The autumn month of October is referred to as "dirty" for constant rains and slush. Field work ends this month, and the time for weddings begins, the days are passing by, and the evenings are cold. About October, people say "autumn until noon, winter until evening." By signs weather conditions signs of October are added.

Folk omens for October allow for next winter and spring.

  • if warm in October - be cold in winter;
  • in October, prolonged frosts - to a harsh winter;
  • thunder in the rain - to a short and snow-white winter;
  • east wind blows in early October - soon dry weather, wind from the west - rain and sleet, northern winds predict cold;
  • the whole month there is a lot of snow - in spring the snow will not leave the field for a long time;
  • in October, the snow fell - in 40 days, wait for the winter cold;
  • the moon in cloudy circles - to drought in the summer.

It was in the second autumn month that the peasants noticed that from what date the first frosts would begin or snow would fall - from that date to expect warm weather in the spring.

Signs about nature

In October, people say - "look at nature and remember the weather." According to the signs for October, the nature of the autumn month, people interpret what will be future winter and harvest.

  • leaves quickly crumbled - a sign promises severe frosts;
  • in October, the leaves do not fall and are green - it will be warm and short winter;
  • if the birch has not thrown off the leaves - do not expect snow soon;
  • trees bloom again - there will be a warm winter;
  • collected a lot of spruce cones - signs for October promise a good harvest of spring crops;
  • in October, birds fly low - expect a harsh winter;
  • cranes and geese are in no hurry to fly away - warm winter;
  • birds fly high and cry softly - by a long autumn.

