Creativity in the work of a defectologist teacher is an integral factor in the success of correctional work.

Probably desirable in any profession creativity to work, and in the work of a teacher-defectologist, he is simply necessary. Children with whom the teacher-defectologist of the point of correctional and pedagogical assistance of the institution works preschool education, due to their age, they do not understand why the speech therapist takes them to classes.

In addition, in addition to a speech disorder, they may have features of attention, memory, thinking, children may have insufficiently developed fine motor skills. Just like all children, they can be active, restless or passive, distracted. And the teacher must find an approach to everyone, because the result of his correctional work depends on it.

Special attentiondefectologist teacher should give visibility and games.

The didactic material used by the defectologist teacher (games, exercises) should be colorful and interesting for the child.

A preschooler wants to play - let him play, and the teacher must build his work so that the main task is performed in the game - the correction of the existing violation.

Each teacher-defectologist has his own set of games and exercises in his arsenal - computer or paper, purchased or made by himself. Games are huge.

But no matter how many manuals and didactic games are published, each defectologist in the arsenal will have something of his own, made by himself, some kind of original game, unlike other games. And if he also owns a computer, the possibilities of which are simply endless, then there is a lot of room for imagination.

I offer several samples. simple games made with the help of a computer, which can be used in working with children with speech disorders to automate and differentiate sounds, develop sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, correction of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, the ability to compose simple and complex (complex) sentences.

I compose games in the Power Point presentation program: I insert the selected background image (track, snail, snake, caterpillar, table, etc.) and overlay pictures with the desired sound on it. The background of the images should be made transparent.

This can be done in Adobe Photoshop,, or some other program - the one that the teacher owns. Further, if desired, you can make a background allowance.

The plot of a speech therapy game is a matter of the speech therapist's imagination.

Logopedic walkers

Making a grant. Choose a picture-walker, overlay pictures with the desired sound on it, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress.

The child “walks” along the path with his fingers, clearly pronouncing fixed or differentiable sounds.

Variants of the game (this and subsequent):

1. Invite the child to find more objects with a given sound in the picture and count them: one Christmas tree, two Christmas trees, three Christmas trees, four Christmas trees, five Christmas trees. In this case, the child learns to coordinate numerals with nouns. For an exercise in agreeing adjectives with nouns, we add a sign - a green tree. The child will need to say: one green tree, two green trees, ... five green trees.

2. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like (for example, a bicycle, a fish) and make sentences with them (“Mom bought a bicycle”, “A fish swims in the river”).

3. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like and play the Greedy game: “My bike, my pig, my hat”, etc. Or the game "Not Greedy": "I gave everything to you, and now I have no bicycle, no pig, no hat." This is how we train the child correct use case endings nouns.

4. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like and play the One-Many game: Christmas tree - Christmas trees, pig - pigs, bicycle - bicycles.

On the basis of one picture from the proposed games, you can implement a variety of game options, realizing the main goal - the correction of speech disorders.

Logopedic labyrinths

Making a grant.

Choose a labyrinth picture, insert it into a presentation slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child names the pictures of the maze, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

This game can be played by a child with a speech therapist, or it can be organized with a subgroup of children who automate the same sound. In this case, you will need a cube and chips. The players roll the dice. How many points fell out, so many moves the player can make, clearly pronouncing the words with a fixed sound (or with differentiable sounds). In this game, there is a danger of reaching a dead end, so the child needs to be careful and make sure that this does not happen. In addition to automating sounds, this game also develops visual attention, and answering the question-name of the game, the child learns to make sentences with prepositions.

In addition to fixing sounds, in the games of this series and in the games presented below, you can also offer the same task options for correcting the lexical and grammatical side of speech as in rpg games.

Speech therapy caterpillars

Making a grant. Select a caterpillar picture, insert it into a slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child advances the chip along the caterpillar, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

On this material, in addition to fixing sounds, you can also work out the agreement of numerals and adjectives with nouns, the only and plural nouns, the ability to make sentences.

Speech paths

Making a grant. In the "Insert" function, select "Shapes", insert a suitable shape, multiply it and make a track out of it. Then put pictures with the desired sound on the track, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child “walks” along the path with his fingers, clearly pronouncing the sound. Further, the child, answering the question (for example, “Who is the goat calling?”), Makes a simple sentence (“The goat is calling the kid”).

On the material of the games in this series, you can also work out the coordination of words in a sentence, the selection of features for an object, the singular and plural of nouns, etc.

Speech therapy collections

Making a grant. Insert a picture into the file (for example, a mushroom, strawberries), multiply it and make a path out of it (you can take pictures different mushrooms), then overlay pictures with the desired sound on them, if necessary, arrange the background. You will need a dice and chips.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing the die - how many points fell on the die, how many pictures you need to advance the chip, clearly pronouncing the name of the pictures.

Speech therapy snakes

Making a grant. Select a snake picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing the dice - how many points on the dice fell out, so many moves can be made by the player, clearly naming the words with a fixed sound. And here you can also choose three to five pictures, make sentences with them, count them, matching the numerals with the nouns. Then you can close or remove the pictures and give the child a task: “Remember what pictures were on this snake” (development of visual memory).

speech therapy domino

Making a grant. In the "Insert" function, select a table, insert it into a slide, fill the table with the color you like, overlay pictures with the desired sound.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds.

Cut the picture material horizontally, then vertically between identical pictures (can be laminated) and play like a regular domino. The only difference is that instead of dots on dominoes there are pictures, and you need to name them, coordinating the numeral with the noun.

Speech therapy snails

Making a grant. Choose a picture-snail, overlay pictures with the desired sound, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

To play, you need a dice and chips. A child can play with a speech therapist, or you can organize a game with a subgroup of children with whom the pronunciation of the same sound is consolidated.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing a die - how many points fell out, as many moves a player can make, clearly naming words with a fixed sound.

The goal of the game for the child is to get to the prize (it can be a chip, a picture, a sticker or some other prize), and for a speech therapist it is to fix the delivered sound in the child.

The options for using the game of this series can be the same as in the games of other series, or they can have their own - it's up to the teacher's imagination.

