It seems that Sharon Stone's star has been shining in the Hollywood sky for as long as we can remember. And if you think about it, it's not

These photos of young Sharon Stone are worth a look!

 11:15 May 19, 2017

It seems that Sharon Stone's star has been shining in the Hollywood sky for as long as we can remember. And, if you think about it, it's not so far from the truth - the girl is about to turn sixty! And yet she still looks so that the young will envy! And in her youth, when she successfully built a modeling career, and did not reach top model heights just because she changed the podium to Hollywood, she was completely stunning! Here, look!

Athlete, Komsomol member and just a beauty

You can't deny Sharon Stone's acting talent, but, in addition to this, she is also a recognized beauty. In 1995, the film magazine Empire placed her at number 49 on their list of the 100 Sexiest Movie Stars in History, and in 1999, Playboy magazine named her 54th on their own list of the 100 Sexiest Celebrities. In 1997, Empire ranked her 77th on their list of "The 100 Greatest Keino Stars of All Time" and People magazine named her twice on its list of "25 Most Famous Keino Stars". mysterious people” and “50 most beautiful people on the planet". There is something to be proud of!

Lust for fame

Even in her youth, Sharon Stone was vain and agreed only for the best. This is how she was in 1980, when at 22 she left her modeling career in Europe and came to the USA to become an actress - famous, of course! But here her modeling fame could not help her - she was just one of thousands of movie star candidates waiting in line for any role. And yet the first role of Sharon was truly stellar! Although she was almost without words, and yet it was a role in the film of the great Woody Allen "Memories of Stardust" (1980). In a word, even then Sharon was distinguished by the makings of a real star!

Remembered everything

It took 10 years for Sharon to finally get a real star role. Having played a sexy and deadly beauty, a super agent and, in combination, the fictitious wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger, sent to him by the special services, she instantly remembered the audience. And most importantly, with her acting abilities for instant reincarnation, she conquered the famous director Paul Verhoeven, who, after "Total Recall", decided that it was Sharon who would play the main female role in "Basic Instinct" - a role that instantly lifted the actress to star Olympus.

The basic Instinct

In spite of good relationship Paul Verhoeven, the role of eccentric writer Katherine Tramell went to Stone only after she was consistently turned down by several established superstars, including Meg Ryan, Geena Davis, Julia Roberts and Michelle Pfeiffer. They all found the role too sexually provocative. But Sharon was not embarrassed - and the role became for her a pass to the world of superstars. The scene in which she slowly shifts one foot to the other has fascinated millions of boys aged 10 to 90 all over the world.

The heavy burden of fame - "Casino"

The role of Ginger McKenna in the 1995 film "Casino" was not easy for Sharon - first of all, in terms of communication with the costumers. During the filming, she had to change more than 40 costumes, including an insanely beautiful, but extremely uncomfortable dress made of white and gold fabrics, embroidered with beads, the weight of which, due to intricate embroidery, was almost 20 kilos! But her torment paid off - for this role, Sharon received a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination in the Best Actress category.

Her defeats

The strength of Sharon Stone's character can only be envied! Before she became a superstar, she had to endure some impressive career setbacks. So, she lost to Kim Basinger in Batman (1989), Madonna in Dick Tracy (1990), and Michelle Pfeiffer in The Wolf (1994). But this did not shake the self-confidence of the actress!

Model for life

Sharon Stone always loved to read, was an excellent student and, long before graduation, received a scholarship to study in one of top universities USA. Parents hoped that she would become a lawyer, but Sharon had other plans: it was not for nothing that she told her family from childhood that she would “ new Marilyn Monroe. She turned down a scholarship to start her modeling career. And, although later Stone turned out to be from her for the sake of success in Hollywood, she does not forget about her successes in the beauty industry, and appreciates herself at its true worth - that is, highly. In her youth, Sharon Stone posed nude for playboy magazine- and at the age of 57 she did the same for Harpers Bazaar magazine, and none of the fans could say that she began to look worse!

Smart blonde

Looking at the playful curls and clear blue eyes of young Sharon Stone, it's hard to believe that this beauty is a member of the Menza Club, a worldwide community of people with outstanding intellect. Her IQ is 154 (for comparison, the IQ of the average individual is 100). It’s not for nothing that Sharon Stone made a lot of efforts after Basic Instinct to achieve roles that are different from the role of a blonde sex bomb. It's hard to play sexy if you're as intelligent as a nuclear physics professor!

