Thy martyr, O Lord, Tryphon, / in his suffering the incorruptible crown is received from Thee, our God, / for having Thy strength, / put down the tormentors, / crush the demons of weak audacity. / With prayers / save our souls.

"Trifi" in Greek means "pleasure", "delight".

This glorious martyr of Christ was from the village of Kampsad in Phrygia. He lived in the III century. Modest and pious parents instilled in him a love for the holy evangelical virtues from early childhood. Thanks to this, remaining a simple shepherd of geese, he very early received grace from God to heal people and animals, to cast out unclean spirits.
It so happened that a furious demon possessed the daughter of the emperor Gordian (238-244). Neither doctors nor magicians could do anything to help her. Once the demon shouted: “Only Tryphon is able to expel me!” Gordian immediately sent messengers throughout the empire in search of a healer. He was found when he peacefully pastured geese. A 17-year-old boy was brought to Rome. By the power of prayer, he cast out the demon and forced him to appear before the inhabitants in the form of a disgusting black dog and admit that, being an instrument of Satan, the father of all evil, neither he nor his minions have any power over Christians. The grateful emperor generously endowed Tryphon, and the saint distributed gifts to the poor on the way home. There he went about his business again in peace, working miracles and lavishing divine blessings.

Captivity and torture

At the beginning of the Decian persecution (250), the prefect of the East, Aquilinus, was informed of the saint as a dangerous spreader of Christianity. Tryphon himself betrayed himself into the hands of the soldiers sent after him and joyfully appeared before the court in Nicaea. He treated with equal contempt both the flattery and the prefect's threats. He was tied to a post and beaten for three hours with a wooden stick intended for training soldiers. Since the torture did not seem to hurt him, the tyrant ordered him to be tied to a horse and forced to run after him barefoot along rocky frozen roads. Upon returning to Nicaea, Tryphon was pierced in the legs with nails for refusing to honor the imperial image and was taken to the center of the city.


Love for Christ turned the suffering of the young martyr into divine pleasure, so the crowd looked at the torture with reverence. The soldiers furiously twisted his arms and legs, beat him with rods, burned him with torches, but the saint endured everything with joy, praying for his executioners. Suddenly a crown of flowers and precious stones descended from heaven on his head. Then Aquilinus, helpless and disgraced, ordered Tryphon to be beheaded outside the city walls. But even before the executioner struck with a deadly sword, the holy martyr surrendered his soul to God.
The Nicene Christians hurried to honor his priceless remains, but the saint appeared to them and revealed that he must return to his homeland. The Holy Martyr Tryphon was buried in Kampsada, and there he performed many miracles over the centuries.

What do they pray to the holy martyr Tryphon

Miracles through prayers to the martyr Tryphon - reality or fiction? Judge for yourself. Here are some testimonials

Natalia: help in finding documents

Today, through the prayer of St. a miracle happened to the martyr Tryphon - hopelessly lost documents were found. Found in a place where they could not be at all logically. Many important matters depended on finding the documents. This is not the first time that, through the prayers of this particular saint, something unfound is found, and therefore I testify to this with joy and repeat: “Rejoice, Tryphon, quick helper to all who flow to you with faith and love!”

Photinia: employment assistance

- We heard from Orthodox people about help in finding employment for Saint Tryphon, but they never turned to the holy martyr.
My husband decided to change jobs, not even knowing where he could go to work. I found a prayer to Saint Tryphon in the prayer book and asked to help my husband. On the same day, our friend called and offered my husband a very decent job, where he now works.
To be honest, we did not expect such a quick help! This is another miracle revealed by God through His saints!

Veronica: Healing a Son

- Martyr Tryphon helped us when my son, an infant, had colic. He screamed so terribly that we all quarreled at home, and in desperation I began to read an akathist to him. That evening, the son did not cry for the first time, and the next one, too, and the colic disappeared ... Someone will say - a coincidence, but I know what it was like.

Julia: getting an apartment and a job

– There was a grandmother in our church, whose daughter had a very difficult situation with the apartment. Grandmother began to order prayers for this saint, to go to churches where there are his icons. Soon the daughters ... gave an apartment on st. Trifonovskaya!!!
I also heard in Tomsk from one priest that their cow was lost ... She came straight out of the bushes when the akathist to the martyr Tryphon was read!

Found new job two weeks last year. My spiritual father served for me a prayer service to the martyr Tryphon.

Eugene: healing of despondency

- Out of despondency and sadness, I prayed to St. Trifon - it passed quickly, literally in minutes!

I also have something to thank St. Martyr Tryphon!
By the way, the day of his memory - February 14 - falls just on "Valentine's Day". Somehow the priest in the church said to us: St. Tryphon accepted such a heavy martyr's death for Christ, and on this day we rejoice, have fun and celebrate Valentine. Since then, I began to treat February 14 differently.

Pavel, Anna: help in family matters

– Holy Martyr Tryphon helped me and our family. We are very grateful to him. In difficult situations, I go to the church on Trifonovskaya Street in Naprudnaya Sloboda.

