• What is the ODP formula
  • Why your text does not sell without an offer
  • How to come up with a great offer
  • How to write offers NOT NEEDED
  • Examples of good offers

To be honest, this topic became close and dear to me only after a year of my copywriting. After a very good copywriting training. Before that, I was sure that, having shoveled so much material and studied all the possible copywriting gurus, I know WHAT IS AN OFFER.

On the topic of the training called “Offer”, I FINALLY UNDERSTAND the real essence of this block of text! I had a powerful insight, a flash, an insight. The result of it on one of the checks of my homework at the training there was an admiring exclamation of Victor Stark (one of our trainers) “A smart offer, just SUPER!”. Hooray. I know kung fu

And so about everything in order.

Why offer and what is it really

A bit of theory. The offer is the heart of the selling text. An offer you can't refuse. The key benefit that distinguishes your product or service from thousands of the same. An offer is an obligatory part of the iron formula of a selling text - ODP. ODP is an offer + deadline + call to action. Without these three components of the selling text, there is simply NO.

And if there is order with calls to action and deadlines in most selling texts, then there is no offer in about half of your texts that you send me for audit. And the most interesting thing is that you are just sure that you have an offer, and I tell you that you don’t)

Calmly. We'll fix everything. I used to write like this myself.

So, WHAT can you offer a customer that others don't? Imagine that I am, for example, the most skeptical representative of your target audience and mockingly examine your selling text. And in my head I’m spinning “well, well .. and what is so special about your training that I should quit everything, give you my money and spend my precious time on training?” (training is an example)

So here I am, skeptical and boring, you must amaze. Wait a minute.. ONE PHRASE. And so that this phrase sinks into my heart with gentle bliss and my thoughts change to the desired ones “well, well, well, well ... interesting .. how much does it cost? ..”

And that is not all. Do you want the most important feature? An offer is an OFFER. You have to OFFER me something. And it is desirable that I want this something very much.

How are the sentences in most sales texts?

Let's not now consider texts that in themselves do not bring people any value, and there are no benefits in them. I will talk about the benefits in one of my articles. Now we will take the texts, which in principle are not bad and offer the buyer a good product with tempting benefits.

So, we take the average text and start reading - pain, increased pain, exit from the "twilight" and here it is - the solution. Often it looks like this: “Just imagine for a moment that your life has changed, all the doors have opened for you, etc.” AND THEN - we will teach you "to sing, fly, live together, etc." NEXT - our master is a master of all masters, she will open a portal to happiness for you. Well, then - pay us so much up to such and such, otherwise it will be more expensive.

Are there any benefits? Eat. Is there value? Eat. OFFERS NO.

There is no sacramental phrase that will fall on the heart of the buyer with Divine harmony and open his wallet for you.

This means that your text is NOT SELLING. This is just a rant about the problem, and if it comes up, people may simply not read it until your price is announced.

Everything is very simple. SAY WHAT YOU ARE SELLING (preferably NOT at the end of the text). And sell it beautifully!

What should be a good offer

Short. One or two sentences. Well, three at the most.

Imagine that your text consists of only three components: those same ODPs - an offer, a deadline, and a call to action. All. There is nothing more. Would you buy your product with such an advertising message, substituting your offer into this formula? So you can check whether your offer is strong or so-so.

An offer is a squeeze out of all the values ​​that a product has. Killer offer. Fire your text.

What can you focus on when drafting an offer:

  1. For terms (results, service, delivery)
  2. saving money
  3. Additional bonuses, gifts
  4. Variations, product versions
  5. Restrictions (by offer period, by quantity)
  6. On the result from the use of a product or service (if it is very different from competitors, it is desirable to show this difference in numbers,%)
  7. For a guarantee (if it is not commonplace)

In any case, proceed from the main needs of your target audience. Take their main pains and twist their solutions into your offer.

What should NOT be in the offer

World peace, happy happiness and successful success. Don't think people are stupid. The benefit must be measurable and obvious.

