Name: Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolaevich

Place of birth: Moscow

Education: higher, Russian State University for the Humanities, department of local history and historical and cultural tourism

Profession: traveler, lecturer at the Russian State Humanitarian University, author of two novels “Notes of Tolik the Traveler” and “The World in Your Eyes”, honorary member of the Moscow Local Lore Society

Marital status: married, two children

Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolaevich grew up in the family of geologist Nikolai Andreevich and accountant Vera Stepanovna. Anatoly's childhood years, in connection with his father's constant business trips, were spent traveling around the CIS and abroad: Tyumen, New Urengoy, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Yerevan (Armenia) and even Basra (Iraq). Therefore, it is not at all surprising that subsequently the young man chose the path of a local historian and traveler as a profession. New cities, amazing landscapes, mysterious myths and legends different corners lands forever captivated the heart of Anatoly Nikolaevich.

In 1992, the family returned to their homeland in Moscow.

In 1996 Anatoly Nikolaevich Kozeruk graduated from high school. At the family council, it was decided that the young man should enter the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Department of Local Lore and History.

In 1997, during the summer practice, Anatoly Nikolaevich traveled around Russia with a group. There he supplements his future novel with notes. And upon returning to study, in the 2nd year he decides to publish his first author's work. The first reader of the novel was Anatoly's father, Nikolai Andreevich, who highly appreciated his son's writing talent. He showed the book to his colleagues from the publishing house, and they decided to print 30 test copies. The novel was liked by classmates and friends of the Anatoly family. And even scientific adviser Anatoly's diploma purchased a copy for review. Fame was not long in coming, and already in the 5th year, the name "Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolaevich" was associated among students of the Russian State Humanitarian University with a young and talented author-traveler.

After defending his diploma, the teaching staff recommended Anatoly for admission to graduate school. Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolaevich becomes a teacher at his native department. He is also accepted into the Moscow Local History Society.

In 2002, during another working trip to Saratov, Anatoly Nikolayevich got acquainted with his future wife Zhanna, who works as a guide at the Radishchev Art Museum. Six months later, Zhanna moved to Moscow to Anatoly, and in the summer of 2003 the couple signed at the Central Registry Office.

In 2008, Anatoly Nikolayevich Kozeruk decides to write a second novel - "The World in Your Eyes", dedicated to his beloved wife Zhanna, who discovered and gave the modest traveler absolutely new world- family happiness.

Currently, Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolayevich teaches a course in local history at the Russian State Humanitarian University, he is actively involved in attracting the younger generation to travel around home country full of unknown beautiful places. Anatoly Nikolaevich also teaches an elective at the school of his eldest son Peter. As head of the parent committee, he regularly organizes trips for schoolchildren to various cities of Russia in order to study the culture and history of the state.

A member of the Board of Directors of the development company MR Group, a former adviser to the General Director for investment projects of CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug, answered Kommersant's questions.

- Anatoly Nikolaevich, how are you feeling? Are you tired from the work week?

The mood is wonderful, I always try to keep it that way. I don't understand people who need to be dull and rude sometimes. In my opinion, the fact that we live is already a great happiness. And as for fatigue - I don’t have days off, I’m always in touch on work issues, so I didn’t accustom myself to get tired either. No time to lose heart and sour.

Yes, you are a true role model! Did aviation teach you this approach to life? Do you ever feel grateful for this period of your life?

More than aviation, I am grateful only to my wife. The first made me understand that it makes no sense to be afraid in life, and all problems should be perceived as challenges. And of course, she taught me how to take care of my health. Unfortunately, now he is connected with aviation only as a traveler, and, well, a visitor to MAKS. There is not enough time for everything, let's see how it goes.

- You love risk, that's for sure. Are there things that are prohibited? What would you never do in life?

I would not risk the welfare and life of my family. This is the most valuable thing I have. And I would not interfere with the children to choose their future. Thanks to my parents for not hindering me when I was looking for my path. This is a life lesson well learned by me that you should not interfere with children, but you need to be in a trusting relationship with them so that they are not afraid to turn to you for advice.

About Gazprom Invest Yug and prospects for Russian development

It looks like your parents did everything right. You have been holding the position of Advisor to the General Director for Investment Projects at CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug for quite a long time. Does this experience help you in your work now?

