Goldfish, of course, exist only in fairy tales, but fairies are quite real and mostly good-natured creatures who are the patrons of flora or fauna. There are also fairies of desires who can come to you and fulfill your desire, request, or simply show you the way to achieve your goal. To summon the fairy of desires, perform one of the following rituals.

How to summon a fairy of desires on a full moon?

To conduct this ritual, unlike the ritual and, you can choose both daytime and evening time days. The day of the week can be any, the main thing is that lunar calendar it was a full moon.

Prepare a note with your desire in advance and put it in the left pocket of your clothes. Take the bell and go out into the field. Walk three large circles counterclockwise, ringing the bell, saying as many times as you can:

“A fairy of desires, affectionate and kind, gentle and meek, tiny and omnipotent. Come to me, I need your help."

After you complete the third circle, stop, take out a piece of paper and read your desire out loud. When reading, put your emotions into a request so that the fairy hears it.

At the end of the ritual, roll up a piece of paper and bury it in the garden or in the forest under a tree (all fruit and deciduous trees, especially the apple tree, conifers should not be chosen). Together with a piece of paper, put three sweets (candy or chocolate) and some cute trinket (keychain, mirror, hairpin, bell used in the ritual, brooch) in the hole. The Fairy of Desires will definitely appreciate your gifts if they are made from a pure heart, and not for the sake of ensuring that she fulfills your desire. There is one limitation - if you want it yourself, then she will not be able to help you with this.

How to call a fairy at home?

Fairy of desires can be summoned at home. The same days and the same time as in the previous ritual will do. For the ritual, prepare a sheet of paper, a white satin ribbon (a meter is enough) and a simple wooden pencil. Tie the end of the ribbon to the top of the pencil and write your wish on paper. Not just in one word, but in expanded form, avoiding the word “I want” (can be replaced with “let”).

Then read the wish aloud and at the same time wind the ribbon around the pencil. If the wish is uttered, and the tape is still not wound to the end, read again what you wrote. When the pencil is completely wrapped in tape, go to the nearest crossroads and bury it by the side of the road while saying the phrase from the previous ritual. Put gifts for the fairy in the same hole (see the first ritual).

To simply ask the fairy to help you fulfill your goal, you can simply bury the gifts for her and the paper with the written wish under your porch by saying the phrase from ritual 1.

Before calling the fairy of desires, it should be remembered that your intention must be pure and no harm will be done to any of the people or nature when the desire is fulfilled. Fairies, although they belong to good spirits, they love justice very much. "Black" desire based on self-interest, envy, hatred, etc. the fairy will easily turn you to harm.

Fairies do not know how to speak human language and you will never be able to see them right in front of you, so they should be understood at the level of signs. Do not think that if nothing happened immediately after the ritual, that you failed in calling the fairy of desires - if it is carried out correctly, she will definitely see and hear you.

Do not be angry, do not swear at the fairy. In the near future, the signs will appear and with their correct interpretation, you can achieve what you want. When your wish comes true, you must thank the magical essence. To do this, take a handful of sweets or other sweets (cookies) and scatter them in the place where you finished the corresponding ritual, that is, in the forest, at the crossroads, or under the porch. By the way, with the help of sweets you can.

In childhood, everyone believes in fairy tales about wizards, gnomes, evil and good fairies. When there is no negative experience and there is great amount all kinds of desires, the soul is open to everything unusual. Younger girls and boys are looking for ways to summon the wishing fairy. Teenagers want to hang out with more serious characters. And there are few who are interested in whether these fabulous creatures really exist.

Hello good fairy!

The magical world has its own, special laws unknown to people. It is worth remembering this in order to maintain the ability to communicate with him. Of course, people are aware of some rules and try to respect them. If you ignore the information accumulated over the centuries, an unexpected or irreparable event may occur.

How to call the fairy of desires at home? You need to prepare a little and conduct a special ritual. But first, you should decide exactly what to ask the sorceress. After all, she will not wait until a person decides what he wants to receive. When there is no desire, there is no fulfillment. The fairy will simply fly away and never appear again. It is indecent to disturb wonderful creatures just like that, unnecessarily.

