What should a baby do at six months? How to properly develop a six-month-old baby? How to choose good toys without getting lost in a huge assortment of children's stores? Such questions often concern young mothers and fathers who want their child to be healthy, happy and delight them with new successes.

Height and weight of children at six months

Until 2006, outdated norms for the development of children were in force, based on observations of babies on artificial feeding. Therefore, it is not always worth listening to the words of grandmothers that the child seems thin, it is better to check with the new standards developed by WHO 10 years ago.

According to these parameters, the weight of girls at 6 months can be from 6.5 to 8.2 kg, and their height ranges from 63.5 to 68 cm. Similar indicators for boys are slightly higher: 7.1–8.8 kg of weight; height within 65.5–69.8 cm.

If a boy or girl has a height and weight lower or higher than indicated, this does not directly indicate health problems. However, extremely low or high levels may indicate gaps in the child's nutrition system or a hidden deficiency of nutrients. Therefore, if a difference from the norms of height and weight is revealed, one should be attentive to the condition of the baby and conduct additional examinations, if possible, in order to exclude unpleasant consequences.

What a baby should be able to do at six months: developmental standards

We list the main skills that a 6-month-old person can boast of mastering:

  • Can roll from tummy to back
  • Masters the coup from the back to the stomach from both sides, while one of the sides can be leading
  • Lying on his stomach, straightens his arms and leans on his palms;
  • Reaches for a toy, trying to get it;
  • Tries to transfer objects from one hand to the other;
  • Learns to crawl without lifting his belly;
  • Sitting or semi-sitting with support;
  • Relies on legs when held upright, supported under the armpits;
  • When trying to plant it, it can keep its head in line with the body.

At this age, physical development is decisive for general development child, it should serve as the main guideline. Mastering various motor skills most of all reflects the gradual maturation of the child's brain. However, there are other criteria that the baby grows and develops correctly, in accordance with its age. For example, these:

  • Ability to pronounce individual vowels and consonants, as well as their combinations;
  • The ability to recognize the mother's voice, the "animation complex" (movements of arms and legs, babble, different sounds, eye tracking) as a response to it;
  • Reaction to the sound of a toy falling, doors slamming, etc.;
  • The ability to follow the eyes of an object in motion;
  • Hands and mouth are involved in the study of objects of the world;
  • Interest in one's own and others' reflection in the mirror;
  • Positive reaction to games with adults (“cuckoo”, nursery rhymes, “give and on”).

Not always all these skills appear at the same time, often the development of children is non-linear. Some smart babies at 6 months old know how to say the word "mom", but they are in no hurry to learn to sit and crawl. If the baby is healthy and active, do not be afraid of individual manifestations of developmental delay. But the advice of a specialist - competent, calm, attentive - should not be neglected. Although often a six-month-old baby will please his parents with success if he is engaged with him every day and plays with pleasure.

The development of a child at 6 months is in your hands. After all, at this time the baby is with a loving and caring mother a lot, listens to her voice, watches her actions and facial expressions. It is also in the power of parents to stimulate physical, verbal and emotional development child. How to do it?

First of all, it is worth motivating the child to move independently more often. If for some reason you avoided putting the baby on the floor, he spent time on the handles or in a deck chair, then you should fill this gap (be sure to free the surrounding space from small or dangerous objects). Place a beautiful toy near the baby, knock or ring it, attracting the attention of the young researcher.

There are simple techniques that help young children learn to turn from their stomach to their back and vice versa. They are easy to find on the net in the format of video tutorials.

Name the objects surrounding the child, voice your actions and plans, call him by name.

While your baby is awake, find time to play hide-and-seek (cuckoo), patties, learn a few nursery rhymes and finger games. You will soon see that some of these games are especially liked by the son or daughter.

Invite your child to collect a pyramid, roll or throw a ball. Give your child simple household items like pots, spoons, lids, soft bottles, paper. Comment on the actions of the child, rejoice in his discoveries!

