When is the best time to go to Sri Lanka?

To answer this question, it is necessary to compare not only the air temperature, but also take into account several other important factors, as well as the purpose of your trip.

Holiday season in Sri Lanka

Thus, almost all year round, the daytime air temperature on the coast stays between +29 - +31°C, and at night - about +26°C. This is definitely due to the fact that the island is located almost on the equator, slightly north of it. The hottest month is May (+31°C), the coolest is December (+25°C). In the central part of the island of Ceylon it is hot during the day, but not so warm at night (from +6 to +12°C), this is where the main tourist attractions of the island are located. The ocean water temperature along the coast is stable - about +27°C.

Sigiriya is a rocky plateau rising 370 meters above sea level and about 170 meters above the surrounding plain in the very center of the island of Sri Lanka.

As for the winds, summer period During the year, the island is dominated by the monsoon from the Indian Ocean, and in winter by the monsoon from the Bay of Bengal. Thus, in summer there are tropical showers in the west and south, and in winter in the north and east of the island. Therefore, to the southwest with the aim beach holiday It’s better to go in winter; in summer there are huge waves and swimming is dangerous. In winter (November - March) on the southwestern coast, rains go almost unnoticed (for tourists) because they mostly fall at night.

At the same time, if you are planning to relax in the east of the island of Ceylon in the summer, then remember that this coast is less developed; most hotels are concentrated in the southwest. In the northeast, the resorts of Tricomalee and Pasikuda are recommended for a beach holiday; it is better to come here in May - September.

Ceylon tea plantation.

In principle, you can go to the southwest in the summer. Despite the rainy period, at such a time it is enough sunny days, the only obstacle to a full-fledged beach holiday is big waves, but you can try to find secluded coves suitable for swimming. If the ocean is not calm, then it is not recommended to enter the water above the waist.

Many travelers prefer to go to Sri Lanka in winter, when frosts and snowstorms rage across the vast expanses of Eurasia. The peak tourist flow in Sri Lanka is from December to March. For the off-season, the Hikkaduwa resort is recommended; here the beaches are protected by reefs from ocean waves, and showers are not so frequent during this period.

For those who are going to go not only for a relaxing beach holiday, but for the purpose of active travel, Sri Lanka always offers a wide selection of excursions. Here you can spend at least one week on excursions, or even more. There are quite a lot on the island nature reserves, recreational areas and national parks where provided unique opportunity observing wild animals. Only in the winter season will it be inconvenient to visit tourist attractions in the central part of the island - incessant downpours do not allow clothes to dry.

If you are going to the mountainous region of the island, then you need to remember that the air temperature there is within +14 - +17°C.

February is considered the month of fruit harvest and active fishing. At this time there is always a wide variety of fruits and seafood, and market prices are significantly reduced. It has been rightly noted that February is the most comfortable month for relaxation; in all parts of the island at this time the winds calm down, the ocean calms down, and nature renews the brightness of its colors. February is also interesting from an educational point of view - this month marks one of the most significant religious holidays - Navam Poya.

Thus, the best time to holiday in Sri Lanka is February.

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Sri Lanka is a tropical country and if you plan to spend a vacation here, you need to be prepared for very changeable weather conditions. If you believe the bulk of travel sites, the year here is divided into two seasons - dry and rainy. It is believed that greatest number precipitation falls on the island from May to October, when the southwest monsoons formed in the Arabian Sea approach the island. The resort season is considered to be from November-December to April. But not everything is so simple here. Firstly, the island of Ceylon is large enough in area for completely different weather cyclones to form over its surface. Secondly, the central part of the island is protected by mountains, and if a cyclone approaches the island from one side of the coast, it is not a fact that it will affect the entire island. Based on such rough calculations (I say rough, because even weather forecasters cannot predict the weather), it is recommended to relax in the winter months on the southwestern coast of the country, and in the summer in the north or east.

And in the central highland part of the island there is a completely atypical resort for the tropics, Nuwara Eliya. Here in any season of the year almost every day it's raining, and the temperature does not rise above 18 degrees. People come here mainly for silence and solitude in the wilderness of tropical thickets. The resort has firmly established the title expensive place a holiday favored by the British. Apparently in this place they see their rainy homeland.

But for last years The climate has changed a lot and sometimes at a time when there should be a continuous “wall” of rain on the island, the sun is shining there. And those who escaped from the cold winter everyday life at home in the hope of relaxing in the sun under a palm tree have to look out the window at the dull rain all day.

This happened to me. Before the trip, my husband, friends and I spent a long time choosing the season for our vacation. Still, according to forecasts, it rains in Sri Lanka for many months of the year, and the amount of precipitation is also significant. We didn’t want to get wet at all, so we decided to go in December. This month is considered the high season. When we left the airport, we were alarmed by the gloomy sky and some strange rain, which was very similar to our autumn rain. When we got from the airport to the hotel, the mood completely deteriorated - the waves on the beaches that could be seen from the car window were such that not only was it impossible to swim there, but at the time it was time for surfing. The beaches were completely deserted. The mood quickly dropped to zero.

