Release theme: philosophical quotes and statements on various topics:

  • This world is just a canvas of our imagination. Henry David Thoreau.
  • be. Chekhov
  • A person has no right to consider himself a philosopher if there has never been an attempt on his life. Thomas de Quincey
  • Imagination is the only weapon against reality. Jules de Gautier.
  • Philosophers are nothing more than blacksmiths preparing a plow. How many things must happen while bread can be brought to the mouth. Carl Ludwig Berne
  • Every philosophy, or science of science, is criticism. The idea of ​​philosophy is a scheme of the Future. Novalis
  • Philosophical discourses that cannot be understood by everyone an educated person, are not worth the printing ink spent on them. Ludwig Buechner
  • Friendship is only possible between good people. Cicero
  • Philosophy is the medicine of the soul. Cicero Mark Tullius
  • If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace
  • Philosophy is inseparable from coldness. He who cannot be cruel enough to his own feelings should not philosophize. Ernst Feuchtersleben
  • Knowing what we can know is philosophy; humility and hypothesis where knowledge ceases is religion. Joachim Rachel
  • The philosophy of each specialty is based on the connection of the latter with other specialties, at the points of contact of which it must be sought. Henry Thomas Buckle
  • To mock philosophy means to truly philosophize. Blaise Pascal
  • Philosophy is something not secondary, but fundamental. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  • The key to life is imagination. If you don't have it, no matter what you have, it's pointless. If you have imagination…. You can make a straw holiday. Jane Stanton Hitchcock.
  • Philosophy must reflect the life of the people, and this life at every step, at every phase must give rise to new point vision. The systems created in the past are stuck in one place, they have already outlived their usefulness at the moment when their last thought was put on paper. Life goes on, and so does its philosophy. For those who see philosophy only in books with a philosophical title, what significance can philosophy have in the life of some common people? Blind! His philosophy stems from his own life. What is life, such is its philosophy. Mikael Lazarevich Nalbandyan
  • Who appreciates the little things in their own name, he empty man he who evaluates them for the sake of the conclusions that can be drawn from them, or for the sake of the benefit that can be obtained, he is a philosopher. Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
  • Philosophy is the processing of concepts. Johann Friedrich Herbart
  • People are willing to believe what they want to believe. Caesar
  • Philosophy is sweet milk in misfortune. William Shakespeare
  • A man capable of action is doomed to be loved. Coco Chanel
  • Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. Albert Einstein.
  • Thinking is easy, acting is hard enough, and putting your thoughts into action is the hardest thing in the world. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  • Triumph over oneself is the crown of philosophy. Diogenes of Sinop
  • Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only nonentities pity themselves. Haruki Murakami
  • What we experience when we are in love may be the normal state. Love tells a person how he should
  • No one can get away from the impressions of the environment; and what is called a new philosophy or new religion, it is usually not so much the creation of new ideas, but the new direction that is given to ideas already common among modern thinkers. Henry Thomas Buckle
  • Happy is not the one who seems like this to someone, but the one who feels like that. Publilius Sir
  • But why change the processes of nature? There may be a deeper philosophy than we have ever dreamed of, a philosophy that reveals the secrets of nature, but does not change its course by penetrating into it. Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
  • Force modern philosophy not in syllogisms, but in air support. Victor Pelevin
  • O philosophy, leader of life!.. You gave birth to cities, you called scattered people into a community of life. Cicero Mark Tullius
  • Philosophers' contempt for wealth was caused by their innermost desire to take revenge on unfair fate for not rewarding them with life's blessings according to their merits; it was a secret remedy from the humiliations of poverty, and a roundabout way to the honor usually brought by wealth. François ds La Rochefoucauld
  • The answer to the questions that philosophy leaves unanswered is that they must be put differently. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • Truly, just as that one has no ears, so these eyes are closed to the light of truth ... This kind of people think that philosophy is some kind of book, like the Aeneid or the Odyssey, but the truth must be sought not in the world, not in nature , but in comparison of texts. Galileo Galilei
  • According to Plato, man was created for philosophy, according to Bacon, philosophy is for man.
  • Superficiality in philosophy inclines the human mind to atheism, depth to religion. Francis Bacon
  • Pythagoras was the first to give philosophy its name. Apuleius
  • First of all, I would like to clarify what philosophy is ... The word "philosophy" means the occupation of wisdom and that by wisdom is meant not only prudence in business, but also a perfect knowledge of all that a person can know; the same knowledge that guides life itself serves the preservation of health, as well as discoveries in all sciences. Rene Descartes
  • An optimist is a man sitting on a tram and trying to get to know
  • Bring philosophy down to earth. Cicero Mark Tullius
  • The new philosophy is a philosophy that never rests, never reaching its goal, its perfection. Its law is progress. The locality, yesterday not visible, today is the place of its action, tomorrow it will be its starting point.
  • with a blonde standing next to her. Salami Kozhersky
  • Nothing can be said that has not been said before. Terence
  • Because nothing could be more beautiful.” than the attainment of truth, it is obviously worth pursuing philosophy, which is the search for truth. Pierre Gassendi
  • There is no such nonsense that some philosopher would not teach. Cicero Mark Tullius

The superiority of philosophers over ordinary people is that even if the main theories collapse, their life will go on. – Aristippus

Philosophy is an important phenomenon, not a secondary one. – Seneca (Junior)

In nature, only love is a bottomless and boundless quantity! No matter how you imagine, you will not find a limit to it. Schiller F.