Annotation: this article talks about which games for speech therapy classes you can do it yourself and how to change them depending on the tasks.

It is no secret that speech therapy for a child is a lot of work. If this is a preschooler, then when he comes to the speech therapist's office, it is not always easy for him to switch from playing activities to learning.

If we are talking about a schoolchild, then, as a rule, classes begin after the child has spent half a day at his desk. Therefore, you need to try to make sure that the atmosphere in the classroom still has a more playful character. And games in this are the first assistants.

Adventure games

In my classes, I actively use rpg games.

Can be used ready cards, but they will have to be replaced by fines, for example, by sticking a picture with the necessary this child sound for automation. And it turns out that instead of returning for several moves, he will say “sa-sa-sa” or “la-la-la” ...

Each speech therapist will choose options for himself. And yet, I prefer do-it-yourself rpg cards, and toys from Kinder Eggs will be much more interesting as chips.


Another game I use to automate sounds is spinning top.

A hexagon is cut out of cardboard and designed in accordance with the tasks.

If we automate a group of whistling sounds, then on the sides of the top there should be images that include these sounds (sleigh, dog ...), if we automate a group of sonorous sounds, other pictures.

Maybe the child is old enough to be able to identify the letter image? So, on the top there will be letters denoting the sound we need.

To spin the top, put a toothpick in the center and twist! I stopped on the edge - we pronounce what is depicted on it.

I have a lot of tops: on different groups sounds, for different periods of automation (starting from a sound to a syllable, word, sentence ...)

Magic bag game

One of the most favorite for children is the game " magic pouch»!

The principle is well known to everyone - there is something inside an opaque (preferably rag) bag. The child puts his hand inside and by touch tries to describe what is in his hand.

The contents of the bag may vary depending on the learning objectives.

For example, we want to enrich lexicon adjectives, it means we put small toys inside, here again Kinder - eggs will come to the rescue.

The child holds a toy in his hand and tells what it is - hard or soft, smooth or rough, in some cases it will be possible to describe the shape ... And when he gets it, he will add color.

For older children who are familiar with letters, I put plastic letters in a bag - they are happy to try to determine what kind of letter they got and name the sound.

Game "Lost"

And another one speech game, which replenishes the vocabulary with prepositions and develops attention very well - “Lost”.

On the A-3 format, an illustration is drawn or pasted (rooms, forests, clearings, etc.), then an object is selected that is “lost” in the picture, in the amount of five to seven pieces.

For example, in the "forest" a mushroom or a maple leaf or a squirrel may be lost. This option is the most successful, since it can be both UNDER the tree and ON the tree and NEAR the tree ...

A hat, sock, etc. may be “lost” in the room. The child finds each "lost" item and says where it was.

Speech is the main form of human interaction with the outside world. Our task is to help the child master this form to perfection. Education for children should not be boring, otherwise it will be of little use. Games help the child to learn with interest and at the same time not get tired.

Tyulyagina N.A.,
teacher speech therapist

Ekaterina Igorevna

« Miracle box» - speech therapy manual do it yourself.

It's no secret to anyone that benefits made do it yourself arouse great interest in children, the desire to examine, turn, play. Benefit« Miracle box» performs several functions at once, since each side of the Box performs its own function.

red side: A task for the development of the processes of attention, thinking, memory. It is necessary to name the missing item in the windows and continue the logical chain.

green side: designed for the development of fine motor skills through weaving braids from woolen threads for the girl Masha.

blue side: this is a game modification "Tic Tac Toe". All caps are unscrewed from the necks and a child or two children are invited to play the game. Target: collect 3 characters in three directions: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. First, it is discussed who will be what symbol play: cross or toe. Then the children alternately screw their cap so that they end up with a line of three crosses or three zeros. This game develops attention, thinking.

orange side: this is the prototype of Voskobovich's game "Geokont". It is necessary to draw a picture with an elastic band, clinging it to the buttons. The game develops fine motor skills of the hands, helps to study the figures and their size, develops orientation and counting skills, the child learns to model, fold patterns according to the model.

Lilac side: « Sleeve» . The task is intended for the development of tactile sensation, memory, thinking. Target: Learn different objects by touch.

Thank you for your attention!

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Didactic game "Name the words" Tasks: to consolidate the skill of the correct pronunciation of sounds, determine the place of the sound and the number of syllables in.

Childhood is a daily discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery become, first of all, the knowledge of man and the fatherland, so that in the children's room.

For effective work with children of younger and older preschool age, the didactic panel "Teremok" was created. It is multifunctional.

Soft toy "Sun" is sewn of fabric, inside is synthetic winterizer. The beams are attached with Velcro. Each ray has a transparent pocket.

The manual is used both in the final lessons and in everyday work. At the final matinees, each child takes a ray with a picture, in the name of which there is a sound that he learned to pronounce correctly, and attaches it to the common sun, the speech therapist attaches the last ray with the word "Well done!"

When working with sounds, sound pronunciation, pictures with the studied sound are inserted into the pockets, the rays are distributed to children. The child names the word, determines the place of the sound in the word and attaches his ray to the sun.

When studying the topic "Prepositions", the corresponding cards with prepositions are inserted into the pockets ( WITH boxes, ON box, IN box, etc.).

Options for work: children come up with a sentence with their preposition-beam, look for sentences in the text with a certain pretext, etc. The image of prepositions visually presented in this way contributes to their better memorization and study.

A guide for working on rhythms, the syllabic structure of a word

When working with children who severe violations speech (alalia, speechless children) great attention given to work on rhythmic-melodic-intonational basis of the language , work on the syllabic structure of the word(according to A.K. Markova). This is a long and painstaking work, which the speech therapist helps to diversify allowance "Train".
Equipment: felt with sewn trains and tracks for laying out rhythmic rows, symbols of rhythms (according to the manual of Novikova-Ivantsova T.N.), marbles, object pictures of various syllabic structure.

