(...) a god who created himself after he reigned over men and gods together.

And then people conceived evil deeds. And now, his majesty was already, life, health, strength, old, his bones became silver, his members gold and hair - true lapis lazuli.

And then his majesty, life, health, strength, heard about the deeds conceived by people.

Then his majesty, life, health, strength, said to those who were in his retinue: “Call, bring me my Eye 21, Shu, Tefnut, Gebe, Nut, along with fathers and mothers 22 who were with me when I was in Nun 23, together with Nun. And may he bring his retinue with him, and may you bring them secretly, may people not see them, may their hearts not fall. May you bring them to the Great Hall so that they may express their plans, for I will go from Nun to the place where I originated, and may these gods be brought to me.

And then these gods were brought to him, and they prostrated themselves before the majesty, may he speak his words before the father of the elders, who created people, the king of nobles. Then they said to his majesty: "Tell us, so that we can hear it."

Then he said to Ra Nun: “God is the oldest, from which I came! Gods are ancestors! Look - people created from my eye, they planned evil deeds against me. Tell me what would you do against it?

So I waited, I did not kill them before I heard what you would say about this.

Then his majesty Nun said: “My son Ra, a god greater than he who created him and than those who created him! Strong is thy throne, and great fear from thee, may thy Eye be directed against those who offended thee!”

Then the majesty of Ra said: “Look, they have fled into the desert, and their hearts are afraid.”

Then they said to his majesty: "Send your eye, let it strike you who plot evil, for there is no other eye that could be before him and prevent him when it descends in the form of Hathor."

And the goddess went and struck the people in the desert.

Then the majesty of this god said: “Go in peace, Hathor, for you have done that (for which I sent you)!”

Then this goddess said: “You live for me! I have mastered people, and it is sweet in my heart!

Then the majesty of Ra said: "I am strong over them as a king in their destruction."

And it happened that Sekhmet spent the nights trampling their blood under her feet, starting from Herakleopolis.

Then Ra said: “Call me fast messengers, let them rush like the shadow of a body!”

Then these messengers were brought at once.

Then the majesty of this god said: "Let them flee to Elephantine, let them bring me many didi 24".

These didis were brought to him.

Then the majesty of this god gave the Miller of Heliopolis to grind these didi, and the maids ground the barley for beer.

Then they put these didi in this wort, likening it to human blood.

Then 7,000 vessels of beer were prepared.

Then his Majesty the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Ra came along with these gods to see this beer. It was already the morning of the destruction of people by the goddess in the days of their flight up the Nile.

Then the majesty of Ra said: “Oh, how beautiful it is, and I will save people with this!”

Then Ra said: "Take it and carry it to the place where she killed people."

Then his majesty Ra, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, rose from the beauties of the night to order the pouring out of these vessels.

And then the fields of the four sides were filled with moisture at the desire of the majesty of this god.

And this goddess came in the morning and found it flooded, and her face was joyful.

And then she began to drink, and her heart was sweet.

And she went drunk and did not recognize people.

Then Majesty Ra said to this goddess: “Go in peace, Imait 25”, and beauties arose in the city of Imau.

Then the majesty of Ra said to this goddess: “Let them bring vessels with beer to her during annual holiday according to the number of my maidservants."

And all people bring vessels of beer according to the number of maidservants on the Feast of Hathor from the first day.

Then Majesty Ra said to this goddess: “I am ill with the flame of disease. Where did this disease come from?

Then the majesty of Ra said: “I live, but my heart is very tired to be with you. I struck them in vain, for the destruction was not complete.

And the gods who were in his retinue said: “Do not rush to get tired! For you overcome whatever you desire."

Then the majesty of this god said to the majesty of Nun: "My members have weakened for the first time, I will not allow another to overcome me."

Then the majesty of Nuna said: “My son Shu, be your father's support and protect him; and you, my daughter Nut, lift him up.”

Then Nut said: “How is it, my father Nun?”

And Nut turned into a cow and the majesty of Ra fit on her back.

And people came, and they saw him on the back of a cow. These people said to him: "Come back to us, and we will defeat your enemies who blaspheme against you, and we will destroy them."

And his majesty went to Het-Ichit, but the gods who were with him remained with them.

