weight loss- on the contrary, all muscles are trained in each workout a little. Here your task is to load the whole body and spend as much energy as possible.

Relief- it is possible to separate by type, both when gaining mass, and by type, as when losing weight. It depends on the method of performing the workout, on the characteristics of your body and on the direction of your diet.

Form support- well, there can be any option. Depending on how you achieved this form: through weight loss or through mass gain.

VI. Determine the order of the exercises

When gaining mass and/or strength- you can put exercises in a block of 2 - 3 exercises one after another for one muscle group. Or you can alternate muscles - antagonists (biceps - triceps, chest - back, etc.). In any case, at the end of the workout, you should score as much as possible exactly those muscles that you have outlined for today.

weight loss- here the "block" is not needed and even harmful. You just need to alternate top - bottom. You can alternate antagonists. But, in any case, not a block. The load should jump from one muscle to another during the entire workout. Only in this way you can load the whole body.

Relief- you can either block or alternate antagonist muscles. In some cases, alternating top-bottom is suitable. But this, in my opinion, is a bit inappropriate for the relief.

- any option. Again, it depends on how you arrived at this form.

VII. Determine the number of sets and repetitions

A very important parameter. After all, it directly affects. The more weight and fewer repetitions, the lower the intensity of training and less. I usually distribute sets (including warm-ups) and reps like this:

When gaining mass- 3 - 5 sets of 6 - 12 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 repetitions in auxiliary exercises.

With increasing strength- 4 - 5 sets of 2 - 6 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 sets of 8 - 12 repetitions in auxiliary exercises.

weight loss- 2 - 4 sets of 12 - 20 repetitions everywhere.

Relief- 2 - 4 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions everywhere.

Maintaining the achieved form- 3 - 4 approaches. The number of repetitions depends on your previous goal.

VIII. Plan to change the weight of the shells in training

Well, the last stage is to determine how your weights and the number of repetitions will change from workout to workout. In the case of maintaining shape, relief or weight loss, this is not so important (although it also matters). But if you want to increase muscle mass or strength, then this is a very important parameter. And here everything, alas, is so individual and unpredictable that in absentia I cannot advise anything concrete.

Read articles: and. There you can understand the basic principles of how it's all done.


Yes, as you yourself saw, drawing up a training plan is a very difficult process with a lot of nuances and various options. In my life I have compiled over 1000 training programs. Although this is a very approximate figure. But I never make a plan for a person until I personally train him for at least a month without a program. Only after 1 - 2 months I already know more or less exactly what is more suitable for this or that person.

You, if you have trained for at least a few months, also have some idea of ​​​​what suits you best and what you want to do with your body next. Therefore, thoughtfully and in the order in which I just told you, draw up the following training program for yourself.

Well, for those who do not want to bother, I can make individual program workouts.

Good day, dear fans of fitness and bodybuilding! Strategic issues of competent construction training process pumping topics are no less important than tactical ones, but they often receive much less attention. For the most part, this is due to the fact that few people know how to draw up a training program, what principles should be followed and what should be built on.

These are the questions we have to answer today, so you are welcome to our hut, we are starting.

How to write a training program: where to start?

As you know, without effective tactics and strategy it is impossible to achieve effective management military operations. If we shift this thought to the rails of bodybuilding, then tons of single exercises performed even on 100% Ideally, they still give little, because. represent disparate body movements to pull the glands. In order for an athlete to get the most out of his actions, he needs to learn such wisdom - how to draw up a training program. This exercise, at first glance, may seem like a simple undertaking, because there are tons of training programs from star athletes, take them, do it and you will achieve the same results. However, this is not the case. There are many programs, but not the fact that they (in its original interpretation) will work for you.

In general, if you look at the typical inhabitants of the gym, you get the feeling of deja vu. Those. people most often perform the same exercises from workout to workout and from year to year and wonder why they are. Everything is very simple, firstly, the athlete is already used to training like this, he does not need to bother about this or that exercise, he just comes and the brain automatically drives the body through all the simulators. Those. You, in principle, may not even take any part, the “head” will complete the entire program for you and inform you of its completion.

Secondly, very often an athlete simply lacks theoretical knowledge in drawing up a training program, because he has no time to read. Well, thirdly (maybe this is the most important thing)- laziness. As my university teacher used to say: “why change something if everything works like that”. And really, why? After all, there is some kind of result, which means that the program works and why “rock the boat” unnecessarily.

This is about the reasons, but if you dig deeper and sideways, then, of course, this is not an easy task, you need to have the necessary baggage of your own knowledge or enlist the support of a qualified trainer-instructor, or, at worst, Schwarzenegger's skype, so that the last gave you a couple good advice. By the way, it should be said that all bodybuilding stars spent a lot of effort, energy and, most importantly, time in order to create their personal program. After all, it would seem, well, what is there, the biceps became a little more convex and spherical, but this “slightly” can cost the bodybuilder more than one month of hard training and combinations of various training methods.

How to make a training program: three approaches

There are three approaches to the preparation of training programs (conditionally). The first one I call the “correct” method, i.e. everything is made according to certain rules and it turns out like this general program, suitable for most training in the halls. The second approach is to take the already existing program of a star bodybuilder as a standard, cliché, template and work purely according to it, without any deviations. There is also a third method - we can say that it is the most advanced, but it comes with training experience and accumulated experience, I call it "experimental design".

