Born in captivity and therefore well adapted to live at home. Keeping these birds in an apartment is not difficult, they are hardy and unpretentious.

The light part of the room is most suitable for keeping parrots. However, the cage should not be placed very close to the window, so that there is no draft, which these birds are very afraid of, and also near heating appliances. The cage should be placed at the height of human growth or slightly lower. So it is more convenient to get out of it and watch your pet. In the room where the birds are, you can not smoke, cigarette smoke is harmful to birds.

For most types of parrots great importance has a daylight hours, which should be 15-16 hours a day. IN short days autumn and winter, you need to turn on additional electric lighting. For a room with an area of ​​​​15-18 square meters. m requires an illumination of 100-150 W, then the parrots will feel great and have time to eat daily allowance stern. In general, the more light, especially sunlight, the better the feathered pets feel.

The cage for keeping your parrot or for a couple should be large enough so that the occupants can fly a little in it. Its dimensions can be estimated as follows: it must be at least 5 times longer than the bird itself, for example, with a parrot body length of 18–20 cm, the cage must be at least 90–100 cm in length, the corresponding width and be at least 60, and preferably 80 cm. Only cells of this size can be considered as appropriate this species birds.

Standard cages with bars around the perimeter have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, there is a lot of light in such a cage and the parrot in it has the ability to climb the transverse bars. A bird living in an apartment with people appreciates a great view. But on the other hand, the inhabitant of such a cage is accessible to drafts and does not have a reliable, quiet corner where he could retire if he wishes. But this is easily helped by darkening some part of the cage with plants or a curtain.

We should not forget that the cage door must have a reliable lock so that the parrot in the cage cannot open or break it, because a parrot in an apartment without supervision can do a lot of trouble, and it can suffer for many reasons. As constipation on the cage door, many owners use small locks with a key, metal carbines or powerful springs, which the bird is not able to wring out.

Caring for parrots consists of daily cleaning in the cage. It is necessary to remove debris, scrape off adhering dirt and litter from the sides, brush off dust and rubbish with a soft brush. Having pulled out the pallet, wipe it with a damp cloth, replace the litter. Washing bird dishes hot water with the addition of soda or special solutions for washing dishes, then wiped dry. Feeders for grain mixtures are thoroughly cleaned of food debris, wiped with a clean cloth, filled with a daily feed rate and put in place. Wet feeders and drinkers are washed daily with hot water, and automatic drinkers are rinsed.

Cages should be completely cleaned at least once a week. The retractable tray is covered with clean river sand with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. It is better to pre-ignite it in the oven or rinse it with a solution of potassium permanganate and dry it. If it is not possible to change the sand frequently, the bottom of the cage can be covered with paper, but in this case the sand should be in a special feeder. Parrots use it as a gastrolith - for grinding roughage in the stomach. Sand should not be fine - this only clogs the stomach, not fulfilling its main function. It is better to use hygroscopic paper, such as newsprint, but you need to change it at least 2-3 times a week, otherwise mites or blood-sucking insects can start in it. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the perches, which are quickly contaminated with a layer of manure or feed.

But cage care alone is not enough, parrots need communication. By nature, they are pack creatures. They should not be kept isolated, they should feel like part of the family. In addition, the more time they spend outside the cage, the easier it will be to communicate with them. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to keep a bird near him all day. In this case, let the bird out of the cage as soon as you get home. Wake up a little earlier in the morning to spend some time with your pet. Do not keep your parrot in the bedroom, where he will see you for a few minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening before going to bed. From boredom, a bird can start having problems, parrots begin to pluck feathers on themselves, sometimes fall into a deep depression.

For the same purpose, when keeping parrots, it is useful to place toys in a cage. You can make a swing yourself, a ring made of wood or light tin with a diameter of 5-6 cm, for small species, for example, hang on a thread from the ceiling rod of the cage, instead of a ring, you can strengthen the swinging perch. A bell with or without a mirror can be purchased at a pet store. As for the mirror, here the opinions of the owners of budgerigars are divided. Some believe that the mirror has a bad effect on the "psyche" of the bird, as it stimulates the sexual reflex. However, this is not always justified, in any case, you can experiment - if you notice that the mirror has a bad effect on the bird, then you can remove it. During learning to "talk" it is desirable that the bird does not have foreign objects in the cage. However, most "talking" birds give out their vocabulary repertoire in front of a mirror.

