A fairy tale about the adventure of a small drop and we conduct an experiment about the movement of water in nature



1. We need one ziplock bag, water, food coloring of blue color, extra hands and a little imagination.

2. Tint a small amount of water with 4-5 drops of blue food coloring.

3. For greater credibility, you can draw clouds and waves on the bag, and then fill in the tinted water.

4. After you need to tightly seal the bag and stick it to the window with adhesive tape. The result will have to wait a little, but it's worth it. Now you have your own weather in the house. And your children will be able to watch the rain pour right into the little sea.

Exposure of the focus

Since the Earth has a limited amount of water, there is such a phenomenon on it as the water cycle in nature. under warm sunlight the water in the bag evaporates, turning into steam. As it cools at the top, it reverts to liquid form and falls as precipitation. This phenomenon can be observed in the package for several days. In nature, this phenomenon is endless.

All living beings and plants live on the surface of the planet or in its immediate vicinity. In addition to solar energy, they consume a small amount natural resources contained there. If water, oxygen and others, vital for all living things, were not constantly renewed, they would soon be completely exhausted. Therefore, many processes in nature are in the nature of a cycle. The cycle is a constant exchange of elements between air, water, earth, plants and animals. All these processes enable all life on Earth to live and develop. One of the most important chemical elements- oxygen. It exists in the atmosphere in the form of a gas (21%) and is one of the components of the water and carbon cycle. Equally important to all living things are carbon and nitrogen. The most important elements also include phosphorus, sulfur and calcium, as well as iron and zinc, the need for which is much less. All these elements are necessary for the transmission of energy and are extremely important for the growth and renewal of all life on Earth.

An essential element of nature. All living things are 75% water. Water constantly cycles between the seas, atmosphere and land, creating conditions in which life can exist and develop. meet with masses of cold air - for example, over mountains. Large drops of water are formed, falling on the rain and snow. Part of the water returns to the seas from rivers and streams. The water vapor cools and condenses into tiny drops of water that form clouds. Significant reserves of water accumulate in lakes and underground aquifers. Plants and animals also contain a lot of water, which is returned. In the cycle after their death and decay. heats land, rivers, lakes and seas, causing water to evaporate in. Plants get water from the soil. Most of the water evaporates from their leaves.

Model of the water cycle in nature

You can make a tiny model of the water cycle yourself. To do this, you will need: a large plastic vessel, a smaller jar and polyethylene film. Pour some water into the vessel and place it in the sun, covering it with a film. The sun will heat the water, it will begin to evaporate and, rising, condense on a cool film, and then drip from it into a jar.

Carbon dioxide plays a very important role in the atmosphere important role: it keeps the sun's rays reflected off earth's surface and heats up the earth. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect. Since the era of industrialization began, people have been burning huge amounts of fuel. This dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. On the future consequences of this process and its impact on weather Earth can only guess. Some scientists believe that rising temperatures will lead to ice melting, which in turn will lead to sea level rise and coastal flooding, as well as large-scale climate and environmental changes around the world. In order to prevent a further increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, humanity must actively switch to renewable, environmentally friendly fuel sources.

nitrogen cycle

All living organisms need nitrogen to grow and develop. They get it in a variety of ways. Nitrogen accounts for about 78% of the air, but in the gaseous state, plants and animals do not absorb it. In order for them to assimilate nitrogen, it must first be converted to nitrite, and then to. nitrates.

Minerals are found both on the surface of the Earth and in its depths. They rise to the surface as a result of volcanic activity. Many of these elements, such as phosphorus and iron, are necessary for the life of plants and animals.

Cycles in nature are relatively stable. Any changes fit within a certain framework, so the cycles, only slightly changing, are repeated again and again - and life on Earth continues. However, human activity contributes to environment irreversible changes and violates the eternal natural cycles. We unwittingly destroy the fragile balance in nature, and the results of this can be disastrous for all mankind.

It is simply necessary to tell children about water and its properties, because today water is not only an expensive and valuable resource, it is also a very limited resource. Stocks fresh water on Earth are gradually declining and, if we do not begin to take care of this substance, it is quite possible that in the near future our children and grandchildren will have to seriously think about this problem. Therefore, it is very important that early age also in kindergarten children were given classes, the purpose of which will be to convey information about nature, including water, and its role for us.

It is also necessary to conduct classes on such topics in schools. After all, in school age although children know a lot about water, they are not as detailed and as good as we would like. The contribution of parents also plays a significant role in the upbringing of the child. After all, children repeat everything after adults, and impeccably follow their example. Therefore, children need to be taught not only in kindergartens and schools, but also at home, by personal example.

What to tell children about the water cycle in nature?

If you plan to tell your children preschool age about the water cycle in nature, it is necessary to try to explain this topic to them so that they understand it. That is, bring real examples, or even describe this process as a fairy tale, a play.