Lydia: return of the lost

I would like to tell you about a miracle that recently happened in my family.
We were urgently going to the cottage. In the confusion, during the rearrangement of furniture in the apartment, lost the keys. There are no spares in the village. Looks like they searched everything. You have to get off on the train in half an hour, but there are no keys. We decided to stay with relatives. And then I decided to read an akathist to the martyr Tryphon. On the 13th kontakion, my mother entered my room, jingling the keys. They were in women's handbag, lying at the bottom of a huge bag with empty bags, located somewhere on the balcony ... I thank St. Tryphon for the loss found!

He is also called upon to protect gardens and orchards from locusts, reptiles and other pests.

cross, falcon, vine


Born into a Christian family, early years adopted Christian customs. As a youth, he showed the gift of miracles, healing and relieving ailments, casting out demons. He turned to the Christian faith. According to the Greek euchologies, once harmful reptiles and insects were expelled by the prayer of Saint Tryphon, and thus the inhabitants of Campsada were saved from starvation. According to legend, he expelled the devil from Gordiana, the daughter of the Roman emperor Gordian III, who, being an idolater who, however, did not persecute Christians, sent for Tryphon after the devil, through the mouth of a raging girl, declared that only the youth Tryphon could expel him. At the same time, the devil left Gordiana, sensing the approach of Tryphon, 3 days before his arrival in Rome. At the request of the emperor, Tryphon forced the devil to appear in the flesh (in the form of a black dog, which he had fiery eyes, and dragged his head on the ground), thanks to which many believed in Christ. During the reign of the emperor Decius Trajan, the persecutor of Christians, Tryphon was captured and put on trial, where he declared before the judges:

After that, Tryphon was tormented, while he was hung naked on a tree and beaten, then tied to a horse and taken to hunt, then thrown into prison, nails driven into his legs and so led around the city, but despite this, he refused to renounce Christ and recognize the Roman gods, for which he was sentenced to beheading. Before the execution, Tryphon prayed earnestly, thanking the Lord and asking him to be accepted into His kingdom. Through his prayer, the Lord took his soul, and even before the executioners had time to carry out the sentence.

Slavic legends

Moscow legend about Tryphon and the falconer

A popular Moscow legend says that once the sovereign's falconer, while hunting in the village of Naprudny, missed his beloved royal falcon, which caused the sovereign's anger. The falconer was ordered to find the falcon in 3 days, otherwise he had to pay for it with his head. The falconer, having spent 3 days and completely tired, fervently prayed to his heavenly patron, the martyr Tryphon, and then fell asleep on the shore of the Great Pond. In a dream, Tryphon appeared to the falconer with a falcon on his hand. Waking up, the falconer saw a falcon not far from him, and returning it to the sovereign, he was saved, and in the very place where Tryphon appeared, he set up a votive church.

Folk tradition is reflected in the novel by A. K. Tolstoy "Prince Silver".

The rider rode at a trot, whistled merrily, and held a white gyrfalcon in a cowl and bells on a motley mitten.
Maxim recognized one of the royal falconers.

- Yes, it will be a week since Adragan flew away from the field! - answered the falconer, showing his gyrfalcon. - Why, you probably don’t know, Maxim Grigorievich! Well, I was already filled with fear, as the king untwisted me! May the merciful God and holy martyr Tryphon take pity on me! Showed me his miracle! - The falconer took off his hat and crossed himself. - Look, Maxim Grigorievich: the sovereign left, it will be a week, for bird fun. He let Adragan in twice; unfortunately, for the third time the foolishness found on Adragan. He began to beat the falcons, knocked down Smyshlyay and Mug, and let's pull! You wouldn't have time to count ten, as you have him out of sight. I was to ride after him, but where! Gone like it never happened. Here the falconer reported to the king that Adragan had disappeared. The king ordered to call me, and he says that you, Trishka, answer me with your head for him; if you get it - pity you, if you don't get it - off with your head! How to be! Father-king is not joking! I went to look for Adragan; tormented for six days; I felt uncomfortable around my neck; I think I'll have to shake my head. I began to cry; wept, wept, and from grief I fell asleep in the forest. As soon as I fell asleep, a vision appeared to me, sleepy: a radiance spread among the trees, and the ringing went through the forest. And, hearing that ringing, I, sleepy, say to myself: Adragan's bells are ringing. I look, in front of me sits on a white horse, all bathed in light, a young warrior and holds Adragan on his hand: “Tryphon! - said the warrior, - look for Adragan not here. Get up, go to Moscow, to the Lazarev tract. There stands a pine tree, on that pine tree Adragan sits. I woke up, and, I don’t know why, it became clear to me that the warrior was the holy martyr Tryphon. I jumped on my horse and galloped towards Moscow. Well, Maxim Grigorievich, would you believe it? when I arrived at that tract, I see: in fact, a pine tree, and my Adragan sits on it, exactly as the saint said!
The falconer's voice trembled, and large tears rolled from his eyes.
“Maxim Grigorievich,” he added, wiping away his tears, “now I’ll sell all my bellies without a trace, even if I myself will go into eternal bondage, but I’ll build a chapel for the saint! I will build on the very spot where I found Adragan. And I will order the image to be written on the wall, exactly as the saint appeared to me: on a white horse, raising his hand high, and on it is a white gyrfalcon. .

