Is there an event coming up? Of course, you need to be prepared for a variety of competitions and relay races. First of all, you need to prepare a special business card. How to present yourself at the competition in such a way as to appear in the most favorable light? You must mention all your

It doesn't matter if it's a song, prose, a poem or a mini-sketch. Just indicate the most basic things on the business card - name, age, nationality, zodiac sign, hobbies, etc. Complete this with a listing of your special merits. That's all! The business card is ready!

As First of all - appearance!

Thinking over how to present yourself at the competition as the most in the best way, there are many things to take care of. First, pay attention to your appearance. Think carefully about the outfit - the outfit, hairstyle, makeup, etc. should be modern and attractive. A lot also depends on the theme of the event. You may have to choose a suit in some specific colors and tones.

Well, and, of course, do not forget that before you figure out how to present yourself at the competition, you need to get rid of all kinds of complexes. On stage, you can not feel squeezed and constrained. On the contrary, it is necessary to show maximum self-confidence and artistry.

It's good to make a photo story

If you do not know how to present yourself at the competition so that everyone in the audience admires you, think carefully about everything that you can and can do. Someone dances beautifully, someone sings, and someone composes poetry. All this can be used in your business card.

However, the most the best option- use of a photo projector. In this case, you can use a variety of pictures. According to them, a story about the life of the contestant is compiled. You can start from his very birth, continuing the story with photographs of important moments in his life. The main thing is to choose unusual and interesting pictures.

With a photo story, you can, in principle, start your presentation. The story should, of course, contain an introduction, main body and logical conclusion. After that, you can move on to rhymes or vocal numbers. It's just the perfect ending.

A business card in verse is a great option

If you don't know how to submit a business card to the competition, but at the same time you have the talent of a rhymer, you won't have any problems at all! Take a few minutes to compose a couple of lines, and your performance will become the best masterpiece!

For example:

I am athletic and strong

Very charming!

I'm resourceful, smart!

Listen carefully!

After such a poem, you can just start a photo presentation with a story about yourself.

Another option:

bright, beautiful,

With a mischievous smile.

Your meeting with me

It won't be a mistake.

Befriending such a lady

You will be like on a comet!

I explode all the time

Burning everyone by accident.

Energy - more than enough

But life with me is just heaven!

Here's the boy version:

Strong and dexterous

Drives a car.

Who am i?

A real man!

Well, for the smartest young know-it-alls:

I know everything in class

I answer questions

I understand everything in the world

And I respect science!

Show all your positive qualities

Well, how to represent the family at the competition? It's the whole team! Think carefully about each and every family member and show them on your business card. The main thing is not to forget about artistic abilities, to reveal your talents, to create a friendly atmosphere.

You can also indicate your desire to lead a healthy lifestyle - without bad habits. On the contrary, show that you are a sports family. Use a variety of attributes on your business card. Take to the stage with a hoop, jump rope, football or Success is definitely guaranteed for you!

Choose an interesting image

Do not forget that you must definitely win the upcoming contest. It is not so difficult to imagine yourself in poetry or prose. Most importantly - a unique, original, bright participant.

To do this, you can choose unusual image. beautiful girl, for example, can act as Snow White, a brave boy can portray Spider-Man or Superman, and a fan of frequent performances on stage can put on a Star costume. It is in this image that you can read poems, dance or sing songs.

Good performance is the key to victory

By the way, a lot depends on how to present a class to a team or an individual. A good business card is a guarantee of future victory. Naturally, the level of intelligence of the participant, external data, special talents, worldview, etc. play a primary role. However, the first impression is a factor no less important. Careful preparation is all that the contestants need. Do not rush when making a presentation, because its quality will affect the final result.

Some tricks

So, it does not matter how to present a dish at a competition, a drawing, a person, a team. You just need to follow some rules.

The first appearance on the stage requires a certain image. However, it must be observed throughout the event. Do not move away from him either at the time of the presentation, or during other tasks that make up general program. Stick to your chosen image, and the audience will perceive you much better.

Do not forget that the presentation for the competition is not a simple resume. This is not an ordinary disclosure of their merits, capabilities and achievements. A little humor, piquancy and originality never hurt!

It is also worth thinking about the fact that for the first appearance on the stage of one appearance still not enough. Decide how exactly you will behave in front of the audience, presenters, jury members. Carefully work out your speech, correctly, beautifully and clearly formulate each phrase. Don't limit your vocabulary though. No need to get carried away with standard phrases. Come up with something more interesting!

In a word, decide on the form of your business card - prosaic or poetic, consider the style of your greeting (it can be both comic and quite formal). Nevertheless, do not forget that, despite the positive role of a sense of humor, jokes should not be abused. If you do not tend to successfully amuse and make others laugh, desired effect you still won't get it. However, there is no need to dwell on modesty either. Choose at least one element that would be considered something outside the standard, familiar framework.