As in any sport, bodybuilding has a foundation, i.e. training principles, methods and programs on which he stands. In particular, Bill Star's schemes can be attributed to the basic training programs - 5x5 or 6x6. We can say that this is the necessary minimum that any beginner in the gym should practice. It consists in the fact that the athlete performs multi-joint according to the scheme 5 repetitions in 5 approaches.


The weight of the weights in the schemes 5x5 or 6x6 gradually increases. Let's say you started the week with a working weight of 10 kg, next week you are already doing a session with 11 kg etc.

How to make a training program according to the rules

I think you have already understood that there is no ideal program that would suit everyone and everything. Therefore, in order to correctly compose it, it is necessary:

  • Decide on goals

We can say that without a goal you will never achieve a result. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to decide on your “Wishlist”, i.e. what do you expect from training: just want to lose weight and slightly adjust the figure or pump up the biggest shoulders and arms. Write down how you see yourself in six months, a year, two of your classes in the gym.

In addition to the “general-blurred” goals, set more specific ones: lose weight by your birthday by 10 kg. Closing the “little thing” and getting the first positive result, you will want to move on and set more ambitious goals for yourself.

  • Consider your parameters and OFP

Many beginners with valiant agility start training, not paying any attention to the functional readiness of the body and its general physical fitness. Here it is necessary to remember the golden rule, which sounds like this - do no harm! Do not exhaust yourself with running workouts for 10-15 minutes if your weight is in the three digits, or doing crunches in a Roman chair if you have significant excess fat in the abdominal region of the abdomen.

When compiling a training program, it is necessary to take into account not only your metrics: gender, weight and height, but also age, chronic sores.

  • Be mindful of the warm-up before training

When you have put all your thoughts in order and completed the first two points, you need to move on to the practical part. And you should start with the selection of the optimal ones. Here everything again depends on the nature of the training, if you are more focused on “ballasting”, then 8-10 minutes of aerobic exercise will suit you just in time. If the training is basic-strength, for the development of muscles, then the implementation of basic exercises in “idle” (without additional burden) your type.

  • Decide on the frequency and duration of loads

We can say that this is the second most important (after goals) parameter that needs to be determined. After all, your visual results depend on the frequency of training. Get yourself and write down the days and duration of classes. Decide for yourself what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal. Maybe it will be a rejection of gatherings with friends and the allocation of free time for training, maybe something else. In general, prioritize and write down on what days and for how many minutes you will “hang out” in the hall.

Also pay attention to your body's ability to recover. How many days do you have enough to recharge after a hard workout? Often, this 1-2 days, if this process takes longer for you, then either change the frequency, or “play around” with the load.

  • Planning the workout itself

We can say that all the previous stages were preparatory, and now it's time to move on to working out the main training scheme. Many people think that a set of exercises is the training program itself, but this is not so, because it requires A complex approach.

This means that in addition to choosing a group of exercises, you need to plan:

  1. Load level ( 100%, 80% etc.) . You must clearly understand in advance how much weight you are working with and whether (or not) you will have strength for one more time;
  2. The number of sets and approaches in the exercise. If you are growing muscle mass, That 3-4 approach to 7-10 repetitions, if you develop strength, then 3 approach to 1-5 repetitions is the best option (and at 1-3 there is a development of maximum strength);
  3. The speed of execution (tempo) of exercises. You can perform the exercise quickly, you can concentrate on a specific phase of the movement (positive/negative) etc.;
  4. Rest m / y approaches. Undoubtedly an important thing. Usually 1-2 minutes is enough, but if the exercises are heavy or you are developing strength, then the time may well increase to 3-4 minutes.

For beginners (experience from 1 before 1.5 years) you should not be led to some fancy programs with exotic exercises. Their arsenal should be dominated by free weight exercises and the base. For example, the following exercises in one variation or another simply need to be included in your complex:, as well as push-ups from the floor and on the uneven bars. In addition, it would be useful to strengthen the cardiovascular system with exercises from.

You can finish the workout with a more detailed (isolating) study of a single muscle group (for example, the most lagging behind).

  • Hitch for a quick recovery

Many immediately after training in the gym either run to the shower, or get dressed and leave altogether. However, the ability to “cool down properly” is expensive for the normal start of recovery processes. A hitch allows you to quickly start the muscle recovery process and remove lactic acid. Therefore, after completing your main training program, take 5-10 minutes of delay. Start with any type of aerobic exercise (light running on the track, bike or others) and then smoothly switch to light stretching (muscle stretching). All this will not only have a positive effect on recovery, but will also return your pulse to the target zone, and the “fiery motor” to its normal mode of operation.

  • Program variability

Do not run the same program for longer than 4-6 months, because due to its strong adaptive function, the body is able to adapt to any load. Those. what previously seemed to be stress for the muscles, ceases to be so with time. Therefore, use “different angles of attack” on your muscles.

Change everything from local exercises to global goals. For example, switch from gaining muscle mass (builder program) to powerlifting - develop strength, work with maximum weights.

