1. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

to BOTH shoes
by the fifth of MARCH
SEVEN Hundred twenty
along COASTS
behind HIM

2. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

hussar epaulette
a few eggplants
the sweetest

3. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
more beautiful
in 150 grams
church domes


4. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

fast boats
looked more GENTLE
pair of herons
songs ARABOV
authors of MANUALS

5. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

TWO CITY notebooks
BOTH students
PUT on the table
Golden domes
scarlet lamps

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly

over 200 participants
BOTH hands
more beautiful
don't WAVING your hands


7. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

sweet pomegranates
FIVE cubs
the life of the MONGOLS

8. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

LIE on the floor
THEIR dreams
traditions of the Tatars
small TREES

9. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

HARDER than stone
scarlet cherries
suddenly STUMBLED
EIGHT Hundred years


10. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
Get well soon
BAKE a pie
BOTH tables
leaves swaying

11. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

SEVENTH rubles
new shoes
BOTH sisters


12. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly

according to the timetable
couple of socks
DRIED in the wind
about 150 meters

13. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly

SEVENTH soldiers
SOLDIER company
a pair of JEANS
a dozen GUN

14. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly
sing more BEAUTIFUL
in TWO HUNDRED meters
LIE on the floor

15. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
on BOTH sides
pack of MACARON
no TWO Hundred rubles
STRENGTHEN after illness

16. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
thin tentacles
more SOFT
old beliefs
RINSE your mouth

Task number 6 tests your knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language. For the correct execution of this paragraph, you will receive one point.

The task itself can be formulated in several ways:

1) Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, eliminating unnecessary word. Write out this word.

2) Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing misused word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Note! You need to either EXCLUDE the word or REPLACE it.

What are the violations lexical norm can meet in this task? (We are talking about SPEECH MISTAKES that are deliberately made in this task.)

Violation of lexical compatibility.

For correct use words in speech is not enough to know them exact value, it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical compatibility, that is, their ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common speech error. For example, a similar error can be heard in the speech of sports commentators: Although in these competitions our favorite skaters defeated, the spectators greet them standing (but: they win, they are defeated).

Some words are often used in speech in the wrong combinations:

meeting called

increase attention

give importance

broaden your horizons

Speech redundancy.

Speech redundancy is verbosity. Verbosity can appear in various forms, for example, take the form of pleonasm.

1) PLEONASM(from Greek pleonasmos - excess) called the use in speech of words close in meaning and therefore unnecessary words:

main point

everyday routine

dark darkness

Often pleonasms appear when synonyms are combined:

courageous and bold


nevertheless, however

for example

2) A variety of pleonasm is TAUTOLOGY(from the Greek tauto - the same, logos - the word). Tautology can occur when repeating words with the same root:

tell a story

multiply many times

ask a question

resume again

as well as when combining a foreign language and duplicating its meaning:

memorable souvenirs

debuted for the first time

Let's look at some spelling mistakes.


The word "whisper" contains the meaning of "say very softly", so the word "quiet" in this example superfluous. The word "quiet" is superfluous.


A patriot is “a person who is ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his homeland”, therefore the combination of "one's homeland" is superfluous.


You can make a “pleasant” impression, but not a “cozy” one. Replace the word "comfortable" with the word "pleasant".

Let's do task number 6.

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, eliminating unnecessary word. Write out this word.

The new shoes were a little too big for her.

In this example, the word "a little" is redundant. In the adjective “too big”, the suffix -ovat- indicates the incompleteness of the feature, that is, the shoes are ‘several bigger size than you need'. At the same time, the word "a little" means - "to an insignificant extent, slightly". This meaning intersects with the meaning of the word "large". Therefore, we exclude the word "a little".

Morphological norms kilogram eggplant instead of kilogram of eggplant, white tulle instead of white tulle, in front of six hundred spectators instead of in front of six hundred spectators, in their house instead of in their house, go instead of go.

Features of the use and formation of forms of adjectives

The formation of some forms of comparative and superlative degrees of qualitative adjectives, as well as the use of these forms in speech, may cause difficulties.
Forms comparative degree most often formed with suffixes -her/-her: smart - smarter/smarter. If the stem of the adjective ends in g, k, x, and d, t, st, sk, zk, then the suffix is ​​used -e and there is an alternation of consonants: soft - softer, strict - stricter, quiet - quieter, rich - richer, young - younger, thick - thicker, low - lower. Only occasionally is the suffix used -she: early - earlier, old - older, thin - thinner, bitter - bitter, distant - further, long - longer. Several adjectives form a comparative degree from a different root: good - better, bad - worse, small, small - less.
The meaning of comparison can be expressed using words more/less(comparative degree) and words most/most(superlative degree): more suitable, most difficult, most difficult.