Top Educational Toys for Babies at 6 Months

  • balls different sizes and invoices;
  • Pyramid with rings of different colors;
  • A simple machine, non-inertial;
  • Books with surprises;
  • Developing mats with pockets with zippers, Velcro, buttons
  • A set of cups of different sizes;
  • Musical instruments (maracas, tambourine, drum).

The sixth month of a child's life is one of the stages of separation from the caregiver. What a child can do at 6 months already allows him to play on his own for 5-10, or even 15 minutes. However, not all activities of the baby please parents. For example, a child may throw a toy on the floor over and over again and ask his mother to pick it up with sounds. Remember that at this tender age, children do not know how to manipulate and do out of spite. Such actions are just the need of a growing person to play, interact with loving people, knowledge of the world and the properties of surrounding objects. Such games, despite the seeming meaninglessness from the point of view of adults, contribute to child development. Be patient, but don't encourage the behavior you don't like.

In this article:

Only four weeks remain for the baby at 5 months before he celebrates his first serious birthday - six months! The development of the child during this period is rapid, and every day the baby pleases with new skills.

Physiology of the child at 6 months

At five months, when the first, albeit small, anniversary is getting closer, the baby becomes noticeably stronger, stronger, more resilient and developed. The new successes of the child delight and inspire parents who, in an effort to stimulate development, at this age begin to force things, trying to plant the child and even teach him to stand and walk, holding hands.

There is no need for such forcing, moreover, it can have a negative impact on the physical development of the crumbs. If the fifth or sixth month has not become a time for the child when he is ready to sit down on his own, then the development of his muscular corset requires a delay. Parents in such a situation need to forget about ambition and the desire to help the child sit down early with the help of numerous pillows that support him from all sides.

The diligence of adults, by all means willing to seat the baby, if not earlier, then at least in time - in 5-6 months, can lead to serious problems with his spine. Over time, when the child's muscle corset is ready for stress, he will sit down on his own, and this will happen in the next few weeks.
The main thing is to be patient, not rushing the development of the baby in this direction.

At the same time, at 5-6 months, most babies have their first teeth. Their gums swell and itch - children become whiny, irritable and capricious, experiencing new torments for them. To alleviate their condition during this period, special painkillers for babies during the period of teething will help.

About psychology at 5-6 months

Analyzing mental development baby, more and more noticeable shifts can be noted. A child at 5-6 months already consciously reacts to the sounds of his name, demonstrating with all his appearance that he understands who they are addressing. The baby distinguishes the faces of loved ones and strangers, is wary of people he finds suspicious, unusual, or seeing for the first time.

At 5-6 months
the baby can entertain himself by imitating the behavior and speech of the adults around him. The baby tries to copy not only individual sounds, but also entire syllables, so parents at this time should try to pay as much attention as possible to communicating with the baby:

  • read him fairy tales;
  • read poetry;
  • sing songs;
  • playing, insert nursery rhymes into speech, etc.

Full and regular communication will be an excellent impetus for the development of speech perception skills in a child.

In this age the baby is already able to penetrate the atmosphere around him. If the house is calm and quiet, the child will feel relaxed and confident, at the same time, noisy gatherings will definitely become a burden for the crumbs, followed by stress. Therefore, if the baby is 5-6 months old in the house, then it is better to refrain from noisy festivities.

Basic skills of a child at 5-6 months:

  • the baby tries to crawl - more often back than forward;
  • plays and controls hands;
  • tries to sit down without support;
  • sleeps the whole night without feeding.

The last point is especially pleasing to parents who, after many months, finally get the opportunity to sleep.

Interesting educational games for kids

Communication with a child at 5-6 months is easiest to organize in game form, thus providing positive influence on his mental and partly physical development.

Try to take crumbs in your arms and go with him to the mirror. Tap on the glass and wave to the reflection of the baby with the words "Hi!", and then help him wave the reflection, this time with his pen. In front of the mirror, you can change facial expressions, make grimaces, shake your head, clap your hands and do a number of other interesting and funny things from the point of view of the child that will attract his attention.

Considering that during this period the baby learns to reach out and grab objects, you can play with him, training the coordination of hand movements. For example, you can hang toys on laces above the crib or playpen so that he can reach them. You can also put rattles in the hands of the child,
showing him how noisily they fall or knock. Do not forget to encourage the efforts of the baby!

