Russian expanses are characterized by oak and beech forests. For example, the terraces of Tisza, Borzhava and Latoritsa are characterized by oak-ash floodplain forests (Querceto roboris-Fraxinetum). These forests are affected by the level of groundwater. But the southern territories are covered with oak forests with the participation of southern European species oak.

In addition, oak forests are also common in the uplands. And in several of these forest areas ranging from tens to hundreds of hectares, hornbeam-oak forests (Carpineto-Quercetum roboris) can be recognized. Due to the influence Agriculture the number of oak forest stands has been significantly reduced. An extremely strong change in the germination conditions of most of the remaining oak forests, due to drainage and other land reclamation measures, as well as grazing, leads to their mass drying.

And the optimal conditions for the growth of beech - altitudinal belt from 350 to 1450 meters above sea level. They are so clean, having a poor understory (undergrowth) and they are called "Fagetum pauper" or "Fagetum nudum". In the grass cover, anemone oak (Anemone nemorosa), female ferns (Athyrium filixfemina) and Austrian shieldwort (D. austriaca), oxalis (Oxalis acetosella) and blackberry rough (Rubus hirtus) are common. Also characterized by high closeness; timber stock - from 400 to 650 m?/ha. Along with them, there are many transitional options up to mixed forests. In the warm lower belts, sessile oak appears as an admixture due to the reduced competitiveness of beech. (Querceto petraeae-Fagetum). Within the beech belt itself, on open limestone massifs or outcrops, depending on the proportion of fine-grained soil, linden is attracted to it.

In addition, the cooling upper belts contribute to the formation of beech stands mixed with fir and spruce. They are even richer than pure ponds. Some photos reach up to 1200 m?/ha. These types of forests are also highly resistant to windbreaks and snowfall. For a long time, beech stands were out of the sphere of economic interest. Large, interconnected massifs belonged to large landowners and were used by them only for private hunting. Only from the beginning of the 19th century did the time come for their large-scale felling, followed by reforestation with spruce.

White acacia

(genus "robinia")

White acacia is often called by its real name - Robinia pseudoacacia. This tree grows 22-27 (33) meters high and up to 120 cm in diameter, lives 220-250 (350) years. The crown is openwork, spreading, rounded, short, sometimes with several separate tiers of branches. The trunk in plantations is relatively straight, highly debranched, but in the wild it is strongly curved and strongly branched. The bark of the trunk is grayish-brown with dark, thick, in old age with deep cracks. The leaves are alternate, compound, pinnate, 12-25 cm long, with 7-19 opposite elliptical leaflets. The flowers are predominantly white, fragrant, collected in multi-flowered drooping racemes 10-20 cm long. It blooms after the leaves bloom, profusely and annually (within 2 weeks). The fruit is a flat, bare, dark brown bean 5-12 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. Seeds (5-15 pieces) ripen in August. The breed is photophilous, thermophilic and heat-resistant. And also fast growing. Acacia is a good honey plant. And due to its unpretentiousness to soil conditions and the ability to give root shoots, it is highly valued in forest reclamation.

birch fluffy

(genus "birch")

Its second name is white. The tree is 17-22 (25) m high and 50-60 cm in diameter. Lives 100-120 years. The crown is elongated-ovoid, of medium density. Thin branches of the first order depart from the trunk almost at a right angle, the shoots do not hang down. The trunk is straight, covered with white bark to the very base. Leaves are 4-6 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, ovate or oval-rhombic with a rounded base, obtusely pointed. Young leaves are fragrant. The fluffy birch is not indifferent to light, therefore it often grows in the 2nd tier of pine and spruce forests. It is very demanding on soil moisture - it does not grow on dry soils. Extremely frost-resistant, so this birch can be seen even in the forest-tundra.

Forest beech

(genus "beech")

The tree is 25-45 m high and 80-100 (160) cm in diameter. It lives 450-500 years. The trunk is straight (sometimes saber-curved from below), full-wood. In young trees, the crown is narrow-conical, peaked, and in old ones - irregular shape. Longitudinal shoots are bare, thin and yellowish-brown. The needles are 1-4 cm long and 1.5 mm wide, light green, with a sharp yellowish tip. Needles appear in March-April, turn yellow and fall off in autumn. Propagated by seeds. Fruits in 15-20 years and repeats every 3-5 years. Very light-loving breed. Relatively frost-resistant and winter-hardy. Windproof, tolerates air pollution well, is not demanding on moisture and soil.