The earth was in darkness; when morning came, these people went out with their bows and arrows and they raised their hands against the enemies of Ra.

Then the majesty of this god said: "Your sins are behind you, for destruction for destruction" ... 26

Then this god said to the goddess Nut; "I fit on your back, so I will ascend." 27

Then his majesty, life, health, strength, said: "Let the great field rest." And there were fields of Peace.

Then Ra said: "And there will be reeds and herbs for me there."

And there were fields of reeds.

Then Ra said: “I will create impossible things in them.”

And there was dusk. 28

And then Nut trembled because of the height... 29

Then the majesty of Ra said: “My son Shu, stand under my daughter Nut. Take her on your head, so that you support her.

Then the majesty of the god of this Thoth said: “Call me the majesty of the god Geb, say - Go, hurry immediately!”

And the majesty of Geb came.

Then the majesty of this god said: “Let them strike your snakes that are in you! Behold, they will fear me as long as I exist. You know all their sorcery. Go to the place where my father Nun is and tell him - Beware of snakes both in the earth and in the water! And let you describe the nests of your snakes that are in you, saying: "Beware that you do not harm anyone." And let them know that although I am moving away, yet I shine over them. If they desire a father, behold, you will be a father in this land forever. Beware of conjurers who know their "words": behold, my own spell is there, and no one will share it with me in the greatness that was before me. I will subdue them to my son Osiris, and their children will be guarded, and the hearts of princes will be submissive, and because of the spells of those who work at their will throughout the earth by the power of their spells that are in them.

extermination of people

God who created himself after he reigned over men and gods together. And then people planned evil deeds. And now there was already his majesty, long live he, long live, long be prosperous, old, his bones became silver, his members - gold and hair - true lapis lazuli. And then his Majesty, may he live, long live, may he be prosperous! I heard about the deeds conceived by people.

Then his Majesty said, may he live, long live, may he be prosperous! to those who were in his retinue: “Call, bring me my Eye, Shu, Tefnut, Gebe, Nut, along with the fathers and mothers who were with me when I was in Nun with Nun. And may he bring his retinue with him, and may you bring them secretly, may people not see them, may their hearts not fall. May you bring them to the Great Hall so that they may express their plans, for I will go from Nun to the place where I originated, and may these gods be brought to me.

And then these gods were brought to him, and they prostrated themselves before his majesty, may he say his words before the father of the elders, who created people, the king of nobles. Then they said to his majesty: “Tell us so that we can hear it. Then he said to Ra Nun: “God is the oldest, from which I came! Ancestral gods! look, people created from my eye have planned evil deeds against me. Tell me what would you do against it?

So I waited, I didn't kill them before I heard what you would say about it."
Then his majesty Nun said: “My son Ra, a god greater than he who created him and than those who created him! Your throne is strong and fear from you is great - may your Eye be directed against those who offended you! Then the majesty of Ra said: “Look, they fled into the desert, and their hearts are afraid ...”. Then they said to his majesty: "Send your Eye, let it strike for you plotting evil, for there is no other Eye that could be before him and prevent him when he descends in the form of Hathor."

And the goddess went and struck the people in the desert.
Then the majesty of this god said: “Go in peace, Hathor, for you have done that (for which I sent you)!”. Then this goddess said: “You live for me! I have mastered people and it is sweet in my heart! Then the majesty of Ra said: "I am strong over them as a king in their destruction." And it happened that Sokhmet spent the night trampling their blood under her feet, starting with Neni-nisut. “Then Ra said: “Call me fast-running messengers, let them rush like the shadow of a body!” Then messengers were brought at once. Then the majesty of this god said: "Let them flee to Elephantine, let them bring me many didi." These didis were brought to him. Then the majesty of this god gave the Miller of Heliopolis to grind these didi, and the maids ground the barley for beer. Then they put these didi in the wort, likening human blood. Then 7,000 vessels of beer were prepared.