Tasks : 1) Based on the pictures-symbols "Zaya" and "Goat", slap the corresponding rhythm with "locks" (two quarters with the first shock, two quarters with the second shock); 2) Lay out tracks for each rhythm - a large drop indicates the stress of the syllable, a small unstressed one. Come up with words for each rhythm ( beads, cloud, children, puddle; hand, fox, face, cats).

Tasks: 1) Slap the corresponding rhythm with "locks" based on the symbol pictures "Dog", "Chicken" (three syllables with the first stress, three syllables with the second stress). - small (rhythm with the second stressed syllable), big droplet - small, small (rhythm with the first stressed syllable). buttercups, bead, greedy, rainbow; cabin, bananas, swing. gates).
Additionally, for children of primary school age - name the colors of the droplets, the colors of the train, paths, flowers. You can come up with a story about trains that work so that children learn how to correctly pronounce words of different syllabic structures.

Exercise: 1) Slap the rhythm indicated on the picture-symbol "Kakadu" with "locks" (three syllables with the third stress). 2) Lay out the corresponding track: two small drops, the third is a large one. Pick up pictures or come up with words for this rhythm ( boots, head, sieve, milk).

Exercise : 1) The speech therapist lays out a rhythmic series on the first track of the train (without picture-symbol) and asks the child to slap the corresponding rhythms with "locks": three-syllable words with the first and second stressed syllables. 2) From a stack of pictures, the child chooses those that fit this syllabic structure (for example, rainbow, car).
Similar work is carried out with the second track and with the "Kit" rhythm.
The initial stage of work on the rhythm (tasks for the smallest or for children with severe intellectual and speech disorders) - laying out a certain rhythmic sequence: fish-bead-fish-bead. The speech therapist lays out the first row, the child independently the second. Additional task : count the fish (development of the skill of matching nouns with numerals: one fish, two fish, one blue bead, two blue beads (or to complicate: one blue fish, two blue fish), you can also work out the concept of left-right (first, fish swim from the left- to the right, then vice versa.) Talk to children of primary preschool age about where the fish live, what they eat, etc.

 A fragment of a lesson on the syllabic structure of a word with a 2nd grade student Karina K.

Benefits for the formation of objective activity (sensory development)
("Locks", "Put a Butterfly in Your Path")

The majority of children with intellectual disabilities who have speech disorders do not form visual gnosis for a very long time, to school age children do not distinguish colors, their shades, do not copy the elements of letters.

Equipment : felt, lightning colors of the spectrum.

Tasks: find the right color, open-close the right lock (working out the verb vocabulary, developing fine motor skills of the fingers).

When automating sounds, you can add next task: open (close) a padlock that has a sound in its color name, e.g. R(red, orange) or sound and(yellow orange). You can ask the child to open (close) the fourth (second, fifth ...) lock from the bottom (top), name the color, say that in nature there is the same color.

Equipment: felt, Velcro tape different colors, sewn in stripes, butterflies cut out of it.

Exercise: put the butterfly on your path (development of visual gnosis, fine motor skills of the fingers).

Additional task: put the required number of butterflies on the path, count the butterflies (coordination of nouns with numerals: one blue butterfly, two blue butterflies, etc.).

Speech therapy mat, divided into squares, for working on semantics, sound pronunciation, development of objective activity

Equipment : felt, decorative buttons.

Exercise: Didactic game "Who moves how?"

The speech therapist asks to put those who fly in the first row (bird, butterfly, bee, dragonfly), those who creeps, in the second row (snail, worm, lizard, turtle) those , who jumps on third row ( monkey, hare, squirrel, frog). Further, the corresponding semantic work is carried out. Verbal vocabulary is worked out in different exercises in each lesson with children with severe speech disorders, since the verb is necessary to build a phrase, sentence.

If a lesson on sound pronunciation is held, then the squares are filled with objects whose names contain the desired sound.

This manual is also often used to develop attention, thinking in games such as "Find a Pair" (all the squares are filled, for example, with butterflies, two of which are the same and you need to find them), "The Fourth Extra", etc.

Multifunctional speech therapy mat (for the development of objective activities, work on semantics)

Equipment: felt, decorative buttons.

Tasks and exercises:

2. Name the words that answer the question Who? ( fish, girl in red dress, ladybug) , What? ( locomotive, cherry, car, poppy, fly agaric, strawberry, apple).

3. Name the transport ( locomotive, car- what kind of transport is it, water, land?), berries ( cherry, strawberry), fruits ( apple). What can be prepared from apples, fruits?

4. Listen and remember the chain of words, repeat: poppy, apple, strawberry(word order is changed three times). The adult pronounces the word, the child finds the corresponding object on the rug, shows it with his "smart finger", then pronounces the word (at subsequent stages he finds objects only by looking and names them).

5. Guess the object by touch (the child closes his eyes, the speech therapist, if necessary, directs the child's hand to the object).
6. Make a sentence with this subject (if a student, write the sentence in a notebook). Analyze the sentence (how many words, name the first, last, etc.).

7. Name the object that is to the right of the poppy, above the strawberries, to the left of the fly agaric.

8. Remember what color objects you worked with? You can ask the child to name additional items that may be red.
9. Name the red objects in the first row, second, third, fourth.
Similar work can be done when studying other colors..
When working on sound pronunciation, syllabic composition of a word and other speech therapy tasks, exercises are selected in accordance with the topic and goals of a particular lesson.

Speech therapy mats for automating delivered sounds (in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, coherent speech)

When working on sound pronunciation, despite the fact that the production of sounds (calling) is recommended to be performed in syllables (as in ontogeny), there is very little delay at the stage of sound automation in isolation, often you have to deal with children with whom it is necessary to work out sounds in isolation. Especially if the children have severe speech disorders. In speech therapy literature, there are not many manuals for practicing isolated pronunciation of sounds.

Equipment: felt, sewn tracks from braid of different colors, decorative buttons - symbols of sounds (train [h], dog, motorcycle [r], bee [g], angry cat, burst balloon [w], boat [l]

Target: working out the isolated pronunciation of the evoked (delivered) sounds [h, r, w, w, l]

Tasks and exercises:

Help the big engine to get to the little engine. Swipe your "smart finger" along the path, saying clearly: H-W-H.

