Those wishing to take part in a game event must submit an application to the organizing teacher a few weeks before the event. The application is submitted from the mother + child team. Participants are given tasks for competitions that need to be prepared at home.

The hall is decorated with balloons and cheerful garlands. Also in the hall there is an exhibition of children's drawings and wall newspapers from the senior classes on the theme "Mom and me". On the stage there are tables with chairs for each team, a chamomile is glued to each table indicating the team number.

(The presenter enters the stage.)

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! I am very pleased to see you all in this room! It is especially nice to see the mothers of our schoolchildren here, because it was in your honor that we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday
Comes to us in autumn.
This is the feast of obedience
congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
Holiday of the best words!

And today we will be holding a competitive game program “Come on, mommy!”! Several teams will take part in the game, which we will get to know through the first performance contest! We meet!

(The participating teams enter the stage, take their seats. Plays funny music. Participants prepare for the performance.)

Moderator: Participants were asked homework come up with a name for your team, an emblem, a motto and a short greeting. Teams will be graded by our jury.

(The moderator introduces the jury.)

Host: And now let's get acquainted with our teams.

(The team presents its name, emblem - be it a large poster or badges, and a motto. Also, mother and child must come up with a representation of each other in the form of a poem, song or just a story. The originality of the idea, artistry is estimated from 1 to 5 points.)

Host: Great! How talented are our mothers! And these mothers have no less talented children!

Who warms with love
Everything in the world succeeds
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
This is how she always is
Your mother is dear!

Presenter: Do not forget, children, that mothers need to be protected and often say thanks to them! And now I'll check how well you know polite words!

(The host conducts a game with the audience.)

Presenter: Even an ice block will melt
From a warm word... ("Thank you").
Even the stump will turn green,
When a good man hears... ("day").
If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell Mom... ("Thank you").
When scolded for pranks, Say sorry ... ("Please").

Host: Well done! Now I am sure that your mothers are not deprived of attention and tenderness! And we move on to the next competition called "Connoisseurs". In childhood, our mothers read fairy tales to us, then they taught us to read. What are your favorite fairy tales and books? (asks a question to the teams) Great! Now we will check how well you remember them.

(A competition is held in which teams are asked questions about the plot of fairy tales and books from childhood and school curriculum. You need to prepare about 10 questions. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.)

Host: Great! It's nice that our children read so much! And we move on to the next competition. How many nights have you mothers spent in cribs! As soon as they heard a child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And I think it will not be difficult for you to recognize your child by voice.

(Mothers sit in a row with their backs to their children.)

Host: Now your children will cry like in childhood. But don't worry, they will make-believe crying. You need to guess your baby's cry.

(The facilitator approaches each child in turn, who should cry into the microphone making “wa-wa” sounds. The mother, who recognized the child, should raise her hand. Maximum amount points equal to the number of participants. One mistake - minus one point.)

Leading: Dear mothers! I want to wish you that these were the last children's tears that you heard! And the next test will be our children!

(The chairs are not removed after the previous competition. Children sit in the places of their mothers, only facing the audience.)

Host: Now I will ask you riddles about moms. Whoever guesses first raises their hand! Ready? Go.

Examples of riddles:

1. These balls on a thread
Don't you want to try on?
For all your tastes
In my mom's box...
(sub - read from right to left)

2. In my mother's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Silver drops crumbs

3. Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated with flowers.
Mystery headdress -
Our mother has...

4. Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense

5. He has water in his belly
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils fast...

6. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls...

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
Cleanliness for us.
Long hose, like a trunk-nose,
Carpet cleaning...

8. Ironing dresses and shirts,
Iron our pockets.
He's on the farm true friend -
His name is...

9. Here is a cap on a light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of his openwork -
This is a marvelous...

10. Mom's striped beast
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And after eating a little
Ours is murmuring...

(Each puzzle solved is one point.)

Leading: What good fellows! It’s immediately obvious that moms have helpers! We only have one contest left! I ask the teams to take their places at the table.

(Participants are given newspapers, scotch tape, paper clips, ribbons, bows, and similar props.)

Leading: How often do our mothers ask themselves the question "What to wear?". Now your children will help you with this! The task for the participants is to build an outfit for your mother from the available materials! You can invite one assistant from the audience! You have 10 minutes for everything! So let's get started!

(Cheerful music sounds. The jury evaluates the outfit and artistry on a scale from 1 to 10 points.)

Host: Great! I am delighted with the outfits of our mothers. They deserve Paris Fashion Week! Thank you! Moms can take off their costumes. On this competitive program ended. Participants can take their places in the hall. While the jury is summing up the results, we have prepared a festive concert number for you.