Hearing development at 5-6 months can be accelerated by occasional listening to music. It is better to turn it on not too loudly, so that the child can understand where the sound is coming from. You should not listen to music in the baby's room continuously, as the unceasing sound background will quickly tire the child. Great entertainment - joint dances with the crumbs to the music: already at this age, he can enjoy rhythmic movements.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 07/02/2019

An important event for every parent is the achievement of a child of 6 months of age. From the moment of his birth, the baby has already learned a lot, learned a lot, got used to family members. Mom and dad closely monitor their child, try to teach him everything as quickly as possible, they are afraid that the baby will not begin to lag behind his peers in his development, so they are interested in the question "What should a child be able to do at 6 months?".

Physiological development

The height of a six-month-old child should be 64-68 cm, and weight - 6.8-8.5 kg. A deviation from the norm by 1 kg in weight and a few centimeters in height should not cause concern. Diet needs to be adjusted according to weight gain. If the child has a lack of weight, then cereals should be introduced into complementary foods that contribute to an increase in body weight. If the baby is gaining weight well, and possibly has an excess of it, then the main part of complementary foods should be fruit and vegetable purees. In order for the baby to grow well and fully develop, he must receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Below is a table of the physical development of the child - the norms of height and weight of girls and boys according to WHO and Russian pediatricians:

At the end of the 5th month of life, children learn to roll over on their own from back to tummy and vice versa. After mastering this skill, the child begins to practice it often. The baby does not just lie on his tummy, he leans on his arms, tries to rise, tries to kneel.

The baby can cling to the sides of the stroller, the back of the crib, pull up and sit down. Most babies can sit up on their own by six months of age, but their backs still need support.

Lying on his stomach, a six-month-old child can only lean on one hand, and take some objects with the other. He wants to touch, feel, explore everything. If he cannot reach the object of interest, he will look at it, unclenching and squeezing his fist.

There is a realization that he has two pens. He takes the toy, shifts it from one hand to the other, comparing the sensations and making sure that it feels the same in both hands. The baby can take a toy in each hand.

Some parents record all the achievements of their kids on video, so they know at what age their child acquired this or that skill. Subsequently, this may come in handy when a second child appears in the family.

At six months, many babies begin to move. Someone backs up, pushing off with his hands, someone rotates around himself on his tummy, and someone is already moving on all fours. If a child has learned to crawl at 6 months, that's good. If he still does not know how to do this, there is nothing wrong with that. Some babies don't crawl at all. Skipping this stage of development, they immediately get on their feet and try to walk.

Parents should in every possible way contribute to the development of the muscles of the child. It is necessary to do regular massage of the legs and back, lay the child on the floor, as it will be more convenient for him to develop his motor skills on a flat surface. The floor must be clear of debris and foreign objects that can harm the baby.

A six-month-old baby is not yet ready to walk, but he is preparing the hip muscles for this process. If the baby is lifted and held by the armpits, he will start to push off with his legs, dancing and bouncing. If you lift the child by the arms from a prone position, then he will try to pull himself up and sit down.

Fine motor skills of hands develop quickly. Fingers firmly and confidently hold various objects. The kid is actively interested in small objects, tries to take them first with a pen, and if it doesn’t work out, then with two fingers. He shakes the toys, listening to the sound they make, knocks them against each other, throws them away, carefully watching the flight and fall. Toys are examined not only with hands, but also with the mouth, licking and biting them.

If a child is not interested in small objects, this is not a sign of developmental delay. It's just that the baby is interested in larger toys.

At this age, the baby likes it when they change the position of his body in space: they shake it left and right, up and down, lift it higher, circle around the room. At these moments, training vestibular apparatus, and kids get a lot of pleasure, they rejoice, smile, laugh.

You can more clearly see the skills of a six-month-old baby in the video at the end of the article.

Sleep of a 6 month old baby

The sleep of a six-month-old child is 14-15 hours a day. At night, he can sleep 10-11 hours, and during the day - twice for 1.5-2 hours. In theory, the baby no longer needs feeding at night. In practice, a child who eats breast milk continues to wake up at least 2 times a night.