Folk omens by day

  1. The first frosts and departure of cranes. If the cranes have flown, wait another two weeks for the first frost. The peasants are engaged in drying wild rose.
  2. Trofima and Zosima. The bee nine begins. From the second day in 9 days it is necessary to prepare the hives for winter. On October 2, people watch the geese, if the birds nibble on the leaves, the beehives must be removed from the apiary. They also choose brides and grooms for Zosima - matchmakers go from house to house.
  3. Astafiev day. Strong winds blow and the peasants celebrate the mill festival. According to signs, if October 3 is a warm and foggy day, snow will not appear soon.
  4. Kondrat and Ignat. The day prophesies the weather until November 4th. If it is cold in the morning and warm at night, expect bad weather.
  5. Iona and Phokia. If - a sign promises a strong wind.
  6. Forerunner or Iraida Controversial. Wild animals change a fur coat - to early frosts. For those who are experiencing financial difficulties, the Forerunner can be guessed at finances.
  7. Fekla. According to signs, thunder on the 7th - there will be a short winter, and bright sun- wait for the weather to change. On this day, peasants begin to grind bread and heat stoves. On Thekla, the day is shorter and the night is longer. On this day, wedding ceremonies are held. They say about the fate of the newlyweds - "What Fekla tied, you can't untie."
  8. Sergius of Radonezh (kapustnik). The south wind blows in the morning warm winter, northern - to the cold. A leaf hangs on a birch - do not expect snow. Peasants prepare sauerkraut.
  9. John the Theologian. October 9 watch the sky. bright stars- signs predict good weather, dim - for snow or rain. A leaf from the trees rarely falls - for a harsh winter.
  10. Savvatia the beekeeper. Until this day, the bees completely go into the hive.
  11. Khariton. A dangerous day - they can cause damage or the evil eye. On October 11, you can’t throw garbage out of the hut - evil spirits bring trouble to the family through garbage.
  12. Theophanes time. There will be no solar heat. As you can see, if there are a lot of stars in the sky - by a dry autumn. Fog in the evening - no frost in the morning.
  13. Feast of Michael and Gregory. According to signs, if there is snow on Mikhail, it means a late winter. Birds fly away - snow will soon fall, and frost will hit. The first snow on Michael's day promises a fruitful summer. Young women burn their old linen and bedding in order to meet the winter in everything new.
  14. . If there is no snow on Pokrov, according to signs, there will be no snow until Christmas. From where the wind blows on this day, frost will come from there. It is believed that if you make a wedding from the Intercession, the young will have happiness and prosperity.
  15. On Kupriyan and Ustinya, if the sky is clear, it will be frost. The peasants go to church, bow to the images of the holy martyrs Justina and Kupriyan, in order to protect themselves and the house from demons.
  16. Dionysius. Clouds are low in the sky - signs promise frost or snow. The birds have gathered in a flock and scream loudly - for clear weather. Sparrows fly in a flock - wait for the cold. On Dionysius they carry aspen bark with them, it is believed that it is a strong amulet against evil spirits.
  17. Erofei. After Erofei, the cold grows stronger, winter puts on a fur coat. You can’t go to the forest on Yerofei - people believe that on this day the goblin comes out of the trees and can lure you into the thicket.
  18. Kharitina. If the snow has not fallen to Kharitina, and leaves remain on the birch, the winter will be long. Fog disappearing after sunrise - there will be good weather. A flock of birds flies across the sky in unison - a harsh winter. Women sit down to weave canvases.
  19. Fomin and Denis. According to signs, the first snow on October 19 is a fruitful summer. On Foma, the owner of the house conducts an audit of barns and bins, considers how much food is stored.
  20. Bacchus and Sergius. On October 20, the owner of the house first feeds the cattle, and then eats himself. The hostesses put on a new scarf so that their heads do not hurt all year. Good weather day to heat for three weeks. The snow that fell that day will soon melt. On this day, they were afraid to give birth, according to a sign, on Sergius Day predicts a difficult fate for him.
  21. Tryphon and Pelagia. On Tryphon, peasants open chests and take out fur coats and caftans. Women sew mittens. Low clouds in the sky - soon severe frosts.
  22. Jacob. The fox barks at Jacob - to changeable weather. If the first snow fell, wait 40 days for winter.
  23. Evlampy. According to signs, slush and mud in the yard - do not expect snow until November 4th. The people say - "Evlampy plucks the torches and blows the fire" - a sign means that on October 23 the peasants prepare torches (dry wood chips to illuminate the hut).
  24. Philip day. The moon closes with a dull haze - according to a sign there will be snowfall, a clear moon shines - to frost. This day is considered to be a bath day - the whole family takes a bath and drinks herbal teas.
  25. Good day. On October 25, you can’t do work, wash, sew, weave, quarrel with neighbors. According to the sign, those who were born on Prova will take a sip of grief.
  26. Holiday icons Mother of God Iverskaya. If the rooster crows before nine in the evening, wait for the rain.
  27. Friday Paraskevia. It is forbidden for a pregnant woman to comb her hair so as not to anger Saint Paraskeva Friday, the intercessor and protector of women.
  28. Autumn Yefim day. Blue sky in the morning - signs for October promise an imminent improvement in the weather. At sunrise clouds - it will be snow.
  29. Day of the Centurion Longinus. A pale moon came out - signs promise frost and snow. The sun wanders in the clouds - to a rainy day. On the centurion, winter clothes are hung out on the street to be cleansed.
  30. Hosea day. The peasants put the cart in the sheds and prepare the sled. In the evening they listen, if you hear a cuckoo in the forest - to frost.
  31. Luke. If a cherry leaf hangs on a tree, the fallen snow will melt.

October is the month of harvesting, preparing for winter, and weddings. According to the weather, it is believed that what October is, April will be like that. Ancient weather forecasts and predictions are much more accurate than modern synoptic data.

Folk omens for October. Signs and traditions of October.

October Traditions

October - dirty, leaf fall, podzimnik, wedding, pazdernik, winter, measure, praise-month - the tenth month of the year, the second month of autumn. Among the Romans, it was the eighth month of the year, which is why it got its name (from the Latin octo - eight).

In Rus', October was called leaf fall - because of the autumn fall of leaves, or pazdernik - from pazderi, bonfires (stages of making yarn or ropes from vegetable raw materials), since flax and hemp begin to be crushed this month. In the common people, October was called dirty - because of the autumn rains, bad weather and mud, or wedding - from weddings that are celebrated at this time in peasant life. The time for field and garden harvests has passed - it's time to sit down with an honest feast and sit down for a wedding. From Intercession (October 14) weddings after weddings began to play and walk around the villages and villages.

The weather this month is very changeable. The day decreases by more than two hours. It is believed that the time from October 1 to October 15 is Golden autumn, October 16-23 - deep autumn, and pre-winter begins on the 24th.

According to the astronomical calendar, this month the Sun is in the constellation of Virgo, then it passes into the constellation of Libra.