Undoubtedly, these 10 years have not remained an empty spot in my life. When I worked in that rhythm, my wife said that it was impossible to cope with this, she was very worried. But now I can find a way out of almost any non-standard situation, there have already been so many of them over the years. It is impossible to forget this experience of working in such a large corporation as Gazprom, in many respects it was the competencies acquired at that time and personal qualities help me now to cope with difficulties more easily. Well, I also learned that doing a hundred things at the same time is not difficult.

- What about your current position? Do you think Russian development is promising?

I think that at the current moment in time and with the possibilities of the Internet, anything can be promising. But there are definitely problems. Lack of interaction governing bodies and business, businessmen are still not trusted. But we are working in every possible way on this, as well as on ensuring that not only Largest cities, but also less populated and more distant from the center of the country.

Pro family values and travel

- Tell us about the achievement that you consider the most significant in your life?

You want to hear about your career right now, right? But I already told you about Gazprom. And it seems to me that the fact that my wife and I were able to raise our wonderful children, who now respect family values, strive to spend time with their parents on the weekends, is our main joy and happiness. Surprisingly, they are still not against traveling with us, they are not shy. I really want many grandchildren, I try not to overload my children with my desires, but I hope that the wait is not too long.

Now it is customary to say that you do not need to have a hobby, modern people not adapted for this. And what is your opinion? Is there time for leisure?

As a child, I went to the chess club, school years also received many awards at tournaments, and then this hobby was somehow forced out at the university. And now my nephew got carried away and makes him play with him, he does well, so we fight, and again I had to read special books in order to understand and build strategies. In principle, I like to read and I always carry a book with me, besides, there is enough time in Moscow traffic jams and flights.

- You love your family so much. What about pets?

You have no idea how timely the question was asked. Just the other day, a Fluffy corgi appeared in our house - a gift from the children for our wedding anniversary. An insane amount of joy brings, the only one who is dissatisfied is our Sphynx cat Vasily, who runs after the puppy and hisses. In general, yes, lovers of living creatures - this is about us. I love looking at butterflies too. Impressed by the Butterfly Valley in Rhodes.

- You have traveled almost the whole world. Are there places you would like to return to?

Indeed, I have 90 countries on my account, I don’t want to stop. I like to visit both Asia (Bangkok is an incredible city, eastern New York is it, and not Hong Kong, as it seems to me), I like to try strange food and swim in the warm sea, and in Europe. France is what you need if you want a quick vacation, but there is no time to fly halfway across the world. But now we travel more in Russia, and this is also wonderful. Altai was very impressive, we still have to get to Kamchatka.

Anatoly Nikolaevich Kozeruk, a member of the Board of Directors of the development company MR Group, a former adviser to the General Director for investment projects of CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug, answered the journalist's questions.

Edit: From air aviation to the board of directors of a large development company: Anatoly, how did it happen? Why did they leave aviation and go into construction?

Anatoly Kozeruk: As it often happens, one day I faced a choice - what do I want more: to fly myself or to give my family and children the opportunity to fly somewhere to rest every year? Simply put, you had to choose to do what you love or provide for your family. I opted for the second one. In addition, one of my first steps outside of aviation was in construction. I have loved this business since childhood, it is always a pleasure to create something, to create. So, in fact, my career path was designated.

Edit: Is there a place for aviation in your life? Do you follow the news of Russian aviation?

Anatoly Kozeruk: Speaking frankly, unfortunately, I don’t have time to follow aviation news at all. True, in my defense I can say that I try not to miss the MAKS air show. This is the third year in a row that my wife and I have been going there. When I watch these shows, I get nostalgic for my youth, but then the nostalgia is quickly replaced by a huge sense of pride that our pilots were, are and always will be the most technical in the world.

Edit: You have been holding the position of Advisor to the General Director for Investment Projects at CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug for quite a long time. Does this experience help you in your work now?

Anatoly Kozeruk: Undoubtedly. I must say that, in principle, the experience of working in such a large-scale structure as Gazprom, it seems to me, brought me great confidence in my abilities, the ability to sometimes find non-standard solutions and, of course, to be constantly at work, in the know. Well, speaking from a professional point of view, I discovered a huge layer of knowledge that, probably, can only be obtained by working in such a large organization, and leading a large number of quite complex projects.