A thin scar on a beloved neck

In this photo of 31-year-old Sharon, a careful observer can see a thin, barely visible scar on the left side of her neck. The tabloid press wrote that this scar is the result of a fan chasing her in the 1990s, but this is not true. In fact, Stone received this mark as a child, when, while riding a horse, she crashed into a clothesline at full gallop and was forced to resort to the help of a surgeon.


In this picture, Sharon Stone is in her early 20s, and she is a typical 1980s stylish girl. In fact, in her younger years, Stone had enough for everything - both taking care of outfits and smart books. She managed to briefly study at the University of Pennsylvania, receive a number of awards for intelligence - and at the same time almost became Miss Pennsylvania, stopping only a step away from the crown. After thinking, she chose the beauty industry - and who can blame a girl who is not yet 20 for this!

Second Marilyn?

In this photo, Sharon is 24 years old. She has already gained fame as a model, but her real acting success is yet to come. But she still firmly believes that her destiny is to become the "new Marilyn Monroe." These carefully styled platinum curls, tight bodice and inviting sparkle of the eyes, noticeable even in a black-and-white picture - do they remind you of anything? ..

human rights activist

This provocative photo was taken in 1995, when Sharon Stone was at the height of her fame. It is at this point in their careers that successful actors begin to suffer from "star disease", becoming regular heroes of the yellow press because of their spree. But Stone was different. Having reached the pinnacle of fame, she actively engaged in charity work. At the 2005 World Economic Forum, at the height of the anti-poverty debate, she stood up and publicly announced that she was donating $10,000 to buy nets for African babies' cradles to protect them from malarial mosquito bites, urging others to follow suit. In total, in five minutes, she raised over $100,000 for this noble cause.

Unlucky in love

Alas, with a super-successful career, Sharon Stone was never lucky in love. Her first husband was television producer Michael Greenberg - she married him in 1984 and separated three years later. In 1990, the couple finally divorced. In 1993, Stone began an affair with producer Mile Greenberg, but their relationship lasted less than a year. Soon, on the set of The Quick and the Dead, she was proposed by an assistant director - but their marriage was also short-lived. Stone married editor and publisher Phil Bronstein in 1998. The couple even adopted a child, but after 5 years, in 2003, Stone and Bronshnein divorced "due to insurmountable differences."

Ups and downs

Looking at the glossy photos of Sharon, it's easy to believe that her life was a complete fairy tale. but it is not. In 2001, she passed out during a fashion show. As it turned out later, before that, the actress had complained for several days about an unbearable headache. Doctors diagnosed her with a ruptured aneurysm in her brain. Despite shock treatment, she never fully recovered. After leaving the hospital, the actress could hardly walk, talk and read. During the divorce, Phil Bronstein took advantage of this to deprive her of custody of their common adopted child, son Ron. It took an incredible amount of effort for Sharon to get back into shape and appear in front of the camera as an assistant prosecutor on Law & Order.

Wasted words

In 2008, Sharon Stone was at the center of a scandal when she said that a powerful earthquake in Sichuan province, which claimed 69,000 lives, was for China karmic punishment for the attitude of the authorities of the country towards the inhabitants of Tibet. Speaking at the 61st Cannes Film Festival, she tried to explain her position. “I don't like the way the Chinese treat Tibet for a long time,” she said. - The Dalai Lama is mine good friend. And when the earthquake happened, I immediately thought: maybe this is karma? If you behave badly, bad things happen to you.” However, these Buddhist explanations did not seem convincing to the public, and Stone was subsequently forced to apologize for her words.

In March 2017, American actress, sex symbol and fashion model Sharon Stone celebrated her 59th birthday. The woman decided to grow old according to her own scenario, creating her own unique image for each age.

What is the secret of youth?

Sharon admits that she was lucky to become the owner of a slender body and dense, and therefore less susceptible to age-related changes, skin. But it takes a lot of effort to preserve the natural beauty.

Stone trusts the well-known Hollywood clinic Kinara SPA for facial care. Her favorite procedure is RedCarpetFacial. Thanks to peeling, the skin acquires a radiant effect, and a moisturizing mask gives firmness and elasticity. This avoids radical changes with the help of plastic surgery and other interventions that the media attribute to her.

Plastic surgeons say that even in the case of good genetics, it is impossible to maintain perfect skin in the neck and chin. This result can only be achieved with the help of facelift (lifting the lower third of the face) and Botox.