Arriving at the hotel and meeting some tourists, we learned that they arrived a month ago, that is, in November (which is also considered the dry season), and for the entire month they saw only two sunny days!!! We are completely depressed. Why then choose a season - not a season, if it doesn’t matter anyway.

Of course, we managed to sunbathe on this trip, but several days of rest were ruined. When guidebooks say that during the rainy season it rains for only 15 minutes and then you can go on excursions, they are clearly exaggerating. In Thailand, by the way, this is what happened to us. It began to rain, after 10 minutes the sun came out and you could go swimming. In Sri Lanka, we spent three days in a row in a room where it was drizzling continuously outside the window. It didn't feel like a tropical downpour at all. Swimming is strictly prohibited at this time. Since Sri Lanka is not covered by reefs, very large waves form off the coast. Red flags are placed on the beaches to warn of danger. And I didn’t see anyone willing to swim there in such weather.

Interested in such natural disasters, we decided to talk to the owner of our hotel. We told him how we chose the trip, focusing on the usual division of the rainy seasons in Sri Lanka. And he just laughed at us. He said that the islanders themselves have long stopped dividing the climate into two seasons. They identified four seasons for themselves, two of which are borderline: April-May and September-December, when the weather is completely unpredictable. It could be anything. And he warned for the future not to particularly trust such forecasts.

In the end, it turned out that we had a vacation that felt like the rainy season, and paid the same money as for the dry season. I think you can risk coming here during the rainy season. It will definitely be cheaper, about 50%. But with the weather it’s also 50/50. The most expensive months are December-February and, as it turns out, they are not always the most successful. Peak season is here New Year. Many hotels are booked half a year in advance. If you are planning a trip to winter holidays, then you should think about the number in the summer. Moreover, the price for the same room will be 100-150% more expensive than usual.

Our December holiday, of course, was a little spoiled, but we still managed to see a lot and fall in love with this country. We will definitely come back here.

We will tell you by month what season is best to vacation in Sri Lanka in order not to get caught in the pouring rain. Read before your trip.

Eternal summer with warm ocean and consistently hot days await those who decide to choose Sri Lanka for a beach holiday. All year round this tropical country, lying near the equator, the water temperature remains at +27+29 degrees, and the air temperature during the day does not fall below +28.

The island is divided by a mountain range, and the weather in the eastern part is somewhat different from the weather in the south. In general, there are two periods in Sri Lanka: wet (May-September) and dry (October-March). Tourists dreaming of a paradise vacation try to plan a trip in the autumn and winter months so that the rains do not interfere with swimming and serene sunbathing. The peak of tourist flow occurs from to.

You can go to Ceylon during the wet season, since the rains mainly fall at night, allowing you to calmly explore the sights during the day, of which there are many on the island. One has only to take into account that in summer the sun is almost invisible behind a dense veil of clouds, and the humidity is at high level– not everyone feels comfortable in the humid stuffiness.

Comfortable season in Sri Lanka


At the beginning of the month, squally winds and thunderstorms are still common, with especially heavy rainfall in Galle and Colombo. High waves are raging on the ocean, preventing tourists from swimming. The monsoons move from the southwestern provinces to the northeastern ones, changing the weather there to more humid ones. In the north-central province it rains for half the month.

In the south, at the end of the month it becomes noticeably drier, the air temperature is +29, the water temperature is one degree higher. By evening the heat drops to a comfortable +25 degrees. IN mountainous area and it can be quite cool: the temperature during the day varies from +20 to +11, at night tourists even have to turn on the heating devices.

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In Colombo, Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Wadduwa, Galle and Weligama it rains up to 10 times a month. Warm and short-lived, they do not interfere with excursions and relaxation on the beach. The sun shines 10 hours a day, heating the air to +30+31 degrees, by night the thermometer drops to +24.

In Kalutara and Beruwella the temperature is the same, but there is more rainfall. In Negombo the nights are cooler - about 22 degrees Celsius. In the central regions of Sri Lanka there are 13-15 rainy days in December, and in the northeastern regions - 16-20.

The bulk beach tourists comes in December to southern and western resorts, where there is a lot of sun, little rain and storms at sea, and the water near the shore is warmed up to +28 degrees. Surfers choose Negombo and Kalutara for suitable waves.


Due to the northeast monsoon, conditions on the island of Jaffna and Trincomalee are not the best for relaxation: the humidity is high, it rains quite often, and the sky is cloudy. Slightly less rainfall occurs in the central mountainous region, and in Nuwara Eliya the number of rainy days is reduced to 8 per month.

