Vera Glagoleva- wonderful Soviet, Russian actress. Unfortunately, August 16, 2017 of the year Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva was gone, she died when she was sixty-one years old. Still young, full of energy and creative ideas, beloved by all, this actress died of cancer or its consequences. Although Vera Glagoleva for more than twenty-seven years she had not eaten meat, floury and sweet, healthy lifestyle life, never overeat, did yoga, all this did not save her from stomach cancer. Cancer does not choose, it can come to everyone, and it has already been proven that it is impossible to protect yourself from it, only early diagnosis often saves the situation, but this fact helps few people, since the first three stages are asymptomatic.

In this photo from left to right: eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova (1978), Vera Glagoleva(1956), youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya(1993), middle daughter Maria Nakhapetova (1980).

At Vera Glagoleva there are three beautiful daughters left, one more beautiful than the other, each of them has an interesting, bright appearance and they don’t even look like each other.

In this photo, the first husband of Vera Glagoleva is director Rodion Nakhapetov, Vera Glagoleva and the two daughters of this couple: Anna on the left and Maria on the right.

Vera Glagoleva was married twice, from the first husband of the director Rodion Nakhapetova she gave birth to daughters Anna and Masha, from the second husband of businessman Kirill Shubsky, daughter Anastasia.

Vera Glagoleva married early for the first time, she was 20 years. WITH Rodion Nakhapetov Vera I met when I came with a friend for company to audition for the film "To the edge of the world…". A beautiful, fragile girl was spotted by an assistant director, offered to try on leading role. I saw this movie and it's amazing Vera Glagoleva there is one of the main roles, in this film she has dark hair, but the hairstyle itself is exactly the same to which we are all accustomed - a caret.

Was Vera Glagoleva is 19 years old when she filmed for the first time. Plot of the film "To the edge of the world…" like this: a young guy, very self-confident, denying all generally accepted moral, human, social norms - he rebels, he does not want to study, work, adults consider everyone, without exception, stupid and limited. Parents, tired of the torment of their offspring, send him from Moscow to the village to his uncle. Arriving to his relatives, Volodya meets his cousin Simoy (Vera Glagoleva). During one of the family gatherings, a violent, quarrelsome Vladimir runs out from behind the table, and all because his uncle promised to make a man out of him. The guy ran wherever his eyes looked. He had only a couple of rubles with him, uncle sends his daughter to catch up with the shrew sim. Eventually Vladimir And Sima wandered very far from home, the guy does not want to return, the girl followed him like a tail, where he is, there she is. Initially Volodya he makes fun of the girl in every possible way, considering her a silly naive fool, tells her that there is no love, girls need to be used, which he does safely, but urges his interlocutor not to be available. Work is not for Volodya. But the couple has no money, they lost the last rubles in scrapes and they have to, oh, how not sweet, in the same clothes: she is in a light dress, he is in trousers and a shirt, hungry and tired, they wander along the railway tracks. Sima asks to return Volodya torn to Moscow, but anywhere, but not back to his uncle. But summer weather, youth, youthful maximalism, meeting with various people, joint conversations, and Vladimir somehow begins to look at his fellow traveler sim. In addition, it turns out that she is not at all to him. cousin, she was adopted as a one-year-old child. All these travels, work at a youth construction site, shared trials led to the fact that Sima was ill with bilateral croupous pneumonia. Volodya in despair, the girl lies in the hospital unconscious, the guy writes to her very touching letter, where he confesses his love, he calls on her to live, not to die otherwise, and there will be no place for him in this world, he will not live, he will do something with himself. Sitting on the sick bed, at the request Volodya the doctor reads fading Sime this letter.