(Prepare a dance, song, or any number.)

The jury announces the results of the competition. The team that scored large quantity points are awarded a diploma. All teams receive prizes. You can also give moms the nominations "Mrs. Kindness", "Mrs. Intellect", "Mrs. Beauty", "Mrs. Charm", "Mrs. Tenderness" and the like.

Leading: So our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you dear mothers that the holiday never ended in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, happiness!

Extra-curricular event "With my dear mother"

(songs about mom)

Leading: “I can do everything, I can do everything - I can’t do it otherwise ...”

These words are from a famous song, which the singer Valentina Tolkunova sings so sincerely. A song about a woman, about a woman's heart and about women's hands that can do anything. Affectionate hands of the mother, not knowing the weariness of the hands of the hostess... The poets will never stop singing them!

Reader 1: (Group 2)

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
All together with her
For what, when
We're having a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.
We love her for
What sometimes
Are getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes
But it is worth confessing
Come head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass.
For what is always
Without concealment and directly
We can trust

She has her heart.
And just for
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.

Leading: Do you want me to tell you the story of the origin of this holiday?

During the war in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that the most terrible wound had to be healed - the loss of fallen soldiers and civilians killed by the Nazis, the Order "Mother Heroine" was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1997 The State Duma adopted a decree on the establishment of Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November.

Leading: Get acquainted: it is she - her majesty the Woman. Sweet and warm, simple and hardworking, benevolent and loving. Loving her land, her child, crying over a crippled animal and a tree cut down in vain. It's about them, Women, Mothers, you need to add odes and, probably, it was about such women that the great Nekrasov once wrote

Reader 2:

There are women in Russian villages
With calm gravity of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements,
With a gait, with the eyes of queens.

Can't the blind see them?
And the sighted one says about them:
It will pass like the sun shines
Look - he will bestow a ruble.

Today, in honor of the celebration of Mother's Day, we are holding a contest "With my dear mommy." To participate in the competition are invited:

The first task will be to come up with a name for your team and come up with a motto

And weintroduce a strict jury

Who came to me in the morning? (children in chorus)Mommy!

Who said: "It's time to get up?" (children in chorus)Mommy!

Who managed to cook the porridge? (children in chorus)Mommy!

Pour tea into cups for everyone? (children in chorus)Mommy!

Who braided my hair?(children in chorus) Mommy!

Whole house swept one? (children in chorus)Mommy!

Who picked flowers in the garden? (children in chorus)Mommy !

Who kissed me? (children in chorus)Mommy !

Who childish loves laughter? (children in chorus)Mommy !

Who is the best in the world?(children in chorus) Mommy !

Team View Word to the teams: the jury will evaluate your originality, friendly answers

Leading: - And now mothers are invited to participatein the competition « draw a flower blindfolded ».

Today we would like to give moments of joy to mothers sitting in our class.

I give the floor to your dear children. (PARTICIPANTS)

Song grade 4 song of the bear cub Umka

Jury's word

And now we invite two mothers. (Competition "Who is faster dress your child."

Leading: Guys, does your mom have a mom? Who is she? That's right, it's your grandmother. Let's listen to a poem about a grandmother.


Leading: Guys, how affectionate, Nice words Do you know about mothers and grandmothers? (Beloved, kind, affectionate, caring , sweet, gentle, mommy, mommy, granny, ). Well done boys. I would like you to call your mothers and grandmothers with such words as often as possible.

competition "Collect a portfolio" I think that you have had cases when the electricity was turned off for a while, but you urgently need to do something. Now, I will blindfold you, and I will give you a portfolio in which you should put: a diary, notebook, textbook, pen, pencil, ruler, eraser. You will do it for a while, whoever collects the portfolio faster wins.

Leading: Guys, there are also proverbs and sayings about mothers. Who knows?

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

You won't find a better friend than your mother.

Jury's word

Vedas: A child in the house -

Hurrah in the house!

Scattered toys in the corners!

Cars, dolls, cubes, balls ... At least jump around the apartment on one leg!

A child cannot live without toys. Our grandparents also played with straw dolls, wooden cars made by their own hands or by the hands of their parents. Yes, and hand-made toys are much more expensive for a child than those bought in a store. So our mothers will have to show their talent for needlework and make toys for their children from the materials that we will offer them.

Competition "Toy".

(Mothers with children from improvised materials for a certain time must make a toy for the child).

While mothers are making

Children will entertain us!

Drama circle performance

Presentation of toys.


One mother is invited to the stage. Now parents will have to blindfold to the touch to determine their child from five options. Whoever completes the task first wins.