First of all, it is necessary to tell the children about what water is. Tell the children that water is made up of several elements, namely oxygen and hydrogen. It is clear that chemical terms will be too complicated for preschool children, but it can be explained to them that water is a substance, a kind of system that is formed by several fairy tale characters and call them the names of all known elements. It is possible to use various, as well as with the names of chemical elements.

After that, you can begin to talk about the movement of water in nature. The water cycle in nature for children should seem simple, so you need to tell it as accessible as possible. Well, for example, tell the children that water travels from earth to heaven and then back again. So, for example, if you put a container of water outside in the sun and wait a bit, the water will evaporate and fly to the sky. There she will join the big clouds, and will wait for her time. And when a lot of water gathers on the clouds, it will finally go back to earth again. At this moment we can see the rain, and in cold weather- snow.

After the rain, puddles remain on the pavement, and when the sun comes out again, the water will again continue its journey, and again return to the sky.

Watch the video film "The water cycle in nature for children":

Explain to the children that the sun plays here key role, with its rays it makes the water rise high to the sky. The snow will also melt sooner or later, and turn into water. Here, for clarity, you can even show the children how ice melts when exposed to temperature. Or you can show the children how water evaporates, how steam can remain on other objects in the form of dew.

In order for the children to better understand the essence of the process, you can organize a small performance with the participation of the children themselves. They will be raindrops that will descend to the ground and turn into small meadows. And then the sun will come out, and they will fly to the sky again. So children will be able to understand the essence of the process, visually see it and accurately learn this material.

Droplet's Adventure

Once upon a time there was a Droplet. She didn't have a mom or a dad. She dreamed of flying to the clouds. She really wanted to find her home. One day, she asked the sun to turn her into steam.
When she flew, she saw EVERYTHING around. EVERYTHING was very nice. When she flew to the cloud, she saw more droplets that were looking for their home.
They became friends. And then they fell to the ground. It was a forest. And where they fell, a river formed.
Then they evaporated again. And again formed a cloud. And then they fell to the ground again.
Only now, where they fell out, there was no longer a forest, but a field. Then they evaporated again and formed a cloud again. But now they have fallen into the steppe.

The droplet got tired and decided to find out if anyone needs rain.
And first she met the Hare.
- Bunny! Do you need rain?
- Of course, without rain, my carrots would not grow.

Droplet again decided to go on a trip. And she turned back into steam. There, she met her friends. And they rained down together. And this time they formed a lake.
So, Droplet found her home.


Well written!!! good fairy tale!!! I liked her!!!

The only remark, perhaps it was necessary instead of the third question:

Flower-seven-flower, do you need water?"

Write the same as in the first two questions:

Semi-flower, do you need rain?
DO YOU NEED RAIN? - Thrice asked question...

Sincerely, and wish you success and good luck in literary creativity, Tiger King.

PS: The droplet, in the figure, is also well depicted !!!

I wrote this fairy tale a long time ago, when I was only in the 1st grade. It was my mother who reminded me that I was in the 1st. And I thought that in the 2nd!
And the question is about water, and not about rain, because the Seven-Flower Flower grew in the garden and was watered with water. He didn't know anyone else.
But in general, now I would write this fairy tale in a completely different way. But she is what she is.

Thank you very much!
And for a drop - also Thank you! :-)

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The Snowman's Journey, or about the water cycle in nature One sunny winter morning, a snowman appeared in the yard. He was blinded by local kids. He was big, round-faced, with a carrot nose and a broom in his hands. Ordinary, and that's it! But he was distinguished from other similar snowmen by extraordinary curiosity. He wanted to know that outside the fence, the more the old Magpie talked about the beauty of the world and called for him. Only titmouse persuaded Snowman to stay, because his departure would upset the children. The snowman so wanted to see what was there that he decided to go for a while at night and then quietly return back. And so he finally got ready, at night he quietly stomped on his journey. Outside the gates was a whole world, like a fairy tale: the snow quietly sparkled from the light of the moon, the trees dozed, covered with snow-white fluffy blankets, everything seemed unusually clean and touching, only the sky hung heavy darkness over the earth. The snowman walked with his mouth wide open, not understanding the road. But it so happened that he got lost and could not find his way back. It happened like this: the Snowman was surprised to notice that the picture around him had changed - the sky brightened every minute, and now a glow appeared on the horizon. Our traveler already knew that this is how the sun appears. The sun warmed up more and more until the Snowman felt a strong heat in his body, and then some incomprehensible sensations appeared, as if thousands of fingers were tickling him. He didn't know what was melting. Gradually, the body became weightless and weightless, until it gushed water over the ground, taking with it a carrot, and a bucket hat, and even twigs from a broom ... - I'm dying, - the Snowman thought with regret, - so stupid, why did I have to go where -That. But the strange thing is, despite the fact that his body turned into thousands of drops, he saw and felt everything. Then someone pushed him (and he felt it): - Hello, where are we running, you're new"http://skazkidlyadetei.ru/blog/skazki-dlya-doshkolnikov/37.html" //skazkidlyadetei.ru/blog/skazki-dlya-doshkolnikov/37.html