Palm Sunday - folk signs and rituals, conspiracies

Palm Sunday(one week before Easter)

Palm Sunday has been celebrated since the 10th century. In fact, on the last Sunday before Easter, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated. When Jesus entered the city, many residents went out to the gate to meet him. Everyone had palm branches in their hands.

Since palm trees are very rare in Russia, and willows and willows are in bulk, and besides, this is the first tree that blooms amazing beautiful fluffies in spring, they took willow branches.

So they decided to celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem with willow branches. People carried twigs to the temple, the priest illuminated them, and the happy flock took the value with them to the house.

If you knock on the body with a willow branch - there will be health for a whole year. First, a willow twig is consecrated on this day in the church, and after that they tap on the body with a twig and say:

"Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots, and as rich as the earth."

Parents always jokingly "lashed" their children with willow branches.

Eat a willow bud - an important matter will be decided.

Rain, even a little, on Palm Sunday - to a good harvest.

There are two ways:

1. Go to any Temple in the morning and buy branches there.

2. If you all overslept, feel free to go for a walk and look for bushes with burgundy branches and fluffy on them.

If you don’t find it with burgundy, but you see a tree, with gray branches and yellow fluffs, this is a willow. Also good. Since it really doesn’t matter: willow or willow, consider that this is the same thing.

Bring twigs into the house and may everything be safe for you!

On this day, after coming from church, parents beat their children with willow branches, saying:

Willow whip, beat to tears. I don't beat, the willow beats

This was done in order for the children to grow up better. And it was very important that the children did not have resentment against adults for being beaten, and therefore they said that it was not a person who beats, but a willow. The willow is red, it does not beat in vain!

* If on this day they touched a person with a willow branch, then in this way they endowed him with health and beauty.

The consecrated willow has a special healing power. The willow is consecrated at the evening liturgy on the eve of Palm Sunday. It must be kept until next year.

* If a woman who has not had a child for a long time eats willow buds, then she can be cured

* A willow thrown against the wind drives the storm away. Willow, thrown into the fire, pacifies the fire. Willow branches thrown into the yard pacify the hail. With hail, you need to put a bunch of consecrated willow on the windowsill.

* On this day, housewives bake nuts from dough and give them for health to all household members, including animals.

* Every coward who wants to get rid of his shortcoming should, on Palm Sunday, after coming from matins, drive a peg of consecrated willow into the wall of his house - this means, if it does not turn a coward into a hero, then, in any case, it will drive away natural timidity.

On Palm Sunday, headaches speak. To do this, after combing your hair, remove the hairs from the comb and put them in water. Pour this water over a willow on Palm Sunday and say: "Water, go into the ground with a headache."

On Palm Sunday, they make a love spell on a willow. To do this, break the branch and say:

“As long as the willow lies behind the icon,

Until then, my husband will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen".

Put the willow behind the icon. Just do not throw away the charmed branch!

Remember that branches from Palm Sunday must be preserved. They help in the treatment of many diseases!

It is customary, according to legend, on Palm Sunday to lash with a willow on the back of the one to whom you wish health. But know that the one who lashed you on the back wishes you bad. Since, whipping willow into this great holiday, you may wish evil, and it will come true.

Willow is strong today.

Holy willow. And then they keep it in the house all year in a vase or behind icons. An old willow that has stood for a year is swept over all corners, windows, thresholds, thanked for its service and burned. It is necessary to whip with a new sacred willow on the back of all domestic animals and animals, and say out loud: “Willow whip, beat to tears,” this adds health.

Kidneys, pussies from holy willow help with female infertility and enuresis.

Today you can bake fluffy willows in bread and give sick pets - they will be healed.

EVERYONE who helps their loved ones with castings or other methods to remove damage or heal, this amulet from interception will come in handy: today on an empty stomach you need to eat 3 willow buds and drink holy water. Then say: “St. Paul waved the willow, he drove away other people’s diseases from me. How true is that Palm Sunday honor, and the truth is that other people's diseases do not stick to me. Amen". If you are an Orthodox person, then before that you need to take communion.

Strong conspiracies, rituals, amulets, divination

By by and large, you yourself can make a conspiracy, and it will turn out to be the most powerful, because with the help of your incredible desire, you will breathe life into it. Every word used in the plot; it is an expression of your will. With the help of words you materialize your desires. Therefore, the more faith you put into the words of the conspiracy, the stronger it will be.

Palm Sunday is a holiday celebrated by all Orthodox people a week before Easter, namely on the last Sunday before Easter. The holiday is dedicated to the events when the Savior of mankind. Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. On this holiday, it is customary to bring willow branches into the house, as a tribute to the fact that Jesus entered the city on palm branches.