BLITZ-SURVEY competition

Each team is asked questions. The team that did not answer the question correctly transfers the right to answer to the opponents. What time do classes start at our school? What is the name of the principal of the school? How many minutes is the lesson? What is the name of your class teacher?

When there is a holiday, everyone is given gifts. So our children prepared gifts for their mothers.

Autumn day in the yard

Sunny and bright.

To my beloved mother

I give gifts.

( Children give their mothers pre-prepared gifts )

Mommy's dimple song (Spanish grades 1-4)

Jury's word (summary)


There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries.

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms!

May the sun applaud her forever,

Where she will live forever

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms!

Good luck to all health and success!

See you!

Scenario of the competitive game program dedicated to the International Mother's Day.

Moderator: Good afternoon to all who have gathered in this hall, especially mothers who have come here. Because it is mothers who are the culprits of today's our holiday dedicated to international day Mothers, which is celebrated on October 14th.

We walk along the road of life
We are going to create happiness
And we don't know the sweetest words
Than the word wonderful mother.
It comforts us in grief
Like the sun's smile,
Like a bright book with which,
We are destined to be friends forever.
In the hearts it is again and again,
Blooms like a morning garden
And whispers awake that word
A tired soldier on the march.
With whom it is easier for us to breathe in the world,
After all, a mother in our land,
And gray-haired grandfathers, and children
They named their homeland.

Our dear mothers, on this festive day, accept the words of congratulations from your children.
1. From a pure heart, in simple words,
Let's friends, we congratulate mom,
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.
2. We love her and for the fact that sometimes,
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles,
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.
3. For always without concealment and directly
We can assure her our heart
And just because she is our mother
We love her deeply and dearly.
4. Mom can be without shame,

Give the medal "Hero of Labor"
All her deeds are uncountable,
Don't even have time to sit down
And cooks and cleans
Reading a fairy tale at night
And in the morning with great desire
Mom goes to work
And then shopping
(together): No, we cannot live without a mother.
5. Happy to arrange a holiday for us
Nothing to be sorry
Only one reward for everything
And one for all sadness
So that we are willing to learn
Didn't shame the class
To make people honest of us.
7. So that we do not live in vain
On your land
And have not forgotten
Never about her.
8. We are simple girls,
We are simple boys
We declare to the whole world
What is more precious than mom
There is no man!

Yes, indeed, for each of us, whether Small child or already gray-haired adult - mother - the dearest, dearest person in the world. And today we once again congratulate our mothers on the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and caring attitude from relatives and friends. But as you know, mothers are not born, they become mothers. Once upon a time, our mothers were restless, cheerful girls who loved to play different games. Therefore, even today we invite mothers to remember their childhood and feel like little girls again and participate in our competition and game program “Mothers and Daughters”.
So, get acquainted with the Mommy team.

Leading: The second team is represented by their daughters, girls,

who will have to become mothers in the future and cope with all the work and worries that will fall on their shoulders. Meet the "Daughters" team.

Host: Well, we got acquainted with the teams, let's get acquainted with the jury, which will evaluate the performance of our participants.
Today on the jury:

Vedas: Well, the time has come for the first competition, and this competition is a warm-up “Find the word”.
Now you will be shown a word, from the letters of which you need to make other words, which you will call in turn. It is impossible to repeat, the conditions of the competition are clear, the team that composes and names the most words wins. Then let's get started. Enter a word.

Vedas: Our second competition is called "Cinderella". I think everyone is very familiar with this tale. So at the beginning of the fairy tale, the evil stepmother asked poor Cinderella a lot of work so that she could go with her and her daughters to the ball. And one of those jobs was to separate the peas from the lentils. So our participants, one from each team, will play the role of Cinderella and separate the peas from the beans. The speed and quality are evaluated.
(the competition is held, the results are summed up).
Vedas: Let's move on to the 3rd Culinary competition.
Before each team on the table is a certain list of products. These are boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, carrots, beets, White bread, mayonnaise, cheese, tomatoes.
Of these products, in 7 minutes it is necessary to prepare one or several dishes that could be fed to an unexpected guest. The whole team is involved in the cooking process. Originality and number of dishes will be judged.
(the competition is held, the results are summed up).

Vedas: The next competition of our program is "Tasting".
Each team needs 1 participant. Now you will be blindfolded and given 4 varieties of jam. You need to guess what kind of jam it is, try each

jam can be up to 3 times.

Vedas: Let's move on to the fifth competition of our program "Don't let yourself dry out." Now, the teams have to effortlessly drink? liters of milk. To make it convenient for everyone, you will drink in turn. Each is given 10 seconds. The first team to complete this task wins.
(the competition is held, the results are summed up).