Caring for a parrot also includes feeding it, proper nutrition is its guarantee. The basis of nutrition and feeding of such pets is a grain mixture, consisting of about 70% - millet, different types, 10% - oats, 20% - mixtures usually include canary seed, hemp, flaxseed, some wheat, etc. Millet should be of different types: red, white, black, yellow. For these birds, it is not recommended to give seeds and nuts, the fact is that such food is very fatty for them. But grain feeds alone do not have a complete set of all nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of parrots. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to give the birds additional and mineral feeds, but in smaller quantities than grains.

Useful and nutritious food for parrots - fresh grated carrots (not squeezed), mixed with semolina or white breadcrumbs. It is prepared quite simply. Grated carrots are mixed with crushed white breadcrumbs or semolina in such a ratio that, when mixed, it does not stick to the fingers. Grated carrots are indispensable in winter and spring, when there is little greenery. Green food, which is a source of vitamins and mineral salts for your pets, can be given to birds in unlimited quantities. They also love apples, dandelion leaves, wood lice, lettuce, cabbage. Dandelion leaves, for example, are consumed fresh in finely chopped form from early spring to late autumn.

In winter, you can sow oats, millet, canary seed, young shoots in boxes, which are readily eaten by birds. This is done as follows: earth is poured into two boxes 40x10x8 cm, placed on the windowsill so that there is more light for the growth of greenery. Sowing is carried out first in one box, and after 7-10 days, when the young shoots will have a height of 10-12 cm, and in the second. Greens are collected from the first box in parts (as many as needed per day), chopped and mixed with additional feed or set to be fed separately. As the greenery in the first box is consumed, it grows in the second, and the first is sown again. It turns out the so-called green conveyor until the very spring, when the first greenery appears.

For a normal life and good health? How to properly care for this bird?

Budgerigars need fresh air, a clean cage, good quality food and light. At the same time, when choosing a place in an apartment to install a cage, it is worth considering that parrots are afraid of drafts and do not tolerate stuffiness. You need to place the cage at the level of human growth, away from heating devices, a computer and a TV. The light day of a parrot should be 15-16 hours, which means that at night they need to turn on the light. Optimum temperature air for budgerigars is 18-20C.

The feathered cage should always be clean. General cleaning is done once a month. During this cleaning, the cage is thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and washed. For disinfection, the cage must be washed with soapy water, then rinsed well in clean water and rinse with a decoction of chamomile. The usual cleaning of the cage is done once a week, unless there is any reason to do it more often. The feeder and drinker must be kept clean and washed daily with detergent.

Since all birds have a fairly fast metabolism, even a short fast can lead to the death of a bird. That's why proper feeding plays very important role in caring for them. Considering that both hunger and overeating are dangerous for parrots, you need to give them enough food so that they eat up, but at the same time they do not choose tidbits from what they receive, but eat everything. Over time, you will be able to know quite well the amount of food your pet needs and stick to this norm.

The main food for parrots is a grain mixture. You can buy this mixture at any pet store. However, this is not enough to fully provide the bird's body with everything necessary. It is also necessary to give mineral feed, and additional feed in the form of cereals, boiled eggs, white bread, cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is given to parrots in a dry form; egg finely chopped and mixed with semolina or crushed crackers, fresh carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, and also mixed with semolina.

Greens play an important role in the nutrition of parrots - this is a source of vitamins and minerals. Of all the available greens, parrots especially prefer apples, lettuce, dandelion leaves and cabbage. At the same time, in no case should parrots be given parsley - for them it is poison. It is necessary to constantly monitor the purity of the water in the drinking bowl, it must be changed every day.

Like all birds, parrots are subject to molting. The first molt in budgerigars occurs at the age of 4-6 months. If the molt is too intense, it is necessary to feed the parrot with eggshells, canary seed, give more greenery - all this contributes to a faster growth of plumage. Soda baths will also help in this case. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a liter of water and the bird is carefully immersed in water, while trying not to wet her head.

Budgerigars love to bathe, so you can put a bath in the cage, or sometimes give the birds the opportunity to rummage through the wet grass, previously placed in a spacious bowl.

Parrots are always pecking at something. To meet this need, twigs must be placed in the cage deciduous trees. In addition, solid food and twigs help the parrot wear down its rapidly growing beak. And to improve digestion, there should always be clean sand in the cage (it is sieved and changed daily).