Black alder

(genus "beech")

Alder black is also called sticky. This deciduous tree height 25-30 (35) m, and diameter 60-70 cm. Lives 100-150 (300) years. The crown in youth is dense, cylindrical, and later ovoid or rounded, of medium density. The bark on young trees is smooth, dark gray or greenish gray, and later dark brown, with shallow cracks. The leaves are simple, alternate, obovate, obtuse or blunt-pointed. The length of the leaves is 4-9 cm, and the width is 3-7 cm. The leaves are dark green above and light green below. The fruits are placed in dark brown cones up to 2 cm long, which open at the end of winter. Blooms before the leaves open. This breed is frost-resistant and winter-hardy. But demanding on soil fertility. There is a fast growing breed especially in the first 15-20 years.

Common hornbeam

(genus "hornbeam")

The tree is 20-25 (30) m high and 60-70 cm in diameter. It lives up to 150-200 (350) years. The crown of the tree is spreading in space, up to 25 meters in diameter, but in plantations it is more compact, long and dense. The trunk is ribbed, often curved. The bark is thin, in young trees silver-gray, smooth, in old trees - dark gray, fissured. The leaves are simple, alternate, oblong-oval or ovate, round or slightly unequal-heart-shaped at the base, doubly dentate at the edges, distinctly marked nerve of 910-15 pairs of veins. The length of the sheet is 5-15 cm, and the width is 3-5 cm. The leaves are dark green above, bare, light green below, slightly lowered along the veins. The common hornbeam blooms in April. And the seeds ripen in September. The fruit is a nutlet up to 9 mm long, flattened, oval, with longitudinal ribs. The breed is generally mild oceanic climate, relatively thermophilic. And demanding on soil fertility. Tolerates drought and even temporary flooding. root system predominantly superficial, widely procumbent with anchor roots, makes the breed wind-resistant.

Common oak

(genus "oak")

Tree 30-36 (40) meters high and up to 1.5 m in diameter. Lives 400-500 (1500) years. The crown is highly developed, large branched. In youth, obovate or round, in the old - obovate-hip-shaped. trunk in young age often twisted, in the old well formed. The bark is smooth, shiny, olive-brown in youth and thick (up to 10 cm), deeply fissured, brown-gray or gray in old age. The leaves are simple, alternate, and at the ends of the shoots are collected in bunches, oblong-obovate, 3-7 rounded-lobed, dark green above, shiny, light green below. Acorns oblong, oval. Brown, shiny, on long petioles, 2-3 pieces. Blooms along with the leaves. Productivity is 0.7-2.0 tons / ha. It is well restored by seeds and sprouts from stumps (up to 80-100 years). The root system is taproot, deep (up to 12-15 meters, and sometimes up to 22 m), with strongly developed lateral and anchor roots. Common oak as a forest-forming and forest reclamation species. Forms predominantly mixed stands. Widely used in field-protective afforestation.

northern oak

(genus "oak")

Tree 30-35 meters high and 1.3-1.4 m in diameter. Lives up to 400 years. The crown can be narrow and wide (depending on the planting density). The branches extend from the trunk at almost a right angle. The trunk is straight, highly delimbed. The bark is thin, light gray or dark brown, for a long time smooth, and on old trees in the lower part it has a thickness of 5-7 cm, shallow-fissured, dark brown. Shoots are shiny, as if varnished, red-brown. The leaves are simple, alternate, with 7-11 pointed lobes. Acorns ovoid or almost spherical, up to 3 cm long, with a sharp top, light brown, shiny. As in other types of oak, wines also sit in a cup. Northern oak is moderately demanding in light, but requires an open top. He is a fast growing breed.

Rock Oak

(genus "oak")

A tree 28-35 meters high with a diameter of up to 1 meter. Lives 400-500 years. The crown at a young age is correct, ovoid, with uniformly placed branches and leaves. Trunks in plantations are slender, highly debranched and well pronounced towards the top. The bark is light gray or gray to dark, relatively thick (5-7 cm) and soft, and deeply fissured below. Run naked. Leaves up to 12 cm long and 4-8 cm wide, simple alternate, oblong-obovate, dark green above, shiny, light green below, occasionally covered with hairs. The fruits are acorns, ovoid, 1.5-3.5 cm long, and up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The silvicultural value is similar to that of ordinary oak.