Vedas: The next competition is “Collect a portfolio”.
I think you have had situations in your life when the electricity was cut off for an indefinite time, and you urgently need to do something, for example, collect a briefcase. So, in the next competition, one participant from the team participates. You will now be blindfolded and given a briefcase in which to put: a diary, notebook, textbook, pen, pencil, ruler, laundry.
All these items and many others are on the table in front of you. The speed and accuracy of execution is evaluated.
(the competition is held, the results are summed up).

Vedas: So the last and final competition of our program has remained - the contest "Dress the Child".
Each team will have to dress their child, whose role is played by 4th grade students, in warm clothes for a walk. This is a jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, jumper and boots. All things are in this big heap. On a signal, the team begins to carry out the task.
(the competition is held, the results are summed up).

Vedas: This concludes our competition-game program "Daughters-mothers" is over. Many thanks to all participants, fans, assistants. Let this charge of vivacity and Have a good mood will be with you for a whole week. And we say goodbye to you. See you again.

The course of the holiday

    Opening remarks by facilitators (teacher and parent)

    Poems (children)

    TV show with children saying “What is my mother?”

    Poems (children)

    Scene “3 mothers” (children, parents)

    Game "Mommy" (children)

    Scene “Every day is a holiday” (children, parents)

    Poems (children)

    Song "Little Country" (children)

    Poems (children)

    Competition “Flower-Semitsvetik) (parents)

    Song "Daughter" (teacher, daughter)

    Poems (children)

    Competition "Guess Mom" ​​(children, parents)

    Fairy tale (parents)

    Gift giving (children)

    TV show (children)

    Final song (hosts)

( slow music playing)

Presenter 1 (teacher):

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries.
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!
May the sun applaud her forever,
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!

Presenter 2 (parent): Hello, today we are glad to welcome our dear guests, all the guys, and, of course, the sweetest, beloved, relatives and beloved mothers!

Presenter 1: “Oh, how beautiful is the word“ mother ”! Today we would like to give pleasant moments of joy to sitting mothers and twice mothers - grandmothers.

Today, all attention is only to you - our relatives!

Presenter 2: (parent)

This word sounds the same
In various earthly languages
Whispers - mom! - caressed baby,
Falling asleep in her arms.
The first step - and the first fall,
And through tears he calls his mother,
Mom is a true salvation,
Only mom can save me from pain.

Presenter 1: Mom, Mom! How much warmth is concealed by the magic word, which is called the most dear, close, dear and only person. Mom follows our life path. Maternal love always warms us!

Presenter 2: Mom - not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy, happy. Mom is the window Big world! It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world. Mom is with us all my life!

Presenter 1: And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for mommy, the brighter and happier life is.


invited to visit us
We are grandmothers and mothers.
We promise, we promise
You won't be bored here!
Everything is ready for the holiday.

So what are we waiting for?
We'll turn on the TV
And let's start our holiday.

Watching a TV show with the participation of children “What is my mother?”


Different children live on the planet,
But all the children in the world love their mothers!
Sometimes we don't listen to moms,
But mothers teach us good deeds.
How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs does a bird have!
How many leaves on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world!
There is only one mother in the world!

Scene “3 momsCharacters: presenter, grandmother, mother, daughter Tanyusha.

(There is a table and 4 chairs in the center, a doll sits on one of the chairs in the distance)


Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening
And the doll asked ...


How are you, daughter?
Again you got your hands and feet dirty,
Probably played with a dog and a cat?
And she ate not soup, but candy alone.
These girls are in trouble!

(puts the doll on the table)


Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked ...


How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
“Dine,” the grandmother shouted 100 times.
And you answered: “Now yes now”
These girls are in trouble!
(mother sits her daughter at the table)


Here grandmother, mother's mother came
And I asked my mom...


How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, I didn’t find a minute to eat,
And in the evening I ate so much a dry sandwich.
After all, you have so many worries and troubles there!
You can't sit all day without lunch,
Already a doctor has become, and all the fidget -
You, my dear, are so young.
These girls are in trouble!

(mother sits at the table, grandmother arranges cups)


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?


Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Presenter 1:

Moms are different
Moms are important!

Presenter 2: Let's play with you a game called "Mommy"

Who came to me in the morning? - mommy
Who said: "It's time to get up!" - mommy
Who managed to cook the porridge? - mommy
Pour tea into a cup? - mommy
Who picked flowers in the garden? - mommy
Who kissed me? - mommy
Who childish loves laughter? - mommy
Who is the best in the world? - mommy!

Presenter 1: Our mothers have another profession - the mistress of the house. The house is supported by mom. They take care of their children and husband, cook, clean and do a lot of things.