It is necessary to select the perches in the cage correctly and in size. If the perch for the parrot is too thin or, conversely, too thick, this contributes to the rapid growth of nails that are too long, which will have to be shortened. For this, it is better to purchase special tweezers in advance.

Parrot, you need to properly equip the cage. It should have at least two strong perches, a drinking bowl, a feeder and a bathing container. Hang special rings on which the feathered pet will swing. The bottom of the cage should be retractable, so it will be easier for you to clean it (you need to clean the cage daily, wash it once a week). The cage with the bird should be located away from the sun and drafts. Keep the parrot away from the computer, provide an opportunity for your pet to hide from bright rays in the shade.

It is desirable that the feeder and drinker be made of porcelain or glass. It is better to defend the water first so that the chlorine evaporates, then just pour it into the drinker. Water needs to be changed daily warm time years, twice a day. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to add three drops of fresh lemon juice to the drinker, which helps to strengthen the feather cover and disinfects the water. Every day, wash the drinker and feeder with hot water with food, wipe dry.

Nutrition should be balanced, so several feeders should be placed in the cage (for grain, fresh fruits and vegetables). One adult is enough per day for two teaspoons of a grain mixture, which consists mainly of oats, millet, canary seed, sunflower seeds. You can give feathered cereals cooked in water, salad, fresh herbs, cottage cheese, germinated cereals. To satisfy the body of a bird in protein, give your pet a finely chopped chicken egg. To ensure a good digestion process, the parrot needs clean sand without various impurities.

Parrots enliven our home, filling it with melodious and joyful sounds. According to Darwin, by their presence, birds improve the mood and well-being of a person, give emotional pleasure. Budgerigars are less demanding on the conditions of care and feeding than their large counterparts (zhako, cockatoo).

The undoubted advantage is the lack of smell in the apartment from the pet, which cannot be said about a dog or a cat. Birds live long (15-20 years) and rarely get sick, have a tenacious mind and a pronounced personality. How to care for a parrot: tips for caring for a new family member and interesting everyday activities.

The diversity and colorful plumage make it possible to classify the budgerigar as one of the most beautiful parrots, and there are more than 300 species of them. In nature, a wild parrot is grassy green - for high-quality disguise from numerous enemies. The domestication of parrots has led to the successful breeding of birds of various colors. Bright yellow, all shades of blue, rich green, ash gray, pale pink - all this beauty against the background of transverse wavy lines.

Joke: The sparrow ended up in a cage with a parrot. “No, I can’t do that,” said the parrot. Give her a light makeover!

In a new house

We will guide you on how to care for a parrot in the first days of adaptation to a new home, after a purchase or a move. In a pre-prepared and equipped cage, with food and fresh water, bring a shipping box (often transported in cans cut plastic bottles). Open the door and wait for the parrot to cross on its own.

Attention! You can not get a fragile bird by hand, you can seriously injure it.

The first few days the parrot will get used to the new environment. Provide him with decent living conditions, safety, silence. It is not necessary to show interest violently and rush to him to teach him to talk, so you will scare an already frightened bird. Care for your budgerigar with compassion and a willingness to help. Any move- stressful situation for him, he may not eat, be sad about his former numerous feathered friends, sit in a corner, ruffled. The adaptation period largely depends on the owner, his powers of observation and desire.

During daily cleaning and feeding procedures, talk to the parrot calmly and affectionately. Usually in the evening, when family members calm down, the wavy begins to slowly look around, explore his home, toys. You should not turn on the light abruptly, come close and closely monitor it. Let, at such moments, the calmed bird be alone, make it easier for her to get used to your orders and regime. Soon, the accustomed parrot will make contact and amuse you with cheerful chirping.

To create and maintain an eternal spring in your home, read the following sections of the Budgerigar Owner's ABC.