The torch of love is often lit again, thanks to fiery jealousy. This is what love philosophy is all about. Margot Bressington

Philosophy, you control life, thanks to you cities are built, and disparate personalities are united into a vital community. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Philosophy is the study of life experience. — Francesco Patrici

Love can be given, there can be no talk of acquiring this feeling for money. Longfellow G.

The main reason for philosophizing is a great desire to achieve happiness. Author unknown.

Love those around you, but don't let them deceive you. – Kozma Prutkov

Too passionate love feeling eventually satiates. It is as little good for the stomach as too tasty food is for the stomach. Ovid.

Love is the most interesting human weakness, for which one can hardly be blamed. Dickens C.

Read the continuation of philosophical aphorisms on the pages:

There are two kinds of love: one is simple, the other is mutual. Simple - when a loved one does not love a lover. Then the lover is totally dead. When the beloved responds to love, the lover at least lives in him. There is something amazing in this. Ficino M.

Not to be loved is just a failure, not to love is a misfortune. - A. Camus

When there is no one you love, you have to love what is. Corneille Pierre

The girl who laughs is already half conquered.

The shortcomings of the girlfriend elude the attention of the lover. Horace

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that. Chernyshevsky N. G.

All buildings will fall, collapse, and grass will grow on them, - Only the building of love is imperishable, weeds will not grow on it. Hafiz

The moments of meeting and parting are for many the greatest moments in life. – Kozma Prutkov

False love is rather the result of ignorance rather than a lack of ability to love. J. Baines.

Love makes sense only when it is mutual. Leonardo Felice Buscaglia.

There are many cures for love, but there is not one sure remedy. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future. Balzac O.

Just as ugliness is an expression of hatred, so beauty is an expression of love. Otto Weininger

Love is in the heart, and therefore desire is impermanent, but love is indispensable. Desire disappears after its satisfaction; the reason for this is that love comes from the union of souls, and desire - from the union of feelings. Penn William

You cannot love either the one you are afraid of or the one who is afraid of you. Cicero

The source of all delusion in life is lack of memory. Otto Weininger

Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. Vauvenarg

Love itself is the law; it is stronger, I swear, than all the rights of earthly people. Any right and any decree Before love is nothing for us. Chaucer J.

Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers. Balzac O.

One should love a friend, remembering that he can become an enemy, and hate an enemy, remembering that he can become a friend. – Sophocles

When we love, we lose sight. Lope de Vega

Love deceived is no longer love. Corneille Pierre

If a woman hates you, then she loved you, loves or will love you. – German proverb

Love is like a tree; it grows of itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. Hugo W.

Philosophy heals the spirit (soul). - Unknown author

A person feels his duty only if he is free. Henri Bergson

Love is stronger than anything, holier than anything, more unspeakable than anything. Karamzin N. M.

There is no time limit for affection: you can always love while the heart is alive. N. M. Karamzin

Love for a woman has a great, irreplaceable meaning for us; it is like salt for meat: impregnating the heart, it protects it from spoilage. Hugo W.

Love is a theorem that must be proven every day! Archimedes

There is no power in the world more powerful than love. I. Stravinsky.

Equality is the strongest foundation of love. Lessing

Love that is afraid of obstacles is not love. Galsworthy D.

One day you will understand that love heals everything, and love is all that is in the world. G. Zukav

The science of good and evil alone is the subject of philosophy. – Seneca (Junior)

Love is a person's idea of ​​his need for a person to whom he is attracted. – T.Tobbs

Love is not a virtue, love is a weakness, which, in case of need, can and must be resisted. Knigge A.F.

Philosophy is the teacher of life. - Unknown author

Silence in love more precious than words. It is good when embarrassment fetters our tongues: silence has its own eloquence, which reaches the heart better than any words. How much a lover can say to his beloved when he is silent in confusion, and how much intelligence he reveals at the same time. Pascal Blaise

A woman does not want to be talked about her love affairs, but she wants everyone to know that she is loved. — Andre Maurois

The love of wisdom (the science of wisdom) is called philosophy. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with his beauty. Cicero

Marriage and love have different aspirations: Marriage is looking for benefits, love is located!. Corneille Pierre

Love is blind, and it is able to blind a person so that the road that seems to him the most reliable turns out to be the most slippery. Navarre M.

