In order to receive a school certificate, a graduate must pass two mandatory exams in USE form- Russian language and mathematics.

The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are required for admission to universities for each area of ​​training (specialty).

The minimum number of points in the Russian language:

  • to obtain a certificate - 24 points;
  • for admission to a university - 36 points.

3.5 hours (210 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper.

Is it possible to retake the exam in Russian

If the participant does not agree with the results of the exam, he can file an appeal.

If the graduate receives a result below minimum quantity scores in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language or mathematics), then he can retake this exam in the same year in reserve days provided by the exam schedule.

If a graduate receives an unsatisfactory result in both the Russian language and mathematics, he will be able to retake the exam only next year.

If other USE participants who are not graduates of the current year receive a result below the minimum number of points, they will be able to take the USE in the subject only next year.

The dates when the results of this or that USE in 2018 will become known are as follows:

Geography (exam 28.05) - June 15.
Informatics and ICT (exam 28.05) - June 15.
Mathematics base (exam 30.05) - June 15.
Mathematics profile (exam 1.06) - 18 June.
History (exam 4.06) - June 20.
Chemistry (exam 4.06) - June 20.
Russian language (exam 6.06) - June 25.
Social Science (exam 14.06) - June 29.
Biology (exam 18.06) - 4 July.
Foreign languages ​​(exams 9 and 13.06 oral part, as well as 18.06 - written part) - 5'th of July.
Literature (20.06) - 5 July.
Physics (20.06) - 5 July.

How to find out the results of the USE 2018 according to passport data

Usually, from the moment the exam is written to the announcement of the results, it takes up to two weeks(from 8 to 14 days).

How many days are the results of the exam checked

  • The processing of data in the RCOI in compulsory subjects should not exceed 6 calendar days after the exam.
  • The processing of data in the RCOI in subjects of choice should not exceed 4 calendar days after the exam.
  • Centralized verification at the Federal Testing Center should not exceed 5 business days.
  • The approval of the results of the USE in the State Examination Commission is carried out within 1 business day.
  • Within 1-3 days the results become known to the PES, and hence to the participants of the exam.

Who checks the exam

After the Unified State Examination, the forms with the work of graduates are sealed and sent to the regional information processing centers (RTsOI). During this period, your papers are scanned by specialists and sent for machine verification of the tasks of the first part, and subject committees are engaged in checking the tasks of the second part of the exam (with a detailed answer).

Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other and scores are given. The results are entered into the verification protocol and transferred for further processing.

If the given score of two experts is the same, then this result is final. If the scores diverge, then the final result will be the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two experts rounded up. If the discrepancy is significant, then a third expert is assigned to check.

After being checked by the RCSC, the graduates' work is sent for a centralized check in federal center testing (FTC) to verify the answers of the exam participants with the correct answers and determine the primary and test scores USE.

Then the FTC sends USE results to the State Examination Commissions, which, after approval, distribute the results to the Exam Receiving Points (EPS).

When will the exam results be announced?

After doing the calculations, you can preliminarily determine the approximate date of the announcement of the results of the exam:

  • : June 4-8
  • Literature: June 4-8
  • : June 7-11
  • : June 28 - July 2
  • : June 22-26
  • German: June 22-26
  • French: June 22-26
  • Spanish: June 22-26
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of): June 10-14
  • Mathematics ( profile level): June 12-18
  • : June 16-20
  • : June 28 - July 2

After the exam is completed, the USE forms go to the regional information processing centers (RTsOI). Tasks of part A (with a choice of one correct answer out of four proposed) and tasks of part B (with a short one-word answer) remain for processing in the regional center, they are checked on a computer using scanning and automatic recognition of answers. The form with a detailed answer (part C) is sent to the subject commission. It is checked by two experts independently of each other.

How is the exam verification process going?

The results of the exam are checked in three stages.

Processing forms by computers

The first stage is the processing of forms in the regional information processing centers (RTsOI). The specialists of these centers scan examination papers, recognize the information entered in the USE forms. This is followed by the process of verifying the recognized information with the original data.

Evaluation of works by experts

The second stage is checking tasks with a detailed answer. These sections of the exam are assessed by two representatives of the subject commission. For each answer, independently from each other, experts give points. The results are entered into the verification protocol and then transferred to the RCOMI for further processing. If the scores of the two members of the commission matched, the result of the exam is final. If there is an insignificant discrepancy in the scores, the final result is determined as the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two experts, rounded up. If a significant discrepancy is established, then a third expert is appointed.

Verification in a single testing center

The third stage is the centralized verification of examination papers. The USE forms processed at the RTSOI and checked by experts are sent to the Federal Testing Center (FCT). Here, the answers of the USE participants are verified with the correct answers to these tasks.

All data in a single USE center is processed, summarized and entered into the database. Then the results of the exam are transferred to educational institutions to familiarize the participants of the exam with the results obtained.

The results of the USE are valid for 4 years following the year of receipt of these results. Those who disagree with the result have two business days to appeal.

When will the results be known?

After the completion of the verification of the USE results by the regional information processing centers, the answer forms are sent for a centralized verification, which lasts about five working days.

After that, within one day, the results obtained are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission.

Then, in the next few days (from 1 to 3), the USE results are announced, which graduates can learn at the schools where they took the exams, as well as at official portal USE

In remote regions, the dates for the announcement of the results of the exam may differ. However, the deadline for the announcement of the results will not exceed 12 days after the exam.