Attention! It is absolutely unacceptable to use both ways of expressing comparison at the same time. It is forbidden: this task more difficult her than the previous one; He most great aish th poet. Right: this task is difficult her than the previous or this task more difficult than the previous one; he is great aish th poet or he most great poet. This also applies to the use of adverbs: one cannot speak running more fast her , Right running fast her or running more fast.
But: the best, the worst.

It should be borne in mind that not all qualitative adjectives form degrees of comparison in general (for example, the words immortal, blind due to their meaning cannot be used in a comparative degree) and with the help of suffixes in particular. In this case, to express the comparison, you can use the words more, less, most: more urgent, less gloomy, the youngest.

Comparative adjectives are used with genitive nouns (oranges are sweeter than lemons) or with union than (today the weather is warmer than yesterday).

Features of the use and formation of forms of numerals

Difficulties arise in the formation of case forms of numerals and their combination with nouns. Most numerals are declined according to the third declension, whileV compound and complex cardinal numbers each part must be changed: performed in front of nine hundred and sixty-seven spectators. numeral thousand changes as a noun of the first declension. Numerals fourty And one hundred in indirect cases they have only one form - forty, one hundred; but as part of complex numbers one hundred changes differently: three hundred, three hundred, three hundred, about three hundred.
When declining compound ordinal numbers only their last part changes (as adjectives): two thousand and fourteenth year - by two thousand and fourteenth year - up to two thousand and fourteenth year.
Collective numbers (from two to ten) are only used with the following nouns:
a) naming males (five friends, four sons);
b) having only a form plural (three jeans, two shorts);
V) children, people, guys, face(meaning "man") and words denoting baby animals ( three guys, five young people, several strangers, seven kids, six kittens);
d) with personal pronouns (there are two of us, five of them);
e) as well as when they themselves act as a noun (two entered, three in gray overcoats).

Attention! Combinations of compound numbers with nouns that do not have a form singular type 22 days - twenty two days are not allowed. Right: twenty-two days, twenty-three pieces of scissors, twenty-four pairs of trousers, a manger in the amount of twenty-four.

Words both, one and a half have two generic forms: both friends (with both friends), a year and a half, both tasks, an apple and a half and both tasks (both tasks, both tasks), one and a half thousand. It is worth noting that the words one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred in oblique cases (except for the accusative) they have the form one and a half, one and a half hundred (one and a half hours have not passed, I have one and a half thousand rubles, we sent out receipts of one and a half hundred subscribers).

In phrases with nouns in the nominative case, the numeral governs genitive case of a noun (sixty houses built); in indirect cases, the numeral agrees with the main word expressed by the noun (about sixty houses). Numerals thousand, million, billion in all cases retain control: a million inhabitants, for a million inhabitants, about a million inhabitants.

After numerals one two three four the singular form of nouns is used (two apples, three episodes), and after numerals from five onwards - plural (five apples, twelve episodes). Numerals one and a half, one and a half in the nominative and accusative rule nouns in the singular, and in other cases the noun is in the plural form: invited a dozen and a half students - talked with a dozen and a half students.

Features of the use and formation of forms of pronouns

Violations in the formation of certain forms of pronouns are associated primarily with possessive pronouns him, her, them, which in literary language do not change (with his friends, about her plans, in their house).
When the personal pronoun he is used in indirect cases with prepositions, the initial is added to it. n-: proud of him - see you n them.
pronouns play important role in the organization of the text when replacing other words. For this purpose, they are used demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one, that one, etc.) pronominal adverbs (there, there, then, etc.) personal pronoun he (she, it, they) relative pronoun which. If the sentence contains several nouns, then it is unacceptable to use personal pronouns he, she, him, her, because this can lead to ambiguity: This herring was given to me by the saleswoman Lyuba, due to the hot weather, she was already plowed. Care must be taken in the construction complex sentences with the word which, otherwise it may not be clear what is at stake:The parents of the children gathered in the hall, who today had to fight for the title of “the smartest”. Who will fight for this title - parents or children - from this proposal cannot be installed.