“Buy our Brown comb and you will be twice as beautiful” - obviously, this is not catchy.

But “When you buy a Brown comb today, you get a set of curlers worth 1200 rubles as a gift” - this is another matter.

Can you give examples of good offers?

Of course)

A classic of the genre is the offer that once made Domino the market leader in pizza delivery in the US: "Pizza in less than 30 minutes, or for free."

"Pay for the Maximum plan today and get two months of free internet"

“Buy a Nina Ricci perfume in January and get a Lancome handbag as a gift”

You can also take as a sample my offer for the services of my husband, a lawyer (the same offer that our Victor Stark liked at the training):

I, Sergey Leonidovich Pletenskoy, a lawyer, offer you subscription services under the “Consulting legal support for business” package.

For 5 thousand rubles a month, I will personally advise you on all issues that arise in the course of your work. If for some month you have no questions (this also happens) - you do not pay for this month.

By the way, the offer is valid, if your business needs information support from a lawyer, please contact me by mail l [email protected] with the subject of the letter "Legal support". When ordering this service from my husband, you will receive an audit of any of your text as a gift.

Back to topic)

What else is important to pay attention to when drafting an offer?

Your proposal should not only be short. It should be as clear and understandable to the client as possible. And the less professional the buyer is, the simpler your offer should be.

When writing a b2b proposal, be serious.

In summary, we can say that always strive to simplify the text as much as possible and increase the benefits for the buyer. I repeat - evaluate what benefit will be most important for your target audience.

And finally, a wonderful quote from the book of my beloved Denis Kaplunov "Effective Commercial Proposal": "Robert (Bob) Bly in the bookThebusihess-to-businessMarketing Handbook writes: “How important is the offer for marketing? Answer: very. I ran several tests where simply changing the offer increased response by 25-900%.

What else can you say? Wouldn’t you then say that the offer is really the heart of the text?

By the way, in addition to the above. Sometimes in the infobusiness, an offer is a table with training packages and prices + price justification. It's more work slang for the title of this block of text. But, nevertheless, still be guided by the generally accepted interpretation of the offer, which I talked about in this article.

No person ever buys a thing. It sounds paradoxical, doesn't it? But if you think about these non-standard words, then how much hidden meaning is hidden in them. Where did he come from? And the reason for this is the human subconscious. When we buy an iPhone or any other device for fabulous money, are we really buying a thing? No. If we only bought items, then why wouldn't any of us want to buy an ordinary stone that was lying in a puddle before? How is this stone different from the real products offered by your company?

The difference between a stone and an iPhone

The answer is ingeniously simple. A person does not buy a stone because he does not need it. In order for it to make sense to acquire, it must carry a certain value. What attracts people to buy the same iPhone? That's right, quality. Apple has done a very good job of making users happy with their purchase. What else does a person need to be happy?

Some results are needed. Right right? If there were no results, then why such a product is needed? He always has to bring something to make the money spent pay off. If you dig deeper, the reason for any purchase is a sense of satisfaction. And it is on him that you need to put pressure on him as a powerful stimulator of a person to some kind of action.

Sell ​​Satisfaction

How can this be implemented? For this, there is such a wonderful thing as an offer. What it is? This interesting term is what poor copywriters who have an advertising orientation are trying to print. At the same time, the people for whom they are written really get a lot of happiness. Smart word - offer. What is this? Although this term so difficult to understand, he describes the simplest things. Those that we regularly encounter in our lives and will continue to do so.

What does a person who buys an iPhone get, besides quality? That's right, status. Rather, its confirmation. Naturally, far from always it really gives some advantages in terms of self-esteem. But at the same time, apple products raise the status of a person quite well if he himself earned it, and did not buy it on credit. In this case, the feeling of satisfaction is provoked by quality and a certain elitism.