This film touched me, it was shot very well, the script, dialogues, actors are incomparable. A Vera Glagoleva not the one we are all used to, firstly black hair, and secondly - very young, literally a girl with plump lips and looks at us from the screen with a childish naive look. And talented Vera Glagoleva undoubtedly the first role and such a message! And the figurine is a feast for the eyes, there was a scene in the film when Sima bathed in Volodya in the river. On Sime high-waisted panties in the fashion of those times, a clumsily sewn bra, but the girl swims masterfully, Volodya delighted, right here on the river, Sima admits to him that she was adopted. The guy starts to joke about her, because before taking her into his family, the future father did not know the real name of the orphan, here Vova and calls sim then Galya, then Any, then Agrippina, then Cleopatra. For him, she no longer Sima, he is completely delighted - after all, this girl is now a mystery to him, her origin is a mystery to everyone. Who is she. Where did this unusual come from?

Why Vera Glagoleva And Rodion Nakhapetov broke up? Was everything cloudless in their marriage? Was it just cheating Nakhapetova? Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Men, despite their external force, brutality, unsentimentality - very vulnerable creatures. Women's approval, warmth, affection are extremely important to them. Many women understand this too late, because they believe that a man is a strong creature, he can withstand everything, he will not shed tears. But in fact, women's praise is very important to them, the wife must support all the undertakings of her husband, she must look into his eyes with admiration, with delight! To praise, each time to show how much her beloved is dear to her. Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it and not be intrusive, to let the man be alone. I'm giving you a whole master class on gender relations here. But here Vera Glagoleva She was too young, she was only 35 years old. It seems that she is no longer a girl, but believe me, somewhere only at this age women begin to understand men. Men, on the other hand, do not share their experiences, they will hold a grudge, it is easier for them to start looking left, to build new relationships than to tell their wife that they do not like it in a hateful marriage.

IN 1991 year Rodion Nakhapetov emigrated to USA, he planned to move his family there over time, went to start to look around and settle down. But he was not going anywhere, there a lady was already waiting for him, Natalia Shlyapnikoff, who works as a manager at the US Independent Television Association. They already knew her, a couple of years ago she praised the film Nakhapetova "At the end of the night". The drama was created 1987 year. Already Rodion Nakhapetov thinking about what they have Vera Glagoleva there was a crack in the relationship, that is, after only 9 years of marriage. The fact is that Rodion Nakhapetov all the time he tried to shoot his wife in his films, but this time there was no role for her in the film. Faith offended, began to sharply criticize all the work of her husband, she did this possible and not from evil, she just really was a truth-teller and something did not suit her. A Rodion Nakhapetov support was important, a kind word, maybe Faith I had to hug my beloved, scratch behind his ear. But Vera Glagoleva the woman is tough, she did not like to breed susipusi. And here Natasha Shlyapnikoff, she was completely different, at first she looked with reverence at Rodion, secondly, she was an independent, self-sufficient woman, had her own connections, business acumen. Rodion Nakhapetov I thought that Vera Glogoleva he created himself, like Pygmalion Galatea, perhaps more often wanted to hear words of gratitude from his wife for this, was not satisfied with something and in new woman he found those qualities that he lacked in the first. Well, let it all be so, I found my love, but Vera Glagoleva went to USA with her daughters, she had a tour with a private performance. She had no idea that her husband had been living with another woman for a long time, that he was in love, tormented by thoughts of an impending divorce. Vera Glagoleva Strong woman, she steadfastly withstood the blow, did not even bend under his onslaught, but this does not mean that our heroine survived the betrayal easily and did not suffer. Subsequently, in her interviews, she repeatedly said that that period of her life was very difficult and painful for her. It seems to me that this steadfast woman forbade herself to think that she was humiliated, insulted, abandoned, crushed. But everything that happens to us throughout our life tempers our character, so this story did not go unnoticed by Vera Vitalievna, some believe that it was that stress that launched the mechanism of self-destruction in the actress's organism, because oncology Vera Glagoleva fell ill not in 2017, according to some sources, it all started 10 years ago, on the other hand, millions of women experience stress, separation, divorce, but who said that they do not get sick after that?

