The issue of female beauty is one of the most relevant today. Fashion is changing so rapidly that sometimes girls can not decide who to focus on. After the next photo shoot, models with appetizing forms of fat women begin to rejoice, do not lose hope of winning the hearts of men and wiping the nose of ill-wishers. But after the Miss World contest, they start when the most irresistible girl once again becomes a thin girl with parameters 90-60-90.

ancient notions of beauty

The standard of beauty changed with the advent of a new historical era. They say that a woman adorns a man, and the current mothers of many children they take care of themselves, watch their figure and go to fitness clubs so that even after forty years they remain desirable and not disappoint their spouse. In ancient times, women were entrusted with the most complex responsibilities: maintaining household, cooking dinner, having children, so they did not pay due attention to their appearance. A few thousand years ago, mothers who gave birth many times to plumpness were considered the standard, but today, in the representation of the male population, this is how ugly girls look.

From Egypt to Greece

Beauty began to pay attention to the ancient Egyptians. By the way, the first dyes appeared in Egypt, and the wives of the pharaohs made cosmetics from berries and other natural elements. It may seem that ugly girls were not born at all then, at least in the frescoes they are always depicted as very miniature, with narrow shoulders and thin limbs. Childbirth was given not so great importance and wives managed to take care of themselves to please their husbands. The attitude towards thinness was also relevant in Ancient China. By the way, as a sign of eternal fidelity to her husband, Chinese women painted their teeth black.

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome- cultural and educational centers of antiquity. Special attention devoted to the beauty of the male and female body. Great sculptors immortalized the images of humanized gods with perfect proportions, curly hair and large There was no need to hide the curves of the body under a thick robe, so the inhabitants of the Mediterranean covered themselves with thin tunics.

Closer to modernity

In the Renaissance, beautiful and ugly girls were in the same conditions: they drank vinegar to make their faces pale, they dyed their hair in light shades. Well-fed ladies came into fashion again, which in the nineteenth century were replaced by buxom girls with slim waist. Then the first corsets were invented, and the ideas about the beauty of a woman two hundred years ago were very similar to those of today. The image of Marilyn Monroe has been ideal for most men for more than half a century, but fashion is so fickle that the buxom blonde is no longer as inspiring to the stronger sex as it used to be.

Ugly girls: natural flaws or a failed experiment?

Whatever the ladies did to seem beautiful: they drank vinegar, painted their teeth black, experimented with substances of various colors. In these ways they achieved imaginary beauty, but was it really necessary, while every woman is beautiful in her own way? You can make expressive with mascara, lipstick and blush, but fashionistas do not always know when to stop.

Today, the ugly face of a girl, disfigured by plastic surgery, only scares away, which Jocelyn Wildenstein disagrees with - a person who has not lost her high positions in the list of the most terrible women in the world for several years in a row. Being a very sweet girl, she successfully married a billionaire, and then she had the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a cat in the truest sense of the word. She changed the shape of her eyes, the position of her lips and nose, and today she looks, rather, not like a graceful cat, but like an ugly woman who spent $ 5 million on the title of "The Most Terrible Woman".

Most often, the so-called "beauties", who do not have the opportunity to visit a plastic surgeon, model their body with piercings and tattoos. It is not known what drives these ladies, but the classic idea of ​​​​the ideal is far from what they become. Not having the necessary talents and connections to become famous, they develop a different tactic and become leaders in the nomination "The ugliest girls in the world."

Ugly but famous

Amy Winehouse, despite her unattractive appearance, even after her ridiculous death, is admired by some boys and girls. The famous black arrows of the singer are drawn on the corners of the eyes by all the admirers of her work, and the most daring ones pierce the upper part of the lip.

And wide-set eyes did not prevent actress Liza Minnelli from becoming a trendsetter. Behind unusual appearance experts consider the multiple Oscar winner to be one of the ugliest women in the world, but Liza's power and enchantment prevailed, and today she is a role model for many secular ladies.

Among the photos of the ugliest girls in the world, the pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker stand out. A big nose and the crooked legs of the actress did not prevent her long years act in famous films and gain popularity. Despite her unattractive appearance, Sarah had affairs with the most enviable suitors, including Robert Downey Jr. and the son of John F. Kennedy. So, ugly girls succeed in the world of show business due to other unique qualities.