Sleep schedule for 6 month old baby:

Parents are encouraged to form a daily routine for their child. It will be easier for both mom and baby, especially when he goes to kindergarten and school. To do this, try to put the baby to sleep at the same time every day, often walk on the street, arrange a dream in the air and bathe the baby every day.

Psycho-emotional development

What can a baby do at 6 months? At six months, the baby sees the surrounding objects well, examines them with interest. Sitting on the arms of a relative, he will touch his hair, the fasteners on his clothes. If on the street the baby will not sleep, but stay awake, then he will study the world: trees, birds, dogs and cats, people. It is necessary to form a passive vocabulary child, point to animals, cars, voicing the names of living beings and various objects. The baby already knows his name well, responds to his name, remembers the names of toys that he sees every day.

A six-month-old baby begins to understand the speech of adults. He imitates the sounds he hears, the vocabulary is replenished with the syllables “gu”, “yes”, “ge”, “de”, “boo”. He babbles not only when there is someone next to him, but also alone with himself.

The child often shows his emotions, reacting to family members, to events taking place nearby. He smiles, rejoicing at the appearance close relative, laughs when they play with him or frowns with displeasure, gets annoyed when something does not suit him. Now it is easier for parents to determine the well-being of the baby.

The heightened hearing of the child allows you to hear not only the creak of the door being opened, but also the rustle of papers, a quiet whisper, a slight rustle of steps. He instantly reacts to all these sounds, turning his head towards their source.

A six-month-old baby knows all family members well and may react negatively to strangers coming into the house, especially if strangers want to take him in their arms. An upset baby will quickly calm down as soon as it falls into her mother's hands.

The baby begins to understand the causes and consequences different actions. He consciously presses the button of the toy, knowing that after pressing it, music will play. He likes boxes, chests, pots that you can open and close, hide toys in them.

Table: what a child can do at 6 months

  • When the child is held by the armpits, he does not rest or push off with his legs.
  • Toys are not shifted from one small handle to another.
  • There is no reaction to sounds whose sources are located outside the field of view.
  • The baby does not ask to be picked up.
  • The child does not smile, does not babble, does not recognize mom, dad.
  • Games for the development of a six-month-old child

    Adults can help full development baby, constantly paying attention to him, talking with him and playing educational games.

    Children love games with boxes, caskets, bottles. They like to open and close them, hide and find various objects in them. You can take the usual cardboard box from under the tea and hide the toy there, and then help the baby find it.

    You can play with various objects, let your baby touch them so that he feels the difference in materials and shapes.

    well trained fine motor skills hand toys, which are spirals along which you need to move objects (usually balls). Such toys are sold in any children's store, they attract the baby with bright colors and moving parts.

    Massage of the hands will be useful for the child. Mom should daily easily massage not only the legs, arms, back, but also every little finger. To date, you can find many videos for moms that demonstrate methods for developing a child.

    When mothers communicate with each other, they share the achievements of their babies. For some, the child goes through some stages of development faster, while for others it is slower. You should not compare the skills of small children, because each child is unique.

    Read more:

    The six-month-old baby has already left behind the first, most difficult part of his infancy, and the parents have learned to recognize the moods and desires of the child, arranged their life and established a regime that is comfortable for all family members.

    A six-month-old toddler begins to actively explore the environment, and the development of his body helps him in this. From 6 months, the child moves more freely - he controls both handles, rolls over on his stomach, then sits down and begins to crawl on all fours. He recognizes the taste not only of mother's milk or formula, but also of more adult food.

    From the age of six months, you can already develop both physiological mechanisms child's skills and mental capacity, the perception of beauty. In order for your efforts to be directed in the right direction, let's figure out what a six-month-old peanut can be able to do.

    Physical development of a six-month-old baby: norms and features

    It should be noted that every person, including a baby, is an individuality, therefore, any norms for the development of an organism are estimated only approximately. As adults vary in their weight, height and temperament, so children can be thin or plump, squat or tall, but still healthy. Serious deviations are usually disturbing, because of which a person lives inferiorly and does not merge into society.