Errors can be associated with the use of a reflexive pronoun myself, which has no gender and number forms and can refer to all persons and both numbers (The commandant told the janitor to take the tenant's belongings to himself. Who will get the items? . Usually the real meaning of the pronoun myself matchesWith real value subject (I pour myself some tea) but may not match. (remember the people unable to take care of themselves). The reflexive pronoun can also be used in impersonal sentences (I managed to force myself to stop it). Ambiguity is usually created when the infinitive is connected to another actor: The teacher asked the student to take the notebooks to his home. For accuracy, a broader context is needed, for example: It was hard for the teacher to carry the notebooks home, and he asked the student to help him.

Can cause difficulties and use in the text possessive pronoun mine: The teacher asked the student to put the notebooks on his desk- it remains unclear on whose table the notebooks should be placed. To avoid inaccuracy, you need to remember the following: a) if in a sentence the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the object is a noun, then belonging to the object is expressed by the pronoun him, her, them: I found my brother in my room - I found my brother in his room;
b) if the subject and object are expressed by nouns of the same number and gender, the sentence must be changed so that one person is named: The teacher asked to put the notebooks on his (teacher's) table; At the teacher's request, the student placed the notebooks on his (student's) table.

Morphological norms of the modern Russian language (noun)

Russian language. Preparing students for the final certification: OGE, USE. All classes.

Morphological norms- these are the norms for the correct formation of grammatical forms of words different parts speech. Their violation leads to errors that make it difficult to understand the statement and indicate a low speech culture of the speaker: kilogram eggplant instead of kilogram of eggplant, white tulle instead of white tulle, in front of six hundred spectators instead of in front of six hundred spectators, in their house instead of in their house, go instead of go.

Morphological norms for the use and formation of nouns

Difficult cases of determining the gender of nouns

Inanimate nouns sometimes change gender over time, which can lead to
to the emergence of equal options: banknotes and banknotes, dahlia and dahlia, burr and burr, pancakes and pancakes, spasm and spasm. Pay attention to the gender of the following paired nouns: women's sandal, football boot, sports gaiter, comfortable sneaker, leather moccasin, steel rail, children's sandal, indoor slipper (slipper), elegant shoe, patent leather shoe. You should also remember what gender these words belong to: significant adjustment. delicious pancake, railway reserved seat, long tentacle, comfortable mezzanine, light parcel, dark veil, heavy dumbbell, old callus, roofing felt, chocolate truffle, transparent tulle, white queen, new shampoo.
Most inanimate indeclinables common nouns belongs to the middle class (strict jury, crystal sconce), but in some cases it corresponds to a generic concept or an old form: seventh avenue(Street), fresh kohlrabi(cabbage), flavored coffee(old forms "coffee", "coffee"), delicious salami(sausage), lucky penalty(free kick), sultry sirocco(African wind).
The gender of nouns naming persons depends on gender: charming miss, London dandy.
Nouns that call people by profession are masculine, although they can also name females (like inflected nouns): military attache, experienced impresario, famous sculptor V. Mukhina.
Indeclinable names of animals and birds are usually masculine, but context must be taken into account: swift-footed emu, funny cockatoo, but the chimpanzee fed the cub. In some cases, a generic concept is taken into account: tasty iwashi(herring), African tsetse(fly).
The genus of indeclinable proper names is determined by the generic concept: full-flowing Limpopo (river), picturesque San Bartolomeo (island).
The gender of compound words (abbreviations) is defined in two ways. If the word does not change, then by the gender of the main word in the full name: The UN adopted a resolution(United Nations) , RIA reported(Russian information Agency). If the word is declined, then the gender is determined on a general basis - at the end and final sound of the stem: enroll in a technical university(higher educational institution), The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement(Ministry of Foreign Affairs); But: TASS is authorized to announce(Telegraph agency of the Soviet Union).
The gender of compound words is usually determined by the word that expresses more general concept (beautiful butterfly admiral) or for the first part (comfortable chair-bed).

Nominative plural

Among the masculine nouns of the second declension, the most common endings are-s/-i and -a/-i: computers, policies, trains, professors.

When choosing an ending, the following factors should be considered:
a) ending -and I have nouns denoting paired concepts: eyes, sides, horns;
b) words consisting of one syllable, as a rule, have an ending -s/-i (cakes, noises) but there are exceptions (houses, varieties);
c) words consisting of two syllables with stress on the first, as a rule, have an ending -and I: boat - boats, watchman - watchman; if the stress falls on the second syllable, then in the plural the ending is usually -s/-s: watermelon - watermelons;
d) in words of three or more syllables, the ending is common -s/-s with an accent in the middle of a word: pharmacists, contracts (contracts are acceptable);
e) foreign words ending in percussion -er/-er, usually have an ending -s / -s: officer - officers, engineer - engineers, driver - drivers;
e) words on -tor/-sor usually have an ending -s/-s (investor - investors), although for animate nouns, quite often used in speech, the stressed ending becomes common -a/-z: editors, commentators, but doctors, professors;
g) nouns -l / -l and -r / -r with stress on the first syllable usually have an ending -and I:
shako - shako, poplar - poplars.