Royal Passion

They say that they fall in love with beautiful people, and marry their loved ones. This rule does not cease to apply, even if love costs the reputation of a high-ranking person. Former British King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor, was able to renounce the throne in order to marry the woman he loved. His wife was Wallis Simpson, posthumously ranked among the ten most ugly women in the world. Of course, the British authorities were against the marriage of lovers not because of Wallis's appearance, but the king rejected other beauties and was faithful to his beloved to the end. If this had not happened, his dynasty would have ruled to this day.

The British have never been distinguished by their special beauty, but among all the ones who fascinated the high society with their charm and mercy stood out. Diana's rival was Camilla Parker Bowl, for whom Prince Charles traded his wife. By the way, current spouse Prince opens the top ten most ugly women in the world.

Deprived by nature

Born beauties, girls experiment with their bodies, disfigure themselves with piercings, tattoos, and take other crazy steps towards notoriety. They do not appreciate what nature has given them, but, unfortunately, deformities are not always acquired.

IN Lately more and more often children with physical disabilities are born, looking at which it is impossible to hold back tears. A native of Lizzy Velasquez became famous throughout the world as a baby. She suffers from a rare disease that scientists still cannot diagnose. The ugliest girls on the planet, in comparison with Lizzy, do not seem so ugly, but no matter how the nature of the unfortunate has been deprived, the main thing is not to lose heart and continue to live.

Anti-beauty contests

Everyone can participate in beauty contests, but only girls with a very bright appearance and ideal parameters are destined to win the title of the most-most. Any woman in her heart feels beautiful, even if in reality she is not. In order to make themselves known, fat and unkempt ladies apply for participation in anti-beauty contests, challenging the attractive seductresses of men's hearts. Some ugly girls, whose photos will frighten the unprepared viewer, are actually not so bad, but for the sake of notoriety, they do not hesitate to take part in the fight for such a stupid title.

Current ideas about beauty

Over the millennia, views on the ideal of beauty have changed several times. Unfortunately, it is not spiritual qualities that are most often valued, but external data. This trend is most evident in films and book illustrations, when publishers typify the image of women. Yes, in the series. mother of many children she looks like a twenty-year-old girl - slender, long-haired and active, and old women are different from today's pensioners: they visit spa salons and dress like schoolgirls. Naturalness has long been irrelevant, but what about those whom nature has not endowed with the features of a princess? The main thing is not to become like these powdered girls, but to be yourself, because the criteria for beauty are determined not by the gods, but by ordinary people.

Recently, a Saiton user amused my CSV and asked me to make a section of such half-fucks permanent, and what do you think - I accepted the challenge and present to everyone the second part. Naturally, I don’t look for such assholes myself (I don’t have enough of my whole life for this, because there are more than 9000 assholes, and I’m alone), I’m all pissing from groups in contact. Enjoy. Here. I'll start with this photo, someone can explain why it's so fashionable now to be photographed with a "weapon", and also this fucking cap. Jesus, kill him please. We pass on, citizens, here he is, here he is - a typical rural major. This is a very symbolic picture, for example, caviar symbolizes poverty, for example, can you imagine Carlos Slim being photographed with red caviar?
I hope this warrior goes to the army, where his point will be used for its intended purpose. Warrior, bleat. Freud is pushing me by the side, trying to say something about this photo... But it doesn’t infuriate you, it’s OUR, Internet humor, it’s all out on the streets, it’s absorbed into the brain of a schoolboy, everyone around suddenly became “brothers”, I hate it ... I loved it all, even before it has become mainstream, and YOU, too, right? This is not a fucking photo, this is a parody, but what a ... I'm glad that I don't live in the Russian Federation, you have Putin blowing up houses there, chumps and Nazis. I am sad...
Well, how the hell do you take pictures like this and post them? What kind of fashion is this, to debunk the myth that girls don't poop?
This is not from Russian social networks, it just came across, but we are also moving towards this ... It seems time for our sociologist-philosophers to write a dissertation on the topic: "Alcohol as a parameter of coolness"
and thank God to bleat ...
Superman's wife? Moreover, yes, at first I also thought that this was an unbearably fucking girl, but when I saw a hanging egg, I realized that this world was rotten much more than I had hoped ... As far as I know, all this bodybuilder crap is not worth the male sex cock. I feel sorry for you guys...
Signatures so as not to forget in the morning after drinking who is who ...
and into its pit with concrete ... and sprinkle on top I’ll quote: “Most of all they shout that there are only fagots around; these are all homophobes ... they are all the most ardent lovers of substituting their container for condensed milk”
Congratulations, now you are officially not a schoolboy, but just typical fuckers.
A master of Photoshop... probably a follower of Castaneda (by the way, I take this opportunity to say hello to the Nagual Julian - you are an anti-Semite and will suck your beloved Hitler in hell, Am Yisrael Chai!)
Everyone has an idiot friend who always ruins photos, but if you yourself are an asshole, then it's not so scary.
And sometimes the photo is spoiled by the photographer who does not see the fucking ass in the background ..
This is the future, cool right? And you, username, may have the same son .. think about it.
"White Sun of the Desert"
Dear reader, if you get up on this ass, then I have bad news ...
And if this one, then everything is fine.
Well, in the end - the dream girl of all anonymous, of course, her face is not visible here, but I hope she is cute ...