Your own product also has these benefits. But still, the offer - what is it? Yes, very simple. The offer is advertising text, which shows as concisely as possible, but at the same time in detail all the pleasure that a person will receive from a purchase. In fact, it is important to take this into account when drafting advertising campaign. A person does not buy chocolate, but the taste that it has.

Nobody buys the computer itself, but rather a machine with which they can do a lot of things. For example, many people buy a computer as a work tool. If your target audience consists mainly of workaholics, then you need to show how productive their work with such a computer will be. A difficult thing is an offer. What it is can only be fully understood with an example. So let's take a few advertisements, which are offers, and analyze them.

Offer: example and explanation

If you still do not understand what an offer is, you will immediately see how simple it is. Let's look at an example of an offer for a more detailed picture: "Only today and only now! Buy a new quad-core smartphone with a 13-megapixel camera for only 20,000 rubles and get as much as four thousand back. Promotion from the ElectroLux store.


This offer illustrates several human values ​​at once. The first is to avoid the possibility of missing something. This is indicated by the phrase "Only today and only now." The following is a list of the advantages of a smartphone. This is a quad-core processor that will help:

  • Save time. Since it is not infinite, a person for some unfortunate 20 thousand rubles will be able to win just a colossal amount of time for which he can earn even more. Thus, the acquisition pays off.
  • Performance in games. Thanks to this item, a person can enjoy good graphics in high-quality optimized games. Accordingly, he buys pleasure. Since it is associated with rest and is an integral part of it, it will be much easier to make money on a fresh body. Accordingly, the acquisition will again pay off.

It is known that the beginning is half of everything, and in arbitration the basis of success is the right offer, so pay due attention to this stage, and you will be rewarded in full.

I will give some basic tips that will save you from fatal mistakes and help you choose a potentially profitable offer.

What is an offer

In traffic arbitration, an offer is usually understood as a program or campaign in an affiliate network - an online game, an online store, information course, a physical product, service or newsletter subscription - that is, everything for the "sale" of which the advertiser offers to pay remuneration to the webmaster.

This is my personal understanding of the term, so it may differ from the official one from Wikipedia.

What came first - offer or traffic?

There are two main approaches to choosing an offer.

First: first - offer, then - traffic.

As a rule, this is how experienced affiliates act, who already have a good command of several sources, have certain developments and ready-made schemes.

This way is the most correct, as it makes it possible to quickly start working with new advertising offers of any direction and immediately use the most suitable traffic source for the offer. But before that, you need to grow up.

Second approach: first - traffic, then - offer.

This method is more suitable for beginners in arbitration and narrow specialists, as it allows you to select an offer for a traffic source that already has some experience.

Since the second scenario is more common, I will proceed from the fact that we have already decided on the source of traffic.

We are looking for a vertical

A vertical in arbitration is understood as a group of offers united by one topic: online games, finance, online stores, and so on.

Each vertical has its own specifics, so at the initial stage, I recommend choosing a topic that is understandable and interesting to you, where you already have at least some idea about your target audience and how you will promote your advertising offer.

Previously, when it came to choosing a theme for beginners, everyone boldly advised online games. It cannot be said that this recommendation is no longer relevant, but times are changing, and, in my opinion, it is now easier to start in arbitration with product offers in conjunction with social networks.

If your intuition personal experience and interests will not tell you some alternative way, then I advise you to dig in this direction first of all - advertising of physical goods in in social networks, - and use online games as a fallback option.

Bundle: traffic-offer

It is known that the same offer, depending on the traffic source, can show completely different results, so it is very important to choose the right “traffic-offer” combination.

In theory, everything can be advertised everywhere, but practice categorically disagrees with this. Firstly, because traffic sources have their own restrictions on the advertised goods and services, and secondly, the audience of each advertising channel responds well only to certain categories of offers.

If we talk about restrictions, then, for example, dubious goods cannot be promoted in contextual advertising systems and VKontakte, and until recently, even online games were not allowed in myTarget. In turn, teaser networks are practically omnivorous in this regard, but their audience is such that it will be quite problematic to sell some expensive product or a “complex” product.

