Her "glamorous ally of Putin". But this is not the only heir to the presidential press secretary: Dmitry Peskov has five children. Business patriotism, influential Chechen friends and undeclared American real estate - how the family of the main Russian press secretary lives - in the material of Sofia Savina.

Eldest son: energy propagandist

The eldest son - Nikolai - was born in 1990 in his first marriage Dmitry Peskov. In his youth, he married Anastasia Budennoy - the granddaughter of Marshal Soviet Union Seeds of Budyonny.

Nikolai grew up with the surname Choles in London, where his mother lived, and moved to Russia five years ago. In 2012, he went to serve in rocket troops Russian army- At the same time he participated in the Victory Parade on Red Square. After - work on Russian TV channel Russia Today, which broadcasts to Western audiences.

According to declarations of Dmitry Peskov for 2016, one of the minor sons already owns an apartment of 140 sq. m. Two land with total area 9373 sq. m and residential building 779 sq. m are in his use. The second son has two apartments in use - one with an area of ​​140 sq. m in Russia, and the second - 180 sq. m in France.

The third daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, lives in France. There she received her education. At 12, she was sent to a boarding school in Normandy. The Ecole des Roches website published information about the school: "Come to our school in a private jet."

The tuition fee is only primary school Roche schools - up to 2.6 million rubles a year, and among its graduates - royal families Morocco and Thailand, the President of Lebanon and the Golitsyn princely family. Now Peskova is studying at the Paris Business School (EDC Paris Business School). A year of study at this school costs €8,960, or 631,000 rubles a year.

They began to talk about the daughter of the press secretary after her appearance at a social event in Moscow - at the Tatler debutante ball in 2015. Peskova began to lead an active public life in Russia this summer. In June, she took part in a meeting of the council of bloggers in the State Duma. According to the creator, deputy Vasily Vlasov (LDPR), the council was needed to advise State Duma committees and help deputies interact with citizens on the Internet. Peskova did not say a word at the meeting.

Liza Peskova blogs on her Instagram page. There she calls herself a "cosmopolitan", criticizes Russian system education, advertises the dresses of the Firdaws fashion house Aishat Kadyrova, the daughter of the head of Chechnya. In one of his posts Peskov speaks against demonstrations in defense of the rights of sexual minorities, because they "prevent" her from "walking down the street to the house."

Business patriotism in Chechen

This summer, Liza Peskova found a job in Russia. In her Instagram, she said that she would be engaged in the development of patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship. And in June, she took the post of adviser to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism Avanti. Translated from Italian - "forward."

Among other things, the organization advocates the renaming of the central street of Simferopol into V.V. Putin. The author of the initiative is the Chairman of the General Council of the Association for the Development of Business Patriotism Umar Dzhabrailov. It is on his money that Avanti exists.

Umar Dzhabrailov - businessman and statesman close to Ramzan Kadyrov. Until 2009, he represented Chechnya in the Federation Council.

The organization "Avanti" headed by him has its own youth movement "Strength". It includes Sergei Belokonev- ex-head of Rosmolodezh and former secretary of the pro-Kremlin youth movement "Nashi". It was his media that was called “the ideologist of Nashi”.

One of Avanti's goals is proclaimed to be "the development of Russia's future business elite." Elizaveta Peskova herself, on the air of the RBC TV channel, said that she sees her task in helping the “Putin generation”. So far, Peskova has helped only her young man.

In June, the head of Avanti and assistant to Umar Dzhabrailov, Rahman Yansukov, published video meetings with French businessman Louis Waldberg and Lisa Peskova. On it, Yansukov declares that Avanti will implement the French guest's project in Russia - the production of Tazer Lighter electric lighters.

It is Peskova who is the curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs at Avanti. Louis Waldberg Is Her Boyfriend: The Couple Posts joint photos graphics. Louis accompanied Lisa to the Cannes Film Festival, to visit Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya and even to a shipyard in Sevastopol.

Peskova went to the South Sevastopol plant, which owed landlords 32 million rubles, in August, in her words, "to help people." The management of the plant called Avanti to Sevastopol to sign a cooperation agreement. However, Peskova's visit to the plant did not help solve his problems: the government of Sevastopol intends to fully recover the rent arrears.