They were born under a lucky star. Was it so fate, or did they long and stubbornly go to their world fame, but the fact remains: they are rich and famous, and also ... ugly, as hell knows what! Photos of the scariest, ugliest celebrities.

1. Michael Jackson

And who did you expect to see in our list under the first number? Michael Jackson could have become a successful performer and earned worldwide fame by remaining a black singer, but he himself decided to destroy both his face and his reputation. He began to look like an albino, acquiring facial features that were completely unusual for him, for example, the shape of a nose, which is absolutely not characteristic of representatives of the black race. He showed us all what can happen when a person is too critical of his appearance, bestowed upon him by mother nature ... As a result, Michael Jackson turned out to be something between an alien and an albino.

2. Marilyn Manson

Gee... What the hell did this guy do? Unnaturally whitened face different color eyes (one his own, the other covered by a lens of pale blue) and blood-red lips make him look like a ghost ...

Marilyn Manson is simply ugly, you can't say otherwise, and, the strangest thing, he chose this appearance himself. Moreover, he not only disfigures himself, but also awakens disgust in everyone who looks at him.

3. Jocelyn Wildenstein

It's just a nightmare! Here's What Happens When You're Obsessed plastic surgery. rich socialite from Switzerland, Jocelyn became famous precisely because of her ugliness. For extreme appearance journalists nicknamed her "the bride of Wildenstein" (by analogy with the bride of Frankenstein), and this nickname stuck to her like a burdock.

According to rumors, Wildenstein allegedly already spent on plastic surgery in the USA about 4,000,000 dollars, and all expenses are paid by her husband, worldwide famous billionaire, dealing with art objects, Alec Wildenstein.

4. Michael Berryman

No, do not think, this is not makeup for a new role. This L.A.-born actor is suffering hereditary disease- hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. This rare disease that affects the sweat glands, hair, nails and teeth determined his creative role - Michael is removed mainly in horror films and science fiction projects. He has a rich filmography, which includes such tapes as “Oh, this science”, “Alf”, “Invitation to Hell”. He also starred in such legendary films as The Devil's Rejects, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Berryman usually gets the role of mutants, monsters, monstrous villains and other horror-inducing characters. The actor starred in one of the episodes of the series " Star Trek: The Next Generation and The X-Files.

5. DJ Qualls

And again before us is a man who, against his will, acquired a really strange appearance. Qualls suffered from Hodgkin's disease, or Hodgkin's disease, which he contracted at the age of 14. He was able to defeat a fatal illness: after two years of numerous surgical operations(including the removal of the spleen), chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Qualls went into remission, during which he acquired such a peculiar appearance: the young man is distinguished by excessive thinness. In 1997, he entered the University of Nashville. And then (oh, happy fate!), At one of the performances of the city theater, he was noticed famous photographer David LaChapelle and began to invite to his photo shoots. Qualls began modeling for Prada and Calvin Klein. After he was able to become famous as an actor, starring in the film "Road Adventure".

6. Marty Feldman

And here is another tragic case. Marty Feldman (1934-1982) - English writer, comedian and BAFTA winner, known worldwide for his bulging eyes, the result of an overactive thyroid gland. He wrote scripts for 25 films and TV series, and acting fame came to him after performing leading role in the TV series Marty. He starred in the films The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, and also took part as a guest in one of the episodes of the legendary Muppet Show - One Thousand and One Nights.

7. Clint Howard

This time we are not talking about any illness - it's just that this artist himself does not have very good looking. But it is she who is the reason for his incredible popularity. The 1959-born actor has starred in films such as Backdraft, Apollo 13, Knockdown, and TV series Star Trek and Arrested Development. In 1998, Howard was awarded the MTV Award. He was married twice, and he took this step only in order to prove to everyone that appearance does not matter in his personal life.