Love is one - the fun of a cold life, Love is one - the torment of hearts: It gives only one moment of comfort, And the end is not visible to sorrows. Pushkin A. S.

Love is the beginning and end of our existence. Without love there is no life. Therefore, love is something that bows before a wise man. Confucius

Love is a disease of tenderness. – A.Kruglov

Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, takes root deeply in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. – V. Hugo

No one can understand what is real love until he has been married for a quarter of a century. Mark Twain

Evolution is an unceasingly renewed creativity. Henri Bergson

Everything that is not colored by love remains colorless. – G. Hauptman

Oh, how deadly we love, As in the violent blindness of passions We most surely destroy everything, What is dear to our heart! Tyutchev F.I.

Love must not ask and must not demand; love must have the power to be sure of itself. Then something does not attract her, but she herself attracts. Hesse.

We fight to live in peace. Aristotle

The lover is always ready to believe in the reality of what he fears. Ovid

Love! It is the most exalted and victorious of all passions! But its all-conquering strength lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible disinterestedness. Heine G.

To love means to recognize the correctness of a loved one when he is wrong. – Sh. Pegi

In jealousy more love to yourself than to another. La Rochefoucauld.

Love burns differently according to different characters. In a lion, a burning and bloodthirsty flame is expressed in a growl, in arrogant souls - in neglect, in gentle souls - in tears and despondency. Helvetius K.

Every obstacle to love only strengthens it. Shakespeare W.

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love. Terence

To love means to stop comparing. – Grasse

First to live, and only then to philosophize.

Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love. – LaBruyère

Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals, divination and astrology the most insane, superstition and despotism the most unfortunate. – D. Sinopsky

Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end. - Remarque

Triumph over oneself is the crown of philosophy. - Diogenes of Sinop

Love is a tendency to find pleasure in the good, perfection, happiness of another person. Leibniz G.

The future is most talked about by those who do not have it. Francis Bacon

Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication, which is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of fullness of life with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

Such is the law of lovers: They are all brothers to each other. Rustaveli Sh.

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what the quality of our love was. Richard Bach.

Isn't it a delusion to seek peace in love? After all, there is no cure for love, the elders tell us. Hafiz

Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you catch it. – Chamfort

Most of all, people love when they are loved.

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles. Lope de Vega

Seeking diversity in love is a sign of impotence. Balzac O.

Man has an eternal, uplifting need to love. France A.

It is much easier to yearn for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. LaBruyere J.

Conjugal love multiplies the human race; friendly love perfects it. — Francis Bacon

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Leibniz G.

Love is like the sea. Its expanse knows no shores. Give her all your blood and soul: there is no other measure here. Hafiz

A person is ready for a lot to arouse love, but decide on everything to arouse envy.

Pythagoras was the first to give philosophy its name. – Apuleius

Love hurts even the gods. Petronius

Love is characteristic only of a sane person. Epictetus

Bring philosophy down to earth. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

The philosophy of each specialty is based on the connection of the latter with other specialties, at the points of contact of which it must be sought. Henry Thomas Buckle

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price. — Marty Larney

It is easier for a woman to fall in love than to confess her love. And it's easier for a man to confess than to fall in love. – Konstantin Melikhan

Love is a lamp that illumines the universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

In love there is despotism and slavery. And the most despotic is a woman's love, which demands everything for itself! Berdyaev N. A.

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him. Pliny the Younger

The more a person shows love, the more people love him. And the more he is loved, the easier it is for him to love others. – L.N. Tolstoy

Love grows from waiting for a long time and quickly goes out, quickly getting its own. Menander

Whoever loves no one himself, it seems to me that no one loves him either. Democritus

Love conquers everything, and we will submit to its power. Virgil

Love, like a fire, goes out without food. – M.Yu. Lermontov

I know for certain that love will pass When two hearts are separated by the sea. Lope de Vega

Love should not cloud, but refresh, not darken, but brighten thoughts, since it should nest in the heart and mind of a person, and not serve only as fun for external feelings that give rise to passion alone. Milton John

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. Want to serve. Hemingway E.

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes.

For a person who loves only himself, the most intolerable thing is to be alone with himself. Pascal Blaise

Love is rich in both honey and bile. Plautus

Joy and happiness are the children of love, but love itself, like strength, is patience and pity. Prishvin M. M.

Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. Voltaire

When love comes, the soul is filled with unearthly bliss. Do you know why? Do you know why this feeling of great happiness? Only because we imagine that the end of loneliness has come. Maupassant G.

If you seek to solve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is the lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey.

He who truly loves is not jealous. The main essence of love is trust. Take away trust from love - you take away from it the consciousness of its own strength and duration, all its bright side, therefore - all its greatness. – Anna Steel

Love is a priceless gift. It's the only thing we can give and yet you keep it. L. Tolstoy.

Love is harder to break than hordes of enemies. Racine Jean

For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches for the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded. Heine G.