Other sounds are processed similarly. You can also pronounce the desired sound by going back, for example, from a balloon that has burst and makes the sound sh-sh-sh- to the cat.

You can pronounce the sound in two ways: long, short.

Additionally, you can come up with stories about "heroes": about an angry cat, about a big bee that flew to a small one. ladybug etc. With children who do not distinguish colors, work with the color of the tracks, the color of objects.

Equipment: felt, sewn tracks from braid of different colors, 6 flowers on each track (according to the number of vowels of the first row)
Target: practicing the pronunciation of evoked (delivered) sounds in syllables, words .

Tasks and exercises:

The child independently chooses the path along which he will go. The speech therapist asks: who will visit whom today? Depending on which sound is being practiced, the child steps with his fingers along the flowers of the selected path, saying, for example: five flowers). Pronunciation in reverse syllables is also practiced.

When working out sound pronunciation in words, the child calls the word and clicks on the flower (you can use one index finger, you can use all five fingers in turn). As an option to complicate the task: the speech therapist calls out a few words (depending on the child’s capabilities and age), the child repeats the words by clicking on the flowers in order, from left to right, then the speech therapist asks to name which word was on the third, second flower. You can ask the child to come up with six words (or three or four, and the speech therapist will help the rest) and then, for example, Mishka will go to his house.

Fragment of the lesson "automation of the sound p in isolation and in syllables"

(using the symbols of Fomicheva M.F.), Artur L.. Grade 3.

Automation of sounds [s], [s "]

Equipment : felt, decorative buttons.

List: pig, elephant, nipple, rhinoceros, watch, plane, stroller, bike, footprints, snowman, dog, pineapple, board, paint, bag, globe, orange, octopus, heart, emoticon.

Tasks and exercises:

1. Name the pictures, pointing to each item with a "smart finger". Clearly pronounce the sounds [s], [s "] in words.

2. Name words of one, two, three, four syllables. Find words of a given rhythm (for example, a two-syllable word with a second stress: footprints).

3. Name the words in which the sound [s] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end of the word.

4. Listen and memorize the chain of words, repeat the words in the same order.

6. The game "The fourth extra". Name an extra item in each row:

the first row is a nipple, since it is not an animal;

the second row is the clock, because not transport;

third row - pineapple, because sound [s], is at the end of the word, not at the beginning;

the fourth row is a bag, because board, paints, globe - school supplies;

the fifth row is a smiley, because in other words, the sound [s "].

7. Exercise for the development of spatial orientation: What is under the snowman? To the right of the bag? Over the stroller? (children's answers should be in full sentences).

8. Name the words that answer the question Who? What?

9. Name the transport, school supplies, animals, fruits.

10. Close your eyes, remember the color of the globe, bag, etc. Remember which item was the last in the first row, the first in the second row, etc.

11. "Guess by touch." The child closes his eyes, feels the object and guesses it. If necessary, the speech therapist helps, asks leading questions.

12. Compiling sentences with words, writing them in a notebook. Offer analysis.

13. Work on semantics: explain the meaning of the words proposed by the speech therapist. For example, if the class is held in winter time, speech therapist asks: Who (what) is a snowman? When is it made? What parts are they made from? Is it round or square? What happens to him in the spring? Why? etc.

Sound Automation [H]

Equipment: felt, decorative buttons.

List: sheep, girls. textbook, turtle, blue ball, kettle, cup. watch, key, black ball, red ball, bee, bat, worm, yellow ball, butterflies.

Tasks and exercises:

1. Name the pictures by pressing the "smart finger" on each item. Pronounce the sound [h] clearly in words.

2. In case of violation of the syllabic structure, slap the words with locks (oh-vech-ka, de-voch-ki, u-cheb-nick). Name long words, short ones (butterfly, ball).

3. In the words kettle, clock, textbook, name only vowel sounds.

4. Recognize the word by vowel sounds: the speech therapist pronounces only vowel sounds in the word, for example, A, S (in this case, you can highlight the stressed sound with your voice), the child guesses the word and pronounces it: hours.

5. Game "Riddles". The speech therapist begins the word, the child finishes, for example, tea- .... (nickname), key- ... (chik).

6. If the child does not have violations of the syllabic structure of the word, then you can play the games "Shifters" and "Additives".

"Shifters". The speech therapist swaps syllables, and the children name the word correctly, for example, la-pche (bee), ka-chash (cup).

"add-ons". The speech therapist adds one extra syllable, the child must name the word correctly, for example: pchemala (bee).

7. Name the objects in the name of which the sound [h] is at the beginning, middle, end of the word.

9. Look carefully ("take a picture") of the objects in the second row and name them from memory (schoolchildren can write the words in a notebook).

10. Name the objects that answer the questions: Who? What?

11. Come up with a sentence with one of the words, write it down in a notebook, analyze it.

12. For children with dysgraphia (or for the prevention of dysgraphia), draw up a word scheme with subsequent entry in a notebook: teapot, cup, watch.

13. Know the subject by touch.

Sound Automation [P]

Equipment : felt, decorative buttons.

List: rose, ball, giraffe, camel, gift, crab, beaver, fish, cancer, shells, rake, cake, ice cream, grapes, corn, watermelon, carrots, locomotive, pencil, rollers, fly agaric, chamomile, tomato, pear, monkey, heart. crocodile, ship.

Tasks and exercises:

1. Tasks can be similar to those used when working with speech therapy mats for other sounds.

2. Learn tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems, show the subject in question:

a) a r-ar-ar- beautiful red ball

or-or-or- in the garden tomato

or-or-or-fly agaric in the forest

b) talk with the child at the beginning, who are beavers, crayfish, crabs, where they live, what they eat.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The beaver does not have a hole,

Not a lair, not a hole!

He is a worker, he is a creator!

The beaver in the river has a palace!

Once upon a time there were crayfish, crayfish-bullies.
Crayfish lived noisily, started fights.

The brave crab boasted for two days:

"There is no crab braver than me!"

On Mount Ararat

Varvara tears grapes.

Played from morning to evening

Then he took a racket to bed!

After the dew rose rose!