  • Diet and daily routine

If you train well, but put the brakes on nutrition issues, you will not see the results like your own ears. After all, it is 65-70% success in any sport, and even more so in such a “compositional” one as bodybuilding. Therefore, adjust yours. Your food should match your individual training program. Make your muscles feel comfortable nutrient medium, and their growth will not be long in coming.

In addition to food, also observe “bed rest” (dream by 7-8 hours), avoid stress and spend more time in the fresh air.

  • Feedback

Constantly “monitor” and track the reaction of your body to the training program. The measure of her quality (i.e. does it work for you or not) only the fact of your progress will serve. This can be either an increase in working weights, or a visual component. If the program advances you towards your goal, then it works, if not, it makes sense to think about its revision or complete replacement.

Actually, all these rules will help you to correctly draw up a training program.

Moving on to the next concept….

Training program "Follow the standard"

The simplest, in terms of performance by an athlete, technique. You absolutely do not need to do anything, everything has already been stolen before us and done for you by professional bodybuilders who literally bit by bit collected information, systematized it, practiced, corrected mistakes, etc. Before you is the so-called finished product, all that remains to be done with it is to “warm up” in the microwave :), i.e. strictly follow without any initiative, without making any changes.

You simply follow the benchmark, record the results, and decide whether this program works for you or not. Now (in the age of the Internet)“Digging up” any training program is a matter of a couple of mouse clicks. In particular, you can try out the training program for beginners in practice. (see picture), which was kindly shared with me by 6-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.


In addition to the training program, do not forget about the "nutritional" provision. If you cannot find accurate information on the athlete's diet for any program found, then at least make your diet based on.

The next programming technique is ...

“Experimental design” method of drawing up a training program

We can say that this is the most time-consuming method, because the athlete must have not only an extensive baggage of theoretical knowledge, but also have sufficient practical experience in bodybuilding to make “sensible” adjustments to your training process. Some specific methodology is taken as a basis and painstaking work begins to weed out the chaff - unnecessary (not working well for you) exercises. There are constant experiments with approaches, the number of repetitions, angles of attack on the muscles. The main task is to rework an existing program for “yourself”. You must listen to your body and build your own cube by cube. own program workouts.

Usually this experimental method takes quite a long time period, but you will be satisfied with the result.

Well, here, in fact, are all the methods (known to me) that will help you answer the question: “how to make a training program?”.


Today we learned something about the strategic component of bodybuilding - how to write a training program. One concept is closer to someone, another is closer to someone, the main thing to remember is that there is no universal training program, and no one knows your body better than you. Hence the conclusion - you and only you are able to write a script and direct a film called "I am the owner of a relief body."

So boldly into the hall, in search of the treasured program!

PS. Dear readers, comments are always open for you, so feel free to unsubscribe.

Explaining all the principles of creating the right training program may require the creation of a separate book, which is most often done by professional trainers. But there are general and main points - a necessary minimum, from which you can build on in the process of developing a personal program.

It must be said right away that the material is relatively voluminous, but if you study it completely, then half of the questions regarding the construction of a training plan will immediately disappear. And this is easier for both the coach and the novice bodybuilder, because there will be an understanding of the scheme for compiling programs and all that remains is to try everything in practice, using your own feelings.

Often there is a situation when beginners randomly move between simulators and change the program every workout. This does not allow their body to understand what is happening, and it is impossible to notice the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen program in one workout. The result will be if you engage in the selected program for a certain time (several weeks or months).

Also, many novice bodybuilders believe that there is a certain scheme with secret techniques that will give instant results, and if you also use steroids, then everything becomes simple! These are all misconceptions, because it takes a very long time to plow in the gym to achieve the goal.

Compiling a workout for a beginner by a coach

Maybe someone else does not know, but for each newcomer, the coaches create approximately the same plans with minor adjustments. Usually these are basic exercises and a couple of isolating ones (which exercises are basic and which are isolating, read). At first glance, this seems to be the wrong approach, because the program should be individual, but you need to understand one important point.

Trainers cannot draw up an ideal strategy of action right away! Therefore, the situation with standard program, which will be the same as for all other beginners. The coach must independently determine the degree of preparation of the athlete and adjust his goals, and after a short interval, the coach already composes an individual workout, taking into account all the characteristics of the athlete's body. As a result, after these words, any stable strategy is better at first than its complete absence.

How often do you go to training?

From the very beginning, any athlete asks this question, but in order to choose the optimal number of training sessions per week, several factors must be taken into account:

1. What muscle groups will be involved.

All muscle groups can be divided into two categories:

  • small (calves, deltas, triceps, biceps);
  • large (chest, back, legs).

Remember that if the training was on large muscles, then they will need a day more break to recover than a group of small muscles.

2. Current degree of preparation. If you train for a long time, then the body is adapted to the loads and the muscles recover in a shorter time. Smaller muscles also recover faster.

3. The volume of training. It should definitely be taken into account. If the training was long and hard, then the body received a tremendous load. This means that a full recovery will take a long time. Do not forget about supercompensation and learn to determine when the body is ready for stress again.

Of course, each coach has his own opinion on the necessary intervals between workouts. But most are inclined to believe that a beginner can visit the gym often at first, but receiving small loads. This solution allows you to gradually adapt to the loads and increase the efficiency of training. Another side of this decision is that the beginner's muscles are not yet very voluminous, which means they recover faster than the professional's voluminous fibers.