Our ancestors believed that willow branches had healing properties, especially on such a big holiday. One of the traditions on this day says that a branch of willow should be touched with your near and dear people with the wishes of happiness, health and well-being. In addition, there are signs on Palm Sunday to get married, which were actively used by young single girls, and are still being used. for Maundy Thursday.

One of these signs says that an unmarried girl should be whipped with willow twigs. In order for her to get married as soon as possible, it is believed that every blood relative should whip the girl. For a marriage to be successful, all relatives must be involved in the process. But, you should not take such a sign too literally, because if you go into a rage, then willow twigs can leave marks on the young and delicate skin of a girl. Therefore, a girl should be whipped with love and tenderness, and more as a joke.

Our ancestors believed that special attention and the location of the vending young man can be conquered precisely on Palm Sunday. For this, the girl had to think from the very morning only about that young man who was dear to her heart. Some invisible forces conveyed these thoughts to the young man, and by evening he already appeared at the porch of the girl. It's no secret that all our thoughts tend to materialize, and apparently the energy of this special day only speeds up this process.

Another sign on Palm Sunday to get married says that every unmarried girl should come to her palm branch with a silver ring. In addition, it is necessary to bow low to the branch and pronounce a conspiracy with a request for a young, healthy, rich, not evil husband. After the spoken conspiracy, you should put the ring on a willow branch and do not take it off until a worthy young man appears on the threshold of the house.

The ancestors, whose settlements were located on the banks of the river, believed that Vodyanoy lives in the willow branches growing near the water. To wish what your heart desires on Palm Sunday, it was necessary to turn to him. The merman helped the unringed lady to meet her betrothed. In order for the waterman to correctly understand the request and be able to recognize it, it was necessary to tie a red ribbon on a willow branch, writing your wishes on it. The waterman had to read the request and be imbued with the loneliness that haunts unmarried ladies, and be sure to help meet a worthy young man.

There is another sign on Palm Sunday to get married. Every unmarried girl should pluck little fluffy little lumps from willow branches at the time when they begin to turn yellow. These lumps had to be dried in the sun, collected in a white handkerchief, tying two knots. In the process, you should pronounce your wishes for a beautiful, loving, healthy groom with a big and kind heart. After that, the handkerchief had to be hidden in a secluded place so that no one would find and know where it was until the girl met her chosen one.

Ancestors believed that signs on

Exactly one week before Easter, Orthodox believers annually celebrate Palm Sunday. On this day, you will be able to attract happiness and good luck, as well as find out what will happen to you in the near future. Effective rituals and conspiracies will help you with this.

Palm Sunday is one of the most revered holidays in church calendar, which is celebrated exactly seven days before the onset of Easter. On this day, believers traditionally go to the temple, holding in their hands the main symbol of the holiday - willow branches. For our ancestors, Orthodox events had deep meaning and meaning. It was believed that on such days Higher power ready to fulfill any request of a person, but in the event that it does not harm other people. In this regard, many rituals have appeared, with the help of which you can get what you want without special efforts. In addition, on Palm Sunday there were many amazing events that can hardly be called accidents or coincidences. Over time, they have become folk omens.

Folk omens for Palm Sunday

From folk wisdom It is known that not everything that happens in our life can be called an accident. Every day fate sends us certain signs, and in Orthodox events this happens much more often. Behind long years the existence of the holiday with Palm Sunday has become associated with a lot folk signs, which it will be useful for you to learn about in order to avoid trouble and not miss your luck.

It turns out that willow is not just a symbol of the holiday, but also good way expel evil forces from your home. In Rus', willow branches were collected the day before Palm Sunday, and then placed on the window or in the center of the apartment. It was also believed that the plant should be placed where, according to the household, all the negative accumulates. It is not difficult to recognize such places. In areas with negative energy, flowers often wither, dishes break, and a person, once in this sector, feels uncomfortable.

It has already been proven that willow buds have healing properties. They were used to make decoctions, teas and simply added to food. According to one of the signs, if there is a person in the house suffering from a serious illness, a willow branch should be placed at the head of his bed. The next day, the plant must be buried, and then the patient will soon recover.

There is another health sign associated with willow. If you whip branches on a person’s body, he will not get sick all year.

In order for the cattle to breed well, on Palm Sunday, willow buds were added to the feed and fed to the animals.

Men used willow as talismans, but they must be made strictly on Palm Sunday. This required a good, fresh twig, plucked preferably from young tree. It is forbidden to pluck branches from trees that grow near the cemetery.