Instructions - how to care for a parrot

  1. It is necessary to choose a cage for parrots with all responsibility and knowledge of the matter. It should be spacious enough, and the shape (semicircular, rectangular, square) does not matter. It must have a door with a secure latch so that the parrot cannot open it on its own and fly away. Avoid guillotine doors. The pallet should be easy to slide out and slide in - it will facilitate everyday cleaning. A drinker without sharp edges, preferably made of porcelain, plexiglass. Because plastic drinkers contain dyes, processing aids that get into drinking water and poison your parrot.
  2. Place the cage in a bright room, not far from the window, but not on the windowsill (due to drafts), approximately at eye level. It simplifies caring for him at home and the superiority of the owner, in the eyes of the daddy, is undeniable. Place the parrot's apartment away from the TV, speakers, computer - in order to avoid the influence electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Add toys to the house - swings, ladders, mirrors (great lovers, they really think that the reflection in the mirror is a specific parrot), bells.
  4. We recommend fixing mineral stones, chalk, sepia (part of the cuttlefish skeleton) between the rods - sources of calcium and trace elements necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton and bones, also help to sharpen the beak.
  5. Provide regular water procedures for daddy - especially in summer, every day, because the temperature of the calf is from 40 ° C to 43.
  6. Take care of the nails of the mischievous - there should be wooden perches in the cage (thicker than a pencil), and not plastic ones, then they will grind off on their own. If the regrown claws are very long, cut them with wire cutters, after looking at the light where the blood vessels end
  7. Let him go for a walk and play with him - an excellent companion in noisy games, and sometimes an interlocutor.
  8. Clean the cage constantly - fleas can start in fallen feathers.
  9. Keep the water in the drinker clean - change it daily.
  10. For good rest the parrot needs at least 10 hours - at night it is advisable to cover the cage with a dense cloth, but not the frontal part, so that it can breathe normally. He will rest himself and will not wake you up with the first ray of the sun.

If you follow all the points of the instructions, then you definitely properly care for the parrot.

World of fun and carelessness

Parrot lovers willingly give birth to not one bird, but several, they try to buy young ones. This is true because young animals are easier to tame and instill good manners and your lifestyle. Bringing home chicks that have recently left the nest, the owners are faced with the problem of determining the sex of the parrot. Up to 3 months, the cere has the same pinkish color. As the parrot matures, the cere either turns blue (male) or brown (female).

Wanted a couple, but became the owners of two boys? It doesn't matter, caring for a boy's budgerigar is easier and more joyful than a couple of lovers. Nobody manages in a cage, but it's in the girls' blood - they throw out twigs, sweets, toys. The parrot boy will put on a real water splash show when he bathes. He is more talented in onomatopoeia than the female and learns human speech faster.

Keshka is a golden bird, take care of the parrot! - insert the name of your priest and you get an easy phrase to replenish your vocabulary.

How about taking care of talking parrot? - Yes, just talk with him purposefully, repeat the words that you want to teach the smart wavy. Perseverance and patience will achieve a funny result and earn a sea positive emotions.

The bird-talker takes the mirror image for a representative of the opposite sex and begins to show sexual interest in her, gets excited, chirps nervously. He does not remember that this is just a picture, he is angry that he is being ignored. Okay, give a budgie a girlfriend, you can’t replace a real relationship with a surrogate and you will witness a fascinating story of how a budgerigar takes care of a female.

Your wavy has a cheerful disposition, then it will not be difficult to let him into a playful dance. How to care for a parrot at home to teach him to dance. First of all, pick up music - rhythmic, but not loud (deafening will scare the bird, since the hearing of parrots is very sharp). Watch, suddenly he began to move his head to the beat of the music, luck is on your side.

If the parrot does not understand what they want from him, take the initiative in your own hands. Put it on your finger, turn on the music and move it in strict accordance with the rhythm, not forgetting to shake your head and convey a cheerful mood to the bird. Handsome may start to bite, it's okay, pull him back and continue moving again. If he flew away, let him take a walk, return later (the curiosity of parrots knows no bounds) and resume training. Do not forget to treat your pet with something tasty (apple, bread) at the end of the lesson, and a grateful student will soon please you with a kind of hip-hop.

Freedom for parrots!

Flying for a bird is vital, and losing the ability to soar upwards radically changes the nature of a parrot. If you do not let him out of the cage, you will get a dull bird with an extinct look and a dystrophic appearance. Please! Release the parrot into the wild, despite the scattered husks from food and feathers, do not keep the bird in prison.