When compiling a program, keep in mind that, on average, for beginner athletes, each muscle group is fully restored in 2-4 days.

In one of the articles on our website, we talked in more detail about. Statistics, differences for beginners and experienced athletes, as well as features of the gym after strength and fat burning training.

The right split or what and with what to train

Let's start with the fact that there are types of workouts in which the whole body receives approximately the same load, and there are workouts in which muscle groups train in different days. These workouts are called split.

In general, the word split, with an exact translation, means “split”, in relation to training, this means a method that allows you to separately work out each muscle.

The application of each programming technique can be roughly divided into two categories:

  • a beginner in training is recommended to work on the whole body.
  • For an experienced athlete, in order to have time to qualitatively load each muscle, it is better to do more workouts per week, and pay attention to different muscles on each.

Target: preparatory

Body Type: Any

Difficulty: Beginner

Goal: Mass Gain

Body Type: Any

Difficulty: Amateur

Why exactly? And all just because of the training of the body, the more it is, the more time it will take to fully load all parts of the body. For a skinny teenager, it is effective to do a full body workout at a time 3 workouts per week. And in order for a professional to thoroughly work out each muscle in one workout, you will have to train for a very long time! Exit - split.

Most often, they choose the option of a training split - 3 days a week. When forming individual splits, it is important to consider the recovery time individual groups muscles, as well as an indirect load on other muscles when training a separate group.

If you do not take into account that when training one muscle, others are indirectly involved, then the effectiveness will drop significantly, because the recovery period will decrease, and the body simply will not fully rest. Yes, and there are muscles that require more work to get the result, so now it is important to learn about the existing groups and their features.

In addition to dividing muscles into large-small, there is another classification:

  • pushing muscles (deltas, chest, triceps);
  • pulling muscles (legs, back, biceps).

To understand the meaning of this division, we need to consider an example. First, in the program, training the biceps, and then the back. This is a failed strategy, since both exercises fall on the pulling group, in addition, the biceps are weaker than the back, as a result of the back exercise, it will not work correctly, because the biceps involved in the back exercises are already tired. Therefore, in this example it is necessary to correct the training and first load the back and then move on to the biceps.

Important: you should always start training with a large muscle group, after which you can move on to a smaller group. For example, it would be correct to load the chest first, and then the triceps, or the back, and then the biceps.

How to properly combine muscle groups in one workout

If you are composing a split workout, then it is not recommended to load several large muscle groups at once with one workout! The best option will be the involvement of one large and a number of small groups.

A bad example would be training your back and legs at once. Firstly, this is a high load, which will not allow you to do your best in every exercise - you simply do not have enough strength for this! And secondly, the load on the circulatory system (on the heart in particular) will be enormous. Muscles are large, require a supply of nutrients, and are located at a considerable distance.

An exception is training for antagonist muscles - this is the name of a pair of muscles that perform opposite movements. For example, the biceps bends the arm, and the triceps unbends, the pectorals push the arms, and the broadest backs pull. Therefore, training them together is a great option, especially since they will be involved anyway. As an example, bicep curls passively engage the triceps, which are stretched and ready to be loaded. Exercises on antagonist muscles in one workout enhance the pumping effect.

Separately, you need to touch the legs, because this group stands out from all the others. IN human body legs are the largest and strongest muscle group, so when using splits, it is better for them to set aside a separate day. Consider best options splits:

3 days a week (optimal)

  • chest and back;
  • deltas and hands;
  • legs.

5 days (advanced)

  • legs;
  • back;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • hands.

After applying these splits, you still need to figure out the optimal rest. Everything is relatively simple here, if there are no results, then either training is frequent, or vice versa - the breaks are too long. Therefore, if there is a feeling that an extra day of rest is needed, it is better to do it than once again load the muscles that have not yet rested.

What is the sequence of exercises

You need to choose a split, taking into account the goal. If the main goal is to gain mass, then you need to forget about isolating exercises. Only the base is used - exercises in which several muscle groups participate at once. Therefore, when gaining mass, you need to pass by all the simulators, they are not designed for this purpose.

If you are a skinny guy who just started going to the gym, then you have a direct path to dumbbells and barbells (free weights), which should be the main training time.

When mass gaining, the sequence also looks simple, which implies complex exercises during the workout, and easy ones at the end. You need to start with an exercise where it is involved maximum amount joints (base), and finish with insulating.

For example, when exercising pectoral muscles you need to start with a bench press, and finish with a crossover or wiring with dumbbells, which are related to formative exercises. When training legs, it is important to start with a squat, and only then move on to.

Important! In training for mass gain, be sure to follow the rule: from difficult to easy: from basic exercises to isolating ones.

Compiling a workout

When starting to draw up a training program, it is important to consider the following criteria:

Load (as a percentage of your maximum) - it is important to determine the weight that will allow you to perform the exercises correctly.

- the number of sets / approaches in each exercise - to gain mass in the approach, you need to do 6-10 repetitions, and for strength it will take no more than 5.

- pace of exercises (speed) - approaches can be performed quickly, but more often they concentrate on a specific phase (lifting / lowering)

Duration of training - if you do not use steroids, then the training should last a maximum of 1 hour. And all because such loads are stress for the body, which causes the release of catabolics into the blood. If this stress is extended in time, then the body will recover for a long time, which is due to a decrease in the volume of anabolics produced by the body (the same testosterone).