Bulgarian legend about Tryphon Beznos

According to Bulgarian tradition, Saint Tryphon was a simple vine-grower who was pruning vines in one of his vineyard bushes when his sister, the Most Holy Mother of God, passed by him with the baby Jesus in her arms. She went to the 40th day from his birth to read a prayer to the church. Tryphon laughed at her that she had an illegitimate child. To punish him, the Most Holy Theotokos went to the village to his wife and reported that he had cut off his nose. The frightened wife grabbed rags, ashes, soot, lard and ran to the vineyard to bandage her husband's nose, but found him healthy. After she told him why she had come, Tryphon laughed and showed with his hands how the vine is cut - not from top to bottom, but vice versa - from bottom to top. When making this gesture, he actually cut off his nose.



The memory of Saint Tryphon Orthodox Church takes place on February 1 (14), in catholic church 1st of February . In the Slavic Menaion, a sixfold service is placed to the holy martyr Tryphon. Akathist written.

Kondak 1 Chosen from God and numbered among the saints, holy martyr Tryphon! Pray for us sinners, the Lord Christ, and help us to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, who are fighting against us in many ways, as if you defeated them by the grace and power of Christ you love, yes, having got rid of our enemies, visible and invisible, we thankfully cry out to you: Rejoice, Tryphon, quick helper to everyone who flows to you with faith and love!

In the Balkan tradition, one of the attributes of Tryphon is the vine. In church painting in Bulgaria, Saint Tryphon is depicted as a young man holding tools for carving.

Church of the Martyr Tryphon in Naprudny

One of the oldest surviving monuments of architecture in Moscow. Probably the first temple covered with a groin vault. Painting on the outer wall of the altar apse ( late XVI- the beginning of the 17th century), depicting Tryphon on horseback with a falcon in his hand, is now in the storeroom of the State Tretyakov Gallery.


The martyr's head of St. Tryphon is kept in the Cathedral of St. Tryphon in the Montenegrin city of Kotor. Part of the relics was brought from there to Russia in 1803. In 1819, this shrine was invested in three shrines in an icon that was in the church of Tryphon in Naprudny. When the church was closed in 1931, the icon, along with particles of relics, was transferred to the Temple of the Icon of the Sign of the Mother of God in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda. Another icon with a particle of the relics of St. Tryphon is in the church of the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" in Maryina Grove. Part of the relics of the martyr Tryphon is in the Holy Trinity Kitayevsky Monastery in Kyiv. A piece of the relics of the martyr Tryphon is stored in the Temple in honor of the Korsun Icon Mother of God in the village of Korsun, Oryol region.


Prototypes of the Moscow Tradition and Dating of the Tryphon Church in Naprudny

There are at least two possible interpretations of the Moscow tradition in connection with various theories of dating the church.

  1. If the date of construction of the Church of the Martyr Tryphon lies between the mid-1470s and the mid-1480s (S. V. Zagraevsky), or between 1479 and 1492 (L. A. David), or closer to 1500 ( V.V. Sedov), then Ivan III and Prince Ivan Patrikeev can probably be the heroes of the legend.
  2. If the church was built in the middle - second half of the 16th century (V. V. Kavelmacher, S. S. Podyapolsky and A. L. Batalov), then real prototype the sovereign can be considered Ivan IV the Terrible.

The most popular version mentions Ivan IV the Terrible, however, it is known that Ivan III also had the nickname the Terrible.

Saint Tryphon's Day vs. Valentine's Day

Attempts are being made to offer an alternative to the celebration of St. Valentine's Day in the form of St. Tryphon's Day (also February 14, according to the new style).

see also

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  • Kvilinkova E. N. Gagauz of Moldova and Bulgaria: comparative study calendar rituals, terms of kinship and folklore. - Chisinau: Pontos, 2005. - 308 p. - ISBN 9975926835.