And, of course, do not forget that words, makeup and outfit are very important, but your spiritual world, inner content is the most important thing in your business card!

Today, various competitions are often held for children and teenagers. The reading contest is no exception. At the same time, it can take place not only among schoolchildren and youth, but also among older preschoolers.

Expressive reading is a very useful ability, because the child masters the skill of communicating with the audience, develops his artistry, learns to convey the idea of ​​the work.

If your child loves to recite poetry, then it is worth participating in such an event. The only question is how to prepare a child for such a competition. Here are some important tips:

  1. As mentioned earlier, the most important point is child's love for poetry. And if there is artistry in the child, feel free to sign up for such an event, because acting is very important when reciting poetry. If it is difficult for a child to learn poetry and he is not eager to tell something in public, then, of course, you should not force him. It is unlikely that anything productive will come of this.
  2. The important point is poem selection. The work must be chosen according to age so that the child understands the meaning, can feel everything that is contained in the poem, convey this content not only with the help of words, but also with the help of facial expressions.

    Be sure to try to have the child choose the poem himself, so that he likes it. After all, if you like something, then it will be brighter and more expressive to tell about it in front of the audience.

    Unfortunately, very often parents try to choose the most vivid, unusual poem themselves, but the child does not feel it, as a result, the performance turns out to be unemotional, uninteresting, even if the text is perfectly serrated.

  3. To understand and feel the text need to be carefully analyzed. It is better to do this together with the child, discuss the feelings that the poem evokes, the emotions of the characters (if there are characters), the circumstances in which the characters found themselves, clarify all incomprehensible or not quite understandable words. It is necessary to try, as it were, to recreate the world that the author writes about, whether it is an event of past years, a natural phenomenon or emotional state. Reading books, watching videos with relevant topics, or a selection of photographs and illustrations will help here. For example, we talk about a downpour - we look at a downpour, we talk about a war - we watch a film or an excerpt from a film about the war.

We hope that our advice will help you prepare your child for the competition, make reading more convincing and meaningful.

The most famous children's reading competitions in Russia, in which any child can participate.

Speaker: Svetlana Sukhanova, General Director of the Art-Premium Creative Association, was born in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Musical College. I.-L. Rimsky-Korsakov and St. Petersburg State University culture and arts. Svetlana is a laureate of international competitions “Hopes. Talents. Masters, Bulgaria; "Folklore without borders", Bulgaria; Gitta di Pezaro, Italy. In 2009, she founded her own company - the creative association (TO) "Art-Premium" in St. Petersburg. During this time, she attracted a star pool, thousands of talented children, achieved state support. Among the permanent members of the jury, with whom the TO works closely, are artists and cultural figures, famous musicians, choreographers, choreographers, vocalists, instrumentalists: Oscar Kuchera, Bedros Kirkorov, Farukh Ruzimatov, Rodion Gazmanov, Olga Safronova, Albert Galichanin and many others. In 2014 Svetlana opens representative offices in Moscow and Novosibirsk.

What are competitions and festivals for? What are the prospects for participation in such events for the creative life of a pupil of a specialized educational institution?

In our country, the market for proposals from organizers of events in the format of a creative competition and festival is full. If earlier, in the 90s, this industry was supervised by cultural committees, now there are many independent organizations, offering services not only in the cities of Russia, but also projects of international level.

Each teacher will confidently say that for the development of their students, whether it be a choreographer, musician, vocalist or a theater group, maximum participation in stage activities is necessary, which requires impeccable preparation of the learned material.

The stage allows students to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of creativity, develops artistry, comes into contact with a grateful audience, introduces new world colors and feelings. For the sake of implementing these goals in the life of a child, parents send him to a creative educational institution. And only stage activity allows you to reveal the talent of a student at any age.

With a competent choice of the competition, each participant has unique opportunity self-realization creativity: providing material "for judgment" to professionals always implies professional growth. Not always, when studying in a regional school class, one can notice inaccuracies in the perception of pedagogical methods, and not always, given staffing restrictions, it is possible to analyze the mistakes of the educational process with accuracy to the smallest detail. Unfortunately it is so.

presenting competitive program expert members of the jury, students and their teachers can receive competent advice on the further training scheme, recommendations for improving professional skills and obtaining further education in the best specialized educational institutions of the country.

What should be considered when choosing a competition?

When choosing a competition, attention should be paid to those criteria that will positively affect the further growth of the child. First of all, the jury. It should be noted here that the strongest and interesting team experts are teachers of prestigious specialized secondary and higher educational institutions and practitioners, whose creative life is filled with touring and concert activities, they will be able to explain to the contestant the importance of learning along with the main educational process in such disciplines as stage behavior, stage image, preparation for performance. Another important factor when choosing a competition is the stage area, which must be fully equipped and prepared for the performance of the child. All teachers understand how difficult it is to sing into an untuned microphone, how difficult it is to dance on wooden floor with the joints of the scene of the House of Culture, or play on an unevenly tuned piano. All parameters can be tracked only by the organizers who have a clear understanding of the "rider" of the artist. Organizers must be professionals, preferably with a higher specialized education.