Then His Majesty the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Ra came along with the gods to see this beer. It was already the morning of the destruction of people by the goddess in the days of their flight up the Nile. Then the majesty of Ra said: “Oh, how wonderful it is, and I will save people with this!” Then Ra said: "Take it and carry it to the place where she killed people." Then his majesty Ra, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, rose from the beauties of the night to order the pouring out of these vessels. And then the fields of the four sides were filled with moisture at the desire of the majesty of this god. And this goddess came in the morning and found everything flooded, and her face was joyful. And then she began to drink, and her heart was sweet.

And she went drunk, and did not recognize the people. Then the majesty of Ra said to this goddess: "Go in peace, Imait!" And there were beauties in the city of Imau. Then the majesty of Ra said to this goddess: “Let them bring vessels of beer to her during the annual holiday, according to the number of my maids.” And all people bring vessels of beer according to the number of maidservants on the Feast of Hathor from the first day. Then the majesty of Ra said to this goddess: “I am ill with the flame of disease. Where did this disease come from?

Then the majesty of Ra said: “I live, but my heart is very tired to stay with them. I struck them in vain, for the destruction was not complete. And the gods who were in his retinue said: “Do not rush to get tired! For you overcome whatever you desire." Then the majesty of this god said to the majesty of Nun: "My members have weakened for the first time, I will not allow another to overcome me." Then the majesty of Nuna said: “My son Shu, be your father (support) ... and protect him; and you, my daughter Nut, lift him up.

Then Nut said: “How is it, my father Nun?” And Nut turned into (a cow, and fit) the majesty of Ra on her back ... (And people came, and they saw him on the back (of a cow). These people said to him: "(Come back) to us, and we will defeat your enemies, who spoke blasphemy (against you, and we will destroy them)." And his majesty went to (the city) Het-Ichit, (the gods) who were with him (remained) with them. The earth was in darkness; when morning came, these people went out with their bows and arrows, (and raised) their hands against the enemies of Ra. Then the majesty of this god said: "Your sins are behind you, for destruction for destruction ...".

Then this god said to the goddess Nut: "I fit on your back, let me ascend." Then his majesty said: "Let the great field rest." And there were Fields of rest. Then Ra said: "And there will be reeds and herbs for me there." And the fields of reeds were born. Then Ra said: “I will create all kinds of things in them.” And there was dusk. And then Nut trembled because of the height ...

Then the majesty of Ra said: “My son Shu, stand under my daughter Nut ... Take her on your head, but you will support her.” Then the majesty of this god said to Thoth: "Call me the majesty of the god Geb, saying:" Go, hurry immediately! And the majesty of Geb came. Then the majesty of this god said: “Let them strike your snakes that are in you! So they will fear me as long as I exist. You know all their sorcery. Go to the place where my father Nun is and tell him: “Beware of snakes both in the earth and in the water!” And let you describe the nests of your snakes that are in you, saying: "Beware that you do not harm anyone." And let them know that though I go away, yet I shine over them. If they desire a father, behold, you will be a father in this land forever. Beware of conjurers those who know the words my own: here is my own curse there, and no one will share it with me in the greatness that was before me. I will subdue them to my son Osiris, and their children will be guarded, and the hearts of the princes will be submissive, and because of the spells of those who work at their will throughout the earth by the power of their spells that are in them.