An excerpt characterizing Saint Tryphon

He went up to Prince Vasily.
- Well, hello, hello; glad to see.
“For a dear friend, seven miles is not a suburb,” Prince Vasily spoke, as always, quickly, self-confidently and familiarly. - Here is my second, please love and favor.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich looked at Anatole. - Well done, well done! - he said, - well, go kiss - and he turned his cheek to him.
Anatole kissed the old man and looked at him curiously and completely calmly, waiting to see if the eccentric promised by his father would soon happen from him.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich sat down in his usual place in the corner of the sofa, pulled up an armchair for Prince Vasily, pointed to it and began to ask about political affairs and news. He listened as if with attention to the story of Prince Vasily, but incessantly glanced at Princess Marya.
- So they write from Potsdam? he repeated last words Prince Vasily, and suddenly, getting up, went up to his daughter.
- You cleaned up for the guests like that, huh? - he said. - Good, very good. You have your hair done in a new way in front of the guests, and I tell you in front of the guests that you don’t dare to change clothes without my asking.
“It’s me, mon pire, [father] is to blame,” blushing, interceded the little princess.
“You have complete freedom,” said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, bowing in front of his daughter-in-law, “but she has nothing to disfigure herself - and she is so bad.
And he again sat down in his place, no longer paying attention to his daughter, brought to tears.
“On the contrary, this hairstyle suits the princess very well,” said Prince Vasily.
- Well, father, young prince, what is his name? - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, turning to Anatoly, - come here, we'll talk, we'll get to know each other.
"That's when the fun begins," thought Anatole, and sat down with the old prince with a smile.
- Well, here's what: you, my dear, they say, were brought up abroad. Not the way the deacon taught us to read and write with your father. Tell me, my dear, are you now serving in the Horse Guards? asked the old man, looking closely and intently at Anatole.
“No, I joined the army,” answered Anatole, barely able to keep from laughing.
- A! good deal. Well, do you want, my dear, to serve the king and the fatherland? Military time. Such a young man must serve, must serve. Well, in the front?
- No, prince. Our regiment set out. And I'm counting. What am I, dad? Anatole turned to his father with a laugh.
- Nice service, nice. What do I count! Ha ha ha! Prince Nikolai Andreevich laughed.
And Anatole laughed even louder. Suddenly Prince Nikolai Andreevich frowned.
“Well, go ahead,” he said to Anatole.
Anatole again approached the ladies with a smile.
- After all, you brought them up abroad, Prince Vasily? A? - addressed old prince to Prince Vasily.
- I did what I could; and I will tell you that the upbringing there is much better than ours.
– Yes, now everything is different, everything is new. Well done little one! Well done! Well, come to me.
He took Prince Vasily by the arm and led him into the office.
Prince Vasily, left alone with the prince, immediately announced to him his desire and hopes.
“What do you think,” the old prince said angrily, “that I am holding her, that I cannot part with her? Imagine! he said angrily. - To me at least tomorrow! I'll just tell you that I want to know my son-in-law better. You know my rules: everything is open! Tomorrow I'll ask you in front of you: if she wants, then let him live. Let him live, I'll see. The prince snorted.
“Let him go, I don’t care,” he shouted in that piercing voice with which he shouted at parting with his son.
“I’ll tell you straight out,” said Prince Vasily in a tone of cunning person, convinced of the uselessness of cunning in front of the insight of the interlocutor. You can see right through people. Anatole is not a genius, but an honest, kind fellow, a wonderful son and dear.
- Well, well, well, we'll see.
As it always happens for single women who have lived for a long time without male society, when Anatole appeared, all three women in the house of Prince Nikolai Andreevich equally felt that their life had not been life before that time. The power to think, to feel, to observe instantly multiplied tenfold in all of them, and, as if up to now, taking place in darkness, their life was suddenly illuminated by a new, full of meaning light.
Princess Mary did not think at all and did not remember her face and hairstyle. The handsome, open face of the man who might be her husband consumed all her attention. He seemed to her kind, brave, resolute, courageous and generous. She was convinced of it. A thousand dreams of the future family life popped up in her mind all the time. She drove away and tried to hide them.
“But am I too cold with him? thought Princess Mary. - I try to restrain myself, because deep down I feel too close to him; but he does not know all that I think of him, and can imagine that he is unpleasant to me.
And Princess Mary tried and did not know how to be amiable with the new guest. "La pauvre fille! Elle est diablement laide," [Poor girl, she is devilishly ugly,] Anatole thought of her.
M lle Bourienne, also cocked by the arrival of Anatole on a high degree excitement, I thought in a different way. Of course, a beautiful young girl without a certain position in the world, without relatives and friends, and even a homeland, did not think to devote her life to the services of Prince Nikolai Andreevich, reading books to him and friendship with Princess Mary. M lle Bourienne has long been waiting for that Russian prince who will immediately be able to appreciate her superiority over Russian, bad, badly dressed, awkward princesses, fall in love with her and take her away; and this Russian prince finally arrived. M lle Bourienne had a story she heard from her aunt, finished by herself, which she liked to repeat in her imagination. It was a story about how a seduced girl imagined her poor mother, sa pauvre mere, and reproached her for having given herself to a man without marriage. M lle Bourienne often moved to tears, in her imagination telling him, the seducer, this story. Now this he, the real Russian prince, has appeared. He will take her away, then ma pauvre mere will appear, and he will marry her. This is how m lle Bourienne's head took shape future history, while she was talking to him about Paris. It was not calculations that guided m lle Bourienne (she did not even think for a minute about what she should do), but all this had long been ready in her and now it was only grouped around the appeared Anatole, whom she wished and tried to please as much as possible.
The little princess, like an old regimental horse, having heard the sound of a trumpet, unconsciously and forgetting her position, prepared for the usual gallop of coquetry, without any ulterior motive or struggle, but with naive, frivolous fun.
Despite the fact that Anatole in women's society usually put himself in the position of a man who was tired of women running after him, he felt conceited pleasure, seeing his influence on these three women. In addition, he began to feel for the pretty and defiant Bourienne that passionate, bestial feeling, which came over him with extreme speed and prompted him to the most rude and daring deeds.
After tea, the company moved into the sofa room, and the princess was asked to play the clavichord. Anatole leaned his elbows in front of her beside m lle Bourienne, and his eyes, laughing and rejoicing, looked at Princess Marya. Princess Mary, with painful and joyful excitement, felt his gaze on her. Her favorite sonata transported her to the most sincerely poetic world, and the look she felt on herself gave this world even greater poetry. But Anatole's gaze, although fixed on her, did not refer to her, but to the movements of m lle Bourienne's foot, which at that time he was touching with his foot under the piano. M lle Bourienne also looked at the princess, and in her beautiful eyes there was also an expression of frightened joy and hope, new to Princess Mary.
“How she loves me! thought Princess Mary. How happy I am now, and how happy I can be with such a friend and such a husband! Really a husband? she thought, not daring to look at his face, feeling the same gaze fixed on herself.
In the evening, when after dinner they began to disperse, Anatole kissed the hand of the princess. She herself did not know how she had the courage, but she looked directly at the beautiful face that approached her short-sighted eyes. After the princess, he went up to the hand of m lle Bourienne (it was indecent, but he did everything so confidently and simply), and m lle Bourienne flushed and looked frightened at the princess.
"Quelle delicatesse" [What a delicacy,] - thought the princess. - Does Ame (that was the name of m lle Bourienne) really think that I can be jealous of her and not appreciate her pure tenderness and devotion to me. She went up to m lle Bourienne and kissed her hard. Anatole went up to the hand of the little princess.
– Non, non, non! Quand votre pere m "ecrira, que vous vous conduisez bien, je vous donnerai ma main a baiser. Pas avant. [No, no, no! When your father writes to me that you are behaving well, then I will let you kiss my hand. Not before.] - And, raising her finger and smiling, she left the room.