- rest until the next set - no need to relax in the gym, stretching the rest. You can rest for a maximum of 2 minutes, but generally only 1 minute is recommended. This will allow you to complete 5-6 exercises with an average weight in the allocated hour. Resting for more than 3 minutes is possible only with powerlifting (strength building).

The importance of a warm-up along with a cool-down

If at least some attention is paid to the warm-up more often, then many people forget about the hitch, just going to the shower or from the gym at the end of the entire workout. But both of these actions are important, which allow you to get the maximum effect.

Work on the cardio machine for a few minutes to warm up your body, and do a general warm-up and stretch. Before each basic (complex) exercise, do a set with a small weight.

After a workout, it is important to do a hitch to bring the body back to normal, as well as to start the recovery process. A hitch requires up to 10 minutes of time and consists of any aerobic exercise that turns into muscle stretching (treadmill, and then stretching). This will return the body to its normal state, and even out the pulse.

If you don't want to get injured during your workout, make sure you warm up. There is a big one on our site. From it you will learn what order to perform it, as well as a video with the warm-up process.

Bodybuilding and the eternal question of nutrition

A novice bodybuilder comes to the gym with the confidence that the result can only be achieved with the help of pharmacology and the constant use of sports nutrition. But this is far from reality, because any supplements only supplement the normal diet, as the name suggests. It is important to understand that sports nutrition is a supplement to regular food, but not chemistry. Sports nutrition differs only in the convenience of preparation and use, and the additives themselves are divided into several types:

  • gainer;
  • fat burners.

All these types of sports nutrition perform different functions. You don’t need to immediately wind yourself up that nothing will work without additives, it is important to read the necessary articles and you can get a good result without resorting to buying a sports nutrition. But with sports nutrition it will still be easier.)

Sports nutrition is a great helper in building a body. By applying sportpit your goals will be achieved easier and faster. Go to our store - it presents only the most popular sports nutrition.

Additional nuances of effective training

If you are determined to go to the gym, and the decision to gain mass or get strong muscles is serious, then it is important to follow these rules:

  • Strict observance of the daily routine along with the diet. If the training is organized with high quality, and the nutrition remains the same and inferior, there will be no result. And all because a large part of success depends on proper nutrition, especially in such an activity as bodybuilding. Therefore, it is important to immediately adjust the diet and regimen, choosing the best options for a particular type of training. Only this will create conditions for active muscle growth. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and avoid stress.
  • Periodic program change. Training plans are designed for a specific time (usually 2-6 months). This is due to the adaptation of the body to stress, which reduces the effectiveness of training to zero. To continue to develop, you need to change both individual exercises and the program completely. One option is to switch from bodybuilding to powerlifting, and then back again.
  • Dynamic tracking. It is important to always keep track of the results in the process, writing them down in a diary. Only the fact of progress, which can be expressed in an increase in weights or an external change, speaks of the correctness of the chosen strategy. If the program does not move towards the goal, then it is wrong and you need to think about a new plan.


Drawing up a training and nutrition program is a very complex process that requires good theoretical preparation, as well as taking into account the many features of your body and lifestyle. Therefore, study for yourself or ask for help from our professional trainers!

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Hello, friends. How do you train in the gym? Do you know how to make a training program in the gym? Can you do it yourself or do you need a specialist?


The trainee should get the most out of their exercises. To do this, he needs to correctly draw up a training program in the gym. At first glance, this may seem like a very simple matter. You can take any technique from famous athletes, act on it and achieve similar results. In practice, this is not the case at all. Yes, there are many methods, but which one will be effective for you?

Reasons for poor results

  1. Get into the habit of doing just that. There are no questions about a specific exercise.
  2. Weak theoretical base. It is difficult for a person to create an individual training program in the gym. Or maybe he doesn't even think about it.
  3. Too lazy to change anything.

You need a good arsenal of knowledge or the help of a qualified specialist. In some cases, the preparation of a training program in the gym takes place online.

Almost all famous bodybuilders were helped to choose a training program in the gym.


There are three approaches to developing a training program.

  1. Correct. It is formed according to specific rules. General trends are emerging.
  2. "Following the Standard" You can take the already existing scheme of a famous athlete and work only strictly according to it.
  3. Advanced. A well-known technique is applied. Adjustments are made to it based on the personal qualities of the athlete. Schemas vary.

For newbies

How to make a training program in the gym for beginners. For beginners, trainers use 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 schemes. This is the basis that everyone who starts training in the gym should master. Its essence: performing multi-joint exercises according to the principle: in 5 approaches there are the same number of repetitions.

The development of weight in these schemes occurs gradually. If the week starts with a load of 10 kg, then next week starts with a weight of 11 kg, etc.

The following criteria are also important:

  1. Defining your goals.
  2. Accounting for your data and general preparation.

How to choose a training program in the gym? Its selection should be carried out taking into account the metrics of the student (mass, sex and height), his age, physique, as well as chronic ailments and injuries.

The beginning is the selection of the most suitable exercises at the warm-up stage. If you need to lose weight, then 8-10 minutes of aerobic exercise is required.