Safety measures during flights and during the warm-up of the wings:

  • Windows - it may not notice the glass and crash from all overclocking, a tragic ending is possible. During the first walks, curtain the windows so that you get used to it. Mosquito nets are a must. It flies out and doesn't come back.
  • Doors - likes to sit on top of an open door (interior, closet). Check for the presence of a mischievous person when you close the doors. Entrance door dangerous because it can sneak into the entrance or into the street.
  • The kitchen - a hot stove, open pots of borscht - are insidious components of a serious threat to the life of your parrot.
  • Bathroom - raised toilet lid, air fresheners (contain aromatic oils that are deadly to birds), household chemicals - close, hide, to avoid trouble.
  • Living room - bookshelves, books, decorative figurines, photo frames - it’s great if they have glass doors, and suddenly the book falls on a spoiler, which has a low weight (about 50 grams) and you won’t end up with grief.
  • Wires - an inquisitive bird, armed with a beak, begins to bite them, play with them. Your task is to follow the careless actions of the parrot.
  • Air conditioning, fan - can catch a cold or fall into the blades.

With endless love and care, take care of your budgerigar and you will find a true friend and fan, because he considers you the leader of the pack.

The budgerigar is a beautiful and active bird that is often kept at home. She has a good mind and ingenuity, quickly adapts and always finds a common language with people. A bright and colorful plumage can be a great home decor. If you are planning to get a budgerigar, nevertheless, first study important rules care and maintenance. The comfortable well-being of this feathered pet depends on compliance with all norms and requirements.

In order for the maintenance of budgerigars in a house or apartment to be comfortable, it is important first of all to choose a suitable cage. It is in it that they will spend most of their time, so it should be comfortable, equipped and spacious. Birds of this breed love space. For this reason, it is better to purchase a large cage so that they can move freely around it.

Cell selection

Budgerigars at home should feel comfortable, nothing should interfere with them and cause discomfort. The first step is to purchase a cage for them.

When choosing a cage, consider important features:

  • size. The dwelling should be spacious;
  • if you plan to keep one parrot, then a small cage with dimensions of 35 × 35 cm is suitable for it, but for married couple the smallest area will be 65x55 cm;
  • it is worth considering the indicators of the frequency of the location of the wire. It should create a lattice with a density that will not limit the slipping of the bird's head, which can lead to injury;
  • a cage with a rectangular shape is suitable for living, its top should be domed;
  • the bottom section of the cage should be made of hardwood or a metal base;
  • the core of the wire must not be made of copper. Birds can develop metal oxide poisoning if they chew on wire.

Choosing a place in the house

To make the budgerigar feel good, it is important to give Special attention its content. The cage must be installed in a suitable area. Kitchen, hallway, bathroom, walk-through room - there will be no the best places for this bird. It must be placed in a quiet and secluded place at home.

Considering the important question of how to care for budgerigars at home, it is worth paying special attention to the place where the cage will be installed. To do this, you need to remember a few features:

  • the cage with the bird should not be in drafts, near window openings or heating devices;
  • in warm periods, it is recommended to put a cage with a parrot on the balcony;
  • fresh air and solar lighting positively affects the health of the pet. But at strong sun the cage on the side must be covered with a cloth.

Arrangement of the cell

As soon as the cage is selected and installed, it is worth moving on to arranging it so that the bird can live comfortably in it. At this stage, it is recommended that the future home be fully equipped; it must have all the important elements for the normal life of a feathered pet.

Keeping a budgerigar is a responsible business, so you should take it carefully and not miss even the little things. If you want the bird to live for a long time and not experience problems, then be sure to equip the cage as needed. It should have wooden perches. They will serve as a place for the bird on which she can sit and rest, play.

Perches should be installed in areas of the cage where the parrot will not clog drinkers and feeders with droppings. In this case, the tail of the bird should not touch the walls of the cage.

  • oak, beech, maple, birch. The wood of this species is considered to be quite wear-resistant, it has a positive effect on the state of the feathered pet;
  • willow. Perches from this tree will be very durable, and willow also has a healing effect;
  • apple, pear, plum, cherry, rowan. Perches made from these types of wood make delicious seating for parrots. They contain many nutrients.

It is impossible to use coniferous trees (spruce, pine, cedar) for perches. They can cause various health problems in birds. Do not use poisonous breeds.

Food bowls and a drinking bowl with water are placed in the cage. They can be 2-3 pieces, the water in them needs to be changed every day.

It is required to place 3 feeders in the cage:

  • one feeder for feed mixtures with minerals - crushed eggshell, red clay, sand, charcoal;
  • bowl for solid feed mixtures - millet, grain, barley, millet;
  • soft feed container.