    By the 6th month of life, a boy or a girl gains, respectively, 500-600 g to their birth weight, and the height increases by two centimeters. On average, the weight of a six-month-old baby reaches 9 kg, and height can range from 65 cm to 70 cm.

    • By 7 months he should calmly roll from tummy to back and back. Your child is much more mobile, can fall from an ordinary bed to the floor, if you do not look after him - you can only leave one baby in an arena with protection.
    • At the age of 6-7 months, some guys are already sit up or pull up holding onto something or someone with hands. At this age, the child's spine is not yet strong, it cannot withstand the weight of the child for a long time so your little one should sit no more than 15-20 minutes at a time. It's not yet time to buy walkers, seat slings and swings (we recommend reading:).
    • At 6 months the baby is active starts using both pens. He spins toys in them, can reach for a spoon while feeding, shifts objects from one handle to another.
    • Upon reaching six months, many babies begin to crawl, and some even stand, holding on to a support (we recommend reading:). If the child still does not know how to do this, then he usually uses other funny ways of moving - he can roll from side to side, stretch, grab all the handles and pull himself up, lift his upper body, lying on his tummy, try to grab something.
    • During this period, it is important not to limit physical activity baby: try to leave him often free of clothes on the changing table, lay him out on the bed or on a blanket on the floor so that the child can move as much as he wants.

    Active use both handles - a distinctive skill of this period, which speaks of proper development motility and psyche of the baby

    Another important process that is activated in a child at six months is teething. If the baby actively pulls pens, toys and foreign objects into the mouth, becomes moody or lethargic, refuses food and favorite entertainment, the first tooth will soon appear.

    Neuropsychic and emotional development of the child

    Opportunity to perceive in a new way, more fully the world contributes to the fact that a child at six months already shows more emotions, reveals his temperament and shows character. He clearly focuses his eyes on objects and people, smiles consciously, copies sounds, understands when he is praised or scolded. Cries less often, and the reason for crying is becoming more and more understandable for adults. Most importantly, many babies already identify themselves, react when others say their name.

    One of the most popular pediatricians of our time, Komarovsky, believes that it is from 6 months that you can start developing activities with your son or daughter in a playful way. Select a few toys that the child draws on most attention, tell simple stories, read little fairy tales and poems - the child will hear correct speech and his own will develop faster.

    Use the new physiological capabilities of your baby, develop these skills. Buy toys to improve motor skills, cubes, balls, large puzzles and sorters (we recommend reading:). You can play with peas and beans, pasta, but make sure that the child himself does not come into contact with small objects, does not accidentally swallow anything, because it is from this age that the little ones are pulled into their mouths foreign objects because of the troubling gums, the desire to taste everything.

    Buy teethers, toys made from different fabrics - let him get acquainted with the texture of things. Useful kinetic sand and plasticine dough, pyramids and apiaries, wooden toys, picture books and musical instruments for the little ones. You can also include short educational videos.

    What should a little fidget be able to do at this age?

    Six months is the age when a child's temperament begins to show. Calm kids are more busy contemplating the world around them and studying their hands, while active kids sleep less, are constantly on the move, love to walk and play. The development of children from 6 months proceeds differently: one crawls for a long time and is in no hurry to walk with its fragile legs, the other immediately begins to run. Parents should not look for illnesses and signs of lagging behind in their child.

    Standard points for a satisfactory physiological and neuropsychic development of a six-month-old baby according to Dr. Komarovsky:

    • the child independently rolls over from the back to the tummy;
    • likes to do jumps on his knees and pope;
    • sits down if you pull him by the hands (we recommend reading:);
    • picks up toys with both hands;
    • hums, grunts and laughs;
    • emotionally reacts to the appeal, notes the arrival of parents, strangers;
    • tries to imitate sounds, for example, the meow of a cat;
    • drinks from a bottle and eats from a spoon.