[Znak.com, 08/03/2017, "And at the same time advertised a dress from Kadyrov's daughter": Also, Elizaveta Peskova posted a post on Instagram about her visit to the enterprise and took a picture with the workers of the plant. “It is a great happiness to be able to make this world even a little better by helping people,” she writes.
Moreover, judging by the comments of subscribers, the post also contained an advertisement for a dress in which the daughter of the press secretary posed in Sevastopol (at the time of writing this material, she was already deleted). “Well, a little humor helped the factory and inserted an advertisement for the dress into the post so that everyone would know that Lisa solves business issues in checked dresses,” writes one of the users (the author’s punctuation is preserved - ed. note). Also, information about advertising dresses can be found on the Echo of Moscow website, where the original text of the post was posted. In particular, Elizaveta Peskova arrived in Sevastopol in the outfits of the Firdaws Fashion House, created by the wife of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Medni in 2009. Now its director is Kadyrov's daughter Aishat. - Inset K.ru]

Out of declarations

The fifth child - daughter Nadezhda - appeared in Peskov's marriage to Tatyana Navka. The third wife of Peskov in 2016 became the wealthiest among the relatives of officials of the Presidential Administration. Her annual income, according to the declaration, amounted to 120 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual salary of the press secretary himself.

Peskov's wife declared two land plots with a total area of ​​9373 sq. m, two residential buildings - 353 sq. m and 779 sq. m and three apartments in Russia with a size of 367 sq. m. Tatyana Navka also indicated in the declaration three cars and an all-terrain vehicle.

Another apartment of 126 sq. m, owned by Navka, located in the United States. It is located in the elite residential complex in Manhattan - in the historic part of New York. Bamboo garden, fitness center, 24-hour doorman - all included. The apartment, registered on Navka, is now up for sale for $2.2 million, or 129.8 million rubles.

Tatyana Navka's apartment in Manhattan
Declared apartment foreign property new family Peskov is not limited. Tatyana Navka and her ex-husband Alexander Zhulin still owns a house in New Jersey. This is evidenced by the data in the tax register of the State Finance Department.

House of 398 sq. m was bought by a couple in 2006 for $ 1.4 million. Since then, the owners have not changed, and every year Alexandre Jouline & Tatiana Navka pay taxes on this property. The wife of Dmitry Peskov did not indicate this American house in the declarations for 2015 and 2016.

Tatyana Navka has a child from her first marriage. Alexandra Zhulina graduated from the 10th grade this year. IN in social networks she writes that she is now studying at a gymnasium, plans to get an economic education, and is going to graduate from a master's program “abroad”. Every summer the girl spends in foreign camps - in Switzerland, England, France, USA. The new member of the Peskov family already has American citizenship. As well as a joint photo with Putin.

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow. Lisa's parents are Dmitry Peskov and Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, both children of embassy workers in Russia.

In one of public speaking Lisa said that she remembers from childhood what difficult times her family went through: “I remember very well the times when our family had no money at all, and mom and dad, after putting me to bed, after work and school, left to “bomb” at night .". These words have been heavily criticized. Indeed, it is difficult to believe that the family of a personnel Russian diplomat, Lisa's grandfather, was in so much need of money. Lisa's father received a good education, graduated from the Institute of Asian and African countries at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.


Liza, like her father, received a good education. He is fluent in French and English, and can also speak Arabic, Chinese, and Turkish. IN school years often changed educational establishments, whose geography was diverse: Moscow, Paris, Normandy.

At the insistence of her father, Lisa went to study at the same Institute of Asian and African Countries, which he graduated from. Elizabeth was not enthusiastic about studying in Russia, so she left the Institute without graduating from it.

About her education, Lisa says this: “I studied for a year at Moscow State University, at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, and realized that I could study history and languages ​​\u200b\u200bin my own, but I wouldn’t have received the knowledge that they give in a business school. I don't want to work in marketing, but I'm interested in understanding how the industry works."

public life

Elizaveta Peskova maintains her blog on Instagram, where she actively shares her thoughts on education, life in Russia and many other topics. Often her statements become the subject of high-profile scandals and long discussions.

For example, a very provocative text about her family: “I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, the press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All the rest are custom…” Lisa wrote it in response to online bullying, thereby wanting to provoke ill-wishers even more. Not everyone understood the girl's sarcasm and took the post seriously.

Or the story of Lisa's work in the AVANTI organization, where she managed to work for two months as an adviser to the president. In an interview, Lisa said "... We need to develop strategies, roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings, shipbuilding ...", which betrayed her ignorance of the terminology in the field, which she was engaged in PR at that time.

On this moment, in 2018, Lisa continues to be active on Instagram, is engaged in PR for several famous brands clothing, as well as appearing in public media with various public initiatives.

Personal life

When asked by journalists about her personal life, Lisa answered as follows: “To be honest, my personal life has never been calm. I don't want to comment on it: we'll wait and see. »

Elizaveta Dmitrievna Peskova. She was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara (Türkiye). Russian media person, daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

Mother - Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (married - Peskova, born in 1976), worked as a cosmetologist. He lives in Paris, where he has his own apartment, does charity work, collaborates with the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation.

Lisa's parents met at the Soviet embassy in Ankara, they were married from 1994 to 2012. According to her mother, they divorced due to the betrayal of Dmitry Peskov.