The talisman of the month of October is an opal stone, a flower is a calendula. The slushy weather in October caused annoyance: work was suspended, and the peasant had to be forced to sit back. It was possible to work only on the threshing floor, and even then on a fine day. But the women had enough to do.

signs of october

October does not like wheels or runners.
. Thunder in October portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
. Autumn says: “I will make gold!” - And winter: “As I want!”
. The first snow falls forty days before real winter.
. The leaf fall passed quickly - a cold will come soon and the winter will be severe, and if the leaves remain green and stay on the trees for a long time, the winter will be short, with slight frosts.
. September smells like apples, October - cabbages.
. The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, on dry ground it will soon disappear. From the first snow to the toboggan run - six weeks.
. Daytime snow does not lie - the first reliable snow falls by night.
. In October at one o'clock and rain and snow.
. In October, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it circles, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
. October took everyone, but the peasant has no way.
. Neither to go by cab, nor to work in the field.
. In October, that women and work that flaxes are in time.
. Like October, like April.
. In October, the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry.
. Oh, Father October! Only goodness in you, that he took beer.
. In October, only berries, that mountain ash.

Popular name: the first winter, wild rose, stoker ram, plakunya crane, Arina, Irina, Orina - crane years, departure of cranes.

From that day on, cranes begin to fly to warmer climes, so it is also called Arina - crane years. If cranes fly on this day, then on Pokrov (October 14) one must wait for the first frosts, if these birds are not visible, not a single frost will hit before Artemy Day (November 2). In order for winter to come later, it was necessary to shout to the cranes: “Road by wheel!” - and the birds will remain, because the wheel in this expression symbolizes the circle. That is, the cranes had to describe a circle and return to their swamps.
On this day rose hips were collected and dried. It was believed that only the one that was collected or bought after Arina the Rosehip was useful.

The crane will not leave - there will be no frost until another month, until November the second.
. If cranes and geese are in no hurry to leave their homes, the cold will not come soon, and the winter will be mild and short.
. Arina is the first winter (the first snow and frost).
. The departure of the cranes to Eumenes - to the Pokrov frost.
. If the weeds have grown very high, there will be a lot of snow.
. If the birch has not lost its leaves in early October, the snow will fall late.

October 1st is celebrated by: Boris. Alexey, Ariadna, Arkady, Benjamin, Vladimir, Ivan, Hilarion, Konstantin, Mikhail, Sergey, Sophia.

The name of the day is Boris. Characteristics of a person named Borya

This Slavic name, it means “glorious in battle”, “fighter”, perhaps this is an abbreviation of the forgotten name Borislav, which is based on the words “boron”, meaning struggle, and “glory” - glory. Boris is a very neat person since childhood, he always treats books and things with care, he never scatters his clothes, he doesn’t like to give his things to anyone. He is so afraid of getting back his favorite book with a greasy stain on the page that he prefers not to give his things to other hands at all. Things that he really likes can live with him not just for years - decades.

Boris, born in October, is very independent and secretive. He never dedicates anyone to his problems at work, nor in relationships with women. Relatives often find out that he has married only when they get to know his wife.

Among the signs of October, everyone will find something interesting and useful for themselves. After all, signs are not only the experience of ancestors, but also a recipe for success, if you vigilantly observe weather events and nature around.

Our ancestors called October the month of "dirty" because of the slush and frequent rains. At this time, they made a lot of signs about the weather or about the harvest. In addition, weddings were held in October, for which there were even more. Site site experts recommend taking note of the wisdom of our ancestors in order to attract good luck every day and deftly bypass obstacles. The second month of autumn is also rich in folk holidays, during which you can not only have fun, but also perform many rituals. They are designed to provide a comfortable life, distract from everyday routine and get rid of any evil.

October 1st. The departure of the cranes on the first day of October indicated the first frost that would hit Pokrov. According to a wild rose, this day has healing power. Our ancestors spoke and brewed it to get rid of various ailments. The grass is tall - there will be a lot of snow in winter, and in spring it will quickly melt.

2 October. On Trofim and Zosima, hives are prepared for winter and honey is eaten in order to be healthy and to next year there was a lot of honey. It was believed that a girl could look into the eyes of a guy she liked, and then he would definitely reciprocate her. The harvest of bread will be rich if the wind blows from the south on this day.

October 3rd. On Astafia, they follow the wind: which side it blows, such weather and be in coming days. From south to warm weather, from the north - to frost, from the west - to prolonged rain, from the east - to sunny days. Cones have grown low on spruce - expect hard frosts in winter.