In the southwestern and southern resorts Sri Lanka has precipitation about once a week, it is sunny and hot weather, with daytime temperatures +29+30. At night, the air cools to +22. The sea is relatively calm, the waves are small. You can devote time to sunbathing, go on excursions or try Ayurvedic wellness treatments.

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The south of the country is still excellent for a beach holiday: the sun shines for 7-9 hours a day, providing daytime temperatures of up to +30+31 degrees. Humidity here in winter stays at 57%.

In Nuwara Eliya and Kandy clear days are rare, the sun is mostly hidden behind the clouds, although it rains 8 times a month. In the northeast, the air temperature is high, but at the same time there is heavy rainfall, causing occasional flooding in populated areas. Yet winter thunderstorms in Sri Lanka are nothing compared to the summer monsoon season, when torrents of water fall from the sky.

For surfing in winter, you can go to Hikkaduwa, Kalutara, Negombo, Weligama. Calmer seas await holidaymakers on the beaches of Unawatuna and Dalawella, as well as in Wadduwa.


In March, Sri Lanka becomes drier and hotter. The northeastern trade winds are losing ground - it rains on the ground 3 to 6 times per month. Considering that the duration of showers does not exceed half an hour, and they usually occur in the dark, you can not pay attention to them at all.

In the southern and southwestern provinces, during the day the air warms up to +30+31; in the evening the thermometer drops to +24 degrees. Colombo has a real “sauna”: +32 degrees during the day and high humidity. In the east and northeast of the island, air temperatures vary from +30 during the day to +23 at night. You can take a break from the coolness in Nuwara Eliya, where during the day the temperature is only 23 degrees Celsius, and in the evening +10.

March counts perfect month for excursions, since you can move around the country without fear of getting caught in thunderstorms and hurricanes. A beach holiday will also be excellent, because the water is warmed up to +28, and there are no high waves.


Before the southwest monsoon begins to dominate Sri Lanka, bringing storms and heavy tropical downpours to the south and west of the island, you can have time to soak up the bright April sun. Even if it is increasingly hidden behind the clouds, it nevertheless provides an even tan.

At the beginning, the southern and southwestern coasts are suitable for relaxation, and from the second half of the month it is better to opt for the northeast of the island. In Trincomalee at this time there are no more than 6 rainy days per month. On the Jaffna Peninsula it’s even less – about three days. The temperature during the day at these resorts rises to +32+34, with the onset of dusk it drops to +24. The water is heated to a pleasant +28 degrees.

The closer you get, the more uncomfortable it becomes in Colombo, Wadduwa and Negombo: it is humid, stuffy, and it rains more and more often.

Rainy season in Sri Lanka by month


By the end of spring, the weather in Sri Lanka noticeably deteriorates. Monsoons originating in the Arabian Sea move from south to west, bringing with them heavy rainfall. In connection with this, the southern provinces are no longer suitable for recreation, but the northeastern part of the country remains quite dry thanks to the mountain range, which restrains the further advance of the monsoons.

The most pleasant time to sunbathe and swim in May is in Nilaveli, Arugam Bay and Trincomalee. These resorts have only 4 rainy days per month, and humidity remains low. Temperature during the day is +31, at night +25. There are no gusty winds, the sea is calm.

In Colombo at this time there is a real steam room: the humidity reaches 90%, it rains for two thirds of the month. In the southern resorts the situation is similar, the heat is only slightly softened by the breeze from the sea.


The entire southwestern part of Sri Lanka is experiencing heavy downpours. Moreover, thunderstorms occur both at night and during the day, and can last for several hours in a row. Accordingly, the air humidity level peaks at 90%. The ocean is very stormy, it is impossible to swim.

But in the northeast of Ceylon there is peace and quiet. Rains are rare, there is no humid stuffiness, it’s easy to breathe. The sun shines brightly here, warming the air to +33 during the day and +26 at night. Nuwara Eliya remains cool: 19 degrees Celsius during the day and 12 degrees at night.


The most suitable conditions for recreation are in the northeastern and eastern provinces. Trincomalee is especially popular with cozy coves that are quiet, calm and never have high waves. Most of the time, tourists are pleased with the cloudless blue sky and warm turquoise ocean; there can be 4-6 rainy days per month. The air temperature remains the same as in June.

In the southern part of the island, the monsoons provide a slight respite: there are slightly fewer thunderstorms than in May and June, humidity drops from 90% to 80%.