Daily workouts help the actress stay young and slim after 50 years. Pilates, yoga and stretching - these exercises help to heal the body and strengthen it. The woman also parks her car far from home to get some fresh air while walking, and goes upstairs on foot.

Sharon's daily diet is limited to vegetables and beans, she is not afraid to diversify the menu with a delicious steak. woman uses a large number of fruit and whole grain bread. And he does not see a special need for caffeine and alcohol. The celebrity excluded onions and garlic from the diet, counting them medicinal plants requiring correct dosages.

Well, tea is a real panacea in the fight against excess weight. She will refuse a cup of SunriderCalli herbal infusion and a piece of dark chocolate. The decisive role is occupied by vitamins and dietary supplements.

Proper makeup

In an interview, makeup artist Ashuntha Shariff told fans of the actress how they mask age-related changes with makeup. The Dior SkinNude SkinGlowing MakeUp foundation is on the way to achieving a flawless complexion, and matting powder is given a place only on the T-zone. With a soft pink gloss of the same brand, they visually increase the volume of the lips. A woman is in no hurry to use concealer, replacing it with a lighter BB cream. And the main highlight is achieved by peach blush on the temples and neck, providing the effect of slightly tanned skin.

Recall that a few years ago a woman was in a hospital bed with intracerebral hemorrhage, diabetes and asthma. Now she continues to delight fans with hot photos in a two-piece swimsuit, causing envy among competitors.


Most associate the beautiful Sharon Stone with the main character of the film "Basic Instinct", and men are still crazy about her! That's who you can take an example from older ladies, so it's with Sharon Stone. Her impeccable style and everyday looks show us that it is possible and even necessary to remain a real beauty over the age of 50. Let's highlight a few main criteria of her style.

Sharon Stone prefers classic style

As we can see, Sharon prefers comfortable classics: black trousers and high-heeled shoes, a light coat and.

Wherein Hollywood star looks elegant, although there is a certain original spirit in this outfit - cropped trousers with stripes, a T-shirt to match the oversize coat, an emphasis on a thin ankle.

The actress appreciates comfort

Everyday images of Sharon Stone are simple, but not boring, comfortable and fashionable at the same time.

Thanks to this union = comfort + fashion, she looks much younger at her age, as she competently incorporates trends into her looks.

In her wardrobe there is a place not only for luxurious shoes with high and low heels, but also for sports models.

Black straight-cut trousers, high top sneakers, a scarf, a basic gray T-shirt and a cozy cardigan to match.

muted tones

Sharon, like many women over 50, prefers not bright and neutral tones. For example, beige, white, blue, mint, gray - these colors are refreshing, emphasize its shape, do not irritate, and are easily combined with other shades. They make you feel confident, attractive and desirable.

Sharon Stone loves dresses

And who doesn't love? Every woman has at least one dress in her wardrobe, and Sharon is no exception. At a social event, with the help of a bright dress, a deep neckline, and the right length, she easily demonstrates her seductive figure, feminine attractiveness. A dress is the perfect outfit option for all women, not just those over 50.

True, there is one “but” here - in Everyday life the outfits of the luxurious Sharon Stone are not so frank and bright. They are rather original, comfortable and very stylish.

Pay attention, look at the details, look at the images of your favorite celebrities online, in fashion magazines - for the benefit of your style and beauty.

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November 09, 2017

Actress snubs plastic surgery, but in his almost sixty looks twenty years younger. About how she manages to stay young, Stone shared in a recent interview.

Photo: Haute Living US October November 2017

In Hollywood new trend: how older actress, the more often it can be seen in candid photo shoots. Per Last year on the pages of glossy publications in seductive outfits appeared 59-year-old Madonna, 50-year-old Nicole Kidman, and also, who endlessly sing the praises of women all over the world. It was the turn of 59-year-old Sharon Stone.

The actress posed in lingerie and a transparent lace Dolce & Gabbana blouse for Haute Living magazine. The star looks at his sixty twenty years younger, fans note and wonder: why is the world going crazy for Monica Bellucci if Stone looks many times cooler.

The actress spoke about self-care. She claims that she does not resort to the help of plastic surgeons, does not abuse beauty injections, her whole secret of self-care is in proper nutrition and sports. Looking at the footage, it seems that Stone is disingenuous: she is too improbably good.