Herself Vera Glagoleva laughed it off and said that she was married to Kirill Shubsky for more than twenty-five years, and with Rodion Nakhapetov was only 12 . What kind of pain is there? Everything is forgotten. But from the side Kirill Shubsky there was also a betrayal, the famous athlete Svetlana Khorkina bore him a son Svyatoslav just twelve years ago. So could this new shock have caused the onset of the disease? Second, significant. It's hard to believe that Vera Glagoleva took the news lightly. But in any case Vera Glagoleva became wise woman, did not destroy her family. Incidentally, at Vera Glagoleva a difficult character, for example, she is simply sure that she is always right in disputes, her opinion is correct, and the opponent’s opinion never withstands any criticism. Another fact, both husbands Vera Glagoleva were born on the same day January 21, although with a difference in 20 years.

In this photo, the daughters of Vera Glagoleva are Masha and Nastya.

With three beautiful daughters, Vera Glagoleva gave birth to the youngest at the age of 37.

In the photo from youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya.

In this photo, young Vera Glagoleva, she was like that in her youth.

The eldest daughter of Vera Glagoleva is Anna Nakhapetova.

Granddaughter Polina is surprisingly similar to her grandmother!

Grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva. On the left is Polina - she was born by the eldest daughter Glagoleva - Anna, and on the right is the grandson Kirill - he was born by the middle daughter Maria.

During her long career, Vera Glagoleva starred in 48 films and TV shows. She was a successful director and producer. Glagoleva's project called "One War" in Monte Carlo received an award for directing at the international television film festival.

Anna Nakhapetova is not only the daughter of the famous parents of Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva, but also a talented ballerina and actress. She was born in Moscow in October 1978. It is not surprising that Anna connected her life with art, since she was born in creative family. Since childhood, the girl was fond of ballet. Graduating in 1996 state academy choreography in Moscow, Anna began performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Of course, fans are interested not only in her career, but also in her personal life. The girl decided to say goodbye to her free life in 2006, with a man with whom she had lived together for several years before. Anna's chosen one was Yegor Simachev, Anna's colleague on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Unfortunately, the family union could not be saved even with the advent of Polina's daughter. Former spouses, announcing the reason for the separation, said that they could not resolve domestic differences.

Maria Nakhapetova was born in Moscow in June 1980, in the family of Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva. Maria from early childhood was fond of painting. She studied at an art school, and at the Art Studio of the Pushkin Museum. Later, the girl graduated from the art department of VGIK in the department of "animation". Maria continued her studies in the USA, and received a specialization in computer animation, graphics and design. Now Masha Nakhapetova acts in films, paints pictures, and designs books.

Maria's first husband was the owner of a photo studio, a native of Russia. The girl met him in the USA at the courses of computer special effects with Steven Spielberg. This marriage did not last long, and Maria returned to Russia. Masha's second husband was a young businessman from Moscow, from whom Maria gave birth to a son. By the way, the husband was present at the birth of his son, and steadfastly withstood this event.

Anastasia Shubskaya - Russian model and actress was born in Switzerland in November 1993, in the family of Vera Glagoleva, and her second husband, Kirill Shubsky. creative life girls began as early as adolescence. As an actress, Nastya made her debut in 2005, in the film Ca-de-bo. Despite the fact that her daughter had already begun the path to the cinema, Vera dissuaded her daughter from entering the acting department. In 2009, Anastasia became a student of the production department at VGIK.

In the spring of 2015, Anastasia announced that she was in a relationship with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. In August 2016, rumors spread that Shubskaya and Ovechkin were secretly married. The newlyweds confirmed this information, stating that the marriage took place on August 20, 2016. However, the couple arranged a celebration on the occasion of the wedding only a year later, on July 8, 2017. The couple arranged a celebration on a grand scale in Barvikha. Many celebrities were present among the guests, the couple chose Nikolai Baskov as the host of the wedding. President Vladimir Putin also decided to congratulate the newlyweds on such a solemn day, who personally congratulated the newlyweds with a call, a telegram and a gift.

Anna Nakhapetova is a Soviet and Russian actress, ballerina with an amazing biography. She has many talents creative way her family contributed. The girl achieved success in two industries at once, but does not stop there.

Childhood and youth

Nakhapetova Anna Rodionovna was born in Moscow on October 14, 1978. Her parents belonged to the acting circle. Father is an actor, director and screenwriter of Ukrainian-Armenian origin. Mother -, actress and director. In 1991, she married a second time to a businessman. birth father continued to participate in the upbringing of children.