Old love is not forgotten. Petronius

You can't pick roses without being pricked by thorns. – Firdousi

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible. – Stendhal

WITH strong love dark suspicions cannot get along. Abelard Pierre

Who did not know love, he still did not live. Molière

Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. – Ch. Colton

Philosophy is always considered a lamp for all sciences, a means for doing any deed, a support for all institutions ... - Arthashastra

There are no great things without great difficulties. Voltaire

No mind, no heart, no soul In love is not worth a penny. Ronsard P.

Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone! Show B.

If there was nobody to love, I would fall in love with door handle. — Pablo Picasso

True love cannot speak because true feeling expressed in deeds rather than words. Shakespeare W.

Others think that old love need to knock out new love like a wedge by a wedge. Cicero

Love cannot be harmful, but if only it were - love, and not the wolf of selfishness in the sheep's clothing of love ... Tolstoy L.N.

To die of love is to live by it. Hugo W.

Everyone has the same love. Virgil

Love and hunger rule the world. – Schiller

Love is not cured by herbs. Ovid

Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

There is no such nonsense that some philosopher would not teach. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

What should be guided by people who want to live their lives flawlessly, no relatives, no honors, no wealth, and indeed nothing in the world will teach them better than love. Plato.

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. Hugo W.

There must be love in life - one great love for a lifetime, it justifies the causeless fits of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it also turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune. Tolstoy L.N.

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. – V. Hugo

In love, longing competes with joy. Publius

The forces of love are great, disposing those who love them to difficult feats, to endure extraordinary, unexpected dangers. Boccaccio D.

You need to live always in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller from what stretches up. M. Gorky.

Do we have the power to fall in love or not to fall in love? And do we, having fallen in love, have the power to act as if it had not happened? Didro D.

Truth cannot contradict truth. Giordano Bruno

Like a fire that flares up easily in reeds, straw, or hare hair, but quickly dies out if it finds no other food for itself, love ignites brightly with blooming youth and bodily attractiveness, but will soon die out if it is not nourished by spiritual virtues and good disposition of young spouses. . Plutarch

Deceived in love knows no mercy. Corneille Pierre

There is love that prevents a person from living. Gorky M.

Love, love, when you take possession of us, you can say: sorry, prudence! Lafontaine

The greatest joy in a person's life is to be loved, but no less is to love yourself. Pliny the Younger

Only the one who has ceased to love is restrained. Corneille Pierre

If the choice in love were decided only by will and reason, then love would not be a feeling and passion. The presence of an element of immediacy is also evident in the most reasonable love, because out of several equally worthy persons, only one is chosen, and this choice is based on the involuntary inclination of the heart. Belinsky V.

Philosophy is the medicine of the soul. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Anyone who loves loneliness, either - wild animal or the Lord God. Francis Bacon

Choose who you love. Cicero

Until now quotes of philosophers different eras do not lose their relevance. By studying them, you can learn a lot, as well as recharge with calmness, optimism and self-confidence.

Quotes from ancient Greek philosophers about life

It was ancient Greek philosophy that played a leading role in the development of philosophy European countries. The sages of antiquity raised such important questions as:

  • opposition of materialism to idealism;
  • separation of rationalistic and empirical knowledge of the world;
  • the essence of thinking;
  • identifying the difference between a life of duty and a life of hedonism.

The philosophers of this time can be called: Epicurus and Aristotle, Pythagoras and Democritus, Demosthenes and Homer, as well as Plato. Ancient Greek philosophy includes Greek and Roman philosophy, which lasted a total of over a thousand years. IN Ancient Greece the development of this science was carried out by aristocrats, as well as travelers who brought writing from the Phoenicians.

Aphorisms ancient Greek philosophers about life wear different character depending on which philosophical movement their authors belonged to. So, Homer wrote a lot about heroes, gods and immortality, accessible only to a few. Pythagoras, like the supporters of Orphism, considered life a suffering for the soul and saw deliverance from it in death. At the same time, in his opinion, with death there is a transmigration of souls, or metempsychosis.

The followers of the Milesian school studied in more detail the origin of life on Earth. Many of them were convinced that the beginning of all things was fire, which lives forever, and everything that is generated by it is of course, or mortal. Some sages argued that non-existence does not exist at all - there is only being.

Democritus described the human soul as full of warmth, which in itself is the fundamental principle of all life. At the same time, all living things, in his view, are animated in different ways. The more warmth in the soul of a living being, the more perfect it is. The same philosopher claims that the afterlife is nothing more than a myth, because after death the soul shatters into many atoms and disappears. A dead person ceases to hold these atoms in himself with his breath, and they disperse and mix with the atoms contained in the air.

The main idea of ​​the philosophy of ancient Greece about life is that you need to live a full life and not be afraid of death. Resisting death is senseless, as is mourning for the departed. Man is the only creator of morality and laws, which are the main criteria of virtue.