An excerpt from a novelNethiru or Descended from W everywhere. Extermination of people. Savages. They multiplied more and more and, left to their own devices, became uncontrollable. It's gotten to the point where they've become a threat to the Nethir themselves! The savages hunted them down and attacked like beasts. But not only that, they, like rats, spread the infection everywhere. Even Ra Horakhte began to fear for own safety. He almost stopped leaving the palace. Once, Ra flew over the city, polluted with feces and scum, and his heart bled. Until recently, this luxurious place was full of life, and he could not understand how his plan had failed so mediocrely?! These slaves filled everything and polluted his ideal world! Ra didn't know what to do. Everything he did brought even worse results. Suddenly the Falcon noticed smoke. This is not the first time that savages have burned down someone's estate. He directed the scarab towards the conflagration where, like a flock of vultures, a bunch of filthy slaves gnawed at the burnt bodies of netiru and their servants. Ra is confused. He abruptly set the scarab down on a thick stone wall in the middle of the scorched courtyard. The savages were not at all embarrassed. The idea that the crowd is stronger than one was already firmly seated in their flawed brains. Even if it's a Netiru! But this time they were wrong. Without uttering a word, Horakhte flashed his eyes and released a red sizzling beam. They did not immediately understand what had happened. The savages lazily gnawed at the bones as the terrible orange fire began to devour them. They took off running. But they were overtaken and torn to shreds by a huge ferocious lioness ... Ra and Sokhmet finished their brutal reprisal only when almost the entire rampant crowd turned into a black and red mess. Sokhmet, swaying, approached her master, licking the remnants of blood from her muzzle with her pink tongue. Ra chuckled and patted her on the back of the head. - Tired? Well, good lesson we gave to the savages. How wrong I was, thinking that with the arrival of Seth, all my problems would end! Having come up with nothing better, Ra decided to exterminate people completely. Of course, it is too difficult to carry out the plan alone, so he ordered that the surviving monsters be brought from the island. He gathered a terrible army under the walls of Behdet and went out to the cluster of savages. But the savages already knew what kind of punishment awaited them, and hid from the withering tongues of fire behind the stones. Then Ra ordered Sekhmet to lead the monsters to hunt. The fur on her neck stood on end, and a bloodthirsty gleam flashed in her eyes. Full of rage, the lioness, who already knew the taste of blood, attacked people and began to ruthlessly kill them. She killed one after another, scattering pieces of meat around her and irrigating the ground with blood. The monsters did not lag behind her either in cruelty or in the speed of their reprisals. The savages, in all directions, took to their heels. And Ra for some time it seemed that he won. There were no more survivors left, only crows circled over the remains in anticipation of a feast ... Sokhmet was waiting for Ra. He began to worry that something might happen to her, and peered into the distance, trying to distinguish her features among the swaying grasses. The Falconian called out to her, but only fragments of the monsters' ferocious growls returned to him. Sokhmet did not return. She did not return the next day, or the next, or the next ... Ra tried not to despair, he believed that the lioness was devoted to him and sooner or later would find her way home. Every day he sent servants to look for her, but none of them returned. Days passed, and Sokhmet did not appear. Soon the Nethir who lived nearby began to flock to the Falcon. They fled in fear from the enraged creepy creatures who, drunk on blood, killed everyone indiscriminately. Ra realized that Sekhmet and the monsters had already gone deep south. And he decided to bring her home. Whatever it costs him! Only to find someone who would help him catch the distraught lioness was not. His son Seth, who was afraid of Sokhmet to the point of unconsciousness, flatly refused to go in search of her. And other netiru were not eager to get involved with wild monsters, among which the daughter of Ra lived. But that didn't stop the Falcon. He decided to save Sokhmet on his own, while clearly realizing that he was going to certain death. On the other hand, he was already so tired of all the problems that such an ending even suited him. Either he saves his daughter, or he dies with her. Ra planned to find her by following the trail of blood left by the monsters. They walked up the river. He prepared for them a special beer mixed with blood. If the monsters drink this potion, they will fall asleep and he will easily take Sekhmet. Monsters drove people along the River, meeting more and more new camps. They have already passed the second threshold and almost reached the gold mines. Flying a little ahead, Ra cut down the trees and cut them lengthwise into two parts. Then, taking out the middle, he filled the containers with intoxicating barley beer mixed with blood and dye. The resemblance to fresh blood was obvious, and he was seriously sickened by the eerie sight. In front of the drinkers on the path of the monsters, he put a few savages. - If you want to escape, then jump over the trunks and run away. The beer will stop the monsters. But don't you dare run ahead of schedule! Otherwise, I will kill you from the other side! shouted Ra in a thunderous voice. We didn't have to wait long. Chilling screams and eerie growls grew with every minute. The savages, standing in front of the beer troughs, fled in horror, overturning one of the trunks. The strong smell of beer and blood reached even Ra. The monsters that ran up greedily attacked the potion prepared for them. It only remained to wait for the monsters, drunk, one by one to fall asleep on the spot. Watching from a hiding place, Horakhte was losing patience. Every minute that separated him from his daughter drove him crazy. Finally, he could not stand it and softly called to Sokhmet, who was lazily drinking a red potion. Her eyes clouded, her body relaxed and her movements seemed to slow down. Hearing a familiar voice, she twitched her ear and twisted her bloodied muzzle. The voice beckoned her and she, staggering, slowly went to the call. Each second stretched like an eternity, causing the Falconian's heart to skip a beat in fear every time the lioness stopped and turned her head to the intoxicating drink and snarling monsters. And Ra did not resist. He jumped out of hiding and ran towards his daughter, but at the same moment one of the monsters turned its muzzle towards Khorakhte. The eyes of the beast were filled with blood, and the fur bristled. The giant monster growled loudly and lunged at the Falcon. A moment, and he was already flying in a jump, attacking a new victim, but Khorakhte did not lose his head. Red lightning shot out from his eyes, and the beast flared up like a torch. For a fraction of a second, through the tongues of fire, Sekhmet, jumping onto the back of the monster, flashed... Apparently, when she saw her father, she came to her senses, and, sensing the danger approaching him, hurried to help... In the blink of an eye, both the monster and Sekhmet turned into dust, and Ra, not yet fully realizing what had happened, stopped in confusion, trying to see his daughter through a cloud of burning that cut his eyes. His mind replayed the picture of the flaming monster again and again, and gradually Ra realized that Sekhmet was no more. He sank to his knees, exhausted. His body trembled, and gray pieces of ash fell on his head, shoulders, arms and the ground around, circling like snowflakes ... Shocked, Ra scooped up the earth with ash in handfuls and, releasing this terrible mixture into the wind, whispered, with difficulty pronouncing the words : - Sleep in peace, my love... I will always remember your name...

