Time, as usual, flies unnoticed, and very soon it will come New Year followed by Christmas. And on the days of festive feasts, you always want to try something unusually tasty, fragrant and satisfying. And it is a ruddy duck baked in the oven with the simplest and most affordable seasonings that can become the main dish of the New Year or Christmas table.

In Russia, as, indeed, in many other countries, duck stuffed with apples, with ginger, mustard and honey, in soy or orange sauce, is often cooked on major holidays and has long been listed among the traditional Christmas dishes. And today we will look at several popular recipes for cooking duck in the oven with honey.

To make a Christmas duck with honey in the oven delicious, with a delicious golden crust, you will need the following products:

  • duck weighing 2-2.5 kg
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • set of spices: 1 tsp. ginger, ground black pepper, tarragon and half a teaspoon of nutmeg, salt, soy sauce.

Duck is prepared with honey and ginger in soy sauce as follows:

  1. We prepare the carcass: we wash it properly inside and out, remove the remnants of feathers, cut off the wings and cut out the tail. Dry with a paper towel.
  2. To make the bird juicy inside and ruddy on the outside, we grease it outside and inside with a thick gruel obtained from a mixture of honey with soy sauce and seasonings, after rubbing the carcass with salt.
  3. Having done all these steps, wrap the duck in baking paper and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours (for this reason, it is recommended to cook the baked duck about a day before eating).
  4. The next day, we remove the duck from the refrigerator and proceed to prepare the filling. Most often, apples, prunes, buckwheat or rice porrige. We will prepare the filling from apples, choosing varieties that are firmer and sourer (Golden, Antonovka). We remove the core from the apples, peel them and cut them into slices. You can add stuffing walnuts, almonds, prunes, which must first be poured with cognac (rum, brandy) and left to infuse for 20 minutes.
  5. Stuffed duck, so that the filling does not fall out during cooking, we fasten with ordinary threads (or wooden skewers).
  6. We spread the duck with honey and apples on a baking sheet and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Wrap the tips of the legs and wings (if they are not cut off) in pieces of foil so that they do not burn during cooking.
  7. When the duck is almost ready, you can put the remaining apples from the filling in the form next to the duck and bake them. They will soak in the juice of the bird, and it will tasty addition to the main course.
  8. Cooking time depends on the size and weight of the bird. Approximately - one and a half to two hours at 180 degrees. At the same time, every 30 minutes, the duck must be watered with the fat formed in the mold, and constantly monitored so that it does not burn or dry out. If the bird starts to fry too much, you can cover it with a piece of foil on top. The duck should turn out ruddy with a crispy tender crust.
  9. After cooking, we take out the duck, put it on a dish of the appropriate size and serve it whole, or cut it into pieces.

Read also: Secrets of cooking cranberry sauce with honey

Duck in honey mustard sauce

Perfectly combined, honey and mustard make the meat juicy and tender, giving it an original taste. This is probably why there are many recipes for cooking duck in honey mustard sauce, which are often used by housewives. Consider one of these simple recipes.

To cook duck with mustard and honey according to this recipe, we need:

  • honey and mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  • spices to taste
  • water - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

We process the carcass in the same sequence as in the previous recipe. Rub it with salt and pepper.

We prepare the sauce by mixing honey with mustard and spices, and coat the carcass with it on all sides.

Put the duck on a baking sheet with water. We bake, periodically pouring the meat with honey-mustard sauce, mixed with the fat formed in the form.

Duck recipe with honey and mustard in marinade


  • small duck
  • honey - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
  • dry red wine and soy sauce - 100 g each
  • french mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • spices to taste.


The prepared carcass (washed and dried) must be divided into 4 parts, which we place for an hour and a half in a duck marinade made from wine, soy sauce, spices, grapefruit juice, honey with mustard and salt.

Fry the pieces on all sides and transfer to a baking sheet, pouring the marinade. Bake for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

Duck with oranges, mustard and honey in a slow cooker

Adding ingredients such as quince, ginger and orange to the duck allows you to prepare a festive version of the original and unusual delicious dish from a bird.

For duck with oranges you will need:

  • soy sauce - 6 tbsp. l.
  • ginger - 1 tsp
  • cognac - 3 tbsp. l.
  • lemon, orange, quince - 1 pc.
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • liquid honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • pepper and other spices.