So that luck is on your side all year long, add a few palm buds to your tea on Palm Sunday morning. The drink must be drunk to the bottom.

By the weather on Palm Sunday, you can determine whether the current year will be fertile. Rain - for a good harvest. Clear weather indicates drought.

If you want to protect your home from natural Disasters, bury a willow twig in your backyard.

To keep the household healthy, bake a pie on Palm Sunday, and add willow buds to the dough. Do not forget that the holiday is celebrated during Great Lent, which means that the pie should be lean, without eggs, milk and meat filling.

Rite for happiness and good luck on Palm Sunday

Without luck, a person cannot find happiness, which is why these two concepts are inseparable. Over the years, people have tried to attract what they want through effective rituals, and most of them have been effective. On Palm Sunday, you can change your life for the better, and a strong rite for happiness and good luck will help you with this.

You will need:

  • willow branches;
  • church land;
  • table mirror;
  • Your photo.

Before proceeding with the manipulations, a purification ceremony should be performed. To do this, you need to wash, relax and drive away negative thoughts. If on this day you feel tense, then this ritual is better not to be carried out, since its result may be the opposite.

Having passed the bodily and spiritual cleansing, you can proceed to further actions. Retire in a separate room and sit at the table. Put a mirror in front of you with a photo on it. Arrange willow branches around the mirror so that it is completely surrounded by them. Then take a handful of church soil and, sprinkling not a mirror, say:

“The saints walked around the church land, illuminating everything around with their light. May the church land take away all my troubles and troubles, may the festive willow send me happiness and good luck. Amen".

After that, collect the earth and take it back to the church. Put the twigs near the head of your bed and do not throw them away until the next Palm Sunday. It is recommended to repeat the ceremony every year.

Conspiracy for good luck on Palm Sunday

Conspiracies on Palm Sunday are especially effective. You can check their effectiveness for yourself.

To perform a ritual for good luck, you will need:

  • consecrated willow;
  • three church candles;
  • sheet of blank paper;
  • pen.

Write in detail on paper everything that you would like to get. Then divide the willow branches into three equal parts and place them side by side. Light three candles between them and, looking at the flame, say:

“The church candle is burning, and luck flies to me. When the candle burns out, luck will stand behind me.

Wait for the candles to burn out, and then collect the leftovers and wrap them in a piece of paper with your notes. Bury willow branches near your house.

Conspiracy for happiness on Palm Sunday

Sometimes a black streak comes in our life, and during this period we just need additional support. By using effective conspiracy you can get rid of failures and find happiness.

For this plot, you only need one church candle and three willow branches. On Palm Sunday evening, stay in solitude, light a church candle and pick up willow branches. Then say:

“The willow is growing, stretching towards the sun, and now it is in my hands. Let my happiness grow, stretch, and always be in my hands.

Since ancient times, on holidays, people performed magical actions to attract good luck, health, prosperity, love. Read about all fortune-telling.

Prediction for next year

If there is some kind of reservoir near your house, put a branch of consecrated willow into the water. Look where she went. If in your direction, then the coming year will be prosperous.

IN old times There were many other guesses as well.

Divination for fate and the future. Divination for the bride or groom

With my own hands it was necessary to pluck a willow (3 branches). The buds on them should be unblown.

Then they had to be dedicated in the temple.

Threads tied to branches different colors(red, white and green). You need to do this at home.

Putting them in a vase in which there should be water, they read the plot:

Divination for the bride or groom:

“Blossom, Willow, blossom, guess the groom (or bride) for me!”

Then the plant was observed in anticipation of which of the branches the buds would bloom before the others. If this is the branch where the thread is red, you should expect an acquaintance in the near future, if it is green, the fortuneteller himself will have to take the first step to start a relationship. And if a branch with a white thread has blossomed, the fortuneteller will meet an unusual person.

Divination for love on Palm Sunday

With the help of this fortune-telling, the girls found out whether happiness and long love with a guy awaited them.

  1. They took a new mug and went to the well, from which they scooped up water.
  2. They lowered 2 willow earrings into it and watched how they behave.
  3. If the earrings are floating nearby, then the fortune-telling girl will be inseparable from her beloved, and if apart, then love will end in parting.

Fortune telling for a wedding on Palm Sunday

Whether to become a wife to a girl in the coming year, they found out like this.

  1. 3 willow earrings had to be chewed and tasted of this “delicacy”.
  2. If he is sweetish, the girl will soon become a wife, but if the earrings turned out to be bitter, then no.