How useful are the calls of fairies and other good wizards

In childhood, all desires are specific. The child always knows exactly what kind of toy he wants to have. An adult, on the other hand, often cannot decide what he really needs. Sometimes it turns out like this: you want to relax, but you have to feed your family. Or like this: he wants to earn a lot, but too lazy to get up from the couch of his beloved. Or even more interesting: a woman says she wants to get married, but she herself scolds men all the time (that is, she doesn’t really want to). It is when conflicting dreams exist that knowledge of how to summon a wish-granting fairy may be needed. For what? Yes, to figure out exactly what he wants this person! After all, a magical creature will need to give a specific application, formulated in a clear form.

Is it easy to get what you want?

There is a well-known expression "be careful what you wish for". It would seem, why be afraid if everyone wants everything to come true, and not just someday, but right now? However, not all so simple. Still easier! When a person knows exactly what he wants, he clearly understands why he needs this thing or object (or something else). He imagines what he will do with it, and what emotions he will receive as a result. It is known that human feelings are flows of very strong energy. It is this important fact helps you get what you want.

If there is no joy, happy moments in the fantasies of an individual associated with receiving a “Wishlist”, then no amulets, rituals or information on how to call a fairy of desires will help. And vice versa, when as a result there is joy or pleasure from the received, everything easily comes true.

Rules for communicating with magical assistants

As you know, fairies are good and evil. All of them can fulfill the requests of a person about this or that. You need to be more careful with evil magical creatures: it’s worth gaping, not uttering the “reverse” spell in time, and the fairy can punish the one who called her into our world. It is best to communicate with good fairies. It is important to remember that they help only in the fulfillment of good, good wishes.

When calling a little sorceress who grants wishes, you must definitely adhere to three principles:

  • guess what you want to get;
  • attract a fairy;
  • release into space.

How to call the fairy of desires? A clearly formulated request must be backed up by energy. The rest is to be patient and mind your own business. It is impossible to determine how quickly everything will happen, since the realism of the request is a topic for another study. One thing is certain: what stronger energy, the strength of desire, the sooner it is carried out.

Method one: night

How can I summon a wishing fairy? First of all, you need to briefly and correctly formulate in advance what you want to receive, then cook necessary items or amulets. For one of known ways will need:

  • a piece of white chalk;
  • chair or stool;
  • three glasses of water;
  • three ordinary candles;
  • three pieces of sugar;
  • sheet of paper, pencil or pen.

The desire is written on a notebook sheet in the affirmative form. The sheet must be folded and placed in the left pocket. In the center of the room, on the floor, you need to draw with chalk vicious circle and put a stool inside. Lighted candles should be placed along the line at the same distance. Glasses of water should be placed in front of candles, sugar should be placed nearby.

You need to sit on a stool and say the spell three times: “Please, come fairy of desires. Wake up from your sleep and grant my wish." Then, loudly or in a whisper, you need to name your desire and lower a cube of sugar into each glass.

Method two: night

How to call the fairy of desires in the evening? In fact, it does not matter at all where and when to call good spirits. However, it is best to do this under a full moon, around 12 o'clock at night. It is at this time that the strongest energy connection our two worlds.

So, you will need: one glass of water and three ordinary candles. The text of the desire, of course, should already be prepared. Candles are placed on the windowsill in a triangle, a glass filled with water is placed in its center. At midnight, you need to light candles and say: “Wish Fairy, come, show yourself.” The words must be said three times. As soon as the water in the glass begins to ripple lightly, you need to pronounce your cherished desire.

Don't expect everything to happen at once. Often a person simply receives a hint that leads in the right direction. Be sure to be attentive to the signs that will lead to the fulfillment of everything planned.

Ritual with ribbon

The following method describes how to summon a wish fairy during the day. To satin ribbon white color tie a pencil and describe in detail what you want on it. Don't use the word "want". It is better to replace it with the phrase "may it be fulfilled." The ribbon must be wound on a pencil, while speaking aloud about your desire. Then they take any three sweets, this skein of tape with a pencil and bury everything in the ground at the crossroads or in the park near big tree. A pure and sincere desire is fulfilled very quickly.

All your actions must be kept secret and not told to anyone about them. And before performing the ritual, it is worth thinking about how necessary what is being thought of. After all, it may happen that the request will be fulfilled only after a few months. Will it be important then, is it necessary, will it cause regrets?

What can interfere

Giving gifts to fairies in the form of sweets, sweets with sincere gratitude, people pay to invade another world. If these unwritten rules are neglected, the sorceresses will not only not help with the request, but will also take something significant for the person themselves. It can be luck, luck, health or something else. It is better to be vigilant and grateful to beings from another world for being disturbed.