The 4th of October. They did not sit on Kondrat without work, so as not to see poverty. On this day, the weather is the same as four weeks ahead. According to a sign, on October 4, they treated the workers of the mill so that they would not spoil the grain.

October 5th. On Foca, they asked for protection from fires. According to a sign, those who will hang a mountain ash under the roof will not have it. Berries will scare away the fire, but they will attract good luck to the house. If on this day the leaves on the birch hold, it means that the snow will not fall soon.

October 6th. On folk holiday Iraida the Disputable is wondering about their fate by those who experience difficulties with money. According to a sign, fortune-telling will come true, and if it suddenly portends troubles, then money is taken away from the house so that they do not disappear. Do not count your troubles - it will increase three times, and call good luck so that you don’t pass by.

October 7th. Spin on Fekla - call good luck to the house. What you tie on Thekla - the century will not be untied. Following this sign, weddings were played so that the young were happy in marriage, and they also carried out deals and made alliances. Many acorns - a fertile summer, and a cold winter.

October 8th. Salt cabbage on Sergey Kapustnik - live full all winter. The first snow fell - wait for the winter on Mikhailov's day. From which side the wind blows, so will the winter. According to the sign, on this day, chickens are rushing - wealth will come to the house.

October 9th. Rain and snow this day - expect three thaws in January. No matter how much snow falls during the day, it will all melt, and if it falls at night, there will be winter here.

10 October. On Savvatiy Pchelnik they are engaged in bees, but do not start other things. No matter how much honey there is, treat a passerby to it, money will come to the house. The bee buzzes deafly - soon the snow will fall, and loudly - soon the cold will strike the bare earth.

October 11. They sit at Khariton at home, they don’t look into the yard. This sign indicates that on this day you can become a victim of the evil eye or damage. Household chores are not started, dirty linen is not swept out of the hut, so that trouble does not happen.

12 October. On this day, the stars shine brightly - the autumn will be dry. They tried to get a hare on the hunt. As you can imagine, a feast with hare on this day promises prosperity to everyone who tries the treat, and the hunter will be lucky all year.

October 13th. On Mikhail Solomonny, old beds were burned in the oven or at the stake in order to avoid the evil eye. Children were bathed on the doorstep to protect them from illness in the winter. Snow falls - winter is not coming soon. Cranes have flown south - wait for the cold weather.

October 14. According to the tradition, weddings on Pokrov are the strongest. The girls believed that the more fun the holiday was, the sooner you would find a husband. Snow did not fall on Pokrov, which means that we have to wait until Christmas.

October 15th. On Kupriyan and Ustinya, they got rid of evil spirits and defended themselves from demons. According to the sign, on this day, girls at parties should not have fun, so as not to invite trouble.

16 October. On Denis of Winter, they carried aspen bark with them so that evil spirits would not overcome. It is customary to read conspiracies from the evil eye and make amulets for the home. Whoever protects himself and the house, sleeps soundly at night.

17 October. According to Yerofei, the goblin wanders in the forest, so there is no way to go there. From Yerofey, the cold is stronger.

18 October. Clouds go against the wind and crows circle - wait for snow. There is no wind - the cold will come. On this day, have time to roll felt boots so that you don’t freeze in the winter and don’t sit at home.

19 October. Check the bins for Foma, Higher power thank you for the harvest. A windless day promises cold.

The 20th of October. Winter will not come soon if the snow falls, and the leaves are still on the trees.

October 21. On Tryphon, check winter clothes and patch them so that you don’t freeze in the cold. In the old days, on this day, clearing the forest for future fields was considered a good omen - the harvest in the new place will be rich.

22 of October. Prepare firewood for Yakov Drovopilets - you will spend the winter warm. On this day, heat the stove with new firewood and cook porridge in it - live happily ever after until summer.

October 23. Where the horns of the moon look, from there the wind will blow. If they look to the north, the cold winter will come, and to the south, the slush will stand until November.

October 24th. Snow fell on damp earth and did not melt - wait for income in the spring. The rivers are frozen - fortunately: you can bring money luck to the house. Falling leaves on this day herald a difficult year.

the 25th of October. Andron the Astrologer brings the harvest. If the sky is strewn with stars, expect a good harvest. The stars burn brightly - wait for the frost, shine dimly - to the thaw, blink - there will be a change in the weather. The star falls - dry weather will be and windy until the end of the month.