But that's not all. Offers also have their own restrictions on traffic sources. To find out, just look at the terms of the offer in the CPA network.

For example, this is how the traffic requirements for playing War Thunder in the affiliate network look like.

And this is an AliExpress offer in the CPA network.


In the description of the offer, you can also find a list of countries and regions from which it receives traffic. For a commodity direction, these are usually Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. For online games and mobile applications sometimes you can even find “the whole world” as geotargeting, but for the most part they also have more precise restrictions.

The list of available regions for the BaByliss PRO Perfect Curl offer from the affiliate network includes Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, which is very good. Traffic from Ukraine can be sent via trafficback to another CPA network that has the same offer with a suitable GEO.

Wide geography plays positive role when working with commodity offers - and the wider it is, the better. Not all traffic sources allow you to accurately indicate the region where your ads are shown, so even when you initially focus only on the Russian audience, be prepared for the fact that the advertising offer will also hook Russian-speaking citizens of the CIS along the way, who will bring additional income, if their countries also fit the offer's geotargeting.

I will make an important point. The advertiser's requirements for the traffic source must be met in without fail in order not to receive the due punishment in case of violation of the rules, but the restrictions on geography are conditionally advisory in nature.

Even if a person from an “unapproved” region clicks on your ad and performs a targeted action, they simply won’t count you, that’s all. Therefore, it is only in your interests to target ads by geo as accurately as possible so as not to pay for useless clicks and impressions.

Target action and reward

An important criterion for choosing an offer is the complexity of the targeted action that a person needs to perform in order for you to be credited and paid for the lead.

Complicated goals pay the most:

  • paid order;
  • active player;
  • issued loan.

But do not chase after "fabulous" commissions, since working with such leads requires a certain experience in extracting truly targeted and solvent traffic.

Beginners should choose offers with the simplest goals:

  • confirmed order for the goods;
  • registration in the game;
  • newsletter subscription.

This is primarily due to the fact that the simpler the goal, the more level conversions and less time between clicking on an ad and completing a targeted action.

Thus, simple goals make it possible to track the result of an advertising campaign almost in real time and quickly adjust it if necessary. Complex goals, on the other hand, can have a very long delayed effect, and you can sometimes find out how effective advertising was only after a few days, and sometimes even weeks. You don’t want to drive traffic blindly, and then find out that everything went to dumplings.


Different offers have their own life cycle - some burn out in a season, others last for several years, but, one way or another, they all come to an end sooner or later. In order not to mistakenly bet on a “dead horse”, you should definitely check the offer for relevance. This can be done in several ways.

Explore TOP's

See what is currently at the top of the CPA networks charts.

Go on a spree in Yandex

Type in the name of the offer in Yandex search and look at the number of ads in ad units. If all the places are taken, then this is the first sign that the offer is more alive than dead. But unfortunately this method does not give an accurate picture of what is happening.

Let's check how the Talking Hamster is doing now.

Wow! There is a serious struggle going on in the special accommodation, and there is no crowding in the guarantee either. And I thought that the hamster is no longer a cake. But it’s too early to rejoice, since the offer has yet to pass more difficult tests for relevance.

Google Trends

Yandex - Selection of words

Additional information about the relevance of the offer can be obtained using the Wordstat service from Yandex.

Type the name of the offer into the search and go to the "History of requests" tab. As a result, on the graph you will see how often people search for this particular offer in the Yandex search engine and what is the interest in it at the moment.

But you can and should use Wordstat for another purpose - in order to determine ...


Finding out about the availability of a mobile version is very simple - just look at the corresponding section in the offer description.

Indirect signs

There are a few more points to pay attention to, but do not give too much great importance due to the inaccuracy of the indicators, these are the offer rating, eCPC, conversion, approval and non-redemption.


In some CPA systems, offers have a personal rating. It does not reflect the personal assessment of webmasters, as it might seem at first glance, but their interest in the offer. The higher the rating, the more partners work with this program, which means that there is money there.