How to call the fairy of desires, and what will not a single good spirit do? Guests from parallel worlds do not fulfill requests to harm other people, to send diseases and various other dirty tricks. It is impossible to turn someone or be reincarnated as a fairy. Hearing about an unkind request, sorceresses will stop visiting such a person.

How to make an amulet assistant

As is known from fairy tales, fairies live in forests, gardens and parks. Therefore, flowers and leaves, berries and fruits, twigs and grass are suitable for an amulet that helps to call them. You can use artificial elements and dried plants. With colored threads, you need to connect all the components into one beautiful small composition. If such a collage is hung by the bed, the little sorceress will sometimes appear in the house herself.

How to call a good fairy of desires in the garden? In addition to the prepared request, you need to take a small bell with you for a walk. Among the trees in a quiet clearing, a circle is drawn with a stick. On this line, you need to go three turns counterclockwise, ringing a bell. Then you need to loudly pronounce a desire, throw a bell over your left shoulder and go three circles in the opposite direction.

Any way to get what you want works if you sincerely and strongly want it and, most importantly, do something to fulfill it!

Before calling the fairy of desires, it is important to decide on the true dream. Moreover, one must believe in the existence of magic, otherwise nothing will come of it, even if the ritual was performed correctly.

It is believed that sorceresses come only to kind people because they radiate positive energy flows. That's why you need to call the fairy with a positive attitude, eliminating any negative thoughts.

If the rite is performed incorrectly or with malicious intent, then your desire will not be fulfilled. In addition, a fairy can bring minor troubles into your life, and problems will push you away from your goal. Therefore, during the ritual, you must follow all the rules, be polite and calm.

Fairies are rather good-natured creatures, they can not only fulfill a wish, but also give a hint to solve a problem. However, sorceresses are often called out simply out of curiosity, and not just in order to get what they want.

We call the fairy of desires at home

Before calling the fairy of desires at home during the day, you need to prepare: according to the lunar calendar, find the right time and choose a method. To implement one of the most simple options you will also need the following:

  • unsharpened wooden pencil;
  • sheet of white paper;
  • white satin ribbon 1 meter long.

After completing all the preparations, you can proceed to the ritual. To do this, take a ribbon, tie it tightly to a pencil. On a piece of paper, write your request, state it as clearly as possible. It should be noted that in the formulation of desire, the phrase “I want” should be avoided. It should be replaced by the expression "let me have it." Then read the recording aloud, while winding the tape around the pencil in parallel. After a while, your wish should come true.

Also, many are interested in how to summon a wish fairy right now at home. It turns out that there are such ways, and most of them do not require special skills and abilities. But top scores can be seen if you call the sorceress at midnight.

To perform such a ritual, several items will be required, in particular this:

  • three candles;
  • glass of water;
  • candy.

At midnight, take the candles and arrange them in a triangle, in the middle of which place a glass clean water. After that, curtain all the windows in the house. Go to the table on which there is a glass of water, and say these words: "Wish Fairy, come, show yourself."

If everything is done correctly, then at this moment the water in the glass will be covered with ripples. Try to say your request out loud right away. After the end of the ritual, put the candy on the windowsill. Within a few days your wish will come true. But it is worth knowing that such a rite can be repeated no more than twice a month.

Call the fairy of desires in the afternoon

It is not difficult to call a fairy of desires during the day, the main thing is to make sure that your dream is important before starting the ritual. Moreover, it should completely and completely take over your thoughts. Otherwise, it makes no sense to conduct a ceremony - a fairy can not only not come, but also remember that her name was for nothing. And then you will no longer be able to call the fairy of desires at another time.

To perform the daily ritual, you need to prepare the following items:

  • a note with a wish;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • chair;
  • three pieces of sugar;
  • three saucers with clean water.

Hide the leaflet with the request in the left pocket of your clothes. Then take the chalk and draw a circle on the floor. Place a chair in its middle, on which place saucers and sugar. Lean over a chair and loudly ask the fairy to appear, repeating three times: “I call you the fairy of desires, wake up from sleep, come to me at least for a minute.” Then say out loud your desire and dissolve each piece of sugar opposite the saucer in water.