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

Cyril bought a rake at the market.

3. Game "One-Many". The speech therapist calls one object, the child, many: red rose - red roses, a big ball - big balls, a tall giraffe - tall giraffes, a humpbacked camel - humpbacked camels, an orange racket - orange rackets, an interesting gift - interesting gifts, etc.
About what subject it is impossible to say "one-many" (ice cream, rake).

4. Didactic game "Mine, mine, mine". The speech therapist asks about what objects you can say "My" (if he refers to a girl): my rose, my fish, my carrots, my corn ....

If a speech therapist addresses a boy, he asks: “What items can you say“ mine ”about: my ship, my cake, my grapes, my crocodile ...

The speech therapist asks all the children present at the lesson what subjects can be said "mine" about? (my videos, my rake).

5. Work on semantics. The speech therapist asks: What do cancer and fish have in common? Between carrots and roses? Between cake and ice cream? Between a crocodile and a giraffe?

6. Guess the riddle, count the guess item up to 10:

Under thick sheets,
yellow stones,
elastic, smooth,
Sweet taste! (corn)

7. Count items using numbers, which are laid out in front of each row, for example, in front of a rose -1, in front of a crab-2, in front of a cake - 5, in front of a steam locomotive - 7, in front of a pear - 9 (numbers change at each lesson) .

Score by row: for example, one rose, one ball, one giraffe, one camel, one racket, one gift.
Post count: for example, one rose, two crabs, five cakes, seven locomotives, nine pears.
Counting items in order on cards (forward and reverse): one rose, two roses, five roses, seven roses, nine roses and vice versa.

8. Exercise for the development of spatial orientation . The speech therapist asks what object is under giraffe, above beaver, between fly agaric and tomato, to the left of ice cream, to the right of grapes, etc.
9. The game "Edible-inedible". The speech therapist asks which items are edible and which are not.
10. Sound-syllabic analysis of words, followed by writing in a notebook: rose, ball, fish, cancer, rake, cake, corn, pencil, rollers, pear, monkey, shell.
11. Compilation of proposals with a complete analysis.
12. Name objects that are red, yellow, brown, etc. You can ask to additionally name objects that can be of such colors.

[P] Sound Automation with Sound Clearings

Equipment: sheets, toys (dogs, tiger, car, motorcycle)

Sheet number 1. Automation of sounds [p, p "] in isolated pronunciation (without reference sounds t, d).

Game "Help the dogs to collect all the bones."
The child chooses a dog, which he will help to collect all the bones in the booth and puts it at the beginning of the path. Going to the "bone", the dog growls [rrrr], near the bone - rests. The exercise is performed on a long sound rrrr-rrrr and short sounds: rrrr.

Two players can play using the game dice.

Sheet number 2. Automation of sounds [p, p "] in isolated pronunciation and in reverse syllables (different tracks - straight lines, with stops).

The game "Visiting" (or the option "Visiting with a song").

The child chooses which of the characters (dog, tiger) will visit.

With isolated pronunciation, moving the toys along curly lines, the child pronounces an isolated sound depending on the figure on the sheet (shortly, abruptly, with stops or long, without stops).

When pronouncing sounds [p, p "] in reverse syllables, "going to visit", we sing songs:

ar-or-ur (first track) - ar-or-ur

yr-er-ir-yur-er-yar (second track) - yr-er-ir-yur-er-yar

er-yar (third track) - er-yar

er-yor-ir-yur-ur (sixth track) - er-yor-ir-yur-ur

If it is difficult for a child to pronounce and remember different syllables, you can sing one or two songs. follow correct pronunciation sounds.

At the initial stage of setting the sound [r], you can use the exercise "Motor". The child pronounces the sound combinations tr, dr (t, d - act as "helper" sounds). In this case, this sheet is used with toy cars and a motorcycle. The child "goes" to visit along the paths-lines, performing the exercise "Motor": long TR-R-R-R; in short: TR-TR-TR-TR.

Sheet number 3. Automation in reverse syllables.

Hide and seek game. Some dog is sleeping in the booth. If a speech therapist works together with a child, then he can have a dog toy if it subgroup lesson, then the toy is "hidden" by another child.
Another dog came to the clearing to visit the dog that "sleeps", which wakes her up, calls, pronouncing syllables or words, for example:
AR,OR,UR,ER,YR; YAR, YOR, YUR, EP, IR or soft variants of the sound [r] (each pair of syllables is repeated by the child in reflection after the speech therapist, if the pronunciation is clear, correct, the dog in the booth "wakes up" and the toy is given to the child.
Words for "Repeats" are taken at the beginning with a sound at the end of the word, then in the stressed syllable in the middle of the word, then in the reverse unstressed:
Bazaar, tan, mosquito, Makar, samovar, fire, yard, motor, fence, tomato, fly agaric, axe, cord, beaver, actor. carpet, boxer, fitter; carp, park, march, army, barge, velvet, map, stamp, desk, apron, feed; watermelon, artist, badger, pocket, cardboard, wind, sugar etc.
All unfamiliar words must be explained to the child.
If we work out a soft version of pronouncing the sound [p "], then we first take the words with an emphasis on the syllable ( row, sea, outfit, snag, order), then without stress on the syllable( storm, rowan, fried, boiled), then with a confluence of consonants ( cry, mushroom, heating pad, cream etc.).

Soft toy "Sun" is sewn of fabric, inside is synthetic winterizer. The beams are attached with Velcro. Each ray has a transparent pocket.

The manual is used both in the final lessons and in everyday work. At the final matinees, each child takes a ray with a picture, in the name of which there is a sound that he learned to pronounce correctly, and attaches it to the common sun, the speech therapist attaches the last ray with the word "Well done!"

When working with sounds, sound pronunciation, pictures with the studied sound are inserted into the pockets, the rays are distributed to children. The child names the word, determines the place of the sound in the word and attaches his ray to the sun.

When studying the topic "Prepositions", the corresponding cards with prepositions are inserted into the pockets ( WITH boxes, ON box, IN box, etc.).