Everyone dispersed, and, except for Anatole, who fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed, no one slept that night for a long time.
“Is he really my husband, this particular stranger, handsome, kind man; the main thing is kindness, ”thought Princess Marya, and fear, which almost never came to her, came over her. She was afraid to look back; it seemed to her that someone was standing behind the screens, in dark corner. And this someone was he - the devil, and he - this man with a white forehead, black eyebrows and a ruddy mouth.
She called the maid and asked her to lie down in her room.
M lle Bourienne walked for a long time in the winter garden that evening, waiting in vain for someone and then smiling at someone, then moving to tears with the imaginary words pauvre mere, reproaching her for her fall.
The little princess grumbled at the maid because the bed was not good. She could not lie on her side or on her chest. Everything was hard and awkward. Her stomach bothered her. He interfered with her more than ever, precisely today, because the presence of Anatole transferred her more vividly to another time, when this was not the case and everything was easy and fun for her. She was sitting in a blouse and cap on an armchair. Katya, sleepy and with a tangled scythe, interrupted and turned over the heavy feather bed for the third time, saying something.
“I told you that everything is bumps and pits,” the little princess repeated, “I myself would be glad to fall asleep, therefore, it’s not my fault,” and her voice trembled, like that of a child about to cry.
The old prince did not sleep either. Tikhon, through his sleep, heard him walking angrily and snorting his nose. It seemed to the old prince that he was offended for his daughter. The insult is the most painful, because it did not apply to him, but to another, to his daughter, whom he loves more than himself. He told himself that he would rethink the whole thing and find what was right and right to do, but instead he only annoyed himself more.
“The first person he met appeared - and the father and everything is forgotten, and runs upstairs, combs her hair and wags her tail, and she doesn’t look like herself! Glad to leave my father! And she knew that I would notice. Fr... fr... fr... And don't I see that this fool is only looking at Buryenka (I must drive her away)! And how pride is not enough to understand this! Though not for myself, if there is no pride, so for me, at least. We need to show her that this blockhead does not think about her, but only looks at Bourienne. She has no pride, but I will show it to her "...
Having told his daughter that she was mistaken, that Anatole intended to look after Bourienne, the old prince knew that he would irritate Princess Mary's pride, and his case (desire not to be separated from his daughter) would be won, and therefore calmed down on this. He called Tikhon and began to undress.
“And the devil brought them! he thought while Tikhon covered nightgown his dry, senile body, overgrown with gray hair on his chest. - I didn't call them. They came to ruin my life. And there's a little left."
- To hell! he said while his head was still covered with a shirt.
Tikhon knew the prince's habit of sometimes expressing his thoughts aloud, and therefore, with an unchanged face, he met the inquiringly angry look of the face that appeared from under his shirt.
- Lie down? the prince asked.
Tikhon, like all good lackeys, instinctively knew the direction of the master's thoughts. He guessed that they were asking about Prince Vasily and his son.
- We deigned to lie down and put out the fire, Your Excellency.
“There’s nothing, there’s nothing ...” the prince said quickly and, putting his feet into his shoes and hands into his dressing gown, went to the sofa on which he slept.
Despite the fact that nothing was said between Anatole and m lle Bourienne, they completely understood each other in relation to the first part of the novel, before the pauvre mere appeared, they realized that they had a lot to say to each other secretly, and therefore in the morning they were looking for an opportunity see you alone. While the princess went to her father at the usual hour, m lle Bourienne met with Anatole in the winter garden.

The relics of Saint Tryphon, where they are

The relics of St. Tryphon: where they are, how to apply, what they help in, a prayer to the Saint for work, a prayer to Tryphon for a betrothed, the life of the Holy Martyr

The relics of St. Tryphon: where they are, how to apply, what they help

The Monk Martyr Tryphon is quite famous and praised in the Orthodox faith.