You can call the fairy of desires at any day and time of the day, since it does not have special significance. However, such a ritual is best performed during the days of the full phase of the moon. It is during this period that the chances of successfully fulfilling your dreams increase significantly.

If you incorrectly formulated your desire, then first you need to ask the fairy to forget about it. Only after that you can turn to the sorceress with a request for a new dream. In the case when you are afraid of doing something wrong, it is better to watch the video in advance: how to summon a fairy of desires at home during the day will be immediately clear even to a beginner.

We call the fairy of desires on the street

Many mystical rites are performed outside the home, and summoning a wishing fairy is no exception. Of course, there are many places where you can perform the ritual. But it is not always possible to go, for example, to a reservoir or to a forest. Therefore it is worth Special attention give options available to every citizen.

Since the fairy of desires can be called on the street both during the day and in the evening, the ceremony is often carried out while walking in a park or square. For this it is enough:

  • write a request in advance on a piece of paper;
  • take a small bell with you;
  • find a deserted area.

Arriving at the place, take a note with a desire in your right hand, and a bell in your left. Start walking counterclockwise in a circle, and its size should not exceed 20 steps. Complete three laps. Then stop, silently call the fairy and ask for the wish to be fulfilled: read the request in a whisper, while accompanying each word with the ringing of a bell.

When summoning a fairy, it is very important not only to believe in its existence, but also to be confident in your words. After all, your beliefs in the most incredible way can turn the course of events, and the desired will become valid.

Also, the fairy of desires can be called mentally, which is much more convenient. After all this method applicable even when you are in public transport. To do this, close your eyes, mentally call the fairy and tell her your deepest desire. But at the same time it is important to explain why you so need what you are asking for. Then, over the next three days, pay attention to the little things, look for signs: something will show you the way to your dream.

Today, there are many ways to conduct a ritual to summon a wishing fairy. In order to understand the intricacies of the rite and conduct it according to all the rules, you should carefully study the instructions: how to summon a wish fairy at home without a full moon is described in them step by step.

It is very easy to call a fairy of desires at home. You just need to know the order of such a ritual. Even a beginner can summon a good fairy the first time. However, this magical creature will fulfill a desire only if it is filled with goodness and positive energy. A fairy cannot fulfill dreams that concern other people, she is not able to make a person fall in love against their will or perform any action.

Summon Wish Fairy

real way catch the fairy of desires with the help of simple improvised means. You will need:

  • Whatman or sheet of paper.
  • Wooden pencil (you need to use only a new item for the ritual).
  • Satin white ribbon - 1 meter.

This rite should be performed only on those days that are considered favorable for a person. You can find them by date of birth and astrological sign under which the person was born. It is necessary to carry out this ceremony at home, preferably in the evening, before going to bed. First you need to tie the end of a satin ribbon to a pencil and write your innermost desire on a paper.

It should correctly formulate its text, avoiding the phrase "I want", and replacing it with "Let me appear or have". After the desire is written, you need to wrap the entire pencil with tape and say:

  • "Good Fairy of Desires, come to me and fulfill my cherished dream!"

The pencil and whatman paper should be placed on the windowsill so that the light of the moon falls on these objects.

The fairy should appear at night and fulfill the request, if the person was sincere with her, he had pure thoughts, and he really wants what was conceived.

Ritual with water and candles

To carry out such a ritual and call a fairy, you really need:

  • Wax or paraffin candles - 3 pieces.
  • Any treat (candy, cookies, a piece of chocolate and other sweets).
  • A glass of water or milk.

This magical fairy can only be called in this way at midnight and on a young moon. The spirit cannot be invoked in the company of friends or a girlfriend, you need to completely retire. You need to sit on the floor and place candles around you. You should get an isosceles triangle of candles. Set it on fire and make a wish. It is necessary to mentally imagine that the dream has become a reality and feel happiness from the fulfillment of the desired. You need to put water in the middle of the candle figure and get up from the floor. Then go to the window and say the following phrase:

  • "Fairy of good wishes, come and show yourself to me."

After these words, the young lady should turn to the candles and look at the water in the glass. You need to clearly pronounce your desire aloud and ask the magical creature to fulfill it.

If there are ripples on the water surface, the fairy heard about the desire and gave a sign that it would come true soon.

At the end of the magical ritual, you need to leave a delicacy on the window, and in the morning take it outside under any bush or tree. If the girl performed the ceremony correctly, then the dream should come true within a few days.