Options for work: children come up with a sentence with their preposition-beam, look for sentences in the text with a certain pretext, etc. The image of prepositions visually presented in this way contributes to their better memorization and study.

A guide for working on rhythms, the syllabic structure of a word

When working with children who have severe speech disorders (alalia, speechless children), much attention is paid to working on rhythmic-melodic-intonational basis of the language , work on the syllabic structure of the word(according to A.K. Markova). This is a long and painstaking work, which the speech therapist helps to diversify allowance "Train".
Equipment: felt with sewn trains and tracks for laying out rhythmic rows, symbols of rhythms (according to the manual of Novikova-Ivantsova T.N.), marbles, subject pictures of different syllabic structures.

Tasks : 1) Based on the pictures-symbols "Zaya" and "Goat", slap the corresponding rhythm with "locks" (two quarters with the first shock, two quarters with the second shock); 2) Lay out tracks for each rhythm - a large drop indicates the stress of the syllable, a small unstressed one. Come up with words for each rhythm ( beads, cloud, children, puddle; hand, fox, face, cats).

Tasks: 1) Slap the corresponding rhythm with "locks" based on the symbol pictures "Dog", "Chicken" (three syllables with the first stress, three syllables with the second stress). - small (rhythm with the second stressed syllable), big droplet - small, small (rhythm with the first stressed syllable). buttercups, bead, greedy, rainbow; cabin, bananas, swing. gates).
Additionally, for children of primary school age - name the colors of the droplets, the colors of the train, paths, flowers. You can come up with a story about trains that work so that children learn how to correctly pronounce words of different syllabic structures.

Exercise: 1) Slap the rhythm indicated on the picture-symbol "Kakadu" with "locks" (three syllables with the third stress). 2) Lay out the corresponding track: two small drops, the third is a large one. Pick up pictures or come up with words for this rhythm ( boots, head, sieve, milk).

Exercise : 1) The speech therapist lays out a rhythmic series on the first track of the train (without picture-symbol) and asks the child to slap the corresponding rhythms with "locks": three-syllable words with the first and second stressed syllables. 2) From a stack of pictures, the child chooses those that fit this syllabic structure (for example, rainbow, car).
Similar work is carried out with the second track and with the "Kit" rhythm.
The initial stage of work on the rhythm (tasks for the smallest or for children with severe intellectual and speech disorders) - laying out a certain rhythmic sequence: fish-bead-fish-bead. The speech therapist lays out the first row, the child independently the second. Additional task: count the fish (development of the skill of matching nouns with numerals: one fish, two fish, one blue bead, two blue beads (or to complicate: one blue fish, two blue fish), you can also work out the concept of left-right (first, fish swim from the left- to the right, then vice versa.) Talk to children of primary preschool age about where the fish live, what they eat, etc.

 A fragment of a lesson on the syllabic structure of a word with a 2nd grade student Karina K.

Benefits for the formation of objective activity (sensory development)
("Locks", "Put a Butterfly in Your Path")

The majority of children with intellectual disabilities who have speech disorders do not form visual gnosis for a very long time; by school age, children do not distinguish colors and shades, do not copy elements of letters.

Equipment : felt, lightning colors of the spectrum.

Tasks: find the right color, open-close the right lock (working out the verb vocabulary, developing fine motor skills of the fingers).

When automating sounds, you can add the following task: open (close) the lock, the color name of which has a sound, for example, R(red, orange) or sound and(yellow orange). You can ask the child to open (close) the fourth (second, fifth ...) lock from the bottom (top), name the color, say that in nature there is the same color.

Equipment: felt, Velcro tape of different colors, sewn in stripes, butterflies cut out of it.

Exercise: put the butterfly on your path (development of visual gnosis, fine motor skills of the fingers).

Additional task: put the required number of butterflies on the path, count the butterflies (coordination of nouns with numerals: one blue butterfly, two blue butterflies, etc.).

Speech therapy mat, divided into squares, for working on semantics, sound pronunciation, development of objective activity

Equipment : felt, decorative buttons.

Exercise: Didactic game "Who moves how?"

The speech therapist asks to put those who fly in the first row (bird, butterfly, bee, dragonfly), those who creeps, in the second row (snail, worm, lizard, turtle) those , who jumps on third row ( monkey, hare, squirrel, frog). Further, the corresponding semantic work is carried out. Verbal vocabulary is worked out in different exercises in each lesson with children with severe speech disorders, since the verb is necessary to build a phrase, sentence.

If a lesson on sound pronunciation is held, then the squares are filled with objects whose names contain the desired sound.

This manual is also often used to develop attention, thinking in games such as "Find a Pair" (all the squares are filled, for example, with butterflies, two of which are the same and you need to find them), "The Fourth Extra", etc.

Multifunctional speech therapy mat (for the development of objective activities, work on semantics)

Equipment: felt, decorative buttons.

Tasks and exercises:

2. Name the words that answer the question Who? ( fish, girl in red dress, ladybug) , What? ( locomotive, cherry, car, poppy, fly agaric, strawberry, apple).

3. Name the transport ( locomotive, car- what kind of transport is it, water, land?), berries ( cherry, strawberry), fruits ( apple). What can be prepared from apples, fruits?

4. Listen and remember the chain of words, repeat: poppy, apple, strawberry(word order is changed three times). The adult pronounces the word, the child finds the corresponding object on the rug, shows it with his "smart finger", then pronounces the word (at subsequent stages he finds objects only by looking and names them).

5. Guess the object by touch (the child closes his eyes, the speech therapist, if necessary, directs the child's hand to the object).
6. Make a sentence with this subject (if a student, write the sentence in a notebook). Analyze the sentence (how many words, name the first, last, etc.).

7. Name the object that is to the right of the poppy, above the strawberries, to the left of the fly agaric.

8. Remember what color objects you worked with? You can ask the child to name additional items that may be red.
9. Name the red objects in the first row, second, third, fourth.
Similar work can be done when studying other colors..
When working on sound pronunciation, syllabic composition of a word and other speech therapy tasks, exercises are selected in accordance with the topic and goals of a particular lesson.