Giving help and support to all those who ask and the weak, Tryphon prayed for only one thing - to truly believe in the Almighty.

From a very young age, the Lord gave the Great Martyr the gift of deliverance from various diseases and the cure of obsession.

Life of Saint Tryphon

As it is told in the life of the Great Martyr, Tryphon was born at the beginning of the third century in the Phrygian region, in the village of Kampsady, near the town of Apamea.

Tryphon was born in a simple peasant righteous family, from an early age, Tryphon helped his parents around the house, grazing geese.

Once in the village of Tryphon there was an invasion of locusts, which ate all the crops. The saint, with the help of firm faith and fervent prayer, was able to drive away the locusts, and by this he prevented the starvation of all the peasants.

The difference between such a rite to Saint Tryphon from various folk sorcery, which, according to Orthodoxy, is a terrible sinful act, is that prayer request to the Martyr is considered a dean.

After the amazing expulsion of the locust, many people learned about the Orthodox miracle worker. When Tryphon reached the age of seventeen, the fame of him reached the Byzantine ruler Gordian, his daughter was possessed.

The saint was summoned to Rome to deliver the king's daughter from the demon. According to legend, when the young man was almost near Rome, the unclean spirit could not stand the close presence of Tryphon and left the body of the sufferer.

In order to make sure that Tryphon actually delivered his daughter from an unclean spirit, Gordian wanted to see the evil one himself. After a solitary conversation with the Lord and a strict six-day fast, Martyr Tryphon demanded that the demon appear before the eyes of the ruler and his servants.

The demon appeared before Gordian and his associates in the form of a terrible resin dog with amber eyes. Then the young man asked how the evil one could captivate the creation of the Lord, the unclean one said that they cannot rule over the Orthodox, but only over those who indulge their passions and perform deeds to delight us. After that, almost all those present renounced paganism and converted to Orthodoxy.

In the year 249, Byzantium was led by the cruel pagan Decius, who gained fame as a ruthless persecutor of Christians. Having learned about Saint Tryphon, who was not afraid to openly preach Christianity and convert pagans to Christians, he ordered Tryphon to be brought to him.

During the interrogation, the young man did not for a moment renounce Christ: “I will give my confession to my Almighty, and if I save untouched as a precious treasure, firm faith in Jesus Christ, and turn into a sacrifice to Him Who Himself will sacrifice Himself for me,” answered Saint Tryphon.

The Monk Tryphon was subjected to cruel tortures, the young man was tied up and lifted up a tree and beaten for several hours in a row. After that, Tryphon was poked with metal hooks, and the cuts were burned with a torch. Then, after such bullying, the Sufferers hammered long metal rods into their feet and led them through the whole city. But noticing that the young man was stoically enduring various sufferings, the executioners took Tryphon to be beheaded. As they say in the life, the Great Martyr died with a prayer on his lips before the ax touched his neck. The martyr Tryphon was executed in the city of Nicaea in the middle of the first century after the Nativity of the Lord.

There is a legend that says that during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, on the eve of the hunt, the tsar's favorite, the gyrfalcon, disappeared. Ivan the Terrible ordered Trifon Patrikeev, the leader, to find the missing gyrfalcon, and if he doesn’t find it, his head will be off his shoulders. Vershnik Tryfon ran around all the nearest forest wilderness, but the attempts were unsuccessful. On the third day, the leader tirelessly offered up prayers to his holy protector, the great martyr Tryphon, and then, tired after continuous search activity lay down and fell asleep.

In his dream, the falconer saw a young guy on a snow-white horse, who held the king's favorite falcon in his hand. Then the young man said: "I take this falcon, and go with the Lord to your master and don't worry about anything." When he woke up, the horseman noticed a missing falcon on a pine tree, and the falconer immediately went to the king with a falcon and told everyone about God's help sent to him by the holy martyr Tryphon.

After a while, where he saw the Great Martyr, the leader of the Patrikeev built a small church, and after that a temple in honor of the Monk Great Martyr Tryphon.

Prayer to the Saint for work

Every day you can see an endless crowd of people job seekers... but not near any large company or near the labor exchange, but in front of the Moscow Cathedral Holy Mother of God"The Omen".

Believers go to this temple with a request to the Martyr Tryphon to help in finding work. Because this saint is the protector of all workers and the main assistant in finding work.

Most of the people experience various difficulties at work, such as:

Unfriendly colleagues;

Stagnation in a career;

nitpicking bosses;

Low salary;

Inappropriate position and the like.

It also happens that people do not like their work at all, but they can’t find the desired job in any way.

An ardent prayer to the Martyr Tryphon, coming from the very heart, which contains a request for help in the working area, can get rid of all troubles and obstacles.

But it must be remembered that it is impossible to ask for harm, deprivation of work, or in retaliation for offending others, because you can lose forever without God's protection.

In order to achieve the desired goal, you need to offer a prayer every day, and every time on the eve of an important event, for example, as a conference, a conversation with a future boss. Firm faith and pure thoughts are the main conditions for obtaining the desired result.

Prayer to Tryphon for the betrothed

Most young girls, as well as women, pray to the Heavenly forces to help meet their love.