If serious muscle work is planned, then basic exercises are performed, but without a projectile, in vain.

The frequency and duration of classes is determined. These factors determine your visual performance.

Focus on how long does it take for the body to recover from an intense workout? Usually it is 1-2 days. If you need more, then vary the frequency and load.

The planning of the training process requires a comprehensive approach. And, when deciding how to create a training program in the gym yourself, be sure to plan:

  1. Load degree. Decide in advance what weights are working for you, and whether you are able to master one more circle.
  2. The number of circles and approaches in the exercises.
  3. exercise dynamics. You can perform them quickly or focus on a specific phase of the action.
  4. Break between sets. Norm: 1-2 min. After heavy exercise: 3-4 min.

Beginners should give preference basic exercises and free weights. List of required exercises:

  1. Deadlift type.
  2. Bench press in a supine position.
  3. Squats with a projectile (barbell).
  4. Push-ups (both on the bar and on the floor).

It is also useful to strengthen the cardiovascular system. We need action from plyometrics.

You can complete the lesson by thoroughly working out a specific muscle group.


A pause is required. So the muscles recover faster, and lactic acid is eliminated. The duration of the hitch is 5-10 minutes. You can run a little on a treadmill, move around on a bike. Then smoothly move to modest stretching.

Mass development

How to make a weight training program in the gym? Needs to be worked out three muscle groups. Here, frequency is also an important factor. The construction of exercises goes in blocks. 2-3 blocks for each muscle group.

This is the basic principle when you need to choose a training program in the gym for mass gain. The most important aspect where is the number of sets and repetitions. The following exercises are performed:

Basic - according to the scheme 4 - 6/6 - 12 (sets - repetitions).

Additional - according to the scheme 3 - 4/10 -15.

Remember that there is no muscle development without stress. That is, you need to change repetitions, vary weights and methods, add new exercises.

When you need to make a training program in the gym for a man and the main goal is to increase muscle mass, then an example of such a program is optimal (for 7 days):

Monday. Squats. Its mass is 60% of the functional weight. Scheme: 3 - 10.

Bench press in a supine position. Scheme: 4 - 10.

Push-ups on the bar. Scheme: 3 -12.

Tuesday is rest.

Wednesday. Pull-ups. Their grip is wide. Scheme: 4 - your maximum.

Rod traction to the zone of the belt. 4-12.

Rod traction. Type of projectile - T. 3 -12.

Thursday is a day off.

Friday. Squats, as in day 1, only the mass of the projectile is 80% of the functional weight. Scheme: 4 -12.

Romanian pull. Scheme: 4 -12.

We press in a sitting position. 4-12.

Pull up to the chin line. The same scheme.

Mahi on the sides. The same scheme.

Saturday is rest.

Sunday. Bench press in a supine position. 4-8.

Incline bench press. 4-12.

Pull-ups (wide grip) 4 - personal maximum.

Dumbbell traction. 4-12.

Relief development.

Mon, Tue - days off.

Relief development

How to make a training program in the gym for men on relief? You can rely on the same principles as in the development of the masses. You can slightly load all the muscles in turn up and down. It is important to take into account the specifics of the body, the type of diet. The exercise algorithm is identical to the algorithm for mass development.

For relief, the scheme is usually optimal: 3 - 4/12 - 15.

For weight loss

How to make a training program in the gym for weight loss? First you need to consider that all muscles are loaded alternately. The load goes from the top groups to the bottom. The 3-4/12-20 scheme usually works.

Program example:

(when the circuit is repeated, here it is denoted by PS)

First lesson. An incline gymnastic bench is used. It needs to be twisted. Scheme: 3 -12.

Hyperextension. 3-10.

The barbell is taken on the shoulders. Squats are done. PS.

Thrust on the upper block. PS

In a standing position, you need to press the barbell from your chest. PS

In a lying position on the simulator, you need to bend your legs. 3 - 12.

Push-ups from the indicated bench at the back. 3-10.

Second lesson. Legs are lifted up. PS.

Deadlift. PS.

Lunges with dumbbells. PS.

Stretches a horizontal block. PS.

In a standing position, the bar is pressed from behind the head. PS.

Legs are unbent on the simulator. 3-12.

Push-ups in a horizontal position. The grip is wide. 3-10.

In a standing position, arms with a barbell are bent. PS.

Third lesson. In the supine position, you need to twist. 3-10.

Hyperextension. PS.

Leg press. PS.

In a lying position, the bar is pressed. PS,

Pulling the top block. The grip is narrow. PS,

Tilts. A barbell is placed on the shoulders. PS,

Step behind the bench. In the hands of a dumbbell. PS.

In the supine position, dumbbells are bred. PS.

This program involves the use of a special diet.

For girls

How to make a training program in the gym for girls? Its formation is determined by the initial physical condition, personal training and motives. The key point is the specificity of metabolism. After eating fatty foods (with a lower percentage of carbohydrates), girls become more resilient and have more strength.

Muscle fibers in girls are mainly of type 1. They can handle a lot of reps and sets.

For girls are optimal:

  • explosive minimal approaches,
  • modest cardio intensity,
  • repetitions at a slow pace when lifting shells,
  • modest pauses between sets: 30-60 seconds,
  • frequent workouts (4-5 per week) and without doping.