Presenter 2: Do you know that during the year mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

Presenter 1: The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year.

Presenter 2: During the year, our mothers go shopping more than 2,000 km. Presenter 1: And if mothers are still working? The children should help their mothers!

Scene "Holiday every day"scene one

Mom walks around the house, tidies up toys and says

What is it?
It's such a mess here!
Just a moment of peace
They won't let me!
I washed the clothes
And cooked dinner.
I'm so tired
But I have no rest.

I'm tired, I'll go, for the first time in my life I'll lie down until the children from school come. And then I'll clean myself up.

scene two

The son comes from school, all lathered, on the go sings to the tune of “The Bremen Town Musicians”

There is nothing better in the world
Than to drive football at least until dawn.
And fight until you drop in hockey
This is all I need to be happy

Son: Mom, I'm here! Mom, I forgot to buy bread again. Mom, I want to eat! (looks into the room) Sleeping... (surprised) Strange... Well, okay, while he's sleeping, I'm driving for bread (singing) La-la-la

scene three

Daughter comes home from school. Sings (to the motive “She has eyes ...” gr. “Prime Minister”)

My neighbor does not sleep, does not eat -
He only talks about me.
Says there is nothing more beautiful
Better than the girl that sits with him
Look slowly
Am I not good?
I will note about myself .... Yes!


My eyes are two three carat diamonds
My curls - all the guys go crazy.
My lips are the doors of the two gates of paradise,
And in general, I'm all, all like that - melted!

Daughter: Mom! (whining) Mommy, I'm terribly tired and cold, take off my boots! Mother! I have beautiful nails! Mom! (takes off shoes, looks into the room) Are you sleeping? (bewildered) I don't understand!

scene four

The son appears with bread, singing a song.

Daughter: Shut up! Wake up mom!

Son: How?... Is she still sleeping? Oh wow! She needs to be awakened! I do want to eat!

Daughter: Yes, I already tried, nothing works.

Son: Then you feed me, you see I'm hungry!

Daughter: What else! I have beautiful nails! I'm tired…

Son: Do you think I'm not tired? By the way, I'm in sports school I'm studying!

Daughter: So what! And I'm in the music.

Son: Yes, okay! Well, what do we do now? Can a doctor be called? did mom get sick? (frightened) What if she's having this... lethargic dream?

Daughter: What?

Son: Well, this is when they sleep for a whole year .... Horror! Maybe call your dad at work?

Daughter: No, you don't need a doctor, and you shouldn't bother dad. Our mom is healthy. She's just tired. Spinning alone like a squirrel in a wheel all day, and no help from us! Here the body could not stand it! Poor thing!


Son: Got it! Let's clean up everything here ourselves, and mom will wake up and be delighted. What a great idea I came up with!

Daughter: You're right! We tortured our poor little mother. Look how tired she is. And I have noticed this before. All! From this day on, we start helping mom!

Son: Cool!

Son and daughter sing a song to the motive “Water Carrier Song”


Mother must be respected
Mom needs help
Do not say anything
Clean it up here, don't litter there.


I will tell you a secret
There is no better mother than ours
Do not say anything
Clean it up here, don't litter there.

Daughter: I'll iron the clothes!

Son: You don't know how!

Daughter: I'll learn nothing!

Son: And then I'll take out the trash! Here!

Daughter: You're lying!

Son: Yes, so that I burst at this place! Deal?

Daughter: Hands down! Agreed!

Scene five.

Mom wakes up. Children joyfully run to her, hug her and kiss her.

Son: Mom!

Daughter: Mommy!

Mom: (surprised) How clean it is here! Oh yes, well done! Is today some kind of holiday?

Daughter: No, Mommy! But from now on we will help you!

Son: Yep!

Mom: Why all of a sudden?

Daughter: We just understood one simple truth. To love means to protect, take care, help and support each other.

Son: Always! Right, mom?

Mom: That's right, kids!

Everyone sings a song to the tune “Friendship is strong”

Mommy is cute
The most beloved.
You are always in care
Busy all day
Wash, clean
Ironing and washing
Our mother does not know
The word is lazy.
Here's what we'll tell you
Take care moms.
Mom's work guys
We must respect.
We all love mom
Only this is not enough
We need to help our mothers.


Our moms are so good!
Our mothers are sweet, dear!
We vow to protect
And do not forget this oath!
Forgive us for every wrinkle
After all, because of us, it’s not sweet for you
Forgive us for every tear
Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.
And no matter how hard it is for us in life
When longing scares with a black shadow
Holy protects us from all troubles
Beloved mothers blessing.
May adversity not touch your days
And God bless you to live longer
Today you love, health, happiness
Your children want.
How much on a holiday, mother's holiday
Guys gathered here
They all look at grandmothers and mothers with delight
We all adore you, we wish them happiness
And sing a beautiful song.