They offer prayers for a happy family life and for a loved one, usually in front of faces:

Mother Matrona;

Reverend Nicholas;

Martyr Catherine;

Angel Andrew the First-Called;

Murom Saints Peter and Fevronia;

Saint Barbara.

To find true love and create happy family the girls also say prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

In addition to the above Saints, Martyr Tryphon is also the patron of family happiness and love.. They pray for the meeting of a good and kind betrothed to Tryphon with sincere prayer coming from the bottom of their hearts.

Relics of Saint Tryphon

At the beginning of the eighteenth century, some of the remains of St. Tryphon were transferred to Russia from the Montenegrin city of Kotor, where the head of the martyr is located, and they were given to the Tryphon Church.

In the twenties, a particle of the relics was placed in three shrines in the face of the Monk Great Martyr Tryphon, which was kept in the temple erected in memory of him.

In the thirties, like many churches, the Trifonovsky Cathedral was closed, and the face with particles of the remains was transferred to the nearest church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This temple is located near the Rizhsky railway station in the capital of Russia, near the place where the Monk Tryphon appeared to the apex.

People spend a lot of time at work, so I want the working conditions to be acceptable and not cause any discomfort. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in achieving this, either a low salary, or an evil boss or an unfriendly team, all this makes you nervous. To improve the situation, you can use the prayer to St. Tryphon for work. The clergy assure that sincere appeals to the saint will help to cope with different problems At work.

Before turning to the holy martyr Tryphon about work, we learn some facts related to his life. According to existing scriptures, from childhood, Tryphon showed his great abilities, so with his prayers he cast out demons from people, cleansed the souls of sinners, healed diseases, etc. He began to be called a martyr during the reign of Trajan, since the emperor punished everyone who was associated with the Christian faith. Because of this, Tryphon had to endure painful tortures, but despite this, he did not renounce his beliefs and became a saint after death.

Prayer of St. Trifon about work

Prayer texts are best read before the image of the saint. On the icon, Tryphon is depicted as young. He is dressed in the clothes of a shepherd, and in his hands he holds a document and a vine. Icon painters identify this saint with youth and efficiency.

Prayer to Tryphon to find Good work, can be read by all people who are pure in heart and have no bad intentions. The saint will help you choose workplace, which will be, as they say, to your liking. You can read a prayer if there are problems with the team, bosses, and also with low wages and difficulties in advancing career ladder. Prayer words read with a pure soul and unshakable faith will open the door to a prosperous life. With the support of a martyr, a person will be able to realize all his plans and achieve success.

You can read prayer texts both in church and at home, the main thing is to have an icon with the face of a saint in front of your eyes. Light a candle nearby and imagine for a while how the desired became a reality, then cross yourself and read the prayer to Saint Tryphon to find a job:

“Saint Tryphon, you took the torment for the sake of Christ! I stand before your image with a prayer, I ask you to strengthen me with the help of the long-suffering Savior. I believe that he sees my hopelessness from inactivity. Ask the Lord to help me in worldly affairs. In the face of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit I seek support and comfort. Amen"

It is important not to sit still and not wait until the wish comes true. Only one's own diligence and desire to find a suitable place will be appreciated by the Higher powers, and then it will be possible to count on the help of a saint.

There is another prayer to Saint Tryphon about work:

“Holy Martyr Tryphon! You are my helper, and I hasten to pray before your face. Having appeared before you, I ask you to hear my words and forgive me, an unworthy servant of God (name). As your sincere admirer, I remind myself how you renounced worldly goods, but tirelessly offered praise to the Almighty. It was he who gave you the gift to work miracles. Show your strength for me, do not refuse my request. As you delivered the people of Campsada from the inevitable death prepared by creeping snakes, so deprive me of lack of money, unemployment and a bad boss. May my work path be clean and smooth, bringing income and moral satisfaction. Do not allow me to allow evil actions and thoughts. I promise to give you glory and honor to the last breath. Amen".

In the Christian religion, a centuries-old tradition has developed - to ask the saints in those matters that were related to their earthly lives. For example, they pray to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon when it is necessary to ask for healing from serious illnesses. The Holy Apostles Andrew and Peter in Orthodoxy have long been considered the heavenly patrons of sailors. Some saints are asked to get rid of vices.

In contact with

However, in the case of Saint Tryphon, the situation is somewhat different. This saint is most often addressed by those who need work. However, this is far from the only issue on which one can turn with a prayer in front of the icon of this saint.

Life of Saint Tryphon

Tryphon was born in Phrygia (one of the regions of Asia Minor), not far from the city of Apamea in 232. His parents were simple Christians.

Also in early childhood the boy received a blessed gift to work miracles. With its help, many people were healed of serious illnesses, got rid of demons and gained health and peace of mind.

Young Tryphon created a large number of good deeds. One day, the prayers of a young man helped the inhabitants of his native village to escape from hunger. After reading his prayer, the fields were cleared of hordes of insects that ate wheat and deprived people of food. As a payment for his help, the saint asked for only one thing - to believe in Christ and offer up prayers to him.