The main precepts of the philosophers of this era are as follows:

  1. Everything in life should be done based on unconditional love.
  2. Never lose heart, grumble at fate or live in the past.
  3. You don’t need to foolishly believe everything that other people say, but you need to trust yourself in any situation.
  4. Always keep your thoughts positive and never lose faith.
  5. When a situation becomes difficult, only within yourself can you find the strength to overcome it.

Thus, the ancient doctrine of life is inseparable from the desire to overcome the fear of death. Subsequently, the immortality of the soul, which reduces the tragedy of death, was adopted by many religions.

Quotes of philosophers of the Middle Ages

Medieval philosophy began its existence in the 5th century and ended in the 15th. Its main element was an attempt to unite people divided into estates, classes, nationalities and occupations, with the help of a common religion - Christianity. Many philosophers were convinced that by becoming Christians, people would be able to become equal to each other in the future, afterlife, regardless of what their life on earth was like. Promoting the idea of ​​immortality - distinguishing feature this time.

The attitude towards nature has changed. If ancient philosophy considered nature as a separate element of the universe, now in the Middle Ages it has become only an instrument in the hands of man. Its scientific study was suspended, people sought to use its wealth, thinking little about replenishing it.

Speaking about human self-consciousness, it is important to note that the Middle Ages is a time when main characteristic a person becomes his will (in antiquity it was the mind). People who have not been able to subjugate their own will can be aware of good, but at the same time do evil. The leading philosophical thought of the poet was that no one can defeat evil without God's help.

Philosophical thought has gone through three periods:

  1. The period of Apologetics, when early Christian symbols and rituals were revised and the existence of God was proved;
  2. The period of the Patristics - when the Catholic Christian church began to dominate all spheres of people's lives in Europe;
  3. The period of Scholasticism - when the dogmas expressed by the sages of past years were revised.

The most famous thinkers of this era were Tatian, Origen, Boethius, Thomas Aquinas, John Chrysostom and others. Most of them were directly related to the church. Therefore, the phrases of various philosophers, known to us since the Middle Ages, were also originally conceived as related to religion.

Renaissance philosopher quotes

The Renaissance began at the end of the 14th century. Western Europe, very quickly capturing all areas of knowledge - including philosophy. At this time, thinkers return to antiquity and revive ideas that were born in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The era is divided into several stages:

  1. humanistic - when anthropocentrism was replaced by theocentrism;
  2. Neoplatonic;
  3. natural philosophical.

The statements of thinkers in each of the above stages have their own characteristics. On the whole Catholic Church began to exert less influence on all spheres of people's lives and as a result split between Protestant and Catholic. Geographical discoveries made at this time also contributed to changing the picture of the world. The growth of the influence of science has led to the fact that an increasing number of philosophers began to believe that the world is rational. Philosophy took a course on heliocentrism (the idea of ​​a system of the world with the Sun in the center), humanism, neoplatonism (a trend based on the ideas of Plato) and secularism (a proposal to divide civil rights people and the system of government from religion).

Prominent philosophers of the Renaissance were Dante Alighieri, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Boccaccio, Galileo Galilei, Machiavelli and others.

Quotes of modern philosophers

This period in philosophy began in the 17th century and lasted two centuries. Thinkers developed several directions:

  • empiricism;
  • rationalism;
  • materialism;
  • philosophy of education.

The names of the most famous thinkers of this era: Holbach and Leibniz, Hobbes and Bacon, Descartes and Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu.

Science marches forward with leaps and bounds, making one discovery after another, and its laws also affect philosophy, turning it into an experimental science. Rationalism and empiricism become the main directions of its development thanks to the social and scientific revolutions. Knowledge based on logic on the one hand and subjective feelings on the other occupies thinkers. A lot of works are devoted to knowledge itself - its laws, essence, goals and possibilities.

Quotes by modern philosophers

Classics, but also modern philosophers have left many bright, wise sayings. The peculiarity of modern philosophy is that a person is recognized as endowed with unlimited possibilities for cognition and creativity. In this case, the forces should not be directed towards external world and first of all for yourself. As soon as he manages to become better himself, everything that surrounds him will change.

The most famous modern thinkers include: Vonnegut, Pierce, James, Freud, Camus and others.

Each of these philosophers contributed to the knowledge of the world and man - his soul and life. Through their quotes, everyone can get to know themselves better and find the right path.

The most famous sayings of philosophers:

    I know that I know nothing, and any knowledge is knowledge of my ignorance (Socrates).

    Know thyself (Socrates).

    You can not enter the same river twice ... (Heraclid).

    Nothing beyond measure (Heraclid).

    Everything flows, everything changes ... (Heraclid).

    Secret harmony is stronger than obvious (Heraclid).

    Multi-knowledge does not teach the mind. (Heraclid).

    The body is not the shackles of the spirit, a lot of things are worthy of surprise and study ... (Aristotle).