October 26th. They drowned in the Iberian bath, splashed herbal decoctions on the stones and steamed brooms to drive out the ailment. According to signs, on this day, anyone can gain health if they brew herbs and stop cursing.

27th October. On Paraskeva, the footprint of a horse's hoof quickly fills with water - winter will come in four weeks. A lot of mud - the spring will be wet. On this day, according to the sign, pregnant women should do amulets in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and give birth easily.

28 of October. On Yefimiy, the kikimora interferes with the girls, tears the yarn, beats the pots. You can avoid harm from evil spirits with the help of prayer.

29th of October. On Longinus Sotnik, clothes were taken out of chests, aired in the cold, warmed in the sun. By the way, it was possible

Every autumn day pleases with its unpredictability. October, the second autumn month, is especially distinguished by the vagaries of the weather. Sutra the sun, not a cloud in the sky, warm, straight summer and the soul rejoices.

As soon as the sun passed past noon, clouds came running, the wind blew, the sky was covered with heavy menacing clouds. So look, now it’s either a downpour, or maybe it’s going to snow. All this is October.

In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.

The two-faced month that tells you to hurry with recent works in the garden and in the fields, with preparations for the winter, flirting with warm days Indian summer. And then he frowns, gets angry, and hurries to blow out, make a fuss, and check how the house was prepared for the winter. What do folk omens say about such an ambiguous and changeable month?

No matter how many names October received among the people. And it's all related to folk traditions and signs of October. Own modern name month received from the Romans. They considered it the eighth of the year in a row. From here it went: eight - octo, the eighth month - October.

In Rus', the most common name was "leaf fall". It is in October that the fall of leaves begins in the main territories of Russia.

Interesting name pazdernik, which is associated with the stages of making ropes and yarn, for which only plant material was used. Pazderi, bonfires - such unusual words and named the month.

In October, that women and work that flaxes are in time.

But in the common people they called October dirty. Constant rains and bad weather made the roads impassable, and the fields crumbled.

Mud and slush are the first signs of the month of October. Neither to go by cab, nor to work in the field.

Also called the wedding man. After all, it was in October, when all the field work was completed, that the wedding festivities began. According to folk signs, weddings for October began to walk only after the Intercession, from October 14th.

With an honest feast, it's time to sit down for the wedding.

And in all the villages and villages, merry festivities began. The young hurried to fasten family bonds until hard frost. According to tradition, weddings were allowed to take place before the start of the Advent Lent.

weather signs for October, the month was divided into three more stages, unequal and not similar to the usual decades.

In October, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it circles, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

The time when folk signs for the month of October tell us to finish the harvest and enjoy the last warm days. This period should be devoted not only to work in the garden.

Great occasion get out into the forest, have a picnic, wander between beautiful multi-colored trees and shrubs, pick up mushrooms and eccentric leaves. And, of course, tell children about folk signs about October.

The next stage is the period from October 16 to 23, which is considered to be late autumn. It's time for slow owners to hurry up to prepare the garden for winter, to cover plants that are unstable to frost.

Mistresses devote this week to preparations. Sauerkraut, tomatoes. The barrels are filled with the last autumn apples, eggplants.

And, of course, wedding preparations are in full swing. At this time, signs of October in vivid pictures they will tell about future harvests and the weather.

The end of October from the 24th was considered the transition to winter. Therefore, the name was received "pre-winter". Observant people notice at this time the signs of October for the winter.

On the basis of centuries-old observations, special signs have developed among the people - the October calendar will tell in detail about all the observations.

In October, daylight hours are rapidly decreasing. In a month, it becomes shorter by as much as two hours. Nights in October are considered the darkest of the year.

This also applies to homework. Slush and dirt does not allow the peasants to go out into the field.

Therefore, field work is forced to stop. And the peasants were either forced to sit back or work on the threshing floor.

October took everyone, but the peasant has no way.

The women didn't have time to mess around. It was in October that they chopped cabbage in the winter.

September smells like apples, October - cabbages.

And this workpiece, even at first glance, is not simple. Anyone who salted cabbage in barrels knows how much time and effort this difficult process takes.

But then all winter on the tables there was crispy sauerkraut - one of the essential attributes of the Russian table.

Especially until spring, before new harvests, there will be two long fasts: Christmas and Great. Vegetable preparations are very useful for this time.