Edit: What do you think is the future of Russian development? What awaits large developers in the coming years: will the demand for housing grow or fall?

Anatoly Kozeruk: Undoubtedly, the demand for housing will continue to grow. I think that we have not even reached the very peak of demand. Moreover, I think this applies not only to such cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also to other million-plus cities, and not only in the central part of Russia. As for the future development of Russian development, I think that for further development it is necessary to improve the partnership between government and business. Since we lack the continuity of solutions, which sufficiently slows down the development of any business, but especially industrial.

Edit: Are you interested in business literature? What books would you recommend to those who are just starting their way in the real estate development business?

Anatoly Kozeruk: To be honest, I do not find it particularly useful to read business literature. Experience, as they say, head teacher. So I don't really care for it myself. As for advice, I can say that the main thing is to follow the news in this area, constantly monitor last changes, in other words, be aware of what is happening on this moment. After all, any books can become outdated, and it doesn’t matter if it happens a month after their publication or a year later.

Edit: What is your hobby? Do you have any successful businessman time for hobbies and hobbies?

Anatoly Kozeruk: No matter how trite it may seem, the only hobby for which I have enough time and now the strength is reading. I like to read a lot and different things. I can read up to three books at the same time, and all of them will be interesting to me in their own way. The only thing is that it is very important for me to hold a book in my hands, so that it smells like paper, so that I can lay a page. I may seem out of touch with progress now, but I don’t perceive at all e-books. They have no soul.

Edit: Let's talk more about travel. What trips have impressed you the most?

Anatoly Kozeruk: You know, the older I get, the more clearly I understand: in order for the trip to surprise you with something, it is absolutely not necessary to go to distant lands. Recently my family and I were in Karelia. An amazing place, a place of power. There you completely forget about some city fuss, affairs, but just enjoy the connection with nature and feel its greatness. I was also very impressed by the trip to Altai. But then I was even more surprised by people than by nature. I will probably not meet such responsive, open, calm people for a long time.

Edit: You are in great shape. What sports are you into?

Anatoly Kozeruk: I love running, in all its manifestations. Sometimes on weekends I force myself to jog in the morning, then I feel this charge of energy all day long. And, of course, football. There are friends with whom we have already assembled a real team. We gather with them in the mood and remember our youth.

Edit: Very soon New Year. How are you going to celebrate?

Anatoly Kozeruk: Traditionally, like many new years before that, I will celebrate, of course, with my family. We have no special traditions on this day, everything is the same as I think millions of Russians have: Christmas tree, chimes, champagne, Olivier. The only thing is that the wife always cooks her signature apple pie. For some reason, in our family, this dish is associated with the New Year much more than tangerines. ( smiles).

The piquancy of the situation is that the debtor is a well-known person in the city, an 88-year-old veteran of labor, an active public figure and deputy of the local Council Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolaevich.

For last month the activities of collectors almost led to sad consequences twice. Anatoly Kozeruk was hospitalized by an ambulance with a suspected heart attack. This happened after unknown persons painted the wall of the entrance where Kozeruk lives with obscene inscriptions addressed to him and threats of a nationalist nature. For a person who saw the war with his own eyes and lost loved ones on it, it was especially painful. Constant calls with threats of physical violence, deliberate damage to the debtor's property - such methods of work of collection agencies are well known to Russians. But the main problem lies in the fact that the veteran firmly denies any relationship with credit institutions. In this case, the Zvezda Vostoka microfinance organization acts as a creditor. After public activists got involved in the case, and an article about the Novokuznetsk scandal was published in one of the local newspapers, the other side of the conflict expressed its point of view.

Representatives of the IFO provided journalists with a copy of the loan agreement and a photocopy of the passport, according to which Kozeruk A.N. In May 2015, he received a microcredit in the amount of 5,000 rubles. The payment expired in December, and three months after that, the debt with interest was sold to collectors. In particular, the former captain of the criminal investigation department (by the way, expelled from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for assault) Dmitry Filimonchik was appointed responsible for collecting the debt from Kozeruk.