AliExpres deservedly received such a high score, since it has been one of the most popular affiliate programs in Runet for many years for many reasons. What I like most about this offer is that its relevance is only growing every day, so if you start working with it now, you can provide yourself stable income for many years.

How to do this, I describe in detail in this article ...


eCPC or EPC is average earnings with one click. It is calculated according to the formula: eCPC = amount of earnings / number of clicks. That is, if 100 people click on your ad and one of them eventually buys a product with a commission of 1000 rubles, then your average earnings per click will be 10 rubles. The calculation in this case will look like this: eCPC = 1000 rubles. / 100 clicks = 10 (RUB/click).

Due to the fact that the system reflects exactly the average indicator for all traffic sources and webmasters, it should only be used as a guideline when calculating potential earnings before starting work with the offer, since your personal result may differ significantly from the best, as well as for the worse.

A screenshot is indicative in its own way, since it may seem to an inexperienced affiliate that working with the Apple iPhone 6 offer is the most profitable, but this is not entirely true. And all because there is such a thing as ...


Conversion (CR, Rate, envelope) is the ratio of the number of users who completed the target action - who became leads - to the total number of visitors who clicked on the ad. It can be expressed as a numerical ratio (1:24) or as a percentage (4.24%).

The formula for the calculation looks like this: CR = (leads / visitors) x 100%.

If you take a closer look at the statistics again, you will notice that users are almost twice as likely to convert into buyers on the Tissot watch offer compared to the Apple iPhone 6 - 4.24% versus 2.33%.

Thus, based on eCPC from 100 attracted visitors on the watch, we will earn 946 rubles, and on the iPhone - 1071 rubles. So what does the conversion have to do with it if the iPhone 6 is more profitable?

Everything is very simple. The less often users convert into leads, the more difficult it is to control traffic and you need to more money for testing the offer in order to collect the necessary statistics. Therefore, in order for a beginner to get a taste of the first money in arbitrage with the least risks, it is better to choose a watch from the three options presented, and not a styler or a phone.

Approval and non-redemption

Now let's talk about the sore point - about confirmation of leads and non-purchase.

After the user has seen your ad, clicked on it and performed the target action, internal processes are launched on the advertiser's side, such as checking the quality of leads and confirming the payment of remuneration to the webmaster. The essence of the check is to weed out, according to certain parameters, real leads from those that are not.

In the commodity direction, rejected orders include applications with an inappropriate geo, canceled by users, duplicates, and similar illiquid assets. In online games, you can stay without payments, for example, if the user has never logged into the game after registration, and this phenomenon on your traffic is massive.

The level of approval depends on the offer, the quality of the attracted traffic and the work of the advertiser's call center or CPA network. Usually this indicator is not advertised anywhere, and you can only find it out from a personal manager, colleagues in the shop, or check it on your own traffic.

Every season, a special offer appears that “pleases” all affiliates with an “incredible” approval, for example, at one time a beard growth spray made a lot of noise.

Here is what one webmaster wrote about him: The “Beard Growth Spray” offer seems to have been specially created to quietly prepare affiliates for an approval rate of less than 20%. Now I’m pouring on other offers, the approval fluctuates around 30%, and somehow I don’t really worry about this anymore. In general, they managed to convince me that this is now the norm. ”

If you drive traffic to the offer not for a confirmed application, but for a paid order, then in addition to the approval, you will also have such an unpleasant surprise as non-purchase.

It may seem strange, but not all people who have made applications then receive and pay for parcels in the mail.

Judging by the screenshot from the affiliate system, even if every fourth shipment - 25% - remains unclaimed, this is still a good indicator for the advertiser. For us, these figures, although approximately, help to assess the risks when choosing an offer for work.

A complex approach

Remember: none of these parameters alone is an indicator that the offer is worth or not worth working with. Only by considering them together and comparing several offers with each other, you can get some kind of objective picture and make the right choice.