Anna has sisters - her own Maria, an artist and designer, and a half-wife (from her mother's second marriage), a hockey player's wife.

The talents of the future artist began to appear from an early age. She was attracted by ballet - the beauty, airiness and elegance of the dance. Therefore, the father enrolled his daughter in a ballet studio at the Palace of Pioneers. The girl was only 3.5 years old. There she studied until the age of 9 and entered a choreographic school to pursue a career in the future.

As a child, Anya made her film debut. In the film "Sunday Dad" she got a small but memorable role of Nina, the daughter of a teacher. It is noteworthy that the teacher Lena was played by Vera Glagoleva, who is Anna's mother in real life.

At the age of 10, the girl experienced a real shock when she learned about the departure of Rodion Rafailovich to America. As the ballerina recalls, her sister Masha survived this event much more calmly than she did.

“Masha is almost 2 years younger than me and, due to her age and easy nature, took this news more calmly than I did. dishes in his house and run away."

She wrote letters to her father, where she vented all her anger. She signed her name and the name of Mary. The situation was corrected by the girls' mother, trying to improve relations between relatives. Glagoleva's plan was touring America. The woman took the girls with her. There they met with their father and stayed with him.

At first, relations between Anna and Rodion were tense. But the father should be given credit - free time he spent with the children. Gradually confidence was restored.

After returning from the United States, Nakhapetova continued her ballet classes. At the age of 13, she transferred from the Leningrad Choreographic School to the Moscow Academic School, class of Sofia Golovko, where she studied until her graduation in 1996. After graduation, he immediately goes to work at the Bolshoi Theater. There, the girl participates in such productions as Don Quixote, Spartacus, La Bayadère, Sleeping Beauty, Scarlet Sails, etc.


Anna Nakhapetova was well aware that she would not be able to dance on stage all her life, because a certain age was set for ballerinas to retire. Those who remain until old age are few. Therefore, you need to realize yourself in other areas. And she, taking an example from her parents, goes into the world of films.

The first work in the filmography is the Russian-American series "Russians in the City of Angels". Father Rodin Nakhapetov took up the script and production. In this crime drama, Anna had a small role, but it was a good start in her career.

Further work is closely related to professional activity young actress. One of the brightest examples of this is the film "The Secret of Swan Lake" with a detective basis. Often the girl played creative people- the ballerina Maryana in the "Private Life of Doctor Selivanova" and the aspiring singer Lyudmila Rubina in the film "Upside Down". Last appearance on big screen took place in the film "Blockade" in 2016.


In addition to films and TV shows, Nakhapetova participated in theatrical performances. At first she played in plays under the direction of Vera Glagoleva. The most successful was "Lupof" by Stanislav Nikolaev at the Theater of Satire.

Director Nikolaev attracted masters of ballet, music and acting to work on his brainchild. This wonderful quartet - Stanislav Nikolaev, Anna Nakhapetova, Dmitry Lozinin and Pavel Misailov - gave the action a powerful energy, which is why the play was a great success.

Personal life

In 2018, the ballerina celebrated her 40th birthday. But her figure still arouses admiration and white envy (height 1.68 m and weight 54 kg).

In 2006, Anna Nakhapetova marries her friend Yegor Simachev. They met while still teenagers, after that they lived for 10 years in civil marriage. They had a daughter, Polina. Despite a long relationship and the birth of a daughter, the couple announced a breakup. But between former spouses friendship has been preserved, and Simachev is involved in the upbringing of the child. Now the woman hides information about her personal life.

On August 16, 2017, a tragedy occurred - in Germany from cancer. This event shocked the family and the whole country. The daughters refused to comment on their mother's illness and to give interviews about it. On November 27 of the same year, Anna Nakhapetova and Kirill Shubsky received the Word Prize, posthumously awarded to Glagoleva.

The ex-husband of the ballerina said that he and his mother-in-law fought cancer together. Simachev defeated cancer.