You can not call a fairy fairy often - no more than once every three months. If a young lady calls a magical creature for nothing, she risks getting severe punishment and never see the Wish Fairy again.

Carrying out the ritual on the street

The fairy loves nature and fresh air very much, so she will definitely appear if she is called on the street. You need to make a cherished wish and fall asleep somewhere in a picturesque corner of nature. The dream that a person has will be the answer to a request to the fairy of desires.

For another effective way summoning a magical creature, you need to take a sheet of paper, a bell and a ballpoint pen with you to nature. You need to write what the young lady wants, squeeze the sheet into right hand, and keep the bell in the left. You need to go three times near the nearest reservoir and, stopping on the shore, pronounce such a text.

"Good fairy of desires, appear! Queen of the forests and mistress of the fields, I call you, I worship you, I rely only on your strength. Fulfill my cherished dream (read your desire, which is written on the sheet."

You decided to find out how to call the fairy of desires for real without just 1 second, you want everything that you wished to come true right away. Well, a good idea Yes, but it's not easy to do so. You still have to earn the appearance of this fairy and say magic words. And what to say - I'll teach you this.

Fairy-sorceress | Summon fairy at home | Call the fairy with good deeds

Summon the wishing fairy at home in 1 second

You need to prepare thoroughly for the call of the sorceress, for this you will need:

  • sheet of paper and colour pencils(felt-tip pens, crayons);
  • regular white sugar;
  • beautiful flower.

You have prepared for the conspiracy, you have collected everything you need, now you can open the magic words. But first find out how to carry out the ritual, call the Fairy of Desires during the day or in the evening.

  • First take a sheet of paper and take the first pencil Red. Draw a red circle, then take an orange color and draw a smaller circle, after it - yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.
  • Surely you noticed that we took everything colors of rainbow in order.
  • As you drew this rainbow circle, put the flower that you have in store in the middle of the circle.
  • Gently sprinkle sugar on top of the flower.

Now it's the turn of the magic words, repeat them three times:

“Fairy of desires, I challenge you. Everything is prepared for you: a seven-color rainbow, a beautiful flower bud and sweet shiny crystals. Sugar glitters on magic petals, a flower stands in a seven-color circle, the Fairy appears that hour. As there are many grains in sugar, so my desire is strong, I can’t even count them, I desire so much. Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come"

  • When you see that sugar grains are showered from a flower, know that the fairy is nearby. Start saying your wish, but don't forget to thank the Fairy at the end with these words:

“Fairy-sorceress, fulfilling the cherished desire, thank you, dear, thank you, beauty. From now on, happiness will be with me, you gave me and fulfilled my desire. I believe in your magical powers, I dare not doubt them.

Then take a leaf, flower and sugar. Roll it all up into a ball and hide it in your room. Don't tell anyone that the Fairy of Desires managed to call you. And then a strong sorceress will be angry with you and stop helping.

Summon the wishing fairy with good deeds

Know that all Fairies are good sorceresses. They are always ready to help people. And therefore they love the same people who do good deeds, but their hearts must also be kind. You can ask the Fairy of desires for fulfillment cherished dream, but first you will have to be a fairy. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all.

  • You need to make it right 12 good deeds. You don't need to have a magical gift for this. The main thing is that the person says “thank you”. That's enough, you can help grandma carry her bag, help mom clean up or make a delicious fruit salad.
  • Take on everything in your power, but just don’t ask for gratitude, it must come from a pure heart, otherwise the ritual will not work.

As you have collected 12 "thank you", so immediately proceed to the second part of the ritual, to reading the magic words:

“Fairy of desires, you are only endowed with a secret power, fulfilling the dreams of people, I ask you, dear, help me too. Yes, I don’t just ask, but in return for good 12 deeds I leave behind me, I deserve human gratitude. See my efforts, make my wish come true, it is very cherished. From a pure heart I thank you, I pray to help me "

  • After that, pronounce your doing in a whisper so that no one can hear except the Fairy of Desires. And see if it comes true or not.

Now you know how to call the fairy of desires for real without just 1 second, but use your knowledge with good intentions.

Dreams come true for those who believe in miracles.

It is not in vain that even in childhood we hope to meet someone who will fulfill our desires.
One of the most famous fairy creatures is the Fairy of Desires.