Children sing a song to the motive "Little Country"

Mom is the best in the world
We love mommy
Mommy all our smiles
The best dreams in the world.
Mom is always in household chores
She has many worries.
We know that mom is very strong
Tired by evening


There is no mother,
Mom is no dearer
What is our beloved mother
Youth secret?

We will raise our children
And after many years
We also learn the most important
Mom's big secret.
Only love big mama
Doesn't get old
Let her be our own,
Lives for a long time.

Chorus: the same.

Presenter 1:

In the light of kind words
Lives a lot
But all the best
And more tender one:

Presenter 2:

Of two syllables
The simple word "mom"
And there are no words
Kinder than it!


You are the most beautiful,
You are the best!
To the gentle sun
And looks like me
I give you a smile
I give you a flower
I want to flutter
Always like a moth!
Mamusik, my beloved,
I see your smile
And I won't hide my lovely eyes
With all my heart I love
And your keen eyes, your caresses
More important to me
I want us to live like in a fairy tale
And you to need me.
Mom, my dear!
Ah, I love you!
gave you trouble
I must be full of mouth
Try to forget everything
Who will teach me how to live?

Presenter 2: Our mothers can do a lot.


And here are the hands of mommy -
It's just a treasure.
Being idle mommy
Hands do not order.

For them, the game “Flower-Semitsvetik” is held (Moms perform tasks)

Fly, fly, petal,
Through joy and delight
Just touch your hand
Read the task to us.

Presenter 2: Our teacher Alena Vladimirovna is not only a teacher, but also a mother. She is raising her daughter Ksyusha. Her word.

Ksyusha Drugova:

Dear tender mother!
A lot of kindness and kindness in you
Again and again in you I open
The sounds are warm, like the sounds of silver.
Honey, I don’t have a soul in you.
And I miss you a lot day and night
Come back from work soon
Waiting for you, your loving daughter.

(A song sounds to the motive “Daughter” by A. Pugachev.)


And your support for me
Important for every day.
And your word is good
Smile is important to me
Mommy will hug

And I'll tell her
How happy are you
My mommy!
Alena Vladimirovna:
And I go from school
Fatigue does not melt
But I know for sure:
Meet my daughter.
Hug, kiss
Look into my eyes.
What kind of helper are you?

My daughter!


Go around the world around
Just know in advance
You will not find warmer hands
And more reliable than my mother.
You will not find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

Presenter 1: The competition “Guess Mom” is being held (according to the drawings of children

Guess whose mom


I smile like mom
I also frown stubbornly.
I have the same nose
And the same hair color
I'm shorter than I
But still, the eyes and nose are similar
We walk in step: me and mom.
So similar - they say.
Only mom looks straight ahead
I'm left and right
And I'm looking back!
I don't want to argue with you.
You believe me so.
My mom is the best
The best in the world!

Presenter 1: Look who came to us for the holiday. Yes, this is Leshy.

Presenter 2: Why did you come to us?


Here's the problem! What a day!
Too lazy to make gifts!
Yes, without them I'm in a swamp
Appear e hunting.

(looks around)

ABOUT! Look here is the package
There must be a secret there.

(rubs hands)

Guessed me guys
Here are the gifts, here are the deeds!
I will take it now
And I'll feed myself!

(includes Kikimors)


Silva-ple, my girls!
I'm in transit from the Emirates.
Jumped into your swamp
I want to congratulate you
Here in the package, I'm embarrassed
Imported little thing.


On this occasion
We will fulfill the crackling.

1 Kikimora:

We are Kikimoras - beauties
The hair is long, the mind is short.
And leads to the enemy
Our Grandmother Yaga.

2 Kikimora:

We are dashing Kikimors!
We are not afraid of all the elements
We are anyone on the horns
Babushka Yaga is with us!

Together (circling)

Eh, ma, trulya - la
We are tired of Karga!

(looks at package)

1 Kikimora:

Oh, shameless, you little brother.
After all, he stole from the kids
You are gifts for moms

2 Kikimora:

We are bad girls
But more valuable than a gift us
If you made it yourself!

Goblin: I'm sorry, I'm to blame, I'm sorry, I repent.

Presenter 2:

Oh, and you are smart with us
Behind you eye and eye
We will forgive him guys.
After all, moms have a holiday!

Presenter 1: Help, quickly, the guys distribute gifts for moms.


Affairs and roads
There will be a lot in life
Let's ask ourselves
Where is the beginning?
Here is our answer
The correct most
Everything we live
It starts with mom!