Anna Nakhapetova now

February 16, 2018 Anna posted a post in "Instagram" with a photo of the deceased mother and wrote that time does not heal. Condolences were also expressed by Twitter users.


  • 1985 - "Sunday Dad"
  • 2002 - "Russians in the City of Angels (Russians in the City of Angels)"
  • 2002 - "The Secret of Swan Lake"
  • 2003 - "Upside down"
  • 2003 - "New Year's romance"
  • 2003 - Desired
  • 2007 - "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova"
  • 2007 - Law & Order: Criminal Intent
  • 2008 - "Inheritance"
  • 2009 - One War
  • 2013 - Mom Detective
  • 2014 - "Two Women"
  • 2015 - "White Nights Fantasy"
  • 2015 - "Pasechnik-2"
  • 2016 - "Cat's House"
  • 2016 - "Verka-fuete"
  • 2016 - Blockade

Anna Rodionovna Nakhapetova. She was born on October 14, 1978 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian ballerina, theater and film actress. Daughter of Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva.

Father -, Soviet, American and Russian actor, film director and screenwriter, National artist RSFSR.

Mother - (1956-2017), Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia.

Their family lived in Tishinsky lane - parents and she and Masha in one room, in the other - maternal grandmother, Galina Naumovna, in the third room was the father's office.

At 3.5 years old, Anna was sent to the ballet studio at the Palace of Pioneers. By the way, her father Rodion Nakhapetov decided so. She tried to enter the Moscow Choreographic School, but she was not accepted there. Then Anna and her grandmother went to Leningrad and she was able to enter the Vaganov School the first time. After 4 years, she transferred to Moscow.

At the age of seven, she made her film debut - she played a small role in the film "Sunday Dad".

Anna Nakhapetova in the film "Sunday Dad"

A big shock for Anna was the divorce of her parents. She was 11 years old when her father left for America: his film “At the End of the Night” was bought by the 20th Century Fox film company, and Nakhapetov was invited to work there. After some time, she and her sister Masha and her mother gathered in the USA. And already there the mother announced that the father had gone to another woman. Anna recalled: “Masha is almost two years younger than me and, due to her age and easy nature, took this news more calmly than I did. "I'll break all the dishes in his house and run away." However, Glagoleva left her daughters for some time with her father.

As mentioned above, in the third grade, Anna entered the Leningrad Academic Choreographic School (now the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet). Four years later, she transferred to the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of Sofia Golovkina, from which she graduated in 1996.

In the same 1996, she was accepted as a soloist in the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. She rehearsed under the guidance of Vasily Vorokhobko, German Sitnikov and other teachers.

As a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, she mainly performs characteristic numbers in ballets such as Spartacus, Coppelia, La Bayadère, The Sleeping Beauty, The Flames of Paris, Don Quixote and others.

Anna Nakhapetova in the Bolshoi Ballet "Don Quixote"

Plays in the theatre. For the first time she appeared on the stage of the Theater of Satire, where she played the role of Vera in the play "Lupof" (dir. Stanislav Nikolaev).

She played on the stage of the Other Theatre: Laura - "The Glass Menagerie", T. Williams (dir. G. Galavinskaya); Tatyana - “Three Girls in Blue”, L. Petrushevskaya (dir. O. Tsekhovich); The Lame Cat - “Jelsomino”, D. Rodari (dir. A. Martsinkovskaya).

Collaborated with other theatres. Film School Ladder: Angustias - "The House of Bernard Alba", G. Lorca (dir. G. Galavinskaya). Theater Center Art Voyage: Girl, Miss Maurice, Frenchwoman - "7, 14, 21 or Arithmetic of male betrayals", D. Axelrod (dir. V. Yaremenko). Michurinsky Drama Theatre: Laura - "The Glass Menagerie", T. Williams (dir. G. Galavinskaya). Roman Viktyuk Theatre: Margot Fonteyn - “The Otherworldly Garden”, A. Abdullin (dir. R. Viktyuk).

In 2015, for the performance "The Glass Menagerie" she received the Best Actress award at the Atomgrad Theater Festival.