Not a single holiday was complete without love spells.

love spells for love

In the early morning, you need to break off a small branch of willow from a young tree.

Read this conspiracy:

« As long as the willow lies behind the icon, as long as my husband does not stop loving me, he will not forget me. Amen"

After that, it was necessary to bring the willow to your house and hide it behind the icons.

Love Plot on Palm Sunday

Another option love plot was like that.

Until the sun rose, it was necessary to break branches from a young willow.

Imagining your loved one and putting all your feelings into these words, say:

“As Palm Sunday is a joy to the whole Orthodox world, so I would be a joy to my dear, servant of God (name). As the people of the peasant ringing of the bell are waiting for the festive mass, so the servant of God (name) would be waiting for me, waiting for me, looking for me in the crowd of people, looking out the window, looking everywhere. And I would have rushed, and would have rushed on the oncoming path and pulled my white hands towards me. As the Palm Feast will not be forgotten by the church, so the servant of God (name) will never forget me. Amen"

Then the girl had to bring the twigs to her bedroom, where they would be stored until the plan was fulfilled.

Gypsy love spell

And the following conspiracy was used not only by the Slavs, but also by the gypsies. This spell has great power.

It is necessary to break several branches of a young willow in the morning on Palm Sunday.

Arriving home with them, they need to be tied with a red ribbon.

It says these words:

“The palm knot will bind my love. As long as the knot is tied, no one will untie my love. As long as the willow lies behind the icon, until then the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen"

You need to store branches behind an icon. In no case should they be thrown away, because the trouble will be for both the fortuneteller and her beloved.

Conspiracies for health

If someone was engaged in the treatment of people, helped them, they read a conspiracy that protects against the acquisition of those diseases for which they were treated.

You need to eat 3 willow buds, drink them with consecrated water.

At the same time, such a conspiracy is read:

“St. Paul waved the willow, he drove away other people’s diseases from me. Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is honored, it is true that other people's illnesses do not bother me. Amen"

Headache and migraine conspiracy

Such a ritual helped to cope with headaches.

You need to brush well.

Then the hairs are removed from the comb, which should be transferred to a vessel with water.

On the last Sunday before Easter, believers celebrate Palm Sunday. For the clergy, this is a holiday when Christ entered Jerusalem. On this day, it is customary to decorate their homes with willow twigs. This is a sign that Orthodox Christians do not forget about the palm branches along which the Lord entered Jerusalem.

According to our ancestors, willow twigs had healing properties. On Palm Sunday, it is customary to touch relatives with willow, while wishing them health and happiness. If one of the family members was sick, they touched the affected areas with a willow twig, and then put it in a vase, as close to the bed as possible. According to beliefs, children who were lightly hit with a willow did not get sick all year and grew up healthy.

Herbalists on this day collected willow twigs and buds for the preparation of healing decoctions. In men who carried willow buds with them, increased physical strength. Willow helped women in conceiving a child. A lot of folk signs and rituals are associated with the big bright holiday, including those that help with marriage.

What to do on Palm Sunday to get married?

According to one of the signs, it was customary to whip a marriageable girl with a willow branch so that she would marry faster, and the more relatives would take part in this, the better. Previously, a young girl could get the attention of a guy she liked on Palm Sunday. In some mysterious way, if a girl that day in the morning thought about a guy who is dear to her heart, her thoughts were transmitted to him. And in the evening he appeared at her house and called for a walk. In fact, it has long been proven that human thoughts can materialize. Everything we think about will happen in our life anyway. Perhaps the energy of Palm Sunday speeds up the process of translating our thoughts.

To get married, a girl must come to “her” willow with a silver ring, bow low to her and utter a special conspiracy in which she asks to lure a young groom, not an old one; shod, not barefoot; healthy, not sick; handsome, not pockmarked and affectionate, not evil. Yes, in order to marry this slave later and live under the same roof. After the conspiracy is uttered, you need to put a ring on the twig and leave it without regret. Through him, the betrothed-mummer will come!

The villagers firmly believe that in the branches growing near the water, water willow lives. It was to him that people turned for help. According to popular beliefs, Vodyanoy could help unmarried girls find their lover. To do this, it was necessary to tie a bright-colored ribbon on a tree branch, writing your request on it. After the spirit that lives in the water sympathizes with the loneliness of the girl, she will meet her one and only.

Girls who dream of marriage should pick white fluffy lumps from willow branches this year when yellow begins to appear on them. After drying them in the sun, put them in a handkerchief white and tie it into two knots, while pronouncing special words, then hide the handkerchief with willow in a secluded place and wait for your lover.