It must be borne in mind that sometimes the choice of ending depends on the meaning and compatibility of the word:
passes(documentation) - passes(oversights, absenteeism);
tones(color overflows) - tones(sound);
brakes(devices) - brakes(obstacles);
teachers(teachers) - teachers(mentors);
of bread(at the root) - loaves(baked);
fur(skins) - furs(forge);
camps(military, tourist) - camps(political groups);
corps(buildings, military formations) - buildings(torso);
sons(at parents) - sons(homeland);
image(icons) - images(in art), etc.

Neutral nouns usually have the plural ending - mailbox (saucer - saucers, window - windows), much less frequently s / -i (shoulder - shoulders).

Some nouns are characterized by non-standard formation of the nominative plural form:
a) masculine nouns -yonok in the plural have a suffix -yat- and an unfortunate ending -a: calf - calves, kitten - kittens;
b) nouns in -anyin/-janin plural ending in -ane / -yane: citizen - citizens, peasant - peasants.

Attention! The owner is the owners, the child is the children, the person is the people, the chicken is the chickens, the ship is the ships, the bottom is the bottom, the awl is the awl.

Collective, abstract nouns have only the singular form: goodness, faith, children, junk.
Some specific nouns do not have a singular form: scissors, jeans.
The names of substances usually have one form: either plural ( ink, sawdust), or the only one ( milk, sugar, coal), but when designating a variety, varieties of a substance are often used in the plural ( fine cheese - Altai cheeses).

Genitive plural

In most cases, the following rule applies: if in initial form(nominative singular) the word has a zero ending, then in the genitive plural the ending is usually non-zero: apricot - many apricots, bone - many bones, potion - no potions (-th in such forms it is included in the basis, not being the ending); and vice versa: newspaper - no newspapers, business - a lot of business. But there are violations of this pattern: one soldier - many soldiers, one partisan - a detachment of partisans, a share - several shares, a dress - many dresses.
Nouns on - anin/-yanin(except for the word family man, which does not change in numbers), as well as words barin, boyar, master, Tatar in the genitive case of the plural, the zero ending with a cut - in: many Slavs, bar, citizens, Tatars.
Most masculine fruit and vegetable names with a hard consonant stem end in -s: a kilogram of tomatoes, tangerines, eggplants.
The names of paired objects usually have a zero ending in the genitive plural: a pair of boots, a pair of stockings, but a pair of over the knee boots and boots.

Attention! A pair of shoes, five herons, a few candles, five sheets and sheets, no pasta, a pair of jeans, from a manger, a lot of Buryats and Buryats, no comment, no adjustments, a few Turks, from the ears.

Features of the declension of some nouns and phrases

Among nouns, quite large group indeclinable words:
a) foreign words into vowels -o, -u, -yu, -i, -e, percussion -a: coat, stew, menu, coffee, bourgeois;
b) foreign names of female persons: pani, madam, miss;
c) Russian surnames on -ovo, -ago, -s / -them and Ukrainian -ko: Sedykh, Zhivago, Shevchenko;
d) many foreign names and surnames: Jacqueline, Dumas.

IN compound words with the first part floor- in indirect cases, it is replaced by semi-: half a year - about half a year.
There are two endings in the genitive case of the singular masculine noun:
-a / -ya and -y / -ya: a lot of people - a lot of people, a cup of tea - a cup of tea. Forms on -u/-u usually retained if the noun depends on the verb: drink kvass, add sugar.
In the prepositional singular, inanimate masculine nounssecond declension may have endings -e or -u/-u: think about the garden (addition) - work in the garden (circumstance). In some cases, the choice of ending depends on the meaning and compatibility of the noun: in the front row - in a number of cases, covered in sweat - to work in the sweat of your brow, the only one in the world - on the world and death is red, to be out of sorts - as in spirit.

Morphological norms of the modern Russian language (verb)

Russian language. Preparing students for the final certification: OGE, USE. All classes.

The formation of some verb forms can cause certain difficulties.
1. In the formation of imperfective verbs, in some cases, there is an alternation of vowels about -A at the base: arrange - arrange, be late - be late. But when forming similar forms from verbs determine, focus It must be remembered that the options condition, focus are allowed and literary norm - condition, focus.