Presenter 2: Attention to the screen.


Accept congratulations
Have fun, don't be bored
And get some rest
To be at home, at work
You have always been respected.
My dear grandmother
I wish you happiness
Lush pies, sweets
Know that there is no better than you!
Mother's Day - Women's Day
The prankster congratulates you
Flowers will give you fate
And I, of course, as always
I congratulate you with all my heart
So that you shine with beauty
I wish you happiness forever
To never get sick.
We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.
We wish you dear
Always be healthy
May you live long
Never get old.
We want no reason
You would be given flowers
Men would smile
Everything from your beauty.
May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you.

All children say "We love you!"

Presenter 1: Today we were once again convinced that our mothers are the most creative, funny, resourceful, artistic, the most-most ....

Presenter 2: Our dear relatives, we are very glad that we have you!

After all, you are the people closest to us.

Presenter 1: Thank you for taking the time to visit us today. Come more often, because the school is the second home of your children, and therefore your home. Goodbye!

Presenter 2: See you soon! Happiness, you and health!

The presenters sing a song to the motive “Shembur umbrellas”

We with our love to lead everyone in life
And mothers in the world are better not to find!
Low bow to you for your hard work
May everyone love you and take care of you.


    O.V.Uzorova, E.A.Nefyodova “Scenes-minutes at a school lesson”, Moscow, 2002

    Last call”, № 1, 2004

    How to entertain guests”, № 4, 2004

    Drugova Elena Vladimirovna, lecturer primary school, winner of the city competition "Teacher of the Year -2005" in the nomination "The coolest classroom"

competitive program, dedicated to the Day Mothers "Ah, come on, moms!".

Goal: Raise creativity students, strengthening a favorable psychological environment for all participants of the event.

A boy appears on the stage with an apple. The girl stops him.

Boy: Polina, shame on you! You didn’t wash your hands again, but you already grabbed an apple! And I didn't wash the apple either! Well, how much can you learn!!!

Girl: Well, as much as possible, you boys are incomprehensible creatures !!! Everyone teaches and teachers, educators, Stop teaching me! Leave me alone, you hear! (shows her fist)

Boy: That's how it always is, you only know how to offend! That's it, I'm not friends with you anymore ... (turns away and starts whimpering)

Girl: Come on, stop spreading sputum! Well, what are you, really! Do you want an apple?!

Host: (appears from backstage) What's going on here again? We can't leave you for a minute! And they are called helpers!
Do you want to ruin your holiday?

Girl: Oh, and it's true that it's us!

Boy: Today we have a competition! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

Girl: Hello, girls and boys, sirs and madams!

Host: Good evening! Today we have a very responsible day, because we start competitively - entertainment program"Ah, come on moms!"

So we start the draw! I ask class representatives, participants of today's competition, to take the stage. (drawing in progress)

Host: And now I want to introduce you to the jury of our competition ...

So here we go! The first contest of our program is BUSINESS CARD.

There is none of our mothers more beautiful,
Please accept our admiration.

Girl: After all, each of the mothers is beautiful.
So choose the one you like!


1. "Translators".

Every mother should make a literary translation of her children's "monologues".
“Estimate, the shoelaces will be drawn to the party today, and when they swirl, the ticha will blurt out about our anfisok that they pissed themselves: the boys began to stick together! Skulls - from the coils, muttered on the back of the head, and other preps will swell, they will completely collapse from the oak!

2. “Pantomime. Scene from life.

Dear friends, we have just recruited artists for the pantomime theater! So, a scene from life, your task is to pantomime some scenes from family life.
For example:
. You are called to the school to the director.
. At the zoo, your child ended up in a cage with monkeys.
. Your son (daughter), a student of grade 3, brought a “bride” to the house
. Your child crashed a brand new foreign car.
. You are going on a long trip. And at the airport it turns out that you forgot your child at home.
. At the entrance to the theater, a passing truck threw mud at you.
. Your child brought home a dirty, shabby kitten. Your actions.
. Your actions if your child showed compassion and brought a lousy bum home to spend the night.
. What to do if your child won the math olympiad but forgot to wash the dishes at home.

3. "Tailor"

Each "tailor" is given a roll toilet paper, from which he will need to make a dress for his "model". The dress should only be made of paper. Tears, knots are allowed, but the use of paper clips, pins and other foreign objects is prohibited.

4. "Piano in the bushes." (warm-up).

Let's check how things are with our mothers with vocal abilities. There are several songs for you to choose from. You choose one for yourself and perform it for us.

5. "Real musical."