Maple white

(genus "oak")

The tree is 30-37 m high and 90-110 cm thick. It lives 150-200 years. The crown is of medium density, broadly ovoid or tent-shaped, highly raised along the trunk. The trunk is well formed, straight, but at the base, in most cases, saber-shaped curved. The bark is grayish-brown, thin, smooth when young, thick and fissured when old. The leaves are deeply heart-shaped at the base. On the upper side they are dark green, dull and bare, and below they are whitish-green or bluish-green, mostly hairy. It blooms after the leaves open, the flowers are yellow-green, in dense multi-flowered racemes. The fruits are naked lionfish with a spherical seed nest. The wings diverge at an angle of 45-40 degrees and are about 5 cm long. The root system is not deep (up to 1.5 m), without a taproot, compact, branched in the upper soil layer.

Norway maple

(genus "maple")

A tree 25-28 m high and up to 1 meter in diameter. Lives up to 200 (400) years. The crown is dense, wide and low lowered. The leaves are cross-opposite, 6-18 cm long and 8-20 cm wide, heart-shaped and glabrous at the base. Blooms in late April with the leaves blooming. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, greenish-yellow, melliferous. The root system consists of a shallow tap root and large lateral superficial ones. The breed is shade-loving, frost-resistant, demanding on moisture and soil fertility, cold-resistant, but in severe winters it gives frost cracks.


(genus "birch")

Aspen is called trembling poplar. The tree is 25-30 (35) m high and up to 1.3 m in diameter. It lives 90-120 (120) years. The crown is openwork, first ovoid, and then rounded, irregularly shaped, short and with thick branches. The trunk in plantations is straight, cylindrical, highly delimbed. The leaves are simple, alternate, rounded to oval. They are dense, naked, dark green above with yellowish-white veins, bluish below. Aspen flowers in early spring before the leaves open. The fruit is a capsule, ripens in May. Seeds with tufts of hairs. The root system is very branched (up to 20-30 m), pivotal and not deep (up to 1 m). The breed is photophilous, not whimsical to heat and soil, frost-resistant. The breed is fast growing.


(genus "ash")

The tree is 30-40 m high and up to 120-150 cm in diameter. It lives 300-400 years. The crown in dense plantations is poorly developed, short, narrow and openwork, long, wide. The trunk is straight, highly debranched, with a well-defined apex. The bark in youth is thin, smooth, in old trees it is gray or dark gray to brown, 8 cm thick. The leaves are compound, pinnate, up to 20 cm long, consists of 7-15 almost sessile or oblong-elliptical leaflets. The fruits are oblong yellow-brown achenes, 4-5 cm long, slightly expanded towards the apex, sometimes with a notch at the apex. The seeds at the base of the lionfish are narrowed towards the base. The root system is shallow (up to 2 m), but highly developed and branched, greatly dries up the soil. The breed is demanding on fertility and soil moisture. thermophilic.

EcoGuide: Guide to Ecosystems
EcoGuide: Guide to Ecosystems

Computer atlas-identifier of trees and shrubs in the middle zone of the European part of Russia
in the autumn-winter period
(determinant for buds and shoots in a leafless state)

represents computer program, which "produces" a list of defining morphological features, characteristic of all objects of the given Atlas-determinant. In this determinant, 16 signs () are used as determinants.

To work with the determinant, the user needs to select features (in any order) and answer options (feature values) - referring to his object (naturally, it should be in front of the researcher). In this case, on the right side of the screen, a list of all species included in the Determinant database will always be visible. With each answer, the number of species in this list will decrease until it comes to two or three, or ideally one.

Textbook, or Handbook of Plant Morphology, contains information about the morphological structure of the objects included in the guide. With regard to this determinant, the reference book includes information about shoot morphology And kidney morphology(see for example the sample below),

Sample description of morphological features in the Textbook

At the place of attachment to the stem of the fallen leaf remains leaf scar(1 ), which has the appearance of a more or less sharply defined print-like spot or depression.

Leaf scars are narrow or wide, depending on the size of the petiole. The leaf scar is usually placed under the bud on a raised area called leaf cushion (2 ).On the leaf scar are noticeable in the form of more or less large dots or tubercles leaf traces(3 ), which are traces of vascular bundles that passed from the stem to the petiole of the leaf. There can be a different number of leaf traces: one, three, five or many. Sometimes leaf traces are not clearly visible, then a thin cut should be made from the leaf scar (no more than 0.1-0.2 mm thick) and examined with a magnifying glass. Since leaf scars and leaf marks are quite characteristic of each species, they have great importance when determining woody plants in a leafless state.