How to cook:

Having prepared the carcass of the bird (after thoroughly washing and drying), we place it in the marinade for several hours. For the marinade, mix soy sauce, cognac, honey, mustard, salt, ginger and spices. Having completed the marinating process, we stuff the duck with slices of lemon, quince and orange.

Read also: How to cook sauerkraut with honey

We cook the bird in a slow cooker in the baking mode for 40 minutes. Then drain the resulting fat and bake for another 40 minutes, turning the meat over to the other side.

Duck with apples and honey

Duck baked with apples and honey is an indispensable dish for a festive family feast. To prepare it, you need to take a small duck, honey with mustard (2 tablespoons each), a little turmeric, 4-5 sour juicy apples.

Rub a dry and clean carcass with pepper, salt and turmeric. Inside we place the apples cut into slices. Lubricate the top of the duck with a mustard-honey mixture (the rest of the sauce can be poured inside the duck) and bake for one and a half to two hours, after wrapping the carcass in foil.

Christmas duck in honey sauce with cranberries

Let's look at another French Christmas duck recipe that you'll have to tinker with. But the result is worth it.


  • medium sized domestic duck
  • honey - 30 g
  • seasonings and spices: 15 g of salt, 2.5 g of freshly ground black pepper, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 bunch of thyme, 15 g of rosemary, 30 g of parsley and 0.5 g of ground paprika
  • glaze will require vegetable oil (35 ml), Dijon mustard and honey (15 g each).
  • for the filling you will need 15 g of garlic, 600 g of onion, 40 g of sugar, 600 g of sauerkraut, 200 g of apples, 60 g of lingonberries and 20 g of parsley. Pepper and salt - to taste.

By the way, Dijon mustard was invented in French Dijon in the 19th century. It is made from ground mustard seeds mixed with spices and wine vinegar.


  1. Wash and dry the carcass (if necessary, singe and remove the remnants of feathers). Put greens inside the carcass, and rub it with salt and pepper on the outside.
  2. Pull the legs and wings tied together to the carcass and wrap the prepared carcass in a film folded in 8-10 layers.
  3. Duck (still without stuffing) is baked for a very long time: 9 hours at a temperature of 80 degrees.
  4. At the same time, we are preparing the filling. Before golden color fry the onion and garlic, add sauerkraut, add a little meat broth and bring to readiness.
  5. Separately, we prepare caramelized apples with a spoonful of sugar. To do this, slices, preferably sour and hard varieties of apples, are fried in butter(the fruit should not soften). After the apples are lightly browned, you need to add sugar and fry a little more so that each slice is covered with a film of sweet caramel. At the same time, apples must be stirred often, otherwise the sugar will burn.
  6. Add the finished apples to the filling and remove it from the stove. Now you can add freshly frozen lingonberries to it.
  7. For glaze we use honey and mustard, which we mix with a mixer. Pour the oil in a thin stream there and add a little salt for taste. Beat everything until a creamy mass is formed.
  8. We release the finished duck from the film. Inside the stewed carcass we place the filling, adding parsley there. We coat it with honey glaze on top and bake at 220 degrees for 10 minutes until the duck is covered with a golden crust.
  9. We shift the meat to a beautiful dish, pour it with juice from a baking sheet. Duck can be served with baked potatoes and spices.

Greetings, my dear cooks. Agree that the baked duck is an exquisite dish of a festive feast. But in order for the meat to turn out juicy and soft, it must be properly cooked. And marinade for duck before baking in the oven will help in this. Today I will share with you some recipes.

This product is not dietary. The duck is very fatty. Her energy value is 405 kcal. It contains 38 g of fat and 15.8 g of protein. Chemical composition duck is rich. There is:

  • vitamins, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, etc.;
  • fatty acid,
  • chromium, cobalt, potassium, zinc, iron, iodine and other minerals;
  • betaine and choline;
  • etc.

Fatty acids have a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. They also take part in the formation of male sex hormones and the secretion of the gonads. Therefore, we can say with confidence that duck is an incredibly useful product for men.

In the autumn, sometimes farms begin to massively beat ducks, which over the summer are gaining good weight. You can also buy it in the supermarket. The duck can be baked whole, stewed in sauce, soup, barbecue, etc. However, this bird has a specific smell, so the carcass is often marinated before cooking. What types of duck marinades are there?