He will be extraordinary. Each of the participants has a song and the genre in which it needs to be performed.
. "Lavender" (chastushki).
. “There is nothing better in the world ...” (“Suliko”)
. “There are so many golden lights…” (to the melody of a soldier's song)
. "Grandmother next to grandfather" ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest")
. "Kalinka Malinka". ("Let them run clumsily")
. "Iceberg" ("Antoshka")
. "Am I to blame?" ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")
. "A soldier is walking through the city" ("A Million Scarlet Roses")
. "Song of the Hares" (" Good night kids")
6. "Ah, potatoes!"
Who will keep the potatoes on their heads longer, while dancing. Or - count the number of potatoes on the chair. Covered with cloth (bag).
Games with spectators.

1. "Roller coaster".
* Sat down - top - top.
. Belt - "whack - whack!";
. Acceleration - "wow - wow!"
. Go! Lean back slightly.
. On the grass - rubbing his palms.
. Turn right - girls squeak.
. Turn left - the boys are crying.
. Crossbar - "Oops!"
. Tussocks - "opachki - opachki!"
. Swamp - "bang - bang!"
. Mostovaya - punches in the chest.

2. "Levshinsky rain".

Finger snapping.
. Palm strikes to the chest.
. Rubbing with palms.
. Strikes with palms on the knees.
. Stomping on the floor.

3. "Auction"
Who will name more songs about mom.

4. "Funny questions."
*Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there together? (three)

* Why do giraffes Long neck? (he likes to cheat)

*Why does the hippopotamus have no waist? (he can't dance)

*Why do elephants have huge ears? (Convenient to drive away flies)
* Why don't frogs fly away to warmer climes? (a lot of croaking)

Why are there many holes in cheese? (These are moves for mice)

* What should you do when you meet a tiger in a dream? (Wake up)

*What do fish and talkers have in common? (Endless talking)

*What can happen if you swallow a frog? (you can start croaking)

*Can a rooster call itself a hen? (No, he can't talk).

* How to write the word "mousetrap" in five letters? (Cat).

. "Lavender".

1. Everything happens in our life,
And under the sun the ice does not melt
And winter meets with warmth,
It rains in December.
Love or not, we don't know
We sometimes play in love
And when we lose it, “not destiny” we say.

Etc. Lavender, mountain lavender
Our meetings with you are blue flowers.
Lavender, mountain lavender
How many years have passed
But remember me and you.

.“There are so many single guys”

1. There are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov
There are so many single guys
And I love a married man.
2. How early he started a family,
Sad story.
I melt love from myself
And even more so from him.

"Grandma next to Grandpa"

1. Holiday, holiday we celebrate with the family
Holiday, golden wedding holiday
"Bitter, bitter!" merrily shout
Forty great-grandchildren and twenty-five grandchildren

Etc. Grandma next to Grandpa
So many years, so many years together!
Grandma next to Grandpa sing this song loudly!
"The Bremen Town Musicians"
1. There is nothing better in the world,
Than friends wander around the world
Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety
Any road is dear to us.

P: la la la...

"Kalinka Malinka"
1. Under the pine under the green
You put me to sleep
Ay, lyuli - lyuli,
You put me to sleep
Lyuli - lyuli,
Put me to sleep!

Etc. Kalinka - raspberry, my Kalinka
In the garden, the Kalinka berry is my raspberry.
"Song of the Hares"

1. In a dark blue forest,
Where aspens tremble.
Where from oaks - sorcerers flies foliage
Hares mow grass, tryn - grass in a clearing
And at the same time they sing strange words ...

Etc. And we don't care, and we don't care
Let us be afraid of the wolf and the owl.
We have a case: in the most difficult hour
We mow magic tryn - grass!

1. An iceberg grows out of the fog like an ice mountain
And carries it over the boundless seas.
Good for those who know how dangerous the ocean is
How dangerous in the ocean is an iceberg to oncoming ships.
Etc. And I forget about everything in the world with you,
And I rush headlong into love like into the sea
And you're as cold as an iceberg in the ocean
And all your sorrows under black water.

"A soldier is walking through the city"
1. A soldier has a day off - buttons are unlikely.
brighter sunny day burning gold.
Sentinels at the post in the city of spring,
Escort us to the gate, comrade foreman
Comrade foreman!

Etc. A soldier walks through the city, along an unfamiliar street
And from the smiles of girls the whole street is bright!
Do not be offended girls, but the main thing for a soldier is
So that his distant, beloved waited!

"Am I to blame!"
Am I to blame, am I to blame, am I to blame for loving
Is it my fault that my voice trembled when I sang a song to him
Guilty of everything, guilty all around, you still want to justify yourself!
So why did she allow herself to be kissed on this moonlit night.

Used Books:
1. Magazine class teacher No. 4, 2007
2. Internet resources