Sample description of defining features in the Textbook:

Feature #13: Stem surface. On this basis, all plants included in the determinant are divided into 7 categories:

1 - Angled, with ribs or grooves: The surface of the stem has longitudinal edges, ribs or grooves:

2 - Warts: The surface of the stem is covered with cork or wax warts:

3 - Cork Wings: The stem has cork outgrowths (integumentary periderm), the growth of which can be uneven, resulting in the formation of longitudinal ridge-like outgrowths:

4 - Peeling film or bark: The surface of the stem is covered with a peeling film or bark:

5 - Wax coating: The surface of the stem is covered with a wax coating (white, gray), which is easily erased with a finger:

6 - Scales (scab): The surface of the stem is covered with small scales (scabs):

7 - The stem is flattened at the nodes: The shoot has an uneven thickness in different places- in the internodes it is rounded (on a transverse section), and at the nodes it is flattened (oval in section):

Computer identification of woody plants Can purchase in our non-commercial online store.
There you can purchase colored laminated key tables: trees in summer and trees in winter, shrubs in summer and shrubs in winter, and similar graphic dichotomous determinants-walkers: trees in summer , shrubs in summer , trees in winter and shrubs in winter .


List of woody plant species included in the guide:
(views are given in alphabetical order)

Actinidia kolomikta
Aronia Michurina
Barberry ordinary

birch fluffy

hawthorn blood red
common hawthorn
American hawthorn
Grape maiden five-leafed
Common cherry
Elm smooth (ordinary)
Elm squat
Rough elm (elm)
common pear
Derain white
Döhren blood red
Pedunculate oak
European spruce
Prickly spruce (blue)
Honeysuckle Tatar
White willow (willow)
goat willow
Brittle willow (willow)
Holly willow (willow)
Irga spiky
Red viburnum
Caragana treelike
Cotoneaster chokeberry
Norway maple
river maple
Tatar maple

horse chestnut
Buckthorn brittle
gooseberry rejected
common hazel
Large-leaved linden
Linden small-leaved

Raspberry ordinary
Common juniper

Alder gray
Black alder
Nightshade bittersweet
Vesicle viburnum
Mountain ash
Lilac Hungarian
Common lilac
Plum house
Common currant (red)

Black currant
Snowberry white
Weymouth pine
Scotch pine
Spirea willow
Japanese spirea
Balsam poplar
Poplar white
Poplar trembling (aspen)
Poplar black
Thuja western
Common hop
Bird cherry virgin
Bird cherry Maaka
Common bird cherry
Mock orange crown
Rosehip May
Rosehip wrinkled
dog rose
forest apple tree
garden apple tree

Ash Pennsylvania

Actinidia kolomikta
Aronia mitschurinii
Berberis vulgaris
Betula pendula
Betula pubescens
Euonymus verrucosa
Euonymus europaea
Crataegus sanguinea
Crataegus oxyacantha
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus sp.
Vaccinium vitis-idea
Sambucus racemosa
Calluna vulgaris
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Cerasus vulgaris
Daphne mezereum
Ulmus laevis
Ulmus pumila
Ulmus glabra
Vaccinium uliginosum
Pyrus communis
Swida alba
Swida sanguinea
Quercus robur
Picea abies
Picea pungens
Lonicera xylosteum
Lonicera tatarica
Salix alba
Salix caprea
Salix viminalis
Salix fragilis
Salix myrsinifolia
Salix acutifolia
Salix aurita
Amelanchier spicata
Viburnum opulus
Caragana arborescens
Cotoneaster melanocarpus
Acer platanoides
Acer ginnala
Acer tataricum
Acer negundo
Aesculus hippocastanum
Frangula alnus
Grossularia reclinata
Corylus avellana
Tilia platyphyllos
Tilia cordata
Larix decidua
Rubus idaeus
Juniperus communis
Hippophae rhamnoides
Alnus incana
Alnus glutinosa
Solanum dulcamara
Physocarpus opulifolius
Sorbus aucuparia
Syringa josikaea
Syringa vulgaris
Prunus domestica
Ribes rubrum
Ribes spicatum
Ribes nigrum
Symphoricarpos albus
Pinus strobus
Pinus sylvestris
Spiraea salicifolia
Spiraea japonica
Populus balsamifera
Populus alba
Populus tremula
Populus nigra
Thuja occidentalis
Humulus lupulus
Padus virginiana
Padus maackii
padus avium
Vaccinium myrtillus
Philadelphus coronarius
Rosa majalis
Rosa rugosa
Rosa canina
Malus sylvestris
Malus domestica
Fraxinus excelsior
Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Full descriptions and thumbnail images of all species included in this guide can be viewed/downloaded in sections Abstracts And Nature Ecosystem site.