The young man Tryphon gained the greatest fame at the age of 16. At this time, he managed to exorcise demons from the daughter of the Roman emperor Gordian. After that, the emperor asked Tryphon to show him the demon. An unclean spirit appeared before the emperor and told him that he had the power to inhabit the bodies of those people who were overwhelmed by passions and indulged their lust. After that, many witnesses of the miracle believed in Christ.

After the emperor Decius came to power, Christians began to be persecuted. The emperor was informed that Saint Tryphon was preaching faith in the Lord, working miracles and drawing a large number of people into the Christian faith.

By order of the emperor, Tryphon was captured and subjected to interrogation and trial. However, despite numerous tortures and threats, the martyr did not give up his convictions and continued to preach. During the torture, he did not utter a single groan.

Then he was tied up. Hanged from a tree and beaten for three hours. After this, the martyr was thrown into prison. But even there the saint did not renounce his faith in the Lord. Tryphon was subjected to the most severe and sophisticated tortures, but the Lord strengthened his soul and body and helped him stand before the executioners.

As a result, the emperor gave the order to execute Tryphon.

At first, they wanted to bury the body of the holy martyr in the place where he had received a painful death. However, the saint appeared in a vision to one of his followers and asked to be buried in his homeland. After some time, the relics of the saint were transported to Byzantium. And from there to Rome. Subsequently, the relics were divided into two parts and placed in two different temples.

This saint is most revered by believers of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Miracles of the Holy Martyr

Many testimonies of miraculous phenomena have come down to our days, which were performed through the prayer of the miracle worker Tryphon. These miracles happened both during his lifetime and after his death.

For many people, turning to a saint has become a real salvation and the only support in the most difficult everyday situations.

What do they pray to the saint

Prayers and troparia before the icon of the holy martyr will help in a variety of everyday circumstances . The most important condition- pray and ask from a pure heart. Then the holy martyr Tryphon will be your intercessor and helper in earthly affairs. What is this saint asked for?

Prayers for various needs

There are many prayer appeals to the martyr Tryphon, which are associated with certain vital human needs.

About sending down love

Since ancient times, single unmarried girls have been praying to the saint in order to improve their personal lives, to find a groom. Sincere prayer helps to meet a worthy person with whom you can go through life hand in hand. couples they turn to this prayer when they want to strengthen relationships, save their families and get rid of conflicts. In such situations, they read a prayer to Tryphon every day. This must be done regularly and from a pure heart.

About marriage

Prayer to the saint will help a woman find herself a worthy spouse. If people in a relationship turn to a saint, he will help them make a responsible decision and successfully marry. It is necessary to pronounce the words of this prayer daily.

On sending down work

Search decent work is not an easy task these days. Many people seek help and support from higher powers in order to increase their chances of success.

After such prayer appeal a person can become more self-confident, resolve difficult situation in a work team or move up the career ladder. Of course, you need to seek help from a saint with a pure heart and thoughts. If you want to take someone else's place or cause any harm to another person - to the rescue higher powers should not be calculated. A prayer is read to Saint Tryphon for help in work daily and additionally on the eve of an important event.

The holy wonderworker worked honestly all his life and helped all those who were suffering to get rid of bodily and mental ailments. Tryphon was forced to work hard and did not shy away from hard work itself. At the same time, he never complained or complained that it was hard for him. This heavenly patron will help anyone who wants to work honestly and receive decent pay for their work. Many people claim that this prayer for work is strong. You can pray to Tryphon for the following categories of people:

About housing

There are situations when people experience difficulties with real estate. For example, you find it difficult to find a suitable home. There is no way other people can sell their property at the price they plan to.

For these cases, there is a prayer to Saint Tryphon, which can help in this matter and resolve a difficult situation. In addition, this prayer can help resolve financial difficulties.

Prayer in case of loss

Each of us at least once in our lives faced with a situation where a very important thing was suddenly lost. It could be keys or Required documents that are needed immediately. According to ancient beliefs, this is how evil forces joke with a person. That's why best solution- turn to the saints for help. The holy martyr, to whom you need to turn with a special prayer, can help in the search.

Prayer for help in need

You can also turn to the saint for those who are in dire need. Martyr Tryphon helped those in need during his lifetime. After his death, the great majesty of believers turns to him with a request for help. The saint will hear your prayer and will definitely come to the rescue if your thoughts are pure and you do not want to harm anyone. At the same time, it is important to remember that help comes to those who not only sit and wait, but also act on their own. After all, as you know, under a lying stone and water does not flow.

About health

There are situations when a person is diagnosed with a serious incurable disease . Sometimes doctors can't do it at all. establish the correct diagnosis and understand the cause of the disease.

Do many people believe that diseases can be the result of induced damage or other negative impact. However, it should be remembered that such influences are not terrible for those people whose soul is pure. That is why it is so important to go to confession and communion regularly.

The prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon for healing should be said twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Both the sick person and his relatives can read it.

Icons and temples of the martyr

The icon of the holy martyr Tryphon, created in the Byzantine tradition, depicts him in the form young man standing in full height. The young man holds a cross in his hands. He is dressed in red robes, which symbolize the blood shed by the martyr in the name of Christ.

In the tradition of Byzantine iconography so depicted all the saints, canonized in the faces of martyrs. The icon of a martyr, painted in the Balkans, usually depicts him holding a vine in his hands.