The required order of exercises: from the most difficult to the easiest. The most massive muscles are worked out at the beginning of the session. Smaller ones - at the climax of the workout.

Replay Questions:

For strength development: 6-8 reps.

For muscle development: 12-15.

For weight loss: 20-30.

In one day, the number of exercises: 5-7. Two identical muscle groups are not worked out on adjacent days.

An example of a program for those with good experience.

Goals: weight loss, muscle development. Schedule: odd or even days.

You need to squat with a barbell. Scheme: 4 / 12-15 (sets - repetitions).

Romanian pull. Legs are straight. PS.

On the simulator, the legs are unbent. 3/12-15.

Lunges with shells (dumbbells). Scheme for each leg: 3 - 10.

Hyperextension: 3 -15.

The bar stretches in a slope. 4-15.

A bench with a slope of 20-30% is used. There is a barbell on it. 4 - 15.

Standing position. You need to swing the dumbbells around. 3-15.

Studying the press on the same bench. 3-15.

Back pull. The grip is wide. 4-15.

Pumping legs in anti-gack. 3-20.

Hyperextension. PS.

Day 3 is identical to day 1.


You can work on different programs. The main thing is that they are formed correctly. Otherwise, it is fraught with weak results and health problems.

Fitness has long become not only a way of life for some, but also a business for others. City streets are full of signs of gyms, and every second person already calls himself a coach. If you decide to create your own beautiful body, it is better to learn a little about how to properly compose a training program. Otherwise, you can waste money without getting a result.

Who is a good coach?

The most common misconception: the coach must be inflated, like Arnie in his youth. And the larger its volume, the more professional it is.

Yes, definitely a figure - business card trainer (in the case of bodybuilding). But you should not confuse a harmoniously developed body, obtained through systematic training and proper nutrition, and artificially (pharmacologically) obtained volumes. Therefore, first of all, look not at the biceps swollen to the point of implausibility, but at the harmony of the figure and the complex development of the muscles.

It is also worth asking for experience professional activity trainer. Ideally, find out what results his students have achieved.

The older you are, the more carefully you need to approach the choice of a coach. If you have health problems or are recovering from an injury, ideally find someone with medical education. Not every room has such specialists - check this question separately.

Great importance It matters how sociable a person is, how pleasant you personally are and whether you are ready to trust him with your figure and health. To get started, make an appointment for a month. Then you can always continue to study with the same specialist or choose another one.

Next, I will tell you what to look for when compiling a program, and how the training process should be built. The information will be useful both for the practitioners themselves and for those who want to become a coach and make programs for others.

Rules for compiling training programs

Have you heard of such a term - "individual approach"? Everyone has heard, but few want to apply.

A good and competent trainer will draw up a program personally. He will also take a lot of money for this, because it is not a five-minute matter. To compile a really useful program, you need to test your body, study its individual characteristics.

It doesn't matter where you work out: at home or in the gym - the rules are the same. You need to understand well what you are capable of at the “zero” stage.

Health status

The first task of the trainer is to learn in detail about the state of health of his client. The anamnesis will have a primary influence on the formation of a set of exercises and the frequency of training.

  • Care should be taken with people who have problems with cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system.
  • A person who has undergone abdominal surgery will not be able to do a heavy base for some time. Giving him even 50 kg of deadlift in the first month of training is tantamount to causing serious harm to health.
  • People suffering from diseases of the spine should carefully perform exercises with a vertical load on the spinal column. It is best to protect the lower back. For some, it is necessary to abandon such a burden altogether.

A professional trainer must know how to build a workout for any category of people.
Great importance should be given to the age of the student. The older the person, the more difficult it is to bear the load. Age features should be taken into account, otherwise it can be harmful.

They say that pumping up after 40 years is difficult. It is true what they say, but it is still possible. And the person making the program should know how to make the program of trainings for the senior age group.

At the age of 60 or more, a particularly gentle load on the heart should be given. At this age, circuit training, crossfit and much more are useless. The purpose of the classes is to improve and strengthen the body.

If the coach in the gym immediately, without asking you any questions, gave out some kind of program. Think ten times whether it is worth contacting such a specialist.

Features of the human body

By body features, I mean flexibility and stretch, speed of recovery, muscle fatigue, endurance level and the level of initial preparation in general.

The planning of the training process should be aimed at minimizing negative consequences. That is, you should not overwork at the very first training session (or overload a novice client), because this is fraught with prolonged pain or even injury.


Stretching must be included in the training program. Without it, many exercises cannot be performed.

There are many complaints on the Internet about lower back pain during deadlifts. Moreover, the complainants themselves write that they cannot reach the floor with their fingers on straight legs. I wonder how they pull, and most importantly - what do they pull? There is no technique at all, the lower back is clearly round, like the chest. Hence the pain, and then the consequences of improper technique. All this does not appear immediately, the first time may even pass. And when your weights become more serious, at one point the lower back will hurt much more than before. And this is where your deadlifts will end. Maybe even forever.

So you have to push. This is useful not only when you are doing a power cycle, but also simply to maintain the elasticity of your body. Statistics show that the more elastic the connective tissue, the less likely it is to be injured during careless movements. So stretch at home, it is not necessary to go somewhere for this. You can prep your body for strength training.