Computer identification of woody plants Can purchase in our non-commercial online store.
There you can purchase colored laminated key tables: trees in summer and trees in winter, shrubs in summer and shrubs in winter, and similar graphic dichotomous determinants-walkers: trees in summer , shrubs in summer , trees in winter and shrubs in winter .

List of defining features and their meanings:

1. Growth shape
1 - tree
2 - shrub
3 - shrub
4 - liana
5 - upright
2. Deciduousness
1 - hibernates with leaves
2 - hibernates without leaves
3 - above-ground shoots die off
3. Type of sheet (if any)
1 - sheet
2 - needle-shaped needles 1 each
3 - needle-shaped needles 2 each
4 - needle-shaped needles of 5
5 - scaly needles
4. Number of kidney scales
1 - no scales
2 - one (two fused)
3 - two
4 - three-five
5 - five-eight
5 - more than eight
5. Kidney shape
1 - oval
2 - ovoid
3 - conical
4 - fusiform
5 - rounded
6 - lanceolate
7 - no kidney
6. Kidney size
1 - less than 3 mm
2 - 3-7 mm
3 - more than 7 mm
4 - no kidney
7. The number of buds at the top of the shoot
1 - one
2 - two
3 - three
4 - more than 3
5 - no kidneys
8. Location of the kidneys
1 - next, one kidney in the node
2 - next, there are several kidneys in the node
3 - opposite, on both sides of the node, one kidney
4 - opposite serial
5 - oblique
6 - whorled
9. Features of the kidneys
1 - kidney on a leg
2 - sessile kidney
3 - kidney in a leaf cushion
4 - no kidneys
10. Pubescence shoot
1 - total escape
2 - kidneys only
3 - edges of soil scales
4 - no pubescence
11. Additional education escape
1 - thorns or spines
2 - spikes
3 - spines 1 each
4 - spines 2 each
5 - spines by 3
6 - spines 5 each
7 - antennae
8 - escape ends with a thorn
9 - no
12. Short shoots
1 - yes
2 - no
13. Stem surface
1 - angular or with ribs
2 - grooves
3 - warts
4 - cork wings
5 - peeling film or bark
6 - wax coating
7 - scales (scab)
8 - the stem is flattened at the nodes
9 - no features
14. Bark color
1 - gray
2 - brown
3 - black
4 - green
5 - red
6 - yellow
7 - purple
8 - reddish
9 - yellow-brown
10 - red-brown
11 - gray-brown
12 - greenish brown
15. Core
1 - rounded
2 - oval
3 - triangular
4 - angular
5 - hollow
16. Additional Features
1 - strong unpleasant odor
2 - smell black currant
3 - brittle branches
4 - lemon color under the bark
5 - twig shoots
6 - "weeping" crown
7 - there are inflorescences

Trees are a form of woody plants consisting of a root, trunk and crown. In 2015, there were three trillion trees on our planet. Russia ranks first in their number - 640 billion. But every year, due to climate change and deforestation, their number is decreasing.

Tree classification


1. Coniferous (evergreen) - these trees belong to the domain - eukaryotes, the kingdom - plants, the department - conifers. They grow in moderate climate zone, as they like a moderately warm climate and sufficient moisture. The largest number of species is found in the northern hemisphere. Their sizes can range from dwarf to giant.

IN modern world conifers are woody plants with one trunk and lateral branches located on it. These are araucaria, pine and cypress trees such as spruce, cypress, juniper, sequoia, yew, kauri, fir, cedar, pine and larch. If a plant has cones in which seeds develop, and the leaves look like long needles, then it can be safely called coniferous.





Precisely to coniferous plants include the oldest and tallest trees.

The oldest Methuselah tree

This spiny intermountain pine was discovered in 1953 by botanist Edmund Shulman. The approximate age of the tree is 4846 years. It was planted in 2831 BC. To date, this tree is considered alive and it grows in the Inyo National Forest in California (USA) at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.

The tallest tree is Hyperion

The height of this tree is 115m. The trunk diameter is 4.84 m. It grows in the US state of California. Approximate age 700 - 800 years. This tree was discovered in 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor.