Acquaintance with the Fairy of Desires

What does it look like real fairy Wish?

She is said to be incredibly beautiful.
A fairy-tale creature comes to the children.
In order to meet her, you need to perform a ritual. They call the fairy of desires usually in the afternoon or in the evening with pure thoughts, it is important to follow your own desires!

Basic Rules:

  1. Only good people get help.
  2. The sorceress loves to fulfill wishes that benefit others.
  3. Most often, dreams come true for diligent students.
  4. You can't do bad things.
  5. You have to be grateful.

Basic ways to summon a creature

So, there are 3 possibilities for how to call the Fairy of Desires at home, consider them.

Option 1

Choose the brightest colors and draw a fairy. All colors must harmonize. You need to depict a sorceress in a flower meadow or by a pond. After that, the pattern is neatly folded and removed under the pillow.

If you can’t draw, then you should make a beautiful collage or appliqué. The main thing is that the image of the fairy is made by hand.

After creative process is over, before going to bed they repeat the cherished desire three times.

Option 2

Write a letter with your wishes. After that, the sheet cherished desire buries under a fruit tree.

Option 3

When it's raining with a thunderstorm you need to get a glass warm water. Write your desire on a piece of paper, then it into small pieces. After that, all parts of the letter are placed in a glass and mixed.

The ritual takes no more than 10 minutes. During this period, the weather should change.

If it will rain stronger, then you need to wait for a more opportune moment and repeat the procedure on another day. And if he subsided, then the desire will surely come true in two weeks. If everything is successful and the fairy fulfilled the desire, you need to thank her.

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How to become a Wish Fairy

To turn into a little magician yourself, you need to go through a ritual. Consider the algorithm for its implementation:

1. The constant presence of something green with you. This will be needed in order to give an item (candy, beads, pendant) to another fabulous creature.

2. Preparation for the meeting with the dark fairies.

In order to avoid an unpleasant meeting with dark creatures, it is enough to wear clothes inside out. And if you still happen to see them, you need to show them a metal object when you meet.

3. Return of all debts and promises.

The absence of all debts will help to complete the transformation process sooner.

4. Search for a lonely flower;

You need to find a flower that will grow away from others. It needs to be torn down and kept until a certain point.

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5. Storage of threads in water;

A skein of white thread is lowered into a glass of water. After that, you need to put it so that the light of the night moon falls on the glass.

6. Remembering a spell;

It should be memorized: “I want you to come to me, turn me into a fairy and take it with you. I believe in the Moon, Love and Good."

7. Implementation of the call.

White threads come out of the glass. A circle is laid out on the floor. A single flower is placed in the center of the circle and a spell is pronounced. At night, you can wait for the fairy, who should lend her hand. After that, the call will be completed.

dangerous occupation

Many argue that summoning a fairy is dangerous. Why?

If you call a sorceress with bad intentions, malicious intent, or to harm others, then everything can turn out differently. Mysterious Creatures do not like evil people. They are able to bring down a number of troubles on them.

Also, one should be careful if there is no faith. The Fairy of Desires treats the incredulous with caution. After she realizes that a person does not believe in her existence, she will disappear forever and take good luck with her.

Who else grants wishes?

For these purposes, you can call the Gnome of Desires. He must not be disturbed during Orthodox holidays. A good period for the arrival of the Dwarf to visit is Shrovetide, Ivan Kupala, Mermaid Week and many other pagan holidays.

For the ritual, all icons are removed from the room and removed pectoral crosses. It is forbidden to leave the room, shout and make noise with foreign objects until the end. Everything is done at night.

Various candies are taken. Everyone who wants to fulfill their dream will need one. It is necessary to pull the thread between the legs of the table, on which goodies are later attached. They must not touch the floor.

The spell is pronounced: "Dwarf of Desires, come visit." When the rustle of candy wrappers is heard, each of the participants must mentally imagine their desire. The dwarf will bite or eat the candy of those whose wish is granted.

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Fiction or reality

As the calling of the Fairy of Desires, so the existence of other mysterious magicians depends on the degree of faith of a person.

Therefore, you yourself can find a way to call the Fairy of Desires during the day at home.
There are references to these creatures in history.

But for some reason, in our era, no one has yet met with a fairy.

At least from adults. Maybe children are a mystery...

How to summon the wishing fairy