartakovna "award" our common dad? First- "pig"! Let's assume that in 1981 Spartak Vasilyevich was 55 years old, and "mumps" is actually considered a childhood disease ... The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out- you won't catch it. On Karina's page on the social network, the version about« mumps” remained. But then, obviously, after thinking and consulting with specialists, Mrs. Mishulina gave out another one: that her dad had an operation to remove appendicitis,after which, again, infertility developed. According to Karina, Spartak Vasilyevich's appendix was indeed removed. But much later- in the 90s, I was 10 or 11 years old. My mother will remember more precisely, if necessary. But the fact that by that time I not only lived in the world, but also went to school with might and main- immutable truth. So, no matter how Karina Mishulina would like the opposite, but information about daddy's infertility is broken into facts. Now, by the way, there is a third version from her lips- this time about the prostate. Well what can I say...

- But back to the story of your mother, who worked as a concierge in the Mishulins' house.

- Mishulin put her there so that they could see each other more often. He was chairman housing cooperative in this house. And he decided who to hire in the house. And he did not ask anyone (commandant, head of the house- what did Karina come up with for herself?) for Tatyana Anatolyevna. By the way, Spartak Vasilievich allocated some position in the cooperative to Karina's mother- Valentine. Thus, causing dissatisfaction with the residents: they say, he attached his wife, and she receives a salary. I don't know what position he signed her for.

- Apparently, it is necessary to raise the documents of the housing cooperative.

- Obviously, Yes. Well, my mother, being really an engineer at an enterprise in Korolev, having received the appropriate education, went to the concierge for two reasons. Firstly, to be closer to the beloved man and see him more often. Secondly, a side job was needed. This is mother's principled position- She worked all her life, could not help but work. Pull money, be on his payroll- it's not in her rules. Although my father continued to help us, he always did. Karina, again, in an interview said that my mother washed the entrances and the garbage chute. It is not true. (I want to emphasize that I personally don’t see anything shameful in cleaning entrances- any work is honorable.) My mother asked me to tell Karina that the garbage chute and the house were cleaned by Elena Pavlovna Shelahina, another woman named Zemfira, and Lyuda from Ukraine. “I cleaned several times, at the personal request of the commandant Natalya Petrovna,”- mom says.

Karina stubbornly does not listen to what I tell her. Otherwise, I would have understood everything long ago. She only hears what she wants.

On the talk show, she would not let me insert a word, otherwise she would have heard that the copy of the play, which she disparagingly calls a “copy” (this relic was kept by my mother), has edits and notes made by my father’s hand with a fountain pen. This breaks Karina's version that my mother allegedly stole a photocopy from the artist somewhere. And he proves that Mishulin really gave the second copy of the play to my mother.

Thanks to Karina, I had to look for witnesses, and I found them- many eyewitnesses of those events who speak with incredible warmth about their father, tell me previously unknown details of his relationship with my mother and me. For example, a colleague of Spartak Vasilyevich said that the father spoke more than once about his son, and also that the model standing in his dressing room,bequeathed to me, as was the production of his last play. This makes me and my father still closer friend friend after so many years.

The same colleague (and not only she) confirmed that Mishulin did not hide his son and recognized it.

More examples of Karina's twitches?P please. I never said anywhere that my father gave or bought us an apartment. I mentioned in the interview that he helped us get it- and this, you see, are different things.

About how it was- again, in detail.- my mom can tell. But Karina has already trumpeted the exact opposite about me in her interviews.

- According to Karina Mishulina, her life in recent months reminds of hell: mother fell ill, daughters also had health problems ... She says that this- through your fault, speaks of you solely as a sadist.

- You know, literally today my friends sent me some old interview with Karina Mishulina. Here is her direct speech from this interview, she talked about relationships in her family: “... If I’m wrong, I’ll insist on my own until the last. Foaming at the mouth to prove ... About once every two weeks I need to blow off steam, and he (we are talking about her husband Ivan - approx. T.E.) allows me to swear at him, yell and beat my head against the wall…”. From these words of hers, it is clear that the root cause of experiences in the family is often her behavior in a given situation.

In her interviews, Karina stubbornly calls me a “young novice actor”, obviously trying to offend. I am 33 years old, and her words, obviously, should be taken as a compliment.

Note that this is only my second interview. And I was not going to say anything more before the trial. But it is simply impossible to remain silent when every day you receive several references to Karina's fantastic stories to various publications.

Karina, I do not understand your desire to offend me and my mother with your statements. Believe me, revenge will lead nowhere, it will only add pain to our family and friends.

Karina, I urge you to stop. You and I know perfectly well who turned the story, delicately told by me once, into an endless scandalous show.I ask you not to give out your conjectures, fantasies and versions- regularly disseminating them in the press- for undeniable truth. Moreover, many of them border on science fiction and are saturated with conspiracy theories. Claim that this whole story- "paid bullying"?! And this is a serious accusation and a serious responsibility.- for the person who spread such slander.

When will you finally understand: if anything can hurt our mothers now (my mother is experiencing no less than yours), then this- a war unleashed solely by you.