Attention! Put - put (it is unacceptable to lay down, put!).

2. It is necessary to remember the alternation of solos ms-zh, k-ch, v-vl, f-fl, p-pl, b-bl, m-ml, st-sch, t-ch, d/z-f, s-sh based on the formation of a number of forms: oven - bake - bakes; lie down - lie down - lie down - lie down, guard - guard - guard - guard; catch - catch, shine - shine, weigh - weigh - weigh. But: weave - weave - weave.

Attention! burn - burn - burn - burn - burn - burn; want - want - want - want - want - want - want; run - run - run - run - run - run - run.

3. Sometimes the existence of variants of forms is possible: heed - heed and heed(equal); wave, pour - wave, pour(main), wave, puff(permissible); drip - caplet(from rooftops, from a crane) , (on) dripping(medicine).

4. Pay attention to the forms of the future tense from verbs recover, weaken, weaken(verbs in -et indicate that the action is directed at the subject): I will recover, I will become exhausted, you will recover, you will become exhausted, he will recover, I will become exhausted, etc.

5. A number of verbs do not have some forms of the present and future tenses:
the 1st person singular form is not used for verbs: to outshine, to find oneself, to win, to be born, to moan, to convince, to be convinced;
do not have forms of the 1st and 2nd person singular and plural verbs: boil, boil, boil(about water) roll over, step on(about the time), surround, come true, turn out, happen, be distributed, create, take place, flow, succeed;
descriptive constructions should be used if necessary: I will be able to win (convince); I will win.

6. From verbs with a suffix -Well- the following forms of the past tense are formed:
with the loss of the suffix: arise - arose, penetrate - penetrated, get used to - got used to, get wet - wet, dry - dried up, die - died, disappear - disappeared;
equal options: deaf - deaf and deaf, sour - puss and sour, smell - groin and smelled, wilt - sluggish and withered, undergo - subjected and subjected;
main options to go out - to go out, to freeze - to freeze, to dry - to dry, to go out - to go out, but it is permissible to go out, freeze, dry, go out.

7. Some verbs do not form the imperative mood: weigh, see, hear, be able, hate, happen, want, etc.

Attention! Lie down - lie down (!), sit down - sit down, sit down, run - run, search - look for, put - put down, go - go, go (!).


When using participles in speech, sometimes there are difficulties associated with the formation of forms of participles and gerunds, as well as with their use in sentences.

1. When forming participle forms, keep in mind the following:
a) real past participles are formed from the stem of the past tense ending in a vowel, using the suffix -vsh-, and from the stem to the consonant - using - w-: buy-be - bought, carry-ti - carried;

Attention! Wipe - wiped, bruise - bruised.

B) do not confuse the suffixes of the passive participles of the past tense -nn-(-n-), -enn- (-en-) and -t-: collected, glued, finished. All things are removed (not removed!);
c) when forming participles from reflexive verbs postfix -sya remains: Wavering shadows fell on the walls;
d) forms of passive participles of the present tense are not used (with suffixes -im-, -em-, -om-) from verbs: cherish, beat, knit, iron, cook, hold, regret, know, have, heal, bake, write, spoil, cut, set, pull, teach, clean, whisper, etc .; past tense: return, get, force, outshine, pass, remind, fly around, wait, wish, love, greet, run, see, push, etc.
2. When using participles in speech, you must pay attention to the following:
a) do not confuse real (a sign of the one who performs the action) and passive (a sign of the one who (what) is being acted upon) participles: scientist investigating an object - an object investigated by a scientist;
b) the passive meaning can be expressed not only by passive participles, but also by real ones, formed from reflexive verbs with the suffix (postfix) -sya: the subject we are studying is the subject we are studying. But the use of forms is not allowed. a child dressed as a mother, a dinner prepared by a cook; usage reflexive participles justified if the relevant passive communion no, or it is of little use: cf. the text I wrote was not preserved - the text I wrote was not preserved.
3. When forming forms of gerunds, a number of points must be taken into account:
a) imperfective gerunds are formed from the basis of the present tense of imperfective verbs with the help of a suffix -a / -ya: build - build - build, jump - jump - jump; from some verbs, participles are formed using a suffix (not widely used and perceived as obsolete) -uchi/-yuchi: being, riding, pitying, playing, walking, sneaking;

Attention! Climbing - climbing, swimming - swimming, pinching - pinching, waving, pouring - waving, rash (masha, rash is acceptable), suffering - suffering (in artistic speech- suffering), listen - listening (listening - obsolete.)