8. Shane McGowan

This Irish musician, a member of The Pogues, became famous throughout the world as a talented author and performer of his own songs. He is recognized as one of the most significant and poetic Irish composers and musicians of the last 30 years. Great find for our top! He actually looks awful, just awful...

9. Lyle Lovett

Surely Lyle Lovett has incriminating materials on half of humanity. Otherwise, how was he allowed to leave hell and get to our sinful earth? And the fact that Julia Roberts married this monster, makes us think that she, too, was a victim of his blackmail ... or fell under some kind of charm we do not understand.

Find at least something attractive in this person, and if you find it, share it with us - let's laugh together.

10. Kelis

Holy God... Yes, Kelis is not one of those girls who all the boys in the yard run after. When you look at her, a doubt creeps in, is she a woman or an alien from outer space? It sounds a little strange, but if you look at her photo, you can see that her mouth is constantly open, as if she is preparing to swallow you.

Brr, it's unpleasant, of course ... And every time, looking at her next picture, you involuntarily start looking for the Adam's apple.

11. Iggy Pop

Rock singer, composer and actor, he is also called godfather(sometimes the "grandfather") of punk rock. Iggy Pop was the vocalist for The Stooges, a leading grunge and rock band in the late 60s and early 70s that influenced the emerging heavy metal and punk rock genres. Live concerts of The Stooges were notorious, because during his performances Iggy jumped off the stage into the crowd, mutilated himself with a broken bottle, smeared peanut butter on his naked torso and insulted the audience. So, not being naturally handsome, he managed to disfigure himself even more at his own whim.

12. Steven Tyler

This guy looks like a real zombie. He is a famous and very talented singer, a tough guy, the father of one of the coolest girls in Hollywood, he had so many women and money that anyone would envy ... and he is also scary as a nightmare ...

13. Courtney Love

Drugs have never made anyone attractive. And this woman became an example of what an ugly and sexless creature a rather nice girl can turn into as a result of drug use.

14. Donatella Versace

Oh, how quickly the years fly by... Yes, she is talented, famous and rich, but, my God, how ugly she is!

15. Amy Winehouse

Another drug victim is an English singer-songwriter, soul, jazz and R&B performer. On her body there were many tattoos depicting naked women. When asked about this, she admitted that in this regard she likes girls more.

"Basically, I'm more of a man than a woman, even though I'm not a lesbian." Amy always said that when she leaves the stage, she will open a beauty salon and live out her life making people beautiful and happy ... Unfortunately, she did not succeed in doing this, she passed away at the age of 27 years.

16. Ronaldinho

One of the best football players of our time, Ronaldinho, can easily be called the funniest, most honest, most likeable, but at the same time ... and the ugliest world-class athlete. This famous Brazilian is not really trying to embellish his image, for him this is done by his fees of truly cosmic proportions.

17. Kelly Osbourne

Who doesn't know Kelly, the daughter of the legendary Ozzy Osbourne? Americans are very touched by her British accent, besides, everyone recognizes that she has a pronounced personality, but, frankly, Kelly Osbourne's appearance leaves much to be desired. And the point is not at all that the girl is a bit fat, no, lately she has managed to lose a lot of weight, then gain a little again, then lose it again ... Come on, let's be honest, weight fluctuations have nothing to do with it! It cannot radically change a person if he is not naturally very attractive, which is why Kelly made our list!

18. Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling owes her career entirely to her father, media mogul Aaron Spelling, otherwise, with her appearance, the girl would never have been able to break into the screen. For some reason, you always want to hope that yes, daddy pushed through, but then she will prove with her talent that it was not in vain that she was given such strong patronage. But... all hopes are in vain, and (thanks to dad Aaron!) every time you see Tori on TV, for some reason you want to change the channel.

Terrible, but this does not give the opportunity to see, what if she actually became real star? Alas, it doesn't get better with age...

19. Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O'Donnell is a real hooligan, and it's not a bad thing that we got her on our list. It is ugly, but simple and understandable to everyone.

20. Rachel Dratch

Don't get us wrong, we love Rachel. Her sketches are very witty and she really great actress. But, unfortunately, her ugly appearance gives her every right to take the last place on our list.

The article is based on the translation of the publication in foreign publications
The opinion of the author may not coincide with the opinion of the editors

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