Easy Duck Marinade

If there is very little time to cook duck, you can use simple, fast ways her pickling.

  1. Pour lemon juice over the duck, rub with salt and spices and marinate for 30 minutes. Alternatively, honey can be added to the lemon juice. Bake the duck in the sleeve.
  2. IN cold water add vinegar, salt, spices (pepper, coriander, bay leaf) to taste. Place the duck in the marinade for the time available. This marinade is suitable for roasting whole poultry.
  3. Mix mustard and mayonnaise in equal proportions, add pepper and salt to taste. In this marinade, the duck can be kept for up to a day.

To soften duck meat will help extract the carcass in kefir.

Soy marinade for duck

This type of marinade has a rich taste. You can marinate the carcass as a whole, or in pieces, which will allow the meat to soak in the marinade faster.

Cooking soy marinade for duck

For 3 servings of ready-made soy sauce, you will need to take 2 parts of vegetable oil, 1 (2) small spoons of sugar and paprika. Mix. For lovers of more sour taste it is recommended to add lemon juice or vinegar (table, apple or grape) to taste.

Before placing the duck in the marinade, it can be soaked in cold water for about an hour, then cut into portions and rubbed with salt. Hold for an hour and a half. Discard the released liquid. Place the duck in the marinade and leave overnight. Duck prepared in this way is recommended to bake with apples, plums, peaches, quince, placing them between pieces of meat.

Marinade for duck based on citrus fruits

This marinade will make the duck juicy, fragrant, with an exquisite taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground pepper and the same amount of a mixture of Provence herbs;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon.

The process of preparing the marinade

Squeeze juice from citrus fruits. Add herbs and pepper, oil, mix. Coat the carcass with marinade and leave for at least 10 hours to soak.

Honey marinade for duck

For lovers of the sweet taste of poultry, a duck marinade recipe with honey is useful, which also softens the meat. To prepare such a marinade, take 150 g of honey, the same amount of red table wine, diluted with a glass of water.

Duck cut into portions, grate with salt to your taste and spices (cumin, dill seeds, marjoram). Put the bird in a baking dish, pour honey on top, then wine and water. Put the duck to marinate for 7-8 hours. Bake in the oven in the same marinade.

Marinades for grilled duck

For duck lovers golden brown, the following marinade recipes will do.

Oil marinade

Chop 2 small onions and 2 cloves of garlic, mix with a pack of melted butter and 120 g of vegetable oil. Add pepper and salt to your taste. Stir the mixture.

Cut the duck into portions and place in the marinade for 3 hours. Turn duck every 30 minutes. Cooking poultry on the grill.

Mustard-citrus marinade

Grate the zest from two oranges and 1 lemon on a grater with small holes and mix with 100 g of melted butter. Add mustard powder in the amount of 2 teaspoons, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of ground paprika.

Stir and let sit for 15 minutes. Then coat the duck carcass with marinade and hold for 30 minutes, then bake on the grill.

Our mothers and grandmothers called her duck or goose, Petersburgers know her as "latka". This kitchen utensil is called so for a reason. It is in an oblong cast-iron cauldron that it is most convenient to extinguish a bird. We offer you a recipe for stewed duck in wine right in the duck-house.

In the article we will give two recipes at once: with stewing and pickling in wine (pickled poultry can be cooked different ways, both in the roaster and in the oven). Wine can be used both red and white, we tried with inexpensive dry red.

Duck in red wine recipe


  • Duck - about 1.2 kg
  • Carrots - 1 large (or 2 medium)
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - a few cloves
  • Wine - 300-400 ml
  • Water - about 1 cup
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices - salt, dried herbs, black pepper, others optional
  • Greens - dill, parsley, several branches

How to cook duck in wine:

  1. Cut the duck into portions, rinse under running water, if necessary, scrape the skin with a knife. If there is a lot of fat on the pieces, the excess can be cut off. Dry the bird, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat the pan and put the duck on a dry surface, without oil. It is best to fry in two to three batches, depending on the size of the pan, there should be short distance. Fat will begin to stand out, after the appearance of a golden crust, you need to turn over and fry the second side. It is better to fry on high heat, but be careful not to burn.
  3. In the meantime, peel the onion and carrot, cut into large pieces, as during the stewing, the onion will almost dissolve, and the carrot will become soft and tasty. Peel the garlic and press each clove a little, cutting is optional.
  4. Transfer the duck from the pan to the roaster, pour in the fat, add the vegetables and wine. Warm up a little, add enough water to cover all the pieces, but no more. Heat almost to a boil and reduce heat. Simmer for 1.5-2.5 hours over low heat, periodically adding water if necessary. A sign of readiness: the meat is soft, easily lags behind the bone.