2. Deciduous (small-leaved and broad-leaved) differ in the shape of the crown, the color of the leaves and the presence of fruits. These include trees such as maple, aspen, linden, ash. Trees are also divided according to the life of the leaves into evergreen and deciduous. Deciduous ones shed their leafy cover closer to winter, and in the spring they again release buds, from which green leaves grow again. Evergreen trees change their leaves gradually at any time of the year.

Types of trees (photos and pictures).





There are also famous trees among the deciduous trees.

The largest tree is the Hundreds of Horses Chestnut.

One of the oldest chestnut trees in the world is known as Castagno dei cento cavalli. It grows on east coast Sicily, eight kilometers from the active crater of Mount Etna. The chestnut entered the Guinness Book of Records as the tree with the largest trunk coverage (in 1780, its circumference was 57.9 m). This tree has one root and several trunks above the ground. If you believe the legend, then Giovanna of Aragon, the Queen of Naples, along with a hundred knights, fell into a thunderstorm. All 100 travelers were then able to hide under this tree. Since then, it has been called Chestnut "hundreds of horses".

Chestnut "hundreds of horses". Collection of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

Jean Pierre Huel - French painter and engraver (1735 - 1813)

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Sign No. 6: Dismemberment of the leaf (leaf blade). According to this feature, all plants included in the determinant are divided into 11 categories:

1 - Simple one-piece: sheet is called simple if there is only one leaf blade, regardless of the degree of its dissection. Whole the sheet is called if the incisions do not exceed one quarter leaf blade:

2 - Simple triple-lobed: sheet is called simple vaned sheet. triple - the bladed sheet has three blades:

3 - Simple palmate-lobed: sheet is called simple if there is only one leaf blade, regardless of the degree of its dissection. vaned the sheet is called if the depth of the notch more than a quarter and less than a half sheet. At palmately - bladed leaf lobes and cuts come out as if from one point and the number of leaf lobes more than three:

4 - Simple cirro-lobed: sheet is called simple if there is only one leaf blade, regardless of the degree of its dissection. vaned the sheet is called if the depth of the notch more than a quarter and less than a half sheet. Peristo - bladed sheet has cuts located along the central axis of the sheet:

5 - Simple triple-divided: sheet is called simple if there is only one leaf blade, regardless of the degree of its dissection. separate . triple - a split sheet has three parts:

6 - Simple pinnatipartite: sheet is called simple if there is only one leaf blade, regardless of the degree of its dissection. separate sheet is called in case the incisions exceed half of the blade, but do not reach the midrib or base of the leaf. Peristo - a split sheet has cuts located along the central axis of the sheet:

7 - Simple triple-dissected: sheet is called simple if there is only one leaf blade, regardless of the degree of its dissection. Dissected the leaf is called if the incisions reach to the midrib or base of the leaf. triple - a dissected leaf has three lobes:

8 - Complex ternary: difficult leaflets complex sheet . Tripartite leaf has three leaflets:

9 - Complex finger: difficult a leaf is called when it consists of several leaf blades, which are called leaflets complex sheet . Palmate A leaf has three to seven leaflets:

10 - Complex paired: difficult a leaf is called when it consists of several leaf blades, which are called leaflets complex sheet . Pinnate Parno pinnate is a leaf that does not have a final leaflet (unlike unpaired pinnate, ending with one leaflet, see item 11 this sign). Often in place of the final leaflet there is a spine or antennae:

11 - Compound pinnate: difficult a leaf is called when it consists of several leaf blades, which are called leaflets complex sheet . Pinnate The leaf has many leaflets located on an elongated petiole. unpaired pinnate is a leaf ending with one unpaired leaflet:

Norway spruce and Scots pine are the best known conifers. Cedar pine grows in Siberia. People often call her Siberian cedar. Larch is different from others coniferous trees soft, falling needles for the winter. Fir - similar to spruce, but the needles of the fir are flat, with two rows of stripes below. When we hear the name "maple", we imagine a tree with large, beautifully carved leaves.

Norway spruce And Scotch pine- the most famous coniferous trees.

Cedar pine grows in Siberia. In the people it is often called the Siberian cedar.

Larch differs from other coniferous trees in soft needles falling for the winter.

Fir- it looks like a spruce, but the needles of a fir are flat, they have two rows of stripes from below.

When we hear the title maple", imagine a tree with large, beautifully carved leaves. However, there is Tatar maple with oval leaves with small protrusions, American maple, in which each leaf consists of 3 or 5 individual leaflets.

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