    Wisdom is worthy of the gods, a person can only strive for it (Pythagoras).

    Harmony is the combination of the heterogeneous and the agreement of the dissenting (Pythagoras or Philolaus?).

    Falsehood does not penetrate into number (Pythagoras or Philolaus?).

    One is God. God is thought (Xenophanes).

    Being is and cannot be, non-being is not and cannot be anywhere and in no way (Parmenides).

    the path of truth is the path of reason, the path of error is inevitably given feelings (Parmenides).

    thing, object, being, thinking are one (Parmenides).

    Do not strive to know everything, so as not to be ignorant in everything (Democritus).

    Slavery is natural and moral... (Democritus).

    The pleasure of the sage splashes in his soul, like a calm sea in the firm shores of reliability (Epicurus).

    The ability to live well and die well is one and the same science (Epicurus).

    Death is not terrible for people. While we are here - she is gone, when she comes - we are no longer (Epicurus).

    Fate leads the one who wants, but drags the one who does not want (the principle of stoicism).

    Man is the measure of all things... (Protagoras, skepticism).

    The world is not cognizable, and a person should not assert anything if he does not know the truth (skepticism).

    He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know. (Lao Tzu. Taoism).

    To govern is to correct (Confucius on the power of a good emperor).

    Every day you need to live like the last ... (Marcus Aurelius).

    Knowledge is power! (F. Bacon).

    I think, therefore I am. * Second version: I doubt, so I think, I think, therefore I exist (R. Descartes).

    Everything is for the best in this world ... God created the best of the worlds ... (Leibniz).

    Genius creates like nature itself (E. Kant).

    Concepts without sensations are empty, sensations without concepts are blind (Kant.)

    There is nothing in the mind that would not have been in the senses before (J. Locke).

    You should not jump to conclusions. Only that which is given to the mind clearly and distinctly and without any doubt should be accepted as truth (R. Descartes).

    Existing should not be multiplied unnecessarily (W. Okcom).

    ... only living cultures die (O. Spengler)

    Pico della Mirandola. - ... the miracles of the human spirit surpass [the miracles] of heaven ... On earth there is nothing greater than man, and in man - nothing greater than his mind and soul. To rise above them means to rise above the heavens...

    The study of nature is the comprehension of God (N. Kuzansky).

    The end justifies the means (Nicolo Machiavelli or Thomas Hobbes).

    Unfortunate is the one whose actions are at odds over time (N. Machiavelli).

In order to wake up, you need to stop looking around and turn your gaze inward. – Carl-Gustav Jung

Man himself invents the boundaries of the world. It can be the size of a street - or it can become endless. — Arthur Schopenhauer

We ourselves invent impossible things. They are difficult only because we cannot decide to take them on.

Philosophy can easily explain the past and the future, but gives in to the present.

Life is what philosophers earn their living for by scribbling ink on treatises that no one needs but themselves.

Every doctor is by definition a philosopher. After all, medicine must be supported by wisdom. – Hippocrates

When something new breaks into life, a person turns into a philosopher.

The world is more beautiful than a dream. Tastes better than gourmet food. Let him inside. Love. Maybe a minute left to live. And you have the last 60 seconds of happiness... - Ray Bradbury

Forward! Don't stop for a moment. Live bright, walk on the edge, give emotions and get LIFE!

We earn coins to spend. We lose time to get it. And we fight for peace. – Aristotle

Read the continuation of the quotes of philosophers on the pages:

There are two kinds of love: one is simple, the other is mutual. Simple - when a loved one does not love a lover. Then the lover is totally dead. When the beloved responds to love, the lover at least lives in him. There is something amazing in this. Ficino M.

Not to be loved is just a failure, not to love is a misfortune. - A. Camus

When there is no one you love, you have to love what is. Corneille Pierre

The girl who laughs is already half conquered.

The shortcomings of the girlfriend elude the attention of the lover. Horace

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that. Chernyshevsky N. G.

All buildings will fall, collapse, and grass will grow on them, - Only the building of love is imperishable, weeds will not grow on it. Hafiz

The moments of meeting and parting are for many the greatest moments in life. – Kozma Prutkov

False love is rather the result of ignorance rather than a lack of ability to love. J. Baines.

Love makes sense only when it is mutual. Leonardo Felice Buscaglia.

There are many cures for love, but there is not one sure remedy. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future. Balzac O.

Just as ugliness is an expression of hatred, so beauty is an expression of love. Otto Weininger

Love is in the heart, and therefore desire is impermanent, but love is indispensable. Desire disappears after its satisfaction; the reason for this is that love comes from the union of souls, and desire - from the union of feelings. Penn William

You cannot love either the one you are afraid of or the one who is afraid of you. Cicero

The source of all delusion in life is lack of memory. Otto Weininger

Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. Vauvenarg

Love itself is the law; it is stronger, I swear, than all the rights of earthly people. Any right and any decree Before love is nothing for us. Chaucer J.

Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers. Balzac O.

One should love a friend, remembering that he can become an enemy, and hate an enemy, remembering that he can become a friend. – Sophocles

When we love, we lose sight. Lope de Vega

Love deceived is no longer love. Corneille Pierre

If a woman hates you, then she loved you, loves or will love you. – German proverb

Love is like a tree; it grows of itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. Hugo W.

Philosophy heals the spirit (soul). - Unknown author

A person feels his duty only if he is free. Henri Bergson

Love is stronger than anything, holier than anything, more unspeakable than anything. Karamzin N. M.

There is no time limit for affection: you can always love while the heart is alive. N. M. Karamzin

Love for a woman has a great, irreplaceable meaning for us; it is like salt for meat: impregnating the heart, it protects it from spoilage. Hugo W.

Love is a theorem that must be proven every day! Archimedes

There is no power in the world more powerful than love. I. Stravinsky.

Equality is the strongest foundation of love. Lessing

Love that is afraid of obstacles is not love. Galsworthy D.

One day you will understand that love heals everything, and love is all that is in the world. G. Zukav

The science of good and evil alone is the subject of philosophy. – Seneca (Junior)

Love is a person's idea of ​​his need for a person to whom he is attracted. – T.Tobbs

Love is not a virtue, love is a weakness, which, in case of need, can and must be resisted. Knigge A.F.

Philosophy is the teacher of life. - Unknown author

In love, silence is more precious than words. It is good when embarrassment fetters our tongues: silence has its own eloquence, which reaches the heart better than any words. How much a lover can say to his beloved when he is silent in confusion, and how much intelligence he reveals at the same time. Pascal Blaise

A woman does not want to be talked about her love affairs, but she wants everyone to know that she is loved. — Andre Maurois

The love of wisdom (the science of wisdom) is called philosophy. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with his beauty. Cicero

Marriage and love have different aspirations: Marriage is looking for benefits, love is located!. Corneille Pierre

Love is blind, and it is able to blind a person so that the road that seems to him the most reliable turns out to be the most slippery. Navarre M.

Love is one - the fun of a cold life, Love is one - the torment of hearts: It gives only one moment of comfort, And the end is not visible to sorrows. Pushkin A. S.

Love is the beginning and end of our existence. Without love there is no life. That is why love is what the wise man bows before. Confucius

Love is a disease of tenderness. – A.Kruglov

Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, takes root deeply in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart. – V. Hugo

No person is able to understand what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century. Mark Twain

Evolution is an unceasingly renewed creativity. Henri Bergson

Everything that is not colored by love remains colorless. – G. Hauptman

Oh, how deadly we love, As in the violent blindness of passions We most surely destroy everything, What is dear to our heart! Tyutchev F.I.

Love must not ask and must not demand; love must have the power to be sure of itself. Then something does not attract her, but she herself attracts. Hesse.

We fight to live in peace. Aristotle

The lover is always ready to believe in the reality of what he fears. Ovid

Love! It is the most exalted and victorious of all passions! But its all-conquering strength lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible disinterestedness. Heine G.

To love means to recognize the correctness of a loved one when he is wrong. – Sh. Pegi

In jealousy, there is more love for oneself than for another. La Rochefoucauld.

Love burns differently according to different characters. In a lion, a burning and bloodthirsty flame is expressed in a growl, in arrogant souls - in neglect, in gentle souls - in tears and despondency. Helvetius K.

Every obstacle to love only strengthens it. Shakespeare W.

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love. Terence

To love means to stop comparing. – Grasse

First to live, and only then to philosophize.

Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love. – LaBruyère

Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals, divination and astrology the most insane, superstition and despotism the most unfortunate. – D. Sinopsky

Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end. - Remarque

Triumph over oneself is the crown of philosophy. - Diogenes of Sinop

Love is a tendency to find pleasure in the good, perfection, happiness of another person. Leibniz G.

The future is most talked about by those who do not have it. Francis Bacon

Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication, which is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of fullness of life with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

Such is the law of lovers: They are all brothers to each other. Rustaveli Sh.

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what the quality of our love was. Richard Bach.

Isn't it a delusion to seek peace in love? After all, there is no cure for love, the elders tell us. Hafiz

Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you catch it. – Chamfort

Most of all, people love when they are loved.

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles. Lope de Vega

Seeking diversity in love is a sign of impotence. Balzac O.

Man has an eternal, uplifting need to love. France A.

It is much easier to yearn for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. LaBruyere J.

Conjugal love multiplies the human race; friendly love perfects it. — Francis Bacon

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Leibniz G.

Love is like the sea. Its expanse knows no shores. Give her all your blood and soul: there is no other measure here. Hafiz

A person is ready for a lot to arouse love, but decide on everything to arouse envy.