Elizabeth has two siblings - Mick and Denis.

Has a brother (paternal) Nikolai (born 1990) - from the first marriage of Dmitry Peskov with Anastasia Budyonna (granddaughter of the Soviet Marshal). Nikolai leads a bohemian lifestyle in Moscow, according to some sources, lives under the name Choles.

Has a sister (paternal) Nadezhda (born 2014) - from the third marriage of Dmitry Peskov with a figure skater.

Paternal grandfather - Sergei Peskov (1948-2014), diplomat.

Maternal grandfather - Vladimir Solotsinsky (born 1948), diplomat.

Parents who are well versed foreign languages, With early years developed Lisa's linguistic abilities. “At the age of 7, they began to force me to learn a certain number of English and French words a day - from 10 to 100. I took them from foreign books. Then at the end of the day I was checked. If I didn’t teach them or made a mistake, they took away my phone for a week,” she recalled.

She studied languages ​​in depth since childhood - she speaks fluent English and French, can explain herself in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic.

IN early age Liza was sent every summer to specialized language camps in Scotland and France. “Every year I was sent for a month in the summer to language camps in Scotland and France, where I began to speak English and French. Having received a base in practice, I began to read and watch films, TV shows and TV only in English, even if at first I didn’t understand half of it, ”Lisa shared.

She studied at the Moscow gymnasium, boarding school in Normandy, Ecole des Roches school in Paris. As Elizabeth recalled, in her school years, her peers gave her the nickname Pinocchio - because of big nose. By the way, French teachers noted that she draws well and advised her to enter the art school at the Louvre. But it didn't work out.

After school, she entered the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA), which her father and both grandfathers graduated from. She went to ISAA at the insistence of her father. However, she did not study there - she quit.

In the fall of 2015, leaving ISAA, Lisa went to her mother in Paris. There she entered a business school, where she studied marketing, and also actively studied oriental languages.

Lisa Peskova. Interview with Ksenia Sobchak

She said about herself that she does not like to discuss politics. "I'm still more creative person: I write poetry, I draw, I dream of writing a novel ... I want my future profession associated with a free lifestyle. I know for sure that my life will never be connected with politics.”

Scandals of Lisa Peskova

In August 2015, Lisa's statement that she did not want to live or study in Russia provoked a violent reaction.

“I don’t like Russia, that it’s great to live here only when you live in a wealthy family. Europe is more livable ordinary people... The mentality of European youth, their attitude to life is close to me. In Europe, I feel more comfortable, but this does not mean that I do not like Russia, ”Peskova said.

“I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino sturgeon caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds," she wrote.

In the summer of 2017, Lisa visited a shipyard in the Crimea. At the same time, she published a photo from the trip on the Web: Lisa was dressed in a designer dress from Ramzan Kadyrov's daughter and was captured along with the workers. In the text itself, she confused "judicial proceedings" and "shipbuilding". At the same time, many were outraged that the girl starred in a dress worth several hundred thousand rubles against the backdrop of dirty and tired workers.

From July to August 2017, she worked as an adviser to the president of the Avanti company (Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism, created by Chechen entrepreneur and politician Umar Dzhabrailov) on youth entrepreneurship. At the end of August of the same year, she returned to France to study. At the same time, she deleted all posts about cooperation with Avanti from her Instagram account.

On September 12, 2017, she wrote a column on learning for Forbes magazine titled “Knowledge Illusion. Will new technologies kill traditional education? There she talked about the difficulties modern learning. But it turned out that the article was not completely unique. Users on the Web learned that the girl used quotes from several sources, passing them off as her own judgments. In this regard, a wave of criticism hit Lisa, to which she herself has not yet reacted in any way.

After borrowings from other articles were discovered, representatives of the publication hurried to put down links to sources.

Liza herself after the plagiarism scandal.

Since November 2018, she began to train in the European Parliament with a deputy from France. Among other things, her duties include preparing press reviews. Emeric Shoprad has always taken a pro-Russian position, in 2014 he was an observer at the referendum in Crimea on the issue of joining Russia and, contrary to the common position of the EU, recognized the referendum as justified.

The growth of Lisa Peskova: 155 centimeters.

Personal life of Lisa Peskova:

In 2015, she met with a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. In October 2015, even, however, she clarified that she was not planning a wedding until the age of 22. However, their relationship ended and Lisa deleted all joint pictures from social networks.

In 2016, she presented to the public a new boyfriend - Mikhail Sinitsyn, according to some reports, he is an employee of the education sector. For some time, Lisa posted joint photos on social networks. But then this relationship ended.

In the summer of 2017, Lisa made it clear that she had, the founder of Tazer Lighter, a company specializing in the sale of electric lighters. They visited together the Cannes Film Festival and the dinner in honor of the first match of FC Akhmat in Grozny.