She began acting in her adult film in 2002, playing the main role (Anna) in the Russian-American crime film Russians in the City of Angels. The film was directed by her father Rodion Nakhapetov.

In 2003, she played the main role (ballerina Anya) in Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich's comedy New Year's Romance.

Anna Nakhapetova in the film "New Year's Romance"

Later appeared in a number of other paintings.

In 2009, she played in the film of her mother Vera Glagoleva "One War". The picture received more than 30 awards at international film festivals. Anna Nakhapetova herself at the Amur Autumn Festival received a prize in the Best Actress nomination. “I am very proud of this work and my mother as a director,” Anna said.

Anna Nakhapetova in the film "One War"

The growth of Anna Nakhapetova: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Anna Nakhapetova:

She was married to Yegor Simachev, an artist of the Bolshoi Theater, the son of the former leading soloists of the Bolshoi Ballet Nikolai Simachev and Tatyana Krasina. They have known each other since their teens, lived together for ten years, and got married in 2006.

In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Polina.

The marriage quickly fell apart. After divorce ex-husband continued communication with their common daughter.

Filmography of Anna Nakhapetova:

1985 - Sunday dad - Nina
2002 - The Secret of Swan Lake - Masha
2002 - Russians in the City of Angels (Russians in the City of Angels) - Anya
2003 - Upside down - Lyudmila Rubina, young singer
2003 - New Year's romance - Anya, ballerina
2003 - Desired
2007 - Personal life of Dr. Selivanova - Maryana, ballerina
2007 - Law and Order: Criminal Intent -2 - Alena Gorevaya
2008 - Legacy - Nurse
2009 - One war - Anna
2013 - Mom detective - Kaledina, actress
2014 - Two women - Katya, maid
2015 - White Nights Fantasy - Nadya Novikova
2015 - Pasechnik-2 - Rose
2016 - Cat's House (short) - Marina
2016 - Verka-fuete (short) - Vera
2016 - Blockade (short) - cashier

Maria Nakhapetova turned 38 years old. She did not follow in the footsteps of her mother and has nothing to do with cinema. After getting married, Maria moved to the USA, where she graduated from high school with a degree in computer graphics. Subsequently, she divorced, returned to Moscow and in 2007 got married again. IN currently she still lives in the capital and brings up two children - 10-year-old Kirill and 6-year-old Miron.

Since the death of her mother, Maria has not made a single publication on Insatagram, but the sisters still decided to congratulate her through microblogging. She was the first to publish her congratulations Anna Nakhapetova. She posted two photos: an archive photo with her sister, taken in early childhood, And fresh photo Mary with children. “Happy birthday my girl! Smile and always be happy!!! I love, ”wrote Anna (the spelling and punctuation of the authors hereinafter are given unchanged, - Note. ed.).

Anna and Maria Nakhapetovs in childhood

Maria Nakhapetova with her sons

An hour after congratulating Anna, Anastasia Shubskaya dedicated her post to her sister. The wife of Alexander Ovechkin published a photo in which all three pose together. “Happy birthday, dear @mashanahapetova! We love you,” Nastya wrote, adding the hashtags “three sisters”, “family”, “birthday” to the post. "Beauties! Happy Birthday to a newborn!”, “What a legacy from VERA… three beautiful daughters, three sisters!”, “What wonderful three sisters you are. Health to you and peace, ”the followers joined in the congratulations. Some, remembering Nastya's pregnancy, asked her not to wear shoes on high heels.

Recall that rumors about the pregnancy of Anastasia Shubskaya appeared back in April, when the girl published in her microblog in Instagram photo showing a rounded belly. On June 8, the couple officially confirmed this information: to congratulate Alexander Ovechkin on receiving the Stanley Cup, Nastya came in a tight-fitting cocktail dress that emphasized her impressive belly.

Even before the official announcement of the Ovechkins about the imminent replenishment in the family, the journalists managed to find out that the couple had chosen a clinic in America six months ago, where their first child would be born. The couple is keeping the gender of the child under wraps. However, if a girl is born, Alexander and Anastasia