Pythagoras was the first to give philosophy its name. – Apuleius

Love hurts even the gods. Petronius

Love is characteristic only of a sane person. Epictetus

Bring philosophy down to earth. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

The philosophy of each specialty is based on the connection of the latter with other specialties, at the points of contact of which it must be sought. Henry Thomas Buckle

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price. — Marty Larney

It is easier for a woman to fall in love than to confess her love. And it's easier for a man to confess than to fall in love. – Konstantin Melikhan

Love is a lamp that illumines the universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

In love there is despotism and slavery. And the most despotic is a woman's love, which demands everything for itself! Berdyaev N. A.

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him. Pliny the Younger

The more a person shows love, the more people love him. And the more he is loved, the easier it is for him to love others. – L.N. Tolstoy

Love grows from waiting for a long time and quickly goes out, quickly getting its own. Menander

Whoever loves no one himself, it seems to me that no one loves him either. Democritus

Love conquers everything, and we will submit to its power. Virgil

Love, like a fire, goes out without food. – M.Yu. Lermontov

I know for sure that love will pass, When two hearts are separated by the sea. Lope de Vega

Love should not cloud, but refresh, not darken, but brighten thoughts, since it should nest in the heart and mind of a person, and not serve only as fun for external feelings that give rise to passion alone. Milton John

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. Want to serve. Hemingway E.

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes.

For a person who loves only himself, the most intolerable thing is to be alone with himself. Pascal Blaise

Love is rich in both honey and bile. Plautus

Joy and happiness are the children of love, but love itself, like strength, is patience and pity. Prishvin M. M.

Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. Voltaire

When love comes, the soul is filled with unearthly bliss. Do you know why? Do you know why this feeling of great happiness? Only because we imagine that the end of loneliness has come. Maupassant G.

If you seek to solve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is the lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey.

He who truly loves is not jealous. The main essence of love is trust. Take away trust from love - you take away from it the consciousness of its own strength and duration, all its bright side, therefore - all its greatness. – Anna Steel

Love is a priceless gift. It's the only thing we can give and yet you keep it. L. Tolstoy.

Love is harder to break than hordes of enemies. Racine Jean

For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches for the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded. Heine G.

Old love is not forgotten. Petronius

You can't pick roses without being pricked by thorns. – Firdousi

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible. – Stendhal

Black suspicions cannot coexist with strong love. Abelard Pierre

Who did not know love, he still did not live. Molière

Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. – Ch. Colton

Philosophy is always considered a lamp for all sciences, a means for doing any deed, a support for all institutions ... - Arthashastra

There are no great things without great difficulties. Voltaire

No mind, no heart, no soul In love is not worth a penny. Ronsard P.

Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone! Show B.

If there was no one to love, I would fall in love with a doorknob. — Pablo Picasso

True love cannot speak, because true feeling is expressed more by deed than by words. Shakespeare W.

Others think that old love must be beaten out with new love, like a wedge with a wedge. Cicero

Love cannot be harmful, but if only it were - love, and not the wolf of selfishness in the sheep's clothing of love ... Tolstoy L.N.

To die of love is to live by it. Hugo W.

Everyone has the same love. Virgil

Love and hunger rule the world. – Schiller

Love is not cured by herbs. Ovid

Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

There is no such nonsense that some philosopher would not teach. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

What should be guided by people who want to live their lives flawlessly, no relatives, no honors, no wealth, and indeed nothing in the world will teach them better than love. Plato.

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. Hugo W.

There must be love in life - one great love in a lifetime, this justifies the causeless bouts of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it also turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune. Tolstoy L.N.

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage. – V. Hugo

In love, longing competes with joy. Publius

The forces of love are great, disposing those who love them to difficult feats, to endure extraordinary, unexpected dangers. Boccaccio D.

You need to live always in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller from what stretches up. M. Gorky.

Do we have the power to fall in love or not to fall in love? And do we, having fallen in love, have the power to act as if it had not happened? Didro D.

Truth cannot contradict truth. Giordano Bruno

Like a fire that flares up easily in reeds, straw, or hare hair, but quickly dies out if it finds no other food for itself, love ignites brightly with blooming youth and bodily attractiveness, but will soon die out if it is not nourished by spiritual virtues and good disposition of young spouses. . Plutarch

Deceived in love knows no mercy. Corneille Pierre

There is love that prevents a person from living. Gorky M.

Love, love, when you take possession of us, you can say: sorry, prudence! Lafontaine

The greatest joy in a person's life is to be loved, but no less is to love yourself. Pliny the Younger

Only the one who has ceased to love is restrained. Corneille Pierre

If the choice in love were decided only by will and reason, then love would not be a feeling and passion. The presence of an element of immediacy is also evident in the most reasonable love, because out of several equally worthy persons, only one is chosen, and this choice is based on the involuntary inclination of the heart. Belinsky V.

Philosophy is the medicine of the soul. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Anyone who loves loneliness is either a wild beast or the Lord God. Francis Bacon

Choose who you love. Cicero