b) not all verbs form gerunds:
as a rule, from imperfective verbs that do not have vowels in the basis of the present tense (lie - lie): beat, twist, lie, eat, reap, wait, pour, crush, drink, tear, sleep, rub, sew, etc .;
from verbs with alternating infinitive and present tense stems h-zh, s-sh (cut - cut, dance - dance): weigh, knit, seem, mow, lick, scratch;
from imperfective verbs to -ch, -nut: protect, burn, be able, bake, guard, cut, flow, wither, go out, deaf, get stronger, freeze, get wet, smell, sink, pull;
do not use gerunds from imperfective verbs arrest, run, stab, climb, plow, sing, be born, be ashamed, want;
c) perfective gerunds are formed from the stem of the past tense (infinitive) of perfective verbs with the help of a suffix -in (write - writing), sometimes with a suffix -a / -ya (come - coming, subtract - subtracting) or suffixes -lice, -shi (usually from reflexive verbs) (laughing, ascending);
d) the mistake is to use one suffix instead of another: in a sentence Answering, he hung up need to use adverb answering; such obsolete forms are preserved only in phraseological units: put your hand on your heart, outline your head, reluctantly heart.

There are many morphological forms in Russian inflected words. Fortunately, most of them are absorbed by the guys in early childhood and does not cause problems in preparing for the exam. But there are forms in the formation and use of which both children and adults make mistakes. Below is a list of such morphological forms.

Error forms.Remember the list examples.


Plural formation:

Words on Y - I:

engineers, designers, officers, lecturers, trainers, accountants, instructors, editors, locksmiths, drivers;
vectors, winds, reprimands, jumpers, sweaters, contracts, containers, players, policies, spotlights, warehouses;
ages, choices, ports, handwriting, creams, cakes

Words starting with A - Z:

director, doctor, inspector, professor, cook, watchman, paramedic, tenor, coachman;
districts, warrants, bills, boats, vacations, heaps, bells, bodies, domes, districts, passports, cellars, varieties, farms, poplars, stacks, stamps, anchors

Form formation genitive plural:

Form on OB - EB:

several kilograms (kilogram), grams (grams), hectares, carats, tomatoes, tomatoes, oranges, apricots, pineapples, bananas, pomegranates, lemons, tangerines, eggplants, stockings, socks, shoulder straps, sneakers (sneakers), rails, nerves;

many dresses, upstreams, roots, tatters, downstreams, apprentices, flakes, mouths

Null-terminated form:

a pair of towels, stockings, bloomers, shorts, boots, shoes, boots, slippers, slippers, galoshes, shoe covers, boots, boots, apples, melons, plums;
detachment of soldiers, hussars, dragoons, grenadier (grenadier), cadet, lancer, partisan;
one hundred amperes, watts, volts;
many towers, fables, saucers, splashes, cases, pasta, loops, nannies, cuffs, towels, earrings, gossip, apple trees;
many thoughts, pancakes, seats, pickles, gorges, cookies, dishes, coasts, necklaces, dungeons

The use of nouns of various kinds:

good shampoo, penalty, chimpanzee, cockatoo, wildebeest;
terrible tsetse (fly), fresh ivasi (herring);
old Tbilisi, Sukhumi, beautiful euro;
wide Mississippi, Yangtze, Yellow River;
new subway, scarf, coat

The use of indeclinable proper names:

Nikita Struve publishing house, Dumas reading, Shevchenko's poetry


A mixture of simple and compound forms of comparative and superlative degrees:

Wrong: later, higher, lower; less clear, more scary; the most beautiful (colloquial).

Right: later - later; higher lower; less clear, less scary; the prettiest or prettiest.

Comparative degree education:

Wrong: prettier, better, worse (wrong choice of inflection model, vernacular).

Right: prettier, better, worse.


Inflection of numerals traditionally difficult teaching material.

1. Formation and change of forms of compound numbers:

in the year one thousand and five, two sevenths, three fifths, two thousand and eleven,
eighty (eighty), eight hundred (eight hundred), five hundred, three thousand six hundred and fifty seven

2. Declension of complex and compound numbers:

two hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, four hundred rubles, about five hundred kilometers, three hundred pages, no six hundred rubles, about five hundred books


words: forty, ninety, one hundred.