Important! Birds love to swim in the hot season, budgerigars often do this in drinking bowls. In this case, the water spills, the cage becomes dirty, and the feathers scatter to the sides. To prevent this, it is worth installing special bathing containers.

In addition, for games and development, a swing with swinging ladders is stirred in the cage. They are useful for the development of the muscles of the legs of birds. On the surface of the bottom of the cage, you can lay out stones of various sizes, toys.

Cage Care

Budgerigar care should include house cleaning. For cleaning, you will need a regular warm water without impurities and detergents. There is no need to add powder to it. You can use an old toothbrush for cleaning.

  • all elements must be washed and wiped dry;
  • especially carefully it is worth removing the pan, it is always a lot of dirt;
  • All feeders and drinkers should be washed well.

How to care for a budgerigar at home?

If you are planning to purchase budgerigars, then be sure to study all the important features of care and maintenance at home. It is important that feathered pets are always in in perfect order. To do this, follow the recommendations and follow the rules of the content.

Proper nutrition

Health and proper development domestic budgerigars depends on proper nutrition. The menu of a feathered pet should be balanced, it should contain feed mixtures with high level useful ingredients. They will be able to prevent the development of dangerous poultry diseases, strengthen their immunity and protective properties of the body.

The feeding of the budgerigar should be based on grain feed. The largest part should be millet. But so that the parrots do not have problems at work digestive system, feeding with grain mixtures should be in a certain ratio in%:

  • millet yellow kind – 50 %;
  • white millet - 25%;
  • millet with red color - 15%;
  • shelled oats - 10%.

So what else to feed budgerigars? Additionally, other types of food should be included in the menu:

  • greenery. In the warm season, the bird will be happy to eat fresh lettuce leaves, a mixture of plantain, dandelion, clover greens. IN winter time germinated oats are suitable;
  • . Parrots will willingly eat fresh carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, radishes. Among fruits and berries, preference should be given to apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, raspberries, strawberries;
  • minerals. A parrot should sometimes be given chalk and sepia, it is sold at any pet store.


Budgerigars are endowed with good intelligence and intelligence. They are very sociable, so they require increased attention from a person or their relatives. If the bird is bored, then it begins to wither quickly.

You should already know by behavior what a budgerigar needs. If he vigorously chirps, chirps, then he shows you his attention and wants to talk. Don't ignore it, play with it, talk to it, sing a song.

Freedom for parrots

Many beginners often wonder - is it necessary to let the budgerigar out of the cage? You should not limit the freedom of your pet, sometimes it is necessary to let him out of the cage so that he can fly freely around the room. This is required for the full psychological development birds.

  • first you need to check that all doors, window openings are closed;
  • limit access to water containers - a bathtub, aquariums, toilet bowls, sinks, if a parrot gets into them, it will choke;
  • if there are other pets in the apartment or in the house, then watch the parrot while walking. Otherwise, it may be caught by a cat or dog. It is better to remove all the inhabitants to another room, and close the room with the bird.


Complete care for a budgerigar includes compliance with the required microclimate in the room where the cage with the pet is kept. It affects the development and health of the bird. The room should have a humidity level of 60-70%. A dry climate for a budgerigar will negatively affect its condition.

The most suitable temperature for budgerigars in the room in which they are kept should be kept at a thermometer reading of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. IN cold period year for heating it is worth using a special lamp.

Diseases and prevention

The health of budgerigars should come first. When keeping them at home, they may sometimes experience serious illness which can lead to the death of the pet. To help the bird, you should know the types of diseases and how to treat them.

It is best to buy budgerigars in specialized pet stores. They sell healthy birds that have passed all necessary examinations received vaccinations. In these places you will be able to offer a thoroughbred bird without any problems in the pedigree. In addition, a comfortable and suitable cage will be attached to it.

If you want to have a budgerigar at home, then you can take it from your hands. Birds are usually advertised cheaply, but they can sometimes have health problems. They are also sold in nurseries, in the bird market and by the breeders themselves.

But in any case, before acquiring a budgerigar, you should first study all its important features and rules of keeping. Despite the fact that it is considered an unpretentious bird, it is still important to provide convenience and comfort for a feathered pet while living at home. It is necessary to think over everything - choose a suitable cage, arrange it, install drinkers, feeders and other important attributes. Do not forget about communication and care for the parrot, this is what is considered an important basis for its full-fledged living.