In the summer, the resorts of Sri Lanka are mostly visited by the local population. Although this time is considered low season, in the east and northeast of the island there is wonderful sunny weather with daytime temperatures of +32 degrees and low humidity. South West Coast still not suitable for swimming - strong storms occur here.


last month, when monsoons dominate in the southwestern part of Ceylon. The ocean is still raging, pouring heavy rains, the sky is hidden behind a dense curtain of clouds. The temperature during the day reaches +28+30 degrees, while in the northeastern resorts the thermometer at lunchtime shows +33, and there is almost no rain. The tourism infrastructure in the northeast is not so well developed, but this will not interfere with wonderful beach holidays, diving and surfing.


Mid-autumn is quite ambiguous in terms of relaxation. On the one hand, the monsoons are subsiding in the southwest, but new ones have not yet arrived in the northeast. On the other hand, the weather becomes completely unpredictable and tropical downpour can hit any part of Sri Lanka at any moment. The temperature is approximately the same everywhere +30+31, only in high mountainous areas The relative coolness remains around +19 degrees during the day.

Traditionally, timeWhen is the best time to vacation in Sri Lanka? The period from November to April is considered. For this timein Sri Lanka there are high with e zones Its main feature isLow season in Sri Lanka - no rain. After all, in summer time There is a rainy season here, which discourages many customers.

However, in reality, summer months- this time,when to go to Sri Lanka is relatively cheap. And you don’t have to be afraid of rains, because they only fall at night, and by morning the ground has time to dry out. True, it is better not to venture into the interior of the country at this time, the roads are being washed away. So if you choose the time,When is it better to go to Sri Lanka for sightseeing, it is still better to postpone the trip until winter. Otherwise, you simply risk not reaching them.

Will help you choose, When is the best time to fly to Sri Lanka?

Holidays in Sri Lanka in winter

The weather in Sri Lanka in winter is the most favorable for holidays. Dry, the thermometer does not rise above +28° C , and in evening time and even drops to +24° C . It's hard to think of a better time to travel here. Beach holidays and sightseeing in winter are excellent. The main thing is to take care of repellent from mosquitoes that try to ruin your evening rest hours.

Holidays in Sri Lanka in spring

The weather in Sri Lanka in spring is most favorable in March. At this time, the thermometer remains at +26° C , the sea is warm as always, and the rainy season has not yet begun. Around the end of April, monsoon rains begin to fall at night, but they practically do not interfere with daytime rest.

Holidays in Sri Lanka in summer

The weather in Sri Lanka in summer is hot and rainy. The rains themselves do not particularly affect the rest, since they only fall at night. But because of them, the humidity increases, and the heat becomes harder to bear. Although the thermometer here rarely rises above +32° C . The sea is wild in the summer, but this is a joy for surfers; summer here is considered the time of waves. Sometimes there are hurricanes, but, in general, the weather is quite suitable for relaxation.

The island of Sri Lanka, nestled in the Indian Ocean, attracts tourists with its blue lagoon waters, golden sands and abundance of tropical greenery. But does this paradise have its own holiday season? After all, as you know, many exotic countries subject to the vagaries of the weather.

Land of Eternal Summer

the most amazing what's in Sri Lanka best season for recreation – lasts all year round. The temperature on the island does not change almost throughout the year. In the winter months, the temperature rises to +28, and in the spring and summer to + 34. In the mountainous regions of the country, above 1500 meters above sea level, it is 7-10 degrees cooler than the main temperature. The only thing you need to consider when traveling to Sri Lanka is the rainy season, which depends on the region of the country.

Rain season

The best time to relax in the southwestern part of the country, where famous resorts (Bentotta, Weligama, Tangalle, Unawatuna, Dikwelle) are located, is from November to April. During these months there is not a significant amount of precipitation. In the northeast of Sri Lanka, the climate is drier and there is no rainy season as such. Nevertheless, best time For holidays in Pottuville, Trincomalee and Kalpitiya, April – November is considered. In any case, rain on the island should not cause serious concern among tourists, because... They do not travel long, and mostly at night. Their only drawback that affects their beach holidays is strong wind and the raging ocean.

Water temperature

The water in Sri Lanka is approximately the same temperature throughout the year and is +26-28 degrees. As for waves and “restlessness” of the ocean, here it is necessary to focus on the presence of reefs near the coast. If the resort is located in a bay and is separated from the ocean by a large coral reef, like Trincomalee, there will be no strong raging waves on the beach. If there is no natural protection, then the presence of waves will depend on the region and the rainy season. Dikwella is considered the most restless coast from April to November.

New Year holidays

Traditionally The period from December to March is considered the time of the greatest influx of tourists. During these months, the island experiences a significant increase in prices and an abundance of vacationers. The resorts of Trincomalee, Bentotta and Unawatuna are especially popular. On New Year's holidays in all hotels, tourists are waiting entertainment and New Year's dinner consisting of seafood and national Sri Lankan cuisine.

This is such an amazing and sunny Sri Lanka, where the best holiday season begins in January and ends in December. Whole year all summer long, sunny days and carefree holidays.

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