In this post, we will look at various ways how to destroy humanity. Why is this question relevant? Well, firstly, as humanity progresses, it accumulates more and more destructive potential, discovers more and more new methods of destroying people. Secondly, such inclinations inherent in people for a long time as hatred, fanaticism, the desire for world domination, etc., in modern world have not weakened at all, but on the contrary, they are finding more and more ways for their manifestation. Many well-known scientists and futurologists are expressing increasing concern: according to some, humanity will almost certainly not live until 2040, while others believe that the chance of human survival in the 21st century is no more than 10%. In general, it is worth understanding what such forecasts are based on.

1) Nuclear weapons and their varieties

The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is nuclear weapons, as the most destructive of those created by mankind. A nuclear war would have catastrophic consequences. Of course, the likelihood that it will begin is not yet so great. However, this option cannot be discounted. A nuclear war can start as a result of an escalation of a conventional conflict, for example, due to the aggressive policy of the United States, confident in its right to attack everyone indiscriminately. Exchange nuclear strikes can happen due to an accidental mistake, and, unfortunately, there have already been examples in history when misunderstandings and coincidences almost led to the outbreak of war between the USSR and the USA. Finally, one cannot rule out the possibility that some third force, for example, terrorists, who somehow acquired nuclear weapons, will be able to provoke a nuclear conflict.

What awaits humanity as a result of a full-scale nuclear war? Many millions will die directly from nuclear strikes, but the worst awaits mankind later.

Nuclear explosions will carry a huge amount of soot high into the stratosphere, which, due to movement air masses will soon dissipate over the entire planet. A large amount of soot will block most of sunlight, which will lead to a sharp drop in surface temperature and the onset of a “nuclear winter” on Earth. The onset of nuclear winter was predicted with the help of computer simulations in the early 1980s, and the last, more accurate forecasts only confirm the conclusions drawn then. According to calculations, even local nuclear war with the use of just 100 low-yield atomic bombs will lead to tangible climate change and damage the global agriculture. A full-scale nuclear war would lead to a brutal ten-year nuclear winter, with average temperatures in North America will fall by 20° C, and in Eurasia by 30° C. Most of humanity will definitely die of starvation in this case, a terrible blow will be dealt to the entire biosphere. But probably some part of humanity will still survive and eventually be able to restore civilization.

Now suppose that we decided to completely destroy humanity with the help of nuclear weapons. What should we do for this?