I.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
R.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
D.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
V.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
etc. forty, ninety, one hundred (in rubles)
P.p. (o) forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)

fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
R.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
D.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
V.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
etc. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
P.p. (o) fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers: five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
R.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
D.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
V.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
etc. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
P.p. (about) five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (roubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred, in which errors are often made:

I.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
R.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
D.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
V.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
etc. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
P.p. (o) one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound cardinal numbers: each word changes in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
R.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
D.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
V.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
etc. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
P.p. (about) two thousand fourteen (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound ordinal numbers: only the last word is changed in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
R.p. two thousand and fourteen
D.p. two thousand and fourteen
V.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
etc. two thousand and fourteen
P.p. (c) two thousand and fourteen (year)

3. The use of collective numbers:

two brothers, three puppies, to both brothers, to both girlfriends, two glasses, two sledges, two of us, three, six of them.


Since the topic causes a lot of problems, remember the cases when it is correct to use collective numbers, in a list:

1. With nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four guys.
With nouns children, people: three children, four people.
3. With nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
4. With nouns that have only plural form. hours: five days.
5. With nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two points, two skis.
6. With pronouns: two of us, five of them.

4. Use of numerals both, both:

numeral both used only with nouns f.r.: both girls, both parties, both books.

With nouns m. and cf. R. the form is used both: both brothers, both friends, both windows.

Wrong: both paths, to both paths, both stars.

That's right: both paths, to both paths, both stars.


Form formation:

Wrong: was carried away by her, with her; theirs; in the midst of him (her), among them; how many books, how many students.

That's right: he was carried away by her - T.p., she has - R.p.; their; in the middle * of him (her), among * them; how many books, how many students

* In the middle, among- suggestions. If you say: from them, from them, say: among them. After prepositions in personal pronouns he she They letter appears in oblique cases n.


1. Education of personal forms:

Verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find oneself, feel, outshine, dare, vacuum and some others do not have a form of 1 person singular. h.

It is a mistake: I will win, I will run, I will win, I will convince, I will run away, I will convince, I will find myself, I am a miracle, a stranger, a stranger.

Correct: do not use these verbs in the form of 1 l., singular.

Wrong: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, want (the wrong inflection model was used, vernacular).

That's right: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, they want.

2. Formation of return forms:

Wrong: met, wanted, said hello, sorry (colloquial).

That's right: met, wanted, said hello (after vowels not -sya, A -ss), sorry (the use of the reflexive form with this verb is a gross mistake).

3. Formation of imperative mood forms:

Wrong: go, go, go, go, go, ride, ride, wave, disperse, lay down, lay down, lie, lie down, run, climb, buy, lie down (wrong inflection model used, vernacular).

That's right: go (with a prefix), wave, drive around, lay down, buy, lie down.


Pay attention to the formation of imperative forms of erroneous verbs, which are often found in KIMs:

Lie down - (you) lie down, (you) lie down
Ride - (you) go, (you) go
Ride - (you) ride, (you) ride
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Climb - (you) climb, (you) climb
Run - (you) run, (you) run

4. Formation of past tense forms:

Wrong: froze, got stronger, dried out, dried out, got wet, got wet, and others like that.
That's right: frozen, strengthened, dry, dry, dry, wet, wet.



Wrong: rinsing, waving, wanting (using the wrong inflection model); doing, writing, taking an interest (present participles are not formed from perfective verbs).

That's right: rinsing, waving, wanting; do not try to form present participles from perfective verbs.


Formation of gerunds:

Wrong: looking in my direction, stacking up, driving (incorrect use of formation models: gerunds with the suffix -я- cannot be formed from the verbs CB).

Correct: looking in my direction or looking in my direction, stacked (exc .: stable combination folded arms), having gone.


1. Formation of adverbs:

Wrong: from there, to open inward, I can hardly, we will divide it in half (colloquial).

That's right: from there, break away inside, I can hardly, we will divide it in half.

2. Formation of the comparative degree of adverbs:

Wrong: bad - worse, beautiful - prettier and prettier, good - better and good, hard - harder (colloquial).

Correct: bad - worse, beautiful - more beautiful, good - better, hard - harder

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reference Information

There are many morphological forms in Russian inflected words. Fortunately, most of them are acquired by children in early childhood and do not cause problems in preparing for the exam. But there are forms in the formation and use of which both children and adults make mistakes. Below is a list of such morphological forms.

Error forms. Remember the list examples.