Kozeruk Anatoly Nikolaevich excludes his involvement in the incident and any relationship with creditors. According to him, he lost his passport a year ago, wrote a corresponding statement to the police and received new documents after the period established by law. Employees of the OGiM joined the case on Kemerovo region who confirmed what the veteran said. Indeed, on July 22, 2015, he was issued new passport instead of the lost one, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty were found in the archives.

Human rights activists and ordinary citizens are outraged by what happened, because it becomes clear that the loan for the lost documents was issued by an unidentified third party. How the MFI employees drew up the contract and why they didn’t even look at the photo, the investigation will figure it out. IN currently a criminal case under the article "Fraud" was initiated. An investigator of the city prosecutor's office assigned a handwriting examination, which refuted the authenticity of Kozeruk's signature on the loan agreement. According to the results obtained, a specific person was brought to justice - an employee of the MFI Svetlana Ustinova, who concluded an agreement with the imaginary Kozeruk on issuing an urgent loan. Under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, she faces either a large fine or up to 2 years in prison. According to the leadership of the Star of the East, Ustinova was fired from her job a week ago for a gross violation of internal standards.

As for the fate of the ex-captain of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is almost impossible to prove his involvement in the psychological pressure on Kozeruk. The veteran has no records of telephone conversations with representatives of the collection agency, and constant calls demanding repayment of the debt is more immoral than illegal. Anatoly Nikolayevich has already used his right and filed a civil claim for compensation for harm to health in relation to Filimonchik and Ustinova. The interests of the veteran in court will be represented by a well-known lawyer in the region Alexander Igoshin. Thanks to his efforts, in the framework of the criminal case on fraud, Kozeruk A.N. has already been recognized as a victim, and representatives of the MFIs have waived any financial claims.

He is well known in our country as a member of the Board of Directors of the developer company MR Group and a former adviser to the general director of Gazprom Invest Yug. However, there are other interesting titles in the businessman's piggy bank - for example, in 2014 he became "Business Developer of the Year", and more recently - "Traveler of the Year".

Anatoly Kozeruk was born on June 10, 1966 in St. Petersburg, which was then called Leningrad. The future businessman was brought up in intelligent family engineer and school teacher.

Literally from the very early years Anatoly dreamed of the sky, but he was able to realize the dream of aviation only in his youth: his choice fell on the Academy civil aviation. With admission, Kozeruk's life was filled with study - Anatoly devoted all his time to her. But this did not prevent him from getting married. Together with his wife, they received a scholarship and lived modestly in a hostel. Nevertheless, Kozeruk did not give up his favorite studies, worked hard and achieved success in the field of air aviation. At first he worked at the Pulkovo airport, and then moved to serve in the Baltic Air Transport. By this time, Anatoly Nikolayevich Kozeruk was already raising 2 children.

The beginning of the 2000s was marked by a radical change in activity: the businessman entered the field of real estate development and took the position CEO BVT company. In one of the interviews, Anatoly told why he chose development: at that time it was necessary to provide for his family, and the construction industry itself tempted him.

In 2003, Anatoly was invited to ZAO Gazprom invest Yug and took the post of adviser to the general director. The businessman specialized in investment projects. Kozeruk took an active part in the launch of the Purtazovskaya and Kotelnikovskaya compressor stations, as well as in the construction of the main gas pipeline.

According to the businessman, work in one of the largest Russian companies allowed him to gain confidence in his abilities, and also taught him to find non-standard solutions.

In 2013, the businessman joined the Board of Directors of MR Group. Kozeruk's responsibilities have expanded: now he is engaged not only in the implementation of the developer's strategy, but also in investing in commercial and residential real estate construction projects in Moscow. These are apartments, apartments, shopping and business centers. As an investment, a businessman uses his own resources, as well as funds from banks and partners. In parallel, Anatoly Kozeruk manages his own real estate, which is more than 250 thousand square meters. km!

The life of a businessman is not limited to the performance of professional duties: Anatoly is actively involved in social projects and is engaged in charity (support for children with disabilities). The businessman also has a hobby. He is fond of travel: there are already 90 countries on the list of achievements - Kozeruk does not intend to stop there. He also loves to spend time reading - he can even read several books at the same time. According to Anatoly, the main life value is the family.