Everyone's endurance is different. It also develops, like stretching. The whole organism is able to change, adapting to new conditions of life.

Most The best way develop it - cardio exercises. Just brisk walking or ellipsoid training will do - safely and effectively.

Developing your endurance, remember about health. Chasing the heart is not always helpful, especially if you are working on a pulse of more than 140 beats for a long time.

A professional trainer knows all these things and won't run you on the treadmill until you pass out.

Muscle recovery rate

This is just as individual as the above. The periodization of training, cycling, etc. directly depends on the recovery rate.

It usually takes 2-3 days for a person to fully recover. But pain is not the best indicator of this process. For example, it happens that the pain has passed (or it didn’t exist at all), but there seems to be no strength. Muscles have not recovered. This can happen for two reasons: you have not received enough building and energy material (simply not enough), or you need to rest some more.

On average, you need to train one muscle group 1-2 times a week. Three is already a lot. For mass training, it is better to give heavy loads to the same muscle group once a week.


You don't have to be a girl to make a workout program for girls. In principle, the physiology of men and women is not very different. But there is one important point - the level of testosterone. There are other nuances, but this is the most significant.

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that stimulates the growth of many things: muscles, hair, nervous tension, anger and aggression. That is why men fight much more often than girls. The level of testosterone in their blood is much higher than that of the opposite sex. It is understandable why.

In general, in girls, muscles will grow more slowly than in men. Yes, and working weights need to be selected differently, for girls they are much less.

Putting together a gym workout routine for girls is a bit tricky. Most women are much more interested in reducing body fat than in developing muscle. Here, too, it is important not to overdo it. After all, physiologically, to maintain body functions, girls need at least 12% of body fat. That is, a girl can never become as dry as a male athlete without harm to health.

Features of the mode of human life

Drawing up a training program should take into account the characteristics of a person’s work. It is important to clarify whether the work is physical, office, intellectual. From all this will depend on the volume and duration of the load.

Those who move little, constantly sit, need a long cardio load. If a person moves a lot, the program is adjusted according to his lifestyle.

Based on the employment of a person, a scheme of 2 or 3 training sessions per week will be selected. Also taken into account financial position, because in most clubs it is customary to either pay for each workout, or the subscription is calculated based on the number of workouts per month.

Compiling a program

So, you have learned what to pay attention to when compiling a program. And now let's look at how to make a training program in the gym, how often you need to change the training program, what is cycling, and whether we need it.

Zero program

This is a kind of sampler to start with. It often includes bench press (men) and leg/glute exercises (girls). The rest of the load depends on the above features of the body and personal wishes. That is, the exercises are selected individually. The purpose of the trial program is to determine how your muscles respond to the load, how your technique is given, what is your general physical training etc. That is, look at you in dynamics.

According to the inventory, if you work out at home, a barbell, an incline bench, 2 dumbbells will be enough for you. You can only get by with dumbbells.

Definitely, you should not perform deadlifts and heavy squats with a barbell in the first month. Muscles need to be prepared for this base, it is enough to stretch and strengthen them.

For the first month, exercises on and extension of the arms, legs, and body are suitable. For the press, ordinary twists on the mat are enough, for the lower back - hyperextension.

For men, it will be useful to include pull-ups and push-ups from the bars in the training.

At the beginning of each workout, at least 5 minutes of cardio, at the end - stretching. It is also better to stretch in a small volume after a warm-up.

In a month, the body will get stronger, and the coach will understand what you are capable of.

If you are your own coach, still ask to teach you exercise technique. Even the simplest exercise is not as simple as it seems to you at first glance.
Learn to do everything right from the very beginning, while you still have small weights. This will save you a lot of time in the future (relearning is always longer, and without the right technique good results not achieve) and save health.

By the way, about weights: for the first month, increase the weight in increments of 1–5 kg, depending on the muscles being trained. For example, on the leg press, a step of 5 kg is just right. Barbell curl for biceps - 1-2 kg each workout.

And start with a light weight. The main thing is that you feel at least some kind of load.

Further strategy

Now, knowing your capabilities, you can draw up a program based on the goals of the classes. Choose if you want a mass, terrain workout option. Maybe you want to get thin? Or maybe you are gradually going to find the forms you need. It's also possible, it just takes longer.

Decide whether you will work out at home or in the gym. Home training is not so effective, there is no need to even explain anything.

After completing the zero program, the task is to draw up a program for the next 4 weeks. Working weights need to be increased if you decide to go in the power direction. If you are losing weight, you don’t need to add anything, just exercise and spend energy.

Think about your diet, you need to stick to a certain way of eating, otherwise the figure will not noticeably change.

When the second month has passed, depending on your results, you will need to change the program again. You can replace several exercises, you can change the direction of the workout. In general, you can change all this once a week. There is such a thing as periodization of the training process or cycling.

Cycling means that you divide the training program into cycles - part according to one system, part according to another. One week you work with heavy weights, the second - with light weights, etc. The selection of the cycle is individual. It has been experimentally proven that there are many benefits from cycling in bodybuilding. This method of training in the gym for men and women is more effective than a monotonous program.

Optimal cycling for beginners is a slight program change once a month.