It always surprises me how companies that have nothing to do with creativity work on organizing competitions. For example, travel companies. We often receive questions from the participants, for example, with a request to advise which parts of the Beethoven concerto should be played by a young musician for greater effect on stage. Only a person who knows all the subtleties of a large form of a musical work will help in this matter. You can’t learn this on your own, without having your own experience of stage life and a diploma from a specialized university in the past.

It is important to take into account the availability of educational programs in the competition: master classes, seminars, advanced training courses. For more than 3 years we have been conducting a dense educational process for both the contestants and their teachers based on our projects. To learn, to sort out the mistakes that do not allow developing at a rapid pace is the main task of such courses. Invaluable for teachers are certificates from the jury and international standard, certificates of completion of advanced training courses, since during their certification these documents are an important indicator of their professional activity.

Preparation for the competition. What is important to know?

The whole system of preparation for the competition or any other significant performance is clearly reflected in my memory. In childhood and adolescence, these moments took one of the most important places for me when setting priorities in spending my weekdays and weekends. The most important and difficult stage.

I am often asked at what age it is necessary to prepare a student for the competition. There are no clear indicators! From the moment he is mentally prepared. Moral readiness can only be determined by the strongest desire to create and achieve results by showing your creations to other people. "Not dancing to the floor," as the choreographers say.

I overcame my first competition at the age of 11. Late? Considering that the beginning of the educational process in my life is supposed to be at the age of 10, it is not too late. But at the same time, I no longer got into the junior group, but into the middle one, where you are evaluated with contestants who have more than one year of work behind them.

Also among the participants of our projects were children of 5 years old. And such kids took the Grand Prix! This has happened twice in our company. A colossal success for a child, and talent played, of course, the first role here. But the work of the teacher did not lag behind in its complexity and professionalism.

It is important to consider how the material is given to the child, it is important to be meticulous in every detail of its reproduction. Not the last in the preparation for the competition is artistry - natural or acquired.

The stage allows a little artist to open up, and stage fright is just a symptom of those who spend few hours on it.

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Think of a strategy

To qualify in any competition, to get a job, to achieve a result in any business, to be happy in life is always a strategy. A clear head, a clear idea of ​​what is important and what is not, a willingness to make decisions, desires and dreams that are framed as a plan of action - all this is important. You must know exactly what you want: if you do not know where you are going, then the result may not please you.

The question "What will you do after graduation?" was the most difficult at meetings with candidates. Few had a plan of action, many did not think about it at all. This was a revelation for us. Some said outright that they were not going to become product designers, that they went to school for the skills they needed for another job. We eventually took one of these candidates: in order to fulfill test, he mastered the layout in one day. His ability to learn and focus on results is what we value in the first place. We know for sure: this is not a jug without a bottom. Everything that we invest in a participant, he will neatly attribute somewhere - it doesn’t matter if it’s in Yandex or not.

When people come to me for advice about their development or their difficulties, I advise them to exercise "I am a company." The point is to imagine yourself as a company - with resources, logistics, marketing, sales and so on - and understand what you are missing, what is the problem. When you imagine yourself as a factory, it gives clarity and discipline. A separate interesting observation is the type of business you introduce yourself to. Find good interlocutor on this topic, discuss together.

Don't Ignore Questions

It is strange to talk about this in the councils, but still. If the questionnaire is not completely filled out, then first of all it is regarded as disrespectful. Everything is not in vain: if this question is in the questionnaire, it means that the organizers need your answer. Each field of the form must be completed.

Show you

Any profile is your silent seller. It is up to you whether this seller remains mute or speaks. We knowingly left a place for attaching a file, although very few people took advantage of it. The essence of the essay is very important, but the design is doubly important. If your eyes don’t hurt from bad layout and fonts that have gone wrong, it doesn’t hurt from a flown encoding, this is a signal to work on a sense of beauty, aesthetics. Aesthetics is something that is very difficult to acquire. Imagine that your work was done by a modern da Vinci. It turns out? If not at all - take it and redo it.

Pay attention to details

Your competition application or job application must be perfect. This is the case when perfectionism needs to be turned on to the maximum. Errors and irregularities will still come out against your will, but you can’t leave them voluntarily. Everything should be in such a way that you are satisfied.

Ask yourself: why me?

The application for admission did not include the standard “Tell us about yourself” question.

Our question was:“Share your professional dream. What project would you not be sorry to give part of your life to? What kind of people would you like to work with? The question also gives space for answer options, and helps to open up, tell about yourself. It, like many things at school, was designed by Danila Kovchiy, the art director of Poisk.

An open question implies an open answer. The best format for this is an essay.

Photos: Stanislav Sabirov