The first option is to cause not just a temporary nuclear winter, but an irreversible cold snap. Climatic catastrophes of this kind, when the entire Earth was covered with snow and ice for hundreds of millions of years, are already in the history of our planet. If you provoke a very strong cooling, so that the whole Earth is covered with ice and snow, history will repeat itself. Because of white snow heats up very little and reflects most of the sunlight, so if the entire planet is covered with snow, it will continue to be in this state. To provoke a global cooling, you need to deliberately release a very large amount of soot into the atmosphere. For this, one can, for example, place powerful nuclear charges in coal deposits. Another option is to provoke massive volcanic eruptions with nuclear strikes, which will eject huge quantities ash into the atmosphere. When the whole Earth is covered with a thick layer of ice as a result, neither people nor most living organisms will definitely survive this.

Another option is, on the contrary, to arrange on Earth not a nuclear winter, but a nuclear summer. Global warming can become as irreversible as global cooling. If too many greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, are released into the atmosphere, further warming will become self-sustaining. Because of the heating of the ocean, greenhouse gases frozen in its thickness will begin to enter the atmosphere, and plants that absorb carbon dioxide will die due to the onset of drought. Earth, in the end, will repeat the fate of Venus, where a dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide provides such a powerful greenhouse effect that the surface of this planet is heated 400 degrees above normal! Well, it is possible to provoke irreversible warming with the help of nuclear weapons by blowing up, for example, deposits of methane hydrates at the bottom of the ocean.

Finally, the third option is to arrange total radioactive contamination on Earth. Back in 1952, one of the American physicists who took part in the work on nuclear weapons, Leo Szilard, described the device of a hypothetical “machine doomsday". Ordinary thermonuclear warheads, which are in service with the United States and Russia, do not cause severe radioactive contamination of the area. But if a thermonuclear device is made of cobalt, then from irradiation with neutrons during an explosion, ordinary cobalt will turn into radioactive cobalt-60. The half-life of cobalt-60 is just over 5 years, for this reason, the substance, on the one hand, has high radioactivity, and on the other hand, this radioactivity persists long enough so that radioactive contamination cannot be sat out in bunkers. According to calculations, to completely pollute the entire planet to such a level that humanity could not survive, only 500 tons of cobalt are needed, and even a small but relatively developed country can build a cobalt bomb.

2) Biological weapons

Progress in the field of biotechnology is causing increasing concern among scientists. With all the destructive power of nuclear weapons atomic bomb it is still problematic to create in artisanal conditions. And biological weapons, comparable to nuclear ones in terms of danger, can be created today or in the near future even by a lone maniac with sufficient knowledge.

The cost of equipment for dangerous genetic experiments today is surprisingly low. It is possible to equip a biological laboratory suitable for DNA analysis and modification for only a few thousand dollars. In the United States, a whole community of homegrown geneticists has already formed, conducting genetic experiments in garages. Back in 2009, a programmer from San Francisco made glowing yogurt in her home lab by inserting a jellyfish gene into the DNA of the lactobacilli responsible for the production of yogurt. What can the easy accessibility of genetic technologies lead to?

At the time of development biological weapons engaged in many countries, including the USSR. As a result, modified combat strains were bred dangerous diseases from which neither vaccines nor antibiotics can save. Modern technologies give almost everyone a wide scope for the development of such weapons. What will happen if some attackers covertly develop and then at one moment release, say, 100 dangerous infections at once, comparable in ease of spread to influenza, and in danger to anthrax? The result will be deplorable - humanity, most likely, will completely die out.

If you show ingenuity and imagination, you can come up with more cunning options - from a virus that turns people into aggressive and uncontrollable zombies, to genetically modified mosquitoes that poison people when they bite with a deadly toxin.

3) Destruction of mankind by robots

Probably everyone is familiar with the horror story about the fact that artificial intelligence will eventually surpass the human one, and then raise a rebellion against people. True, this threat is just not confirmed by anything and is speculation. But the development of robotics and computer technology That doesn't stop it from being very dangerous.

Already in service different countries there are combat robots that are used in real operations. Basically, they are true, quite large, clumsy and require constant monitoring by the operator. But in the very near future, everything can change. Already today, there are many developments of a wide variety of robots, which, despite their small size, have great autonomy and freedom of movement, while they can easily be disguised as various animals.