And one more thing... It may seem at first glance that the selection of an offer is some incredibly complicated procedure, but it is not. Over time, you will have an inner instinct, and you, just going through the list of new products, will see promising candidates. But as long as you do not have such a superpower, do not be lazy - do everything wisely, and then the profit will not be long in coming.

One More Thing

Let me think, maybe I might be missing something. Oh yeah, here's more...

Write to him what traffic source you are going to work with and your vertical preferences, if any, and the manager will select the most relevant offer for your traffic. Remember, he earns when you earn, so feel free to ask for help.

Add the article to bookmarks to always have it at hand, and write in the comments what else you are guided by when choosing an offer.

When your potential customers wake up in the morning, most of them don't have the desire to buy your product yet. And on their to-do list, they have no plans to come to you to buy.

Why should people be interested in exactly what you offer? Do you think you have a good product?
Great. But this is not enough.

Your task is to demonstrate value to consumers. They must understand where their own benefit lies.

We have already researched your audience, figured out what you are really selling, learned the general structure of the selling text and learned how to write headlines. And now it's time to work on the "heart" of your message. You will create an offer you can't refuse(offer). You will learn to demonstrate strengths your product in such a way that its value will increase significantly in the eyes of a potential customer.

You probably noticed that we didn't tell you how to write an introduction after the headline that will lead the consumer to the essence of your offer. I didn't do it by accident. First, we will create an interesting sentence, and only then we will learn how to write introductory phrases that smoothly and imperceptibly lead the reader to it.

Simply put, to know where to start, you need to know where you want to take your reader.

USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

The USP is an offering that you can truly be proud of. This is what makes you different from others. It's not necessarily more low prices or a special quality product. The main thing is that your customers react to the USP.

A simple example from the history of Domino Pizza. At one time, they were well "untwisted", having come up with a very unusual offer: "We will deliver a hot fresh pizza in 30 minutes or less. Otherwise, you don't pay money." There was no such offer on the market. Note that they did not promise delicious pizza. They promised to deliver a hot pizza in 30 minutes.
Another feature was that they were located near student campuses. And most of the orders were from students who liked high speed delivery.

It would seem that it is necessary to build your proposal around palatability! But practice shows that this is not necessary at all.

The point is not to make the best product in the world. The idea is to differ.

You can see for yourself that in any field there are companies that do their job no better than others, but this does not prevent them from being very successful. Why is this happening? Because the market reacts not only to quality, but also to distinctive features. Let's give an example not even from business, but from politics: say, many do not like Zhirinovsky, but he is different from others. And very strongly. And there are people who will choose him simply because he is not like everyone else. And this is his original USP.

Now stop and think about how you are different from others. Write down your thoughts. On this basis, in the future it will be possible to build advertising offers.

Another example regarding differences in positioning. McDonald's, they don't make the most delicious food in the world. But they have fast service, clean toilets, low prices and consistent standards around the world. This is where they "leave". Competing with McDonald's by trying to make the best hamburgers in the world is useless. For consumers, when it comes to fast food, speed of preparation and serving is more important than taste.

What is important to your potential buyers? And what is your strength?

Another example from the restaurant business. Imagine an expensive restaurant with a chic interior and good service. It can take a long time to prepare meals there. But people will come because they like the service and the environment.

And there are restaurants, on the contrary, small and cozy, with home cooking and a "subdued" atmosphere. And all this can also be a virtue.

You can be different even just as a person. A striking example is Oleg Tinkov. Unlike many businessmen, he looks very open and builds a brand around his personality. You can love him or hate him, but his self-promotion style is very good.

In short, it doesn't matter what you do. What matters is how you are different and how you present it.

How to come up with an offer

In addition to the fact that you must have some kind of main distinguishing feature, you must also create a new unique offer for each specific advertising campaign.

For example, "Connect to the Internet" is a bad suggestion. And here "Switch to us from another provider and get two months of Internet for free" evokes a lot more emotion.