    The kid becomes a doer: he seeks cooperation with adults, actively interacts with objects - he no longer just pats toys, but skillfully manipulates them - examines, takes out, shakes, shifts from hand to hand, throws. Parents really have reason to worry and consult a doctor if, after reaching the age of 6 months, the child is monotonous in motor activity, does not respond to treatment, and is not interested in what is happening around him.

    We determine the level of development of a six-month-old baby using tests

    • Determine the development of attention: pick up a toy and hold it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the baby. He focuses on her.
    • Give your baby a bottle of milk or juice, then offer a favorite toy. By 7 months, the reaction of the baby should already be uneven. At the sight of an entertaining toy - animation, interest, an attempt to grab an object. At the sight of food - sucking movements, open mouth.
    • When the baby is lying, ring a bell directly above him or turn on a musical toy, and then slowly move it away. The child himself or with a little help from an adult will rise, trying to pick up the toy.
    • Talk alone with your son or daughter, looking into the eyes, emotionally and changing facial expressions. The peanut should repeat after you at least a little.
    • Try to take away your child's favorite toy, which he now holds tightly in his hand and intends to play. The kid must stubbornly hold the object, resist, express his displeasure, even burst into tears.
    • If you and your family often address the child by name, then at the age of six months, the little one should already come to life and respond to him with facial expressions, cooing.

    Motto of the sixth month: life is a movement, for a crumb of an eye and an eye!

    From the age of five months, the baby demonstrates his motor skills. Lying in the crib and rolling over from the back to the tummy is already boring. It's time to explore the apartment yourself! Fortunately, he will not get out of the crib, but still you should not leave the child alone for a long time.

    The best place for playing and training is the carpet on the floor. The kid is already trying to taste the fingers of his legs, crawl and sit down.

    Now more and more more baby needs communication, constantly requires attention to itself. Even dressing-dressing for a baby is a sign of attention, especially if you sing songs or say your favorite nursery rhymes at the same time. And if you are busy this moment you can’t approach the child, and he is already starting to act up, familiar songs performed by his mother will help calm the little one for a while.

    Do not be alarmed if the baby is gaining weight too quickly. Up to six months, a monthly increase of no more than 2 kg is normal. Now the child will begin to actively move, and this process will stop a little.

    If the child is bottle-fed, then at the sixth month you can start introducing cereals as complementary foods. In any case, listen to the pediatrician in this matter. One child is given complementary foods earlier, the other later, depending on specific conditions.

    What can a baby do in the sixth month of life?

    • The child is already rolling over from the back to the stomach and vice versa. If he still does it badly, consult a pediatrician, he will definitely suggest exercises that will help teach this to your baby. Also, perhaps, he will prescribe massage and gymnastics to strengthen the muscles.
    • The kid is pulled up on the handles, trying to get up. Help him with this: hold the handles and pull up a little.
    • Tries to crawl. Do not interfere with the child in this, even help. Place your hands under the legs as a support, let the baby push off from them. If a child learns to crawl before sitting, then this is very good. Crawling strengthens the back muscles.
    • Tries to sit up. It is still too early to sit a baby in the sixth month of life, even in pillows, it is better to wait until the back muscles get stronger. This will help him special exercises. Although by the end of the month you can sit down the child for a few minutes, holding him.
    • Lying on the tummy, the child is six months old can rise on straight handles.
    • Begins to speak with the syllables "ba", "pa", "ma". Talk to the baby, and he will surprise you with more and more new “words”.
    • Helps to tell jokes, can sing hummingly or “sing along” to the beat of the song.
    • Explore objects around him and everyone tries to try on the tooth. Be vigilant so that dangerous objects do not fall into the hands of the child. These may include children's toys with small parts or from an unsafe composition.
    • At the sixth month of life, the child fluent in fingers plays with toys, picks them up, transfers them from one to another. And if he doesn’t want to give you a rattle, that’s very good. The kid does not just hold it, he consciously holds and does not give away the object that he likes.
    • Divides people into friends and foes. The child will recognize the voice of the father, who returned home in the evening, even if the father is still in the hallway.
    • Can get carried away with toys for up to 10-15 minutes.
    • Will be happy to study all sorts of jars and boxes, open and close them a million times.
    • Enjoys an interesting toy and gets upset if she is taken away.
    • With interest listens to the sound of music, depending on the music, he can demonstrate whether he likes it or not.
    • If you give a child a ball, in the sixth month of life, he should be able to take it in hand, spreading fingers.
    • Lying on my back baby is watching you when you walk around the room, turns his head in the direction where you are.
    • If the child has already been introduced to complementary foods, then he open mouth willingly to swallow the contents of the spoon.