The American snake robot can get into a hard-to-reach place, climb a tree and even strangle the enemy

Mosquito robots are almost invisible and can be powered by solar panels

Video: Americans test a swarm of flying robots resembling locusts.

That is, it is already possible to organize terror with the help of small flying robots. But what lies ahead for us when technologies improve even more and it becomes possible to create such robots that can reproduce themselves from available materials? In 1986, physicist Eric Drexler described a hypothetical scenario for the death of mankind, when nanorobots, out of control, destroy all life on the planet. Hypothetical uncontrollably multiplying nanorobots received the code name "gray goo".

It is not yet entirely clear whether it is possible in practice to create such dangerous nanorobots that they a short time, out of control, engulf the entire planet. However, it is clear that the development of robotics and algorithms artificial intelligence surely in the not so distant future will allow almost anyone to establish the production of robots on a huge scale and program them, for example, to seize power over the world. The scenario from The Matrix or the Terminator can become a reality, with the difference that people will have much less chances to survive and show some kind of resistance than it is shown in these films.

4) Other methods

There are quite a few more methods that inventive misanthropes can come up with. Among not the easiest in terms of technical implementation, but in principle feasible ways to destroy humanity, for example, are the following:

  • orbit correction large asteroid or comets so that they collide with the Earth;
  • hidden accumulation in in large numbers dangerous but persistent pesticides, such as dioxins, and then the total poisoning of the environment;
  • the introduction of some invention or technology that will be useful at first glance and will be ubiquitous, but will contain hidden threat, capable of suddenly activating and leading to the destruction of people on a certain signal;
  • gaining in some way total control over people or most of them, and then destroying people by the hands of the people themselves.
The myth of the extermination of people by the gods arose as an explanation for the holiday in honor of Hathor-Sokhmet, when colored beer was brought to the goddess, replacing the blood of human victims. This is the same holiday that is described in the myth of the return of the fiery Eye, and is itself a variant of the myth outlined above.

The god Ra, who reigned in Egypt with people and gods, has grown old. And people planned evil against him. Upon learning of this, His Majesty said to those who were in the retinue: "Call, bring me my Eye, Shu, Tefnut, Gebe, Nut, along with their parents, with those who were with me when I was still part of Nun. Let Nun will appear with his retinue, and let the people see them, let the gods assemble in the Great Hall, in the place where I created myself, and say everything they think about the people who plotted evil against me.

The gods were brought, and they prostrated themselves before his majesty, and they turned to Ra: "Say your words to the oldest of us!" And Ra Nun turned: "God is the oldest! Gods-ancestors! The people created from my eye have planned evil against me. I could destroy them, but I called you to hear your opinion." Then His Majesty Nun said: " My son Ra, a god greater than the one who created it and than the one who created it. Your throne is strong and the fear of you is great. May your Eye be directed against those who offended you. "Ra looked around and did not see people. "Look - he said to the gods - their hearts in fear, they fled into the wilderness." Then the gods said to His Majesty: "Send your Eye, let it overtake people, let them strike them, for there is no other Eye, except for that which descends in the form of Hathor." And the ferocious lioness Hathor-Sohmet went to the desert. And began to exterminate people day and night. She stood in the blood and drank it with a jubilant heart. Ra called out to her: "You did what you were ordered to. Come back!" But she did not obey and continued to kill people. Then Ra said to his fast messengers: "Run to Elephantine. Bring more red stone." And they brought a lot of red stones. He called Ra the bohemian from Heliopolis. He ordered him to turn the stones into dust. Meanwhile, the maids ground the barley and prepared 7,000 vessels of beer. They threw red dust into the wort, and it became like blood. And His Majesty the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Ra appeared together with the gods to look at this beer, for the morning of the extermination of people by the goddess was approaching. Ra looked at the beer, like blood, and was delighted: "It is beautiful! I will save people with it. Take it to where Hathor rages." And they poured out the vessels on the fields, and filled them on all four sides with moisture. In the morning, the fierce lioness Hathor-Sokhmet appeared and began to lap, and it was sweet to her. And she wandered, drunk, not recognizing the people whom she planned to exterminate all before last man. And Ra said to her: “Go in peace. May this day every year bring you vessels with beer according to the number of my maids who grinded barley.