Plural formation:

Words on Y - I:

engineers, designers, officers, lecturers, trainers, accountants, instructors, editors, locksmiths, drivers;
vectors, winds, reprimands, jumpers, sweaters, contracts, containers, players, policies, spotlights, warehouses;
ages, choices, ports, handwriting, creams, cakes

Words starting with A - Z:

director, doctor, inspector, professor, cook, watchman, paramedic, tenor, coachman;
districts, warrants, bills, boats, vacations, heaps, bells, bodies, domes, districts, passports, cellars, varieties, farms, poplars, stacks, stamps, anchors

Formation of genitive plural forms:

1.Formation and change of forms of compound numbers:

in the year one thousand and five, two sevenths, three fifths, two thousand and eleven,
eighty (eighty), eight hundred (eight hundred), five hundred, three thousand six hundred and fifty seven

2.Declension of complex and compound numbers:

two hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, four hundred rubles, about five hundred kilometers, three hundred pages, no six hundred rubles, about five hundred books

words: forty, ninety, one hundred.

I.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
R.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
D.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
V.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
etc. forty, ninety, one hundred (in rubles)
P.p. (o) forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)

fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
R.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
D.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
V.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
etc. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
P.p. (o) fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers: five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
R.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
D.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
V.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
etc. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
P.p. (about) five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (roubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred, in which errors are often made:

I.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
R.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
D.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
V.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
etc. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
P.p. (o) one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound cardinal numbers: each word changes in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
R.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
D.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
V.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
etc. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
P.p. (about) two thousand fourteen (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound ordinal numbers: only the last word is changed in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
R.p. two thousand and fourteen
D.p. two thousand and fourteen
V.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
etc. two thousand and fourteen
P.p. (c) two thousand and fourteen (year)

3. The use of collective nouns:

two brothers, three puppies, to both brothers, to both girlfriends, two glasses, two sledges, two of us, three, six of them.

Since the topic causes a lot of problems, remember the cases when it is correct to use collective numbers, in a list:

1. With nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four guys.
With nouns children, people: three children, four people.
3. With nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
4. With nouns that have only plural form. hours: five days.
5. With nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two points, two skis.
6. With pronouns: two of us, five of them.

4. Use of numerals both, both:

numeral both used only with nouns f.r.: both girls, both sides, both books.
With nouns m. and cf. R. the form is used both: both brothers, both friends, both windows.

Wrong: both paths, to both paths, both stars.
Right: both paths, to both paths, both stars.


Form formation:

Wrong: was carried away by her, with her; theirs; in the midst of him (her), among them; how many books, how many students.
Right: was carried away by her - T.p., she has - R.p.; their; in the middle * of him (her), among * them; how many books, how many students

*In the middle, among- suggestions. If you say: from them, from them, say: among them. After prepositions in personal pronouns he she They letter appears in oblique cases n.


1. Education of personal forms:

Verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find oneself, feel, outshine, dare, vacuum and some others do not have a form of 1 person singular. h.
It is a mistake: I will win, I will run, I will win, I will convince, I will run away, I will convince, I will find myself, I am a miracle, a stranger, a stranger.
Correct: do not use these verbs in the form of 1 l., singular.

Wrong: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, want (the wrong inflection model was used, vernacular).
Right: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, save, guard, rinse, wave, want.

2. Formation of return forms:

Wrong: met, wanted, said hello, sorry (colloquial).
Right: met, wanted to say hello(after vowels -sya, A -ss), sorry (the use of the reflexive form with this verb is a gross mistake).

3. Formation of imperative mood forms:

Wrong: go, go, go, go, go, ride, ride, wave, disperse, lay down, lay down, lie, lie down, run, climb, buy, lie down (wrong inflection model used, vernacular).
Right: go (with a prefix), wave, drive away, lay down, buy, lie down.

Pay attention to the formation of imperative forms of erroneous verbs, which are often found in KIMs:

Lie down - (you) lie down, (you) lie down
Ride - (you) go, (you) go
Ride - (you) ride, (you) ride
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Climb - (you) climb, (you) climb
Run - (you) run, (you) run

4. Formation of past tense forms:

Wrong: froze, got stronger, dried out, dried out, got wet, got wet, and others like that.
Right: frozen, strengthened, withered, dried up, dried up, wet, wet.


Participle formation:

Wrong: rinsing, waving, wanting (using the wrong inflection model); doing, writing, taking an interest (present participles are not formed from perfective verbs).
Right: rinsing, waving, wanting; do not try to form present participles from perfective verbs.


Formation of gerunds:

Wrong: looking in my direction, stacking up, driving (incorrect use of formation models: gerunds with the suffix -я- cannot be formed from the verbs CB).
Right: looking in my direction or looking in my direction, folding in a pile(excl.: stable combination folded arms), having gone.