Deadline for the announcement of the results of the exam

Academic subject Main Period Additional period Reserve period
Mathematics June 18 June 18 30 June
Russian language June 11 July 16 June 28
Story June 19 July 23 27th of June
Foreign language June 13 June 18 June 26
Physics June 13 21 July 27th of June
Chemistry June 23 July 16 27th of June
Biology June 19 July 23 June 26
Literature June 5 21 July 27th of June
Informatics and ICT June 19 July 16 June 26
Social science June 23 21 July June 26
Geography June 5 June 18 27th of June

No less than the USE results themselves, the participants in the unified state exam are interested in the dates of their announcement. Usually, it takes 8-12 days. Let's take a closer look at what this time is spent on.

After the exam is completed, the USE forms are sent to the Regional Information Processing Centers (RTsOI).

The processing of the results of the mandatory USE in the Russian language and mathematics in the RCIO should not exceed 6 calendar days after the test. During this time, specialists will scan the USE forms, check the information entered in the forms, and the subject commissions will evaluate the answers to tasks with a detailed answer. Checking the USE results in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social science, computer science and ICT , English language, German, French And Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant examination.

After completing the verification of the results of exams in the regional information processing centers, the work is sent for centralized verification. It ends no later than 5 business days since the receipt of the work.

Then during 1 business day the results are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC) of the region. Over the next 1-3 days Exam results are made known to USE participants.

Usually, the announcement of the results of the exam occurs 10-11 days after the exam.

So, let's do a couple of simple calculations. To the official date of the USE-2018, we add the number of days spent processing and sending the results of the USE to the regions. Get approximate dates for the announcement of the results of the USE-2018 passed in the main terms:

Geography: no later than June 8 Informatics and ICT: no later than June 8 Mathematics (basic level): no later than June 13 Mathematics (profile level): no later than June 15 Story: no later than June 18 Chemistry: no later than June 18 Russian language: no later than June 20 Foreign language (oral part): no later than June 23 Social science: no later than June 24 Biology: no later than June 29 Foreign language: no later than June 29 Physics: no later than June 30 Literature: no later than June 30

When will the results of the exam 2018 be announced

Approximate dates for the announcement of the results of the USE-2018, held in reserve days:

Informatics and ICT, geography no later than July 3 Mathematics: no later than July 6 Russian language: no later than July 7 Foreign languages, biology,story,social science, chemistry: no later than July 7 Literature, fmzmka: no later than July 8 Foreign languages ​​(oral part): no later than July 10

In regions with hard-to-reach and remote territories, the results of the USE may be announced a little later. At the same time, the term for announcing the results of the USE in the Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selective subjects - 9 days. However, usually the results are known even before these dates.

Source of material When the results of the Unified State Examination 2018 will be known

Exciting moment for graduates Russian schools- the main period of the exam is almost completed, it remains only to wait for the results of the exams. Required subjects, Russian language and mathematics, will affect the receipt of a high school diploma. Additional - for admission to the university.

Grades in mathematics have already been announced in almost all regions of the country, but they promise to check the Russian language only by June 25. Yes, the period is longer than for other items, and is almost 20 days. But the work was also written, for a second, by more than six hundred thousand people - the computer checks test tasks, and creative ones are processed by a commission consisting of professionals who are quite alive and working almost to the point of wear and tear.

By the way, interesting feature. If you have a normal grade in mathematics, then you can retake Russian on a reserve day, after June 20. If all the main subjects are overwhelmed, you will have to retake it in September of this year. Then about admission to the university in 2018-2019 academic year worth forgetting.

The results of the Unified State Examination 2018 - when will they be known in the Russian language and other subjects

It takes from ten to sixteen days for the commissions to check the work. The Russian language is an exception, and therefore time was taken here with a huge margin. In general, the dates for the announcement of grades for all subjects are as follows:

  • Geography, informatics and ICT - June 15;
  • Mathematics (basic level) - June 15;
  • Mathematics (profile level) - June 18;
  • Chemistry, history - June 20;
  • Russian language - June 25;
  • Social Studies - June 29;
  • Biology - July 4;
  • Foreign languages ​​(oral and written) - July 5;
  • Literature, physics - July 5.

Appeals can be made almost immediately after you receive your grade. If there is nothing to argue with and you admit that you really came to the exam unprepared, then you will have to retake it in September or next year.

By the way, minimum score, which you need to score on the entrance exam is 36. To graduate from school, you just need to score at least 24 points.

Where to find out the results of the exam 2018

The results of the USE will traditionally be announced in your school to each class separately or on special stands. Graduates of past years will be able to find out their scores at the place where they took the exam also on the stands or in the administration of the institution.

The fastest way to find out your assessment is with the help of the Network. Here they appear much faster. The results are published on the official website of the exam, as well as on the portal public services in every region.

Also, earlier it was possible to find out the scores on the websites of the regional departments of education, but now this service is clearly lame in some regions.

To find out your score, you need to enter passport dates and work code. Access to Personal Area is personal - that is, neither you can find out other people's points without the consent of the owner and providing you with his personal data, nor can anyone else see your points.

It is impossible not to say that in most of the subjects already handed over, the work on which was checked, Russian students show better results than in previous years. The number of losers is steadily decreasing, and those who have excellent preparation for the exam and then pass it well are increasing.