    The daily routine of a child in the sixth month of life

    If parents have already gotten used to a more or less long night's sleep, then now everything can change again. At the sixth month of life, the child actively begins to cut teeth, abundant saliva appears, the gums itch and itch, this can make the baby capricious.

    Give your baby special teething toys to massage the gums during waking hours. Many mothers use drying or dry crusts of bread instead of toys, but it is better not to do this. A child can soak the dryer and bite off a large enough piece that they simply choke on.

    By this time, the child's daily routine has already been formed.

    The baby in the sixth month of life sleeps three times during the day for about two hours. The first time in one and a half to two hours after waking up. The second - during the day (from 12 to 14 hours), and the third - in the evening (from 17 to 19 hours).

    At night, the child falls asleep at 22:00 and can sleep until 6:00 in the morning without a break. Of course, all this is very individual and depends on each individual baby.

    Sleep disturbance or loss of appetite is not always the result of tooth growth. It is likely that the child is naughty due to a missed or too short walk in the fresh air.

    Also, if you have begun to introduce complementary foods, then make sure not to give several new foods or a large amount of a new food at once. A child's digestion can also affect sleep.

    In any case, following a daily routine will help you and your baby stay calm and balanced. The baby gets used to certain procedures for going to bed and falls asleep pretty quickly, sleeps peacefully at night, cheerful and cheerful during the day.

    Games and activities with the baby in the sixth month of life

    • The game of "coo-coo" is still very popular with the baby and will love it for a long time. Hide, show up, and the child will laugh. You can slightly modify the game: cover the baby’s face with a diaper, he should already be able to take it off, while saying “coo-coo”.
    • Buy baby socks with a bell, put the child on his feet, and let him stomp them. He will surely love this game.
    • Give your child a new white object in their hands. and then a new bright one. The child should look at the second object longer than the first.
    • At the sixth month of life, it is already possible and necessary read books with bright and colorful pictures, name the animals, pronounce the sounds that are characteristic of these animals.
    • Show your nose, mouth, eyes, eyebrows, ears, and the like on yourself and on your child. Be sure to name it though.
    • Carry the baby around the apartment, he will be happy to look around. Show and name objects in the room, toys. Just do not lisp, but pronounce all the names correctly.
    • Let the child touch various objects: cold - hot, soft - hard ... Say these words out loud.
    • Be sure to provide explanations for all your actions., tell me what you're doing.
    • Put away toys for a while that are already tired, replace them with new ones. Toys must be different in color and composition (plastic, fabric, rubber, wood).
    • You can sew small pillows, which will easily fit in the baby's palm, with different fillers (buckwheat, rice, large pasta).
    • A child in the sixth month of life is very likes to throw things on the floor. Sit on the edge of the sofa or bed, give the baby toys, and let him throw. Just make sure the baby doesn't fall.
    • The most popular toys are now musical toys, squeakers, rattles. The child learns cause and effect relationships.

    Diagnosis of problems in the development of the child at the sixth month of life

    Some symptoms may indicate developmental problems. For example, a child in the sixth month of life smiles little or does not smile at all. Does not respond to affectionate speech. Also, the baby should not sharply throw back his head or roll his pupils when frightened. All this should alert parents and become a reason for a visit to a neurologist. Remember that this is not a sentence! Timely access to a doctor is the key to successful treatment!

    If the child constantly sleeps with his mouth open, then you need to contact the pediatrician. Perhaps the baby has a stuffy nose or adenoids.

    Vaccinations for a 5 month old baby: against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (DTP-3), against poliomyelitis (OPV-3) and against hepatitis B (HBV-3).

    What did your baby already know how to do at five months? When did you start feeding your baby?