"Wedding photo"- boring. And here "Order wedding photo and get a free video- more interesting.

Around the same product, you need to constantly build different offers. A product or service may not change much. But the "packaging" needs to be changed from time to time. People want variety, news.

That is why successful companies regularly build new messages around their products. For example, tariffs for mobile operators do not change radically, but note that each time different advantages are put in the foreground, and thanks to this, offers sound new. At the same time, communication costs for the average client of cellular operators do not decrease: the reduction in the price of one component of the price is compensated by the rise in the price of another.

To build a new offer around an existing product, you can supplement it with bonuses, new options, or discount for a limited period. In terms of sales, this will be a new offering. For example, "Buy a t-shirt for 400 rubles" and "Buy two t-shirts for the price of one" will have a different effect on sales, although the product is the same.

Your task is to “package” your message beautifully.

If necessary, you create the illusion that there is New Product.

So, here's where we propose to start:

Put yourself in the place of the client and answer the question why he should come to you.
How can you attract this person?
What does he really need?
What can you give him?

These can be bonuses, some kind of guarantees, unique features, exclusivity, speed of service, discounts... This is the basis of your offer.

And remember: the more accurately your message hits the target audience, the higher the response.

To make it clearer how offers are made, we will give examples of successful and unsuccessful offers.

Examples of successful offers

  • Issue an OZON.ru card and get a 7% discount on orders.
  • Buy washing machine and get a microwave as a gift.
  • Call today and get three free hustle lessons.
  • Book your wedding photography today and get a free wedding video.
  • Bring two friends and get a month of Internet for free.

In the illustration you see an example of a good offer from 1PS.RU. This offer will be of interest to those who use contextual advertising. Still, a coupon for 1000 rubles for advertising in Google AdWords does not roll on the road. Despite the fact that it cannot be converted into real money, it is still perceived as their equivalent. And this fuels the desire to take advantage of the offer.

Examples of unsuccessful offers

  • We have opened.
  • We have the lowest prices.
  • Come to us.
  • Sale 50%.

The main rule is more specifics. If you do not talk about the benefits or features, the offer will not work.

Compare two proposals:

  1. "Development of sites of any complexity."
  2. "Order the development of a selling website for your travel agency and get new customers within the first 14 days after launch."

The first offer does not stimulate sales. It does not contain specific promises and is unlikely to interest anyone. It is not clear to whom and what sites are offered. The second suggestion is much more interesting. It contains a fairly strong promise and is addressed to a specific group of people, and not all at once, which in most cases is a plus.

At the very beginning of the course, we mentioned a trip to Lake Baikal. Or as it's called locals, - the sea. On the way there was such an advertisement in a roadside cafe, which can be very "pleasant" with its advertising.

What's wrong with this offer? First, the draw on May 9, 2011. The photo was taken around August 14, 2010. That is, there were still almost nine months before the draw. Secondly, the amount "From 150 rubles" is somewhat taken lightly. Thirdly, the main visitors of the cafe are tourists who come to this place far from every year, and they can hardly be interested in drawing a car. Completely unmotivated offer.
The most interesting thing is that from the point of view overall structure everything is put together correctly: "do some action and get something of value." But this is not enough! The message does not attract potential customers.

The offer causes an instant desire to find out the details. The offer should be short, simply formulated and understandable even to a child. And it must exactly match the needs of potential customers. Ideally, when you can formulate your proposal in just a few words.

A simple formula for making offers

The formula that is most often encountered when compiling offers is something like this: “take some action and get something beneficial”. For example, "Buy a suit and get a free shirt and tie." Or “Call before November 30 and get a free consultation on business automation.”

You substitute in this formula the action you need and the benefit that may be of interest to the reader.

What can be the action: "call", "buy", "order", "come", "visit", "write", "invest in...".

What can be offered as a benefit: some kind of bonus, gift, discount, discount card, intangible incentives...