Speech therapy mats for automating delivered sounds (in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, coherent speech)

When working on sound pronunciation, despite the fact that the production of sounds (calling) is recommended to be performed in syllables (as in ontogeny), there is very little delay at the stage of sound automation in isolation, often you have to deal with children with whom it is necessary to work out sounds in isolation. Especially if children have severe speech disorders. In speech therapy literature, there are not many manuals for practicing isolated pronunciation of sounds.

Equipment: felt, sewn tracks from braid of different colors, decorative buttons - symbols of sounds (train [h], dog, motorcycle [r], bee [g], angry cat, burst balloon [w], boat [l]

Target: working out the isolated pronunciation of the evoked (delivered) sounds [h, r, w, w, l]

Tasks and exercises:

Help the big engine to get to the little engine. Swipe your "smart finger" along the path, saying clearly: H-W-H.

Other sounds are processed similarly. You can also pronounce the desired sound by going back, for example, from a balloon that has burst and makes the sound sh-sh-sh- to the cat.

You can pronounce the sound in two ways: long, short.

Additionally, you can come up with stories about "heroes": about an angry cat, about a big bee that flew to a small ladybug, etc. With children who do not distinguish colors, work with the color of the tracks, the color of objects.

Equipment: felt, sewn tracks from braid of different colors, 6 flowers on each track (according to the number of vowels of the first row)
Target: practicing the pronunciation of evoked (delivered) sounds in syllables, words .

Tasks and exercises:

The child independently chooses the path along which he will go. The speech therapist asks: who will visit whom today? Depending on which sound is being practiced, the child steps with his fingers along the flowers of the selected path, saying, for example: five flowers). Pronunciation in reverse syllables is also practiced.

When working out sound pronunciation in words, the child calls the word and clicks on the flower (you can use one index finger, you can use all five fingers in turn). As an option to complicate the task: the speech therapist calls out a few words (depending on the child’s capabilities and age), the child repeats the words by clicking on the flowers in order, from left to right, then the speech therapist asks to name which word was on the third, second flower. You can ask the child to come up with six words (or three or four, and the speech therapist will help the rest) and then, for example, Mishka will go to his house.

Fragment of the lesson "automation of the sound p in isolation and in syllables"

(using the symbols of Fomicheva M.F.), Artur L.. Grade 3.

Automation of sounds [s], [s "]

Equipment : felt, decorative buttons.

List: pig, elephant, nipple, rhinoceros, watch, plane, stroller, bike, footprints, snowman, dog, pineapple, board, paint, bag, globe, orange, octopus, heart, emoticon.

Tasks and exercises:

1. Name the pictures, pointing to each item with a "smart finger". Clearly pronounce the sounds [s], [s "] in words.

2. Name words of one, two, three, four syllables. Find words of a given rhythm (for example, a two-syllable word with a second stress: footprints).

3. Name the words in which the sound [s] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end of the word.

4. Listen and memorize the chain of words, repeat the words in the same order.

6. The game "The fourth extra". Name an extra item in each row:

the first row is a nipple, since it is not an animal;

the second row is the clock, because not transport;

third row - pineapple, because sound [s], is at the end of the word, not at the beginning;

the fourth row is a bag, because board, paints, globe - school supplies;

the fifth row is a smiley, because in other words, the sound [s "].

7. Exercise for the development of spatial orientation: What is under the snowman? To the right of the bag? Over the stroller? (children's answers should be in full sentences).

8. Name the words that answer the question Who? What?

9. Name the transport, school supplies, animals, fruits.

10. Close your eyes, remember the color of the globe, bag, etc. Remember which item was the last in the first row, the first in the second row, etc.

11. "Guess by touch." The child closes his eyes, feels the object and guesses it. If necessary, the speech therapist helps, asks leading questions.

12. Compiling sentences with words, writing them in a notebook. Offer analysis.

13. Work on semantics: explain the meaning of the words proposed by the speech therapist. For example, if the lesson is held in winter, the speech therapist asks: Who (what) is a snowman? When is it made? What parts are they made from? Is it round or square? What happens to him in the spring? Why? etc.

Sound Automation [H]

Equipment: felt, decorative buttons.

List: sheep, girls. textbook, turtle, blue ball, kettle, cup. watch, key, black ball, red ball, bee, bat, worm, yellow ball, butterflies.

Tasks and exercises:

1. Name the pictures by pressing the "smart finger" on each item. Pronounce the sound [h] clearly in words.

2. In case of violation of the syllabic structure, slap the words with locks (oh-vech-ka, de-voch-ki, u-cheb-nick). Name long words, short ones (butterfly, ball).

3. In the words kettle, clock, textbook, name only vowel sounds.

4. Recognize the word by vowel sounds: the speech therapist pronounces only vowel sounds in the word, for example, A, S (in this case, you can highlight the stressed sound with your voice), the child guesses the word and pronounces it: hours.

5. Game "Riddles". The speech therapist begins the word, the child finishes, for example, tea- .... (nickname), key- ... (chik).

6. If the child does not have violations of the syllabic structure of the word, then you can play the games "Shifters" and "Additives".

"Shifters". The speech therapist swaps syllables, and the children name the word correctly, for example, la-pche (bee), ka-chash (cup).

"add-ons". The speech therapist adds one extra syllable, the child must name the word correctly, for example: pchemala (bee).

7. Name the objects in the name of which the sound [h] is at the beginning, middle, end of the word.

9. Look carefully ("take a picture") of the objects in the second row and name them from memory (schoolchildren can write the words in a notebook).

10. Name the objects that answer the questions: Who? What?

11. Come up with a sentence with one of the words, write it down in a notebook, analyze it.

12. For children with dysgraphia (or for the prevention of dysgraphia), draw up a word scheme with subsequent entry in a notebook: teapot, cup, watch.

13. Know the subject by touch.

Sound Automation [P]

Equipment : felt, decorative buttons.

List: rose, ball, giraffe, camel, gift, crab, beaver, fish, cancer, shells, rake, cake, ice cream, grapes, corn, watermelon, carrots, locomotive, pencil, rollers, fly agaric, chamomile, tomato, pear, monkey, heart. crocodile, ship.