And also mushrooms. What is a Russian table without mushrooms? It is in October after the first rains that you go to the forest for forest mushrooms.

These are not the mushrooms and oyster mushrooms that enterprising mushroom pickers are trying to feed us. This is a real miracle - a treasure trove useful elements, nutrients, which by the way will be on the Lenten table.

Autumn says: “I’ll make gold!”, And winter: “As I want!”

IN astrological calendar The sun in October is in the constellation Virgo. And Virgo, like no one else, loves order and requires compliance with all instructions and rules. Do not ignore sayings, proverbs, signs that came to us from our ancestors in October. They contain those guidelines for action, adhering to which the people have always painlessly survived the most severe and even hungry winters.

Folk signs about the weather for October

Signs of October about the weather will be interesting for both adults and children.

Warm October portends a harsh winter.

Thunder in October is associated with a snowless and short winter.

The signs of thunder and lightning in early October spoke of the same warm weather.

But a rainbow in October is a rare occurrence and, according to popular beliefs, promises the arrival of warm days, Indian summer.

The first snow in October, according to signs, will not last long, since it fell on dry ground. Autumn will please with warm days. And if the snowflakes fell on the wet ground, that is, immediately after the rains, the snow will last for several days.

The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, on dry ground it will soon disappear.

Daytime snow does not lie - the first reliable snow falls by night.

Real snowfalls should be expected only 40 days after the October first snow.

The first snow falls forty days before real winter.

From the first snow to the toboggan run - six weeks.

According to the weather of October, they judged about. It is believed that the date until which the dry weather lasts foreshadows the date in April, when spring will come into its own with full strength.

Like October, like April.

When white clouds are observed in the October sky, but in small numbers, the coming days will be clear, but quite cold weather. With low and fast-moving clouds, it is worth waiting for an early cooling, and maybe even snow.

Watch out for heavenly bodies They are also good at predicting the weather.

Pale moon, as if in a fog, usually before rains. A bright month promises the wind. But the circles around the moon of a cloudy shade portend a dry summer.

In October, the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry.

If the sunset is accompanied by a bright scarlet glow, wait for the next day strong wind. And dim stars always promise precipitation.

Look where the wind blows from at the beginning of October: from the east - the weather should be clear and dry, from the west - to the rains, from the north - expect frost and snow.

Signs associated with animals in October

autumn signs for September, October, November will help you navigate the changeability of weather conditions. And they helped not only natural phenomena but also animals and plants. All animals intuitively feel changes in the weather, therefore they are considered good weather forecasters.

But take a closer look at the web itself. If it flies in the air, freely spreads over plants, this is a clear sign of warming. It is by the flying web that the arrival of temporary warming is determined. And since the spiders began to weave a dense web, the time has come for cold snaps.

But you can see a hare in a white coat only before the onset of frost. If autumn promises to be warm, hares do not change the color of their coat for a long time, and remain gray.

Look at the minks that mice dig. If they go south, then the approaching winter will be very severe.

Birds, flying south, go in schools low above the ground, to be cold in winter, and if they have risen high into the sky, winter cold is not worth waiting for. Geese flying south bright omen approaching winter.

The bees covered the notch with wax, leaving no gap, to be severe frosts. They left the entrance open in the winter, strong winds and there will be no frost in winter.

Mosquitoes in October, according to signs, swarm to heat. Usually, if the winter is early, there are no mosquitoes in October.

When the trees bloom again, despite a short cold snap, autumn will still please with warm days.

big harvest acorns foreshadowed a fierce winter. A plentiful harvest on mountain ash spoke of the same.

If a lot of nuts are ripe, and there are very few mushrooms in the forest, there will be a lot of snow in the winter months.

In October, only berries, that mountain ash.

With a friendly leaf fall, a harsh winter awaits. And if the leaf does not want to fall from the trees, and stays on the branches for a long time, almost until the end of the month, then the winter months will please you with mild weather, not frosty.

When the birch does not shed its leaves in early October, you should not expect early snowfalls.

If a leaf from a birch fell off on time and together, to be in - a long thaw. The leaves on the birch began to turn yellow from below - wait for late spring, and from the top - early.

The onion peel also predicted the weather in winter. Thin scales promised a mild winter, and a dense, thick peel, and even the onion itself is evil, vigorous - to be a harsh winter period.