Another formula: give some guarantee in your offer(“We will deliver your order within 24 hours. Otherwise, you do not pay money”).

Another option: claim big gain("Absolutely white teeth in one day").

Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer Bernadsky Sergey

How to come up with an offer

How to come up with an offer

In addition to the fact that you must have some kind of main distinguishing feature, you must also create a new unique offer for each specific advertising campaign.

For example, "Connect to the Internet" is a bad suggestion. But "Come to us from another provider and get two months of Internet for free" is much more emotional.

"Wedding photo" is boring. But “Order a wedding photo and get a video as a gift” is already more interesting.

Around the same product, you need to constantly build different offers. A product or service may not change much. But the "packaging" needs to be changed from time to time. People want variety, news.

This is why successful companies regularly build new messages around their products. For example, tariffs for cellular operators do not change radically, but note that each time different advantages are put in the forefront, and thanks to this, offers sound new. At the same time, communication costs for the average client of cellular operators do not decrease: the reduction in the price of one component of the price is compensated by the rise in the price of another.

To build a new offer around an existing product, you can supplement it with bonuses, new options, or discount for a limited period. In terms of sales, this will be a new offering. For example, "Buy a t-shirt for 400 rubles" and "Buy two t-shirts for the price of one" will affect sales differently, although the product is the same.

Your task is to beautifully “package” your message. If necessary, you create the illusion that a new product has appeared. So, here's where I propose to start: put yourself in the place of the client and answer the question why he should come to you. How can you attract this person? What does he really need? What can you give him? It can be bonuses, some kind of guarantees, unique features, exclusivity, speed of service, discounts... This is the basis of your offer. And remember: the more accurately your message hits the target audience, the higher the response.

To make it clearer how offers are made, I will give examples of successful and unsuccessful offers.

Examples of successful offers

- Get an OZON card. ru and get a 7% discount on orders.

– Buy a washing machine and get a microwave oven as a gift.

Call today and get three free hustle lessons.

– Order a wedding photography today and get a video recording for free.

– Bring two friends and get a month of Internet for free.

In the illustration you see an example of a good offer from 1PS. RU. This offer will be of interest to those who use contextual advertising. Still, a coupon for 1000 rubles for advertising in Google AdWords is not lying on the road. Despite the fact that it cannot be converted into real money, it is still perceived as their equivalent. And this fuels the desire to take advantage of the offer.

Examples of unsuccessful offers

- We have opened.

- We have the lowest prices.

- Come to us.

– Sale 50%.

The main rule is more specifics. If you do not talk about the benefits or features, the offer will not work.

Compare two proposals:

1. "Development of sites of any complexity."

2. "Order the development of a selling website for your travel agency and get new customers within the first 14 days after launch."

The first offer does not stimulate sales. It does not contain specific promises and is unlikely to interest anyone. It is not clear to whom and what sites are offered. The second suggestion is much more interesting. It contains a fairly strong promise and is addressed to a specific group of people, and not all at once, which in most cases is a plus.

At the very beginning of this book, I mentioned that I went to Baikal. I have long wanted to go there and look at this lake. Or, as the locals call it, the sea. And while we were driving, I saw a roadside cafe, which made me very “pleased” with its advertisement (see photo).

What's wrong with this offer? First, the draw on May 9, 2011. The photo was taken around August 14, 2010. That is, there were still almost nine months before the draw. Secondly, the amount “from 150 rubles” is somewhat taken lightly. Thirdly, the main visitors of the cafe are tourists who come to this place far from every year, and they can hardly be interested in drawing a car. In addition, if you look at the second picture, you will understand what kind of "super prize" it is. Completely unmotivated offer.

The most interesting thing is that from the point of view of the general structure, everything is composed correctly: "take some action and get something valuable." But this is not enough! The message does not attract potential customers.

The offer causes an instant desire to find out the details. The offer should be short, simply formulated and understandable even to a child. And it must exactly match the needs of potential customers. Ideally, when you can formulate your proposal in just a few words.

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