By the way, if you don’t have a duckling, then you can stew the bird in a frying pan.

  1. Duck stewed in chunks in a roaster can be served with a variety of side dishes, including boiled potatoes, rice, and stewed vegetables. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with herbs and pour over the wine sauce left after stewing.

Duck marinated in wine

You can marinate the bird as a whole or in small pieces.

Marinade for duck with red wine:

  • Dry red - 200 ml
  • Honey - 50 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Spices - salt, black pepper, cumin and others to taste.

Mix all the ingredients, grease the duck (if you want, you can rub the marinade under the skin, where possible), put in a cool place for several hours (5-8). After that, the bird can be baked in the oven, stewed in a roaster, cooked in a slow cooker or in another way. You can also pour the marinade over the duck during cooking to make it more juicy.

Marinade for duck with white wine:

  • Dry white wine - 200 ml
  • Dry mustard - 1 tsp
  • Onion– 2 heads
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Bay leaf - a few small leaves
  • Carnation - 3 pcs.
  • Salt, black pepper, rosemary and other spices to taste

How to marinate duck in white wine sauce:

Put the onion, spices, mustard and bay leaf into rings, add lemon juice, pour all the contents with wine. Bring the marinade almost to a boil, turn off and cool. Pour the marinade over the bird and insist for 5-8 hours, then cook as you wish, for example, bake the duck in wine.

It's no secret that duck meat in some dishes is much tastier and spicier than, for example, chicken or goose. However, despite this, duck meat is cooked less often and is most often baked whole or stewed.

If the dish is cooked as a whole, then usually the meat is initially marinated. Marinating helps to slightly muffle the specific flavor of duck meat. There are quite a lot of marinating methods, but no matter which method you choose, pre-marinated meat after cooking turns out to be more tender, juicy, better baked, and the taste turns out to be unusually spicy!

How to marinate duck meat?

First, the carcass must be properly prepared. If the meat is bought in a store, then it is enough to completely defrost it and rinse it well. Fresh poultry should be plucked, gutted and rinsed well, both inside and out. Please note that it is better to remove the duck's tail immediately. To be honest, there is no meat on it, and this part of the carcass pretty much spoils the aroma of the dish.

When the carcass is ready for pickling, they begin to prepare the marinade. Various marinades can be used. Duck is dipped into the finished marinade. The carcass should be completely covered with marinade, so it is better to use a spacious thicket or pan (such as to fit the whole duck carcass). The duck can be lightly pressed to the bottom of the container with something heavy.

The container is covered with a lid and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for three hours. During this time, the meat will marinate and acquire an interesting aroma. After marinating, the duck is taken out, washed in running water and used in cooking.

What marinades can be used?

Marinade with wine and lemon juice

Pour a glass of any wine and squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. Pour a little salt, various spices and spices.

orange marinade

Grind one orange with the skin. Add two tablespoons of dessert wine to the orange mass and the same amount vegetable oil, put a spoonful of melted honey. Copiously salt, pepper, put various spices for meat. If desired, you can add greens and juice of one lemon. In such a marinade, the duck is left overnight in a cool place.

Mayonnaise marinade

Take four spoons (with a slide) of mayonnaise (with lemon juice), add salt, a little sugar (a teaspoon), a spoonful of mustard powder, pepper and spices to it. Spices put any to taste, it is better not to use greens. When all the ingredients are mixed, put a tablespoon of vinegar and stir again. In such a marinade, the bird is marinated for about a day. Periodically, the carcass is turned over.

garlic marinade

Grind a few cloves of garlic (if the garlic is large, then it is enough to take four pieces, small ones need a little more). Put one tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil into the garlic. Salt, pepper. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and pour 10 grams of balsamic vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly, marinate the meat for 12 hours.

Vinegar marinade

Pour a glass of water and add a tablespoon of vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can add spices. Marinate for about three hours.