Tasks and exercises:

1. Tasks can be similar to those used when working with speech therapy mats for other sounds.

2. Learn tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems, show the subject in question:

a) a r-ar-ar- beautiful red ball

or-or-or- in the garden tomato

or-or-or-fly agaric in the forest

b) talk with the child at the beginning, who are beavers, crayfish, crabs, where they live, what they eat.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The beaver does not have a hole,

Not a lair, not a hole!

He is a worker, he is a creator!

The beaver in the river has a palace!

Once upon a time there were crayfish, crayfish-bullies.
Crayfish lived noisily, started fights.

The brave crab boasted for two days:

"There is no crab braver than me!"

On Mount Ararat

Varvara tears grapes.

Played from morning to evening

Then he took a racket to bed!

After the dew rose rose!

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

Cyril bought a rake at the market.

3. Game "One-Many". The speech therapist calls one object, a child, a lot: a red rose - red roses, a big ball - big balls, a tall giraffe - tall giraffes, a humpback camel - humpback camels, an orange racket - orange rackets, an interesting gift - interesting gifts, etc.
About what subject it is impossible to say "one-many" (ice cream, rake).

4. Didactic game "Mine, mine, mine". The speech therapist asks about what objects you can say "My" (if he refers to a girl): my rose, my fish, my carrots, my corn ....

If a speech therapist addresses a boy, he asks: “What items can you say“ mine ”about: my ship, my cake, my grapes, my crocodile ...

The speech therapist asks all the children present at the lesson what subjects can be said "mine" about? (my videos, my rake).

5. Work on semantics. The speech therapist asks: What do cancer and fish have in common? Between carrots and roses? Between cake and ice cream? Between a crocodile and a giraffe?

6. Guess the riddle, count the guess item up to 10:

Under thick sheets,
yellow stones,
elastic, smooth,
Sweet taste! (corn)

7. Count items using numbers, which are laid out in front of each row, for example, in front of a rose -1, in front of a crab-2, in front of a cake - 5, in front of a steam locomotive - 7, in front of a pear - 9 (numbers change at each lesson) .

Score by row: for example, one rose, one ball, one giraffe, one camel, one racket, one gift.
Post count: for example, one rose, two crabs, five cakes, seven locomotives, nine pears.
Counting items in order on cards (forward and reverse): one rose, two roses, five roses, seven roses, nine roses and vice versa.

8. Exercise for the development of spatial orientation . The speech therapist asks what object is under giraffe, above beaver, between fly agaric and tomato, to the left of ice cream, to the right of grapes, etc.
9. The game "Edible-inedible". The speech therapist asks which items are edible and which are not.
10. Sound-syllabic analysis of words, followed by writing in a notebook: rose, ball, fish, cancer, rake, cake, corn, pencil, rollers, pear, monkey, shell.
11. Compilation of proposals with a complete analysis.
12. Name objects that are red, yellow, brown, etc. You can ask to additionally name objects that can be of such colors.

[P] Sound Automation with Sound Clearings

Equipment: sheets, toys (dogs, tiger, car, motorcycle)

Sheet number 1. Automation of sounds [p, p "] in isolated pronunciation (without reference sounds t, d).

Game "Help the dogs to collect all the bones."
The child chooses a dog, which he will help to collect all the bones in the booth and puts it at the beginning of the path. Going to the "bone", the dog growls [rrrr], near the bone - rests. The exercise is performed on a long sound rrrr-rrrr and short sounds: rrrr.

Two players can play using the game dice.

Sheet number 2. Automation of sounds [p, p "] in isolated pronunciation and in reverse syllables (different tracks - straight lines, with stops).

The game "Visiting" (or the option "Visiting with a song").

The child chooses which of the characters (dog, tiger) will visit.

With isolated pronunciation, moving the toys along curly lines, the child pronounces an isolated sound depending on the figure on the sheet (shortly, abruptly, with stops or long, without stops).

When pronouncing sounds [p, p "] in reverse syllables, "going to visit", we sing songs:

ar-or-ur (first track) - ar-or-ur

yr-er-ir-yur-er-yar (second track) - yr-er-ir-yur-er-yar

er-yar (third track) - er-yar

er-yor-ir-yur-ur (sixth track) - er-yor-ir-yur-ur

If it is difficult for a child to pronounce and remember different syllables, you can sing one or two songs. Follow the correct pronunciation of sounds.

At the initial stage of setting the sound [r], you can use the exercise "Motor". The child pronounces the sound combinations tr, dr (t, d - act as "helper" sounds). In this case, this sheet is used with toy cars and a motorcycle. The child "goes" to visit along the paths-lines, performing the exercise "Motor": long TR-R-R-R; in short: TR-TR-TR-TR.

Sheet number 3. Automation in reverse syllables.

Hide and seek game. Some dog is sleeping in the booth. If a speech therapist works together with a child, then he can have a dog toy, if this is a subgroup lesson, then the toy is "hidden" by another child.
Another dog came to the clearing to visit the dog that "sleeps", which wakes her up, calls, pronouncing syllables or words, for example:
AR,OR,UR,ER,YR; YAR, YOR, YUR, EP, IR or soft variants of the sound [r] (each pair of syllables is repeated by the child in reflection after the speech therapist, if the pronunciation is clear, correct, the dog in the booth "wakes up" and the toy is given to the child.
Words for "Repeats" are taken at the beginning with a sound at the end of the word, then in the stressed syllable in the middle of the word, then in the reverse unstressed:
Bazaar, tan, mosquito, Makar, samovar, fire, yard, motor, fence, tomato, fly agaric, axe, cord, beaver, actor. carpet, boxer, fitter; carp, park, march, army, barge, velvet, map, stamp, desk, apron, feed; watermelon, artist, badger, pocket, cardboard, wind, sugar etc.
All unfamiliar words must be explained to the child.
If we work out a soft version of pronouncing the sound [p "], then we first take the words with an emphasis on the syllable ( row, sea, outfit, snag, order), then without stress on the syllable( storm, rowan, fried, boiled), then with a confluence of consonants ( cry, mushroom, heating pad, cream etc.).